2023-2024重庆市高二上学期12月联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

高 2025 届2023–2024 学年(上) 12 月名校联考
英 语 试 题
(满分: 150分; 考试时间: 120 分钟)
1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、班级、考场/座位号、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔填涂;答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写;必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效;保持答卷清洁、 完整。
3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回(试题卷学生保存, 以备评讲)。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What is the man asking about
A. An information file. B. A job opportunity. C. A phone number.
2. What does the man wear when he exercises in winter
A. Jeans. B. Jogging shorts. C. Sweat pants.
3. What will the speakers eat tonight
A. Chinese food. B. Japanese food. C. Mexican food.
4 What does Sarah offer to do for Danny
A. Do his work. B. Help him clean. C. Take him to a garage.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At the dentist's. B. At a supermarket. C. At the woman's home.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What does the woman want to do
A. Give the man a lift. B. Sha re a taxi with the man. C. Meet the man at the airport.
7. Why is the woman going to Toronto
A. To have an interview. B. To attend a meeting. C. To start a firm.
8. Why is the woman relieved
A. She finally got a job.
B The mail has been sent out.
C. Someone is going to work this weekend..
9. What does the man want to do
A. Go out in half an hour.
B. Meet the new employee.
C. Get an employee handbook.
听第8段材料, 回答第 10至 12题。
10. Why does Gail decide to learn painting
A. Her family helps her.
B. She has a talent for it.
C. Her new job gives her more spare time.
11. Who inspired Gail
A. Her teacher. B. Her aunt. C. Her mother.
12. What did Gail just finish
A. A painting of her family. B. A picture of a kid. C. A landscape.
听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。
13. What did the speakers just do
A. They visited some professors. B. They wrote a letter. C. They took a test.
14. What is the woman's opinion on the test
A. Long. B. Necessary. C. Difficult.
15. Who will the woman ask for a recommendation letter
A. Mr. Lawson. B. Mrs. Smith. C. Mr. Johnson.
16. What does the man say about Mrs. Smith
A. She is the best teacher.
B. She will continue teaching next semester.
C. She seldom writes recommendation letters.
听第 10段材料, 回答第 17至 20题。
17. What is the talk mainly about
A. A tourist destination. B. A travel plan. C. A dining experience.
18. How did the speaker know about the restaurant
A. From the Internet. B. From his wife. C. From the hotel clerk.
19. What happened to the speaker in the restaurant
A. He could not find his wallet.
B. His wife made him embarrassed.
C. The seafood didn't agree with him.
20. When was the problem resolved completely
A. On the same day. B. The next day. C. Two days later.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
The ebike has gained increasing popularity among people, even the King being spotted riding one. According to the market research company Mintel, sales of the ebikes have almost become three times more than the past five years. While ebikes have become increasingly common, they are still undoubtedly expensive. You can pick up a perfectly sufficient push-bike for 300, but most ebikes cost nearly 2,000. Now, Cycling Electric, designed to help consumers choose an ebike, offers the following recommendations.
Best folding bike: Carbo Model X
Price: 2,799|Weight:13.3kg
Range: up to 34 miles
This is one of the most convenient bikes, from a little-known label. The lightweight Carbo X is the perfect example of convenience thanks to its carbon frame and belt drive, instead of a metal bike chain. This makes it lighter and less likely to get messy than an electric Brompton, with its more traditional, oil y chain.
Most fashionable: Temple Cycles Classic
Price: from 2,995|Weight: 19 kg
Range: up to 74 miles
This Bristol-based brand is known for its elegant push-bikes, which are hand-built in the city.This is its electric version. It’s a very smooth and functional option and not too heavy. Temples have fewer proprietary (品牌专卖的) parts and so are serviceable in any bike shop. Fashionable as they may be, the VanMoofs and the Cowboys can be a bit more complex to get back-up and service.
The money-no-object option: Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX
Price: 5,380|Weight:28.4kg
Range: up to 93 miles
This is a prime example of the attention to de tail delivering a high-quality experience in functionality, comfort and practicality—if you can afford it. It is able to handle 25 kg of luggage in a pannier, powerful road lights and a beautifully smooth motor.
1. What is special about the Temples compared with other fashionable ebikes
A. Their weight is much lighter. B. They are more functional.
C. They are more comfortable. D. Their service is more accessible.
2. Which will be chosen by those caring about excellent experiences
A. Carbo Model X. B. Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX.
C. Temple Cycles Classic. D. The VanMoofs and the Cowboys.
3. Where can we possibly find this text
A. A feature story. B. A consumer guide.
C. A market research report. D. An official document.
Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, was best known for his discovery of classical conditioning, a learning process where a stimulus (刺激物) brings about a specific response through repeated pairing. During his studies on the digestive systems of dogs, Pavlov found that the animals salivated (流口水) naturally upon the presentation of food. However, he also noticed that the animals began to salivate whenever they saw the white lab coat of an experimental assistant. By association the presentation of food with the lab assistant, he finally found that a dog would salivate over the presence of a stimulus other than food. He called this response a conditional reflex.
Ivan Pavlov was born in a small village in Ryazan Russia, where his father was the village minister. His earliest studies were focused on theology (神学) but reading Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species had a powerful impact on his future interests. He soon stopped his religious studies and committed himself to the study of science at the University of Saint Petersburg. Pavlov’s interests were the study of physiology and natural sciences. He helped found the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine and continued to manage the program for the next 45 years.
Pavlov received much praise for his work. He worked in the Russian Academy of Science and won the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology. The local government also offered lots of support for Pavlov’s work. While Ivan Pavlov was not a psychologist, and reportedly disliked the field of psychology, his work had a major influence on the field, particularly on the development of behaviorism. His discovery and research on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorist movement, and even on many thinkers, such as John B. Watson.
4. What can we infer from Pavlov’s studies on dogs
A. Animals naturally salivate when they are hungry.
B. Animals react differently to the presentation of food.
C. Animals salivate in response to stimulus linked with food.
D. Animals tend to establish close relationship with lab assistants.
5. Which is true about Pavlov’s early life
A. He was born in a wealthy family in Russia.
B. He was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin’s book.
C. He never gave up his interest in the study of religion.
D. He was a founding member of the Institute of Experimental Medicine.
6. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Pavlov’s discovery had a profound effect on psychology.
B. The local government considered Pavlov’s work valueless.
C. John B. Watson was also a well-known physiologist in behaviorism.
D. Pavlov showed a strong passion for physiology as well as psychology.
7. What can be a suitable title for this text
A. The Discovery of the Conditional Reflex
B. The Life and Great Discovery of Ivan Pavlov
C. The Nobel Prize Winner and His Lasting Influence
D. The Contributions to Psychology Made by Ivan Pavlov
As people become more aware of the importance of eco-friendly power sources, we have devoted much time to inventing creative devices. A newly developed paper battery promises to make a big difference to single-use electronics.
The battery is crafted from sustainable materials, which not only strengthens its eco-friendliness but also makes it cost-effective to produce. This combination of biodegradability (可生物降解) and affordability makes it attractive for a wide range of applications. Another standout feature of this paper battery is its flexibility in terms of shape and size. Unlike traditional batteries that are available in fixed sizes, this paper battery can be tailored to meet diverse requirements.
In reality, the paper battery is enough to power an LCD alarm clock. “While it won’t be charging up your computer anytime soon, there’s lots of potential for low-powered sensors. We present a printed paper battery developed to power single-use disposable electronics and to reduce their environmental impact to the lowest level,” write the researchers in their published paper.
The battery is based on a metal-air electrochemical cell. Made from sodium chloride salt-diffused (氯化钠盐扩散的) paper, it can measure as little as one square centimeter, and is based on printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amount of water, as little as two drops. This dissolves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. The battery starts producing power around 20 seconds after water is added, according to the experiments carried out by the team.
Although the performance decreases over time as the paper dries out, it can be topped up to some extent with more water. The researchers say they want to improve the efficiency of the battery in the future, and get it working for longer. “With a rising awareness of the e-waste problem and the emergence of single-use electronics for applications, there is a growing need for low environmental impact batteries,” write the researchers.
8. Which is a feature of the paper battery
A. It is made from single-use materials. B. It is costly to put together.
C. It can be used to charge up your computer. D. It can be produced in diverse shapes.
9. What can we learn about the paper battery according to the text
A It can be applied to any electronics.
B. It is able to supply energy to our cell-phones.
C Its power can be refilled by adding some water.
D It has reduced the environmental impact to the lowest.
10. What’s the main idea of paragraph 4
A. What the paper battery consists of. B. How the paper battery works.
C. Where the paper battery can be applied. D. Why the paper battery is popular.
11. What is most likely to be the focus of future research according to the researchers
A. How to get rid of impacts of single-use electronics.
B. How to improve the efficiency of the paper battery.
C. How to reduce the demand for single-use electronics.
D. How to raise people’s awareness of e-waste problems.
With greater attention paid to our mental health, we need more chances to pour out our anxieties. But talking to an adult about feelings can be an uneasy experience for children and adolescents. With this in mind, a recent study from the University of Cambridge tested a robot’s effectiveness in determining children’s well-being.
The study involved 28 children between the ages of 8 and 13 and their parents or guardians completing a well-being questionnaire focused on the young individuals. Then a human-like robot asked the young participants open-ended questions about happy and sad memories over the last week and had them respond to prompts (提示) around pictures. The parents or guardians and research team members observed the interaction from a separate room.
Children with mental well being issues were likelier to divulge the extent of these problems while talking to the robot. Researchers thus found they felt more negative than stated in the initial questionnaire. On the other hand, children without previously stated mental well-being concerns presented an even more positive image to the robot.
Actually, the idea that children would share more with a robot than parents or mental health professionals is easy to understand. “Not all children have a secure attachment style, meaning they feel safe and connected to their caregivers,” says Dr. Katherine Grill, a behavioral scientist. “Children without secure attachments often find comfort in companions like imaginary friends. In this instance, a robot may serve as a practical option for children to open up about their well-being. Even in cases where children have secure attachment styles, a robot may provide them with a non-judgmental relationship where they’re willing to share their feelings.”
“While this study demonstrates the benefit of robots, it doesn’t remove the need for human interaction in the mental health field. Technology-enabled services mean digital support and even enhanced care, but they don’t replace work with a human being,” says Dr. Aaron Haddock, associate professor of Clark University. “After all, the relationship between clients and providers is a key driver of positive treatment outcomes.”
12. Which of the following is true about the study
A. The robot raised questions to test children’s memory.
B. The children interacted with a human-like robot alone.
C. The children were free to ask the robot any questions.
D. The parents talked with researchers in a separate room.
13. What does the underlined word “divulge” mean in paragraph 3
A. Ignore. B. Assess. C. Reveal. D. Control.
14. Why may children be willing to share more with a robot according to Dr. Katherine Grill
A. Because robots are more intelligent than humans.
B. Because robots offer non-judgmental relationships.
C. Because robots connect children with their caregivers.
D. Because robots can choose imaginary friends for the children.
15. What is Dr. Aaron Haddock’s attitude towards technology-enabled services
A. Totally positive. B. Relatively objective.
C. Particularly disapproving. D. Generally unconcerned.
第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Failure is likely the most tiring experience one ever has. There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding. ____16____
In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it was either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it, the more tired we feel. Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. ____17____
Years ago, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors. Applying my own rule, I determined to write them alphabetically, never letting myself leave out a tough idea. And I always started the day’s work with the most difficult task of essay-writing. The experience proved that the rule works.
____18____ Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can then let the unconsciousness (无意识) take over.
When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles. Day after day, I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. _____19_____One day, mentally exhausted, I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep. ____20____ In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind proved correct at every step. Though I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.
Human beings, I believe must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.
A. My fatigue became almost unbearable.
B. I felt depressed and gave it up eventually.
C. Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.
D. Use your unconsciousness and you can reduce your tiredness.
E. An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.
F. The solution is not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.
G. Here are two ways of exhaustion ——start-up fatigue and performance fatigue.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When you get into a period and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up. Facing up to these tough times, working through them, I make myself better.
I grew up in suburban Pittsburgh with my mother and 3 younger siblings (兄弟姐妹). My mom was a single mother and ____21____ a minimum wage job, so we never had much. Nevertheless, that was OK, and we made ends meet anyhow.
In High School, I got a job at a local bakery, and started saving money for college. I was____22____ into the University of Pittsburgh and received some scholarships that covered my tuition. I couldn’t afford the ____23____ because it was much too expensive for me. I put a mattress (床垫) on the floor of the old van (旅行拖车) from my home and slept there for the next 2 years.
The weather in Pittsburgh was ____24____, super hot and humid in summer and freezing cold and snowy in winter. Being homeless forced me to ____25____ everything the campus offered since I wanted to spend as ____26____ time in my van as possible. I ____27____ spending most of my time throughout the week at the ____28____ studying and reviewing classroom material a lot more than I would have if I had the comfort of going home and ____29____ the TV or falling asleep for hours in my room. Occupying myself in the library really helped me _____30_____ in my academic studies.
I also made a lot of new friends by meeting people _____31_____ and attending speeches, plays and charities. Before college I would have considered myself _____32_____, I didn’t really speak much_____33_____ spoken to, but I moved out of my comfort zone and did new things. I really developed a (n)_____34_____ personality.
I really think that dealing with all the _____35_____ I had to go through really shaped me into a better person. Now I have got a really good job and I’ve even been able to help my mother out a little bit. It just feels good!
21. A. offered B. sought C. changed D. ceased
22. A. entered B. recommended C. admitted D. recognized
23. A. meal B. housing C. transport D. clothing
24. A. pleasant B. awful C. mild D. changeable
25. A. take note of B. take possession of C. take charge of D. take advantage of
26. A. many B. few C. little D. much
27 A. stayed up B. ended up C. got up D. summed up
28. A. library B. van C. dormitory D. park
29. A. putting up B. taking on C. turning up D. switching on
30. A. exist B. fade C. excel D. insist
31. A. potentially B. emotionally C. socially D. individually
32. A. shy B. easy-going C. aggressive D. talkative
33. A. since B. once C. if D. unless
34. A. critical B. outgoing C. gentle D. odd
35. A. consequences B. struggles C. failures D. experiences
第二节(共20小题; 每小题1.5 分,满分30分)
The Shenzhou-17 spacecraft flew high into the sky from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China on Thursday morning, ____36____ the significant occasion of the 20th anniversary of China's first manned spaceflight the Shenzhou-5.
Sitting on the top of the Long March 2F Y17 carrier rocket, ____37____ (taikonaut) Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie, and Jiang Xinlin, committed ____38____ (they) to the journey to ward the China Space Station. Following a smooth flight of around 10 minutes, the Shenzhou-17 spacecraft entered its planned orbit, ____39____ (mark) a successful launch, ____40____ was released by the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA). The cooperation between the two crew groups ____41____(apparent) signals a giant step in China's ongoing space exploration.
In the past 20 years, China has carried out 12 such crewed missions involving ____42____latest Shenzhou 17 mission ____43____ (acknowledge) as a great achievement. Since its flight in1999, the Long March 2F rocket, the country's first and only manned carrier rocket, ____44____(maintain) a perfect record rate. The Shenzhou-17 crewed flight mission has some crucial objectives, including the in orbit crew rotation(机组轮换) and several experiments ____45____ (conduct) in April 2024.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假设你是李华,你刚参加完国际科创比赛 ITIC(International Tech Innovation Contest) 并获得了一等奖。 你的交换生朋友 Mike作为参赛同伴, 给予了你很多帮助和鼓励。 现在他将回国,请你给他写一封感谢信。
1. 表示感谢;
2. 回顾帮助;
3. 临别祝愿。
写作要求: 1. 词数 80词左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 信的开头与结尾已给出。
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Once upon a time, in a small town located near the edge of a vast forest, two adventurous souls named John and David had long been keen to go deep into the heart of nature. One day, armed with their backpacks, they determined to explore the forest. The villagers had warned them to stick to the main path, cautioning that there could be hunters’ traps elsewhere, but the appeal of the charming forest was too great to resist.
As they confidently ventured deeper into the forest, its beauty unfolded before their eyes. An hour later, driven by the hunger for the unknown, they made a decision to take the less-traveled path, making marks along the way carefully as they went. For another two hours, they observed various flowers, took pictures of strange-shaped rocks and marveled at the breathtaking scenery. The forest seemed to be a world of its own, untouched by human presence. Everything appeared so beautiful.
However, little did they know that danger was hidden under their feet. As they went further, they realized that their phones had lost signal, and they were completely cut off from the outside world. Suddenly, John stepped forward and felt the ground gave way beneath him. Before he knew it, he had fallen into a hidden pit(深坑), his leg trapped by the wooden spikes(尖刺) lining the bottom. Pain shot through his body as he cried out for help.
Upon hearing John’s crying out in pain, David quickly ran to the edge of the pit, desperately trying to find a way to pull his friend out. However, his efforts were in vain. “John, are you okay Can you move your leg ” asked David worriedly. John winced in pain as he tried to move his injured leg, “I think I’ve hurt my leg, David. It aches a lot.” “It’s going to be okay, John,” David comforted him, “I’ll find a way to get you out of here!” With no phone signal and nightfall approaching, David knew he had to act fast.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
He couldn’t pull John out of the pit, so he decided to get out and seek help.
Together, they journeyed back to where John awaited rescue.
1—5 BCCBA 6—10 BACBC 11—15 BCCBA 16—20 ACAAB高 2025 届2023–2024 学年(上) 12 月名校联考
英 语 试 题
(满分: 150分; 考试时间: 120 分钟)
1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、班级、考场/座位号、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔填涂;答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写;必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效;保持答卷清洁、 完整。
3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回(试题卷学生保存, 以备评讲)。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What is the man asking about
A. An information file. B. A job opportunity. C. A phone number.
2. What does the man wear when he exercises in winter
A. Jeans. B. Jogging shorts. C. Sweat pants.
3. What will the speakers eat tonight
A. Chinese food. B. Japanese food. C. Mexican food.
4 What does Sarah offer to do for Danny
A. Do his work. B. Help him clean. C. Take him to a garage.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At the dentist's. B. At a supermarket. C. At the woman's home.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What does the woman want to do
A. Give the man a lift. B. Sha re a taxi with the man. C. Meet the man at the airport.
7. Why is the woman going to Toronto
A. To have an interview. B. To attend a meeting. C. To start a firm.
8. Why is the woman relieved
A. She finally got a job.
B. The mail has been sent out.
C. Someone is going to work this weekend..
9. What does the man want to do
A. Go out in half an hour.
B. Meet the new employee.
C. Get an employee handbook.
听第8段材料, 回答第 10至 12题。
10. Why does Gail decide to learn painting
A. Her family helps her.
B. She has a talent for it.
C. Her new job gives her more spare time.
11 Who inspired Gail
A. Her teacher. B. Her aunt. C. Her mother.
12. What did Gail just finish
A. A painting of her family. B. A picture of a kid. C. A landscape.
听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。
13. What did the speakers just do
A. They visited some professors. B. They wrote a letter. C. They took a test.
14. What is the woman's opinion on the test
A. Long. B. Necessary. C. Difficult.
15. Who will the woman ask for a recommendation letter
A. Mr. Lawson. B. Mrs. Smith. C. Mr. Johnson.
16. What does the man say about Mrs. Smith
A. She is the best teacher.
B. She will continue teaching next semester.
C. She seldom writes recommendation letters.
听第 10段材料, 回答第 17至 20题。
17. What is the talk mainly about
A. A tourist destination. B. A travel plan. C. A dining experience.
18. How did the speaker know about the restaurant
A. From the Internet. B. From his wife. C. From the hotel clerk.
19. What happened to the speaker in the restaurant
A. He could not find his wallet.
B. His wife made him embarrassed.
C. The seafood didn't agree with him.
20. When was the problem resolved completely
A. On the same day. B. The next day. C. Two days later.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
The ebike has gained increasing popularity among people, even the King being spotted riding one. According to the market research company Mintel, sales of the ebikes have almost become three times more than the past five years. While ebikes have become increasingly common, they are still undoubtedly expensive. You can pick up a perfectly sufficient push-bike for 300, but most ebikes cost nearly 2,000. Now, Cycling Electric, designed to help consumers choose an ebike, offers the following recommendations.
Best folding bike: Carbo Model X
Price: 2,799|Weight:13.3kg
Range: up to 34 miles
This is one of the most convenient bikes, from a little-known label. The lightweight Carbo X is the perfect example of convenience thanks to its carbon frame and belt drive, instead of a metal bike chain. This makes it lighter and less likely to get messy than an electric Brompton, with its more traditional, oil y chain.
Most fashionable: Temple Cycles Classic
Price: from 2,995|Weight: 19 kg
Range: up to 74 miles
This Bristol-based brand is known for its elegant push-bikes, which are hand-built in the city.This is its electric version. It’s a very smooth and functional option and not too heavy. Temples have fewer proprietary (品牌专卖的) parts and so are serviceable in any bike shop. Fashionable as they may be, the VanMoofs and the Cowboys can be a bit more complex to get back-up and service.
The money-no-object option: Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX
Price: 5,380|Weight:28.4kg
Range: up to 93 miles
This is a prime example of the attention to de tail delivering a high-quality experience in functionality, comfort and practicality—if you can afford it. It is able to handle 25 kg of luggage in a pannier, powerful road lights and a beautifully smooth motor.
1. What is special about the Temples compared with other fashionable ebikes
A. Their weight is much lighter. B. They are more functional.
C. They are more comfortable. D. Their service is more accessible.
2. Which will be chosen by those caring about excellent experiences
A. Carbo Model X. B. Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX.
C. Temple Cycles Classic. D. The VanMoofs and the Cowboys.
3. Where can we possibly find this text
A. A feature story. B. A consumer guide.
C. A market research report. D. An official document.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. B
【导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍的是Cycling Electric推荐的三款电动自行车。
细节理解题。根据Most fashionable: Temple Cycles Classic部分的“Temples have fewer proprietary (品牌专卖的) parts and so are serviceable in any bike shop. Fashionable as they may be, the VanMoofs and the Cowboys can be a bit more complex to get back-up and service.(Temples的专用部件较少,因此在任何自行车商店都可以维修。尽管VanMoofs和Cowboys可能很时髦,但要获得支持和服务可能会有点复杂。)”可知,Temples比其他时尚的电动自行车品牌的特别之处在于它们更容易获得服务。故选D。
细节理解题。根据The money-no-object option: Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX部分的“This is a prime example of the attention to detail delivering a high-quality experience in functionality, comfort and practicality— if you can afford it.(如果你能负担得起的话,这是一个注重细节,在功能、舒适和实用性方面提供高质量体验的典型例子。)”可知,最关心良好的体验的消费者会选择Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario GX。故选B。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“Now, Cycling Electric, designed to help consumers choose an ebike, offers the following recommendations.(现在,旨在帮助消费者选择电动自行车的Cycling Electric提供了以下建议。)”可知,主要介绍的是Cycling Electric推荐的三款电动自行车,因此很可能是来自于一个消费者指南。故选B。
Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, was best known for his discovery of classical conditioning, a learning process where a stimulus (刺激物) brings about a specific response through repeated pairing. During his studies on the digestive systems of dogs, Pavlov found that the animals salivated (流口水) naturally upon the presentation of food. However, he also noticed that the animals began to salivate whenever they saw the white lab coat of an experimental assistant. By association the presentation of food with the lab assistant, he finally found that a dog would salivate over the presence of a stimulus other than food. He called this response a conditional reflex.
Ivan Pavlov was born in a small village in Ryazan Russia, where his father was the village minister. His earliest studies were focused on theology (神学) but reading Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species had a powerful impact on his future interests. He soon stopped his religious studies and committed himself to the study of science at the University of Saint Petersburg. Pavlov’s interests were the study of physiology and natural sciences. He helped found the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine and continued to manage the program for the next 45 years.
Pavlov received much praise for his work. He worked in the Russian Academy of Science and won the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology. The local government also offered lots of support for Pavlov’s work. While Ivan Pavlov was not a psychologist, and reportedly disliked the field of psychology, his work had a major influence on the field, particularly on the development of behaviorism. His discovery and research on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorist movement, and even on many thinkers, such as John B. Watson.
4. What can we infer from Pavlov’s studies on dogs
A. Animals naturally salivate when they are hungry.
B. Animals react differently to the presentation of food.
C. Animals salivate in response to stimulus linked with food.
D. Animals tend to establish close relationship with lab assistants.
5. Which is true about Pavlov’s early life
A. He was born in a wealthy family in Russia.
B. He was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin’s book.
C. He never gave up his interest in the study of religion.
D. He was a founding member of the Institute of Experimental Medicine.
6 What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Pavlov’s discovery had a profound effect on psychology.
B. The local government considered Pavlov’s work valueless.
C. John B. Watson was also a well-known physiologist in behaviorism.
D. Pavlov showed a strong passion for physiology as well as psychology.
7. What can be a suitable title for this text
A. The Discovery of the Conditional Reflex
B. The Life and Great Discovery of Ivan Pavlov
C. The Nobel Prize Winner and His Lasting Influence
D. The Contributions to Psychology Made by Ivan Pavlov
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“During his studies on the digestive systems of dogs, Pavlov found that the animals salivated (流口水) naturally upon the presentation of food. However, he also noticed that the animals began to salivate whenever they saw the white lab coat of an experimental assistant. By association the presentation of food with the lab assistant, he finally found that a dog would salivate over the presence of a stimulus other than food. He called this response a conditional reflex.(在他对狗的消化系统的研究中,巴甫洛夫发现动物在食物呈现时自然流口水。然而,他也注意到,每当动物看到实验助手的白色实验大褂时,它们就开始流口水。通过将食物的呈现与实验室助理联系起来,他最终发现,狗在受到食物以外的刺激时也会分泌唾液。他把这种反应称为条件反射。)”可推知,我们从巴浦洛夫在对狗的研究中可以推理出动物在受到与食物有关的刺激时会分泌唾液。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“His earliest studies were focused on theology (神学) but reading Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species had a powerful impact on his future interests. He soon stopped his religious studies and committed himself to the study of science at the University of Saint Petersburg.(他早期的研究集中在神学上,但阅读查尔斯·达尔文的《物种起源》对他未来的兴趣产生了巨大的影响。他很快就停止了他的宗教研究,并致力于在圣彼得堡大学的科学研究。)”可知,他深受查尔斯·达尔文著作的影响。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“While Ivan Pavlov was not a psychologist, and reportedly disliked the field of psychology, his work had a major influence on the field, particularly on the development of behaviorism. His discovery and research on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorist movement, and even on many thinkers, such as John B. Watson.(虽然伊万·巴甫洛夫不是心理学家,据说他不喜欢心理学领域,但他的工作对该领域产生了重大影响,特别是对行为主义的发展。他对反射的发现和研究影响了不断发展的行为主义运动,甚至影响了许多思想家,如约翰·布鲁德斯·华生)”可知,巴甫洛夫的发现对心理学产生了深远的影响。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, was best known for his discovery of classical conditioning, a learning process where a stimulus (刺激物) brings about a specific response through repeated pairing.(俄罗斯生理学家伊万·巴甫洛夫(Ivan Pavlov)以发现经典条件反射而闻名。经典条件反射是一种学习过程,通过重复配对,刺激会带来特定的反应。)”和文章第二段“Ivan Pavlov was born in a small village in Ryazan Russia…(伊万·巴甫洛夫出生在俄罗斯梁赞的一个小村庄……)”以及全文的描述可知,文章主要介绍了巴甫洛夫发现的经典条件反射理论,以及他的生活和他的工作对心理学领域的深远影响。由此可知,B项:The Life and Great Discovery of Ivan Pavlov(伊万·巴甫洛夫的生平和伟大发现)是合适的标题。故选B。
As people become more aware of the importance of eco-friendly power sources, we have devoted much time to inventing creative devices. A newly developed paper battery promises to make a big difference to single-use electronics.
The battery is crafted from sustainable materials, which not only strengthens its eco-friendliness but also makes it cost-effective to produce. This combination of biodegradability (可生物降解) and affordability makes it attractive for a wide range of applications. Another standout feature of this paper battery is its flexibility in terms of shape and size. Unlike traditional batteries that are available in fixed sizes, this paper battery can be tailored to meet diverse requirements.
In reality, the paper battery is enough to power an LCD alarm clock. “While it won’t be charging up your computer anytime soon, there’s lots of potential for low-powered sensors. We present a printed paper battery developed to power single-use disposable electronics and to reduce their environmental impact to the lowest level,” write the researchers in their published paper.
The battery is based on a metal-air electrochemical cell. Made from sodium chloride salt-diffused (氯化钠盐扩散的) paper, it can measure as little as one square centimeter, and is based on printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amount of water, as little as two drops. This dissolves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. The battery starts producing power around 20 seconds after water is added, according to the experiments carried out by the team.
Although the performance decreases over time as the paper dries out, it can be topped up to some extent with more water. The researchers say they want to improve the efficiency of the battery in the future, and get it working for longer. “With a rising awareness of the e-waste problem and the emergence of single-use electronics for applications, there is a growing need for low environmental impact batteries,” write the researchers.
8. Which is a feature of the paper battery
A. It is made from single-use materials. B. It is costly to put together.
C. It can be used to charge up your computer. D. It can be produced in diverse shapes.
9. What can we learn about the paper battery according to the text
A. It can be applied to any electronics.
B. It is able to supply energy to our cell-phones.
C. Its power can be refilled by adding some water.
D. It has reduced the environmental impact to the lowest.
10. What’s the main idea of paragraph 4
A. What the paper battery consists of. B. How the paper battery works.
C. Where the paper battery can be applied. D. Why the paper battery is popular.
11. What is most likely to be the focus of future research according to the researchers
A. How to get rid of impacts of single-use electronics.
B How to improve the efficiency of the paper battery.
C. How to reduce the demand for single-use electronics.
D. How to raise people’s awareness of e-waste problems.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. B
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Another standout feature of this paper battery is its flexibility in terms of shape and size.(这种纸电池的另一个突出特点是它在形状和尺寸方面的灵活性。)”可知,这种纸电池的一种特征是它可以制作成各种形状。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段“The battery starts producing power around 20 seconds after water is added, according to the experiments carried out by the team.(根据该团队进行的实验,在加水后大约20秒,电池就开始发电了。)”可知,这种纸电池的电力可以通过加水来补充。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据文章第四段“The battery is based on a metal-air electrochemical cell. Made from sodium chloride salt-diffused paper, it can measure as little as one square centimeter, and is based on printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amount of water, as little as two drops. This dissolves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. (这种电池是基于金属-空气电化学电池。它由氯化钠盐扩散纸制成,尺寸小至1平方厘米,以印刷油墨为基础。那么,所需要的只是少量的水,只有两滴。这将溶解纸中的盐,然后在它们移动时激活电池。)”可知,第四段主要讲述了纸电池是如何工作的。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The researchers say they want to improve the efficiency of the battery in the future, and get it working for longer.(研究人员表示,他们希望在未来提高电池的效率,并使其工作更长时间。)”可推知,研究人员表示,如何提高纸电池的效率最有可能是未来研究的重点。故选B。
With greater attention paid to our mental health, we need more chances to pour out our anxieties. But talking to an adult about feelings can be an uneasy experience for children and adolescents. With this in mind, a recent study from the University of Cambridge tested a robot’s effectiveness in determining children’s well-being.
The study involved 28 children between the ages of 8 and 13 and their parents or guardians completing a well-being questionnaire focused on the young individuals. Then a human-like robot asked the young participants open-ended questions about happy and sad memories over the last week and had them respond to prompts (提示) around pictures. The parents or guardians and research team members observed the interaction from a separate room.
Children with mental well being issues were likelier to divulge the extent of these problems while talking to the robot. Researchers thus found they felt more negative than stated in the initial questionnaire. On the other hand, children without previously stated mental well-being concerns presented an even more positive image to the robot.
Actually, the idea that children would share more with a robot than parents or mental health professionals is easy to understand. “Not all children have a secure attachment style, meaning they feel safe and connected to their caregivers,” says Dr. Katherine Grill, a behavioral scientist. “Children without secure attachments often find comfort in companions like imaginary friends. In this instance, a robot may serve as a practical option for children to open up about their well-being. Even in cases where children have secure attachment styles, a robot may provide them with a non-judgmental relationship where they’re willing to share their feelings.”
“While this study demonstrates the benefit of robots, it doesn’t remove the need for human interaction in the mental health field. Technology-enabled services mean digital support and even enhanced care, but they don’t replace work with a human being,” says Dr. Aaron Haddock, associate professor of Clark University. “After all, the relationship between clients and providers is a key driver of positive treatment outcomes.”
12. Which of the following is true about the study
A. The robot raised questions to test children’s memory.
B. The children interacted with a human-like robot alone.
C. The children were free to ask the robot any questions.
D. The parents talked with researchers in a separate room.
13. What does the underlined word “divulge” mean in paragraph 3
A. Ignore. B. Assess. C. Reveal. D. Control.
14. Why may children be willing to share more with a robot according to Dr. Katherine Grill
A. Because robots are more intelligent than humans.
B. Because robots offer non-judgmental relationships.
C. Because robots connect children with their caregivers.
D. Because robots can choose imaginary friends for the children.
15. What is Dr. Aaron Haddock’s attitude towards technology-enabled services
A. Totally positive. B. Relatively objective.
C. Particularly disapproving. D. Generally unconcerned.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Then a human-like robot asked the young participants open-ended questions about happy and sad memories over the last week and had them respond to prompts (提示) around pictures. The parents or guardians and research team members observed the interaction from a separate room. (然后,一个人形机器人向年轻的参与者询问有关上周快乐和悲伤记忆的开放式问题,并让他们对图片周围的提示做出反应。家长或监护人和研究小组成员在一个单独的房间观察互动)”可知,在实验研究中,研究人员安排孩子与人形机器人单独互动。故选B项。
词句猜测题。根据画线词的上文“Children with mental well being issues (有心理健康问题的儿童)”和下文“… the extent of these problems while talking to the robot. Researchers thus found they felt more negative than stated in the initial questionnaire. On the other hand, children without previously stated mental well-being concerns presented an even more positive image to the robot. (……在与机器人交谈时,这些问题的程度。因此,研究人员发现,他们的消极情绪比最初问卷中所述的要多)”可知,此处是以问卷为参照,比较出与机器人交谈对有心理健康问题的儿童的好处,应该是可以让他们更加敞开心扉,透露自己的问题。因此,此处指更有可能透露这些问题的严重程度,divulge意思应该是“透露”,与reveal的意思接近。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中Katherine Grill博士所说的话“Children without secure attachments often find comfort in companions like imaginary friends. In this instance, a robot may serve as a practical option for children to open up about their well-being. Even in cases where children have secure attachment styles, a robot may provide them with a non-judgmental relationship where they’re willing to share their feelings. (没有安全依恋的孩子经常在想象中的朋友之类的同伴中找到安慰。在这种情况下,机器人可以作为一个实用的选择,让孩子们敞开心扉谈论他们的幸福感。即使在孩子们有安全依恋类型的情况下,机器人也可能为他们提供一种非评判性的关系,让他们愿意分享自己的感受)”可知,Katherine Grill博士认为孩子更愿意与机器人分享感受的原因在于机器人为他们提供非评判性的关系。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中Aaron Haddock博士所说的话“While this study demonstrates the benefit of robots, it doesn’t remove the need for human interaction in the mental health field. Technology-enabled services mean digital support and even enhanced care, but they don’t replace work with a human being (虽然这项研究证明了机器人的好处,但它并没有消除心理健康领域对人类互动的需求。技术支持的服务意味着数字支持,甚至是更好的护理,但它们不会取代人类的工作)”可知,Aaron Haddock博士认为技术支持的服务虽然有好处,但是无法替代人类的工作。由此可知,他对技术支持服务的态度是相对客观的。故选B项。
第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Failure is likely the most tiring experience one ever has. There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding. ____16____
In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it was either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it, the more tired we feel. Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. ____17____
Years ago, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors. Applying my own rule, I determined to write them alphabetically, never letting myself leave out a tough idea. And I always started the day’s work with the most difficult task of essay-writing. The experience proved that the rule works.
____18____ Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can then let the unconsciousness (无意识) take over.
When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles. Day after day, I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. _____19_____One day, mentally exhausted, I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep. ____20____ In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind proved correct at every step. Though I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.
Human beings, I believe must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.
A. My fatigue became almost unbearable.
B. I felt depressed and gave it up eventually.
C. Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.
D. Use your unconsciousness and you can reduce your tiredness.
E. An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.
F. The solution is not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.
G. Here are two ways of exhaustion ——start-up fatigue and performance fatigue.
【答案】16. G 17. F 18. C 19. A 20. E
根据上文“There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding.(没有什么比不成功更累的了)”和下文“In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it was either too boring or too difficult.(在前一种情况下,我们总是推迟一项任务,因为它要么太无聊,要么太难)”可知,空格处应指出疲惫感分为两种情况,引出下文。选项G“Here are two ways of exhaustion ——start-up fatigue and performance fatigue.(由两种方式的疲劳:启动疲劳和执行疲劳)”指出了两种疲劳,符合语境。故选G。
根据上文“In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it was either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it, the more tired we feel. Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. (在前一种情况下,我们不断推迟一项任务,因为它要么太无聊,要么太难。拖延得越久,我们就越觉得累。这种创业疲劳是非常真实的,即使不是身体上的,也不是肌肉和骨骼上的。)”可推知,我们会因为拖延太无聊、太难的工作而感到疲惫不堪。选项F“The solution is not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.(这种解决方案是不容易采用的:总是先处理最困难的工作)”提出了一个解决这种情况的办法,即先处理最困难的事,符合语境。故选F。
根据下文“Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again.”(虽然我们愿意开始,但似乎不能把工作做好。无论我们多么努力,它的困难都显得如此之大,以致于我们一次又一次地失败。)可知,此处讲述另一种疲劳——表现疲劳。选项C意为“Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.(表现疲劳更难处理。)”符合本段段意,故选C。
上文“When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles. Day after day, I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked.(在规划《大英百科全书》时,我必须根据文章的主题创建一个目录。日复一日,我不断想出解决办法,但没有一个奏效。)”讲述作者在做一项任务时,日复一日的想不出可行的办法,选项A “My fatigue became almost unbearable.( 我的疲劳几乎无法忍受。)”承接上文,总是想不出解决办法,让我疲惫不堪,故选A。
根据上文“One day, mentally exhausted, I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.(一天,我精疲力尽,试着说服自己,麻烦出在问题本身,而不是我。我松了一口气,靠在安乐椅上睡着了。)”和下文“In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind and proved correct at every step.”(在接下来的几个星期里,在我的潜意识里想出了解决办法,而且每一步都证明是正确的。)可知,此空处讲述的作者睡着了,如释重负,醒来有了解决办法,选项E“An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind. (一个小时后,我突然醒来,脑海中清晰地浮现出解决方案。)”承上启下,躺在安乐椅上睡着了,醒来之后,有了解决的方法,故选E。
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When you get into a period and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up. Facing up to these tough times, working through them, I make myself better.
I grew up in suburban Pittsburgh with my mother and 3 younger siblings (兄弟姐妹). My mom was a single mother and ____21____ a minimum wage job, so we never had much. Nevertheless, that was OK, and we made ends meet anyhow.
In High School, I got a job at a local bakery, and started saving money for college. I was____22____ into the University of Pittsburgh and received some scholarships that covered my tuition. I couldn’t afford the ____23____ because it was much too expensive for me. I put a mattress (床垫) on the floor of the old van (旅行拖车) from my home and slept there for the next 2 years.
The weather in Pittsburgh was ____24____, super hot and humid in summer and freezing cold and snowy in winter. Being homeless forced me to ____25____ everything the campus offered since I wanted to spend as ____26____ time in my van as possible. I ____27____ spending most of my time throughout the week at the ____28____ studying and reviewing classroom material a lot more than I would have if I had the comfort of going home and ____29____ the TV or falling asleep for hours in my room. Occupying myself in the library really helped me _____30_____ in my academic studies.
I also made a lot of new friends by meeting people _____31_____ and attending speeches, plays and charities. Before college I would have considered myself _____32_____, I didn’t really speak much_____33_____ spoken to, but I moved out of my comfort zone and did new things. I really developed a (n)_____34_____ personality.
I really think that dealing with all the _____35_____ I had to go through really shaped me into a better person. Now I have got a really good job and I’ve even been able to help my mother out a little bit. It just feels good!
21. A. offered B. sought C. changed D. ceased
22. A. entered B. recommended C. admitted D. recognized
23. A. meal B. housing C. transport D. clothing
24. A. pleasant B. awful C. mild D. changeable
25. A. take note of B. take possession of C. take charge of D. take advantage of
26. A. many B. few C. little D. much
27. A. stayed up B. ended up C. got up D. summed up
28. A. library B. van C. dormitory D. park
29. A. putting up B. taking on C. turning up D. switching on
30. A. exist B. fade C. excel D. insist
31. A. potentially B. emotionally C. socially D. individually
32. A. shy B. easy-going C. aggressive D. talkative
33. A. since B. once C. if D. unless
34. A. critical B. outgoing C. gentle D. odd
35. A. consequences B. struggles C. failures D. experiences
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈是个单亲妈妈,她得到一份最低工资的工作,所以我们一直没什么钱。A. offered提供;B. sought寻找;C. changed改变;D. ceased停止,结束。根据“so we never had much”可知,给妈妈的是一份低工资的工作。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我被匹兹堡大学录取,并获得了一些奖学金来支付我的学费。A. entered进入;B. recommended推荐;C. admitted承认;D. recognized识别。根据“into the University of Pittsburgh and received some scholarships that covered my tuition.”可知,作者被匹兹堡大学录取了。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我买不起房子,因为对我来说太贵了。A. meal一餐;B. housing房屋;C. transport运输;D. clothing衣服。根据“I put a mattress (床垫) on the floor of the old van (旅行拖车) from my home and slept there for the next 2 years.”可知,作者买不起房子。故选B。
A. pleasant令人愉快的;B. awful糟糕的;C. mild温和的;D. changeable易变的。根据“super hot and humid in summer and freezing cold and snowy in winter.”可知,此处指天气很糟糕。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:无家可归迫使我利用校园提供的一切,因为我想尽可能少地呆在我的旅行拖车里。A. take note of注意到;B. take possession of占有,拥有;C. take charge of负责;D. take advantage of充分利用。根据“since I wanted to spend as ____6____ time in my van as possible.”可知,作者尽量利用校园提供的一切。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. many许多的(修饰可数名词);B. few几个,很少(修饰可数名词);C. little小的,少的(修饰不可数名词);D. much许多的,大量的(修饰不可数名词)。根据“Being homeless forced me to ____5____ everything the campus offered”可知,作者希望待在车里的时间越少越好。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:最后,我一周的大部分时间都花在图书馆学习和复习课堂材料上,比我回到家打开电视或在房间里睡上几个小时舒服得多。A. stayed up熬夜;B. ended up结束;C. got up起床;D. summed up总结。根据“Occupying myself in the library”可知,最后,作者一周的大部分时间都花在图书馆学习和复习课堂材料上。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. library图书馆;B. van旅行拖车;C. dormitory宿舍;D. park公园。根据“Occupying myself in the library”可知,此处为信息词library的词汇复现。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. putting up搭建,张贴;B. taking on承担;C. turning up出现;D. switching on打开。根据“the TV”可知,此处表示打开电视。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在图书馆埋头苦读确实帮助我在学业上取得了优异的成绩。A. exist存在;B. fade逐渐消失;C. excel擅长,突出;D. insist坚持。根据上文“I ____7____ spending most of my time throughout the week at the ____8____ studying and reviewing classroom material a lot”可知,作者大多数时间在图书馆学习,使得他在学业上取得了优异成绩。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我还通过社交、参加演讲、戏剧和慈善活动结交了很多新朋友。A. potentially潜在地;B. emotionally情感上;C. socially在社会上;D. individually个别地。根据“attending speeches, plays and charities.”可知,作者参加了许多社交活动。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在上大学之前,我会认为自己很害羞,除非别人跟我说话,否则我很少说话,但我走出了自己的舒适区,做了新的事情。A. shy害羞的;B. easy-going随和的;C. aggressive有进取心的;D. talkative健谈的。根据“I didn’t really speak much”可知,作者认为自己很害羞。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意同上。A. since自从;B. once一旦;C. if如果;D. unless除非。根据“I didn’t really speak much”可知,作者不喜欢言谈,除非别人开口找自己说话。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的养成了外向的性格。A. critical批判的;B. outgoing外向的;C. gentle温柔的;D. odd奇怪的。根据“but I moved out of my comfort zone and did new things.”可知,作者做出改变,养成了外向的性格。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我真的认为,处理我必须经历的所有斗争真的把我塑造成了一个更好的人。A. consequences后果,结果;B. struggles斗争,奋斗;C. failures失败;D. experiences经历,经验。根据上文“Facing up to these tough times, working through them, I make myself better.”可知,作者认为自己所经历的挣扎把自己塑造成一个更好的人。故选B。
第二节(共20小题; 每小题1.5 分,满分30分)
The Shenzhou-17 spacecraft flew high into the sky from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China on Thursday morning, ____36____ the significant occasion of the 20th anniversary of China's first manned spaceflight the Shenzhou-5.
Sitting on the top of the Long March 2F Y17 carrier rocket, ____37____ (taikonaut) Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie, and Jiang Xinlin, committed ____38____ (they) to the journey to ward the China Space Station. Following a smooth flight of around 10 minutes, the Shenzhou-17 spacecraft entered its planned orbit, ____39____ (mark) a successful launch, ____40____ was released by the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA). The cooperation between the two crew groups ____41____(apparent) signals a giant step in China's ongoing space exploration.
In the past 20 years, China has carried out 12 such crewed missions involving ____42____latest Shenzhou 17 mission ____43____ (acknowledge) as a great achievement. Since its flight in1999, the Long March 2F rocket, the country's first and only manned carrier rocket, ____44____(maintain) a perfect record rate. The Shenzhou-17 crewed flight mission has some crucial objectives, including the in orbit crew rotation(机组轮换) and several experiments ____45____ (conduct) in April 2024.
【答案】36. on 37. taikonauts
38. themselves
39. marking
40. which##as
41. apparently
42. the 43. acknowledged
44. has maintained
45. to be conducted
考查介词。句意:周四上午,神舟17号飞船从中国西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心飞向天空,这是中国首次载人航天飞行神舟5号20周年的重要时刻。句中on the occasion为固定短语,意为“在……场合”。故填on。
考查代词。句意:同上。分析句子,句中commit oneself to为固定短语,意为“某人致力于”。故填themselves。
考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。句中has carried为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,此处latest Shenzhou 17 mission 与acknowledge之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词作后置定语。故填acknowledged。
考查动词。句意:作为我国首枚也是唯一一枚载人运载火箭,长征二号f火箭自1999年发射以来,一直保持着完美的发射速度记录。分析句子,句中since its flight in1999,表示动作从过去发生对现在有影响。故使用现在完成时。故填has maintained。
考查非谓语动词。句意:神舟17号载人飞行任务有一些关键目标,包括在轨机组人员旋转和2024年4月进行的几项实验。分析句子,has为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,根据in April 2024表示动作未发生,故使用不定式结构作定语,此处experiments与conduct之间是被动关系,故使用不定式的被动结构。故填to be conducted。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假设你是李华,你刚参加完国际科创比赛 ITIC(International Tech Innovation Contest) 并获得了一等奖。 你的交换生朋友 Mike作为参赛同伴, 给予了你很多帮助和鼓励。 现在他将回国,请你给他写一封感谢信。
1. 表示感谢;
2. 回顾帮助;
3. 临别祝愿。
写作要求: 1. 词数 80词左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 信的开头与结尾已给出。
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mike,
Knowing that you are returning home, I am writing with the objective of extending my sincere gratitude for your generous encouragement and help during the ITIC.
Before the competition, it was you who offered numerous brilliant and creative ideas for its preparation, which contributed a lot to our first prize. During the contest, you gave me continuous guidance, from which I benefited a lot. What impressed me most is your calmness and profound knowledge despite the fierceness of the contest and the pressure from the rivals. If it hadn't been your assistance, I wouldn't have completed the contest successfully. Therefore, not only does the award demonstrate the success in our cooperation, but it also proves your capability.
Words fail to express my heartfelt appreciation to you. I hope there will be another chance for us to cooperate together. May you be happy and smooth every day.
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假设你是李华,你刚参加完国际科创比赛 ITIC(International Tech Innovation Contest) 并获得了一等奖。你的交换生朋友 Mike作为参赛同伴, 给予了你很多帮助和鼓励。 现在他将回国,请你给他写一封感谢信。
比赛:competition/ contest→match
表达:extend/ express→convey
原句:During the contest, you gave me continuous guidance, from which I benefited a lot.
拓展句:During the contest, you gave me continuous guidance so that I benefited a lot from it.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing that you are returning home, I am writing with the objective of extending my sincere gratitude for your generous encouragement and help during the ITIC. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] If it hadn't been your assistance, I wouldn't have completed the contest successfully. (运用了虚拟语气)
第二节(满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Once upon a time, in a small town located near the edge of a vast forest, two adventurous souls named John and David had long been keen to go deep into the heart of nature. One day, armed with their backpacks, they determined to explore the forest. The villagers had warned them to stick to the main path, cautioning that there could be hunters’ traps elsewhere, but the appeal of the charming forest was too great to resist.
As they confidently ventured deeper into the forest, its beauty unfolded before their eyes. An hour later, driven by the hunger for the unknown, they made a decision to take the less-traveled path, making marks along the way carefully as they went. For another two hours, they observed various flowers, took pictures of strange-shaped rocks and marveled at the breathtaking scenery. The forest seemed to be a world of its own, untouched by human presence. Everything appeared so beautiful.
However, little did they know that danger was hidden under their feet. As they went further, they realized that their phones had lost signal, and they were completely cut off from the outside world. Suddenly, John stepped forward and felt the ground gave way beneath him. Before he knew it, he had fallen into a hidden pit(深坑), his leg trapped by the wooden spikes(尖刺) lining the bottom. Pain shot through his body as he cried out for help.
Upon hearing John’s crying out in pain, David quickly ran to the edge of the pit, desperately trying to find a way to pull his friend out. However, his efforts were in vain. “John, are you okay Can you move your leg ” asked David worriedly. John winced in pain as he tried to move his injured leg, “I think I’ve hurt my leg, David. It aches a lot.” “It’s going to be okay, John,” David comforted him, “I’ll find a way to get you out of here!” With no phone signal and nightfall approaching, David knew he had to act fast.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
He couldn’t pull John out of the pit, so he decided to get out and seek help.
Together, they journeyed back to where John awaited rescue.
【答案】He couldn’t pull John out of the pit, so he decided to get out and seek help. With a heavy heart, he departed from John and pressed onward as swiftly as possible. David ran with all his might, retracing their earlier steps and shouting for help, his voice echoing through the vast emptiness, hoping that someone might hear his cries. Minutes felt like hours, and with each passing second, his anxiety grew. Just when he thought all hope was lost, David spotted a group of villagers not too far away. Relief flooded through him as he waved his arms and yelled to attract their attention. Upon approaching them, David gasped for breath and explained everything to the villagers. They quickly gathered supplies and formed a rescue party.
Together, they journeyed back to where John awaited rescue. The rescue party worked quickly, using ropes to lift John out of the pit. Hardly had John emerged than he was greeted with cheers and applause from the group. They tended to his wounds, which were fortunately not that serious, and helped him to his feet. Exhausted but relieved, John’s heart overflowed with gratitude to David and the villagers, whose unwavering support and kindness served as a saving grace. Their journey taught them the importance of preparation, caution, and respect for nature’s unpredictable power. Both men knew that this experience would stay with them forever, a testament to the power of friendship and determination in the face of adversity.
大声呼救:shout for help/ cry out lustily for help
吸引注意力:attract one’s attention/draw one’s attention
解释:explain/account for
组成:form/make up
宽慰的:relieved/ emollient
Hardly had John emerged than he was greeted with cheers and applause from the group.(运用了部分倒装)
They tended to his wounds, which were fortunately not that serious, and helped him to his feet.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
1—5 BCCBA 6—10 BACBC 11—15 BCCBA 16—20 ACAAB

  • 2023-2024重庆市高二上学期12月联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案