
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context Back in 1930, the economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that with technological change and improvements in-productivity, we' d only be working 15 hours a week by now. But while working hours have 41 by 26%. most of us still average 42. 5 hours a week.
One of the things Keynes underestimated is the human desire to 42 with our peers— a drive that makes most of us work more than we need to. "We don' t measure productivity by how much we’ve harvested anymore, ” says Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, visiting scholar at Stanford University. "Overworking has been part of Western society since the Industrial Revoltion. When some predicted that automation would create an extra amount of 43 time, needless to say, that didn’t happen.
Thanks to computerization and globalization in the 1980s, managers could demand more of employees under the 44 that jobs could be given to someone else. So the 45 piled on. And we took it exhausted, but asking up the burden all the same. The psychologist Barbara Killnger writes in Workaholics: Te Respectable Addicts about how we 46 sacrifice our own well-being through overwork for “success”
But far from delivering productivity, value, or personal fulfillment, overwork has been proven to lead to burnout, stress, greater risk of heart disease and even shorter lifespans. 47 we carried on—until COVID-19 came along.
Besides making us work longer hours from home, COVID-19 has also 48 the move towards the adoption of automated machine, especially tor jobs requiring much interpersonal contact-from Amazon developing delivery drones(无人机)to self-driving cars. By 2050, Michael Osborne, a professor of machine learning at the University of Oxford, predicts that at least 40%of current jobs will be lost to 49
There are 50 . Jobs that involve complex social interactions are beyond current robot skills: so teaching, social care, nursing and counselling are all likely to 51 the AI revolution. As are jobs that rely on creativity. The same also goes for 52 jobs, according to Osborne, due to the large number of different objects cleaners encounter and the variety of ways those objects need to be dealt with. Interestingly, areas of the workplace traditionally dominated by women won' t be so easily adopted by AI. Robots are unlikely to 53 in the “work” of taking care of children, preparing lunchboxes and doing the laundry.
Those whose work falls outside the caring, cleaning or creative field will still work in future, just 54 . In about 60%of occupations, it is estimated that a third of the tasks can be automated, meaning changes to the way we work. A large-scale study has predicted that over the next 20 years, although 7 million jobs will be taken over by AI. 7. 2 million new ones will be 55 as a result. So we will work in future: we just don' t know what we'll be doing yet.
41. A. declined B. increased C. continued D. kept
42. A. disagree B. compete C. cooperate D. identify
43. A. working B. tough C. leisure D. active
44. A. fantasy B. influence C. threat D. impression
45. A. joy B. cash C. ambition D. pressure
46. A. excitedly B. willingly C. dramatically D. hopefully
47 A. Otherwise B. Still C. Furthermore D. Therefore
48. A speeded up B. followed up C. prepared for D. planned for
49. A. overwork B. labour C. automation D. science
50. A. dreams B. models C. expectations D. exceptions
51. A. cause B. cease C. survive D. undergo
52. A. caring B. cleaning C. curing D. coaching
53. A. assist B. exist C. believe D. understand
54. A. hardly B. differently C. unfortunately D. probably
55. A. lost B. recovered C. substituted D. created
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Sea levels along coastlines in the United States will rise about one foot by 2050, with larger increases on the East and Gulf coasts, according to a comprehensive new report by climate scientists.
Oceans have already risen about one foot in the last century, as climate change melts glaciers (冰川) and ice caps around the world. But the pace is 41 , scientists warn, and the next 30 years will see the same amount of sea level rise as the previous 100.
The report gives the most concrete and certain sea level 42 ever published for the U.S. And advances in computer models and real-world information about rising seas make it possible to see the future more 43 than ever.
Sea level rise 44 dramatically for different parts of the U.S. coast. The ocean is not like a bucket of water that rises at the same time as more liquid is 45 . Ocean 46 push more water into some areas than others. Ice in different regions melts at different rates. In many parts of the world, sea level rise is 47 because coastal land is sinking.
The new report adds up all those factors to give 48 estimates for different parts of the U.S. The authors predict about a foot and a half of sea level rise for the Gulf Coast by 2050, with particular hot spots from Texas to Mississippi, where exploitation of underground oil, gas and drinking water is causing the land to rapidly 49 into the rising ocean water. There are 50 hot spots in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Annapolis, Md. and Norfolk, Va. Overall, the East Coast is 51 to experience a little more than a foot of sea level rise in the next 30 years.
Sea level rise is happening more 52 on the West Coast, including much of southern and western Alaska, the report finds. The authors predict about six inches of sea level rise by 2050.
William Sweet, a sea level rise expert with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and one of the authors of the new report, says cities that are not yet flooded should 53 now. Quickening sea level rise may require that humans 54 where and how we build homes, offices, roads and anything else that is better dry than wet. Right now, development in flood-prone (易发洪水的) areas is increasing, despite climate change.
Beyond 2050, the report makes clear that humans have a 55 : reduce greenhouse gas emissions and control sea level rise, or keep burning fossil fuels and face oceans that are two, three or even 10 feet higher than today.
41. A. dying down B. paying back C. holding on D. speeding up
42. A. records B. extremes C. predictions D. solutions
43. A. flexibly B. clearly C. randomly D. incredibly
44. A. continues B. impacts C. multiplies D. varies
45. A. added B. drained C. spilt D. needed
46. A. creatures B. currents C. ecosystems D. voyages
47. A. stable B. crucial C. unlikely D. worse
48. A. national B. regional C. apparent D. approximate
49. A. dig B. turn C. collapse D. dive
50. A. similar B. scenery C. distant D. diverse
51. A. projected B. obliged C. permitted D. noticed
52. A. sharply B. mysteriously C. unexpectedly D. slowly
53. A. make sense B. take notice C. keep pace D. stay proud
54. A. scheme B. cancel C. change D. delay
55. A. promise B. quarrel C. choice D. protest
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Mathematics has an image problem: far too many people are put off by it and conclude that the subject just isn’t for them. But one of the biggest problems is how maths is 41 , as cold and dry.
I have a different approach which is to relate abstract maths to questions of politics and social justice. I have taught fairly maths-phobic (恐惧) art students in this way and have seen their attitudes 42 . They now believe maths is 43 them and can genuinely help them.
At a basic level, maths is founded on logic, so when I am teaching logic, I use examples from 44 events rather than the old-fashioned type of problem. Instead of studying the logic of a statement like “all dogs have four legs”, I might discuss the statement “all immigrants are illegal”.
But I do this with specific mathematical structures, too. 45 , I teach a type of structure called an ordered set, which is subject to an order relation such as “is less than”. We then study and ask which functions are “order-preserving”. A typical example might be the function that takes a(n) 46 number and maps it to the number obtained from multiplying by 2. We would then say that if x < y then also 2x < 2y, so the function is order-preserving.
47 , rather than sticking to this type of dry mathematical example, I introduce issues like privilege and wealth. If we think of one ordered set with people ordered by status, we can make a function to another set where the people are now ordered by 48 instead. If someone has a higher status, are they automatically wealthier We can also ask about working hours and 49 : if someone works more hours, do they 50 earn more The answer there is clearly not.
My approach is controversial because, traditionally, maths is supposed to be 51 and apolitical (与政治无关的). I have been 52 by people who think my approach will be off-putting (令人烦恼的) to those who don’t care about social justice. However, the dry approach is off-putting to those who do care. In fact, I believe that all academic disciplines should address our most important issues. Abstract maths is about making thorough logical arguments, which is linked to everything. I don’t 53 that students agree with me about politics, but I do ask that they construct thorough arguments to back up their thoughts and develop the crucial ability to analyze the logic of people they 54 .
Maths isn’t just about numbers and equations (方程式); it is about studying different 55 systems. We can apply it to balls rolling down different hills, but we can also apply it to pressing social issues. I think we should do both, for the sake of society and to be more inclusive towards different types of students in maths education.
41.A.dismissed B.presented C.doubted D.neglected
42.A.transformed B.defined C.illustrated D.examined
43.A.credited to B.relevant to C.separated from D.independent of
44.A.economic B.mathematical C.current D.virtual
45.A.In particular B.For example C.After all D.In addition
46.A.ordinary B.odd C.absolute D.limited
47.A.However B.Moreover C.Otherwise D.Therefore
48.A.power B.wealth C.health D.intelligence
49.A.profit B.status C.income D.promotion
50.A.particularly B.specifically C.habitually D.necessarily
51.A.applicable B.neutral C.biased D.theoretical
52.A.criticized B.tolerated C.ignored D.assessed
53.A.oppose B.claim C.assume D.demand
54.A.disagree with B.run across C.rely on D.benefit from
55.A.legal B.operating C.logical D.grading
Section A
Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Like anything built by evolution, the human body has many downsides, teeth without exception. Adult humans only get one set of teeth, which must last about 60 years. However, a(n) 41 of poverty, sugar-rich diets and poor hygiene means 2.5bn people globally suffer from tooth decay, in which acid produced by mouth-living bacteria eats away the hard enamel(牙釉质) that 42 the outside of a tooth, leading to further infection and damage. Once decay has set in, all a dentist can do is to fill the gap with artificial filling.
But in a paper published in Cell, Hannele Ruohola-Baker, a stem-cell biologist at the University of Washington, and her colleagues offer a possible 43 . Stem cells have the 44 to turn themselves into any other type of cell in the body. It may soon be possible, the researchers claim, to use those 45 cells to regrow a tooth's enamel naturally.
The first step was to work out how enamel is produced. As enamel-making cells, known as ameloblasts, disappear soon after a person's adult teeth have finished growing, the researchers 46 samples of tissue from human foetuses(胚胎), which contain plenty of functioning ameloblasts. 47 , they checked to see which genes were especially active in the enamel-producing cells. It turned out that genes designed to bind to calcium were particularly busy.
48 that information, Dr Ruohola-Baker and her colleagues next checked to see whether the stem cells could be persuaded to 49 ameloblasts. The team devised various drugs designed to activate the genes expressed in functioning ameloblasts. That worked, with the engineered ameloblasts producing the same proteins as the natural sort.
For now, the work is more concept than a medical treatment. The next step is to boost enamel production further, with a view to 50 beginning clinical trials. The hope is that, one day, medical versions of the team's findings could be used as biological implants, to 51 a patient's decayed teeth.
Stem-cell-based therapies are not the only ones heading to clinical trials. Another treatment, known as biomimetic repair, involves rebuilding the tooth crown using synthetic (人工合成的) proteins, which are similar, but not quite 52 , to human enamel. The proteins could be included in toothpaste and even cough drops. But synthetic formulations can be less 53 than human enamel.
It will take time for either technology to become reality. One question is how durable the enamel made by stem-cell-derived ameloblasts is. Another is how best to deliver the stem cells to a patient’s mouth. But these findings are 54 . As any dentist will tell you, prevention is better than cure. 55 , a better cure would be always welcome. There is no doubt that this research offers a new prospect for future dental care.
41. A. combination B. absence C. application D. coincidence
42. A. contains B. coats C. floats D. fills
43. A. procedure B. alternative C. variation D. recipe
44. A. opportunity B. obligation C. capacity D. intention
45. A. changeable B. noticeable C. complicated D. practical
46. A. appealed to B. objected to C. applied to D. turned to
47. A. Then B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Still
48. A. Pleased by B. Puzzled by C. Armed with D. Covered with
49. A. transform into B. break down C. speed up D. respond to
50. A. exclusively B. permanently C. inevitably D. eventually
51. A. resemble B. reform C. regenerate D. recycle
52. A. identical B. subject C. relevant D. unique
53. A. accessible B. diverse C. durable D. influential
54. A. fulfilling B. stimulating C. initiating D. promising
55. A. Likewise B. Furthermore C. Nevertheless D. Instead
Section A
Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Turkey is not my thing, but one dish I cannot live without on Thanksgiving is my mom’s Snowy Mashed Potatoes. I start __41__ these potatoes, my annual time-release capsule of pure joy in early November. I’m pretty sure I’ve had them at every Thanksgiving since I was a kid, and bites often transport me back to different years and different dining rooms.
How and why is it that certain foods give us so much __42__ And what can be said about the kinds of foods we consider most comforting Science tells us that taste and nutritional content affect how foods make us feel, but certain foods are especially __43__ satisfying for reasons that have little to do with their taste or nutritional content. Much of the happiness we get from our favorite foods comes from the memories they stimulate for us and the people we’re with while we __44__ them.Past and present __45__ shape the foods we find comforting.
Often, we love food because we have __46__ memories associated with it. My mom’s mashed potatoes(土豆泥) remind me of holiday joy and past reunions with extended family. We are also drawn to foods we were given early in life by people who cared for us, which can help explain our __47__love for chicken noodle soup, which many parents feed their sick children to make them feel better.
The smell of food can __48__ powerful memories, too. The part of the brain responsible for processing smell directly connects to the amygdala, a brain region that processes emotions, and the hippocampus, which handles memory.And our memory for smells is __49__ and precise, especially when it comes to smell we were first exposed to in childhood. That’s why you might catch the smell of pumpkin pie baking in the oven and be transported back to the first time you baked it with your grandmother.
These __50__ can go the other way, too. Sometimes you might feel __51__ when you eat foods that remind you of loved ones you miss. We may also __52__ foods that we associate with bad experiences.
In addition to past memories, the __53__ in which we eat foods shapes how much we enjoy them in the moment, and our gustatory(味觉的) experiences can be __54__ by a sense of community, a sense of warmth and enjoying it together. I __55__ my mom’s Snowy Mashed Potatoes that much more today because I got to eat them with my husband and two children, the three people I love most in the world.
41. A. cutting down on B. looking forward to C. making for D. putting away
42. A. perspective B. pleasure C. space D. transition
43. A. emotionally B. financially C. physically D. visually
44. A. enjoy B. memorize C. order D. recall
45. A. company B. menus C. outlook D. recipes
46. A. cultural B. fond C. photographic D. shared
47. A. collective B. creative C. lost D. parental
48. A. awake B. correct C. preserve D. record
49. A. bitter-sweet B. fresh C. long-lasting D. selective
50. A. associations B. experiences C. foods D. memories
51. A. alert B. amazed C. disappointed D. sad
52. A. avoid B. consume C. store D. swallow
53. A. area B. background C. context D. emotion
54.A. enhanced B. offered C. reflected D. weakened
55. A. adapted B. appreciated C. copied D. digested
21.A 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.D 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,虽然工作时间减少了26%,我们大多数人每周平均工作时间仍然是42.5小时。A. declined下降;B. increased增加;C. continued继续;D. kept保持。根据上文“we’d only be working 15 hours a week by now.(我们现在每周只工作15个小时)”可知,虽然工作时间减少了26%,我们大多数人每周平均工作时间仍然是42.5小时,while引导让步状语从句,表转折,故选A。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:凯恩斯低估的一件事是人类与同伴竞争的欲望——这种欲望使我们大多数人工作得比我们需要的更多。A. disagree不同意;B. compete比赛;C. cooperate合作;D. identify识别。根据后文“a drive that makes most of us work more than we need to”可知,人类喜欢和同伴竞争,导致大多数人工作得比我们需要的更多。故选B。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当一些人预测自动化将创造更多的闲暇时间时,不用说,这并没有发生。A. working有工作的;B. tough艰难的;C. leisure闲暇的;D. active活跃的。根据上文“automation would create an extra amount of”可知,自动化应该带来更多的闲暇时间。故选C。
24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于20世纪80年代的计算机化和全球化,管理人员可以在工作可能被交给别人的威胁下对员工提出更多的要求。A. fantasy幻想;B. influence影响;C. threat威胁;D. impression印象。根据后文“that jobs could be given to someone else”可知,管理人员可以在工作可能被交给别人的威胁下对员工提出更多的要求。故选C。
25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以压力越来越大。A. joy玩笑;B. cash现金;C. ambition抱负;D. pressure压力。根据后文“And we took it exhausted, but asking up the burden all the same.(我们尽了力,仍要担重担)”可知,人类的压力越来越大了。故选D。
26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:心理学家芭芭拉 基尔格在《工作狂:受人尊敬的瘾君子》一书中写道,为了“成功”,我们是如何心甘情愿地牺牲自己的幸福的。A. excitedly激动地;B. willingly愿意地;C. dramatically戏剧性地;D. hopefully有希望地。根据后文“through overwork for “success””指人类为了成功,心甘情愿地牺牲自己的幸福。故选B。
27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我们还是坚持了下来,直到COVID-19出现。A. Otherwise否则;B. Still仍然;C. Furthermore此外;D. Therefore因此。根据上文“But far from delivering productivity, value, or personal fulfillment, overwork has been proven to lead to burnout, stress, greater risk of heart disease and even shorter lifespans.(但事实证明,过度工作不仅不会带来生产力、价值或个人成就感,还会导致倦怠、压力、更大的心脏病风险,甚至更短的寿命)”以及后文“we carried on”指过度工作虽然有很多坏处,但我们仍然坚持下来了。故选B。
28.考查动词短语辨析。句意:除了让我们在家工作更长时间外,COVID-19还加速了自动化机器的采用,特别是对于需要大量人际接触的工作——从亚马逊开发的送货无人机到自动驾驶汽车。A. speeded up加速;B. followed up跟上;C. prepared for准备;D. planned for制定计划。根据后文“the move towards the adoption of automated machine, especially tor jobs requiring much interpersonal contact-from Amazon developing delivery drones to self-driving cars.”可知,COVID-19加速了自动化机器的采用,特别是对于需要大量人际接触的工作——从亚马逊开发的送货无人机到自动驾驶汽车。故选A。
29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:牛津大学机器学习教授迈克尔 奥斯本预测,到2050年,目前至少40%的工作岗位将被自动化取代。A. overwork劳累过度;B. labour劳动;C. automation自动化;D. science科学。呼应上文“the move towards the adoption of automated machine”指到2050年,目前至少40%的工作岗位将被自动化取代。故选C。
30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:也有例外。A. dreams梦想;B. models模型;C. expectations期待;D. exceptions例外。根据后文“Jobs that involve complex social interactions are beyond current robot skills: so teaching, social care, nursing and counselling are all likely to survive the AI revolution.(涉及复杂社会互动的工作超出了当前机器人的技能范围:因此,教学、社会关怀、护理和咨询都有可能在人工智能革命中幸存下来)”可知,不是所有的工作都会被取代,有一些工作例外。故选D。
31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:涉及复杂社会互动的工作超出了当前机器人的技能范围:因此,教学、社会关怀、护理和咨询都有可能在人工智能革命中幸存下来。A. cause造成;B. cease终止;C. survive生存;D. undergo经历。根据上文“Jobs that involve complex social interactions are beyond current robot skills: so teaching, social care, nursing and counselling are all likely to”可知,涉及复杂社会互动的工作超出了当前机器人的技能范围:因此,教学、社会关怀、护理和咨询都有可能在人工智能革命中幸存下来。故选C。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:奥斯本表示,清洁工作也是如此,因为清洁工会遇到大量不同的物体,需要处理这些物体的方法也多种多样。A. caring关心;B. cleaning清理;C. curing治愈;D. coaching指导。根据后文“due to the large number of different objects cleaners encounter and the variety of ways those objects need to be dealt with”可知,此处指清洁工作。故选B。
33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:机器人不太可能协助照顾孩子、准备午餐盒和洗衣服等“工作”。A. assist帮助,协助;B. exist存在;C. believe相信;D. understand理解。根据后文“in the “work” of taking care of children, preparing lunchboxes and doing the laundry.”指机器人不太可能协助照顾孩子、准备午餐盒和洗衣服等“工作”。故选A。
34.考查副词词义辨析。句意:那些工作不在护理、清洁或创意领域的人将来仍然会工作,只是工作方式不同而已。A. hardly几乎不;B. differently不同地;C. unfortunately不幸地;D. probably可能。根据上文“Those whose work falls outside the caring, cleaning or creative field will still work in future, just”指辨析。句意:那些工作不在护理、清洁或创意领域的人将来仍然会工作,只是工作方式不同。故选B。
35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,将会产生720万个新岗位。A. lost丢失;B. recovered恢复;C. substituted代替;D. created创造。根据后文“So we will work in future: we just don’t know what we’ll be doing yet.(所以我们会在未来工作:我们只是还不知道我们要做什么)”可知,人类将来仍然会工作。说明是产生720万个新岗位。故选D。
41.D 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.B 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.A 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.C
41.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但科学家警告称,海平面上升的速度正在加快,未来30年的海平面上升幅度将与前100年持平。A. dying down逐渐衰弱;B. paying back偿还;C. holding on抓住;D. speeding up加速。根据下文“and the next 30 years will see the same amount of sea level rise as the previous 100”可知,接下来30年的海平面上升速度和前100的速度持平,说明海平面的上升速度在加快。故选D。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:该报告给出了美国有史以来最具体、最确定的海平面预测。A. records记录;B. extremes极端;C. predictions预测;D. solutions解决方案。根据下文“And advances in computer models and real-world information about rising seas”可知,这份报告是基于计算机模型和海平面上升的真实信息做出的预测,这次预测非常确定而且具体。故选C。
43.考查副词词义辨析。句意:计算机模型和有关海平面上升的真实世界信息的进步使我们有可能比以往任何时候都更清楚地看到未来。A. flexibly灵活地;B. clearly清楚地;C. randomly随机地;D. incredibly难以置信地。根据上文“The report gives the most concrete and certain sea level   2   ever published for the U.S.”可知,这次的预测是最确定,并且最具体的,说明这次预测能够让人们更清楚的看到未来。故选B。
44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:美国海岸不同地区的海平面上升差异很大。A. continues继续;B. impacts影响;C. multiplies乘以;D. varies(大小、形状等)相异。根据下文“Ice in different regions melts at different rates.”可知,不同区域的冰融化的程度不同,所以美国海岸不同地区的海平面上升的差异是很大的。故选D。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:海洋不像一桶水在添加更多液体的同时上升。A. added加上;B. drained排干;C. spilt溢出;D. needed需要。根据句中“like a bucket of water that rises at the same time”可知,桶里的水上升是因为液体被加入到了桶里。故选A。
46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:洋流将比其他地区更多的水推入某些地区。A. creatures生物;B. currents水流;C. ecosystems生态系统;D. voyages航程。根据常识以及空后“push more water into some areas than others”可知,洋流推动了海洋的水流动,将比其他地区更多的水推入某些地区。故选B。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在世界许多地方,海平面上升的情况更糟,因为沿海土地正在下沉。A. stable稳定的;B. crucial关键的;C. unlikely不太可能的;D. worse更糟的。根据空后“because coastal land is sinking”可知,海平面在上升,而有些沿海的土地正在下沉,所以让情况变得更糟糕。故选D。
48.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:新报告将所有这些因素相加,得出了美国不同地区的区域估计。A. national国家的;B. regional区域的;C. apparent显然的;D. approximate大约的。根据下文“There are   10   hot spots in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Annapolis, Md. and Norfolk, Va.”可知,这份报告把所有的因素相加,对美国不同的地区做出评估,得出了结论。故选B。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作者预测,到2050年,墨西哥湾沿岸的海平面将上升约1.5英尺,特别是从得克萨斯州到密西西比州的热点地区,那里的地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采正在导致土地迅速坍塌到不断上升的海水中。A. dig挖;B. turn转动;C. collapse塌陷;D. dive潜水。根据空前的“exploitation of underground oil, gas and drinking water ”可知,地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采会导致该区域的土地坍塌。故选C。
50.考查形容词或名词词义辨析。句意:大西洋中部地区也有类似的热点地区,包括马里兰州安纳波利斯和弗吉尼亚州诺福克。A. similar类似的;B. scenery风景;C. distant远处的;D. diverse多种多样的。根据上文“The authors predict about a foot and a half of sea level rise for the Gulf Coast by 2050, with particular hot spots from Texas to Mississippi, where exploitation of underground oil, gas and drinking water is causing the land to rapidly   9   into the rising ocean water.”可知,墨西哥湾沿岸的海平面将上升约1.5英尺,特别是从得克萨斯州到密西西比州的热点地区,那里的地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采正在导致土地迅速坍塌到不断上升的海水中,而且在大西洋中部地区也有类似的热点地区,也就是说在这里也有海平面快速上升的情况。故选A。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:总体而言,预计未来30年东海岸的海平面将上升一英尺多一点。A. projected计划;B. obliged义务;C. permitted允许;D. noticed注意到。根据句中“in the next 30 years”可知,在未来的30年,东海岸的海平面预计上升一英尺多一点。be projected to do sth.“预计做某事”。故选A。
52.考查副词词义辨析。句意:报告发现,西海岸的海平面上升速度较慢,包括阿拉斯加南部和西部的大部分地区。A. sharply急剧地;B. mysteriously神秘地;C. unexpectedly出乎意料的是;D. slowly慢速地。根据下文“The authors predict about six inches of sea level rise by 2050. ”可知,作者预测,到2050年,海平面将上升约6英寸,说明西海岸的海平面上升速度比东海岸慢。故选D。
53.考查动词短语辨析。句意:美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的海平面上升专家、新报告的作者之一William Sweet表示,尚未被洪水淹没的城市现在应该注意了。A. make sense有道理;B. take notice注意;C. keep pace保持配速;D. stay proud保持自豪。根据下文“Quickening sea level rise may require that humans   14   where and how we build homes, offices, roads and anything else that is better dry than wet.”可知,没有被洪水淹没的城市也应该注意,在建造房屋等建筑物时需要改变地点以及建筑的方式。故选B。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:加速上升的海平面可能需要人类改变我们在何处以及如何建造房屋、办公室、道路和其他任何干燥而不潮湿的地方。A. scheme认为;B. cancel取消;C. change改变;D. delay延迟。根据句中“Quickening sea level rise”可知,加速上升的海平面可能会改变人们建筑的方式和地点。故选C。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:该报告明确指出,在2050年之后,人类有一个选择:减少温室气体排放,控制海平面上升,或者继续燃烧化石燃料,面对比今天高出2、3甚至10英尺的海洋。A. promise承诺;B. quarrel争吵;C. choice选择;D. protest抗议。根据下文“reduce greenhouse gas emissions and control sea level rise, or keep burning fossil fuels and face oceans that are two, three or even 10 feet higher than today”可知,减少温室气体排放,控制海平面上升,或者继续燃烧化石燃料,面对比今天高出2、3甚至10英尺的海洋,这是人类面临的一个选择。故选C。
41.B 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.D 51.B 52.A 53.D 54.A 55.C
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是最大的问题之一是数学是如何被冷冰冰地呈现出来的。A. dismissed解散;B. presented代表,呈现;C. doubted怀疑;D. neglected忽视。根据上文“Mathematics has an image problem: far too many people are put off by it and conclude that the subject just isn’t for them.(数学有一个形象问题:有太多的人对它望而却步,认为这门学科不适合他们)”可知,此处指数学被呈现的方式有问题,被冷冰冰地呈现出来。故选B。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我用这种方法教过一些对数学相当恐惧的艺术类学生,我看到他们的态度发生了转变。A. transformed转换;B. defined定义;C. illustrated说明;D. examined检查。根据后文“can genuinely help them”可知,态度发生了转变。故选A。
43.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:他们现在相信数学与他们息息相关,而且能真正帮助他们。A. credited to赞扬;B. relevant to有关的;C. separated from分开;D. independent of不依赖。根据后文“can genuinely help them”可知,认为数学可以帮助到他们,即与他们息息相关。故选B。
44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在基本层面上,数学是建立在逻辑的基础上的,所以当我教逻辑的时候,我用时事的例子,而不是老式的问题。A. economic经济的;B. mathematical数学的;C. current目前的;D. virtual虚拟的。根据后文“events rather than the old-fashioned type of problem”可知,作者用的是时事的例子,而不是老式的问题。故选C。
45.考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,我教授一种称为有序集的结构类型,它受制于诸如“小于”之类的顺序关系。A. In particular特别;B. For example例如;C. After all毕竟;D. In addition此外。根据上文“But I do this with specific mathematical structures, too.(但我也用特定的数学结构来做)”可知,后文主要是作者对于上文提到的内容进行举例说明。故选B。
46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个典型的例子可能是一个函数,它接受一个普通的数字,并将其映射到乘以2得到的数字。A. ordinary普通的;B. odd奇怪的;C. absolute完全的;D. limited有限的。根据后文“number and maps it to the number obtained from multiplying by 2”以及数学相关概念,函数是接受一个普通的数字,并将其映射到乘以2得到的数字。故选A。
47.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我并没有拘泥于这种枯燥的数学例子,而是引入了特权和财富之类的问题。A. However然而;B. Moreover此外;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选A。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我们考虑一个按地位排序的有序集合,我们可以对另一个按财富排序的有序集合建立一个函数。A. power力量;B. wealth财富;C. health健康;D. intelligence聪明。呼应上文“like privilege and wealth”指按财富排序的有序集合。故选B。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们也可以问关于工作时间和收入的问题:如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多?A. profit利润;B. status地位;C. income收入;D. promotion晋升。根据后文“earn more”可知,此处指工作时间和收入的问题。故选C。
50.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们也可以问关于工作时间和收入的问题:如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多?A. particularly特别是;B. specifically专门地;C. habitually习惯地;D. necessarily必要地。根据上文“if someone works more hours, do they”以及常识,如果某人工作时间更长,他们是否习惯性地挣得更多。故选D。
51.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的方法是有争议的,因为传统上,数学被认为是“中立的”和非政治性的。A. applicable适用的;B. neutral中立的;C. biased有偏见的;D. theoretical理论的。根据后文“apolitical”可知,指数学被认为是“中立的”和非政治性的。故选B。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有人批评我,认为我的做法会让那些不关心社会公正的人感到不快。A. criticized批评;B. tolerated忍受;C. ignored忽视;D. assessed评估。根据后文“people who think my approach will be off-putting to those who don’t care about social justice.”可知,有人认为作者的做法会让那些不关心社会公正的人感到不快,即批评作者。故选A。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我并不要求学生们在政治问题上与我意见一致,但我确实要求他们构建全面的论据来支持他们的想法,并培养分析他们不同意的人的逻辑的关键能力。A. oppose反对;B. claim声称;C. assume认为;D. demand要求。根据后文“students agree with me about politics”可知,此处指要求学生和作者意见一致。故选D。
54.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我并不要求学生们在政治问题上与我意见一致,但我确实要求他们构建全面的论据来支持他们的想法,并培养分析他们不同意的人的逻辑的关键能力。A. disagree with不同意;B. run across遇到;C. rely on依靠;D. benefit from受益于。上文“students agree with me about politics”提到作者不要求学生们在政治问题上与自己意见一致,即想要培养学生学会分析和自己意见不一致的人的能力。故选A。
55.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:数学不仅仅是数字和方程式;它是关于学习不同的逻辑系统。A. legal合法的;B. operating操作的;C. logical逻辑的;D. grading动词,定等级。呼应上文“Abstract maths is about making thorough logical arguments, which is linked to everything.(抽象数学是关于进行彻底的逻辑论证,它与一切都有联系)”指数学关于学习不同的逻辑系统。故选C。
【答案】41.A 42.B 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.A 50.D 51.C 52.A 53.C 54.D 55.C
41. A. combination(组合) absence(缺席) application(应用) coincidence(巧合)
答案:A. combination(组合)
42. A. contains(包含) coats(覆盖) floats(漂浮) fills(填充)
答案:B. coats(覆盖)
43. A. procedure(程序) alternative(替代) variation(变化) recipe(配方)
答案:B. alternative(替代)
44. A. opportunity(机会) obligation(义务) capacity(能力) intention(意图)
答案:C. capacity(能力)
45. A. changeable(可变的) noticeable(显而易见的) complicated(复杂的) practical(实际的)
答案:A. changeable(可变的)
46. A. appealed to(呼吁) objected to(反对) applied to(应用于) turned to(求助于)
答案:D. turned to(求助于)
解析:根据上下文,研究人员从人类胚胎的组织样本中提取了含有活性坚质釉质细胞的组织。turned to符合语境,表示求助于或转向。
47. A. Then(然后) Therefore(因此) Otherwise(否则) Still(仍然)
答案:A. Then(然后)
48. A. Pleased by(对...满意) Puzzled by(对...感到困惑) Armed with(装备着) Covered with(覆盖着)
答案:C. Armed with(装备着)
解析:根据上下文,Ruohola-Baker博士和她的同事带着这些信息进行了下一步的检查。Armed with表示装备着某种信息或工具。
49. A. transform into(转化为) break down(分解) speed up(加速) respond to(回应)
答案:A. transform into(转化为)
解析:根据上下文,研究团队设计了各种药物,旨在激活功能性釉质细胞中表达的基因。transform into符合语境,表示将干细胞转化为釉质细胞。
50. A. exclusively(专门地) permanently(永久地) inevitably(不可避免地) eventually(最终)
答案:D. eventually(最终)
51. A. resemble(类似) reform(改革) regenerate(再生) recycle(回收利用)
答案:C. regenerate(再生)
52. A. identical(相同的) subject(受制于) relevant(相关的) unique(独特的)
答案:A. identical(相同的)
53. A. accessible(可获得的) diverse(多样的) durable(持久的) influential(有影响力的)
答案:C. durable(持久的)
54. A. fulfilling(令人满意的) stimulating(激励人心的) initiating(发起) promising(有希望的)
答案:D. promising(有希望的)
55. A. Likewise(同样地) Furthermore(此外) Nevertheless(然而) Instead(代替)
答案:C. Nevertheless(然而)
【答案】41-45 BBAAA 46-50 BAACA 51-55 DACAB
【41题详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我开始期待这些土豆,我的每年的时间释放胶囊,早在11月初就纯粹的快乐。A. cutting down on减少;B. looking forward to期待;C. making for制作;D. putting away收起。根据句意,作者是在期待、盼望这些土豆的出现,故选B。
【42题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:为什么某些食物给我们带来如此多的快乐?我们认为何种食物最令人舒适?科学告诉我们,口味和营养含量影响食物让我们感觉如何,但某些食物特别令人愉悦,这与它们的口味或营养含量关系不大。根据上下文语境,我们可以推断这里是指食物给我们带来的快乐或满足感,故选B. pleasure。
【43题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:某些食物特别令人愉悦,这与它们的口味或营养含量关系不大。A. emotionally情感上;B. financially财务上;C. physically身体上;D. visually视觉上。根据句意可知,与其口味或营养含量无关,应是带来了某种情感上的满足感,故选A. emotionally。注意,这里的emotionally是形容词,表示情感上的,而非副词。
【44题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些美食给我们带来的幸福感很大程度上源自它们激发我们的回忆和享用它们时与我们一起的人。A. enjoy享受;B. memorize记忆;C. order点菜;D. recall回忆。根据句意,应该是美食激发了我们的回忆,并让我们想起与享用它们时在一起的人,故选D. recall。
【45题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:历史和现在形成了我们寻找舒适的食物。A. company陪伴;B. menus菜单;C. outlook观点;D. recipes食谱。根据句意可知,历史和现在共同影响我们寻找舒适的食物,应选A. company。
【46题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们之所以喜欢某种食物,是因为与它有关联的记忆。我的妈妈的土豆泥让我想起了节日的快乐和和我们这个大家庭团聚的过去。A. cultural文化的;B. fond喜爱的;C. photographic摄影的;D. shared共享的。根据句意,我们之所以喜欢某种食物,是因为与它有关联的记忆,应选B. fond。
【47题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们也会喜欢那些与早期照顾我们的人给我们的食物有关联,这可以解释为什么我们会对鸡肉面汤有着特殊的情感,因为许多父母会给生病的孩子喝这种汤来让他们感觉更好。A. collective集体的;B. creative创造性的;C. lost遗失的;D. parental父母的。根据句意,我们会喜欢那些与早期照顾我们的人给我们的食物有关联,所以选D. parental。
【48题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:食物的气味也会刺激强烈的记忆。负责处理气味的大脑部分直接连接到杏仁核,这是一个处理情绪的大脑区域,以及处理记忆的海马体。我们对气味的记忆是长久而精确的,特别是当我们在童年时期首次接触气味时。因此,当你闻到烘焙南瓜派的味道时,可能会回想起第一次与祖母共同烘焙南瓜派的时光。A. awake唤醒;B. correct纠正;C. preserve保护;D. record记录。根据句意,气味可以刺激强烈的记忆,应该是唤起、激发,故选A. awake。
【49题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们对气味的记忆是长久而精确的,特别是当我们在童年时期首次接触气味时。A. bitter-sweet苦涩甜美的;B. fresh新鲜的;C. long-lasting长久的;D. selective有选择性的。根据句意,我们对气味的记忆是长久而精确的,应选C. long-lasting。
【50题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些记忆也可能反过来,当你吃到让你想起思念的人时,你可能会感到难过。我们也可能避免与不好的经历有关联的食物。A. associations联系;B. experiences经历;C. foods食物;D. memories记忆。根据句意,这里指的是食物与我们的记忆、经历、情感等因素之间的联系或联想,故选A. associations。
【51题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些记忆也可能反过来,当你吃到让你想起思念的人时,你可能会感到难过。我们也可能避免与不好的经历有关联的食物。A. alert警觉的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. disappointed失望的;D. sad难过的。根据句意,当你吃到让你想起思念的人时,你可能会感到难过,故选D. sad。
【52题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们也可能避免与不好的经历有关联的食物。A. avoid避免;B. consume消费;C. store储存;D. swallow吞咽。根据句意,我们可能会避免与不好的经历有关联的食物,故选A. avoid。
【53题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了过去的记忆,我们享用食物的环境也会影响我们在当下享用食物的程度,我们品尝美食的体验可以被社区感、温暖感和共同享用感所增强。A. area地区;B. background背景;C. context语境;D. emotion情感。根据句意可知,我们品尝美食的体验可以被社区感、温暖感和共同享用感所增强,应选D. emotion。
【54题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:除了过去的记忆,我们享用食物的环境也会影响我们在当下享用食物的程度,我们品尝美食的体验可以被社区感、温暖感和共同享用感所增强。A. enhanced增强;B. offered提供;C. reflected反映;D. weakened削弱。根据句意可知,社区感、温暖感和共同享用感可以增强我们品尝美食的体验,故选A. enhanced。
【55题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我今天更加欣赏我妈妈的土豆泥,因为我可以和我最爱的丈夫和两个孩子一起吃饭。A. adapted适应;B. appreciated欣赏;C. copied复制;D. digested消化。根据句意,我今天更加欣赏我妈妈的土豆泥,因为我可以和我最爱的丈夫和两个孩子一起吃饭,故选B. appreciated。

  • 上海市部分区2023-2024高三上学期期末考试(一模)英语试题汇编:完形填空(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案