外研版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Breaking Boundaries检测(含答案)

高二英语选必2 Unit 4检测试卷
Class Name Grade
It is (vital) important for us to be in this place today working with the children.
Both parents and communities must get (involve) in the local schools.
Fresh air and nutritious food will speed his (recover).
We should make joint efforts (develop) science and technology.
You need to set your goals step step to achieve your success.
It is no use (cry) over the split milk.
Life for the successful doctor can be emotionally and financially________ (reward) .
struck me that the boss was behaving pretty strangely.
He is not likely to bring any new suggestions for improving our work.
They began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and (suffer).
阅读理解( 3×15 = 45分 ):
Villains love a monologue
Every superhero needs a good (or should we say bad) supervillain (超级大反派). Invent a supervillain. In pictures and / or words, describing their final punishment. Who are they What's their plan Even if your character tends to be long-winded, keep your writing to 100 words or fewer.
Competition rules
1. Your competition entry must be your very own original work; ideas and words should not be copied.
2. Be sure to include your name, age, and full address on your entry.
3. Only one entry per person, please.
4. If you want your work returned, enclose (随信附上) a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
5. All entries must be signed by a parent or legal guardian (法定监护人), saying that this is your own work and giving permission to publish. For more information about our compliance with (遵 守) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, visit our page at / privacy.
6. Your entry must be received by July 31, 2021. We will publish winning entries in the August 2021 issue of Muse.
7. Send entries to Muse Contest, 70E. Lake St., Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60601 or by email to muse@. If entering a digital ( 数字的)photo, please send it at 300dpi.
11. What is the competition about
A. Inventing a stamp. B. Writing a supervillain story.
C. Designing a superhero model. D. Photographing a natural scene.
12. What should competitors do to have their works returned
A. Sign their entries themselves. B. Send digital photos bigger than 300dpi.
C. Send their works to / privacy.
D. Attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope to their works.
13. Which of the following should competitors' works follow
A. They should be sent to Muse in August 2021.
B. They should be allowed to be published.
C. They should be longer than 100 words. D. They should be in a digital form.
Two British teachers have broken the world record for the longest journey in a tuk-tuk(三轮小摩的) after pulling their failing vehicle for 43 miles. Richard Sears and Nick Gough travelled 37, 500 kilometres around the world and passed through 37 countries. They did this to support a grass-roots education project in Africa, Asia and South America.
The pair, who set off from London, thought their expedition was over when the vehicle started to fail. When the tuk-tuk broke, they were only 70 kilometers from their destination. They decided to pull it the rest of the way. The tuk-tuk, which weighs 800 kilograms, was pulled in turns by Richard and Nick over three days. On arrival in Chepen, Peru, they discovered a mechanic who specialized in tuk-tuks and managed to fix it.
The pair were back on the road and aiming for their next goal. Along their journey they had to tackle deserts and jungles. They also survived close encounters with elephants in Uganda and Botswana and an accident in Malaysia. The greatest hardship on the tuk-tuk was the mountain ranges lying in their path, including the Alps, the Himalayas and the Andes.
Nick and Richard uncovered some inspirational projects across Africa, Asia and South America. They witnessed first-hand the educational challenges facing these areas today. They joined street children in the slums of Cairo, Khartoum, Kampala, Mumbai and Phnom Penh. They visited Consolese refugees (难民) in camps in Eastern Burundi. They witnessed how education could free victims of human trafficking in Nepal.
The pair established The Tuk Tuk Educational Trust, a UK registered charity. Talking about their motivation, Richard said: " The world's leaders have made a commitment to achieving universal primary education but, in spite of this pledge (承诺), over 57 million primary-aged children worldwide are still out of school; many more are in school, though still cannot access quality learning opportunities. "
14. Why did the two teachers travel the world
A. To support an education project. B. To create a new world record.
C.To entertain themselves. D. To challenge themselves.
15. How far did the two teachers pull the tuk-tuk each day on average
A little more than 30 kilometres. B. About 14 miles.
C. 43 miles. D. 70 kilometres.
16. What is the third paragraph mainly about
A. How they realized their next goal.
B. Their exciting experience on the road.
C. The beautiful scenery of famous mountains.
D. The difficulties and dangers they faced in the journey.
17. Which of the following best describes the two teachers
A. Curious and brave. B. Humorous and generous.
C. Courageous and responsible. D. Efficient and honesty
In 1985, a little Italian plumber (水管工) became the face of video games, and changed the way we play them. "Super Mario Bros" saw the main characters in the game, Mario and Luigi, jump around the Mushroom Kingdom, collect coins and rush to save a princess from a bad turtle. The content was different from the simple gameplay of Snake or Pac-Man, where the aim was to eat and stay alive.
Mario originated as a carpenter in the 1981 game "Donkey Kong", which was advanced for its time, with retro (Let#J) sound effects as Mario moved on challenging platforms. "At the time, video games were usually created by computer engineers, as opposed to today's artists," said Shigeru Miyamoto, game designer and producer of the "Super Mario Bros" and "Donkey Kong". As to why he picked a 26-year-old Italian-American plumber from New York as the main character, Miyamoto said, "we wanted him to be someone who might live near you, and not a superhero. "
The game's popularity really took off in 1985 when "Super Mario Bros" was released. "People had never seen a game like Super Mario Bros," said Frank Cifaldi, co-director of the Video Game History Foundation. "Super Mario Bros, despite having the same limitations as its peers (同类产品|), manages to convey a hard and long adventure in a large world." "Super Mario Bros changed the way we play video games—from merely aiming for a high score to playing a game to experience an adventure and see it through to its ending," he said.
"For all the critics that may say video games are full of violence and killings, the moustached Mario remains the most globally identifiable face of the video game industry," added Miyamoto.
18. Why did Miyamoto pick a plumber as the main character
A. He regarded plumbers as superheroes.
B. He found it challenging to design a superhero.
C. He wanted his game players to live close to each other.
D. He wanted to design an average person like most of the players.
19. The reason why "Super Mario Bros" gained popularity was that _____________.
A. it was different from the games before
B. it had fewer limitations than other games
C. it was simple and less challenging to play
D. it satisfied players' desire for a high score
20. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Spirits of Super Mario Bros
B. "Super Mario Bros" VS "Donkey Kong"
C. Key Factors for Super Mario Bros to be Released
D. A New Chapter in Video Game Super Mario Bros
Breaking the boundaries
Back in 2014, Deepa Singh followed a set routine. 21.______________ Then she would wait for her sister to throw some clothes and a pair of shoes from the window. She'd walk to a school, change into a loose T-shirt and trousers and practise breaking — a street dance style.
This routine lasted for a year until she participated in competitions and showed videos to her parents. “ 22. ______________ Seeing my skills, they realized that I was serious about my career choice,” says Singh, 23, whose stage name is B-Girl FlowRaw. Last year, she represented India at Queen 16, a breaking festival in Germany with participants from Spain, Russia and Korea.
In India, many women shy away from breaking, says Singh. Every move — from simple movements to backflips — is physically demanding. “ 23._______________ Both boys and girls look awkward dancing but it's usually the girls who feel more out of place. This builds up the pressure and they give it up,” adds Johanna Rodrigues, also known as B-Girl Jo, 23.
For the B-Girls, breaking is not just about competing but a journey of self-expression and self-exploration. Amita Vighe, 27, an engineer who has been moonlighting as B-Girl Amy since 2009, says, “ 24. _____________________________________. ”
There's less competition and more connections among the dancers. Early this year, when Rodrigues won a competition against a B-Boy from Mumbai, she received messages from women breakers from across India. She concludes, “ 25._____________________. ”
A. It was a victory for all of us.
B. It takes a year to perfect the basics.
C. Boys do better than girls in breaking.
D. My parents have been supporting my decision.
E. Every evening, she would secretly leave her home.
F. They believed that breaking was only meant for boys.
G. Breaking has built my confidence, helping me stand out in my career.
III. 完形填空( 2×15 = 30分 ):
Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. If not for my 26.__________, Mrs Sather, I might never have found that opportunity.
In the first and second grade, I was extremely 27.__________. It just wasn't in my personality to be very outgoing. I would escape in my writing. Mrs Sather, always 28.___________ me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my inner 29.____________.
One day, she announced our class was going to 30.__________ a play, a take-off on The Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪). "I need someone to play the leading part of Dorothy." A few excited hands 31._________. Mine, of course, was not one of them.
After school, Mrs Sather said to me, " Dallas, 1 was 32._________ you didn't raise your hand. You're great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. Perfect for Dorothy! I had you in 33._________ for Dorothy while writing the play! If you 34.__________ don't want to, though, I won't make you. It's your 35.__________. "
I realized it was time to show the world who I really was. I 36.___________ the role. Fast-forward through five months of 37.__________, line memorizing, and costume creating, we were ready.
At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded, I knew they were not just 38.___________ for my performance that night, but for the 39.__________ that they knew would come in later years because of my new-found 40.___________.
26. A. partner B. teacher C. parent D. classmate
27. A. shy B. weak C. energetic D. ambitious
28. A. recommended B. allowed C. encouraged D. accompanied
29. A. drawback B. реасе C. character D. strength
30. A. perform B. watch C. write D. enjoy
31. A. put down B. reached out C. shot up D. drew back
32. A. excited B. amused C. afraid D. surprised
33. A. store B. mind C. memory D. comparison
34. A. initially B. really C. finally D. spiritually
35. A. turn B. choice C. luck D. fault
36. A. accepted B. played C. created D. remembered
37. A. practising B. learning C. observing D. communicating
38. A. celebrating B. chatting C. cheering D. congratulating
39. A. praises B. efforts C. beliefs D. performances
40. A. skill B. confidence C. interest D. hobby
IV. 语法填空(答案就写在原题上)(1×10=10分):
Khamisi Ally Abdi, a 25-year-ola African student in Cangzhou Technical College, Hebei Province, has practised tai chi for two years. Having worshiped kung fu stars such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan as a child, the Tanzanian understood Chinese kung fu to be 1._________ fast-paced attack and defense art before he 2. ___________(arrive) in China, but now he realizes t'ai chi is different. It is t'ai chi moves with balance and deep rhythmic breathing 3._________ allow him to feel the charm of the exercise. It brings peace and 4. ___________(calm) to his mind while building his muscles.
The college, as one of international exchange centres, 5._______________(enroll)
(录取) more than 300 international students from over 50 countries since 2016, 6. ____________ (main) from countries along "the Belt and Road", providing a t'ai chi course for all foreign students. 7. __________(practise) t'ai chi has led Abdi to acquire a comprehensive appreciation of this Chinese culture and ideology. He now prefers people 8. ___________(call) him by his Chinese name Chen Yanzhi, as the characters of Yanzhi carry the meaning of being talented and virtuous. The art has inspired his understanding of China. 9. _________ he is longing for is teaching tai chi in his country and he expresses hope that this magical kung fu can be 10._________________ (benefit) to more people.
V. 写作练习: Complete the following passage in English.(1×5=5分):
I look to a _________________________________________(和谐且安静的学校环境) where everybody values mutual understanding.
First, ______________________________with honesty(彼此坦诚相待非常重要).
Also, __________________________________________________(我们要尊重他人) regardless of the possible differences and divisions. Besides, ____________________
__________(致力于打破界限)and creating a harmonious community is rewarding.
Please join me and make a joint effort to build a harmonious campus for everyone.As long as we try our best , ___________________(我们一定会实现的).
选必2 Unit 4检测参考答案
一、vitally 2.involved 3.recovery 4 to develop
by 6.crying 7.rewarding
It 9.forth/up 10.suffering
二、11-15 BDBAB 16-20 DCDAD 21-25EFBGA
1.a 2.arrived 3.that 4.calmness
5.has controlled 6.mainly 7.Practising
8.to call 9.What 10.beneficial
五、a harmonious and peaceful school environment
it is vital to treat each other
it is up to us to respect others
to dedicate ourselves to breaking boundaries
we will make it.

  • 外研版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Breaking Boundaries检测(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案