人教版PEP四年级第一学期英语期末质量检测卷4(含答案 无听力原文及音频)

英 语(R)
本试卷满分100分,时间60 分钟。
得分 评卷人
( )1. A. people B. puppy C. phone
( )2. A. friendly B. fridge C. floor
( )3. A. cook B. candy C. cousin
( )4. A. her B. his C. hair
( )5. A. bathroom B. classroom C. bedroom
得分 评卷人
得分 评卷人
1. I have a and a notebook.
2. I have many in my schoolbag.
3. She is my teacher. She is .
4. We have a new .
5. I'd like some for dinner.
笔试部分(70 分)
得分 评卷人
得分 评卷人
1. clean the fish bowl 2. a fat panda
3. here you are 4. short black hair
5. a Chinese friend 6. make friends
7. in the bathroom 8. set the table
得分 评卷人
( )1. This is my . It's nice.
A. study B. school C. home
( )2. Look! I can use now.
A. soup B. fork C. chopsticks
( )3. My has seven people.
A. home B. family C. parents
( )4. I have many .
A. pens B. books C. schoolbags
( )5. He's strong. He likes .
A. music B. book C. sports
( )6. Go to the . Have a snack.
A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom
得分 评卷人
1. bathroom, like, my,I (.)
2. his, is, This, photo(!)
3. bowl, the, me, P ass(.)
4. in, are, They, the, room (.)
5. food, like, Chinese, I (.)
得分 评卷人
on, in, near, under
1. —Where are the storybooks
They are the desk.
2. Where is the fridge
It is the sofa.
3. Where is your aunt
She is the kitchen.
4. Where is the ball
It is the chair.
得分 评卷人
①Look! They're in the door. ②Are they near the phone
③Where are the keys ④OK.
⑤No, they aren't. ⑥Open the door, please.
得分 评卷人
big eyes short hair long hair strong tall thin
Chen Jie
例如:Amy is tall and has big eyes.

  • 人教版PEP四年级第一学期英语期末质量检测卷4(含答案 无听力原文及音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案