
1.How will the weather be in three days
A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny.
【解析】【听力原文】M:The weather is really good these days.
W:Yeah, but the reporter says it will be rainy in three days.
【分析】句意:三天后的天气会怎么样?根据原文but the reporter says it will be rainy in three days.可知,但记者说,三天后就要下雨了。故选A。
2.How does Tina usually go back home
A.By bus. B.By boat. C.By car.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Does your friend Tina usually go back home in her father's car
W:No. By boat, She lives near the river.
【分析】句意:蒂娜通常如何回家?根据原文By boat, She lives near the river.可知,乘船,她住在河边。故选B。
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In the library. B.In the restaurant. C.In the museum.
【解析】【听力原文】W:I'd like some chicken, please.
M: Sorry, Madam. I'm afraid there isn't any left.
【分析】句意:对话可能在哪里进行?根据原文I'd like some chicken, please.可知我想吃点鸡肉。可知可能在餐厅,故选B。
4.How is Tony feeling now
A.He is excited. B.He is relaxed. C.He is angry.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Tony,what's the matter with you
M:Well, I can't stand it. My brother looked through my diary yesterday.
【分析】句意:托尼现在感觉如何?根据原文Well, I can't stand it. My brother looked through my diary yesterday.可知,好吧,我受不了了。我哥哥昨天翻了我的日记。因此是生气的,故选C。
5.How long will it take Jane to get to school if it rains
A.10 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.30 minutes.
【解析】【听力原文】M:How far do you live from school, Jane
W:It usually takes 20 minutes by car. If it rains, it takes 10 more minutes.
【分析】句意:如果下雨,简需要多长时间才能上学?根据原文It usually takes 20 minutes by car. If it rains, it takes 10 more minutes.可知,开车通常需要20分钟。如果下雨,还需要 10 分钟。因此要30分钟,故选C。
6.When did Grace arrive home yesterday afternoon
A.At about 4:30. B.At about 5:00. C.At about 5:30.
7.Where will the speakers probably go tomorrow night
A.To the park.
B.To the cinema.
C.To the supermarket.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Grace,I called you yesterday afternoon,but there was no answer.
W:I guess I was visiting a friend of mine. What time did you call
M:I called at about five.
W:I got home at 4:30, but at 5:00 I was cooking in the kitchen.I didn't hear the phone ringing.
M:Alright. Are you free for a movie tomorrow night
W:Sure.See you tomorrow.
6.根据原文I got home at 4:30可知我4:30到家,故选A。
7.根据原文Are you free for a movie tomorrow night 可知你明天晚上有空看电影吗?因此很可能在电影院,故选B。
8.What is the man reading at the beginning
A.A novel. B.A storybook. C.A magazine.
9.Which folk story does the girl like best
A.The story of Nu Wa.
B.The story of Chang'e.
C.The story of Yu Gong.
10.When does the conversation probably take place
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Dad,will you read to me
M:Uh,let me finish the magazine first.
W:You've been saying that forever!
M:Well,how about reading the business part of the magazine together
W:That's boring. Let's read this book. There are many folk stories in it.
M:OK. Which story do you like best
W:I think the story of Chang'e is the most touching. It's on Page12.
M:Well,it's bedtime right now. So, okay, here we go."Once upon a time..."
8.根据原文let me finish the magazine first.可知让我先把杂志读完。因此是读杂志,故选C。
9.根据原文I think the story of Chang'e is the most touching. It's on Page12.可知我觉得嫦娥的故事是最感人的。它在第 12 页。故选B。
10.根据原文Well,it's bedtime right now. 可知嗯,现在是就寝时间。因此是晚上,故选C。
11.Whom did the speaker go to Hong Kong with
A.His classmates. B.His brothers. C.His parents.
12.How far was it from the speaker's home to Hong Kong
A.One and a half hours' flight.
B.Two and a half hours' flight.
C.Three and a half hours' flight.
13.What did they do on the fourth day of their trip
A.They did some shopping.
B.They went to eat seafood.
C.They visited the theme parks.
14.How long was their trip
A.For four days.
B.For five days .
C.For six days.
15.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.The speaker didn't like the weather in Hong Kong.
B.They went to Hong Kong because of its nice food.
C.They were satisfied with their trip to Hong Kong. 
【解析】【听力原文】 The day of our trip to Hong Kong finally arrived. My parents and I were very excited about this special trip because we all wanted to visit the most famous theme park in the world Hong Kong Disneyland and take photos with the cute cartoon characters there. It took us about three and a half hours to fly there.The weather in Hong Kong was quite different from that inBeijing. It was warm and pleasant.
On the first three days of our trip, we visited some famous theme parks. On the fourth day, we went shopping because Hong Kong is a good place to buy things. My mother enjoyed that day most,and she bought a lot of clothes and some presents. The food in Hong Kong was very nice. We went to a sea food restaurant on the fifth day.
We enjoyed our trip to Hong Kong very much, and I hope I can visit there again someday.
11.根据原文My parents and I were very excited about this special trip可知我和我的父母对这次特别的旅行感到非常兴奋,故选C。
12.根据原文It took us about three and a half hours to fly there.可知我们花了大约三个半小时才飞到那里。故选C。
13.根据原文On the fourth day, we went shopping可知第四天,我们去购物,故选A。
14.根据原文We went to a sea food restaurant on the fifth day.可知第五天,我们去了一家海鲜餐厅。因此去了五天,故选B。
15.根据原文We enjoyed our trip to Hong Kong very much,可知我们非常喜欢我们的香港之旅,因此是满意的,故选C。
Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). She was 16. all the time and hurtful to the whole family. Her brother couldn't 17. being in the same room with her. 18. home was no longer a home but a camp under siege(包围).
After thinking carefully, we had to send her to a wonderful 19. in northern Idaho. What a beautiful and alive place! The teachers greeting us were like warm clothes on a 20. day. But "I never want to see your face again" were Lara's parting words. They hurt my heart.
For five months we didn't 21. Lara — not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.
Luckily, a written letter arrived from Lara, thanking me for her new clothes. 22. I'm sure that was the teacher's order, still I was excited to have it. Gradually, our communication got better, leading to our first 23. .
The love and teaching of the 24. were beginning to pay off. Each time we came for a visit we saw more improvement in our 25. . I could see her face became soft, the anger and the hardness were gone. Her girlish face was beautiful, warm and caring. She didn't cause 26. for us anymore. And she discovered she had a beautiful voice. With encouragement, she began to 27. every chance she got. The more she sang, the more confident she felt. She 28. began to love herself.
Lara's graduation from the school was a time of pride and love. She wore a dress knitted(编织) for seven months herself. She gave a speech 29. the best performer in music and singing.
30. happened to my daughter reminded me that—People sure change! And thanks to her teachers!
16.A.busy B.sleepy C.normal D.angry
17.A.stand B.help C.mind D.consider
18.A.His B.Her C.Our D.Their
19.A.camp B.school C.factory D.hospital
20.A.cold B.cloudy C.hot D.sunny
21.A.ask for B.hear from C.look for D.talk about
22.A.Although B.If C.Unless D.Until
23.A.card B.call C.letter D.visit
24.A.teachers B.neighbors C.humans D.parents
25.A.son B.grandmother C.daughter D.friend
26.A.problems B.illness C.fire D.changes
27.A.speak B.dance C.read D.sing
28.A.carefully B.wisely C.suddenly D.slowly
29.A.by B.as C.like D.with
30.A.How B.When C.What D.Why
16.句意:她总是情绪愤怒,对整个家庭都造成了伤害。A忙碌的,B困的,C正常的,D生气的,根据前文的Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). 可知我们美丽的女儿拉拉几个月来一直很不开心,而且她的行为变得越来越极端,因此是愤怒的,故选D。
19.句意:经过认真思考,我们不得不把她送到北爱达荷州一个美好的学校。A露营,B学校,C工厂,D医院,根据后文的I'm sure that was the teacher's order可知我知道这肯定是老师的安排,因此是学校,故选B。
20.句意:接待我们的老师就像在寒冷的日子里穿上温暖的衣服。A冷的,B多云的,C热的,D晴朗的,根据 warm clothes 可知是温暖的衣服,因此是冷的日子,故选A。
21.句意:五个月来,我们没有收到拉拉的来信、卡片,电话,什么也没有。A要求,B收到来信,C寻找,D谈论,根据not a card, not a call, nothing卡片,电话,什么也没有,因此是指收到来信,符合语境,故选B。
22.句意:虽然我知道这肯定是老师的安排,但我仍然为此感到兴奋。A虽然,B如果,C除非,D直到,根据still I was excited to have it. 我仍然为此感到兴奋,与前一句是转折,应用although连接,引导让步状语从句,故选A。
26.句意:她不再给我们添麻烦了。A问题,B疾病,C火,D改变,根据I could see her face became soft, the anger and the hardness were gone. 可知她的脸变得柔和了,愤怒和冷淡消失了。因此是不再造成问题,故选A。
27.句意:在鼓励下,她开始抓住每一个机会唱歌。A讲话,B跳舞,C阅读,D唱歌,根据后文的The more she sang, the more confident she felt.可知她唱得越多,就越有信心,因此是唱歌,故选D。
29.句意:她作为音乐和歌唱方面的最佳表演者发表演讲。A通过,B作为,C像,D和,根据 the best performer 最好的表演者,因此是作为,故选B。
Come for Kafele's latest book
Are you trying to develop your teaching practice, and most important of all, encourage students to be better Then read this book,"Is my school a better school because I lead it " It has become one of the best sellers recently.
The educator, writer, and speaker Baruti Kafele shared his idea in this book by asking thirty -five questions. The book is centered around three parts as you ask yourself these questions.
About the writer
Kafele wins more than 150 educational prizes. He is not only the writer of 12 books, but also the leader of four schools. One example of his great leadership is Newark Tech, which now wins national attention, thousands of parents hope to send their children to study in it, for it has developed from being low-performing into an excellent one in a short time.
About the book
Publication Type: Books; Guides-Non-Classroom Use
Product: No.120013ISBN978-1-4166-2689-3
Page Count: 96
31.Kafele's latest book discusses ▲ .
A.his learning experience
B.three famous school leaders.
C.a couple of questions on teaching
D.worries and problems from students.
32.Newark Tech is probably ▲ .
A.a book. B.a school. C.a writer. D.a prize.
33.The purpose of this text is to ▲ .
A.introduce a book B.show teaching problems
C.give advice on studying D.describe a great educator
31.细节题。根据第二段的The educator, writer, and speaker Baruti Kafele shared his idea in this book by asking thirty -five questions. 可知教育家、作家和演讲者Baruti Kafele在这本书中通过提出35个问题分享了他的观点,因此是讨论了关于教学的很多问题,故选C。
32.推断题。根据第三段的One example of his great leadership is Newark Tech, which now wins national attention, thousands of parents hope to send their children to study in it可知他杰出的领导能力的一个例子是Newark Tech,它现在获得了全国的关注,成千上万的家长希望他们的孩子能在这所学校学习,因此是指学校,故选B。
A stranger gave Danielle and her husband Nathan a box of onions, however, they later found they didn't need it, so Danielle decided to pass the kindness on.
Thinking of many families trying to feed their loved ones, Danielle put the onions outside her home, with a sign encouraging others to "take what you need, share what you can". Now, one year on, their stand(小摊), called the " Waverley Co-op", provides thousands of people with 500kg of fruit, vegetables, and bread each week. " others add their things to the stand, too." Says Danielle.
"A common story we hear is that the things people take from the stand help them to save a few dollars so they can afford to buy meat that week." For a new mum, 33-year-old Stacey, it'd been the lifeline she needed to keep food on the table for her family. Last year, Stacey's one-year-old son Kaidan ran into a hot fire, badly burning his hands. Then, her husband lost his job. "Without the help of the Waverley Co-op, we wouldn't have had food,"says Stacey, who discovered the volunteer-led stand by word of mouth.
"It has been a blessing to hear the stories and meet the people in our community," says Danielle,who couldn't be happier that a box of onions brought so many people together. "The trust, support, and connection —that's been the biggest success!"
34.How did Danielle deal with the onions ▲
A.She fed her family on them.
B.She gave them to a stand.
C.She let others take them away.
D.She sold them for fresh fruit.
35.From the passage, we learn that Stacey ▲ .
A.lost her job at the age of 33
B.heard about the stand from others
C.was burned in a fire with her son
D.helped to add things to the stand
36.In Danielle's opinion, the Waverley Co-op finally bring ▲ .
A.plenty of onions for mums
B.Moving stories of strangers
C.kindness and warmth among people
D.good business for the community
37.The best title for the text might be ▲ .
A.A New Mother Saved Her Little Son
B.Kaidan Brought Happiness to People
C.A Small Stand Made All the Difference
D.The Waverley Co-op raised money for people
34.细节题。根据第二段的Danielle put the onions outside her home, with a sign encouraging others to "take what you need, share what you can".可知丹尼尔把洋葱放在她家外面,旁边有一个牌子鼓励其他人"拿走你需要的东西,分享你能够分享的东西"。因此是让别人拿走,故选C。
35.细节题。根据第三段的A common story we hear is that the things people take from the stand help them to save a few dollars so they can afford to buy meat that week.可知我们经常听到的一个故事是,人们从摊位上拿走的东西帮助他们节省了几美元,这样他们就能买得起那周的肉,因此从别人那里听到了小摊的故事,故选B。
36.细节题。根据最后的The trust, support, and connection —that's been the biggest success!可知信任、支持和联系——这是最大的成功,因此这个合作社给人们带来了友好,和温暖,故选C。
Chanthaphone's family moved to the present country when she was young. Her primary language at home was Lao. At 5, she learned to speak English. But she didn't know how to read and write, she didn't know how to fit in at school or communicate with classmates. Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone's second-grade teacher, changed everything. She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English, and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone became more and more confident(自信), and she wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.
Now, at 26, Chanthaphone is an English teacher at Fort Worth ISDs William Monnig Middle School. Like Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone tries to help her non-English-speaking students to have the confidence.
At the beginning of each school year, Chanthaphone tells her story to her new classes. She tells them she knows what it feels like not to want to speak in class or raise her hand. Her students, though, are usually uncertain. She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally works. In the classroom, Chanthaphone allows students to communicate in whichever way they feel most comfortable. For some, it may be raising their hands and voicing their thoughts. For others, it may be writing their thoughts on a piece of paper and handing it to Chanthaphone.
However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone(舒适区). She wants them to work with students they don't know because teamwork is really important.
"I've always wanted to be the teacher who supported students in and outside of the classroom," Chanthaphone said."When I get notes or see Facebook posts from parents talking about their teachers, including me, I feel like my goal has been completed."
38.From the passage, we know that Mrs Lewis ▲ .
A.moved from a foreign country at a young age
B.taught Chanthaphone when she was in first grade
C.had difficulty communicating with her students
D.encouraged her students to use their own languages
39.Chanthaphone tells her schooling experience to her new students to ▲ .
A.make a good beginning of her class
B.make herself well known to her students
C.encourage her students to be confident
D.push the students to hand in the paper
40.Chanthaphone pays attention to students' ▲ in her classroom.
A.reading skills B.physical health
C.special talents D.communicating ability
41.The theme of the text is to show " ▲ ".
A.I grow up to become you B.You are the only one
C.No one can say no to you D.Doing is better than saying
38.细节题。根据第一段的She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English, and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone became more and more confident(自信), and she wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.可知她教导她的学生,如果他们不知道英语,那没关系,他们可以用自己的母语词汇来解释他们的感受或想法。占塔蓬变得越来越自信,她希望将来能像她的老师那样去做。因此是鼓励自己的学生使用母语,故选D。
39.细节题。根据第三段的She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally works. 可知。她不得不拿出她毕业大学的照片,告诉他们关于她的父母以及她的学校的情况。然后,终于奏效了。由此可推知是想让学生自信,故选C。
40.细节题。根据第四段的However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone(舒适区). She wants them to work with students they don't know because teamwork is really important.可知然而,占塔蓬还是鼓励她的学生走出他们的舒适区。她希望他们能与不认识的同学合作,因为团队合作真的很重要。因此是注重沟通技巧,故选D。
You may study English for years and still not understand a native speaker(说本族语的人) of English when you meet one. Many language learners know that native speakers say a lot of things that you can't find in a dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: A lot of British people can't understand each other either!
Across the UK, a number of areas have different dialects (方言). There are many different accents (口音) in London, because it is not just where a person is born in the UK that decides their accent. Language and accents also change across social class and level of education. People from different countries and different age groups add to the influence, too. And so, "Multicultural London English" was created at the end of the 20th century.
"Yoof culture" is an example. The word "yoof" is a slang (俚语) spelling of "youth". Young people are creating their own language by using words that their parents don't understand, children can talk about things that their parents might not agree with. For example, instead of saying something like "That's good!" or "I understand", yoof will use a single word like "Safe!", or "Sorted!" Yoof would use "kind-a-thing" or "sort-a-thing" to replace "if you understand what I'm saying". In this way, they are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.
As learners of English, we may wonder how well we can talk to a native speaker, but perhaps we should worry less about this. Research by the British Council shows that 94 percent of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when we think about "International English", there is no such thing as a native or non-native speaker. The UK no longer owns the English language.
42.In paragraph 2, the writer introduces "Multicultural London English" by ▲ . .
A.telling stories B.listing causes
C.giving examples D.asking questions
43.The rise of "yoof culture"might be the result of young people's wish to ▲ .
A.express themselves freely B.looking for more attention
C.mixing many different cultures D.making English spelling simpler
44."Sorted!"might mean ▲ In "yoof culture"
A.Got it! B.No way!
C.With pleasure! D.No worries!
45.We can read the passage from the website ▲ .
A.www. mooc.cn/music B.www. chinadaily./sports
C.www. /spaceflight D.www. freedictionary.com/language
42.细节题。根据第二段的 Language and accents also change across social class and level of education. People from different countries and different age groups add to the influence, too.可知语言和口音也随着社会阶层和教育水平的不同而变化。来自不同国家和不同年龄层的人也在增加影响,因此是列举原因,故选B。
43.细节题。根据第三段最后的In this way, they are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.可知通过这种方式,他们开始寻找自由、独立和自我表达。故选A。
44.细节题。根据第三段的For example, instead of saying something like "That's good!" or "I understand", yoof will use a single word like "Safe!", or "Sorted!"可知例如,他们不会说"那很好!"或者"我明白了",而是用一个单词,如"Safe!"或"Sorted!",因此是指"明白了",故选A。
A. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。
seldom humorous beside deal with present
46.Among the three visitors, Mr.Black is    .
47.Pollution is a great problem   these days.
48.As students in Grade Nine, we     watch television now.
49.There is a parking lot     the building. You can park your car there.
50.One of the     she gave me was a book on African culture. It interested me a lot.
【答案】46.the most humorous
47.to deal with
【解析】【分析】 seldom几乎不, humorous幽默的, beside在旁边, deal with处理, present礼物。
46.句意:在三个来访者中,布莱克先生是最幽默的。is后接形容词做表语,因为是三个人,应用形容词的最高级,结合所给词应用humorous的最高级形式most humorous,形容词最高级前应加定冠词the,故填 the most humorous 。
47.句意:如今,污染是一个需要处理的大问题。 Pollution 污染,是一个要处理的问题,应用deal with的不定式形式,作后置定语修饰problem,故填 to deal with 。
50.句意:她送给我的礼物之一是一本关于非洲文化的书。这让我很感兴趣。one of其中之一,后接可数名词复数,结合所给词应用present的复数形式,presents礼物,故填presents。
B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。
The Greenwood Library is the best place to go to on weekends. It is in the  51.  (中心的)part of the town,  52.  (无论谁)wants to read can go there. Every Saturday, Steve buys some delicious snacks for his breakfast , and then  53.  (直接)goes to the library. It's  54.  (便利)for him to go there because it is close to his home. Also, people give  55.  (演讲)there, that's  56.  (确切地)what he needs, because he  57.  (仰慕)speakers with much knowledge. Sometimes, he goes to the  58.  (花园)nearby to read English.  59.  (记忆)sentence patterns is his habit. He relaxes there when he is tired. Look! He is  60.  (平躺)on the grass and listening to the tape.
55.句意:此外,那里的人们会做演讲,这正是他需要的,因为他非常钦佩知识渊博的演讲者。演讲speech,give speeches发表演讲,应用复数形式,故填speeches。
59.句意:记住句型是他的习惯。记忆memorize,动词,句子是动词短语作主语,应用动名词形式,句首字母需大写,故填 Memorizing 。
Everyone wants to be successful,  61.  he is good at studies or not. It is true for Alfred, 62.  11-year-old boy. But unluckily, he  63.  (fail) the exam again last month. His grandpa advises him to learn 64.   his mistakes and do the following.
Firstly,  65.   is necessary for him to have a good study habit. While studying, make sure of paying attention to it. And find some time for fun in order to relax as well.
Secondly, he should often remind himself to try his best if he wants to learn well.
Finally, take 66.   (note) in class. It will be helpful if he wants to review what he learns.
Alfred takes the advice. He becomes  67.  (active) in class than before. He 68.   (make) great progress recently. He tells Grandpa  69.  (proud) that he gets an A in his project. If he keeps working hard, he  70.   (lead) to a great success.
【答案】61.whether;62.an;63.failed;64.from;65.it;66.notes;67.more active;68.has made;69.proudly;70.will lead
61.句意:每个人都想要成功,无论他擅长学习与否。短语whether...or not是否,固定搭配,故填whether。
64.句意:他的爷爷建议他吸取教训并采取以下行动。因为考试失败,因此要从错误中学习,短语learn from sth从某事中学习,固定搭配,故填from。
65.句意:首先,他有必要养成一个好的学习习惯。句型it is+adj for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事如何,固定句型,应用it充当形式主语,故填it。
66.句意:最后,上课时要记笔记。短语take notes记笔记,固定搭配,故填notes。
67.句意:他在课堂上比以前更活跃了。根据than可知应用比较级,active的比较级是more active,故填more active。
68.句意:他最近取得了巨大的进步。根据recently最近,可知应用现在完成时,结构是have/has+done,主语是he,应用has,故填has made。
70.句意:如果他继续努力,他将走向巨大的成功。句子是if引导的条件状语从句,从句是一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,结构为will+动词原形,故填will lead。
A study showed that there are more pets than children in American families. Amazed Keeping pets at home has several benefits—and if you're among those who have always wanted to keep a pet, let us convince (说服) you to go ahead and get one home!
keeping pets helps you stay happy. People who suffer from illnesses have fewer chances of falling into a depression (沮丧) if they keep pets, compared to those who don't keep pets.
Dogs can even urge (催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired, keeping you active and fit. Other activities related to pets like feeding, bathing, playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.
No matter how lonely you feel, a pet will always be there for you. Whether you want to pour your heart out to them or tell them your secrets, you know it's all safe with them! Pets give you love and never ask for return.
Do you want to improve your social skills People who keep pets are good in their social relations. Kids who grow up with pets at home always show more respect to living things.
We all know that dogs act like a guard of your home. However, pets can sense far more than just a stranger. No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have, and that may save your life!
A. Pets can warn you of danger. B. Pets increase your ability to read. C. Pets help you have better relationships. D. Your pet can be a source of exercise. E. Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness. F. Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.
A. Pets can warn you of danger.宠物可以警告你危险。
B. Pets increase your ability to read. 宠物提高你的阅读能力。
C. Pets help you have better relationships.宠物有助于改善你的人际关系。
D. Your pet can be a source of exercise.宠物可以成为锻炼的来源。
E. Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness.与宠物交谈是缓解孤独的好方法。
F. Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.与宠物共度时光可以让你振奋起来。
71.根据第二段的People who suffer from illnesses have fewer chances of falling into a depression (沮丧) if they keep pets, compared to those who don't keep pets.可知与宠物相伴的人患病的几率比不养宠物的人更小,从而减少陷入抑郁的可能性。因此宠物能让人快乐,故选F。
72.根据第三段的Dogs can even urge (催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired, keeping you active and fit. 可知狗甚至可以在你太累时催促你出去散步,保持你的活力和健康,因此宠物能够让你锻炼,故选D。
73.根据第四段的No matter how lonely you feel, a pet will always be there for you. 可知无论你感到多么孤独,宠物总会陪伴在你身边,因此宠物能够缓解孤独,故选E。
74.根据后文的People who keep pets are good in their social relations. 可知养宠物的人在社交关系方面表现较好,因此宠物有助于社交,故选C。
75.根据后文的No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have, and that may save your life!可知无论你养什么宠物,动物似乎都有一种我们不一定具备的危机感,这可能拯救你的生命!因此宠物能够警告你危险,故选A。
The Mid- Autumn Festival
How we did it watch a show search the Internet ...
What information we have collected History over 1,300 years
Time the 15th day of the eighth lunar month
Celebrations admire the moon play riddle(谜语)games ...
Food ...
What we have learned ...
What we will do next ...
注意:(1)短文必须包括上表所有信息,可适当增加细节;(2)你们的收获至少两条;(3)词数:80—100; (4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。
短文首句:Hi, everyone! I am very happy to share our research with you.
【点评】写作时候应包含所有要点,并按照提示适当发挥,注意单词拼写的准确度,语法运用的准确度,以及文章的流畅度,可运用到的短语如do a survey做调查,enjoy oneself玩的开心,plan to do sth计划做某事,等等。
1.How will the weather be in three days
A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny.
2.How does Tina usually go back home
A.By bus. B.By boat. C.By car.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In the library. B.In the restaurant. C.In the museum.
4.How is Tony feeling now
A.He is excited. B.He is relaxed. C.He is angry.
5.How long will it take Jane to get to school if it rains
A.10 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.30 minutes.
6.When did Grace arrive home yesterday afternoon
A.At about 4:30. B.At about 5:00. C.At about 5:30.
7.Where will the speakers probably go tomorrow night
A.To the park.
B.To the cinema.
C.To the supermarket.
8.What is the man reading at the beginning
A.A novel. B.A storybook. C.A magazine.
9.Which folk story does the girl like best
A.The story of Nu Wa.
B.The story of Chang'e.
C.The story of Yu Gong.
10.When does the conversation probably take place
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.
11.Whom did the speaker go to Hong Kong with
A.His classmates. B.His brothers. C.His parents.
12.How far was it from the speaker's home to Hong Kong
A.One and a half hours' flight.
B.Two and a half hours' flight.
C.Three and a half hours' flight.
13.What did they do on the fourth day of their trip
A.They did some shopping.
B.They went to eat seafood.
C.They visited the theme parks.
14.How long was their trip
A.For four days.
B.For five days .
C.For six days.
15.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.The speaker didn't like the weather in Hong Kong.
B.They went to Hong Kong because of its nice food.
C.They were satisfied with their trip to Hong Kong. 
Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). She was 16. all the time and hurtful to the whole family. Her brother couldn't 17. being in the same room with her. 18. home was no longer a home but a camp under siege(包围).
After thinking carefully, we had to send her to a wonderful 19. in northern Idaho. What a beautiful and alive place! The teachers greeting us were like warm clothes on a 20. day. But "I never want to see your face again" were Lara's parting words. They hurt my heart.
For five months we didn't 21. Lara — not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.
Luckily, a written letter arrived from Lara, thanking me for her new clothes. 22. I'm sure that was the teacher's order, still I was excited to have it. Gradually, our communication got better, leading to our first 23. .
The love and teaching of the 24. were beginning to pay off. Each time we came for a visit we saw more improvement in our 25. . I could see her face became soft, the anger and the hardness were gone. Her girlish face was beautiful, warm and caring. She didn't cause 26. for us anymore. And she discovered she had a beautiful voice. With encouragement, she began to 27. every chance she got. The more she sang, the more confident she felt. She 28. began to love herself.
Lara's graduation from the school was a time of pride and love. She wore a dress knitted(编织) for seven months herself. She gave a speech 29. the best performer in music and singing.
30. happened to my daughter reminded me that—People sure change! And thanks to her teachers!
16.A.busy B.sleepy C.normal D.angry
17.A.stand B.help C.mind D.consider
18.A.His B.Her C.Our D.Their
19.A.camp B.school C.factory D.hospital
20.A.cold B.cloudy C.hot D.sunny
21.A.ask for B.hear from C.look for D.talk about
22.A.Although B.If C.Unless D.Until
23.A.card B.call C.letter D.visit
24.A.teachers B.neighbors C.humans D.parents
25.A.son B.grandmother C.daughter D.friend
26.A.problems B.illness C.fire D.changes
27.A.speak B.dance C.read D.sing
28.A.carefully B.wisely C.suddenly D.slowly
29.A.by B.as C.like D.with
30.A.How B.When C.What D.Why
Come for Kafele's latest book
Are you trying to develop your teaching practice, and most important of all, encourage students to be better Then read this book,"Is my school a better school because I lead it " It has become one of the best sellers recently.
The educator, writer, and speaker Baruti Kafele shared his idea in this book by asking thirty -five questions. The book is centered around three parts as you ask yourself these questions.
About the writer
Kafele wins more than 150 educational prizes. He is not only the writer of 12 books, but also the leader of four schools. One example of his great leadership is Newark Tech, which now wins national attention, thousands of parents hope to send their children to study in it, for it has developed from being low-performing into an excellent one in a short time.
About the book
Publication Type: Books; Guides-Non-Classroom Use
Product: No.120013ISBN978-1-4166-2689-3
Page Count: 96
31.Kafele's latest book discusses ▲ .
A.his learning experience
B.three famous school leaders.
C.a couple of questions on teaching
D.worries and problems from students.
32.Newark Tech is probably ▲ .
A.a book. B.a school. C.a writer. D.a prize.
33.The purpose of this text is to ▲ .
A.introduce a book B.show teaching problems
C.give advice on studying D.describe a great educator
A stranger gave Danielle and her husband Nathan a box of onions, however, they later found they didn't need it, so Danielle decided to pass the kindness on.
Thinking of many families trying to feed their loved ones, Danielle put the onions outside her home, with a sign encouraging others to "take what you need, share what you can". Now, one year on, their stand(小摊), called the " Waverley Co-op", provides thousands of people with 500kg of fruit, vegetables, and bread each week. " others add their things to the stand, too." Says Danielle.
"A common story we hear is that the things people take from the stand help them to save a few dollars so they can afford to buy meat that week." For a new mum, 33-year-old Stacey, it'd been the lifeline she needed to keep food on the table for her family. Last year, Stacey's one-year-old son Kaidan ran into a hot fire, badly burning his hands. Then, her husband lost his job. "Without the help of the Waverley Co-op, we wouldn't have had food,"says Stacey, who discovered the volunteer-led stand by word of mouth.
"It has been a blessing to hear the stories and meet the people in our community," says Danielle,who couldn't be happier that a box of onions brought so many people together. "The trust, support, and connection —that's been the biggest success!"
34.How did Danielle deal with the onions ▲
A.She fed her family on them.
B.She gave them to a stand.
C.She let others take them away.
D.She sold them for fresh fruit.
35.From the passage, we learn that Stacey ▲ .
A.lost her job at the age of 33
B.heard about the stand from others
C.was burned in a fire with her son
D.helped to add things to the stand
36.In Danielle's opinion, the Waverley Co-op finally bring ▲ .
A.plenty of onions for mums
B.Moving stories of strangers
C.kindness and warmth among people
D.good business for the community
37.The best title for the text might be ▲ .
A.A New Mother Saved Her Little Son
B.Kaidan Brought Happiness to People
C.A Small Stand Made All the Difference
D.The Waverley Co-op raised money for people
Chanthaphone's family moved to the present country when she was young. Her primary language at home was Lao. At 5, she learned to speak English. But she didn't know how to read and write, she didn't know how to fit in at school or communicate with classmates. Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone's second-grade teacher, changed everything. She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English, and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone became more and more confident(自信), and she wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.
Now, at 26, Chanthaphone is an English teacher at Fort Worth ISDs William Monnig Middle School. Like Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone tries to help her non-English-speaking students to have the confidence.
At the beginning of each school year, Chanthaphone tells her story to her new classes. She tells them she knows what it feels like not to want to speak in class or raise her hand. Her students, though, are usually uncertain. She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally works. In the classroom, Chanthaphone allows students to communicate in whichever way they feel most comfortable. For some, it may be raising their hands and voicing their thoughts. For others, it may be writing their thoughts on a piece of paper and handing it to Chanthaphone.
However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone(舒适区). She wants them to work with students they don't know because teamwork is really important.
"I've always wanted to be the teacher who supported students in and outside of the classroom," Chanthaphone said."When I get notes or see Facebook posts from parents talking about their teachers, including me, I feel like my goal has been completed."
38.From the passage, we know that Mrs Lewis ▲ .
A.moved from a foreign country at a young age
B.taught Chanthaphone when she was in first grade
C.had difficulty communicating with her students
D.encouraged her students to use their own languages
39.Chanthaphone tells her schooling experience to her new students to ▲ .
A.make a good beginning of her class
B.make herself well known to her students
C.encourage her students to be confident
D.push the students to hand in the paper
40.Chanthaphone pays attention to students' ▲ in her classroom.
A.reading skills B.physical health
C.special talents D.communicating ability
41.The theme of the text is to show " ▲ ".
A.I grow up to become you B.You are the only one
C.No one can say no to you D.Doing is better than saying
You may study English for years and still not understand a native speaker(说本族语的人) of English when you meet one. Many language learners know that native speakers say a lot of things that you can't find in a dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: A lot of British people can't understand each other either!
Across the UK, a number of areas have different dialects (方言). There are many different accents (口音) in London, because it is not just where a person is born in the UK that decides their accent. Language and accents also change across social class and level of education. People from different countries and different age groups add to the influence, too. And so, "Multicultural London English" was created at the end of the 20th century.
"Yoof culture" is an example. The word "yoof" is a slang (俚语) spelling of "youth". Young people are creating their own language by using words that their parents don't understand, children can talk about things that their parents might not agree with. For example, instead of saying something like "That's good!" or "I understand", yoof will use a single word like "Safe!", or "Sorted!" Yoof would use "kind-a-thing" or "sort-a-thing" to replace "if you understand what I'm saying". In this way, they are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.
As learners of English, we may wonder how well we can talk to a native speaker, but perhaps we should worry less about this. Research by the British Council shows that 94 percent of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when we think about "International English", there is no such thing as a native or non-native speaker. The UK no longer owns the English language.
42.In paragraph 2, the writer introduces "Multicultural London English" by ▲ . .
A.telling stories B.listing causes
C.giving examples D.asking questions
43.The rise of "yoof culture"might be the result of young people's wish to ▲ .
A.express themselves freely B.looking for more attention
C.mixing many different cultures D.making English spelling simpler
44."Sorted!"might mean ▲ In "yoof culture"
A.Got it! B.No way!
C.With pleasure! D.No worries!
45.We can read the passage from the website ▲ .
A.www. mooc.cn/music B.www. chinadaily./sports
C.www. /spaceflight D.www. freedictionary.com/language
A. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。
seldom humorous beside deal with present
46.Among the three visitors, Mr.Black is    .
47.Pollution is a great problem   these days.
48.As students in Grade Nine, we     watch television now.
49.There is a parking lot     the building. You can park your car there.
50.One of the     she gave me was a book on African culture. It interested me a lot.
B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。
The Greenwood Library is the best place to go to on weekends. It is in the  51.  (中心的)part of the town,  52.  (无论谁)wants to read can go there. Every Saturday, Steve buys some delicious snacks for his breakfast , and then  53.  (直接)goes to the library. It's  54.  (便利)for him to go there because it is close to his home. Also, people give  55.  (演讲)there, that's  56.  (确切地)what he needs, because he  57.  (仰慕)speakers with much knowledge. Sometimes, he goes to the  58.  (花园)nearby to read English.  59.  (记忆)sentence patterns is his habit. He relaxes there when he is tired. Look! He is  60.  (平躺)on the grass and listening to the tape.
Everyone wants to be successful,  61.  he is good at studies or not. It is true for Alfred, 62.  11-year-old boy. But unluckily, he  63.  (fail) the exam again last month. His grandpa advises him to learn 64.   his mistakes and do the following.
Firstly,  65.   is necessary for him to have a good study habit. While studying, make sure of paying attention to it. And find some time for fun in order to relax as well.
Secondly, he should often remind himself to try his best if he wants to learn well.
Finally, take 66.   (note) in class. It will be helpful if he wants to review what he learns.
Alfred takes the advice. He becomes  67.  (active) in class than before. He 68.   (make) great progress recently. He tells Grandpa  69.  (proud) that he gets an A in his project. If he keeps working hard, he  70.   (lead) to a great success.
A study showed that there are more pets than children in American families. Amazed Keeping pets at home has several benefits—and if you're among those who have always wanted to keep a pet, let us convince (说服) you to go ahead and get one home!
keeping pets helps you stay happy. People who suffer from illnesses have fewer chances of falling into a depression (沮丧) if they keep pets, compared to those who don't keep pets.
Dogs can even urge (催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired, keeping you active and fit. Other activities related to pets like feeding, bathing, playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.
No matter how lonely you feel, a pet will always be there for you. Whether you want to pour your heart out to them or tell them your secrets, you know it's all safe with them! Pets give you love and never ask for return.
Do you want to improve your social skills People who keep pets are good in their social relations. Kids who grow up with pets at home always show more respect to living things.
We all know that dogs act like a guard of your home. However, pets can sense far more than just a stranger. No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have, and that may save your life!
A. Pets can warn you of danger. B. Pets increase your ability to read. C. Pets help you have better relationships. D. Your pet can be a source of exercise. E. Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness. F. Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.
The Mid- Autumn Festival
How we did it watch a show search the Internet ...
What information we have collected History over 1,300 years
Time the 15th day of the eighth lunar month
Celebrations admire the moon play riddle(谜语)games ...
Food ...
What we have learned ...
What we will do next ...
注意:(1)短文必须包括上表所有信息,可适当增加细节;(2)你们的收获至少两条;(3)词数:80—100; (4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。
短文首句:Hi, everyone! I am very happy to share our research with you.
【解析】【听力原文】M:The weather is really good these days.
W:Yeah, but the reporter says it will be rainy in three days.
【分析】句意:三天后的天气会怎么样?根据原文but the reporter says it will be rainy in three days.可知,但记者说,三天后就要下雨了。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Does your friend Tina usually go back home in her father's car
W:No. By boat, She lives near the river.
【分析】句意:蒂娜通常如何回家?根据原文By boat, She lives near the river.可知,乘船,她住在河边。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W:I'd like some chicken, please.
M: Sorry, Madam. I'm afraid there isn't any left.
【分析】句意:对话可能在哪里进行?根据原文I'd like some chicken, please.可知我想吃点鸡肉。可知可能在餐厅,故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Tony,what's the matter with you
M:Well, I can't stand it. My brother looked through my diary yesterday.
【分析】句意:托尼现在感觉如何?根据原文Well, I can't stand it. My brother looked through my diary yesterday.可知,好吧,我受不了了。我哥哥昨天翻了我的日记。因此是生气的,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M:How far do you live from school, Jane
W:It usually takes 20 minutes by car. If it rains, it takes 10 more minutes.
【分析】句意:如果下雨,简需要多长时间才能上学?根据原文It usually takes 20 minutes by car. If it rains, it takes 10 more minutes.可知,开车通常需要20分钟。如果下雨,还需要 10 分钟。因此要30分钟,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Grace,I called you yesterday afternoon,but there was no answer.
W:I guess I was visiting a friend of mine. What time did you call
M:I called at about five.
W:I got home at 4:30, but at 5:00 I was cooking in the kitchen.I didn't hear the phone ringing.
M:Alright. Are you free for a movie tomorrow night
W:Sure.See you tomorrow.
6.根据原文I got home at 4:30可知我4:30到家,故选A。
7.根据原文Are you free for a movie tomorrow night 可知你明天晚上有空看电影吗?因此很可能在电影院,故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Dad,will you read to me
M:Uh,let me finish the magazine first.
W:You've been saying that forever!
M:Well,how about reading the business part of the magazine together
W:That's boring. Let's read this book. There are many folk stories in it.
M:OK. Which story do you like best
W:I think the story of Chang'e is the most touching. It's on Page12.
M:Well,it's bedtime right now. So, okay, here we go."Once upon a time..."
8.根据原文let me finish the magazine first.可知让我先把杂志读完。因此是读杂志,故选C。
9.根据原文I think the story of Chang'e is the most touching. It's on Page12.可知我觉得嫦娥的故事是最感人的。它在第 12 页。故选B。
10.根据原文Well,it's bedtime right now. 可知嗯,现在是就寝时间。因此是晚上,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】 The day of our trip to Hong Kong finally arrived. My parents and I were very excited about this special trip because we all wanted to visit the most famous theme park in the world Hong Kong Disneyland and take photos with the cute cartoon characters there. It took us about three and a half hours to fly there.The weather in Hong Kong was quite different from that inBeijing. It was warm and pleasant.
On the first three days of our trip, we visited some famous theme parks. On the fourth day, we went shopping because Hong Kong is a good place to buy things. My mother enjoyed that day most,and she bought a lot of clothes and some presents. The food in Hong Kong was very nice. We went to a sea food restaurant on the fifth day.
We enjoyed our trip to Hong Kong very much, and I hope I can visit there again someday.
11.根据原文My parents and I were very excited about this special trip可知我和我的父母对这次特别的旅行感到非常兴奋,故选C。
12.根据原文It took us about three and a half hours to fly there.可知我们花了大约三个半小时才飞到那里。故选C。
13.根据原文On the fourth day, we went shopping可知第四天,我们去购物,故选A。
14.根据原文We went to a sea food restaurant on the fifth day.可知第五天,我们去了一家海鲜餐厅。因此去了五天,故选B。
15.根据原文We enjoyed our trip to Hong Kong very much,可知我们非常喜欢我们的香港之旅,因此是满意的,故选C。
16.句意:她总是情绪愤怒,对整个家庭都造成了伤害。A忙碌的,B困的,C正常的,D生气的,根据前文的Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). 可知我们美丽的女儿拉拉几个月来一直很不开心,而且她的行为变得越来越极端,因此是愤怒的,故选D。
19.句意:经过认真思考,我们不得不把她送到北爱达荷州一个美好的学校。A露营,B学校,C工厂,D医院,根据后文的I'm sure that was the teacher's order可知我知道这肯定是老师的安排,因此是学校,故选B。
20.句意:接待我们的老师就像在寒冷的日子里穿上温暖的衣服。A冷的,B多云的,C热的,D晴朗的,根据 warm clothes 可知是温暖的衣服,因此是冷的日子,故选A。
21.句意:五个月来,我们没有收到拉拉的来信、卡片,电话,什么也没有。A要求,B收到来信,C寻找,D谈论,根据not a card, not a call, nothing卡片,电话,什么也没有,因此是指收到来信,符合语境,故选B。
22.句意:虽然我知道这肯定是老师的安排,但我仍然为此感到兴奋。A虽然,B如果,C除非,D直到,根据still I was excited to have it. 我仍然为此感到兴奋,与前一句是转折,应用although连接,引导让步状语从句,故选A。
26.句意:她不再给我们添麻烦了。A问题,B疾病,C火,D改变,根据I could see her face became soft, the anger and the hardness were gone. 可知她的脸变得柔和了,愤怒和冷淡消失了。因此是不再造成问题,故选A。
27.句意:在鼓励下,她开始抓住每一个机会唱歌。A讲话,B跳舞,C阅读,D唱歌,根据后文的The more she sang, the more confident she felt.可知她唱得越多,就越有信心,因此是唱歌,故选D。
29.句意:她作为音乐和歌唱方面的最佳表演者发表演讲。A通过,B作为,C像,D和,根据 the best performer 最好的表演者,因此是作为,故选B。
31.细节题。根据第二段的The educator, writer, and speaker Baruti Kafele shared his idea in this book by asking thirty -five questions. 可知教育家、作家和演讲者Baruti Kafele在这本书中通过提出35个问题分享了他的观点,因此是讨论了关于教学的很多问题,故选C。
32.推断题。根据第三段的One example of his great leadership is Newark Tech, which now wins national attention, thousands of parents hope to send their children to study in it可知他杰出的领导能力的一个例子是Newark Tech,它现在获得了全国的关注,成千上万的家长希望他们的孩子能在这所学校学习,因此是指学校,故选B。
34.细节题。根据第二段的Danielle put the onions outside her home, with a sign encouraging others to "take what you need, share what you can".可知丹尼尔把洋葱放在她家外面,旁边有一个牌子鼓励其他人"拿走你需要的东西,分享你能够分享的东西"。因此是让别人拿走,故选C。
35.细节题。根据第三段的A common story we hear is that the things people take from the stand help them to save a few dollars so they can afford to buy meat that week.可知我们经常听到的一个故事是,人们从摊位上拿走的东西帮助他们节省了几美元,这样他们就能买得起那周的肉,因此从别人那里听到了小摊的故事,故选B。
36.细节题。根据最后的The trust, support, and connection —that's been the biggest success!可知信任、支持和联系——这是最大的成功,因此这个合作社给人们带来了友好,和温暖,故选C。
38.细节题。根据第一段的She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English, and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone became more and more confident(自信), and she wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.可知她教导她的学生,如果他们不知道英语,那没关系,他们可以用自己的母语词汇来解释他们的感受或想法。占塔蓬变得越来越自信,她希望将来能像她的老师那样去做。因此是鼓励自己的学生使用母语,故选D。
39.细节题。根据第三段的She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally works. 可知。她不得不拿出她毕业大学的照片,告诉他们关于她的父母以及她的学校的情况。然后,终于奏效了。由此可推知是想让学生自信,故选C。
40.细节题。根据第四段的However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone(舒适区). She wants them to work with students they don't know because teamwork is really important.可知然而,占塔蓬还是鼓励她的学生走出他们的舒适区。她希望他们能与不认识的同学合作,因为团队合作真的很重要。因此是注重沟通技巧,故选D。
42.细节题。根据第二段的 Language and accents also change across social class and level of education. People from different countries and different age groups add to the influence, too.可知语言和口音也随着社会阶层和教育水平的不同而变化。来自不同国家和不同年龄层的人也在增加影响,因此是列举原因,故选B。
43.细节题。根据第三段最后的In this way, they are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.可知通过这种方式,他们开始寻找自由、独立和自我表达。故选A。
44.细节题。根据第三段的For example, instead of saying something like "That's good!" or "I understand", yoof will use a single word like "Safe!", or "Sorted!"可知例如,他们不会说"那很好!"或者"我明白了",而是用一个单词,如"Safe!"或"Sorted!",因此是指"明白了",故选A。
【答案】46.the most humorous
47.to deal with
【解析】【分析】 seldom几乎不, humorous幽默的, beside在旁边, deal with处理, present礼物。
46.句意:在三个来访者中,布莱克先生是最幽默的。is后接形容词做表语,因为是三个人,应用形容词的最高级,结合所给词应用humorous的最高级形式most humorous,形容词最高级前应加定冠词the,故填 the most humorous 。
47.句意:如今,污染是一个需要处理的大问题。 Pollution 污染,是一个要处理的问题,应用deal with的不定式形式,作后置定语修饰problem,故填 to deal with 。
50.句意:她送给我的礼物之一是一本关于非洲文化的书。这让我很感兴趣。one of其中之一,后接可数名词复数,结合所给词应用present的复数形式,presents礼物,故填presents。
55.句意:此外,那里的人们会做演讲,这正是他需要的,因为他非常钦佩知识渊博的演讲者。演讲speech,give speeches发表演讲,应用复数形式,故填speeches。
59.句意:记住句型是他的习惯。记忆memorize,动词,句子是动词短语作主语,应用动名词形式,句首字母需大写,故填 Memorizing 。
【答案】61.whether;62.an;63.failed;64.from;65.it;66.notes;67.more active;68.has made;69.proudly;70.will lead
61.句意:每个人都想要成功,无论他擅长学习与否。短语whether...or not是否,固定搭配,故填whether。
64.句意:他的爷爷建议他吸取教训并采取以下行动。因为考试失败,因此要从错误中学习,短语learn from sth从某事中学习,固定搭配,故填from。
65.句意:首先,他有必要养成一个好的学习习惯。句型it is+adj for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事如何,固定句型,应用it充当形式主语,故填it。
66.句意:最后,上课时要记笔记。短语take notes记笔记,固定搭配,故填notes。
67.句意:他在课堂上比以前更活跃了。根据than可知应用比较级,active的比较级是more active,故填more active。
68.句意:他最近取得了巨大的进步。根据recently最近,可知应用现在完成时,结构是have/has+done,主语是he,应用has,故填has made。
70.句意:如果他继续努力,他将走向巨大的成功。句子是if引导的条件状语从句,从句是一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,结构为will+动词原形,故填will lead。
A. Pets can warn you of danger.宠物可以警告你危险。
B. Pets increase your ability to read. 宠物提高你的阅读能力。
C. Pets help you have better relationships.宠物有助于改善你的人际关系。
D. Your pet can be a source of exercise.宠物可以成为锻炼的来源。
E. Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness.与宠物交谈是缓解孤独的好方法。
F. Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.与宠物共度时光可以让你振奋起来。
71.根据第二段的People who suffer from illnesses have fewer chances of falling into a depression (沮丧) if they keep pets, compared to those who don't keep pets.可知与宠物相伴的人患病的几率比不养宠物的人更小,从而减少陷入抑郁的可能性。因此宠物能让人快乐,故选F。
72.根据第三段的Dogs can even urge (催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired, keeping you active and fit. 可知狗甚至可以在你太累时催促你出去散步,保持你的活力和健康,因此宠物能够让你锻炼,故选D。
73.根据第四段的No matter how lonely you feel, a pet will always be there for you. 可知无论你感到多么孤独,宠物总会陪伴在你身边,因此宠物能够缓解孤独,故选E。
74.根据后文的People who keep pets are good in their social relations. 可知养宠物的人在社交关系方面表现较好,因此宠物有助于社交,故选C。
75.根据后文的No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have, and that may save your life!可知无论你养什么宠物,动物似乎都有一种我们不一定具备的危机感,这可能拯救你的生命!因此宠物能够警告你危险,故选A。
【点评】写作时候应包含所有要点,并按照提示适当发挥,注意单词拼写的准确度,语法运用的准确度,以及文章的流畅度,可运用到的短语如do a survey做调查,enjoy oneself玩的开心,plan to do sth计划做某事,等等。

  • 浙江省绍兴市柯桥区湖塘中学2023-2024九年级上学期第一次阶段性检测英语试卷已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案