
英 语(R)
本试卷满分100 分,时间60 分钟。
得分 评卷人
( )1. A. table B. classroom C. cake
( )2. A. me B. bed C. we
( )3. A. kite B. knife C. dinner
( )4. A. so B. doctor C. hot
( )5. A. use B. duck C. cute
得分 评卷人
1. light 2. spoon 3. driver 4. shoe 5. sofa
( )1. A. cousin B. noodles C. parents
( )2. A. beef B. chicken C. toy
( )3. A. floor B. strong C. wall
( )4. A. table B. farmer C. cook
( )5. A. notebook B. soup C. vegetable
(C)按要求连线。(10 分)
1. have(第三人称单数) A. aunt
2. candy(复数形式) B. has
3. uncle(对应词) C. doctor
4. nurse(同类词) D. them
5. they(宾格形式) E. candies
得分 评卷人
friendly are chopsticks some yourself
1. Would you like beef
—Yes, please.
2. Sarah is very .
3. Where the keys
—On the desk.
4. Help to some fish.
—Thank you.
5. Look,I can use .
得分 评卷人
从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。
( )1. I have English book.
A. a B. an C.\
( )2. How many are there in your class
A. student B. students C. peoples
( )3. is your bed
—It's blue.
A. What colour B. What time C. Where
( )4. father is a worker. is thin.
A. My, Her B. He, My C. My, He
( )5. —Is the picture on the wall
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they aren't.
得分 评卷人
( )1. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.
( )2. I have new blue glasses.
( )3. Tom's cousin is a football player.
( )4. The toys are on the bed.
( )5. I'd like soup and noodles for dinner.
得分 评卷人
判断下列句子与所给译文是( )否(×)相符。
( )1. What's in the fridge, Zhang Peng
( )2. Let me clean the living room.
( )3. Can I use the knife and fork, please
( )4. Is that your baby sister
( )5. My friend has a nice hat.
得分 评卷人
( )1. Who's that boy A. She is a nurse.
( )2. Is your new friend a girl B. Thank you.
( )3. Let me help you. C. Oh, it's so nice.
( )4. Look, this is my new schoolbag. D. No, he is a boy.
( )5. What's your mother's job E. He is Tim.
得分 评卷人
( )A boy or a girl
( ) Yes, you're right.
( ) Is she Zhao Lin
( )I have a good friend.
( )A girl. She has long brown hair.
得分 评卷人
Welcome to our classroom! It's nice and big. There are 6 windows and 2 doors. The windows are big and the walls are white. There are 25 desks and 25 chairs in it. They are all new. They are for us. There is a big desk. It's for the teacher. Miss Chen is our English teacher. There are some pictures on the wall. I like our classroom.
( )1. Our classroom is nice and big.
( )2. There are 2 windows and 6 doors.
( )3. 25 desks and 25 chairs are in the classroom.
( )4. The big desk is for me.
( )5. Miss Chen is our Chinese teacher。

  • 人教版PEP四年级第一学期英语期末质量检测试卷(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案