
英 语(R)
本试卷满分 100 分,时间60 分钟。
得分 评卷人
( )1. A. me B. red C. she
( )2. A. grape B. cat C. dad
( )3. A. use B. cute C. cut
( )4. A. fine B. pig C. kite
( )5. A. box B. nose C. note
得分 评卷人
( )1. b l A. iw B. ua C. ow
( )2. qu t A. ie B. ei C. nr
( )3. c sin A. au B. ui C. ou
( )4. p ne A. re B. ho C. eh
( )5. w nd w A. i,o B. a,i C. i,a
得分 评卷人
( )1. A. teacher B. sister C. nurse
( )2. A. pen B. ruler C. computer
( )3. A. yellow B. hat C. brown
( )4. A. vegetables B. juice C. milk
( )5. A. family B. grandma C. baby brother
得分 评卷人
strong on schoolbag kitchen chicken
1. Chen Jie is a student. She has a new .
2. The pencil is the table.
4. My uncle is .
5. My mother is in the .
得分 评卷人
( )1. What colour is it A. Three.
( )2. What would you like B. They're near the fridge.
( )3. How many people are there in your family C. It's blue and white.
( )4. What's your aunt's job D. I'd like some soup and bread.
( )5. Where are my shoes E. She's a doctor.
得分 评卷人
( )1. Pass me the knife and fork please. ( )2. Turn on the light.
( )3. My father is a basketball player. ( )4. The cat is under the sofa.
( )5. Go to the study. Read a book.
得分 评卷人
( )1. Are they near the phone
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they are.
( )2. What's dinner
A. for B. have C. to
( )3. Let’s put the picture.
A. up B. at C. on
( )4. Who’s that girl is Amy.
A. He B. She C. It
( )5. Try chopsticks noodles.
A. to B. at C. for
得分 评卷人
( )1. 询问对方是否要吃点牛肉,你可以说:
A. What would you like B. Would you like some beef
( )2. 语文考试就要开始了,老师会对同学们说:
A. Put your Chinese book in the desk.
B. Put your English book under your desk.
( )3.爸爸打算看报纸,可是他找不到他的眼镜,他会问你:
A. Where are your glasses B. Where are my glasses
( )4.午饭时,妈妈问你还要不要再吃点,你不需要了,会说:
A. Yes, please. I' m hungry. B. No, thanks.
( )5.朋友来到你家,看到墙上的照片,他想知道照片上的那个人是不是你爷爷,他应说:
A. Is this your grandpa B. Is he your uncle
得分 评卷人
( )1. I can see some picture on the wall.
( )2. She name is Lu Yaoyao.
( )3. Tom has many toys. It's cute.
( )4. Pass I the noodles please.
( )5. Is this your cousin phone
得分 评卷人
Hello, I'm Zhao Xin. Look at my family photo. My father is a driver. He has a black car. He is tall and strong. My mother is a nurse. She has glasses and her hair is long. My brother Zhao Jun is a basketball player. He is tall and strong, too. My little brother Zhao Jie and I are students. We go to school together(一起) in the morning. Look! Our schoolbags are on the sofa. One is blue and the other(另一个) is yellow. Zhao Jie likes blue very much. Can you guess which one(哪一个) is my schoolbag
( )1. How many people are there in Zhao Xin's family
A. Four. B. Five. C. Seven.
( )2. Zhao Xin has .
A. a brother B. a brother and a sister C. two brothers
( )3. are tall and strong.
A. Zhao Jun and Zhao Jie B. Zhao Xin's brothers
C. Zhao Jun and his father
( )4. Who has glasses
A. Zhao Xin's father. B. Zhao Xin's mother. C. Zhao Xin's parents.
( )5. Which one is right
A. Zhao Xin's mother has long hair.
B. Zhao Xin and Zhao Jun are students.
C. Zhao Xin's blue schoolbag is on the sofa.

  • 人教版PEP四年级第一学期英语期末质量检测卷7(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案