2023-2024河北省张家口市张垣联盟高三上学期12月阶段测试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where are the speakers probably
A. In the tea house. B. In the school. C. In the post office.
2. What does the woman think of the man s result
A. Awkward. B. Ordinary. C. Impressive.
3. Why did Grace call the man
A. To change the meeting time.
B. To cancel the meeting.
C. To ask for the time.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The man’s rooms. B. The woman’s family. C. The man’s clocks.
5. Who is the man probably
A. Mimi’s father. B. Mimi’s doctor. C. Mimi s teacher.
6. What did the woman enjoy during her trip
A. The natural scenery. B. The exciting dogsled. C. The freezing lake.
7. How does the man evaluate the woman’s trip
A. Adventurous but expensive.
B. Amazing but disappointing.
C. Enjoyable but tiring.
8. What is the man doing
A. Painting his home. B. Enjoying his hobby. C. Buying the oil.
9. What is the woman probably going to do
A. Attend painting classes. B. Meet some locals. C. Take up a new sport.
10. Why is the man late
A. Because of his laziness.
B. Because of the broken clock.
C. Because of the bad weather.
11. What is wrong with the woman’s report
A. The topic is incorrect. B. The report is too long. C. The report has a bad impact.
12. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and employee. C. Mother and son.
13 When will the concert take place
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday.
14. What will the man do this weekend
A. Enjoy the live music. B. Grade the papers. C. Stay at the dorm.
15. Why does the woman decide to concentrate on her studies
A. To make more money.
B. To enter the education program.
C. To further her career.
16. What does the woman mean in the end
A. She is going to buy the tickets.
B. She is not jealous of the man.
C. She feels a sense of regret.
17. What do these workshops share
A. The topics are the same.
B. They all last for two hours.
C. They are charged for all students.
18. Which workshop is mainly intended for foreign students
A. The Anxiety workshop. B. The Adjusting workshop. C. The Communicating workshop.
19. What is the last workshop focused on
A. Motivation. B. Preparation. C. Communication.
20. How many workshops are mentioned in the speech
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Best Places to Visit in January 2024
Argentine Patagonia
Many travelers choose to visit Argentine Patagonia in January due to its warm temperatures and enough daylight hours. Conditions will be ideal for kayaking or rafting on the glacier-fed lakes of the Lake District, located in the northern part of Patagonia. Plus, the weather will be warm enough for a trip to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world and an excellent base for hiking in Tierra del Fuego.
Railay Bench
January is one of the driest months of the year on this Thai peninsula, so you’re likely to encounter sun-soaked days of beaching and kayaking while taking in views of the iconic limestone cliffs. If you’re up for more action, this area is known for its rock climbing, and you’ll also find several caves to explore. Just be sure to book early as accommodations can fill up quickly during the dry season.
Zermatt’s most impressive sight is the world-famous Matterhorn. For breathtaking views, take a cable car to Matterhorn Glacier Paradise, Europe’s highest mountain station. Here, travelers can explore the attraction’s Glacier Palace, a fascinating attraction with ice tunnels and ever-changing ice sculptures. Thrill seekers can also gaze at this jaw-dropping natural wonder during a helicopter tour, or they can try hiking or skiing one of the area’s 37 other mountains.
St. Kitts & Nevis
This two-island nation boasts excellent sailing conditions, blue waters perfect for snorkeling (潜泳) and forests and volcanoes for those who prefer to explore on land. Plus, if you’re ringing in the new year here, you’ll catch the closing events for the islands’ biggest festival — the St. Kitts and Nevis National Carnival. Regarded as Sugar Mas by the locals, this cull viral celebration makes this one of the sweetest times of year to visit.
1. What can travelers do in Argentine Patagonia
A. Celebrate the sweetest festivals. B. Experience water rides.
C. Explore rocks and caves. D. Relax on the beautiful beaches.
2. Which place may attract adventurous travelers most
A St. Kitts Nevis. B. Railay Beach.
C Argentine Patagonia. D. Zermatt.
3. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A culture magazine. B. An academic paper.
C. A tourism website. D. A science fiction.
I arrived home from work, my mind racing, I was scheduled to perform an experiment using a pricey piece of equipment, but I had spent the whole day worrying about the experiment which was on the top of my agenda, and I amazingly longed to shut off my anxious thoughts. So after dinner, I made a cup of hot coffee, stretched myself on my sofa, and opened a page. Almost instantly, my mind left behind the details of experimental design and stepped into a land of monsters, magic dust, and man-like bears comprising a wonderful world distinct from my daily life. It was exactly what I needed.
Growing up, I was virtually never big on novels. My classmates would be crazy about the latest Harry Potter book, while my copy sat collecting dust on a shelf. Instead, I would choose to read through the reference books related to my disciplines for better grades. After I started graduate school, extracurricular reading didn’t appeal to me at all but I spent most of my time on campus digesting research papers and textbooks and my mind couldn’t handle processing fact-filled nonfiction books at home, too. So I knew that I needed to find a way to enjoy reading again.
To help me stick with it, I made a New Year’s resolution: I would read two fiction books per month for the entire year. The result was an almost instant appreciation of fiction, along with many unexpected results including ones that have benefited my schoolwork.
What surprised me most was how much I learned. Some of the best books I read were historical fictional stories happening in a realistic historical setting, I learned about life in different countries, as well as struggles people there faced during difficult periods in their histories. The books have helped me build sympathy and understanding, with an unexpected benefit: I’ve started to think more deeply about the diversity of issues in the scientific community and could serve it, heart and soul.
4. How did the author relieve his anxiety
A. By drinking several cups of coffee. B. By watching a funny show on the sofa.
C. By being absorbed in a fascinating book. D. By calling a friend to talk about the worries.
5. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean
A. The author was always a big fan of reading novels.
B. The author lacked enthusiasm for novels from childhood.
C. The author never read any books when the author was young.
D. The author was occupied in the research papers during school.
6. Which words can best describe the author
A. Diligent and self-aware. B. Creative and knowledgeable.
C. Adventurous and thoughtful. D. Ambitious and committed.
7. What can we learn from the author’s story
A. Adversity leads to prosperity. B. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
C. There is no royal road to learning. D. Books and friends should be few but good.
A new survey finds the gender gap in home cooking has widened, with women cooking more meals than men in nearly every country worldwide.
Women cooked just under nine meals per week, on average, in 2022. Men cooked about four per week. These are the results of an annual survey by Gallup and Cookpad, which tracks how often people prepare and eat home-cooked meals in countries around the globe.
When the survey began in 2018, traditional gender roles were well established, but during the pandemic years the survey results showed that men were cooking more. This narrowed the gender gap, explains Andrew Dugan, a research director at Gallup, who has worked on the survey since it began. The latest results, which Dugan says come as a surprise, point to a reversal (颠倒) of this trend. In 2022, women continued to cook at about the same frequency, but men started to cook less.
“It’s the first year that the gap actually widened,” Dugan says, pointing out that the gap has reverted back to its starting point in 2018, “What it might suggest is that the traditional gender roles are starting to reassert themselves,” Dugan says.
The gender gap varies by country. In the United States, women cook about two more meals per week on average, than men. The survey report charts the countries with the largest gender gaps, including Ethiopia, Egypt, and Nepal where women are making about eight more meals per week than men. The countries with the smallest gender differences in cooking are clustered (成群的) in Europe, including Spain, the UK, France, and Ireland.
It’s not clear why the gender gap widened in all the other countries including the U. S., but chef Mike Friedman, who operates several restaurants in the Washington D. C. area, has his take. “The survey may not capture the whole picture,” Friedman says, “In my house, lots of meals are collaborations (合作). My wife does a lot of the cooking. But we talk about it and we talk through what we should make tonight. And most times she’ll start and I’ll finish and then I’m always left with the dishes”.
8. What do we know about the survey
A. It began across the U. S. in 2022. B. It indicated men cooked less in 2018.
C. It measured how often people ate out. D. It focused on gender gaps in eating habits.
9. What can be inferred from Paragraph 5
A. Women are more willing to do the cooking.
B. Traditional cooking methods stay unchanged.
C. The researchers come from different countries.
D. Gender gaps in cooking are smaller in richer countries.
10. What can we learn from Friedman’s words
A. Friedman thinks the survey has limitations.
B. Friedman is critical of women’s roles in cooking.
C. Friedman’s household seldom works together on meals.
D. Friedman’s household has a strict division of cooking roles.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Traditional Gender Roles in Cooking B. The Pandemic’s Impact on Home Cooking
C. Chef Friedman Comments on the Survey D. Gender Gap Widens in Home Cooking
“We know more about the moon and Mars than we do our own planet,” says Richard Jenkins, founder and CEO of Saildrone, a data and robotics company located in Alameda, California.
Saildrone, founded in 2013, focuses on high-performance, hard-wing sail technology capable of breaking motorless land speed records, reaching speeds of 126. 1 mph. This innovative sail automatically adjusts itself for maximum wind power, a departure from traditional sails.
Saildrone doesn’t sell saildrones; instead, they sell data, and a whole lot of it. A day of saildrone data costs clients around $ 2,500, significantly less than the $ 30,000 daily cost of running a traditional ocean research vessel. And saildrones are also carbon neutral, with the 23-foot Explorer model using just the power of the sun and the wind to complete full year long missions around the world.
These unmanned surface vehicles are equipped with solar-powered sensors that offer real-time tracking data to a control center in Alameda. They monitor weather patterns, CO2 levels, and can provide live storm analysis from the midst of a category 4 hurricane. The data collected is used by NOAA for more accurate hurricane path predictions. They also count fish, aiding in sustainable fisheries management. They capture real-time video of drug smugglers and illegal fishing, supporting the U. S. Coast Guard’s ocean security efforts. Additionally, they collect wind density data to assist energy companies in locating best spots for offshore wind farms.
“Ocean mapping is fundamentally important to understanding and predicting our future. Life started probably at the bottom of the ocean, and it really dictates the ocean currents and ocean circulation which transfers heat and carbon throughout our oceans,” says Jenkins, “so understanding the deep sea is critical for geophysics, safety and navigation. and also ocean circulation. Less than 20% of our ocean is mapped, and with 20 of our Surveyors, we could map the entire planet in 9.6 years.”
In a data-driven, digital world, Saildrone is quickly becoming the leading platform for those seeking precise information about our changing oceans. The company currently has around 100 manufactured saildrones. But Jenkins hopes to soon have a global fleet of 1,000 drones sailing around the world helping us better understand and protect our planet.
12. What can we learn about the saildrones
A. Saildrones cannot operate around the clock.
B. Saildrones are not friendly to the environment.
C. Saildrones use innovative sail technology for high speeds.
D. Saildrones are sold mainly for motorless land speed records.
13. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about
A. The multiple functions of saildrones.
B. The history of the saildrone technology.
C. The impact of saildrones on deep-sea exploration.
D. The cost of saildrones compared to traditional methods.
14. What can we infer from Jenkins’s words
A. Ocean mapping can be easily completed.
B. Weather patterns can be changed by saildrones.
C. Saildrones are the first devices to collect ocean data.
D. Saildrones will make a significant difference to our planet.
15. What is Jenkins’s attitude towards the Saildrone’s future
A. Pessimistic. B. Indifferent. C. Optimistic. D. Skeptical.
Moving back in with your parents as an adult isn’t an easy decision, but sometimes it’s necessary. Maybe it’s convenient. Maybe you’re going through a tough time and need extra support from your parents. ____16____ Here are some ways to help create a harmonious household.
Create your exit plan. After settling into your parents’ house, make a plan for how and when you hope to move out. Your parents will probably want to know how long you intend to stay.____17____ Your plan should include personal, professional and financial aims. For example, maybe you want to stay with your parents until you’ve saved enough money for a down payment on your first home or found a job.
Set boundaries. While living with your parents be sure to set boundaries. It’s a powerful tool that fosters an environment of respect and understanding. Maintain your privacy by asking your parents to knock before entering your room. Keep your parents out of your private life.____18____ If they say they don’t want you to borrow their car, don’t borrow it.
Maintain your routine. If you are having trouble setting boundaries, create a routine to help you get out of the house, especially if you work from home and your parents are retired.____19____ If you can, get out every day. During business hours, work from the office, a coffee shop or a local library. Continue to take that spin class with your favorite instructor on Saturdays. Continue to live your life.
____20____ Offer to pay for your share of the utilities, groceries or rent — even if it’s a nominal amount. If you can’t cut your parents a rent check every month, there are other ways to chip in. Perhaps you can take out the garbage, do the household laundry or wash the dishes after dinner. Whatever you decide, be consistent — show your parents that you are grateful for the opportunity to live at home.
A. Be kind to your parents.
B. Contribute to the household.
C. Don’t forget that your parents have boundaries too.
D. And a plan may motivate you to keep reaching your goals.
E. Having that much family time can be a hotbed of conflict.
F. When living with family, it can be hard to find private moments.
G. Whatever the reason, it can be a challenge for everyone involved.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
One sunny afternoon, Joshua Davis stepped off the train at Chicago’s 59th Street station. The 21-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to visit his grandmother.
On the platform, something ____21____ occurred: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! As Davis and oilier horrified passengers watched, he ____22____ uncontrollably as the current flowed through his body.
“Help him!” someone cried. “Please, someone!”
Davis couldn’t just stand there and ____23____. He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. Assuming that all rails between the man and him were electrified, he ____24____ leaped towards the victim, using a high-knee ____25____ he had learned from his high school football days.
Davis soon reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. Instantly, he felt a(n) ____26____ electric shock shoot through his body. Davis jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was ____27____ again. But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm, he ____28____ to move the guy’s body away from the rails.
“Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the ____29____.
Davis was no _____30_____, but for a few moments he _____31_____ the man’s heart until the victim regained consciousness. Then, first-aiders arrived. Davis let the professionals take over. Heart still _____32_____ from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his _____33_____.
The evening news reported the _____34_____, crediting an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life. To many, Davis s courageous deeds _____35_____ the power of choosing compassion over personal safety.
21. A. unavailable B. remarkable C. unimaginable D. preferable
22. A. escaped B. shook C. hesitated D. hung
23. A. watch B. switch C. obey D. resist
24. A. slightly B. barely C. quickly D. entirely
25. A. potential B. sign C. theory D. technique
26. A. identical B. enormous C. accurate D. splendid
27. A. shocked B. defeated C. evaluated D. banned
28. A. attempted B. tended C. desired D. managed
29. A. rail B. train C. platform D. boundary
30. A. expert B. professor C. detective D. genius
31. A. lived off B. worked on C. called on D. went off
32. A. cloning B. leaking C. racing D. stretching
33. A. grandmother’s B. doctor’s C. teacher’s D. aunt’s
34. A. absence B. celebrity C. warning D. incident
35. A. concluded B. demonstrated C. advocated D. interpreted
The Shenzhou-16 crew ____36____ (consist) of three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth safely on Tuesday, after completing a five-month space station mission.
Shenzhou-16’s return capsule, carrying astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao,____37____ (touch) down at the Dongfeng landing site in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 8:11 a. m. (Beijing Time), and the crew had all left the return capsule by 9:10 a. m., according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).
The Shenzhou-16 astronauts are ____38____ good health and the Shenzhou-16 manned mission proved a success, while also marking that all three kinds of astronauts currently available in China, namely spacecraft pilot, spaceflight engineer and payload (有效载荷) expert, had completed ____39____ (they) flight assessments and practical tests, the CMSA said.
This mission has laid ____40____ good foundation for the subsequent development and construction of the crewed spaceflight program and large-scale apace science experiments, the CMSA added.
“I am very excited at this moment as we have finally come back home and returned to our motherland,” said Jing, the mission commander and the first Chinese astronaut ____41____ (complete) four space missions, which amounted to over 200 days. “During our mission, the crew lived a happy life and worked ____42____ (efficient). All operations were carried out without any mistakes,” said Jing while ____43____ (sit) on a chair in front of the capsule.
China launched the manned spaceship Shenzhou-16 on May 30, 2023. It was the first crewed mission of the ____44____ (apply) and development stage of China’s space station. Its crew, who remained in orbit for 154 days, carried out a total of 70 space experiments, performed a space walk,_____45_____ delivered a lecture from the space station.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校刚刚举办了“Calligraphy Master”比赛,你的外国笔友Catherine来信表示对此次书法比赛感兴趣,请你用英语回信介绍比赛,内容包括:
Dear Catherine,
Li hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Another school year was beginning. I had thirteen excited first graders eager to learn and ready to fill my classroom with giggles (咯咯笑), tears, and everything in between, I realized that I had a uniquely small class size and got excited about the special projects we could do. One project that I had been particularly interested in was adopting military members as pen pals for my students.
1 began by sending out an e-mail to our school district employees asking for names and contact information of any military members they knew of. I was able to gather four different contacts and sent an e mail to each one asking if we could “adopt” them.
As the school year progressed, I eagerly awaited responses to my emails, hoping to establish connections between my first-grade students and military members serving abroad. The initial excitement gave way to a bit of uncertainty as there was not any reply.
However, one individual, Sergeant (中士) Allen, emerged as a beacon of hope. He responded to my email, expressing his eagerness to participate in our pen pal project. He shared that he was currently stationed overseas and how much he appreciated the opportunity to connect with young students back home.
Sergeant Allen’s initial email introduced himself to the class and outlined his experiences and duties as a soldier. My first graders were absolutely thrilled to read his words, and their faces lit up with curiosity and wonder. They immediately began drafting their first letters, full of questions about life in the military, his daily routines, and what it was like to be so far from home.
Sergeant Allen didn’t just respond to our initial letters; he became a dedicated and compassionate pen pal. He answered every question from my students, sharing stories of his daily life, and the challenges he faced.
My first graders began crafting colorful cards, drawing pictures, and writing heartfelt letters to Sergeant Allen. These care packages were sent overseas, crossing thousands of miles to reach our newfound friend. Sergeant Allen responded with gratitude, sending his letters and care packages. This continuous exchange fostered a sense of pride and responsibility in the hearts of my young students.
As the school year came to a close, we held a special video call with him.
I was astonished to know that he was my classmate.
听力:1-5 BCACB 6-10ABBAC 11-15 AACAB 16-20 CBCAB2023—2024学年第一学期12月高三阶段测试卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where are the speakers probably
A. In the tea house. B. In the school. C. In the post office.
2. What does the woman think of the man s result
A. Awkward. B. Ordinary. C. Impressive.
3. Why did Grace call the man
A. To change the meeting time.
B. To cancel the meeting.
C. To ask for the time.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The man’s rooms. B. The woman’s family. C. The man’s clocks.
5. Who is the man probably
A. Mimi’s father. B. Mimi’s doctor. C. Mimi s teacher.
6. What did the woman enjoy during her trip
A. The natural scenery. B. The exciting dogsled. C. The freezing lake.
7. How does the man evaluate the woman’s trip
A. Adventurous but expensive.
B. Amazing but disappointing.
C. Enjoyable but tiring.
8. What is the man doing
A. Painting his home. B. Enjoying his hobby. C. Buying the oil.
9. What is the woman probably going to do
A. Attend painting classes. B. Meet some locals. C. Take up a new sport.
10. Why is the man late
A. Because of his laziness.
B. Because of the broken clock.
C. Because of the bad weather.
11. What is wrong with the woman’s report
A. The topic is incorrect. B. The report is too long. C. The report has a bad impact.
12. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and employee. C. Mother and son.
13. When will the concert take place
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday.
14. What will the man do this weekend
A. Enjoy the live music. B. Grade the papers. C. Stay at the dorm.
15. Why does the woman decide to concentrate on her studies
A. To make more money.
B. To enter the education program.
C. To further her career.
16. What does the woman mean in the end
A. She is going to buy the tickets.
B. She is not jealous of the man.
C. She feels a sense of regret.
17. What do these workshops share
A. The topics are the same.
B. They all last for two hours.
C. They are charged for all students.
18. Which workshop is mainly intended for foreign students
A. The Anxiety workshop. B. The Adjusting workshop. C. The Communicating workshop.
19. What is the last workshop focused on
A. Motivation. B. Preparation. C. Communication.
20. How many workshops are mentioned in the speech
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Best Places to Visit in January 2024
Argentine Patagonia
Many travelers choose to visit Argentine Patagonia in January due to its warm temperatures and enough daylight hours. Conditions will be ideal for kayaking or rafting on the glacier-fed lakes of the Lake District, located in the northern part of Patagonia. Plus, the weather will be warm enough for a trip to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world and an excellent base for hiking in Tierra del Fuego.
Railay Bench
January is one of the driest months of the year on this Thai peninsula, so you’re likely to encounter sun-soaked days of beaching and kayaking while taking in views of the iconic limestone cliffs. If you’re up for more action, this area is known for its rock climbing, and you’ll also find several caves to explore. Just be sure to book early as accommodations can fill up quickly during the dry season.
Zermatt’s most impressive sight is the world-famous Matterhorn. For breathtaking views, take a cable car to Matterhorn Glacier Paradise, Europe’s highest mountain station. Here, travelers can explore the attraction’s Glacier Palace, a fascinating attraction with ice tunnels and ever-changing ice sculptures. Thrill seekers can also gaze at this jaw-dropping natural wonder during a helicopter tour, or they can try hiking or skiing one of the area’s 37 other mountains.
St. Kitts & Nevis
This two-island nation boasts excellent sailing conditions, blue waters perfect for snorkeling (潜泳) and forests and volcanoes for those who prefer to explore on land. Plus, if you’re ringing in the new year here, you’ll catch the closing events for the islands’ biggest festival — the St. Kitts and Nevis National Carnival. Regarded as Sugar Mas by the locals, this cull viral celebration makes this one of the sweetest times of year to visit.
1. What can travelers do in Argentine Patagonia
A. Celebrate the sweetest festivals. B. Experience water rides.
C. Explore rocks and caves. D. Relax on the beautiful beaches.
2. Which place may attract adventurous travelers most
A. St. Kitts Nevis. B. Railay Beach.
C. Argentine Patagonia. D. Zermatt.
3. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A culture magazine. B. An academic paper.
C. A tourism website. D. A science fiction.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据Argentine Patagonia中“Conditions will be ideal for kayaking or rafting on the glacier-fed lakes of the Lake District, located in the northern part of Patagonia. (在位于巴塔哥尼亚北部湖区的冰川湖泊上划皮艇或漂流的话,条件非常理想)”可知,在阿根廷的巴塔哥尼亚,旅行者可以体验划皮艇或漂流等水上运动。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据Zermatt中“Thrill seekers can also gaze at this jaw-dropping natural wonder during a helicopter tour, or they can try hiking or skiing one of the area’s 37 other mountains. (寻求刺激的人也可以在直升机之旅中凝视这个令人瞠目结舌的自然奇观,或者他们可以尝试在该地区其他37座山脉中的一座徒步或滑雪)”可知,在采尔马特人们可以体验直升机之旅,在高山上远足或滑雪,这里对寻求刺激、有冒险精神的游客有吸引力。故选D项。
I arrived home from work, my mind racing, I was scheduled to perform an experiment using a pricey piece of equipment, but I had spent the whole day worrying about the experiment which was on the top of my agenda, and I amazingly longed to shut off my anxious thoughts. So after dinner, I made a cup of hot coffee, stretched myself on my sofa, and opened a page. Almost instantly, my mind left behind the details of experimental design and stepped into a land of monsters, magic dust, and man-like bears comprising a wonderful world distinct from my daily life. It was exactly what I needed.
Growing up, I was virtually never big on novels. My classmates would be crazy about the latest Harry Potter book, while my copy sat collecting dust on a shelf. Instead, I would choose to read through the reference books related to my disciplines for better grades. After I started graduate school, extracurricular reading didn’t appeal to me at all but I spent most of my time on campus digesting research papers and textbooks and my mind couldn’t handle processing fact-filled nonfiction books at home, too. So I knew that I needed to find a way to enjoy reading again.
To help me stick with it, I made a New Year’s resolution: I would read two fiction books per month for the entire year. The result was an almost instant appreciation of fiction, along with many unexpected results including ones that have benefited my schoolwork.
What surprised me most was how much I learned. Some of the best books I read were historical fictional stories happening in a realistic historical setting, I learned about life in different countries, as well as struggles people there faced during difficult periods in their histories. The books have helped me build sympathy and understanding, with an unexpected benefit: I’ve started to think more deeply about the diversity of issues in the scientific community and could serve it, heart and soul.
4. How did the author relieve his anxiety
A By drinking several cups of coffee. B. By watching a funny show on the sofa.
C. By being absorbed in a fascinating book. D. By calling a friend to talk about the worries.
5. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean
A. The author was always a big fan of reading novels.
B. The author lacked enthusiasm for novels from childhood.
C. The author never read any books when the author was young.
D. The author was occupied in the research papers during school.
6. Which words can best describe the author
A. Diligent and self-aware. B. Creative and knowledgeable.
C. Adventurous and thoughtful. D. Ambitious and committed.
7. What can we learn from the author’s story
A. Adversity leads to prosperity. B. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
C. There is no royal road to learning. D. Books and friends should be few but good.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“So after dinner, I made a cup of hot coffee, stretched myself on my sofa, and opened a page.(所以晚饭后,我泡了一杯热咖啡,躺在沙发上,打开了一页)”可知,作者晚饭后通过读书来缓解焦虑,故选C。
句意猜测题。根据第二段“My classmates would be crazy about the latest Harry Potter book, while my copy sat collecting dust on a shelf. Instead, I would choose to read through the reference books related to my disciplines for better grades.(我的同学们会为最新的《哈利波特》而疯狂,而我的那本却在书架上积满了灰尘。相反,我会选择阅读与我的学科相关的参考书,以获得更好的成绩)”可知,作者儿时对阅读小说不感兴趣,故划线句意思是“作者从小就对小说缺乏热情”。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第二段“So I knew that I needed to find a way to enjoy reading again.(所以我知道我需要找到一种重新享受阅读的方式)”和第三段“To help me stick with it, I made a New Year’s resolution: I would read two fiction books per month for the entire year.(为了帮助我坚持下去,我制定了一个新年计划:一整年每个月读两本小说)”可推知,作者意识到了阅读的重要并下定决心坚持阅读,可见作者了解自我,勤奋上进。故选A。
A new survey finds the gender gap in home cooking has widened, with women cooking more meals than men in nearly every country worldwide.
Women cooked just under nine meals per week, on average, in 2022. Men cooked about four per week. These are the results of an annual survey by Gallup and Cookpad, which tracks how often people prepare and eat home-cooked meals in countries around the globe.
When the survey began in 2018, traditional gender roles were well established, but during the pandemic years the survey results showed that men were cooking more. This narrowed the gender gap, explains Andrew Dugan, a research director at Gallup, who has worked on the survey since it began. The latest results, which Dugan says come as a surprise, point to a reversal (颠倒) of this trend. In 2022, women continued to cook at about the same frequency, but men started to cook less.
“It’s the first year that the gap actually widened,” Dugan says, pointing out that the gap has reverted back to its starting point in 2018, “What it might suggest is that the traditional gender roles are starting to reassert themselves,” Dugan says.
The gender gap varies by country. In the United States, women cook about two more meals per week on average, than men. The survey report charts the countries with the largest gender gaps, including Ethiopia, Egypt, and Nepal where women are making about eight more meals per week than men. The countries with the smallest gender differences in cooking are clustered (成群的) in Europe, including Spain, the UK, France, and Ireland.
It’s not clear why the gender gap widened in all the other countries including the U. S., but chef Mike Friedman, who operates several restaurants in the Washington D. C. area, has his take. “The survey may not capture the whole picture,” Friedman says, “In my house, lots of meals are collaborations (合作). My wife does a lot of the cooking. But we talk about it and we talk through what we should make tonight. And most times she’ll start and I’ll finish and then I’m always left with the dishes”.
8. What do we know about the survey
A. It began across the U. S. in 2022. B. It indicated men cooked less in 2018.
C. It measured how often people ate out. D. It focused on gender gaps in eating habits.
9. What can be inferred from Paragraph 5
A. Women are more willing to do the cooking.
B. Traditional cooking methods stay unchanged.
C. The researchers come from different countries.
D. Gender gaps in cooking are smaller in richer countries.
10. What can we learn from Friedman’s words
A. Friedman thinks the survey has limitations.
B. Friedman is critical of women’s roles in cooking.
C. Friedman’s household seldom works together on meals.
D. Friedman’s household has a strict division of cooking roles.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Traditional Gender Roles in Cooking B. The Pandemic’s Impact on Home Cooking
C. Chef Friedman Comments on the Survey D. Gender Gap Widens in Home Cooking
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. D
细节理解题。根据第三段“When the survey began in 2018, traditional gender roles were well established, but during the pandemic years the survey results showed that men were cooking more.(当调查于2018年开始时,传统的性别角色已经确立,但在大流行期间,调查结果显示,男性做饭更多)”可知,在2018年,男性做饭较少。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第五段“The countries with the smallest gender differences in cooking are clustered (成群的) in Europe, including Spain, the UK, France, and Ireland.(在烹饪方面性别差异最小的国家集中在欧洲,包括西班牙、英国、法国和爱尔兰)”可推知,在富裕国家,烹饪方面的性别差距较小。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“The survey may not capture the whole picture(这项调查可能没有反映出全部情况)”可知,他认为这项调查存在局限性。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“A new survey finds the gender gap in home cooking has widened, with women cooking more meals than men in nearly every country worldwide.(一项新的调查发现,在家做饭的性别差距已经扩大,在世界上几乎每个国家,女性做饭的时间都比男性多)”结合文章详细说明了不同年代做饭次数差异的情况以及性别差距因国家而异。故D选项“家庭烹饪中的性别差距扩大”最符合文章标题。故选D。
“We know more about the moon and Mars than we do our own planet,” says Richard Jenkins, founder and CEO of Saildrone, a data and robotics company located in Alameda, California.
Saildrone, founded in 2013, focuses on high-performance, hard-wing sail technology capable of breaking motorless land speed records, reaching speeds of 126. 1 mph. This innovative sail automatically adjusts itself for maximum wind power, a departure from traditional sails.
Saildrone doesn’t sell saildrones; instead, they sell data, and a whole lot of it. A day of saildrone data costs clients around $ 2,500, significantly less than the $ 30,000 daily cost of running a traditional ocean research vessel. And saildrones are also carbon neutral, with the 23-foot Explorer model using just the power of the sun and the wind to complete full year long missions around the world.
These unmanned surface vehicles are equipped with solar-powered sensors that offer real-time tracking data to a control center in Alameda. They monitor weather patterns, CO2 levels, and can provide live storm analysis from the midst of a category 4 hurricane. The data collected is used by NOAA for more accurate hurricane path predictions. They also count fish, aiding in sustainable fisheries management. They capture real-time video of drug smugglers and illegal fishing, supporting the U. S. Coast Guard’s ocean security efforts. Additionally, they collect wind density data to assist energy companies in locating best spots for offshore wind farms.
“Ocean mapping is fundamentally important to understanding and predicting our future. Life started probably at the bottom of the ocean, and it really dictates the ocean currents and ocean circulation which transfers heat and carbon throughout our oceans,” says Jenkins, “so understanding the deep sea is critical for geophysics, safety and navigation. and also ocean circulation. Less than 20% of our ocean is mapped, and with 20 of our Surveyors, we could map the entire planet in 9.6 years.”
In a data-driven, digital world, Saildrone is quickly becoming the leading platform for those seeking precise information about our changing oceans. The company currently has around 100 manufactured saildrones. But Jenkins hopes to soon have a global fleet of 1,000 drones sailing around the world helping us better understand and protect our planet.
12. What can we learn about the saildrones
A. Saildrones cannot operate around the clock.
B Saildrones are not friendly to the environment.
C. Saildrones use innovative sail technology for high speeds.
D. Saildrones are sold mainly for motorless land speed records.
13. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about
A. The multiple functions of saildrones.
B. The history of the saildrone technology.
C. The impact of saildrones on deep-sea exploration.
D. The cost of saildrones compared to traditional methods.
14. What can we infer from Jenkins’s words
A. Ocean mapping can be easily completed.
B. Weather patterns can be changed by saildrones.
C. Saildrones are the first devices to collect ocean data.
D. Saildrones will make a significant difference to our planet.
15. What is Jenkins’s attitude towards the Saildrone’s future
A. Pessimistic. B. Indifferent. C. Optimistic. D. Skeptical.
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C
细节理解题。由第二段“This innovative sail automatically adjusts itself for maximum wind power, a departure from traditional sails.(与传统的风帆不同,他的创新风帆可以自动调节最大风力。)”可知,新型的帆可自行调整以最大程度地利用风能,提高速度,因此可知Saildrones使用创新的风帆技术实现高速飞行。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第四段内容“These unmanned surface vehicles are equipped with solar-powered sensors that offer real-time tracking data to a control center in Alameda. They monitor weather patterns, CO2 levels, and can provide live storm analysis from the midst of a category 4 hurricane. The data collected is used by NOAA for more accurate hurricane path predictions. They also count fish, aiding in sustainable fisheries management. They capture real-time video of drug smugglers and illegal fishing, supporting the U. S. Coast Guard’s ocean security efforts. Additionally, they collect wind density data to assist energy companies in locating best spots for offshore wind farms.(这些无人水面车辆配备了太阳能传感器,可以向阿拉米达的控制中心提供实时跟踪数据。它们监测天气模式、二氧化碳水平,并能在4级飓风中提供实时风暴分析。NOAA将收集到的数据用于更准确的飓风路径预测。他们还计算鱼类数量,帮助可持续渔业管理。他们捕捉毒品走私者和非法捕鱼的实时视频,支持美国海岸警卫队的海洋安全工作。此外,他们还收集风密度数据,以帮助能源公司找到海上风力发电场的最佳地点。)”可知,第四段介绍了无人航行器功能众多,可被应用到不同领域,故选A。
推理判断题。由第五段Jenkins 说的“so understanding the deep sea is critical for geophysics, safety and navigation, and also ocean circulation. Less than 20% of our ocean is mapped, and with 20 of our Surveyors, we could map the entire planet in 9.6 years.(因此,了解深海对地球物理学、安全和导航,以及海洋环流都至关重要。只有不到20%的海洋被绘制在地图上,我们的20名测量员可以在9.6年的时间里绘制出整个地球的地图。)”可知,Jenkins认为无人航行器能够帮助我们更深入地研究海洋,进而更全面地了解我们生存的地球,会对我们的星球产生很大的影响。故选D。
推理判断题。由最后一段“But Jenkins hopes to soon have a global fleet of 1,000 drones sailing around the world helping us better understand and protect our planet.(但詹金斯希望很快就能有一支由1000架无人机组成的全球舰队在世界各地航行,帮助我们更好地了解和保护我们的星球。)”可知,作者对于新型无人航行器充满期待。故选C。
Moving back in with your parents as an adult isn’t an easy decision, but sometimes it’s necessary. Maybe it’s convenient. Maybe you’re going through a tough time and need extra support from your parents. ____16____ Here are some ways to help create a harmonious household.
Create your exit plan. After settling into your parents’ house, make a plan for how and when you hope to move out. Your parents will probably want to know how long you intend to stay.____17____ Your plan should include personal, professional and financial aims. For example, maybe you want to stay with your parents until you’ve saved enough money for a down payment on your first home or found a job.
Set boundaries. While living with your parents, be sure to set boundaries. It’s a powerful tool that fosters an environment of respect and understanding. Maintain your privacy by asking your parents to knock before entering your room. Keep your parents out of your private life.____18____ If they say they don’t want you to borrow their car, don’t borrow it.
Maintain your routine. If you are having trouble setting boundaries, create a routine to help you get out of the house, especially if you work from home and your parents are retired.____19____ If you can, get out every day. During business hours, work from the office, a coffee shop or a local library. Continue to take that spin class with your favorite instructor on Saturdays. Continue to live your life.
____20____ Offer to pay for your share of the utilities, groceries or rent — even if it’s a nominal amount. If you can’t cut your parents a rent check every month, there are other ways to chip in. Perhaps you can take out the garbage, do the household laundry or wash the dishes after dinner. Whatever you decide, be consistent — show your parents that you are grateful for the opportunity to live at home.
A. Be kind to your parents.
B. Contribute to the household.
C. Don’t forget that your parents have boundaries too.
D. And a plan may motivate you to keep reaching your goals.
E. Having that much family time can be a hotbed of conflict.
F. When living with family, it can be hard to find private moments.
G. Whatever the reason it can be a challenge for everyone involved.
【答案】16. G 17. D 18. C 19. E 20. B
由前文“Maybe you’re going through a tough time and need extra support from your parents.(也许你正经历一段艰难的时期,需要父母的额外支持)”可知,因为某些原因可能需要搬回家和父母一起住,故本句对此进行评价。G选项“不管是什么原因,这对每个人来说都是一个挑战”与上句衔接,并指出生活在同一屋檐下也是一个挑战,引出下文。故选G。
由本段主题句“Create your exit plan.(制定你的搬出计划)”以及后文“Your plan should include personal, professional and financial aims.(你的计划应该包括个人、职业和财务目标)”可知,要制定搬出计划。D选项“制定计划可激励自己朝着目标努力”符合题意,呼应下一句。故选D。
根据上文“Set boundaries. While living with your parents, be sure to set boundaries. It’s a powerful tool that fosters an environment of respect and understanding. Maintain your privacy by asking your parents to knock before entering your room. Keep your parents out of your private life.(设定界限。当你和父母住在一起时,一定要设定界限。这是培养尊重和理解环境的有力工具。请父母在进入房间前敲门,以保护你的隐私。不要让父母干涉你的私生活)”本段介绍和父母之间要有边界感。告知父母不要干涉自己的个人生活,同时也要尊重父母,不要越界。C选项“别忘了你的父母也有底线”符合语境,故选C。
由前一句“If you are having trouble setting boundaries, create a routine to help you get out of the house, especially if you work from home and your parents are retired.(如果你在设定界限方面有困难,那就制定一个常规来帮助你走出家门,特别是如果你在家工作,而你的父母已经退休了)”可知,要定期地出门活动,特别当自己在家办公或父母退休时,和父母相处的时间过多可能产生矛盾。E项“太多的家庭时间可能会成为冲突的温床”符合题意。故选E。
由下文“Offer to pay for your share of the utilities, groceries or rent — even if it’s a nominal amount.(主动支付水电费、杂货费或房租——即使只是象征性的金额)”可知,和父母一起住时要主动承担部分家务,即对家庭做出贡献。B选项“对家庭有贡献”符合语境,故选B。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
One sunny afternoon, Joshua Davis stepped off the train at Chicago’s 59th Street station. The 21-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to visit his grandmother.
On the platform, something ____21____ occurred: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! As Davis and oilier horrified passengers watched, he ____22____ uncontrollably as the current flowed through his body.
“Help him!” someone cried. “Please, someone!”
Davis couldn’t just stand there and ____23____. He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. Assuming that all rails between the man and him were electrified, he ____24____ leaped towards the victim, using a high-knee ____25____ he had learned from his high school football days.
Davis soon reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. Instantly, he felt a(n) ____26____ electric shock shoot through his body. Davis jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was ____27____ again. But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm, he ____28____ to move the guy’s body away from the rails.
“Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the ____29____.
Davis was no _____30_____, but for a few moments he _____31_____ the man’s heart until the victim regained consciousness. Then, first-aiders arrived. Davis let the professionals take over. Heart still _____32_____ from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his _____33_____.
The evening news reported the _____34_____, crediting an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life. To many, Davis s courageous deeds _____35_____ the power of choosing compassion over personal safety.
21. A. unavailable B. remarkable C. unimaginable D. preferable
22. A. escaped B. shook C. hesitated D. hung
23. A. watch B. switch C. obey D. resist
24. A. slightly B. barely C. quickly D. entirely
25. A. potential B. sign C. theory D. technique
26. A. identical B. enormous C. accurate D. splendid
27. A. shocked B. defeated C. evaluated D. banned
28. A. attempted B. tended C. desired D. managed
29. A. rail B. train C. platform D. boundary
30. A. expert B. professor C. detective D. genius
31. A. lived off B. worked on C. called on D. went off
32. A. cloning B. leaking C. racing D. stretching
33. A. grandmother’s B. doctor’s C. teacher’s D. aunt’s
34. A. absence B. celebrity C. warning D. incident
35. A. concluded B. demonstrated C. advocated D. interpreted
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个年轻人Anthony Perry在芝加哥的69街火车站见到一个男子跌落到带电的铁轨上后,冒着生命危险去救助他的故事。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在站台上,想象不到的事情发生了:一个人从站台边缘掉到通电的铁轨上!A. unavailable得不到的、没空的;B. remarkable非凡的;C. unimaginable无法想象的;D. preferable更合意的。根据下文“a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks!”以及人们表现出的震惊可知,这件事是谁都想象不到的。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Davis和更多惊恐的乘客看到时,他的身体无法控制地颤抖着,因为电流通过了他的身体。A. escaped逃避;B. shook摇动、颤抖;C. hesitated犹豫;D. hung悬挂。根据上文可知,这些铁轨是带电的,而根据下文“as the current flowed through his body”可知,电流已经通过了这名男子的身体。根据常识可知,这位男子此时的身体应该是在颤抖。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Davis不能就站在那里看着。A. watch看;B. switch转换;C. obey遵守;D. resist抵制。根据上文“As Davis and oilier horrified passengers watched, he ____2____ uncontrollably as the current flowed through his body.”可知,事发突然,所有人都站在那儿看,包括Davis,这是经人提醒,他觉得不能就站在那儿看。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:假设他和那名男子之间的铁轨都通电了,他迅速跳向受害者,使用了他在高中足球时代学到的膝跳技术。A. slightly稍微地;B. barely几乎不;C. quickly迅速地;D. entirely完全。根据下文“using a high-knee ____5____ he had learned from his high school football days.”可知,考虑到铁轨通电,所以他用了膝跳技巧快速跳向受害者。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:假设他和那名男子之间的铁轨都通电了,他迅速跳向受害者,使用了他在高中足球时代学到的膝跳技术。A. potential可能性、潜能;B. sign手势、符号;C. theory理论;D. technique技巧、技术。根据上文“he ____4____ leaped towards the victim”可知,他使用了膝跳技巧快速跳向受害者,空处指的是技巧。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:瞬间,他感到一阵巨大的电击穿过他的身体。A. identical相同的;B. enormous巨大的;C. accurate准确的;D. splendid极好的、壮观的。根据下文“Davis jumped back”可知,他感到巨大的电击穿过身体,所以他往回跳了一下。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他又把手伸下去,又被电了一下。A. shocked使震惊、电击;B. defeated击败;C. evaluated评估;D. banned禁止。根据空后的“again”可知,他又再次被电了。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当他第三次抓住那个人的手腕和前臂时,他成功地把那个人的身体从铁轨上移开了。A. attempted试图;B. tended趋向,易于;C. desired渴望;D. managed管理,做成。根据下文““Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the ____9____.”可知,Davis第三次成功将那个人的身体从铁轨上拉开了。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“给他做胸部按压!”站台上的一位老太太喊道。A. rail栏杆、铁轨;B. train火车;C. platform月台、站台;D. boundary边界。根据上文“On the platform, something ____1____ occurred”可知,这一切事情都发生在车站里,由此可知,这位老人应该是在站台上。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Davis不是专家,但他为男子做了几分钟的心脏复苏,直到受害者恢复意识。A. expert专家;B. professor教授;C. detective侦探;D. genius天才。根据上文“The 21-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to visit his grandmother.”可知,Davis不是急救方面的专家。故选A。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:Davis不是专家,但他为男子做了几分钟的心脏复苏,直到受害者恢复意识。A. lived off依赖……生活;B. worked on对……起作用、忙着做……;C. called on号召;D. went off爆炸、熄灭。根据空后的“the man’s heart”可知,Davis是为这个人做了心脏复苏。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:电击后他心脏还在加速跳动,他爬回站台,抓起东西,继续向祖母家走去。A. cloning克隆;B. leaking泄露;C. racing赛跑、快速跳动;D. stretching伸展、延伸。根据下文“from the electric shocks”以及常识可知,由于电击,所以心脏还在快速跳动。故选C。
考查名词所有格词义辨析。句意:电击后他心脏还在加速跳动,他爬回站台,抓起东西,继续向祖母家走去。A. grandmother’s祖母的;B. doctor’s医生的;C. teacher’s老师的;D. aunt’s阿姨的。根据上文“The 21-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to visit his grandmother.”可知,Davis本打算去祖母家,所以此时他是继续向祖母家走去。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:晚间新闻报道了这一事件,并称赞一位无名英雄挽救了受害者的生命。A. absence缺席;B. celebrity名人;C. warning警告;D. incident事件。根据上文可知,这是一个突发事件。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:对许多人来说,Davis勇敢的行为证明了选择同情而不是个人安全的力量。A. concluded下结论;B. demonstrated证明、演示;C. advocated提倡;D. interpreted口译。根据主语“Davis s courageous deeds”和宾语“the power of choosing compassion over personal safety.”可知,Davis的勇敢行为证明了选择同情的力量。故选B。
The Shenzhou-16 crew ____36____ (consist) of three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth safely on Tuesday, after completing a five-month space station mission.
Shenzhou-16’s return capsule, carrying astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao,____37____ (touch) down at the Dongfeng landing site in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 8:11 a. m. (Beijing Time), and the crew had all left the return capsule by 9:10 a. m., according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).
The Shenzhou-16 astronauts are ____38____ good health and the Shenzhou-16 manned mission proved a success, while also marking that all three kinds of astronauts currently available in China, namely spacecraft pilot, spaceflight engineer and payload (有效载荷) expert, had completed ____39____ (they) flight assessments and practical tests, the CMSA said.
This mission has laid ____40____ good foundation for the subsequent development and construction of the crewed spaceflight program and large-scale apace science experiments, the CMSA added.
“I am very excited at this moment as we have finally come back home and returned to our motherland,” said Jing, the mission commander and the first Chinese astronaut ____41____ (complete) four space missions, which amounted to over 200 days. “During our mission, the crew lived a happy life and worked ____42____ (efficient). All operations were carried out without any mistakes,” said Jing while ____43____ (sit) on a chair in front of the capsule.
China launched the manned spaceship Shenzhou-16 on May 30, 2023. It was the first crewed mission of the ____44____ (apply) and development stage of China’s space station. Its crew, who remained in orbit for 154 days, carried out a total of 70 space experiments, performed a space walk,_____45_____ delivered a lecture from the space station.
【答案】36. consisting
37. touched
38. in 39. their
40. a 41. to complete
42. efficiently
43. sitting
44. application
45. and
考查动词时态。句意:据中国载人航天局(CMSA)称,神舟16号的返回舱载着宇航员景海鹏、朱洋柱和桂海超,于北京时间上午8点11分在中国北部内蒙古自治区的东风着陆点着陆,机组人员于上午9点10分全部离开返回舱。touch down降落,着陆。该动作发生在过去某个时间,所以用一般过去时。故填touched。
考查介词。句意:中国航天局表示,神舟16号宇航员身体健康,神舟16号载人飞行任务证明是成功的,同时也标志着中国目前可用的三种宇航员,即航天器飞行员、航天工程师和有效载荷专家,已经完成了飞行评估和实际测试。in good health健康状况良好。故填in。
考查代词。句意:中国航天局表示,神舟16号宇航员身体健康,神舟16号载人飞行任务证明是成功的,同时也标志着中国目前可用的三种宇航员,即航天器飞行员、航天工程师和有效载荷专家,已经完成了飞行评估和实际测试。空后为名词词组flight assessments,所以此处需要形容词性物主代词。故填their。
考查冠词。句意:中国航天局补充说,这次任务为载人航天计划的后续发展和建设以及大规模的空间科学实验奠定了良好的基础。lay a good foundation,意为“为……奠定良好的基础”,所以此处填不定冠词a。故填a。
考查非谓语动词。句意:“这一刻我非常激动,因为我们终于回家了,回到了我们的祖国,”景说,他是任务指挥官,也是第一位完成四次太空任务的中国宇航员,总共200多天。the first Chinese astronaut to complete four space missions,意为“第一个完成四次太空任务的中国宇航员”。Chinese astronaut前有序数词the first修饰,不定式to complete four space missions作后置定语。故填to complete。
考查省略。句意:“在我们的任务中,机组人员过着幸福的生活,工作效率很高。所有的操作都没有出现任何错误,”景坐在太空舱前的椅子上说。while引导时间状语从句时,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同,那么从句的主语和谓语动词be都可以省略。while后省略了“he was”,主语he与sit之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词。故填sitting。
考查名词。句意:这是中国空间站应用和发展阶段的第一次载人任务。由名词development可知,此处需要名词与之并列。the application and development stage,意为“应用和发展阶段”。故填application。
考查连词。句意:宇航员们在轨道上停留了154天,共进行了70项太空实验,进行了太空行走,并在空间站发表了演讲。“carried out”、“performed”、“delivered”是三个并列谓语动词,因此此处填连词and。故填and。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校刚刚举办了“Calligraphy Master”比赛,你的外国笔友Catherine来信表示对此次书法比赛感兴趣,请你用英语回信介绍比赛,内容包括:
Dear Catherine,
Li hua
【答案】Dear Catherine,
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m excited to share some news about the “Calligraphy Master” competition recently held at my school.
The aim of this competition was to promote the art of calligraphy and foster students’ creative expression and cultural appreciation. During the competition, students from different grades had the opportunity to choose calligraphy styles and themes for their entries. Expert judges evaluated their works based on brushwork, composition, and aesthetics.
The response was incredibly positive, with a significant turnout of students and teachers. The event generated a lot of interest in traditional Chinese art and culture, creating a sense of pride in our school community. Looking forward to your next letter!
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给外国笔友Catherine回信,介绍学校刚刚举办的“Calligraphy Master”比赛情况。
目的:aim→ purpose
极其:incredibly→ extremely
原句:I’m excited to share some news about the “Calligraphy Master” competition recently held at my school.
拓展句:I’m excited to share some news about the “Calligraphy Master” competition which was held recently at my school.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m excited to share some news about the “Calligraphy Master” competition recently held at my school.(运用了过去分词作后置定语)
【高分句型2】The event generated a lot of interest in traditional Chinese art and culture, creating a sense of pride in our school community.(运用了现在分词作结果状语)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Another school year was beginning. I had thirteen excited first graders eager to learn and ready to fill my classroom with giggles (咯咯笑), tears, and everything in between, I realized that I had a uniquely small class size and got excited about the special projects we could do. One project that I had been particularly interested in was adopting military members as pen pals for my students.
1 began by sending out an e-mail to our school district employees asking for names and contact information of any military members they knew of. I was able to gather four different contacts and sent an e mail to each one asking if we could “adopt” them.
As the school year progressed, I eagerly awaited responses to my emails, hoping to establish connections between my first-grade students and military members serving abroad. The initial excitement gave way to a bit of uncertainty as there was not any reply.
However, one individual, Sergeant (中士) Allen, emerged as a beacon of hope. He responded to my email, expressing his eagerness to participate in our pen pal project. He shared that he was currently stationed overseas and how much he appreciated the opportunity to connect with young students back home.
Sergeant Allen’s initial email introduced himself to the class and outlined his experiences and duties as a soldier. My first graders were absolutely thrilled to read his words, and their faces lit up with curiosity and wonder. They immediately began drafting their first letters, full of questions about life in the military, his daily routines, and what it was like to be so far from home.
Sergeant Allen didn’t just respond to our initial letters; he became a dedicated and compassionate pen pal. He answered every question from my students, sharing stories of his daily life, and the challenges he faced.
My first graders began crafting colorful cards, drawing pictures, and writing heartfelt letters to Sergeant Allen. These care packages were sent overseas, crossing thousands of miles to reach our newfound friend. Sergeant Allen responded with gratitude, sending his letters and care packages. This continuous exchange fostered a sense of pride and responsibility in the hearts of my young students.
As the school year came to a close, we held a special video call with him.
I was astonished to know that he was my classmate.
【答案】One possible version:
As the school year came to a close, we held a special video call with him. Our students were overjoyed to finally see the face behind the caring words and kind gestures that had connected them with Sergeant Allen throughout the year. During the video call, the room was filled with excitement as Sergeant Allen appeared on the screen. The children’s faces lit up with recognition, but what happened next left me astonished. Sergeant Allen’s face looked extremely familiar. It was then that he revealed a surprising connection — he was, in fact, my first-grade classmate!
I was astonished to know that he was my classmate. It was an incredible twist of fate that Sergeant Allen was my first-grade classmate. It added a significant layer of meaning to our pen pal project and highlighted the small world we live in. Sergeant Allen shared stories of our shared school days, our teachers, and the adventures we had as children. It was a heartwarming moment, and the children were amazed to learn that their teacher and their pen pal had a deep, unexpected connection. It strengthened the idea that friendships and connections can go beyond time and distance, leaving a lasting impact on my young students.
影响:impact /influence
惊讶:astonished / amazed /surprised
感人:heartwarming /moving/touching
【点睛】[高分句型1] It strengthened the idea that friendships and connections can go beyond time and distance, leaving a lasting impact on my young students. (运用了that引导同位语从句)
[高分句型2] It was a heartwarming moment, and the children were amazed to learn that their teacher and their pen pal had a deep, unexpected connection. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
听力:1-5 BCACB 6-10ABBAC 11-15 AACAB 16-20 CBCAB

  • 2023-2024河北省张家口市张垣联盟高三上学期12月阶段测试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案