2023-2024黑龙江省大庆市肇州县高二上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

考试时间120分钟 满分:150分
1.What is the man going to buy
A.A TV. B.A tablet. C.A computer.
2.What will the man and his family do today
A.Go swimming. B.Go fishing. C.Have a picnic.
3.Why is the woman so angry
A.The hotel can’t meet her needs.
B.The hotel lost her reservations.
C.The hotel didn’t explain what had happened.
4.How will the woman go to her mother’s house this time
A.By train. B.By car. C.By bus.
5.What does the woman suggest doing
A.Watching TV. B.Going shopping together. C.Doing some outdoor activities.
6.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Dad and daughter. C.Boss and secretary.
7.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Water pollution. B.The result of research. C.The topic of the woman’s paper.
8.Where does the man usually watch movies
A.On his smartphone. B.On his laptop. C.At the movie theater.
9.How often does the man go to the movie theater
A.Once a week. B.Twice a month. C.Every day.
10.What does the woman probably do
A.A lawyer. B.A reporter. C.A policewoman.
11.How many people were involved in the accident
A.2. B.3. C.4.
12.What do we know from the conversation
A.The driver’s son was hurt.
B.The man didn’t call the police or a lawyer.
C.The man was sent to hospital immediately.
13.What is the woman going to do today
A.Take her son to have a class.
B.Open a bank account for her son.
C.Teach her son how to make money.
14.What does the woman’s son want to spend his first paycheck on
A.Kids’ education. B.Job training. C.Video games.
15.What does the man’s second son often do
A.He often saves his paycheck.
B.He often does business with the bank.
C.He often borrows money from his elder brother.
16.What does the woman think of the man’s younger son
A.Funny and smart. B.Kind and friendly. C.Generous and hardworking.
17.What’s the special of the Urban Food Forest
A.It is owned by a city. B.It is an eatable landscape. C.It is maintained by visitors.
18.Where is the Urban Food Forest
A.In northeast Atlanta. B.In southwest Atlanta. C.In southeast Atlanta.
19.Who helps manage the forest
A.Michael McCord. B.Carla Smith. C.Volunteers.
20.What can people do at the food forest according to Carla Smith
A.Only take what they need. B.Appreciate all kinds of birds. C.Experience the life of farmers.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Our Canada and More of Our Canada are special publications in that they are written by and for Canadians just like you! Send us your stories and photos and you may see them published in a future issue.
If your story or photo is published in Our Canada or More of Our Canada you will receive a free, one-year gift subscription to the magazine. Already a subscriber Have your gift subscription added to the end of your subscription or pass it along to someone else.
TEXT LENGTH ( 长 度) Between 500 and 1, 000 words is perfect. Your story may be edited for length and style.
PHOTOS For digital images ( 数 码 图 像), set your camera for the best picture quality and send us JPG files. For hard copy photos, send high-quality prints — copies are preferable; we are not responsible for lost photos.
Submit (提交) at ourcanada.ca or mail submission to: Our Canada, P.O. Box 988, STN Main Markham, Ont., L3P 0M1.
RETURNS We can’t acknowledge ( 告知收悉) submissions or return unused photos. Submissions may be edited for length and clarity (清楚) and may be reproduced in all print and electronic media. Upon publication, original submissions (text and photos) become the property of The Reader’s Digest Magazines Canada Limited and its affiliates.
1. What type of writing is this text
A. A guide. B. A review. C. An announcement. D. An official report.
2. What should you do to contribute to Our Canada
A. Send digital color photos.
B Write your personal stories.
C. Send more than one photo copy.
D. Write a story of not less than 500 words.
3. What will you get if your work is published
A. A gift card. B. A free magazine.
C. A free photo collection. D. A free one-year gift subscription.
Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, was established as the first national park in the United States. The park is a popular destination for visitors who engical (生态的) tourism as it offers forests, mountains, and many ecosystems to explore. Some of Yellowstone’s most well known landmarks are its geothermal (地热的) hot springs and geysers (间歇泉), the most famous of which is named Old Faithful.
Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. They arranged to stay at one of the park’s many convenient campsites. For their camping trip,they brought their backpacks, sleeping bags, and a cooler of food and drinks. They set up their tents immediately upon arriving at their campsite.
During their trip, Lisa and her friends hiked the many trails (小道) of the park, exploring its natural surroundings. In the forest, they saw a lot of local wildlife. Lisa was blown away by a family of grizzly bears, some gray wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Unexpectedly, she seemed to quite enjoy being in such a great place. They were well protected. Outside of the woods, they admired the beauty of some of Yellowstone’s natural waterfalls.
Since Yellowstone contains many hot springs and the world’s largest area of active geysers, Lisa and her friends visited many different geyser sites.They even spent an afternoon swimming in Yellowstone’s Boiling River. Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that Old Faithful was the most impressive. Lisa and her friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. After about 40 minutes, a stream of boiling water over 100 feet tall sprayed (喷洒) from the ground and up into the air. Luckily, no one got wet!
4. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. An introduction to Yellowstone National Park.
B. Reasons for building Yellowstone National Park.
C. The history of Yellowstone National Park.
D. Benefits of Yellowstone National Park.
5. What did Lisa and her friends decide to do last fall
A. To do volunteering in Yellowstone National Park.
B. To take a trip to Yellowstone National Park.
C. To find a campsite for travelers.
D. To do some wildlife research.
6. How did Lisa feel when she saw the wildlife
A. Uninterested. B. Surprised.
C. Curious. D. Fearful.
7. What did Lisa and her friends do at Old Faithful
A. They cleaned the site.
B. They played with water.
C. They waited for the geyser to erupt.
D. They had a look at some wild animals.
At Seattle’s Garfield High School, a dozen (十多个) basketball players are practicing. These guys take the game seriously at this school. A half-dozen coaches keep everyone focused as Garfield prepares for a Saturday playoff game. In the middle of all this is Brandon Roy, the former NBA All-Star and Garfield’s greatest player. Roy is the head coach.
Bad knees forced him out of pro basketball well before his time. Four years after his forced NBA retirement, he began coaching at Seattle’s Nathan Hale High School in 2017 with no background whatsoever and won a state championship. He moved to his alma mater (母校) the following year and got another state title with a once-beaten team. “Really the thing that brought me to coaching was I missed basketball,” Roy said.
After taking 2019 off from coaching to deal with personal issues, Roy returned and has his team pointed at state again. He owns a 78-5 coaching record.
With his success, others frequently discuss whether Roy wants to move up the ranks as he did as a player. “My ultimate goal is not to coach in the NBA but to build a real strong foundation at my alma mater. I don’t feel challenged to make it to the next level. I feel challenged right here to make it at this level.”
As practice comes to a close, Roy gathers his players around him and his coaches and they talk about the game ahead. Before everyone heads home, he has them shake hands. Players and players. Coaches and players. It’s a show of respect and togetherness.
Mostly, he just listened to his mother and followed her insightful direction to become a topflight coach. “My mom gave me the best advice — she said keep your ego (自我) out of it,” Roy said. “She told me to forget what I had achieved in the NBA and be down-to-earth. She trusted that I’d be pretty good at it.”
8. Why does Brandon Roy show up at court
A. To prepare for a game as a player. B. To coach a student basketball team.
C. To look for future basketball players. D. To select former NBA players as assistants.
9. What happened to Brandon Roy in 2018
A. He was badly injured. B. He was forced to retire.
C. He led a team to success. D. He gave up his basketball career.
10. What is Brandon Roy’s final goal
A. Going back to the NBA as a professional player.
B. Being a professional coach in an NBA team.
C. Improving the basketball level of his alma mater’s team.
D. Becoming the greatest basketball player of his alma mater.
11. What lesson did Brandon Roy’s mother give him
A. Try to trust others. B. Learn from the best.
C. Don’t become too proud. D. Never give up on dreams.
When James Haskell started playing professional rugby football, technology’s influence was very limited. One of its first and important uses within the game, he says, was just urine testing (尿检). “A lot has changed since then. Now all the players wear GPS heart-rate monitors,” the former England and Wasps ruby union player says. Data and technology have become important parts of a professional sports team and its players’ lives, Haskell says.
But this is only the beginning.
“New 5G will bring a whole set of new devices to the sports industry and the connectivity of supply chains that isn’t possible today,” explains Scott Petty, the chief technology officer of Vodafone UK. Vodafone’s recent research shows 70 per cent of decision-makers in the sports industry believe it is behind other industries in adopting new technology.
However, things are changing gradually. The research suggests that 76 per cent of sports leaders say new 5G technology will drive innovation ( 革新) within their organisations. According to research, sport is an area where new 5G will have a huge impact. It has the ability to transform the fan experience and help athletes improve their fitness and training programmes. Around 74 per cent of sports leaders believe 5G will help meet rising fan expectations.
Haskell is looking forward to seeing what 5G will enable in the future. Vodafone’s new 5G network was launched ( 推 出) in July. At the launch, two Wasps players demonstrated an innovative use of the tech when they conducted a joint training session, despite being 100 miles apart. At an event in London, Will Rowlands tackled (擒抱摔倒) a bag and almost at the same time, through wearable devices, De Jongh felt the force of the tackle.
Going forwards, Haskell expects that players will be able to quantify (量化) their performance in new ways. The key to this The ability to read real time data and make training programmes completely personalised. Haskell says: “This ability will be awesome and you’ll suddenly be able to quantify everything!”
This will be game-changing.
12. What does Haskell say about the early use of technology in rugby football
A. It mainly focused on performance data collecting.
B. It changed his attitude towards rugby football.
C. It excited people’s attention to rugby football.
D. It made an impact only to a small extent.
13. What can we learn from Vodafone’s recent research
A. The sports industry should find a new way to meet fan expectations.
B. The sports industry plays a leading part in adopting new technology.
C. Most sports leaders have a very positive response to new 5G technology.
D. New 5G technology will be widely used in the sports industry very soon.
14 How did the demonstration of Vodafone’s new 5G network turn out
A. It was a real success.
B. It raised doubts among players.
C. It made Vodafone world-famous.
D. It fell far short of the expectations.
15. What does the underlined word “awesome” in paragraph 6 mean
A. Unnecessary. B. Impressive. C. Personal. D. Impossible.
The classroom environment offers many ways to include fun and laughter into a potentially dull routine, and effective educators make the most of these opportunities.___16___.
Lighten up the atmosphere
Humour can be used to enrich literacy skills,spark creativity, teach critical analysis or just lighten the mood in the classroom.___17___. Make fun of yourself and your mistakes.This can make students smile and has the added benefit of showing students that teachers are human.Use current music and sports subjects in teaching examples to engage students and introduce a fun cultural reference into the usually somber atmosphere of school.
Use humour in the media
___18___. Take advantage of political cartoons to analyse historical events or trends and begin a debate. Humorous authors and reporters in the media can be used as models for writing jobs or oral presentations.
Children can fill in the words the cartoon characters might say, and then transfer those actual words into a story using quotation ics also can be used to teach literary devices such as puns, metaphors and symbolism. Children can create their own comics combining imagery from word pairs, a cartoon mouse using a computer mouse,for instance.
The learning benefits of humour
___20___. Humour is found to be an important entryway into improving social connections with others. Brains might be able to be trained to interpret a difficult situation in a humorous way in order to help the body cope with stressful circumstances.
A. Keep a cartoon and joke file
B. Young students laugh in a classroom
C. Include happy remarks throughout lessons
D. Find humour from the behaviour of students
E. Humour is a kind of daily show for teachers
F. Humour can improve learning and strengthen memories
G. Newspapers provide points for issues on current events
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been part of a team of some sort of extracurricular (课外的) sport. I started swimming at a young age and then I was ____21____ to water polo (水球).
Water polo is a ____22____ sport. We grow together, we hang out together, and we succeed together. ____23____ in this sport depends on the successes of each other rather than the success of the ____24____. This is important because we all realize that ____25____ we can grow fast alone, we grow more and get closer to our goals ____26____.
I was never good when I first started a sport. To be honest, it was ____27____ when I first started playing water polo. My coach has always ____28____ me. She once said that we’re never going to be ____29____ at first and that’s okay because we can always get better. And get better I did. No matter how ____30____ I got I noticed that there was always somewhere I was lacking and somewhere I could ____31____.
Being an athlete is ____32____. You have to wake up early every day. You have to ____33____ yourself every day. You have to balance your life outside of sport. But for me, ____34____ is never an option. I knew that simply throwing in the towel would cause me to be filled with great regret. So don’t let hard work ____35____ your desire to become someone greater than you are today.
21. A. called B. directed C. invited D. introduced
22. A. club B. family C. team D. school
23 A. Interest B. Success C. Experience D. Participation
24. A. individual B. coach C. organization D. industry
25. A. until B. although C. since D. once
26. A. together B. patiently C. properly D. alone
27. A. different B. strange C. horrible D. cool
28. A. protected B. impressed C. surprised D. encouraged
29 A. good B. famous C. helpful D. important
30. A. tired B. lucky C. special D. skilled
31. A. share B. discover C. improve D. know
32. A. serious B. hard C. practical D. useful
33. A. push B. express C. save D. ask
34. A. showing off B. giving up C. turning over D. standing out
35. A. control B. balance C. support D. overcome
Irene Schouten did what most people expected of ____36____ (she) at the Olympics: winning gold for the Netherlands at Beijing 2022.
But the speed skater was not satisfied ____37____ just being an Olympic champion. She quickly and ____38____ (elegant) established her position as the queen of the Ice Ribbon with three gold medals and a bronze (铜牌).
It has been a busy period for the Dutch star ____39____ had her days fully occupied (被占用) between training ____40____ skating in Beijing. She has also been busy ____41____ (plan) for her upcoming wedding.
Here is something you should know about Irene Schouten who won the first and last speed skating ____42____ (event) in Beijing.
Schouten let out a scream (尖叫) and threw her hands in the air as she crossed the finish line of the women’s mass start. Her ____43____ (three) gold medal at Beijing 2022 was hard-earned. It was worth all the effort. A natural-born long-distance skater, Schouten started skating when she was 8. Watching her first Olympics, Salt Lake 2002, she ____44____ (attract) by Gretha Smit’s silver winning moment in the 5000m.
That Olympic moment encouraged her interest in the long-distance races in speed skating. “When I was young, I had a strong wish _____45_____ (win) Olympic gold and now I have it,” she said after her 5000m gold in Beijing.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 你校学生会定于下周五午3点到5点在学校体育馆举行英文歌唱比赛,请你代表学生会写一则英文通知张贴公告栏。内容包括:
1. 比赛目的;
3. 报名地点及截止日期;
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Have you ever been misunderstood (误解) by someone you care about In my first year in high school, I had a good friend. We got along with each other very well and we often talked about our life and discussed the problems we had in school. We always shared our joys and sadnesses.
Every time I was in a bad mood (心情) or didn’t do well on a test, she would encourage me and make me feel relieved. I also listened to her patiently when she got into trouble. We cared about each other so much that we thought of each other as part of our families. Both of us had the same interest in our free time. We enjoyed enriching our knowledge by reading articles in many different fields on blogs on the Internet. And blogging also became one of the important ways for us to communicate with each other. Sometimes we would post something that we weren’t willing to say face to face on our blogs. And the next time we turned on the computer, we would know what had happened to each other these days and also understand each other more through the blog.
But one night I got an e-mail from her. In it she told me that she felt very disappointed with me and she didn’t want to be my friend anymore! I was very shocked at that time and had no idea about what had made her so angry. So I called her back immediately, but no one answered the phone. I was so confused and didn’t know what to do. I thought about the last time we had chatted with each other and couldn’t find anything wrong. So I turned on my computer and read her blog, hoping to figure out what had happened to her. Suddenly, when I read an article about some other friends, I realized what had gone wrong.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
It was because of one article on my blog the week before.
Finally, I came up with the idea of communicating with her through my blog, too.
听力答案:1—5 BCBAC 6—10 ACBAB 11—15 CBBCA 16—20 ABCAA高二英语月考英语试题
考试时间120分钟 满分:150分
1.What is the man going to buy
A.A TV. B.A tablet. C.A computer.
2.What will the man and his family do today
A.Go swimming. B.Go fishing. C.Have a picnic.
3.Why is the woman so angry
A.The hotel can’t meet her needs.
B.The hotel lost her reservations.
C.The hotel didn’t explain what had happened.
4.How will the woman go to her mother’s house this time
A.By train. B.By car. C.By bus.
5.What does the woman suggest doing
A.Watching TV. B.Going shopping together. C.Doing some outdoor activities.
6.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Dad and daughter. C.Boss and secretary.
7.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Water pollution. B.The result of research. C.The topic of the woman’s paper.
8.Where does the man usually watch movies
A.On his smartphone. B.On his laptop. C.At the movie theater.
9.How often does the man go to the movie theater
A.Once a week. B.Twice a month. C.Every day.
10.What does the woman probably do
A.A lawyer. B.A reporter. C.A policewoman.
11.How many people were involved in the accident
A.2. B.3. C.4.
12.What do we know from the conversation
A.The driver’s son was hurt.
B.The man didn’t call the police or a lawyer.
C.The man was sent to hospital immediately.
13.What is the woman going to do today
A.Take her son to have a class.
B.Open a bank account for her son.
C.Teach her son how to make money.
14.What does the woman’s son want to spend his first paycheck on
A.Kids’ education. B.Job training. C.Video games.
15.What does the man’s second son often do
A.He often saves his paycheck.
B.He often does business with the bank.
C.He often borrows money from his elder brother.
16.What does the woman think of the man’s younger son
A.Funny and smart. B.Kind and friendly. C.Generous and hardworking.
17.What’s the special of the Urban Food Forest
A.It is owned by a city. B.It is an eatable landscape. C.It is maintained by visitors.
18.Where is the Urban Food Forest
A.In northeast Atlanta. B.In southwest Atlanta. C.In southeast Atlanta.
19.Who helps manage the forest
A.Michael McCord. B.Carla Smith. C.Volunteers.
20.What can people do at the food forest according to Carla Smith
A.Only take what they need. B.Appreciate all kinds of birds. C.Experience the life of farmers.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Our Canada and More of Our Canada are special publications in that they are written by and for Canadians just like you! Send us your stories and photos and you may see them published in a future issue.
If your story or photo is published in Our Canada or More of Our Canada, you will receive a free, one-year gift subscription to the magazine. Already a subscriber Have your gift subscription added to the end of your subscription or pass it along to someone else.
TEXT LENGTH ( 长 度) Between 500 and 1, 000 words is perfect. Your story may be edited for length and style.
PHOTOS For digital images ( 数 码 图 像), set your camera for the best picture quality and send us JPG files. For hard copy photos, send high-quality prints — copies are preferable; we are not responsible for lost photos.
Submit (提交) at ourcanada.ca or mail submission to: Our Canada, P.O. Box 988, STN Main Markham, Ont., L3P 0M1.
RETURNS We can’t acknowledge ( 告知收悉) submissions or return unused photos. Submissions may be edited for length and clarity (清楚) and may be reproduced in all print and electronic media. Upon publication, original submissions (text and photos) become the property of The Reader’s Digest Magazines Canada Limited and its affiliates.
1. What type of writing is this text
A. A guide. B. A review. C. An announcement. D. An official report.
2. What should you do to contribute to Our Canada
A. Send digital color photos.
B. Write your personal stories.
C. Send more than one photo copy.
D. Write a story of not less than 500 words.
3. What will you get if your work is published
A. A gift card. B. A free magazine.
C. A free photo collection. D. A free one-year gift subscription.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. D
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Send us your stories and photos and you may see them published in a future issue. (把你的故事和照片发给我们,你可能会看到它们在未来的一期中发表。)” 以及详述的关于文章和照片的要求可知,本文是一则征稿通知。故选C。
细节理解题。根据TEXT LENGTH 部分“Between 500 and 1, 000 words is perfect. Your story may be edited for length and style. (500到1000个单词是完美的。)”可知,稿件词数应在500-1000词。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文中“If your story or photo is published in Our Canada or More of Our Canada, you will receive a free, one-year gift subscription to the magazine. (如果您的故事或照片发表在 Our Canada或 More of Our Canada上,您将获得该杂志一年的免费礼品订阅。)”可知,如果作品得以发表,就可以免费订阅一年的杂志。故选D。
Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, was established as the first national park in the United States. The park is a popular destination for visitors who engical (生态的) tourism as it offers forests, mountains, and many ecosystems to explore. Some of Yellowstone’s most well known landmarks are its geothermal (地热的) hot springs and geysers (间歇泉), the most famous of which is named Old Faithful.
Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. They arranged to stay at one of the park’s many convenient campsites. For their camping trip,they brought their backpacks, sleeping bags, and a cooler of food and drinks. They set up their tents immediately upon arriving at their campsite.
During their trip, Lisa and her friends hiked the many trails (小道) of the park, exploring its natural surroundings. In the forest, they saw a lot of local wildlife. Lisa was blown away by a family of grizzly bears, some gray wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Unexpectedly, she seemed to quite enjoy being in such a great place. They were well protected. Outside of the woods, they admired the beauty of some of Yellowstone’s natural waterfalls.
Since Yellowstone contains many hot springs and the world’s largest area of active geysers, Lisa and her friends visited many different geyser sites.They even spent an afternoon swimming in Yellowstone’s Boiling River. Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that Old Faithful was the most impressive. Lisa and her friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. After about 40 minutes, a stream of boiling water over 100 feet tall sprayed (喷洒) from the ground and up into the air. Luckily, no one got wet!
4. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. An introduction to Yellowstone National Park.
B. Reasons for building Yellowstone National Park.
C. The history of Yellowstone National Park.
D. Benefits of Yellowstone National Park.
5. What did Lisa and her friends decide to do last fall
A. To do volunteering in Yellowstone National Park.
B. To take a trip to Yellowstone National Park.
C. To find a campsite for travelers.
D. To do some wildlife research.
6. How did Lisa feel when she saw the wildlife
A. Uninterested. B. Surprised.
C. Curious. D. Fearful.
7. What did Lisa and her friends do at Old Faithful
A. They cleaned the site.
B. They played with water.
C. They waited for the geyser to erupt.
D. They had a look at some wild animals.
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C
主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, was established as the first national park in the United States. The park is a popular destination for visitors who engical (生态的) tourism as it offers forests, mountains, and many ecosystems to explore. (黄石国家公园位于爱达荷州、蒙大拿州和怀俄明州,是美国第一个国家公园。这个公园是喜欢生态旅游的游客的热门目的地,因为它有森林、山脉和许多生态系统可供探索。)”等内容可知,第一段的主要介绍了黄石国家公园。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. (去年秋天,Lisa和她的朋友们决定去黄石国家公园露营。)”可知,Lisa和她的朋友们去年秋天决定去黄石国家公园旅行。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Lisa was blown away by a family of grizzly bears, some gray wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Unexpectedly, she seemed to quite enjoy being in such a great place. (Lisa被一群灰熊、一些灰狼,甚至头顶上飞过的秃鹰所震撼。出乎意料的是,她似乎很喜欢待在这样一个好地方。)”可知,当Lisa看到黄石国家公园的野生动物时,她感到十分惊奇。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that Old Faithful was the most impressive. Lisa and her friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. (在所有的景点中,Lisa和她的朋友们一致认为Old Faithful是最令人印象深刻的。Lisa和她的朋友们耐心地等待着间歇泉的喷发。)”可知,Lisa和她的朋友们在Old Faithful等待间歇泉喷发。故选C项。
At Seattle’s Garfield High School, a dozen (十多个) basketball players are practicing. These guys take the game seriously at this school. A half-dozen coaches keep everyone focused as Garfield prepares for a Saturday playoff game. In the middle of all this is Brandon Roy, the former NBA All-Star and Garfield’s greatest player. Roy is the head coach.
Bad knees forced him out of pro basketball well before his time. Four years after his forced NBA retirement, he began coaching at Seattle’s Nathan Hale High School in 2017 with no background whatsoever and won a state championship. He moved to his alma mater (母校) the following year and got another state title with a once-beaten team. “Really the thing that brought me to coaching was I missed basketball,” Roy said.
After taking 2019 off from coaching to deal with personal issues, Roy returned and has his team pointed at state again. He owns a 78-5 coaching record.
With his success, others frequently discuss whether Roy wants to move up the ranks as he did as a player. “My ultimate goal is not to coach in the NBA but to build a real strong foundation at my alma mater. I don’t feel challenged to make it to the next level. I feel challenged right here to make it at this level.”
As practice comes to a close, Roy gathers his players around him and his coaches and they talk about the game ahead. Before everyone heads home, he has them shake hands. Players and players. Coaches and players. It’s a show of respect and togetherness.
Mostly, he just listened to his mother and followed her insightful direction to become a topflight coach. “My mom gave me the best advice — she said keep your ego (自我) out of it,” Roy said. “She told me to forget what I had achieved in the NBA and be down-to-earth. She trusted that I’d be pretty good at it.”
8. Why does Brandon Roy show up at court
A. To prepare for a game as a player. B. To coach a student basketball team.
C. To look for future basketball players. D. To select former NBA players as assistants.
9. What happened to Brandon Roy in 2018
A. He was badly injured. B. He was forced to retire.
C He led a team to success. D. He gave up his basketball career.
10. What is Brandon Roy’s final goal
A. Going back to the NBA as a professional player.
B. Being a professional coach in an NBA team.
C. Improving the basketball level of his alma mater’s team.
D. Becoming the greatest basketball player of his alma mater.
11. What lesson did Brandon Roy’s mother give him
A. Try to trust others. B. Learn from the best.
C. Don’t become too proud. D. Never give up on dreams.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. C 11. C
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。因伤退役的NBA球星Brandon Roy完成了从明星球员到明星教练的完美蜕变。
细节理解题。根据第一段“In the middle of all this is Brandon Roy, the former NBA All-Star and Garfield’s greatest player. Roy is the head coach.(在这一切的中间是布兰登罗伊,前NBA全明星和Garfield最伟大的球员。罗伊是主教练)”可知,Brandon Roy作为主教练在球场上指导球员训练。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Four years after his forced NBA retirement, he began coaching at Seattle’s Nathan Hale High School in 2017 with no background whatsoever and won a state championship. He moved to his alma mater (母校) the following year and got another state title with a once-beaten team.(在被迫退役四年后,他于2017年开始在西雅图内森黑尔高中执教,没有任何背景,并赢得了州冠军。第二年,他搬到了母校,带领一支曾经被击败的球队再次获得州冠军)”可知,Brandon Roy在2018年的时候带领母校球队拿到了州冠军。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段“My ultimate goal is not to coach in the NBA but to build a real strong foundation at my alma mater. I don’t feel challenged to make it to the next level. I feel challenged right here to make it at this level.(我的最终目标不是在NBA当教练,而是在母校打好坚实的基础。我不觉得要进入下一个阶段有什么挑战。我觉得在这里达到这个水平是一种挑战)”可知,Brandon Roy最终的目标是提高母校篮球队的水平。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“ “My mom gave me the best advice — she said keep your ego (自我) out of it,” Roy said. “She told me to forget what I had achieved in the NBA and be down-to-earth. She trusted that I’d be pretty good at it.”(“我妈妈给了我最好的建议——她说不要自负,”罗伊说。“她告诉我要忘记我在NBA取得的成就,要脚踏实地。她相信我会做得很好。”)”可知,Brandon Roy的母亲告诉他不要自傲,要忘记过去取得的成就,时刻保持谦逊,脚踏实地。故选C。
When James Haskell started playing professional rugby football, technology’s influence was very limited. One of its first and important uses within the game, he says, was just urine testing (尿检). “A lot has changed since then. Now all the players wear GPS heart-rate monitors,” the former England and Wasps ruby union player says. Data and technology have become important parts of a professional sports team and its players’ lives, Haskell says.
But this is only the beginning.
“New 5G will bring a whole set of new devices to the sports industry and the connectivity of supply chains that isn’t possible today,” explains Scott Petty, the chief technology officer of Vodafone UK. Vodafone’s recent research shows 70 per cent of decision-makers in the sports industry believe it is behind other industries in adopting new technology.
However, things are changing gradually. The research suggests that 76 per cent of sports leaders say new 5G technology will drive innovation ( 革新) within their organisations. According to research, sport is an area where new 5G will have a huge impact. It has the ability to transform the fan experience and help athletes improve their fitness and training programmes. Around 74 per cent of sports leaders believe 5G will help meet rising fan expectations.
Haskell is looking forward to seeing what 5G will enable in the future. Vodafone’s new 5G network was launched ( 推 出) in July. At the launch, two Wasps players demonstrated an innovative use of the tech when they conducted a joint training session, despite being 100 miles apart. At an event in London, Will Rowlands tackled (擒抱摔倒) a bag and almost at the same time, through wearable devices, De Jongh felt the force of the tackle.
Going forwards, Haskell expects that players will be able to quantify (量化) their performance in new ways. The key to this The ability to read real time data and make training programmes completely personalised. Haskell says: “This ability will be awesome and you’ll suddenly be able to quantify everything!”
This will be game-changing.
12. What does Haskell say about the early use of technology in rugby football
A. It mainly focused on performance data collecting.
B. It changed his attitude towards rugby football.
C. It excited people’s attention to rugby football.
D. It made an impact only to a small extent.
13. What can we learn from Vodafone’s recent research
A. The sports industry should find a new way to meet fan expectations.
B. The sports industry plays a leading part in adopting new technology.
C. Most sports leaders have a very positive response to new 5G technology.
D. New 5G technology will be widely used in the sports industry very soon.
14. How did the demonstration of Vodafone’s new 5G network turn out
A. It was a real success.
B. It raised doubts among players.
C. It made Vodafone world-famous.
D. It fell far short of the expectations.
15. What does the underlined word “awesome” in paragraph 6 mean
A. Unnecessary. B. Impressive. C. Personal. D. Impossible.
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“When James Haskell started playing professional rugby football, technology’s influence was very limited. One of its first and important uses within the game, he says, was just urine testing (尿检). (当詹姆斯·哈斯克尔开始踢职业橄榄球时,技术的影响非常有限。他说,它在比赛中的第一个重要用途就是尿检。)”和“A lot has changed since then. (从那时起,情况发生了很大变化。)”可知,Haskell认为科技在早期使用过程中对橄榄球运动的影响非常有限。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The research suggests that 76 per cent of sports leaders say new 5G technology will drive innovation ( 革新) within their organisations. (研究表明,76%的体育领袖表示,新的5G技术将推动其组织内部的创新。)”和“Around 74 per cent of sports leaders believe 5G will help meet rising fan expectations. (约74%的体育界领袖认为,5G将有助于满足球迷日益增长的期望。)”可推断出,Vodafone最新的研究表明,大多数的体育界的领导都很看好新一代5G技术。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第五段中的“At an event in London, Will Rowlands tackled (擒抱摔倒) a bag and almost at the same time, through wearable devices, De Jongh felt the force of the tackle. (在伦敦的一次活动中,Will Rowlands擒抱了一个柱子,几乎同时,通过可穿戴设备,De Jongh感受到了擒抱的力量。)”可知,Vodafone最新5G技术的演示取得了预期的效果。bag此处指橄榄球训练中用于练习擒抱摔倒的柱子。故选A。
词义猜测题。根据第六段中的“The ability to read real time data and make training programmes completely personalised. (读取实时数据并使培训计划完全个性化的能力。)”和划线词后的“you’ll suddenly be able to quantify everything (你将突然能够量化一切)”可知,Haskell认为如果最新的5G技术能够读取实时数据并且定制训练计划,那么这一能力将会是惊人的。awesome意为“很好的;棒极了的”。故选B。
The classroom environment offers many ways to include fun and laughter into a potentially dull routine, and effective educators make the most of these opportunities.___16___.
Lighten up the atmosphere
Humour can be used to enrich literacy skills,spark creativity, teach critical analysis or just lighten the mood in the classroom.___17___. Make fun of yourself and your mistakes.This can make students smile and has the added benefit of showing students that teachers are human.Use current music and sports subjects in teaching examples to engage students and introduce a fun cultural reference into the usually somber atmosphere of school.
Use humour in the media
___18___. Take advantage of political cartoons to analyse historical events or trends and begin a debate. Humorous authors and reporters in the media can be used as models for writing jobs or oral presentations.
Children can fill in the words the cartoon characters might say, and then transfer those actual words into a story using quotation ics also can be used to teach literary devices such as puns, metaphors and symbolism. Children can create their own comics combining imagery from word pairs, a cartoon mouse using a computer mouse,for instance.
The learning benefits of humour
___20___. Humour is found to be an important entryway into improving social connections with others. Brains might be able to be trained to interpret a difficult situation in a humorous way in order to help the body cope with stressful circumstances.
A. Keep a cartoon and joke file
B. Young students laugh in a classroom
C. Include happy remarks throughout lessons
D. Find humour from the behaviour of students
E. Humour is a kind of daily show for teachers
F. Humour can improve learning and strengthen memories
G. Newspapers provide points for issues on current events
【答案】16. B 17. C 18. G 19. A 20. F
根据上文“The classroom environment offers many ways to include fun and laughter into a potentially dull routine, and effective educators make the most of these opportunities. (课堂环境提供了许多方法,可以将乐趣和笑声纳入可能枯燥乏味的日常生活,有效的教育者可以充分利用这些机会)”可知,教室是学生们发出笑声的地方,选项承接上文,故B选项“年轻的学生在教室里大笑”符合语境。故选B项。
由小标题“Lighten up the atmosphere (点亮气氛)”和空后“Make fun of yourself and your mistakes. (取笑你自己和你的错误)”可知,C选项“在整个课程中加入快乐的话语”承接上文讲在教室里教师们利用幽默需要做的活跃教室气氛的做法。故选C项。
G选项“报纸为时事新闻提供观点”与小标题“Use humour in the media (在媒体中使用幽默)”相呼应,G选项中的Newspapers也属于媒体的一种。故选G项。
由下文“Children can fill in the words the cartoon characters might say, and then transfer those actual words into a story using quotation ics also can be used to teach literary devices such as puns, metaphors and symbolism. Children can create their own comics combining imagery from word pairs, a cartoon mouse using a computer mouse, for instance. (孩子们可以填写卡通人物可能会说的单词,然后用引号将这些实际单词转换成故事。漫画也可以用来教授文学手法,如双关语、隐喻和象征。孩子们可以结合单词对的图像创作自己的漫画,例如使用电脑鼠标的卡通鼠标)”可知,该空考查段落主题句,本段主要介绍了教师可以利用卡通漫画来帮助学生学到知识,A选项“保存卡通和笑话文件”切题,概括本段内容。故选A项。
由小标题“The learning benefits of humour (幽默的学习益处)”和空后“Humour is found to be an important entryway into improving social connections with others. Brains might be able to be trained to interpret a difficult situation in a humorous way in order to help the body cope with stressful circumstances. (幽默被发现是改善与他人的社会关系的重要切入点。大脑也许能够接受训练,以幽默的方式解释困难的情况,以帮助身体应对紧张的环境)”可知,本段主要描述了幽默的学习益处,承接上下文,F选项“幽默可以改善学习,增强记忆”是幽默学习益处的具体方面。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been part of a team of some sort of extracurricular (课外的) sport. I started swimming at a young age and then I was ____21____ to water polo (水球).
Water polo is a ____22____ sport. We grow together, we hang out together, and we succeed together. ____23____ in this sport depends on the successes of each other rather than the success of the ____24____. This is important because we all realize that ____25____ we can grow fast alone, we grow more and get closer to our goals ____26____.
I was never good when I first started a sport. To be honest, it was ____27____ when I first started playing water polo. My coach has always ____28____ me. She once said that we’re never going to be ____29____ at first and that’s okay because we can always get better. And get better I did. No matter how ____30____ I got I noticed that there was always somewhere I was lacking and somewhere I could ____31____.
Being an athlete is ____32____. You have to wake up early every day. You have to ____33____ yourself every day. You have to balance your life outside of sport. But for me, ____34____ is never an option. I knew that simply throwing in the towel would cause me to be filled with great regret. So don’t let hard work ____35____ your desire to become someone greater than you are today.
21. A. called B. directed C. invited D. introduced
22. A. club B. family C. team D. school
23. A. Interest B. Success C. Experience D. Participation
24. A. individual B. coach C. organization D. industry
25. A. until B. although C. since D. once
26. A. together B. patiently C. properly D. alone
27. A. different B. strange C. horrible D. cool
28. A. protected B. impressed C. surprised D. encouraged
29. A. good B. famous C. helpful D. important
30. A. tired B. lucky C. special D. skilled
31. A. share B. discover C. improve D. know
32. A. serious B. hard C. practical D. useful
33. A. push B. express C. save D. ask
34. A. showing off B. giving up C. turning over D. standing out
35. A. control B. balance C. support D. overcome
【答案】21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很小就开始游泳,后来又接触了水球。A. called呼叫;B. directed指导;C. invited邀请;D. introduced介绍。根据后文“I started swimming at a young age and then I was”指作者接触到了水球运动,为短语be introduced to表示“被介绍给:被引荐或介绍给某人认识或了解”。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:水球是一项团队运动。A. club俱乐部;B. family家庭;C. team队伍;D. school学校。根据后文“We grow together, we hang out together, and we succeed together.(我们一起成长,一起玩耍,一起成功)”可知,水球是一项团队运动。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项运动的成功取决于彼此的成功,而不是个人的成功。A. Interest兴趣;B. Success成功;C. Experience经历;D. Participation参加。根据后文“depends on the successes of each other”指这项运动的成功取决于彼此的成功,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项运动的成功取决于彼此的成功,而不是个人的成功。A. individual个人;B. coach教练;C. organization组织;D. industry工厂。根据上文“depends on the successes of each other”指这项运动的成功取决于彼此的成功,而不是个人的成功。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:这很重要,因为我们都意识到,虽然我们可以独自成长得很快,但我们会成长得更多,一起更接近我们的目标。A. until直到;B. although虽然;C. since自从;D. once曾经。引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”应用although。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:这很重要,因为我们都意识到,虽然我们可以独自成长得很快,但我们会成长得更多,一起更接近我们的目标。A. together一起;B. patiently耐心地;C. properly正确地;D. alone单独地。呼应上文“We grow together, we hang out together, and we succeed together.”指一起接近目标。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:老实说,我刚开始打水球的时候感觉很糟糕。A. different不同的;B. strange奇怪的;C. horrible可怕的;D. cool凉爽的。根据上文“I was never good when I first started a sport.(我刚开始做一项运动的时候从来都不擅长)”可知,刚开始打水球的时候感觉很糟糕。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的教练总是鼓励我。A. protected保护;B. impressed使印象深刻;C. surprised使惊讶;D. encouraged鼓舞。根据后文“that’s okay because we can always get better.(没关系,因为我们总能变得更好)”可知,教练鼓励作者。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她曾经说过,我们一开始永远不会那么好,这没关系,因为我们总是可以变得更好。A. good好的;B. famous出名的;C. helpful有帮助的;D. important重要的。呼应上文“I was never good”指一开始没那么好。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论我的技术有多熟练,我都注意到总有我欠缺的地方和我需要改进的地方。A. tired疲惫的;B. lucky幸运的;C. special特别的;D. skilled熟练的。根据后文“I noticed that there was always somewhere I was lacking”可知,即使技术熟练了,也总有欠缺的地方。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论我的技术有多熟练,我都注意到总有我欠缺的地方和我需要改进的地方。A. share分享;B. discover发现;C. improve改善;D. know知道。根据上文“there was always somewhere I was lacking and somewhere I”可知,指总有欠缺的地方和需要改进的地方。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:成为一名运动员很难。A. serious严肃的;B. hard困难的;C. practical实际的;D. useful有用的。根据后文“You have to wake up early every day.”可知,你每天都得早起,做一名运动员是很困难的。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你必须每天敦促自己。A. push敦促,推;B. express表达;C. save拯救;D. ask询问。根据后文“yourself every day”成为运动员要自我敦促。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是对我来说,放弃从来都不是一种选择。A. showing off炫耀;B. giving up放弃;C. turning over翻转;D. standing out突出。根据后文“I knew that simply throwing in the towel would cause me to be filled with great regret.(我知道,仅仅是认输就会让我充满巨大的遗憾)”可知,对作者来说,放弃从来都不是一种选择。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,不要让艰苦的工作战胜你的愿望,成为比现在更伟大的人。A. control控制;B. balance平衡;C. support支持;D. overcome克服,战胜。根据后文“your desire to become someone greater than you are today”可知,作者不认输,努力成为运动员,因此建议不要让艰苦的工作战胜你的愿望,成为比现在更伟大的人。故选D。
Irene Schouten did what most people expected of ____36____ (she) at the Olympics: winning gold for the Netherlands at Beijing 2022.
But the speed skater was not satisfied ____37____ just being an Olympic champion. She quickly and ____38____ (elegant) established her position as the queen of the Ice Ribbon with three gold medals and a bronze (铜牌).
It has been a busy period for the Dutch star ____39____ had her days fully occupied (被占用) between training ____40____ skating in Beijing. She has also been busy ____41____ (plan) for her upcoming wedding.
Here is something you should know about Irene Schouten who won the first and last speed skating ____42____ (event) in Beijing.
Schouten let out a scream (尖叫) and threw her hands in the air as she crossed the finish line of the women’s mass start. Her ____43____ (three) gold medal at Beijing 2022 was hard-earned. It was worth all the effort. A natural-born long-distance skater, Schouten started skating when she was 8. Watching her first Olympics, Salt Lake 2002, she ____44____ (attract) by Gretha Smit’s silver winning moment in the 5000m.
That Olympic moment encouraged her interest in the long-distance races in speed skating. “When I was young, I had a strong wish _____45_____ (win) Olympic gold and now I have it,” she said after her 5000m gold in Beijing.
【答案】36. her
37. with 38. elegantly
39. who##that
40. and 41. planning
42. events 43. third
44. was attracted
45 to win
【导语】本文是新闻报道。主要报道了荷兰名将Irene Schouten在北京冬奥会勇夺三金一铜。
考查代词。句意:Irene Schouten在2022年北京奥运会上完成了大多数人对她的期望:为荷兰赢得金牌。设空处作介词of的宾语,用宾格,故填her。
考查介词。句意:但这位速滑选手并不满足于仅仅成为奥运会冠军。短语be satisfied with ... 表示“满足于……”。故填with。
考查非谓语动词。句意:她也一直在忙着为即将到来的婚礼做准备。短语be busy doing sth.表示“忙于做某事”。故填planning。
考查名词的数。句意:这里有一些你应该知道的关于Irene Schouten的事情,她在北京赢得了第一届和最后一届速度滑冰比赛的冠军。event意为“比赛项目”,为可数名词。根据上文中的the first and last可知,此处表示复数意义,故填events。
考查时态语态。句意:2002年盐湖城奥运会是她第一次参加奥运会,她被格蕾塔·史密特在5000米比赛中获得银牌的时刻所吸引。根据上文中的Salt Lake 2002可知,此处描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,又因为设空处所在句的主语she与动词attract之间为被动关系,用被动语态,故填was attracted。
考查动词不定式。句意:“当我年轻时候,我有强烈的愿望赢得奥运会金牌,现在我实现了,”她在北京获得5000米金牌后说。短语a wish to do sth. 表示“做某事的愿望或希望”。故填to win。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 你校学生会定于下周五午3点到5点在学校体育馆举行英文歌唱比赛,请你代表学生会写一则英文通知张贴公告栏。内容包括:
1. 比赛目的;
3. 报名地点及截止日期;
【答案】One possible version:
To enrich students’ school life, the Students’ Union is going to organize an English singing competition on the afternoon of next Friday at our school stadium.
The competition will start at 15:00 and last two hours.Those who like singing songs and want to show their talent may sign up at the office of the Students’ Union by this Friday. Six teachers will be invited to be judges. What’s more, the first 20 winners will be given awards.
Everyone is welcome to be present at the competition.
此外:what’s more→ in addition
出席:be present at→ attend
原句:The competition will start at 15:00 and last two hours.
拓展句:The competition will start at 15:00, lasting two hours.
【点睛】【高分句型1】To enrich students’ school life, the Students’ Union is going to organize an English singing competition on the afternoon of next Friday at our school stadium.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
【高分句型2】Those who like singing songs and want to show their talent may sign up at the office of the Students’ Union by this Friday.(运用了who引导限定性定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Have you ever been misunderstood (误解) by someone you care about In my first year in high school, I had a good friend. We got along with each other very well and we often talked about our life and discussed the problems we had in school. We always shared our joys and sadnesses.
Every time I was in a bad mood (心情) or didn’t do well on a test, she would encourage me and make me feel relieved. I also listened to her patiently when she got into trouble. We cared about each other so much that we thought of each other as part of our families. Both of us had the same interest in our free time. We enjoyed enriching our knowledge by reading articles in many different fields on blogs on the Internet. And blogging also became one of the important ways for us to communicate with each other. Sometimes we would post something that we weren’t willing to say face to face on our blogs. And the next time we turned on the computer, we would know what had happened to each other these days and also understand each other more through the blog.
But one night I got an e-mail from her. In it she told me that she felt very disappointed with me and she didn’t want to be my friend anymore! I was very shocked at that time and had no idea about what had made her so angry. So I called her back immediately, but no one answered the phone. I was so confused and didn’t know what to do. I thought about the last time we had chatted with each other and couldn’t find anything wrong. So I turned on my computer and read her blog, hoping to figure out what had happened to her. Suddenly, when I read an article about some other friends, I realized what had gone wrong.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
It was because of one article on my blog the week before.
Finally, I came up with the idea of communicating with her through my blog, too.
【答案】One possible version:
It was because of one article on my blog the week before. In that article, I had mentioned that some of my classmates’ behavior made me feel uncomfortable and angry. After reading the article, she had got so mad at me because she thought I had been talking about her in my article. But actually, I didn’t talk about her. I tried hard to explain this to her, but failed. She didn’t want to talk to me and even stayed away from me.
Finally, I came up with the idea of communicating with her through my blog, too. I typed my words on my blog because I was sure that she would see them. I wrote down how I felt and what I thought about her on my blog. I said I hadn’t been talking about her in the article and what our friendship meant to me. After a few days, I finally got a friendly response. She sent me a letter and apologized to me. I was so happy when I saw it. And we never had an argument again.
道歉:apologize/make an apology
远离:stay away from/ keep away from
解释:explain /illustrate
生气:angry /furious
快乐:happy /glad/pleased
【点睛】[高分句型1] I wrote down how I felt and what I thought about her on my blog. (运用了how和what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] I typed my words on my blog because I was sure that she would see them. (运用了because引导原因状语从句)
听力答案:1—5 BCBAC 6—10 ACBAB 11—15 CBBCA 16—20 ABCAA

  • 2023-2024黑龙江省大庆市肇州县高二上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案