2023-2024福建省泉州市重点中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)

泉州六中2023-2024 学年上学期高三年级英语科
(Time: 120 mins Full Marks: 150 points) 2023. 11. 17
第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 选出最佳选项, 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. Why does the woman need help
A. She doesn’t have a recipe. B. She has never baked before. C. She finds the directions difficult.
2. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.
3. What does the man want to do
A. Admire the scenery. B. Continue walking. C. Have a rest.
4. What are the speakers talking about
A. The woman’s fear of traveling.
B. The advantage of homestay accommodation.
C. The woman’s indecision about going abroad.
5. What do we know about the woman
A. She cooled herself down by a fan.
B. She wants to buy an air conditioner.
C. She is more sensitive to hot weather than the man.
第二节 (共15 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分22.5 分)
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What is the woman planning to do next year
A. Row a race. B. Compete in a marathon. C. Improve her health.
7. What food does the woman value most at present
A. Meat. B. Rice. C. Vegetables.
听第7 段材料, 回答第8、9 题。
8. What are the speakers organizing
A. A corporate dinner. B. A wedding celebration. C. A birthday party.
9. When will the event take place
A. On July 10th. B. On August 10th. C. On September 10th.
听第8 段材料, 回答第10 至12 题。
10. Where did the woman know about the advertisement
A. On the Internet. B. From a newspaper. C. From her friend.
11. Why will the man sell the dining table
A. He has bought a smaller one. B. He doesn’t like it anymore. C. He will move house.
12. What will the woman probably do this afternoon
A. Talk with her friend. B. Check on the dining table. C. Tidy up her room.
听第9 段材料, 回答第13 至16 题。
13. What is the man doing
A. Painting a picture. B. Admiring a masterpiece. C. Having his meal.
14. What does the woman think of the food at the canteen
A. Disappointing. B. Acceptable. C. Satisfactory.
15. What dishes does the woman like best
A. Hot dogs and ground beef. B. Rice and fish. C. Bread and fish.
16. What does the woman suggest doing for the talent show
A. Singing a song. B. Bringing some food. C. Creating a backdrop.
听第10 段材料, 回答第17 至20 题。
17. What is the speaker
A. A teacher. B. A manager. C. A film-maker.
18. How did the speaker feel after his first project
A. Joyful. B. Proud. C. Nervous.
19. When do the courses end
A. In July. B. In August. C. In September.
20. What does Pow Pictures offer throughout the year
A. Job opportunities. B. Graphic design courses. C. Language learning programs.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 每小题2.5 分, 满分50分)
Paris is one of the most-visited destinations in the world A relaxing trip to Paris takes a little bit of planning. Here are some tips for you to make your trip smooth.
Planning your trip
Have a passport for international travel. A passport costs $110 and takes 6-8weeks to arrive after you apply.
Booking Flights
The cheapest month to fly is March, especially if you can leave on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. You’ll save even more money by booking around 90 days in advance. In the summer months, tickets will be more expensive no matter when you book.
Enjoying Your Time
●Visit the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable symbol of Paris. To avoid the crowds, go to the Eiffel Tower early in the morning. It costs ?25 to go to the top, or ?10 to climb to the first 2 levels on foot.
● See the Notre Dame Cathedral
At present, the Notre Dame Cathedral is closed to tourists due to the fire that destroyed parts of the cathedral. However, you can still visit the outside of the cathedral.
● Go to the Louvre to see world-famous art
The Louvre hosts the Mona Lisa along with 35, 000 other pieces of art. If you’re pressed for time, visit the highlights. The Louvre costs ?15 at the museum or ?17 in advance (to skip most of the line).
● Take a day trip to Versailles
If you have a day to spare, head to the palace of Versailles, around 14 miles southwest of the city. Take a tour to see King Louis XVI’s palace and gardens. It costs ?20 to visit the palace and grounds.
1. When can we book plane tickets to save the most money
A. In March. B. In June.
C. In August. D. In December.
2 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. You can climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower free of charge.
B. Visitors can pay an extra to save the queue time in visiting the Louvre.
C. The Notre Dame Cathedral was completely destroyed in a fire.
D. Visiting the palace of Versailles is the most expensive among the four attractions.
3. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A travel brochure B. A course plan.
C. A research paper. D. An encyclopedia.
The library of Pharaoh Ramesses I is said to have borne the inscription (碑文) “the house of healing for the soul”. Dylan Thomas, an English writer, reportedly liked to relax by reading Agatha Christie’s detective novels. As for the novelist Yiyun Li, it was War and Peace that helped her get through the toughest times; when she launched a virtual reading group of Leo Tolstoy’s masterpiece in lockdown, 3,000 people signed up.
In recent years, a growing body of research has backed up the idea that books not only entertain, but also help us recover and grow. They offer companionship to the lonely, insight to the anxious, and release to those who feel trapped.
This feature has motivated Ann Cleeves to turn her attention to the old long-lasting bibliotherapy, she then co-sponsored such a program in northeast England, working with public health teams. Bibliotherapy is an approach employing books and other forms of literature to improve a patient’s mental health. A review of several studies found such programs have a long-term effect on people’s well-being.
But Cleeves has a broader idea in mind. Writing for The Guardian, she described how reading and writing fiction helped her understand her own response and allowed her to escape into a different world. The reading coaches will match their patients with appropriate poetry and novels as well as non-fiction based on patients’ condition, and will introduce them to librarians and other readers. After all, what is uplifting to one reader will seem twee (太花哨的) to another and what one finds unpleasant may be reassuring to the next.
For Cleeves, it is happy to see people seek self-discovery in the world of books. Some may respond to children’s classic The Secret Garden; others will recognize themselves in Toni Morrison’s novels. An ancient idea has found fresh resonance (共鸣).
4. What did Dylan Thomas and Yiyun Li have in common
A. They turned to books for spiritual comfort.
B. They sought inspiration in foreign countries.
C. They had a great influence on the world literature.
D. They once launched a reading group during tough times.
5. What inspired Ann Cleeves to co-sponsor the program
A. The support from public teams.
B. The healing power of books.
C. The popularity of the program among people.
D. The lack of such a program in northeast England.
6 What can be inferred about bibliotherapy
A. It can greatly improve public health.
B It can bring a boom in book markets.
C. It can bring in diverse forms of literature.
D. It can be used as a cure for depression.
7. How does a reading coach play his or her role
A. By assisting readers in writing their own fiction.
B. By helping librarians sort out all kinds of books
C. By suiting specific books to patients.
D. By recording readers’ response to different books.
IT’S A TYPICAL morning: you wake up, take a shower, brush your teeth, and then prick (刺; 扎) your arm with a tiny needle. Wait, what Unless you have a serious disease such as diabetes, you probably haven’t ever tested your own blood. But in the future, that might change.
The company Cor already sells a system for home blood testing. You stick your arm using a supposedly painless, one-off , blood-drawing cartridge (针筒) about the size of a lipstick. Then you stick the cartridge into a device that looks like the base for an electric toothbrush. A few minutes later, an app on your phone buzzes with updated information, including your current health data and tips on what to eat and how to exercise during the day.
It’s true that blood contains a wealth of information about a person’s health. Blood tests can show if a person is infected with a disease or at risk for a variety of problems, including a heart attack or a stroke. But most people don’t test their own blood until a doctor says it’s time. Healthy young adults get regular blood tests about every five years. These tests happen at a lab, where a technician or a nurse sticks a long needle into the arm to draw out several tubes full of blood. Cor and similar companies, such as WellnessFX, are trying to change all that. They think people deserve access to more information about their own health.
But not everyone is convinced that regular blood testing for healthy people is a great idea. Cor’s system is expensive and may pot offer much benefit. “The lightest result here is that you lose your money and then you’re reminded to get more sleep and to eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish,” Pieter Cohen of Harvard Medical School told the New York Times. “The worst result is that you end up getting frightened by probably abnormal results that are actually completely normal for you.”
Plus, the results of a home blood test might be wrong. It’s hard to get accurate results from a tiny amount of blood. So what do you think Is monitoring your own health via pinpricks the way of the future Or is it better to leave blood testing to medical professionals
8. Why does the author mention the typical morning in the first paragraph
A. To explain a scene. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To make a comparison. D. To provide an example.
9. What can we learn about the company Cor’s blood-testing system
A. It is painless and cheap to use.
B. It has won popularity among people.
C. It offers accurate health information about our body.
D. It may give advice on our diet according to the health data.
10. What’s Pieter Cohen’s attitude towards this kind of system
A. Objective. B. Subjective. C. Supportive. D. Negative.
11. Which of the following could be the best title for the text
A. Home blood tests: yes or no B. Should blood tests be allowed at home
C. A new system of improving your health. D. Home blood testing: your health monitor!
Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace my job This is a question that many people think about these days. At present, the application of AI robotics in professional fields, as well as ChatGPT’s abilities to write essays, solve complex problems and more, have heightened moral concerns.
Some people see AI as the ultimate cure for society’s most fundamental problems, while others fear that AI will overtake human intelligence. These two views are based on the assumption that AI is better and smarter than humanity and may ultimately replace human decision-making. But given the fact that technology is the product of human civilization, the challenge from AI is something we have created for ourselves as we keep pushing our own boundaries. In other words, AI’s progress, functions and future direction are all determined by the human brain.
Before AI becomes a threat to humanity, the international community should reach an agreement on the role it is to play. More importantly, related laws and regulations must ensure that AI will benefit society and prevent it from threatening human life. Robots, for example, are believed to develop emotional intelligence sometime, which enables them to recognize, understand and express emotions in a way that is similar to humans, but we must avoid AI copying human emotions. Without legal restrictions, AI may become a social disaster.
The AI-driven new industrial revolution is irreversible. This, like previous ones, which introduced changes that had been unimaginable before, will certainly affect human employment. But it always turned out humanity was able to adapt to each industrial revolution and create new forms of employment. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to worry AI will replace our jobs. While technology advances at a rapid pace, what we need to do is to welcome the AI era rather than block its unfolding for fear of the unknown.
12. Why are some people concerned about AI
A. It may outsmart humans. B. It has led to social problems.
C. It has been applied widely. D. It is the product of humanity.
13. How can we prevent AI’s potential threat
A. By stirring emotions. B. By blocking functions.
C. By setting restrictions. D. By changing regulations.
14. What does the underlined word “irreversible” in the last paragraph mean
A Undesirable. B. Unavoidable.
C. Unpredictable. D. Unbelievable.
15. What does the writer suggest readers do with the coming of the AI era
A. Accept it passively. B. Deal with it positively.
C. Respond to it randomly. D. Defend it unconditionally.
第二节 (共5小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。
Living a life that is fulfilling and purpose-driven is possible for all. It’ s not only about embracing the special moments that make you come alive. It’s also about the power of purpose. ___16___.
Re-evaluate your priorities. You need to identify what is truly important to you and focus your energy on those things. ___17___. Say “no” to activities that don’t agree with your values and say “yes” to experiences that do. Taking the time to examine your core values helps you to understand what matters most in your life.
Take control of your time. You can always make more money, but you’ll never have more time. ___18___. Spend more time doing things that agree with your highest self and less time on those that don’t. By doing so, you can transform your life from normal to extraordinary.
___19___. Analyze your interests and determine what brings you joy and fulfillment. Prioritize them and take steps toward turning them into reality. You could take classes, create a side project, or explore different hobbies. Whatever it is, pursue it actively and don’t let it slip away due to a lack of motivation.
Take risks. This can lead to extraordinary success or extraordinary failure. You need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace change. ___20___, you should take comfort in the uncomfortable. Taking risks is both thrilling and terrifying at tho same time. So take a leap of faith and start living an extraordinary life today!
A. Take your time to pursue your passions
B. Consider your interests and compare the benefits
C. If you worry that you will make the mistakes in the future
D. Active control means making time for rest and creative pursuits
E. Find your purpose by exploring these steps to live a meaningful life
F. Whether taking a leap in your career or trying something new in your life
G. Making conscious choices about your time and energy is one way to achieve this
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city. But then came my ___21___: Am I good enough It was a question that ___22___ me through my first month, even as I began to ___23___, even as I got used to the early morning wake-ups and moving between ___24___ for class.
I knew I had to work to ground myself. My earliest ___25___ involved keeping quiet and trying to observe my new classmates. Who were these kids anyway How did they learn in school All I knew was that they were the ___26___ kids in the city, obviously. But wasn’t I as well Hadn’t I ___27___ here because I was smart like them The truth is that I didn’t know. This ___28___ was like a deadly cell that threatened to divide and divide again, ___29___ I could find some way to stop it. Fortunately, my first ___30___ of grades turned out to be excellent, and so did my second. Over the course of my first two years, I began to build the same kind of ___31___ I’d had at my previous school. With each little achievement, my doubt ___32___ took leave.
I loved any subject that ___33___ writing and labored through math. I had classmates who were always a step or two ahead of me, whose achievements seemed effortless, but I tried not to let that get to me. I was beginning to understand that if I put in extra hours of studying, I could often ___34___ the gap. I wasn’t a straight-A student, but I was always ___35___ and I made progress.
21. A. worry B. delight C. grief D. satisfaction
22. A. concerned B. confused C. saved D. freed
23. A. cut in B. put in C. settle in D. set in
24. A. buildings B. subjects C. activities D. schools
25. A. problem B. trouble C. tragedy D. strategy
26. A. stupidest B. cleverest C. dullest D. shyest
27. A. achieved B. delayed C. landed D. found
28. A. curiosity B. doubt C. interest D. risk
29. A. unless B. since C. as D. though
30. A. reputation B. examination C. round D. sound
31. A. confidence B. teamwork C. friendship D. responsibility
32. A. frequently B. rapidly C. gradually D. accidentally
33. A. illustrated B. instructed C. indicated D. involved
34. A. expose B. ignore C. create D. close
35. A. expecting B. striving C. wondering D. suffering
第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Cold Dew, known as “Hanlu” in Chinese, is the 17th of China’s 24 solar terms and the fifth during autumn, signifying the ___36___ (office) end of autumn. Climbing, drinking chrysanthemum wine and wearing cornel (茱萸) are common practices during Cold Dew as it often coincides with the Double Ninth Festival which ___37___ (fall) on the ninth day of the ninth month on the lunar calendar.
There is a story behind this tradition. Legends have it that a brave man named Huan Jing lived in East Han Dynasty. People living around Ruhe River were often targeted by ___38___ plague monster living in the river. The young Huan left home ___39___ (determine) to learn skills that could kill the monster. He traveled around the country and was guided by a crane to reach a mountain, ___40___was home to an immortal.
After Huan mastered the skills, the immortal gave him a magic sword, a pack of cornel ___41___ (leaf) and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine. Back in his village, Huan ___42___ (lead) the people to the top of a nearby mountain ___43___ the morning of the ninth day. He gave each of them a piece of cornel leaf to prevent the monster from coming closer and asked them to drink some chrysanthemum wine to avoid ___44___ (infect) by the plague. Eventually, he killed the monster at the foot of the mountain with his magic sword. Since then, people climb mountains ___45___ anything high as a ritual during the festival called Chongyang Festival.
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是泉州某校学生会主席李华, 高三学生将参加于18 日举行从学校出发前往九日山的徒步活动。请你给全体参与的学生写一份英语通知。内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容 (时间、地点、穿校服、带水等注意事项)。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Students Union
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Sam’s birthday was approaching, and the excitement that usually filled his heart was now replaced with disappointment and stress. Turning eleven was a big deal, and he had always celebrated it with a grand party surrounded by his friends. However, this year was different. The burden of excessive homework and his parents’ struggling business weighed heavily on him, forcing Sam to make the difficult decision of not having a birthday party, even though it was an event he enjoyed dearly every year.
One day, during break, his best friend, Jim, with a curious look in his eyes, approached. “Are you going to have a birthday party this year ” Jim asked, sensing Sam’s sadness.
“No,” Sam sighed and replied sadly, “There’s just too much going on and my parents are going through financial difficulties.”
He smiled weakly, trying to conceal his immense disappointment and stress, but Jim saw through his pretence (假装) easily. Jim nodded thoughtfully and did not say anything. After the break, Sam saw his talking to one of their classmates, Sarah, secretively. Curious, Sam went over to them, but as soon as Jim saw him, he quickly walked away. Sam was startled by Jim’s strange actions and turned towards Sarah.
“What did he say ” Sam asked.
However, Sarah simply shrugged and walked away with Jim, leaving Sam standing there. feeling left out and anxious.
What is happening San wondered anxiously. Are they keeping something from me
As Sam’s birthday drew nearer, Jim was often found chatting softly with his other classmates. Whenever Sam went over to them, they would just walk away or tell him that they were talking about a secret which Sam was not allowed to know. Jim has never kept secrets from me before, Sam thought. His heart fell. Even his friends were distancing themselves from him! He swung between confusion and sadness with each passing moment, desperately trying to figure out what was happening. Why were his friends distancing themselves from him And what were they hiding
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
On the day of Sam’s birthday, he went to school and found his classroom in total darkness.
Tears sprang from Sam’s eyes and his face broke into a radiant smile.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________泉州六中2023-2024 学年上学期高三年级英语科
(Time: 120 mins Full Marks: 150 points) 2023. 11. 17
第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 选出最佳选项, 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. Why does the woman need help
A. She doesn’t have a recipe. B. She has never baked before. C. She finds the directions difficult.
2. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.
3. What does the man want to do
A. Admire the scenery. B. Continue walking. C. Have a rest.
4. What are the speakers talking about
A. The woman’s fear of traveling.
B. The advantage of homestay accommodation.
C. The woman’s indecision about going abroad.
5. What do we know about the woman
A. She cooled herself down by a fan.
B. She wants to buy an air conditioner.
C. She is more sensitive to hot weather than the man.
第二节 (共15 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分22.5 分)
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What is the woman planning to do next year
A. Row a race. B. Compete in a marathon. C. Improve her health.
7. What food does the woman value most at present
A. Meat. B. Rice. C. Vegetables.
听第7 段材料, 回答第8、9 题。
8. What are the speakers organizing
A. A corporate dinner. B. A wedding celebration. C. A birthday party.
9. When will the event take place
A. On July 10th. B. On August 10th. C. On September 10th.
听第8 段材料, 回答第10 至12 题。
10 Where did the woman know about the advertisement
A. On the Internet. B. From a newspaper. C. From her friend.
11. Why will the man sell the dining table
A. He has bought a smaller one. B. He doesn’t like it anymore. C. He will move house.
12. What will the woman probably do this afternoon
A. Talk with her friend. B. Check on the dining table. C. Tidy up her room.
听第9 段材料, 回答第13 至16 题。
13. What is the man doing
A. Painting a picture. B. Admiring a masterpiece. C. Having his meal.
14. What does the woman think of the food at the canteen
A. Disappointing. B. Acceptable. C. Satisfactory.
15. What dishes does the woman like best
A. Hot dogs and ground beef. B. Rice and fish. C. Bread and fish.
16. What does the woman suggest doing for the talent show
A. Singing a song. B. Bringing some food. C. Creating a backdrop.
听第10 段材料, 回答第17 至20 题。
17. What is the speaker
A. A teacher. B. A manager. C. A film-maker.
18. How did the speaker feel after his first project
A. Joyful. B. Proud. C. Nervous.
19. When do the courses end
A. In July. B. In August. C. In September.
20. What does Pow Pictures offer throughout the year
A. Job opportunities. B. Graphic design courses. C. Language learning programs.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 每小题2.5 分, 满分50分)
Paris is one of the most-visited destinations in the world. A relaxing trip to Paris takes a little bit of planning. Here are some tips for you to make your trip smooth.
Planning your trip
Have a passport for international travel. A passport costs $110 and takes 6-8weeks to arrive after you apply.
Booking Flights
The cheapest month to fly is March, especially if you can leave on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. You’ll save even more money by booking around 90 days in advance. In the summer months, tickets will be more expensive no matter when you book.
Enjoying Your Time
●Visit the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable symbol of Paris. To avoid the crowds, go to the Eiffel Tower early in the morning. It costs ?25 to go to the top, or ?10 to climb to the first 2 levels on foot.
● See the Notre Dame Cathedral
At present, the Notre Dame Cathedral is closed to tourists due to the fire that destroyed parts of the cathedral. However, you can still visit the outside of the cathedral.
● Go to the Louvre to see world-famous art
The Louvre hosts the Mona Lisa along with 35, 000 other pieces of art. If you’re pressed for time, visit the highlights. The Louvre costs ?15 at the museum or ?17 in advance (to skip most of the line).
● Take a day trip to Versailles
If you have a day to spare, head to the palace of Versailles, around 14 miles southwest of the city. Take a tour to see King Louis XVI’s palace and gardens. It costs ?20 to visit the palace and grounds.
1. When can we book plane tickets to save the most money
A. In March. B. In June.
C. In August. D. In December.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. You can climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower free of charge.
B. Visitors can pay an extra to save the queue time in visiting the Louvre.
C. The Notre Dame Cathedral was completely destroyed in a fire.
D. Visiting the palace of Versailles is the most expensive among the four attractions.
3 Where is the text probably taken from
A. A travel brochure B. A course plan.
C. A research paper. D. An encyclopedia.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。本文主要介绍了在巴黎旅游的一些注意事项和景点,包括 passport 办理、机票预订、参观埃菲尔铁塔、圣母院、卢浮宫和凡尔赛宫等。文章提供了一些技巧和建议,以帮助游客更顺利地体验巴黎之旅。
细节理解题。根据Booking Flights部分中“The cheapest month to fly is March, especially if you can leave on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. You’ll save even more money by booking around 90 days in advance.(乘飞机最便宜的月份是三月份,尤其是如果你能在周一、周二或周三出发的话。如果提前90天左右预订,你会节省更多的钱。)”可知,十二月订机票最省钱。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Go to the Louvre to see world-famous art部分中“If you’re pressed for time, visit the highlights. The Louvre costs ?15 at the museum or ?17 in advance (to skip most of the line). (如果你时间紧迫,那就去看看精华部分吧。卢浮宫的票价是15欧元,或者提前为17欧元(可以跳过大部分队伍)。)”可知,游客可以额外付费以节省参观卢浮宫的排队时间。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Paris is one of the most-visited destinations in the world. A relaxing trip to Paris takes a little bit of planning. Here are some tips for you to make your trip smooth. (巴黎是世界上游客最多的目的地之一。一次轻松的巴黎之旅需要一点计划。这里有一些小贴士可以让你的旅行顺利)”以及结合文章主要内容可知,文章介绍的是去巴黎旅行给出了一些旅行建议。可推知,文章选自旅游手册。故选A。
The library of Pharaoh Ramesses I is said to have borne the inscription (碑文) “the house of healing for the soul”. Dylan Thomas, an English writer, reportedly liked to relax by reading Agatha Christie’s detective novels. As for the novelist Yiyun Li, it was War and Peace that helped her get through the toughest times; when she launched a virtual reading group of Leo Tolstoy’s masterpiece in lockdown, 3,000 people signed up.
In recent years, a growing body of research has backed up the idea that books not only entertain, but also help us recover and grow. They offer companionship to the lonely, insight to the anxious, and release to those who feel trapped.
This feature has motivated Ann Cleeves to turn her attention to the old long-lasting bibliotherapy, she then co-sponsored such a program in northeast England, working with public health teams. Bibliotherapy is an approach employing books and other forms of literature to improve a patient’s mental health. A review of several studies found such programs have a long-term effect on people’s well-being.
But Cleeves has a broader idea in mind. Writing for The Guardian, she described how reading and writing fiction helped her understand her own response and allowed her to escape into a different world. The reading coaches will match their patients with appropriate poetry and novels as well as non-fiction based on patients’ condition, and will introduce them to librarians and other readers. After all, what is uplifting to one reader will seem twee (太花哨的) to another and what one finds unpleasant may be reassuring to the next.
For Cleeves, it is happy to see people seek self-discovery in the world of books. Some may respond to children’s classic The Secret Garden; others will recognize themselves in Toni Morrison’s novels. An ancient idea has found fresh resonance (共鸣).
4. What did Dylan Thomas and Yiyun Li have in common
A. They turned to books for spiritual comfort.
B. They sought inspiration in foreign countries.
C. They had a great influence on the world literature.
D. They once launched a reading group during tough times.
5. What inspired Ann Cleeves to co-sponsor the program
A The support from public teams.
B. The healing power of books.
C. The popularity of the program among people.
D. The lack of such a program in northeast England.
6. What can be inferred about bibliotherapy
A. It can greatly improve public health.
B. It can bring a boom in book markets.
C. It can bring in diverse forms of literature.
D. It can be used as a cure for depression.
7. How does a reading coach play his or her role
A. By assisting readers in writing their own fiction.
B. By helping librarians sort out all kinds of books
C. By suiting specific books to patients.
D. By recording readers’ response to different books.
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了书籍不仅具有娱乐功能,还可以帮助人们恢复和成长。 Ann Cleeves资助了一个阅读疗法项目,为这种古老的疗法赋予了新的生命。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Dylan Thomas, an English writer, reportedly liked to relax by reading Agatha Christie’s detective novels. As for the novelist Yiyun Li, it was War and Peace that helped her get through the toughest times;(据报道,英国作家迪兰·托马斯喜欢通过阅读阿加莎·克里斯蒂的侦探小说来放松。对于小说家李翊云,是《战争与和平》帮助她度过了最艰难的时期)”可知,迪兰·托马斯和李翊云都会向书籍寻求精神慰藉。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“In recent years, a growing body of research has backed up the idea that books not only entertain, but also help us recover and grow. They offer companionship to the lonely, insight to the anxious, and release to those who feel trapped.(近年来,越来越多的研究支持了这样一种观点,即书籍不仅可以娱乐,还可以帮助我们恢复和成长。它们为孤独的人提供陪伴,为焦虑的人提供洞察力,为被困的人提供解脱。)”以及第三段中“This feature has motivated Ann Cleeves to turn her attention to the old long-lasting bibliotherapy, she then co-sponsored such a program in northeast England, working with public health teams.(这一特点促使Ann Cleeves将注意力转向古老而持久的阅读疗法,然后她与公共卫生团队合作,在英格兰东北部共同赞助了这样一个项目。)”可知,书籍的治愈力激发了Ann Cleeves共同赞助该项目。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Bibliotherapy is an approach employing books and other forms of literature to improve a patient’s mental health.(阅读疗法是一种利用书籍和其他形式的文献来改善患者心理健康的方法。)”可知,阅读疗法是来改善患者心理健康,由此推知,阅读疗法可以用来治疗抑郁症。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“The reading coaches will match their patients with appropriate poetry and novels as well as non-fiction based on patients’ condition, and will introduce them to librarians and other readers.(阅读教练会根据患者的情况为他们匹配合适的诗歌、小说和纪实小说,并将他们介绍给图书管理员和其他读者。)”可知,阅读教练通过为患者匹配合适的书籍来发挥作用。故选C项。
IT’S A TYPICAL morning: you wake up, take a shower, brush your teeth, and then prick (刺; 扎) your arm with a tiny needle. Wait, what Unless you have a serious disease such as diabetes, you probably haven’t ever tested your own blood. But in the future, that might change.
The company Cor already sells a system for home blood testing. You stick your arm using a supposedly painless, one-off , blood-drawing cartridge (针筒) about the size of a lipstick. Then you stick the cartridge into a device that looks like the base for an electric toothbrush. A few minutes later, an app on your phone buzzes with updated information, including your current health data and tips on what to eat and how to exercise during the day.
It’s true that blood contains a wealth of information about a person’s health. Blood tests can show if a person is infected with a disease or at risk for a variety of problems, including a heart attack or a stroke. But most people don’t test their own blood until a doctor says it’s time. Healthy young adults get regular blood tests about every five years. These tests happen at a lab, where a technician or a nurse sticks a long needle into the arm to draw out several tubes full of blood. Cor and similar companies, such as WellnessFX, are trying to change all that. They think people deserve access to more information about their own health.
But not everyone is convinced that regular blood testing for healthy people is a great idea. Cor’s system is expensive and may pot offer much benefit. “The lightest result here is that you lose your money and then you’re reminded to get more sleep and to eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish,” Pieter Cohen of Harvard Medical School told the New York Times. “The worst result is that you end up getting frightened by probably abnormal results that are actually completely normal for you.”
Plus, the results of a home blood test might be wrong. It’s hard to get accurate results from a tiny amount of blood. So what do you think Is monitoring your own health via pinpricks the way of the future Or is it better to leave blood testing to medical professionals
8. Why does the author mention the typical morning in the first paragraph
A. To explain a scene. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To make a comparison. D. To provide an example.
9. What can we learn about the company Cor’s blood-testing system
A. It is painless and cheap to use.
B. It has won popularity among people.
C. It offers accurate health information about our body.
D. It may give advice on our diet according to the health data.
10. What’s Pieter Cohen’s attitude towards this kind of system
A. Objective. B. Subjective. C. Supportive. D. Negative.
11. Which of the following could be the best title for the text
A. Home blood tests: yes or no B. Should blood tests be allowed at home
C. A new system of improving your health. D. Home blood testing: your health monitor!
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. D 11. A
推理判断题。根据第一段“IT’S A TYPICAL morning: you wake up, take a shower, brush your teeth, and then prick (刺;扎) your arm with a tiny needle. Wait, what Unless you have a serious disease such as diabetes, you probably haven’t ever tested your own blood. But in the future, that might change. (这是一个典型的早晨:你醒来,洗个澡,刷牙,然后用一根小针刺伤你的手臂。等等,什么?除非你患有糖尿病等严重疾病,否则你可能从未检测过自己的血液。但在未来,这种情况可能会改变)”以及第二段“The company Cor already sells a system for home blood testing. (Cor公司已经在销售一种家庭血液检测系统)”可推知,作者在第一段提到了典型的早晨是为了引入文章探讨的主题,即Cor公司已经在销售的一种家庭血液检测系统。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段“A few minutes later, an app on your phone buzzes with updated information, including your current health data and tips on what to eat and how to exercise during the day. (几分钟后,你手机上的一个应用程序就会发出嗡嗡声,显示最新的信息,包括你当前的健康数据,以及白天吃什么和如何锻炼的建议)”可知,Cor公司的血液检测系统可以根据健康数据对我们的饮食提出建议。故选D。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段““The lightest result here is that you lose your money and then you’re reminded to get more sleep and to eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish,” Pieter Cohen of Harvard Medical School told the New York Times. “The worst result is that you end up getting frightened by probably abnormal results that are actually completely normal for you.””(哈佛医学院的Pieter Cohen告诉《纽约时报》:“最轻的结果是,你会赔钱,然后被提醒多睡一会儿,多吃水果、蔬菜和鱼。”。“最糟糕的结果是,你最终会被可能不正常的结果吓坏,而这些结果对你来说实际上是完全正常的。”)”可推知,Pieter Cohen对这种系统持消极态度,因为他对检测的结果持有怀疑。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“The company Cor already sells a system for home blood testing. (Cor公司已经在销售一种家庭血液检测系统)”以及最后一段“Plus, the results of a home blood test might be wrong. It’s hard to get accurate results from a tiny amount of blood. So what do you think Is monitoring your own health via pinpricks the way of the future Or is it better to leave blood testing to medical professionals (此外,家庭血液测试的结果可能是错误的。从少量的血液中很难得到准确的结果。你怎么看?通过针刺来监测自己的健康是未来的方式吗?还是把验血留给专业医生更好?)”结合文章说明了Cor公司已经在销售一种家庭血液检测系统,介绍了其工作方式以及家庭血液检测系统的利弊。由此可知,A选项“Home blood tests: yes or no (家庭验血:肯定还是否定?)”最符合文章标题。故选A。
Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace my job This is a question that many people think about these days. At present, the application of AI robotics in professional fields, as well as ChatGPT’s abilities to write essays, solve complex problems and more, have heightened moral concerns.
Some people see AI as the ultimate cure for society’s most fundamental problems, while others fear that AI will overtake human intelligence. These two views are based on the assumption that AI is better and smarter than humanity and may ultimately replace human decision-making. But given the fact that technology is the product of human civilization, the challenge from AI is something we have created for ourselves as we keep pushing our own boundaries. In other words, AI’s progress, functions and future direction are all determined by the human brain.
Before AI becomes a threat to humanity, the international community should reach an agreement on the role it is to play. More importantly, related laws and regulations must ensure that AI will benefit society and prevent it from threatening human life. Robots, for example, are believed to develop emotional intelligence sometime, which enables them to recognize, understand and express emotions in a way that is similar to humans, but we must avoid AI copying human emotions. Without legal restrictions, AI may become a social disaster.
The AI-driven new industrial revolution is irreversible. This, like previous ones, which introduced changes that had been unimaginable before, will certainly affect human employment. But it always turned out humanity was able to adapt to each industrial revolution and create new forms of employment. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to worry AI will replace our jobs. While technology advances at a rapid pace, what we need to do is to welcome the AI era rather than block its unfolding for fear of the unknown.
12 Why are some people concerned about AI
A. It may outsmart humans. B. It has led to social problems.
C. It has been applied widely. D. It is the product of humanity.
13. How can we prevent AI’s potential threat
A. By stirring emotions. B. By blocking functions.
C. By setting restrictions. D. By changing regulations.
14. What does the underlined word “irreversible” in the last paragraph mean
A. Undesirable. B. Unavoidable.
C. Unpredictable. D. Unbelievable.
15. What does the writer suggest readers do with the coming of the AI era
A. Accept it passively. B. Deal with it positively.
C. Respond to it randomly. D. Defend it unconditionally.
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Some people see AI as the ultimate cure for society’s most fundamental problems, while others fear that AI will overtake human intelligence. These two views are based on the assumption that AI is better and smarter than humanity and may ultimately replace human decision-making.(一些人认为人工智能是解决社会最根本问题的终极良方,而另一些人则担心人工智能将超越人类的智慧。这两种观点都是基于人工智能比人类更好、更聪明,最终可能取代人类决策的假设)”可知,一些人担心人工智能将超越人类的智慧,这是基于他们认为人工智能比人类更好、更聪明,最终可能取代人类决策的假设。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“More importantly, related laws and regulations must ensure that AI will benefit society and prevent it from threatening human life.(更重要的是,相关法律法规必须确保人工智能造福社会,防止其威胁人类生命)”可知,我们可以通过相关法律法规确保人工智能造福社会,防止其威胁人类生命。故选C。
词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的内容“This, like previous ones, which introduced changes that had been unimaginable before, will certainly affect human employment.(这就像以前一样,带来了以前无法想象的变化,肯定会影响到人类的就业)”可知,人工智能驱动的新工业革命就像以前一样会带来无法想象的变化,一定会影响到人类的就业,因此人工智能驱动的新工业革命是不可避免的。故划线词与B选项“Unavoidable(不可避免的)”为同义词。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Therefore, it’s unnecessary to worry AI will replace our jobs. While technology advances at a rapid pace, what we need to do is to welcome the AI era rather than block its unfolding for fear of the unknown.(因此,不必担心人工智能会取代我们的工作。虽然技术正在快速发展,但我们需要做的是欢迎人工智能时代的到来,而不是因为害怕未知而阻止它的发展)”可知,作者建议对于未来的人工智能时代的到来,不要因为害怕而去阻止它,而是应该欢迎人工智能时代的到来,即积极地对待它。故选B。
第二节 (共5小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。
Living a life that is fulfilling and purpose-driven is possible for all. It’ s not only about embracing the special moments that make you come alive. It’s also about the power of purpose. ___16___.
Re-evaluate your priorities. You need to identify what is truly important to you and focus your energy on those things. ___17___. Say “no” to activities that don’t agree with your values and say “yes” to experiences that do. Taking the time to examine your core values helps you to understand what matters most in your life.
Take control of your time. You can always make more money, but you’ll never have more time. ___18___. Spend more time doing things that agree with your highest self and less time on those that don’t. By doing so, you can transform your life from normal to extraordinary.
___19___. Analyze your interests and determine what brings you joy and fulfillment. Prioritize them and take steps toward turning them into reality. You could take classes, create a side project, or explore different hobbies. Whatever it is, pursue it actively and don’t let it slip away due to a lack of motivation.
Take risks. This can lead to extraordinary success or extraordinary failure. You need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace change. ___20___, you should take comfort in the uncomfortable. Taking risks is both thrilling and terrifying at tho same time. So take a leap of faith and start living an extraordinary life today!
A. Take your time to pursue your passions
B. Consider your interests and compare the benefits
C. If you worry that you will make the mistakes in the future
D. Active control means making time for rest and creative pursuits
E. Find your purpose by exploring these steps to live a meaningful life
F. Whether taking a leap in your career or trying something new in your life
G. Making conscious choices about your time and energy is one way to achieve this
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. D 19. A 20. F
根据前文“Living a life that is fulfilling and purpose-driven is possible for all. It’ s not only about embracing the special moments that make you come alive. It’s also about the power of purpose.(过一种充实而有目标的生活对所有人来说都是可能的。这不仅仅是拥抱那些让你充满活力的特殊时刻。这也是关于目标的力量)”可知,本文主题是过一种充实而有目标的生活,所以E项“Find your purpose by exploring these steps to live a meaningful life(通过探索这些步骤来找到你的目标,过上有意义的生活)”符合本段主题,可以总领下文,一般放在首段末尾,其中purpose为通次复现。故选E项。
根据前文“Re-evaluate your priorities. You need to identify what is truly important to you and focus your energy on those things.(重新评估你优先事项。你需要确定什么对你来说是真正重要的,然后把精力集中在这些事情上)”可知,本段主要讲述把时间和精力放在重要的事上,所以G项“Making conscious choices about your time and energy is one way to achieve this(有意识地选择你的时间和精力是实现这一目标的一种方法)”是介绍实现前句目标的方法,符合文意,其中energy为同词复现。故选G项。
根据前文“Take control of your time. You can always make more money, but you’ll never have more time.(控制你的时间。你总是可以赚更多的钱,但你永远不会有更多的时间)”以及后文“Spend more time doing things that agree with your highest self and less time on those that don’t.(花更多的时间去做那些符合你最高自我的事情,少花点时间在那些不符合你最高自我的事情上)”可知,本段讲述是控制时间,所以D项“Active control means making time for rest and creative pursuits(主动控制意味着为休息和创造性的追求腾出时间)”是本段方法的概述,下文是对其的进一步解释,符合文意,其中control为同词复现。故选A项。
分析设空,位于句首,是本段的中心句,根据后文“Analyze your interests and determine what brings you joy and fulfillment. Prioritize them and take steps toward turning them into reality. You could take classes, create a side project, or explore different hobbies. Whatever it is, pursue it actively and don’t let it slip away due to a lack of motivation.(分析你的兴趣,确定什么能给你带来快乐和满足。优先考虑它们,并采取措施将它们变为现实。你可以去上课,做一个副业,或者探索不同的爱好。不管它是什么,积极地去追求它,不要因为缺乏动力而让它溜走)”可知,本段主要讲述了积极地去追求给自己带来快乐和满足的兴趣,所以A项“Take your time to pursue your passions(花时间去追求你的爱好)”可作为本段中心句。故选B项。
根据前文“Take risks. This can lead to extraordinary success or extraordinary failure. You need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace change.(承担风险。这可能导致非凡的成功或非凡的失败。你需要愿意走出你的舒适区,拥抱改变)”可知,本段主要讲述走出去舒适区,尝试新的事物,所以F项“Whether taking a leap in your career or trying something new in your life(无论是在事业上迈出一大步,还是在生活中尝试新事物)”符合本段主题。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city. But then came my ___21___: Am I good enough It was a question that ___22___ me through my first month, even as I began to ___23___, even as I got used to the early morning wake-ups and moving between ___24___ for class.
I knew I had to work to ground myself. My earliest ___25___ involved keeping quiet and trying to observe my new classmates. Who were these kids anyway How did they learn in school All I knew was that they were the ___26___ kids in the city, obviously. But wasn’t I as well Hadn’t I ___27___ here because I was smart like them The truth is that I didn’t know. This ___28___ was like a deadly cell that threatened to divide and divide again, ___29___ I could find some way to stop it. Fortunately, my first ___30___ of grades turned out to be excellent, and so did my second. Over the course of my first two years, I began to build the same kind of ___31___ I’d had at my previous school. With each little achievement, my doubt ___32___ took leave.
I loved any subject that ___33___ writing and labored through math. I had classmates who were always a step or two ahead of me, whose achievements seemed effortless, but I tried not to let that get to me. I was beginning to understand that if I put in extra hours of studying, I could often ___34___ the gap. I wasn’t a straight-A student, but I was always ___35___ and I made progress.
21. A. worry B. delight C. grief D. satisfaction
22. A. concerned B. confused C. saved D. freed
23. A. cut in B. put in C. settle in D. set in
24. A. buildings B. subjects C. activities D. schools
25. A. problem B. trouble C. tragedy D. strategy
26. A. stupidest B. cleverest C. dullest D. shyest
27. A. achieved B. delayed C. landed D. found
28. A. curiosity B. doubt C. interest D. risk
29. A. unless B. since C. as D. though
30. A. reputation B. examination C. round D. sound
31. A. confidence B. teamwork C. friendship D. responsibility
32. A. frequently B. rapidly C. gradually D. accidentally
33. A. illustrated B. instructed C. indicated D. involved
34. A. expose B. ignore C. create D. close
35. A. expecting B. striving C. wondering D. suffering
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. D 35. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但随之而来的是我的担忧。A. worry担忧;B. delight高兴;C. grief悲伤;D. satisfaction满意。根据前文“I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city.”以及后文“Am I good enough ”可知,作者考进了城里最好的高中,但是在担心自己足够好吗,所以随之而来的是担忧。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在第一个月里,这个问题一直困扰着我,即使是在我开始适应新环境的时候,即使是在我习惯了早起、在教学楼之间穿梭上课的时候。A. concerned影响;B. confused困扰;C. saved拯救;D. freed释放。根据前文“It was a question”结合选项可知,问题应是困扰着作者。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:在第一个月里,这个问题一直困扰着我,即使是在我开始适应新环境的时候,即使是在我习惯了早起、在教学楼之间穿梭上课的时候。A. cut in打断;B. put in提出;C. settle in适应;D. set in产生。根据后文“even as I got used to the early morning wake-ups and moving between    4    for class.”可知,作者开始习惯于早起、在教学楼之间穿梭上课,所以是适应高中生活。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在第一个月里,这个问题一直困扰着我,即使是在我开始适应新环境的时候,即使是在我习惯了早起、在教学楼之间穿梭上课的时候。A. buildings建筑;B. subjects学科;C. activities活动;D. schools学校。根据前文的“moving”以及后文的“for class”可知,作者应是在教学楼之间穿梭上课。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我最初的策略是保持安静,尽量观察我的新同学。A. problem问题;B. trouble麻烦;C. tragedy悲剧;D. strategy战略。根据后文“keeping quiet and trying to observe my new classmates.”可知,作者保持安静,尽量观察他的新同学,这应是他的策略。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我只知道他们显然是城里最聪明的孩子。A. stupidest最傻的;B. cleverest最聪明的;C. dullest最无聊的;D. shyest最腼腆的。根据前文“I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city.”可知,作者进了城里最好的高中,推知这里的孩子是城里最聪明的孩子。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我来这里不就是因为我和他们一样聪明吗 A. achieved达到;B. delayed延迟;C. landed着陆,来;D. found发现。根据后文“I was lucky enough to test into the best high school in the city.”可知,作者进了城里最好的高中,所以是来这里。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种怀疑就像一个致命的细胞,威胁着要不断分裂,除非我能找到办法阻止它。A. curiosity好奇心;B. doubt怀疑;C. interest兴趣;D. risk风险。根据前文“But wasn’t I as well Hadn’t I    7    here because I was smart like them ”可知,作者陷入自我怀疑当中。故选B项。
考查状语从句连接词辨析。句意:这种怀疑就像一个致命的细胞,威胁着要不断分裂,除非我能找到办法阻止它。A. unless除非;B. since因为;C. as因为;D. though虽然。根据前后文句意可知,此处表达一种假设条件,应用unless引导条件状语从句。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,我的第一轮考试成绩很好,第二轮也是如此。A. reputation名誉;B. examination检查;C. round轮次;D. sound声音。根据后文的“so did my second”可知,有好几次,结合选项,应是“第一轮考试成绩很好,第二轮也是如此”符合语境。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在最初的两年里,我开始建立起和在上一所学校时一样的自信。A. confidence信心;B. teamwork团队合作;C. friendship友谊;D. responsibility责任。根据前文“Fortunately, my first    10    of grades turned out to be excellent, and so did my second.”可知,作者前两轮考试成绩都很好,所以应是建立的自信。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着每一个小小的成就,我的怀疑逐渐消失了。A. frequently经常;B. rapidly迅速;C. gradually逐渐地;D. accidentally意外地。根据前文“With each little achievement”可知,随着作者每一个小小的成就,他的自我怀疑应是逐渐消失。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢任何涉及写作和数学的科目。A. illustrated说明;B. instructed指示;C. indicated表明;D. involved牵涉。根据前文“I loved any subject”以及后文“writing and labored through math”结合选项可知,此处表达“喜欢任何涉及写作和数学的科目”之意符合语境。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始明白,如果我投入额外的时间学习,我常常可以缩小差距。A. expose暴露;B. ignore忽视;C. create创建;D. close缩小。根据前文“I put in extra hours of studying”可知,作者投入额外的时间学习,可以缩小差距。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不是一个优等生,但我一直在努力,我取得了进步。A. expecting期待;B. striving努力;C. wondering想知道;D. suffering遭受。根据后文“I made progress”可知,作者取得了进步是因为付出了努力。故选B项。
第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Cold Dew, known as “Hanlu” in Chinese, is the 17th of China’s 24 solar terms and the fifth during autumn, signifying the ___36___ (office) end of autumn. Climbing, drinking chrysanthemum wine and wearing cornel (茱萸) are common practices during Cold Dew as it often coincides with the Double Ninth Festival which ___37___ (fall) on the ninth day of the ninth month on the lunar calendar.
There is a story behind this tradition. Legends have it that a brave man named Huan Jing lived in East Han Dynasty. People living around Ruhe River were often targeted by ___38___ plague monster living in the river. The young Huan left home ___39___ (determine) to learn skills that could kill the monster. He traveled around the country and was guided by a crane to reach a mountain, ___40___was home to an immortal.
After Huan mastered the skills, the immortal gave him a magic sword, a pack of cornel ___41___ (leaf) and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine. Back in his village, Huan ___42___ (lead) the people to the top of a nearby mountain ___43___ the morning of the ninth day. He gave each of them a piece of cornel leaf to prevent the monster from coming closer and asked them to drink some chrysanthemum wine to avoid ___44___ (infect) by the plague. Eventually, he killed the monster at the foot of the mountain with his magic sword. Since then, people climb mountains ___45___ anything high as a ritual during the festival called Chongyang Festival.
【答案】36. official
37. falls 38. a
39. determined
40. which 41. leaves
42. led 43. on
44. being infected 45. or
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:登高、喝菊花酒、戴茱萸是寒露期间常见的习俗,因为它通常与农历九月初九的重阳节相吻合。分析句子结构可知,本句是which引导的定语从句,fall作从句谓语,描述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语which代指先行词the Double Ninth Festival,为第三人称单数。故填falls。
考查形容词。句意:年轻的桓离开了家,决心学习杀死怪物的技能。根据句意和固定搭配:be determined to意为“下决心做……”可知,此处应该用形容词determined作状语。故填determined 。
考查名词。句意:桓掌握了技巧后,神仙给了他一把神剑,一包茱萸叶和一瓶菊花酒。leaf意为“叶子”为可数名词,根据a pack of可知,用复数形式。故填leaves。
考查非谓语动词。句意:他给了他们每个人一片山茱萸叶,以防止怪物靠近,并要求他们喝一些菊花酒,以避免被瘟疫感染。此处是固定搭配:avoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”,又根据空后的by可知,此处需用被动语态,需用动名词的被动语态作宾语。故填being infected。
考查连词。句意:从那时起,人们在重阳节期间爬山或任何高的东西作为一种仪式。根据句意,此处mountains和anything high是表选择之意,应用or连接。故填or。
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是泉州某校学生会主席李华, 高三学生将参加于18 日举行从学校出发前往九日山的徒步活动。请你给全体参与的学生写一份英语通知。内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容 (时间、地点、穿校服、带水等注意事项)。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Students Union
In order to promote fitness, teamwork, and nature appreciation, a hiking activity to Jiuri Mountain will be organized on the 18th.
To begin with, the hiking is scheduled on next Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.. We will assemble at the school gate and depart together. Please make sure to wear your school uniform during the activity, as it represents our unity and school spirit. Don’t forget to bring enough water to stay hydrated throughout the hike.
Hopefully, you will make it and will have a great time.
Students Union
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一则通知,通知高三学生参加于18 日从学校出发前往九日山的徒步活动。
【详解】1. 词汇积累
首先:to begin with→firstly
确保:make sure→ensure
2. 句式拓展
原句:Don’t forget to bring enough water to stay hydrated throughout the hike.
拓展句:Don’t forget to bring enough water so that can you can stay hydrated throughout the hike.
【点睛】[高分句型1]In order to promote fitness, teamwork, and nature appreciation, a hiking activity to Jiuri Mountain will be organized on the 18th.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
[高分句型2]Please make sure to wear your school uniform during the activity, as it represents our unity and school spirit.(as引导的原因状语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Sam’s birthday was approaching, and the excitement that usually filled his heart was now replaced with disappointment and stress. Turning eleven was a big deal, and he had always celebrated it with a grand party surrounded by his friends. However, this year was different. The burden of excessive homework and his parents’ struggling business weighed heavily on him, forcing Sam to make the difficult decision of not having a birthday party, even though it was an event he enjoyed dearly every year.
One day, during break, his best friend, Jim, with a curious look in his eyes, approached. “Are you going to have a birthday party this year ” Jim asked, sensing Sam’s sadness.
“No,” Sam sighed and replied sadly, “There’s just too much going on and my parents are going through financial difficulties.”
He smiled weakly, trying to conceal his immense disappointment and stress, but Jim saw through his pretence (假装) easily. Jim nodded thoughtfully and did not say anything. After the break, Sam saw his talking to one of their classmates, Sarah, secretively. Curious, Sam went over to them, but as soon as Jim saw him, he quickly walked away. Sam was startled by Jim’s strange actions and turned towards Sarah.
“What did he say ” Sam asked.
However, Sarah simply shrugged and walked away with Jim, leaving Sam standing there. feeling left out and anxious.
What is happening San wondered anxiously. Are they keeping something from me
As Sam’s birthday drew nearer, Jim was often found chatting softly with his other classmates. Whenever Sam went over to them, they would just walk away or tell him that they were talking about a secret which Sam was not allowed to know. Jim has never kept secrets from me before, Sam thought. His heart fell. Even his friends were distancing themselves from him! He swung between confusion and sadness with each passing moment, desperately trying to figure out what was happening. Why were his friends distancing themselves from him And what were they hiding
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
On the day of Sam’s birthday, he went to school and found his classroom in total darkness.
Tears sprang from Sam’s eyes and his face broke into a radiant smile.
On the day of Sam’s birthday, he went to school and found his classroom in total darkness. A wave of confusion washed over him as he stepped hesitantly into the room, his heart pounding. He reached for the light switch, but before his hand could find it, a chorus of voices broke the silence. “Surprise!”, his classmates, led by Jim, jumped out from all sorts of hiding places. As the room flooded with light, Sam’s eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. The classroom was decorated with balloons and streamers, a beautiful cake sat on the teacher’s desk, and in the corner, a pile of presents waited to be unwrapped.
Tears sprang from Sam’s eyes and his face broke into a radiant smile. He turned towards Jim, who was grinning from ear to ear. “We knew you couldn’t have a party this year, so we decided to bring the party to you,” Jim said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. The cloud of confusion lifted from Sam’s mind as he realized that his friends hadn’t been distancing themselves from him, they were planning this surprise all along. The sadness that had been looming over his birthday disappeared, replaced with joy and gratitude. As he cut the cake and opened his presents, Sam realized that this was indeed a grand birthday party, just like the ones he used to have.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:Sam每年都举办生日派对——今年,由于家中经济困难,Sam无法办生日派对——好朋友Jim得知了这个消息,安慰了Sam——Sam发现同学们好像都在疏远她,心里更加难过——生日当天,当Sam来到教室时,发现了同学们为她举办了惊喜派对——Sam非常感动,也很感激Jim为自己准备的惊喜。
3. 词汇激活
【点睛】[高分句型1]A wave of confusion washed over him as he stepped hesitantly into the room, his heart pounding.(运用了as 的状语从句以及独立主格形式)
[高分句型2]He turned towards Jim, who was grinning from ear to ear.(运用了who引导的非限定性定语从句)

  • 2023-2024福建省泉州市重点中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版,无听力音频无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案