2023-2024广东省江门市鹤山市高一上学期第二阶段考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
1. Where is probably Matt
A. At home. B. On a flight. C. In a taxi.
2 What gift did the woman get
A. A phone. B. A watch. C. A scarf.
3. Why does Amy look unhappy
A. She can’t look after her sick mother.
B. She didn’t win a competition.
C. She failed her final exams.
4. What does Amy intend to do this winter vacation
A. Travel around the country.
B. Visit the man’s hometown.
C. Return to Argentina.
5. What time does Julia go to bed
A. At 8:00 p.m. B. At 9:00 p.m. C. At 10:00 p.m.
6. What has upset Julia lately
A. She is feeling unwell.
B. Her father spends little time with her.
C. She had a bad camping trip.
7. What should one pay most attention to when taking notes according to the speaker
A. Reading. B. Listening. C. Writing.
8. What is an advantage of using symbols in note-taking
A. It keeps information secret.
B. It leaves space for future use.
C. It makes key words noticeable.
9. What did the speaker learn from her father
A. Cooking. B. Driving. C. Swimming.
10. What did the speaker do in the summer of 2000
A. She learned to ride a bike.
B. She fixed her computer.
C. She went camping in the countryside.
第二部分 阅读理解(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)
Help Teen Line Is Here
CALL 800—852—8336 Nationwide (6 PM—10 PM)
TEXT TEEN to 839863 (6 PM—9 PM)
EMAIL US at teenline@
Are you a teen looking for help
Opening up to someone can be scary. Talking about what you’re dealing with is often hard, but at Teen Line we do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for you. Our only goal is to help you in whatever way we can.
No issue is too big or too small. We are here to provide hope and support if you are struggling. We are here to help!
What to expect when you call or text Teen Line
When you call or text Teen Line, another teen will be there to listen, understand, and answer your questions. Many of our callers are talking to someone about what they’re going through for the first time. Our teen listeners are aware of that and try to make you as comfortable as possible.
When you call or text Teen Line, we won’t judge you or tell you what to do. We will listen to you and work with you to find a way to improve your situation.
Who is going to answer your call or text
Our volunteers, who are high school students from Los Angeles, California, will answer your call. Our volunteers—who we call “Listeners”—receive over 100 hours of training from mental health professionals so that they can respond and understand the needs of the teens reaching out.
What topics can you discuss with us
Our Listeners are ready to talk about anything you are going through. The most common topics teens reach out about are relationships, anxiety, depression and loneliness.
1. When is Teen Line available both for making a call and sending a message
A. At 9:00 AM. B. At 9:30 PM. C. At 7:45 PM. D. At 11:00 PM.
2. What will Teen Line do if they receive a call
A. They will tell the caller what to do directly. B. They will only listen to the caller.
C. They will turn to professionals for help. D. They will work with the caller to solve the problem.
3. Who are the “Listeners”
A. Well-trained volunteers. B. College students in California.
C. Mental health professionals. D. Teenagers with the same issues.
Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. “There’s so much to learn,” he’d say. “Though we’re born stupid, only the stupid remain that way.” He was determined that none of his children would be deprived of (剥夺) an education.
Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.
Then came the moment—the time to share the day’s new learning. “Felice, tell me what you learned today,” he said.
“I have learned that the population of Nepal is...”
Silence. Papa was thinking about what was said, as if saving the world would depend upon it. “Get the map; let’s see where Nepal is.” And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another’s education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, recognizing our value and giving us a sense of self respect, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
Later during my training as a future teacher I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting (传授) what Papa had known all along—the value of lifelong learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.
4. What do we know from the first paragraph
A. Papa had a desire to travel around the world.
B. Papa’s children didn’t receive any education.
C. The poor could hardly afford school education.
D. Those born stupid could not change their life.
5. What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to
A. The news. B. School education.
C. Papa’s comment. D. Dinner time.
6. What is the greatest value of “dinner time” to the author
A. Showing talents. B. Family get-together.
C. Continuous learning. D. Winning Papa’s recognition.
7. The author’s father can be best described as ______.
A. a wise man eager to share his knowledge
B. a parent insistent on his children’s education
C. an educator skillful at training future teachers
D. a teacher strict about everything his students did
Exploring unmapped territory on the moon could soon be as easy as slipping on a backpack. NAS researchers and their partners have developed a high-tech pack to aid explorers in the most remote wilderness imaginable: the airless wastes at the South Pole of the Moon.
The pack, dubbed the Kinematic Navigation and Cartography Knapsack (KNaCK), is a remote-sensing mapping system. Shaped like a hiker’s backpack, it makes use of an innovative type of lidar (激光雷达) called frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) lidar to provide Doppler velocity and range for millions of measurement points per second. These measurement points instantly create a real-time navigation system, delivering to the explorer a 3D high-resolution map of the surrounding area.
“As human beings, we tend to locate ourselves based on landmarks—a specific building, a bunch of trees. Those things don’t exist on the Moon. With KNaCK continuously showing in real time how far they’ve gone and how far is left to go to reach their destination, explorers can cross the surface boldly without having to worry about their safety. They can even mark specific sites where they found some unique mineral or rock formation, so others can easily return for further study,” said Dr. MichaelZanetti, who leads the KNaCK project at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
That’s vital for astronauts on a clock, their exploration limited by the oxygen supply in their suits. KNaCK’s ultra-high-resolution precision—an order of magnitude greater than conventional lunar topography map(地形图)and elevation models makes it a vital resource for conducting science and mission operations 238,900 miles away from mission control, Zanetti said.
Currently, the backpack prototype (原型) weighs about 40 pounds. When it comes to the work to be done next, Zanetti said, Taking advantage of the latest advancements in lidar technology from Aeva, we will make our next-generation device about the size of a soda can, and harden the sensitive electronics against the punishing effects of microgravity and solar radiation.” He looks forward to mounting it on a rover (探测器) or on the side of an astronaut’s helmet, which should leave plenty of room in future lunar mountaineers’ all-purpose backpacks.
8. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. The working principle of KNaCK. B. The problems with the FMCW lidar.
C. The possibility of exploring the moon. D. Explorers’ expectations for the mapping system.
9. The significance of explorers’ marking specific sites lies in ________.
A. setting a good example to others B. providing convenience for others
C. warning others of possible dangers D. avoiding getting lost in strange places
10. What will the KNaCK team do next
A. Produce all-purpose backpacks. B. Reduce the size of the backpack.
C. Seek help from the government. D. Make the hardware more sensitive.
11. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The achievements of moon exploration. B. The challenges faced by moon explorers.
C. A new device for future moon explorers. D. A new way to conduct research on the moon.
Fun Ways to Learn English Faster
·Read, read, read.
One of the easiest things you can do to learn English faster is to read as much as you can. ____12____ This will make your vocabulary better and it will also help you learn grammar and slang (俚语).
·Watch movies.
Watching movies will also help you improve your English, by helping you to hear what it sounds like and also helping you to learn new words. ____13____ Once you have a basic vocabulary, try to keep the subtitles (字幕) off and focus on listening for the words you do know and guessing the words you don’t know from what is happening on the screen.
·Sing songs.
Learning and singing songs is another good way to make your English better. ____14____ It will also help increase your vocabulary. Find a song you like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics (歌词) mean.
You can also just make friends with English language speakers online and chat, email, and Skype together in order to practise your English. You can talk about whatever you want! ____16____
A. Make a friend.
B. Join a fan community.
C. Read things all the time.
D. You can start watching with subtitles on.
E. This will help you improve your pronunciation.
F. Newspapers are a good way to learn the basics of a language.
G. You can find online friends by joining fan communities or through language-learning communities.
第三部分 语言运用(共七节,满分75分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
For my high school graduation present, my family decided to fly to Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). On the ____17____ abroad, my mom shared the idea of Packing for a Purpose, a non-profit organization that helps travellers to support local schools and other community projects. I ____18____ to try it. I’m now a month away from ____19____ High School, so I understand the importance of ____20____. I decided to donate to the project supported by Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental Company, which has helped very generously (慷慨地) with delivering ____21____ to schools in the remote villages of Ecuador.
The donation process was a new ____22____ for me, so I talked to my parents about my ____23____. The thought I came up with was to ____24____ a GoFundMe page to raise money so that I could ____25____ all of the supplies I needed.
It was a very _____26_____ process, and you can share it just by email. Once the _____27_____ gets out, everyone is willing to help. When I _____28_____ the money I needed, I started shopping and got some great deals. Then, I _____29_____ all of these supplies in an old suitcase, so I could leave it at Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental. It went very smoothly.
It was such a rewarding (值得的) experience. I would certainly _____30_____ Pack for a Purpose because it is so easy to receive donations, go out and get supplies. It also has such a great _____31_____ on people in need.
17. A. home B. trip C. train D. ship
18. A. refused B. pretended C. frightened D. decided
19. A. graduating B. attending C. accepting D. building
20. A. examination B. technology C. education D. travelling
21. A. supplies B. lectures C. medals D. rescues
22. A. schedule B. suggestion C. experience D. course
23. A. idea B. topic C. hope D. dream
24. A. refer to B. set up C. work out D. put on
25. A. apply B. attract C. send D. afford
26. A. easy B. hard C. major D. formal
27. A. sound B. laughter C. message D. light
28. A. wasted B. received C. donated D. spent
29. A. sold B. downloaded C. explored D. packed
30. A. recommend B. exchange C. improve D. recognize
31. A. trap B. effect C. opinion D. track
第二节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
32. Mr. Smith as well as two of his students ________ the experiment with care at the moment.
A. is doing B. are doing C. does D. do
33. Everyone will believe New FIFA World Footballer Ronaldinho is a fighter against racism ________
A. will he B. won’t everyone C. won’t he D. will they
34. This is the very place ________ I am longing to visit these years.
A. that B. where C. in which D. which
35. Henry ________ his car when he heard the screams.
A. fixed B. is fixing C. has fixed D. was fixing
36. That man in red is my headmaster ________ my father was talking just now.
A. with who B. whom C. with whom D. who
37. Would you please ________ other passengers
A. give in B. give way to C. give up D. give away
38. Many have been surprised at the______ of time it has taken him to make up his mind.
A. long B. longing C. length D. lengthy
39. About half of us can taste bitter and sweet, so we are not especially sensitive to bitter food. Another 25% are called “non-tasters”, to ________ bitter food might actually be a bit sweeter.
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
40 They demanded that the law on gun ownership _________.
A. changed B. be changed C. to change D. should change
41. He is ________ to make rapid progress in English because he is studying hard.
A. likely B. possible C. probable D. probably
第三节 语义匹配 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
In the animal kingdom, killer whales (虎鲸) are social stars: they travel in different family groups, care for grandchildren, and even ____42____ imitate human speech. Now, scientists are adding one more behavior to the list: forming fast friendships. A new study shows killer whales can ____43____ rival animals such as chimpanzees and macaques (a kind of monkey), and even humans ____44____ when it comes to the kind of “social touch” that is a sign of strong friendship. Some ocean animals ____45____ maintain social structures — including male dolphins (海豚) that learn the “names” of their close friends. But there is little ____46____ proof about wild killer whales. That’s where drone (无人机) technology came in.
42. A. interrupt B. copy C. make D. understand
43. A. rise to B. be equal to C. benefit from D. depend on
44. A. instead of B. as well as C. in terms of D. other than
45. A. keep B. change C. abandon D. lose
46. A. research B. evidence C. information D. image
第四节 课文填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)
Passage 1
This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing _____47_____ through the Andes Mountains ____48____ the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your ____49____, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city.
Passage 2
When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling _____50_____. One of the best players had been injured, and the team _____51_____ had to leave because of heart problems.
Passage 3
But hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were _____52_____ and to _____53_____ the dead. More than 10,000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care. Workers built shelters for survivors _____54_____ homes had been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. Water and food were brought into the city by train, truck, and plane. Slowly,the city began to _____55_____ again.
Passage 4
Written Chinese has also become an important _____56_____ by which China’s present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the _____57_____ works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high _____58_____ for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese _____59_____ as an art form, known as Chinese _____60_____, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
Passage 5
A committee was ____61____to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ____62____ the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different _____63_____ and raised ____64____ within the international community. Experts _____65_____ the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a ____66____ was signed, and the work began in 1960.
第五节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Tibet (西藏), which is famous for its special culture and food, lies in the southwest of China. It is home to about 3.2 million Tibetans, _____67_____ (make) it one of the country’s _____68_____ (large) minorities (少数民族). In recent years, Tibet _____69_____ (gain) recognition and appreciation across the globe. With some of the world’s tallest mountains, Tibet attracts many people _____70_____ want to climb Mount Everest.
If you travel to Tibet, you should know the best time to travel there is from April to October every year. If you plan ____71____ (visit) Tibet, it is important to bring enough clothes. Moreover, besides credit cards, _____72_____ is necessary to bring some cash. To discover more about the cultural traditions of Tibet, it is _____73_____ (high) advised to have a traditional Tibetan meal. ____74____ (visitor) can buy some statue crafts (工艺品) in markets and shops.
A trip to Tibet can offer a unique travel experience, filled _____75_____ rich cultural traditions and beautiful natural scenery. It will also offer us_____76_____ chance to find out that recognizing and keeping our differences is important.
第六节 单句填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
77. The couple invited their friends to have a party at the rented a_________(住处).(根据中英文提示填空)
78. Everyone enjoys the u_________(独特) architecture designed by the architect. (根据中英文提示填空)
79. When I came in, he p_________(假装) to be reading English. (根据中英文提示填空)
80. She looks much s _________ (苗条) than before. (根据中英文提示填空)
81. He has f__________ (原谅) her for what she did. (根据中英文提示填空)
82. Leaflets have been d_________ (递送) to every household. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
83. Linda has an active a_________ (态度) to everything. (根据中英文提示填空)
84. My English teacher asked us to write a d_________ (描写) of our hometown in English. (根据中英文提示填空)
85 The mountain gorilla is on the verge of e__________(灭绝). (根据中英文提示填空)
86. Costs have been r_________(减少)by 20%over the past year. (根据中英文提示填空)
第七节 完成句子 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
87. When he ________ _________ (申请) that job, John attached a photo to his form. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
88. Ping-pong has now become an international sport; it is played ________. (在国内外) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
89. He made a stupid decision and now he ________ it. (对……负责) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
90. Money and fame ________ (与……无关) happiness. (用relate词组填空) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
91. That is the site ________ (他们发现洞穴) full of Buddha statues. (用定语从句) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
第四部分 写作(共一节,满分15分)
92. 假定你是李华,目前在新西兰一所中学做交换生,班上学生对中国学校开展体育运动的情况很感兴趣。请你写一篇发言稿,介绍你校的运动场所、主要的体育活动和你喜欢的运动项目。
Hello, everyone,
It is my honor to introduce something about the physical exercise in my school.
That’s all. Thank you!
听力答案:1-5 B C A C A 6-10 B B C B A鹤山一中2023-2024学年度第一学期第二阶段考试
第一部分 听力理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
1. Where is probably Matt
A. At home. B. On a flight. C. In a taxi.
2. What gift did the woman get
A. A phone. B. A watch. C. A scarf.
3. Why does Amy look unhappy
A. She can’t look after her sick mother.
B. She didn’t win a competition.
C. She failed her final exams.
4. What does Amy intend to do this winter vacation
A. Travel around the country.
B. Visit the man’s hometown.
C. Return to Argentina.
5. What time does Julia go to bed
A. At 8:00 p.m. B. At 9:00 p.m. C. At 10:00 p.m.
6. What has upset Julia lately
A. She is feeling unwell.
B. Her father spends little time with her.
C. She had a bad camping trip.
7. What should one pay most attention to when taking notes according to the speaker
A. Reading. B. Listening. C. Writing.
8. What is an advantage of using symbols in note-taking
A. It keeps information secret.
B. It leaves space for future use.
C. It makes key words noticeable.
9. What did the speaker learn from her father
A. Cooking. B. Driving. C. Swimming.
10. What did the speaker do in the summer of 2000
A. She learned to ride a bike.
B. She fixed her computer.
C. She went camping in the countryside.
第二部分 阅读理解(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)
Help Teen Line Is Here
CALL 800—852—8336 Nationwide (6 PM—10 PM)
TEXT TEEN to 839863 (6 PM—9 PM)
EMAIL US at teenline@
Are you a teen looking for help
Opening up to someone can be scary. Talking about what you’re dealing with is often hard, but at Teen Line we do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for you. Our only goal is to help you in whatever way we can.
No issue is too big or too small. We are here to provide hope and support if you are struggling. We are here to help!
What to expect when you call or text Teen Line
When you call or text Teen Line, another teen will be there to listen, understand, and answer your questions. Many of our callers are talking to someone about what they’re going through for the first time. Our teen listeners are aware of that and try to make you as comfortable as possible.
When you call or text Teen Line, we won’t judge you or tell you what to do. We will listen to you and work with you to find a way to improve your situation.
Who is going to answer your call or text
Our volunteers, who are high school students from Los Angeles, California, will answer your call. Our volunteers—who we call “Listeners”—receive over 100 hours of training from mental health professionals so that they can respond and understand the needs of the teens reaching out.
What topics can you discuss with us
Our Listeners are ready to talk about anything you are going through. The most common topics teens reach out about are relationships, anxiety, depression and loneliness.
1. When is Teen Line available both for making a call and sending a message
A. At 9:00 AM. B. At 9:30 PM. C. At 7:45 PM. D. At 11:00 PM.
2. What will Teen Line do if they receive a call
A. They will tell the caller what to do directly. B. They will only listen to the caller.
C. They will turn to professionals for help. D. They will work with the caller to solve the problem.
3. Who are the “Listeners”
A. Well-trained volunteers. B. College students in California.
C. Mental health professionals. D. Teenagers with the same issues.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据文中“ CALL 800—852—8336 Nationwide (6 PM—10 PM)( 全国电话800-852-8336(下午6点至晚上10点))”和“ TEXT TEEN to 839863 (6 PM—9 PM)( 文本TEEN至839863(下午6点至晚上9点))”可知,可供打电话的时间段为晚上6点—10点,发短信的时间段为晚上6点—9点,所以选项中仅有C项同时符合两个时间段,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文中第二个小标题下的第二段“When you call or text Teen Line, we won’t judge you or tell you what to do. We will listen to you and work with you to find a way to improve your situation.(当你给‘青少年求助热线’打电话或发短信时,我们不会评判你或告诉你该怎么做。我们会倾听你的心声,与你一起寻找改善现状的方法。)”可知,“青少年求助热线”接到电话后会和你一起想办法解决问题,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文中第三个小标题下的第一段“Our volunteers—who we call “Listeners”—receive over 100 hours of training from mental health professionals so that they can respond and understand the needs of the teens reaching out.(我们的志愿者——我们称之为“倾听者”——从心理健康专家那里接受了100多个小时的培训,这样他们就能回应并理解青少年的需求。)”可知,“倾听者”指的是训练有素的志愿者。故选A项。
Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. “There’s so much to learn,” he’d say. “Though we’re born stupid, only the stupid remain that way.” He was determined that none of his children would be deprived of (剥夺) an education.
Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.
Then came the moment—the time to share the day’s new learning. “Felice, tell me what you learned today,” he said.
“I have learned that the population of Nepal is...”
Silence. Papa was thinking about what was said, as if saving the world would depend upon it. “Get the map; let’s see where Nepal is.” And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another’s education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, recognizing our value and giving us a sense of self respect, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
Later during my training as a future teacher I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting (传授) what Papa had known all along—the value of lifelong learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.
4. What do we know from the first paragraph
A. Papa had a desire to travel around the world.
B. Papa’s children didn’t receive any education.
C. The poor could hardly afford school education.
D. Those born stupid could not change their life.
5. What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to
A. The news. B. School education.
C. Papa’s comment. D. Dinner time.
6. What is the greatest value of “dinner time” to the author
A. Showing talents. B. Family get-together.
C. Continuous learning. D. Winning Papa’s recognition.
7. The author’s father can be best described as ______.
A. a wise man eager to share his knowledge
B. a parent insistent on his children’s education
C. an educator skillful at training future teachers
D. a teacher strict about everything his students did
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school.(爸爸是一个一贫如洗的农民的儿子,他很早就离开了学校,去了一家工厂工作,因为当时教育是有钱人的事。于是,世界成了他的学校。)”可知,教育在当时是富人的特权,穷人几乎负担不起学校教育。故选C项。
词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant(我们会谈论当天的新闻;无论多么微不足道)”可知,作者一家人会在晚餐时间谈论当天的新闻;无论新闻多么无足轻重,结合下文中的“…was never taken lightly.(……从未被看轻。)”可知,无论新闻多么无足轻重,都不会看看轻,且it指代的内容为上文中的同一内容,因此,it指的是“the news of the day”符合句意。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned.(因此,爸爸坚持要我们每天至少学一件新东西。晚餐时间似乎是分享我们所学到的知识的最佳时机。)”可知,作者认为晚餐时间是分享所学知识的最佳时机,根据第三段中的“Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.(直到我们清楚地了解了至少六个这样的事实之后,晚餐才结束。)”可知,在晚饭的时候家人们都了解一些事实后晚餐在结束,结合最后一段中的“They were imparting (传授) what Papa had known all along—the value of lifelong learning. (他们在传授爸爸一直都知道的东西——终身学习的价值。)”可知,他们在传授一些父亲知道的东西,综合以上信息可知,对作者来说,“晚餐时间”最大的价值是持续学习新东西。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day.(因此,爸爸坚持要我们每天至少学一件新东西。)”可知,爸爸要求孩子们每天要学一件新动西,根据倒数第二段中的“And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, recognizing our value and giving us a sense of self-respect, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.(爸爸看着我们,倾听我们,尊重我们的意见,认识到我们的价值,给我们一种自尊感,毫无疑问,他是我们最有影响力的老师。)”和最后一段中的“They were imparting (传授) what Papa had known all along—the value of lifelong learning. His technique has served me well all my life.(他们在传授爸爸一直都知道的东西——终身学习的价值。他的技术使我终生受益。)”可知,作者的爸爸是一位观察孩子、倾听孩子、尊重孩子意见认可孩子价值、给孩子尊严、鼓励孩子持续学习新事物的家长。故选B项。
Exploring unmapped territory on the moon could soon be as easy as slipping on a backpack. NAS researchers and their partners have developed a high-tech pack to aid explorers in the most remote wilderness imaginable: the airless wastes at the South Pole of the Moon.
The pack, dubbed the Kinematic Navigation and Cartography Knapsack (KNaCK), is a remote-sensing mapping system. Shaped like a hiker’s backpack, it makes use of an innovative type of lidar (激光雷达) called frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) lidar to provide Doppler velocity and range for millions of measurement points per second. These measurement points instantly create a real-time navigation system, delivering to the explorer a 3D high-resolution map of the surrounding area.
“As human beings, we tend to locate ourselves based on landmarks—a specific building, a bunch of trees. Those things don’t exist on the Moon. With KNaCK continuously showing in real time how far they’ve gone and how far is left to go to reach their destination, explorers can cross the surface boldly without having to worry about their safety. They can even mark specific sites where they found some unique mineral or rock formation, so others can easily return for further study,” said Dr. MichaelZanetti, who leads the KNaCK project at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
That’s vital for astronauts on a clock, their exploration limited by the oxygen supply in their suits. KNaCK’s ultra-high-resolution precision—an order of magnitude greater than conventional lunar topography map(地形图)and elevation models makes it a vital resource for conducting science and mission operations 238,900 miles away from mission control, Zanetti said.
Currently, the backpack prototype (原型) weighs about 40 pounds. When it comes to the work to be done next, Zanetti said, Taking advantage of the latest advancements in lidar technology from Aeva, we will make our next-generation device about the size of a soda can, and harden the sensitive electronics against the punishing effects of microgravity and solar radiation.” He looks forward to mounting it on a rover (探测器) or on the side of an astronaut’s helmet, which should leave plenty of room in future lunar mountaineers’ all-purpose backpacks.
8. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. The working principle of KNaCK. B. The problems with the FMCW lidar.
C. The possibility of exploring the moon. D. Explorers’ expectations for the mapping system.
9. The significance of explorers’ marking specific sites lies in ________.
A. setting a good example to others B. providing convenience for others
C. warning others of possible dangers D. avoiding getting lost in strange places
10. What will the KNaCK team do next
A. Produce all-purpose backpacks. B. Reduce the size of the backpack.
C. Seek help from the government. D. Make the hardware more sensitive.
11. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The achievements of moon exploration. B. The challenges faced by moon explorers.
C. A new device for future moon explorers. D. A new way to conduct research on the moon.
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. B 11. C
主旨大意题。根据第二段“The pack, dubbed the Kinematic Navigation and Cartography Knapsack (KNaCK), is a remote-sensing mapping system. Shaped like a hiker’s backpack, it makes use of an innovative type of lidar (激光雷达) called frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) lidar to provide Doppler velocity and range for millions of measurement points per second. These measurement points instantly create a real-time navigation system, delivering to the explorer a 3D high-resolution map of the surrounding area.(这个背包被称为运动导航和制图背包(KNaCK),是一个遥感测绘系统。它的形状像徒步旅行者的背包,利用一种称为调频连续波(FMCW)激光雷达的创新类型,为每秒数百万个测量点提供多普勒速度和范围。这些测量点立即创建一个实时导航系统,向探索者提供周围地区的3D高分辨率地图)”可知,第二段主要讲了KNaCK的工作原理。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“They can even mark specific sites where they found some unique mineral or rock formation, so others can easily return for further study(他们甚至可以标记出他们发现一些独特矿物或岩层的特定地点,这样其他人就可以很容易地返回进一步研究)”可知,探索者标记特定地点的意义在于为他人提供便利。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“He looks forward to mounting it on a rover (探测器) or on the side of an astronaut’s helmet, which should leave plenty of room in future lunar mountaineers’ all-purpose backpacks.(他希望能把它安装在月球车上,或者宇航员头盔的侧面,这样就能为未来的月球登山者的多功能背包留下足够的空间)”推知,KNaCK团队接下来要减小背包的尺寸。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Exploring unmapped territory on the moon could soon be as easy as slipping on a backpack. NAS researchers and their partners have developed a high-tech pack to aid explorers in the most remote wilderness imaginable: the airless wastes at the South Pole of the Moon.(探索月球上尚未绘制地图的区域可能很快就像背上背包一样简单。NAS 研究人员和他们的合作伙伴已经开发出一种高科技背包,以帮助探险者在像在月球南极没有空气的荒野中想象)”可知,这篇文章主要讲了未来月球探险者的新设备——KNaCK背包,该设备可以为月球探险提供支持。故选C。
Fun Ways to Learn English Faster
·Read, read, read.
One of the easiest things you can do to learn English faster is to read as much as you can. ____12____ This will make your vocabulary better and it will also help you learn grammar and slang (俚语).
·Watch movies.
Watching movies will also help you improve your English, by helping you to hear what it sounds like and also helping you to learn new words. ____13____ Once you have a basic vocabulary, try to keep the subtitles (字幕) off and focus on listening for the words you do know and guessing the words you don’t know from what is happening on the screen.
·Sing songs.
Learning and singing songs is another good way to make your English better. ____14____ It will also help increase your vocabulary. Find a song you like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics (歌词) mean.
You can also just make friends with English language speakers online and chat, email, and Skype together in order to practise your English. You can talk about whatever you want! ____16____
A. Make a friend.
B. Join a fan community.
C. Read things all the time.
D. You can start watching with subtitles on.
E. This will help you improve your pronunciation.
F. Newspapers are a good way to learn the basics of a language.
G. You can find online friends by joining fan communities or through language-learning communities.
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. E 15. A 16. G
由小标题“·Read, read, read. (阅读,阅读,阅读)”和上文“One of the easiest things you can do to learn English faster is to read as much as you can. (为了更快地学习英语,最简单的事情之一就是尽可能多地阅读)”可知,作者建议通过阅读快乐学英语,C选项“一直阅读东西。”切题。故选C项。
由小标题“·Watch movies. (看电影)”,上文“Watching movies will also help you improve your English, by helping you to hear what it sounds like and also helping you to learn new words. (看电影也会帮助你提高英语水平,帮助你听英语的发音,帮助你学习新单词)”和下文“Once you have a basic vocabulary, try to keep the subtitles (字幕) off and focus on listening for the words you do know and guessing the words you don’t know from what is happening on the screen. (一旦你掌握了基本词汇,试着关掉字幕,专注于听你知道的单词,并根据屏幕上发生的事情猜测你不知道的单词)”可知,作者建议通过看电影快乐学英语,D选项“你可以打开字幕开始观看。”承接上文讲看电影快乐学英语的最初做法,等学习程度高了之后,引出下文关掉字母学英语的内容。故选D项。
E选项“这将帮助你提高发音。”和下文“It will also help increase your vocabulary. (这也有助于增加你的词汇量)”是讲“·Sing songs. (唱歌)”通过唱歌快乐学英语带来的两个好处。故选E项。
该空选取小标题,需总结下文。由下文“You can also just make friends with English language speakers online and chat, email, and Skype together in order to practise your English. (你也可以在网上和说英语的人交朋友,一起聊天、发电子邮件和Skype,练习英语)”可知,作者建议通过交朋友快乐学英语,A选项“交个朋友。”切题。故选A项。
由上文“You can also just make friends with English language speakers online and chat, email, and Skype together in order to practise your English. You can talk about whatever you want! (你也可以在网上和说英语的人交朋友,一起聊天、发电子邮件和Skype,练习英语。你想说什么就说什么)”可知,作者建议通过交朋友快乐学英语,G选项“你可以通过加入粉丝社区或通过语言学习社区找到在线朋友。”承接上文讲在哪里能找到网上朋友。故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用(共七节,满分75分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
For my high school graduation present, my family decided to fly to Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). On the ____17____ abroad, my mom shared the idea of Packing for a Purpose, a non-profit organization that helps travellers to support local schools and other community projects. I ____18____ to try it. I’m now a month away from ____19____ High School, so I understand the importance of ____20____. I decided to donate to the project supported by Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental Company, which has helped very generously (慷慨地) with delivering ____21____ to schools in the remote villages of Ecuador.
The donation process was a new ____22____ for me, so I talked to my parents about my ____23____. The thought I came up with was to ____24____ a GoFundMe page to raise money so that I could ____25____ all of the supplies I needed.
It was a very _____26_____ process, and you can share it just by email. Once the _____27_____ gets out, everyone is willing to help. When I _____28_____ the money I needed, I started shopping and got some great deals. Then, I _____29_____ all of these supplies in an old suitcase, so I could leave it at Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental. It went very smoothly.
It was such a rewarding (值得的) experience. I would certainly _____30_____ Pack for a Purpose because it is so easy to receive donations, go out and get supplies. It also has such a great _____31_____ on people in need.
17. A. home B. trip C. train D. ship
18. A. refused B. pretended C. frightened D. decided
19. A. graduating B. attending C. accepting D. building
20. A. examination B. technology C. education D. travelling
21. A. supplies B. lectures C. medals D. rescues
22. A. schedule B. suggestion C. experience D. course
23. A. idea B. topic C. hope D. dream
24. A. refer to B. set up C. work out D. put on
25. A. apply B. attract C. send D. afford
26. A. easy B. hard C. major D. formal
27. A. sound B. laughter C. message D. light
28. A. wasted B. received C. donated D. spent
29. A. sold B. downloaded C. explored D. packed
30. A. recommend B. exchange C. improve D. recognize
31. A. trap B. effect C. opinion D. track
【答案】17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在国外旅行时,我妈妈分享了“为一个目的打包”的想法,这是一个非盈利组织,帮助旅行者支持当地学校和其他社区项目。A. home家;B. trip旅行;C. train火车;D. ship船。呼应上文的“For my high school graduation present, my family decided to fly to Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). (为了我的高中毕业礼物,我的家人决定飞往厄瓜多尔)”讲去国外(厄瓜多尔)旅行。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定试一试。A. refused拒绝;B. pretended假装;C. frightened吓唬;D. decided决定。由上文的“my mom shared the idea of Packing for a Purpose, a non-profit organization that helps travellers to support local schools and other community projects (我妈妈分享了“为一个目的打包”的想法,这是一个非盈利组织,帮助旅行者支持当地学校和其他社区项目)”和下文的“I decided to donate to the project supported by Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental Company (我决定向厄瓜多尔自由自行车租赁公司支持的项目捐款)”可知,作者决定试一试慈善项目。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我现在离高中毕业还有一个月,所以我明白教育的重要性。A. graduating毕业;B. attending参加;C. accepting接受;D. building建立。由上文的“For my high school graduation present (为了我的高中毕业礼物)”可知,作者即将高中毕业。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我现在离高中毕业还有一个月,所以我明白教育的重要性。A. examination考试;B. technology技术;C. education教育;D. travelling旅行。由上文语境和下文的“I decided to donate to the project supported by Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental Company, which has helped very generously (慷慨地) with delivering ____5____ to schools in the remote villages of Ecuador. (我决定向厄瓜多尔自由自行车租赁公司支持的项目捐款,该公司非常慷慨地为厄瓜多尔偏远村庄的学校提供了____5____)”可知,作者即将高中毕业,旅行时决定向偏远村庄的学校捐赠物资,是因为作者明白教育的重要性。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我决定向厄瓜多尔自由自行车租赁公司支持的项目捐款,该公司非常慷慨地为厄瓜多尔偏远村庄的学校提供了物资。A. supplies补给品、物资;B. lectures演讲;C. medals奖牌;D. rescues营救。呼应下文多次出现的“supplies”,此处指捐赠的物资。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:捐赠过程对我来说是一次全新的经历,所以我和父母谈论了我的想法。A. schedule计划;B. suggestion建议;C. experience经历;D. course课程。呼应下文的“It was such a rewarding (值得的) experience. (这是一次非常有益的经历)”讲作者认为捐赠过程是一次全新的经历,很有益。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:捐赠过程对我来说是一次全新的经历,所以我和父母谈论了我的想法。A. idea想法;B. topic主题;C. hope希望;D. dream梦想。呼应下文的“The thought I came up with (我想到的想法)”讲作者的想法。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想到的想法是建立一个GoFundMe页面来筹集资金,这样我就可以负担我所需要的所有物资。A. refer to涉及;B. set up建立;C. work out算出;D. put on上演。由下文的“a GoFundMe page to raise money”可知,此处指建立GoFundMe筹款网页。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想到的想法是建立一个GoFundMe页面来筹集资金,这样我就可以负担我所需要的所有物资。A. apply申请;B. attract吸引;C. send发送;D. afford负担得起。由上文的“a GoFundMe page to raise money”和下文的“all of the supplies I needed”可知,作者建立GoFundMe筹款网页的目的是有足够的钱去负担自己捐赠所需要的所有物资。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个非常简单的过程,你可以通过电子邮件分享。A. easy简单的;B. hard困难的;C. major主要的;D. formal正式的。由下文的“and you can share it just by email”可知,GoFundMe筹款网页通过发送邮件分享就能筹钱,过程很简单。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦消息传出,每个人都愿意帮助。A. sound声音;B. laughter笑声;C. message信息;D. light光。呼应上文的“and you can share it just by email (你可以通过电子邮件分享)”讲电子邮件发出去的信息。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我收到所需的钱后,我开始购物,并得到了一些好的交易。A. wasted浪费;B. received收到;C. donated捐赠;D. spent花费。由下文的“I started shopping and got some great deals”可知,作者开始购物买东西,说明作者通过筹款收到了所需的钱。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我把所有这些物资都装在一个旧行李箱里,这样我就可以把它留在厄瓜多尔自由自行车租赁公司。A. sold卖;B. downloaded下载;C. explored探索;D. packed(把……)打包、装(箱)。由下文的“all of these supplies in an old suitcase”可知,此处指作者把所有物资装箱,以便捐赠出去。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我当然会推荐“为一个目的打包”,因为接受捐赠、外出和获取物资很容易。A. recommend推荐;B. exchange交换;C. improve提高;D. recognize认出。由上文的“It was such a rewarding (值得的) experience. (这是一次非常有益的经历)”和下文的“because it is so easy to receive donations, go out and get supplies”可知,作者认为此次捐赠经历很有益,Pack for a Purpose很有优点,所以作者会向其他人推荐Pack for a Purpose。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它对有需要的人也有很大的影响。A. trap陷阱;B. effect影响;C. opinion观点;D. track轨道。由下文的“people in need”可知,此处指捐赠对有需要的人也有很大的影响。故选B项。
第二节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
32. Mr. Smith as well as two of his students ________ the experiment with care at the moment.
A. is doing B. are doing C. does D. do
【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:史密斯先生和他的两个学生此刻正在认真地做实验。as well as“和;也”,此处连接两个并列主语,谓语动词的数应与前面的主语Mr. Smith 保持一致。根据时间状语at the moment可知应用现在进行时,故选A。
33. Everyone will believe New FIFA World Footballer Ronaldinho is a fighter against racism, ________
A. will he B. won’t everyone C. won’t he D. will they
【详解】考查反义疑问句。句意:每个人都会相信新FIFA世界足球运动员罗纳尔迪尼奥是一个反对种族主义的斗士,不是吗?分析句子结构可知,此处应为反义疑问句,与主句保持一致,陈述句部分为肯定句,所以此处应为否定形式,且句子主语为不定代词everyone,应使用代词he或者是they指代,所以此处的反义疑问句形式为won’t he。故选C项。
34. This is the very place ________ I am longing to visit these years.
A. that B. where C. in which D. which
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这正是我这些年来一直想去的地方。空格处引导的是限制性定语从句,从句中缺少宾语,先行词place是地方,且被the very修饰,因此空格处只能用关系代词that不能用which,故选A。
35. Henry ________ his car when he heard the screams.
A. fixed B. is fixing C. has fixed D. was fixing
【详解】考查固定句型和动词时态。句意:亨利正在修车时突然听到尖叫声。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定句型,be doing…when…意为“正在做某事时突然发生了另一件事”,根据句子中的谓语动词heard可知,此处应使用过去进行时,且与句子主语Henry之间为主动关系,所以此处应为was fixing。故选D项。
36. That man in red is my headmaster ________ my father was talking just now.
A. with who B. whom C. with whom D. who
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:那个穿红衣服的人是我的校长,我父亲刚才正在和他谈话。空格处引导的是定语从句,talk with sb.意为“和某人谈话”,先行词headmaster是人,因此空格处用with whom引导定语从句,故选C。
37. Would you please ________ other passengers
A. give in B. give way to C. give up D. give away
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:请给其他乘客让路好吗?A. give in屈服;B. give way to给……让路;C. give up放弃;D. give away赠送。由other passengers可知,句子表示“请给其他乘客让路好吗”,空格处意为“给……让路”,故选B。
38. Many have been surprised at the______ of time it has taken him to make up his mind.
A. long B. longing C. length D. lengthy
【详解】考查名词。句意:许多人对他花了这么长时间才下定决心感到惊讶。A. long长的;B. longing渴望的;C. length长度;D. lengthy冗长的。由the和of可知,空格处用名词,是length,意为“长度”。故选C。
39. About half of us can taste bitter and sweet, so we are not especially sensitive to bitter food. Another 25% are called “non-tasters”, to ________ bitter food might actually be a bit sweeter.
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
40. They demanded that the law on gun ownership _________.
A. changed B. be changed C. to change D. should change
【详解】考查虚拟语气和被动语态。句意:他们要求修改有关拥有枪支的法律。demand意为“要求”,其后的that宾语从句中用“sb.+should do”的虚拟语气,ownership是被改变,因此that从句中用被动语态,其中should可省略,因此空格处是be changed。故选B。
41 He is ________ to make rapid progress in English because he is studying hard.
A. likely B. possible C. probable D. probably
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他很可能在英语方面进步很快,因为他正在努力学习。A. likely可能的;B. possible可能的;C. probable可能的 ;D. probably可能地。空格处用形容词作表语,sb. be likely to do意为“某人可能做某事”,而possible和probable是用it作形式主语,用于句型“It is possible/probable that...”中,因此空格处只能是likely,故选A。
第三节 语义匹配 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
In the animal kingdom, killer whales (虎鲸) are social stars: they travel in different family groups, care for grandchildren, and even ____42____ imitate human speech. Now, scientists are adding one more behavior to the list: forming fast friendships. A new study shows killer whales can ____43____ rival animals such as chimpanzees and macaques (a kind of monkey), and even humans ____44____ when it comes to the kind of “social touch” that is a sign of strong friendship. Some ocean animals ____45____ maintain social structures — including male dolphins (海豚) that learn the “names” of their close friends. But there is little ____46____ proof about wild killer whales. That’s where drone (无人机) technology came in.
42. A. interrupt B. copy C. make D. understand
43. A. rise to B. be equal to C. benefit from D. depend on
44. A. instead of B. as well as C. in terms of D. other than
45. A. keep B. change C. abandon D. lose
46. A. research B. evidence C. information D. image
【答案】42. B 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在动物王国里,虎鲸是社交明星:它们在不同的家庭群体中旅行,照顾孙子孙女,甚至模仿人类的语言。A. interrupt打断,打扰;B. copy模仿;C. make制作;D. understand理解。根据语境及“they travel in different family groups, care for grandchildren”可知,此处指“甚至模仿人类的语言”,imitate意为“模仿”,故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:一项新的研究表明,虎鲸可以与黑猩猩和猕猴(一种猴类)等动物相提并论,甚至在“社交接触”方面与人类不相上下,而“社交接触”是一种强烈友谊的标志。A. rise to 上升到;B. be equal to等于,赶得上;C. benefit from从……受益;D. depend on依靠。根据上文“killer whales (虎鲸) are social stars”可知虎鲸是社交明星,此处指“虎鲸可以与黑猩猩和猕猴(一种猴类)等动物相提并论”,rival意为“比得上”,故选B。
考查介词短语辨析。句意同上。A. instead of相反;B. as well as也;C. in terms of在……方面;D. other than除了。结合语境以及空后“the kind of ‘social touch’”可知,此处指虎鲸在“社交接触”这方面甚至可以与人类相比,when it comes to意为“当提到,当谈到”,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些海洋动物维持着社会结构——包括雄性海豚,它们会记住亲密朋友的“名字”。A. keep保持;B. change改变;C. abandon遗弃;D. lose失去。根据下文“learn the ‘names’ of their close friends”可知,此处指维持社会结构,maintain意为“维持,保持”,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是关于野生虎鲸证据很少。A. research研究;B. evidence证据;C. information信息;D. image形象。根据上文“A new study shows killer whales can…”以及本句中“But”可知,上文提到研究表明虎鲸社交能力很强,此处与上文是转折关系,故指关于野生虎鲸的证据很少,proof意为“证据”,故选B。
第四节 课文填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)
Passage 1
This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing _____47_____ through the Andes Mountains ____48____ the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your ____49____, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city.
【答案】47. paths
48. on 49. destination
考查介词。句意:这次为期四天的徒步旅行将带你在通往马丘比丘的途中,踏上穿越安第斯山脉的神奇之路。根据句意和课文的内容可知,此处表示“在去往……的路上”应为on the way to…,所以此处应使用介词on。故填on。
Passage 2
When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling _____50_____. One of the best players had been injured, and the team _____51_____ had to leave because of heart problems.
【答案】50. apart
51. captain
考查固定短语。句意:郎平建立的团队正在分崩离析。由“One of the best players had been injured, and the team __2___had to leave because of heart problems”可知,有队员受伤,还有得心脏病的队员,所以队伍正在分崩离析,fall apart是固定短语,意为“土崩瓦解”,因此空格处是apart,故填apart。
考查名词。句意:最好的球员之一受伤了,队长因为心脏问题不得不离开。由team和because of heart problems以及客观事实可知,当时的队长因为心脏问题不得不离开,空格处意为“队长”,是captain,队长只有一个,因此空格处用单数,故填captain。
Passage 3
But hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were _____52_____ and to _____53_____ the dead. More than 10,000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care. Workers built shelters for survivors _____54_____ homes had been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. Water and food were brought into the city by train, truck, and plane. Slowly,the city began to _____55_____ again.
【答案】52. trapped
53. bury 54. whose
55. breathe
考查被动语态。句意:地震发生后不久,军队派了15万士兵到唐山去挖出被困的人并埋葬死者。由“dig out those who”可知,是挖出被困的人,空格处意为“把……困在”,是trap,人是被困,此处用被动语态,空前有were,空格处用过去分词,故填trapped。
考查不定式。句意:地震发生后不久,军队派了15万士兵到唐山去挖出被困的人并埋葬死者。由“the dead”可知,是埋葬死者,空格处意为“埋葬”,是bury,此处是不定式表目的,空前有to,空格处用原形,故填bury。
考查不定式。句意:慢慢地,这座城市又恢复了生机。由“Water and food were brought into the city by train, truck, and plane”可知,这座城市又恢复了生机,空格处意为“呼吸”,是breathe,begin to do意为“开始做某事”,因此空格处用原形,故填breathe。
Passage 4
Written Chinese has also become an important _____56_____ by which China’s present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the _____57_____ works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high _____58_____ for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese _____59_____ as an art form, known as Chinese _____60_____, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
【答案】56. means
57. classic
58. regard 59. characters
60. calligraphy
考查名词。句意:汉语书面语也成为中国过去与现在联系的重要手段。由“by which China’s present is connected with its past”可知空格处是“方法”,由固定短语by the means of可知,空格处的“方法”是means,由前面的an可知,用单数,故填means。
考查形容词。句意:现代的人们可以读到中国古代写的经典著作。由“which were written by Chinese in ancient times”可知,此处说的是“中国古代写的经典著作”,空格处意为“经典的”,用形容词修饰名词works,“经典的”的形容词是classic,故填classic。
考查名词。句意:对汉字书写系统的高度重视可以从汉字作为一种艺术形式的发展中看出,即中国书法,它已经成为中国文化的重要组成部分。由“in the development of Chinese _____as an art form”可知,句子表示“对汉字书写系统的高度重视可以从汉字作为一种艺术形式的发展中看出”,空格处意为“重视”,high修饰名词,“重视”的名词是regard,是不可数名词,故填regard。
Passage 5
A committee was ____61____to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ____62____ the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different _____63_____ and raised ____64____ within the international community. Experts _____65_____ the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a ____66____ was signed, and the work began in 1960.
【答案】61. established
62. prevent
63. departments
64. funds 65. investigated
66. document
考查被动语态。句意:成立了一个委员会,以限制对埃及建筑的破坏,防止文物的损失。由“to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings”和课文内容可知,一个委员会被成立,空格处意为“成立”,是establish,句子用被动语态,空前有was,空格处用过去分词,故填established。
考查不定式。句意:成立了一个委员会,以限制对埃及建筑的破坏,防止文物的损失。由“the loss of cultural relics”可知,委员会的成立是为了防止文物的损失,空格处意为“防止”,是prevent,和limit并列,是不定式表目的,因此空格处用原形,故填prevent。
考查名词。句意:该小组要求不同部门提供捐款,并在国际社会内筹集资金。由“The group asked for contributions from different”和课文内容可知,此处表示“该小组要求不同部门提供捐款”,空格处意为“部门”,是department,空前有different,空格处用复数,故填departments。
考查时态。句意:专家们调查了这个问题,进行了几次测试,然后就如何保护这些建筑提出了建议。由“the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved”和课文内容可知,句子表示“专家们调查了这个问题”,空格处意为“调查”,是investigate,由conducted可知,时态是一般过去时,空格处用过去式,故填investigated。
考查名词。句意:最后,签署了一份文件,工作于1960年开始。由was signed可知,此处表示一份文件被签署,空格处意为“文件”,是document,空前有a,空格处用单数,故填document。
第五节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Tibet (西藏), which is famous for its special culture and food, lies in the southwest of China. It is home to about 3.2 million Tibetans, _____67_____ (make) it one of the country’s _____68_____ (large) minorities (少数民族). In recent years, Tibet _____69_____ (gain) recognition and appreciation across the globe. With some of the world’s tallest mountains, Tibet attracts many people _____70_____ want to climb Mount Everest.
If you travel to Tibet, you should know the best time to travel there is from April to October every year. If you plan ____71____ (visit) Tibet, it is important to bring enough clothes. Moreover, besides credit cards, _____72_____ is necessary to bring some cash. To discover more about the cultural traditions of Tibet, it is _____73_____ (high) advised to have a traditional Tibetan meal. ____74____ (visitor) can buy some statue crafts (工艺品) in markets and shops.
A trip to Tibet can offer a unique travel experience, filled _____75_____ rich cultural traditions and beautiful natural scenery. It will also offer us_____76_____ chance to find out that recognizing and keeping our differences is important.
【答案】67. making
68. largest
69. has gained
70. who##that
71. to visit
72. it 73. highly
74. Visitors
75. with 76. a
考查最高级。句意:这里有大约320万藏人,是中国最大的少数民族之一。由句意以及the country’s可知,空格处用最高级,表示“是中国最大的少数民族之一”。故填largest。
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:近年来,西藏得到了世界各国的认可和赞赏。由“In recent years”可知,句子时态应用现在完成时,主语是Tibet,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,即has gained。故填has gained。
考查不定式。句意:如果你打算去西藏旅游,带足够的衣服是很重要的。plan to do意为“打算做某事”,因此空格处用不定式to visit。故填to visit。
考查代词。句意:此外,除了信用卡,带一些现金是必要的。it is necessary to do sth.是固定句型,意为“需要做某事”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式。故填it。
考查介词。句意:西藏之旅可以提供独特的旅行体验,充满了丰富的文化传统和美丽的自然风光。filled with意为“充满”,因此空格处使用介词with。故填with。
第六节 单句填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
77. The couple invited their friends to have a party at the rented a_________(住处).(根据中英文提示填空)
78. Everyone enjoys the u_________(独特) architecture designed by the architect. (根据中英文提示填空)
79. When I came in, he p_________(假装) to be reading English. (根据中英文提示填空)
80. She looks much s _________ (苗条) than before. (根据中英文提示填空)
【详解】考查形容词的比较级。句意:她看起来比以前苗条多了。根据中英文提示,空处应用形容词slim,作表语。结合空后的than before可知,表示比较,空处应用形容词的比较级slimmer。故填slimmer。
81. He has f__________ (原谅) her for what she did. (根据中英文提示填空)
82. Leaflets have been d_________ (递送) to every household. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:传单已经分发到每家每户。根据汉语提示及“Leaflets have been”可知,空处需填过去分词,deliver作动词,表示“递送”,符合句意。故填delivered。
83. Linda has an active a_________ (态度) to everything. (根据中英文提示填空)
84 My English teacher asked us to write a d_________ (描写) of our hometown in English. (根据中英文提示填空)
85. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of e__________(灭绝). (根据中英文提示填空)
86. Costs have been r_________(减少)by 20%over the past year. (根据中英文提示填空)
【详解】考查动词。句意:在过去的一年中,成本降低了20%。根据汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词reduce“减少”,满足句意要求,结合句意以及空前have been可知,此处应为现在完成时的被动语态结构。故填reduced。
第七节 完成句子 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
87. When he ________ _________ (申请) that job, John attached a photo to his form. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】 ①. applied ②. for
【详解】考查固定搭配和时态。句意:当John申请那份工作的时候,他在表格上贴了一张照片。“申请”用固定搭配apply for,且由主句谓语动词attached可知,句子描述的是过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,所以第一空动词apply应用过去式applied。故填①applied;②for。
88. Ping-pong has now become an international sport; it is played ________. (在国内外) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】at home and abroad
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:乒乓球现在已经成为一项国际运动;它在国内外都很流行。“在国内外”是固定短语at home and abroad,故填at home and abroad。
89. He made a stupid decision and now he ________ it. (对……负责) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】is responsible for
【详解】考查固定短语,时态和主谓一致。句意:他做了一个愚蠢的决定,现在他要为此负责。“对……负责”是固定短语be responsible for,由now可知,句子描述现在的事实,时态用一般现在时,主语he是单数,因此be动词用is,因此空格处是is responsible for。故填is responsible for。
90. Money and fame ________ (与……无关) happiness. (用relate词组填空) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】are not related to
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:金钱和名誉与幸福无关。根据提示的汉语和要求可知,表示“与……无关”应为be related to的否定形式,结合句意可知,此处描述的为客观事实,所以此处应使用一般现在时,句子主语为Money and fame,所以be动词为are,其否定形式为 are not。故填are not related to。
91. That is the site ________ (他们发现洞穴) full of Buddha statues. (用定语从句) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
【答案】where they found/discovered caves
【详解】考查定语从句和动词。句意:这就是他们发现了满是佛像的洞穴的地方。分析句结构可知,此处应为关系词引导的定语从句,根据句意,表示“他们”应为they,表示“发现”应为find或者discover,结合句意可知,此处描述的过去的事情,所以从句使用的是一般过去时,应为found或者discovered,表示“洞穴”应为caves,从句中不缺少主语和宾语,所以使用关系副词,先行词site表示地点,所以引导词应为where。故填where they found/discovered caves。
第四部分 写作(共一节,满分15分)
92. 假定你是李华,目前在新西兰一所中学做交换生,班上学生对中国学校开展体育运动的情况很感兴趣。请你写一篇发言稿,介绍你校的运动场所、主要的体育活动和你喜欢的运动项目。
Hello, everyone,
It is my honor to introduce something about the physical exercise in my school.
That’s all. Thank you!
【答案】Possible version 1:
Hello, everyone,
It is my honor to introduce the physical exercise in my school.
My school has excellent outdoor field for various sports such as football, track and field events. Besides, we have a stadium where we can play basketball, volleyball. Every year, we have inter-class matches, sports meeting, and also participate in inter-school sports competitions.
My favorite sport is playing basketball. I enjoy the fast-paced nature of the game and the teamwork involved. Playing basketball helps me stay fit both physically and mentally.
I sincerely invite you to visit our school and join in the sports we both like.
That’s all. Thank you!
Possible version 2:
Hello, everyone,
It is my honor to introduce the physical exercise in my school.
My school has excellent sports facilities, including a stadium, a playground, and ten basketball courts.
Every year, we hold a sports meet where students compete in track and field events like running, jumping, and throwing. We also have regular basketball and soccer matches between different classes.
My favorite sport is playing table tennis, which is a popular sport in China. I love the fast-paced nature of the game. If possible, we can play it together.
That’s all. Thank you!
参加:participate in→take part in
保持健康:stay fit→keep healthy
各种各样的:various→a variety of
此外:besides→in addition
原句:Every year, we have inter-class matches, sports meeting, and also participate in inter-school sports competitions.
拓展句:Every year, not only do we have inter-class matches, sports meeting, but also we participate in inter-school sports competitions.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Playing basketball helps me stay fit both physically and mentally. (运用了动名词作主语)
[高分句型2] Besides, we have a stadium where we can play basketball, volleyball. (运用了where引导定语从句)
听力答案:1-5 B C A C A 6-10 B B C B A

  • 2023-2024广东省江门市鹤山市高一上学期第二阶段考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案