
1.Ann goes to work by bike. (对画线部分提问)
2.I like singing and dancing. (对划线部分提问)
are your
3.I’m going to the cinema next week. (对划线部分提问)
you going to the cinema
4.I’m going to draw some pictures this afternoon. (就划线部分提问)
5.I’m going to the cinema. (对画线部分提问)
6.The Italian restaurant is near the hospital. (对画线部分提问)
the Italian restaurant
7.The park is next to the museum. (对画线部分提问)
8.I’m going to draw some pictures this afternoon. (对画线部分提问)
you going to this afternoon
9.Mary is going to New York next year. (就划线部分提问)
10.We are going to the post office tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)
11.I often go to school by subway. (对画线部分提问)
12.My home is next to the post office. (对画线部分提问)
13.Zhang Peng should do more exercise. (对画线部分提问)
14.We are going to the post office. (对划线部分提问)
15.They usually take a bus to school. (写出同义句)
16.Sometimes I walk to the garden. (写出同义句)
Sometimes I go to the garden .
17.The park is behind the cinema. (写出同义句)
18.He usually walks to the nature park. (改为同义句)
19.I often walk to the park on Sunday. (改为同义句)
20.You should take some books to school. (改为祈使句)
21.Zhang Peng feels happy today. (改为否定句)
22.Tim works at sea. (改为一般疑问句)
23.She has comic books. (变成一般疑问句)
24.I am going to see a film this evening. (改为一般疑问句)
25.Go straight for three minutes. (改为否定句)
26.He wants to buy a pair of shoes. (改为否定句)
He to buy a pair of shoes.
27.I’m going to go for a picnic. (变成一般疑问句)
28.I’m going fishing this evening. (改为一般疑问句)
29.He is going to take a trip next year. (改为一般疑问句)
going to take a trip next year
30.My father goes to work by bus every day. (变成一般疑问句)
31.My home is near the school. (改为反义句)
32.We like cleaning the room. (用she替换we改写句子)
33.It is far from our school. (变为否定句)
It from our school.
34.Mike goes hiking on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句)
Mike hiking on Sundays
35.What are you going to do with your good friend this weekend (根据实际回答)
36.What are your good friend’s hobbies (根据实际回答)
37.Please take a deep breath first. (根据实际情况用英文回答)
38.What is your father going to do (去旅行)
39.Do you have postcards (作肯定回答)
40.I feel ill. What should I do (根据实际情况用英文简短回答)

1.How does Ann go to work
【详解】原句句意:安骑自行车去上班。本题考查句型转换,画线部分是交通方式,用how提问,问句为:安怎么去上班?问句结构为:How+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?主语Ann是第三人称单数,句子是一般现在时,助动词用does,goes的原形是go,故答案为How does Ann go to work
2. What hobbies
3. When are
4.What are you going to do this afternoon
【详解】原句句意:我打算今天下午画一些画。本题考查句型转换,对动作提问用特殊疑问句What...do...,what后加一般疑问句,原句主语I,提问的话问你you,be动词用are,其余部分照抄,故答案为What are you going to do this afternoon
5.Where are you going
【详解】原句句意:我要去电影院。本题考查句型转换,画线部分是地点,用where提问,后跟be动词引导的一般疑问句,问句为:你要去哪里?你you,be用are,故答案为Where are you going
6. Where is
7.Where is the park
【详解】原句句意:公园紧挨着博物馆。本题考查句型转换,画线部分next to the museum是地方,对地方提问用特殊疑问词where,be动词is提前放在疑问词后面,去掉划线部分,其他的不变,故答案为Where is the park
8. What are do
【详解】原句句意:今天下午我打算画一些画。本题考查句型转换,画线部分draw some pictures是动词短语,故用what提问,疑问句中主语是you,故be动词am要改为are,动词短语用do代替,故答案为What;are;do。
9.Where is Mary going next year
【详解】原句句意:玛丽明年要去纽约。本题考查句型转换,划线部分New York是地方,对地方提问用特殊疑问词where,放在句首大写首字母,be动词is提前放在疑问词后,to和划线部分去掉,其他的不变,故答案为Where is Mary going next year
10.Where are you going tomorrow
【详解】原句句意:明天我们要去邮局。本题考查句型转换,划线部分是地点,用where提问,问句句意为:你们明天要去哪里?问句结构为:Where+be+主语+going+tomorrow 故答案为Where are you going tomorrow
11.How do you often go to school
【详解】原句句意:我经常乘地铁去上学。本题考查句型转换,画线部分by subway(乘地铁)是交通方式,询问出行方式用疑问词how提问,主语I改为you,助动词借助于do,其他不变,句意为:你经常怎样去上学?故答案为How do you often go to school
12.Where is your home
【详解】句意:我家在邮局旁边。本题考查句型转换,画线部分是具体的地点,询问地点应用疑问词where来引导,然后将is置于where的后面,同时将my改为your,故答案为Where is your home
13.What should Zhang Peng do
【详解】句意:张鹏应该多做运动。本题考查特殊疑问句,画线部分是所做的事情,用what来提问,问做什么,疑问句结构为what+助动词/情态动词+主语+do,句中should为情态动词,后加动词原形。故答案为What should Zhang Peng do
14.are you going to
【详解】句意:我们要去邮局。本题考查对划线部分提问,对地点提问用疑问词where,引导疑问句时放在句首,后面跟一个一般疑问句,该句应将are提前,we改为you,故答案为are you going to。
15.They usually go to school by bus.
【详解】原句句意:他们通常乘坐公交车去学校。本题考查句型转换,句子为一般现在时,去学校go to school,坐公交车by bus,主语they和频率副词usually保留,故答案为They usually go to school by bus.
16. on foot
【详解】原句句意:我有时走路去花园。本题考查同义词转换。walk步行,动词,在句子做谓语。on foot 步行,介词固定搭配,在句子中做状语。该句主谓宾结构完整,可以用on foot替换walk,故答案为on;foot。
17.The cinema is in front of the park.
【详解】原句句意:公园在电影院的后面。本题考查句型转换。根据句意可知,本句为陈述句,时态为一般现在时,改为同义句,behind在……后面可以换为in front of在……前面,主语的顺序也要随之变换。故答案为The cinema is in front of the park.
18.He usually goes to the nature park on foot.
【详解】句意:他通常步行去自然公园。本题考查句型转换,根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时,改为同义句,walk to school = go to school on foot步行,去go,主语He是第三人称单数,go的第三人称单数形式是goes,故答案为He usually goes to the nature park on foot.
19.I often go to the park on foot on Sunday.
【详解】原句句意:我经常在星期天步行去公园。本题考查同义句转换。walk to+地点=go to+地点+on foot,故答案为I often go to the park on foot on Sunday.
20.Take some books to school.
【详解】原句句意:你应该带一些书去学校。本题考查句型转换,题干要求改为祈使句,take放在句首,首字母大写,故答案为Take some books to school.
21.Zhang Peng doesn’t feel happy today.
【详解】原句句意:张鹏今天感觉很高兴。本题考查句型转换,原句谓语动词feels是第三人称单数,改为否定句,助动词用doesn’t,feels变原形feel,故答案为Zhang Peng doesn’t feel happy today.
22.Does Tim work at sea
【详解】原句句意:蒂姆在海上工作。本题考查句型转换,原句谓语动词works是第三人称单数,改为一般疑问句,助动词用does,works变原形work,故答案为Does Tim work at sea.
23.Does she have comic books
【详解】原句句意:她有漫画书。本题考查句型转换,原句是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,变成一般疑问句,助动词用does,has变原形have,故答案为Does she have comic books
24.Are you going to see a film this evening
【详解】原句句意:今晚我打算去看电影。本题考查句型转换,原句是一般将来时,改为一般疑问句需要把be动词am改为are提前放在句首,第一人称I改为第二人称you,其他的不变,故答案为Are you going to see a film this evening
25.Don’t go straight for three minutes.
【详解】原句句意:直走三分钟。本题考查句型转换,原句是祈使句的肯定形式,改为否定句在动词前面加助动词don’t,其他的不变,故答案为Don’t go straight for three minutes.
26. doesn’t want
27.Are you going to go for a picnic
【详解】原句句意:我要去野餐。本题考查句型转换,原句主语是I,改为一般疑问句主语需要改为you,be动词am改为are提前放在句首,其他的不变,故答案为Are you going to go for a picnic
28.Are you going fishing this evening
【详解】原句句意:今晚我要去钓鱼。本题考查句型转换,改为一般疑问句,主语I变为you,be动词am改为are,放句首。其他不变,句意为:你今晚要去钓鱼吗?故答案为Are you going fishing this evening
29.Is he
【详解】原句句意:他明年要去旅行。本题考查句型转换,含有is的陈述句改为一般疑问句,把is提前,首字母大写。故答案为Is he。
30.Does your father go to work by bus every day
【详解】原句句意:我父亲每天乘公共汽车去上班。本题考查句型转换,句子是一般现在时,主语my father是第三人称单数,故改为一般疑问句需要借助于助动词does,my改为your,后面的动词goes改为原形go,故答案为Does your father go to work by bus every day
31.My home is far from the school.
【详解】原句句意:我的家在学校附近。本题考查句子转换。句子是一般现在时,near附近,其反义词为far from离……较远,故答案为My home is far from the school.
32.She likes cleaning the room.
【详解】句意:我们喜欢打扫房间。本题考查句型转换。原句是一般现在时的陈述句,主语为第一人称复数。现在要求用she改写,she为第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,like的第三人称单数形式为likes,句首首字母大写,故答案为She likes cleaning the room.
33. is not
34. Does go
35.We are going to play football.
【详解】句意:这个周末你打算和你的好朋友做什么?本题考查特殊疑问句的答语。根据问句可知答语回答这个周末打算做的事情,例如:我们打算去踢足球。我们we,打算be going to,踢足球play football,主语we是复数,所以be用are。故答案为We are going to play football.
36.She likes singing and dancing.
【详解】原句句意:你的好朋友的爱好是什么?本题考查特殊疑问句的答语。根据问句可知答语要回答朋友的爱好是什么。可以回答她喜欢唱歌和跳舞。她she,喜欢like,唱歌sing,跳舞dance,like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,sing的动名词是singing,dance的动名词是dancing。主语she是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数likes。故答案为She likes singing and dancing.
37.Then you should count to ten.
【详解】句意:请先深呼吸。本题考查祈使句,深呼吸之后可以数到十,答语为:然后你应该数到十。数到十count to ten,故答案为Then you should count to ten.
38.He’s going to take a trip.
【详解】原句句意:你爸爸要去做什么?本题考查句型转换,根据题干提示,可知答语:他将要去旅行。他he,将要做某事be going to do sth,去旅行take a trip,主语是He,be动词is,故答案为He’s going to take a trip.
39.Yes, I do.
【详解】原句句意:你有明信片吗?本题考查一般疑问句的答语,do引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答是Yes, 主语+do. 问句主语是you,答语主语可用I,故答案为Yes, I do.
40.You should see a doctor. / See a doctor. / ...
【详解】句意:我觉得不舒服。我该怎么办?本题考查特殊疑问句的答语,答案不唯一,答语可为:你应该看医生。/看医生。/……看医生see a doctor,故答案为You should see a doctor. / See a doctor. / ...

  • 人教PEP版六年级上册英语期末按要求写句子词语专项训练(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案