
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the second class
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
【原文】W: Hi, John! Can you tell me the lessons for tomorrow morning
M: Um, the first class is math, and then English, followed by Chinese. The fourth class is chemistry.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman want to do in the park
A. Go fishing. B. See animals. C. Go boating.
【原文】M: We will go to the zoo. There are many lovely animals.
W: I prefer to go to the park. We can take a boat.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman going to do this afternoon
A. Pick up Jean. B. Go to the library. C. Drive Jason to the airport.
【原文】M: Could you give me a ride to the airport this afternoon
W: I’d like to, Jason, but I’m meeting Jean at the library, which is in the opposite direction.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What was wrong with Jack
A. He had a fever. B. He was in hospital. C. He was late for work.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do the woman’s family members do to help the environment
A. They use fewer plastic bags. B. They don’t drive cars. C. They waste less food.
【原文】M: How do I start helping the environment Should I stop driving my car
W: I think using your car is important for now. My family buys our vegetables with cloth bags to make sure that we don’t use too much plastic. Try that first.
6. What is most probably the woman
A. A mechanic. B. A saleswoman. C. A student.
7. What will the woman do next
A. Ask Jim for help. B. Use the man’s laptop. C. Buy a new computer.
【答案】6. C 7. A
【原文】W: Mike, there is something wrong with my laptop. I really need to use it this afternoon. I don’t know what to do now.
M: Why not call Jim He is good at computers. I’m sure he can solve the problem. But I do think you need a new one. You got it almost four years ago.
W: Well, I can’t afford a new one now. Maybe I’ll get a new one after I graduate. But now I’m afraid I have no choice but to use this one.
M: Then call Jim now.
W: OK.
8. Why does the woman look sad
A. She has failed her law exam.
B. She can’t make progress in dancing.
C. Her father doesn’t allow her to be a dancer.
9. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Listen to her father. B. Hold on to her dream. C. Try to understand her father.
【答案】8. C 9. B
【原文】M: Hey, Jane. What’s wrong What made you look so sad
W: Well, you know how much I like to dance. I really want to be a dancer, but my father doesn’t agree. He thinks I should learn law.
M: Come on. I’m sure you’ll make your dream come true.
W: How can you be so sure
M: Hold on to your dream, and your father will understand you in the end.
W: I see what you’re getting at.
10. What color tie does the woman think matches the man’s jacket
A. Green. B. Black. C. Red.
11. Why doesn’t the woman like high heels
A. They aren’t beautiful. B. They are uncomfortable to wear. C. They don’t match the dress.
12. What does the man mean in the end
A. He knows a cafe nearby.
B. He can’t decide what to buy.
C. He doesn’t want to go on shopping.
【答案】10. C 11. B 12. C
【原文】M: Hey, what about these ties Which do you prefer, the green one or the black one
W: I prefer the black one but I think you’ll take the red tie I saw in Camden Market. The color suits your jacket perfectly.
M: Yeah.
W: What do you think of this dress
M: It would look really good with high heels.
W: High heels I don’t like high heels much. I find them really uncomfortable.
M: I guess it would look good with the shoes you’re wearing. Are you getting the dress
W: I’m not sure...I’d like to look in the market first before I decide whether to buy it or not.
M: I’d rather go for a coffee than look at more clothes now.
13. How many people will go to Keswick with the woman
A. 6. B. 5. C. 4.
14. When will the woman go boating
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
15. Where will the woman stay in Keswick
A. In a country hotel. B. In a five-star hotel. C. In a camp.
16. What will the man do on the weekend
A. Visit his aunt. B. Watch TV. C. Do some shopping.
【答案】13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B
【原文】W: Gordon, I’m going to Keswick in the Lake District this weekend.
M: Really
W: Yeah, there will be five people including me. Why don’t you join us We’re getting to Keswick on Friday. Then we’re going to go boating on Saturday. And on Sunday, we’re going to do some shopping. Then I will take some time to visit my aunt Lucy.
M: You’re not going to camp, are you Isn’t it a bit cold
W: No, we’re not. It is a bit cold. We will stay in a country hotel. It’s not like five-star hotels or anything. But it’s really comfortable.
M: Hmm, sounds interesting. You know, it’s the boating that I don’t like.
W: Well, what are you going to do this weekend
M: Sit on my sofa at the weekend and watch TV. You know I haven’t watched TV for a long time. And I think it will be a busy weekend.
W: I don’t know how you can do that all the weekend, Gordon. I’d get bored.
M: I know, I know. But that’s really what I want to do.
17. What was the speaker’s final destination
A. Paris. B. Vienna. C. Moscow.
18. How late did the speaker originally think she woke up
A. 30 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 5 minutes.
19. What was in the backpack
A. A pen and a notebook. B. Her glasses. C. A ticket.
20. How did the speaker feel in the end
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Worried.
【答案】17 C 18. A 19. A 20. B
【原文】W: I was in a train station in Paris. I had a ticket for Vienna, and from there all the way to Moscow. I was in a hurry, because I had woken up half an hour late. My train was scheduled to leave in 10 minutes. The problem was that I couldn’t find the right track. I looked at the schedule board but couldn’t see any information listed. I realized that in my hurry, I had forgotten to put my glasses on. Fortunately, I always kept a spare in my backpack. I reached into the backpack, but I found only a pen and a notebook in there! Only 5 minutes until the train would leave! I went to the ticket window and knocked on it but no one was there. All of a sudden, my eyes flew open. I was still in bed, and the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. I got up immediately, and was happy that I hadn’t missed my train.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Many libraries around the world are as amazing in their architecture and organization as they are in the huge amount of knowledge they contain. With shelves and shelves of books, various collections and amazing historical and cultural displays, there are plenty of undiscovered wonders.
Beinecke Rare Book Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Yale University has one of the most beautiful college campuses in America, and one of its most interesting features is the Beinecke Rare Book Library. It is one of the largest buildings in the world devoted to rare books and manuscripts (手稿) of famous people. From 2015-16 the library building was closed for 18 months for major improvement. Inside there is a statue of its main founder that rises up high.
Vennesla Library (Vennesla, Norway)
Located near the southernmost tip of Norway, Vennesla Library is more than a collection of books—it’s a city cultural center and meeting place. The building hosts a coffee shop, open meeting spaces, classrooms for children and adult education courses, and a cinema. It is mainly built out of wood. The long, thin beams (横梁) on the inside were designed to look like the inside of a whale.
Suzzallo Library (Seattle)
Among the many beautiful features of the campus at the University of Washington, such as its cherry flowers and a light rail station, Suzzallo Library was built in the Collegiate Gothic style. Its buttresses (扶壁) are decorated with 18 statues featuring famous academics and writers such as Plato, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Galileo, Beethoven, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
Library of Muyinga (Muyinga, Burundi)
A school for deaf children, the Library of Muyinga in Burundi was built with local techniques and traditions. A rope hammock (吊床) that hangs between the first and second floors of the library serves as part of the children’s reading room, a great place for indoor activities.
More information of them is just a click away.
21. Which one is suitable for people who want to appreciate statues
A. Beinecke Rare Book Library. B. Vennesla Library.
C. Suzzallo Library. D. Library of Muyinga.
22. What makes Vennesla Library different from others
A. It is mainly intended for children. B. It is built in the shape of a whale.
C. It is located within the campus. D. It is a kind of culture complex.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A culture magazine B. A travel brochure.
C. A website. D. A historical book.
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. C
细节理解题。根据Suzzallo Library (Seattle)部分中“Its buttresses (扶壁) are decorated with 18 statues featuring famous academics and writers such as Plato, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Galileo, Beethoven, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.(它的扶壁上装饰着18尊著名学者和作家的雕像,如柏拉图、莎士比亚、达·芬奇、但丁、伽利略、贝多芬、艾萨克·牛顿和查尔斯·达尔文。)”可知,想要欣赏雕像的人适合去Suzzallo图书馆。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Vennesla Library (Vennesla, Norway)部分中“Located near the southernmost tip of Norway, Vennesla Library is more than a collection of books—it’s a city cultural center and meeting place.(Vennesla图书馆位于挪威最南端附近,它不仅仅是一个藏书馆,还是一个城市文化中心和会议场所。)”可知,Vennesla图书馆与其他图书馆的不同之处在于,它不仅仅是一个藏书馆,还是一个城市文化中心和会议场所。由此可知,Vennesla图书馆是一个文化综合体,这有别于其他图书馆。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“More information of them is just a click away.(只要点击就可以了解更多信息)”可知,文章可能出自一个网站。故选C项。
The most valuable thing I ever lost was a pair of diamond earrings I won many years ago at a charity auction (拍卖会). I wrote about the lost earrings in my new children’s book, The Christmas Pig. When they reach the Land of the Lost, where the hero must go to rescue his most beloved toy, my earrings are angry that they aren’t treated with the respect they think they deserve. They soon find out that being made of diamonds counts for(有用) very little in the strange world where human-made objects go when lost, because a thing’s importance there depends on how much it’s truly loved.
The Christmas Pig explores a deep attachment to an old object. It’s about the journey of a boy, Jack, who is a little lost himself, but who discovers his bravery and ability to love in a strange new world. Of all the books I’ve written, this is the one that made me cry the most, because I was dealing with emotions that run deep in all of us. Loss and change are hard for children, but acceptance of these unavoidable parts of life isn’t much easier for adults. The Christmas Pig shows how human beings — even small, lost ones — are capable of wonderful, heroic acts.
A very strange thing happened on the day I finished editing The Christmas Pig. After emailing the final version to my editor, I set about clearing out a cupboard. One of the last objects I picked up was a small box. I opened it. There were my long-lost diamond earrings. I’ve decided to sell them and give the money to a charity. I think it was a nice ending for my earrings’ story to have them do some good for children in the Land of the Living.
How many times have I been asked whether I believe in magic On the day I finished The Christmas Pig, for a few shining moments I really did.
24. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A. To tell a story happening in a magical world.
B. To advertise her first children’s book.
C. To introduce her new book and stories behind it.
D. To reveal our deep attachment to old objects.
25. What is The Christmas Pig mainly about
A. A boy saved his lost toy in the magical world. B. A boy helped earrings find their own value.
C. A boy discovered bravery in the real world. D. A boy was looked down upon by some earrings.
26. Why did the book make the author cry most
A. She was unable to forgive herself.
B. It was based on her own past experiences.
C. The hero dealt successfully with loss and change.
D. Many adults could hardly understand the main characters.
27. What does the author want to tell us through the story of her lost earrings
A. Lost things will turn up sooner or later. B. Sometimes warm magical things can happen in life.
C. We should donate to help those in need. D. Sometimes magic in books can happen in real life.
【答案】24. C 25. C 26. C 27. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“The most valuable thing I ever lost was a pair of diamond earrings I won many years ago at a charity auction (拍卖会). I wrote about the lost earrings in my new children’s book, The Christmas Pig.(我失去过的最有价值的东西是一对钻石耳环,这是我多年前在一次慈善拍卖会上赢得的。我在我的新儿童读物《圣诞猪》中写了关于丢失的耳环的故事)”可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍她的新书和背后的故事。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段“The Christmas Pig explores a deep attachment to an old object. It’s about the journey of a boy, Jack, who is a little lost himself, but who discovers his bravery and ability to love in a strange new world.(《圣诞猪》探索了对一件旧物品的深深依恋。它讲述了一个男孩杰克的旅程,他有点迷失了自己,但在一个陌生的新世界里发现了自己的勇气和爱的能力)”可知,《圣诞猪》主要讲述了一个男孩在现实世界中发现了勇气。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Of all the books I’ve written, this is the one that made me cry the most, because I was dealing with emotions that run deep in all of us. Loss and change are hard for children, but acceptance of these unavoidable parts of life isn’t much easier for adults. The Christmas Pig shows how human beings — even small, lost ones — are capable of wonderful, heroic acts.(在我写的所有书中,这本书是让我哭得最多的,因为我在处理我们所有人内心深处的情感。失去和改变对孩子来说很难,但对成年人来说,接受生活中这些不可避免的部分并不容易。圣诞猪展示了人类——即使是弱小的、迷失的人——是如何能够做出精彩的英雄行为的)”可知,这本书让作者哭得最厉害,因为主人公成功地处理了失去和改变。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“How many times have I been asked whether I believe in magic On the day I finished The Christmas Pig, for a few shining moments I really did.(有多少次有人问我是否相信魔法?在我完成《圣诞猪》的那一天,有那么几个闪亮的瞬间,我真的做到了)”可推知,作者想通过她丢失耳环的故事告诉我们,有时书中的魔法也会发生在现实生活中。故选D。
People have been curious for centuries about a future without work. Some imagine that the coining work-free world will be defined by inequality: A few people will own all the wealth, and the masses will struggle in a wasteland. A different prediction holds that without jobs to give their lives meaning, people will simply become lazy and depressed. But it doesn’t necessarily follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with dissatisfaction. Such visions (想象) are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the downsides of employment. In the absence of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could provide strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.
These days, spare time is relatively rare for most workers. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel tired,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different” — perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby with the enthusiasm usually reserved for professional matters.
Daniel Everett, an anthropologist (人类学家) at Bentley University, studied a group of hunter-gatherers in the Amazon called the Piraha (拉哈人) for years. According to Everett, while some might consider hunting and gathering work, hunter-gatherers don’t. “They think of it as fun,” he says. “They don’t have a concept of work the way we do.” Everett described a typical day for the Piraha: A man might get up, spend a few hours fishing, have a barbecue, and play until the evening.
Does this relaxing life lead to the depression and purposelessness seen among so many of today’s unemployed “I’ve never seen anything like depression there, except people who are physically ill,” Everett says. While many may consider work a staple (主要部分) of human life, work as it exists today is a relatively new invention in the course of thousands of years of human culture. “We think it’s bad to just sit around with nothing to do,” says Everett. “For the Piraha, it’s quite a desirable state.”
28. What does the underlined word “downsides” in paragraph two probably mean
A. Risks. B. Reasons. C. Challenges. D. Disadvantages.
29. What might John Danaher agree with
A. Work is the most important thing in life.
B. People don’t know how to balance work and life.
C. People may live a charmed life in the work-free future.
D. Higher unemployment makes life tougher for workers.
30. What can we infer from the text
A. In a work-free world, inequality may no longer exist.
B. Unemployment is the main reason for people’s depression.
C. The Piraha in the Amazon take interest in hunting and gathering.
D. Only professional people can have a chance to lead a work-free life.
31. Why is Daniel Everett’s study mentioned
A. To prove John Danaher’s opinion. B. To show a future life without work.
C. To compare different opinions on work. D. To introduce a special group in the Amazon.
【答案】28. D 29. C 30. C 31. A
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“But it doesn’t necessarily follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with dissatisfaction.(但从这些研究结果来看,没有工作的世界并不一定会充满不满)”可知,这种观点是基于在一个建立在就业概念之上的社会中失业的缺点。故划线词意思是“缺点”。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段““When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel tired,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different” — perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby with the enthusiasm usually reserved for professional matters.(爱尔兰国立大学的讲师John Danaher说:“当我结束一天的辛苦工作回到家时,我常常感到疲倦。”他补充说:“在一个我不必工作的世界里,我可能会感觉很不一样。”——也许这种不一样足以让他带着通常为专业事务保留的热情投入到自己的爱好中)”可知,John Danaher会同意在没有工作的未来,人们可能过着无忧无虑的生活。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“According to Everett, while some might consider hunting and gathering work, hunter-gatherers don’t. “They think of it as fun,” he says.(根据埃弗雷特的说法,虽然有些人可能会认为狩猎和采集是工作,但狩猎采集者不会。“他们认为这很有趣,”他说)”可知,亚马逊地区的皮拉哈人对狩猎和采集很感兴趣。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Daniel Everett, an anthropologist (人类学家) at Bentley University, studied a group of hunter-gatherers in the Amazon called the Piraha (拉哈人) for years. According to Everett, while some might consider hunting and gathering work, hunter-gatherers don’t. “They think of it as fun,” he says.(本特利大学的人类学家Daniel Everett多年来一直在研究亚马逊地区一个名为皮拉哈人的狩猎采集群体。根据埃弗雷特的说法,虽然有些人可能会认为狩猎和采集是工作,但狩猎采集者不会。“他们认为这很有趣,”他说)”可推知,提到Daniel就是为了佐证John的看法。故选A。
A team of researchers at ETH Zurich has the perfect long-lasting solution to our fog problem. They have developed a very thin and gold-based transparent coating (涂层) that can convert sunlight into heat, which can be applied to glass and other surfaces to prevent them from fogging.
The special coating is developed using titanium oxide and gold particles. It selectively absorbs infrared radiations (红外线辐射) from the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is powerful enough to keep fog away from the surface of an object. The coating basically employs heat to stop fogging. The coating absorbs a large part of the infrared radiation, which causes it to heat up-by up to 8℃.
Previously, products like anti-fogging sprays (喷雾) create a very thin film of water on the surface to remove fog. The problem with such surfaces is pollution. Along with water, the sprays also attract dirt, dust, oil, and various other dirty substances, and just a little dirt on the surface makes it useless. However, the new coating repels (排斥) water. Furthermore, the coating is significantly thinner, which makes it more transparent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, no additional energy source.
Gold might be expensive, but the researchers stress that their coating requires so little that the material costs remain low. Their coating is produced with standardized and readily scalable methods, all cost-effectively. However, although this product can work at very low levels of solar radiation, it does rely on a certain amount of light.
The researchers will develop the coating further for other applications. In the process, they will examine whether other metals work just as well as gold. There is no need to fear. However, this would cause a car or a building to heat up more in the summer. The researchers have already filed a patent. Hopefully, this groundbreaking product will soon be available on the market.
32. How does the new coating work to remove fog
A. By reflecting part of sunlight selectively.
B. By keeping cool air away from the object.
C. By creating a thin film of water on the surface.
D. By absorbing infrared radiations to heat the coating.
33. Why does the author mention previous anti-fogging products
A. To stress the advantages of the new coating.
B. To introduce the inspiration behind the new coating.
C. To prove the difficulty of creating anti-fogging products.
D. To explain the reason for the anti-fogging coating being popular.
34 What is the limitation of the new coating
A. It is considerably expensive. B. It depends on sunlight to work.
C. It takes too much time to produce. D. It is difficult to clean and maintain.
35. What do the researchers plan to do next
A. Apply for a patent for the invention.
B. Develop the product for more practical uses.
C. Explore the environmental impact of the coating.
D. Seek a more environmentally friendly material to replace gold.
【答案】32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The special coating is developed using titanium oxide and gold particles. It selectively absorbs infrared radiations(红外线辐射)from the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is powerful enough to keep fog away from the surface of an object. The coating basically employs heat to stop fogging. The coating absorbs a large part of the infrared radiation, which causes it to heat up-by up to 8℃.(这种特殊涂层是用氧化钛和金颗粒制成的。它选择性地吸收太阳光中的红外辐射,并产生一种强大的加热效应,足以使雾远离物体表面。这种涂层基本上是利用热量来停止起雾。涂层吸收了很大一部分红外辐射,这使得它的温度上升了8℃。)”可知,这种涂层选择性地吸收太阳光中的红外辐射加热涂层,从而去除雾气。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Previously, products like anti-fogging sprays(喷雾)create a very thin film of water on the surface to remove fog. The problem with such surfaces is pollution. Along with water, the sprays also attract dirt, dust, oil, and various other dirty substances, and just a little dirt on the surface makes it useless. However, the new coating repels(排斥)water. Furthermore, the coating is significantly thinner, which makes it more transparent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, no additional energy source.(以前,像防雾喷雾剂这样的产品会在表面形成一层非常薄的水膜来去除雾。这种表面的问题是污染。除了水,喷雾剂还会吸引污垢、灰尘、油和其他各种脏物质,表面上有一点点污垢就没用了。然而,新涂层排斥水。此外,涂层明显更薄,这使得它更透明,也更灵活。它是被动加热的,在白天不需要额外的能源。)”可知,作者提到以前的防雾产品是为了突出新涂层的优点。故选A。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段“However, although this product can work at very low levels of solar radiation, it does rely on a certain amount of light.(然而,尽管这种产品可以在非常低的太阳辐射水平下工作,但它确实依赖于一定数量的光。)”可知,这种涂层确实依赖于一定数量的光。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The researchers will develop the coating further for other applications.(研究人员将进一步开发用于其他应用的涂层。)”可知,研究人员接下来将会开发该产品的更多实际用途。故选B。
Volunteering offers great help to people in need, but the benefits(好处) can be even greater for you.
Volunteering connects you to others. ___36___. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It develops your ties to the community, broadens your support network and offers you chances to know people with common interests and fun activities.
___37___, others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills, since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests.
Volunteering is good for your mind and body. ___38___. Nothing reduces (减少) stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Working with pets and other animals has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have found that older volunteers are likely to walk more and find it easier to sleep regularly. ___39___.
If you’re considering a new job, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field. ___40___, volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork communication, problem solving and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching(伸展) your wings at work once you have improved these skills in a volunteer position first.
A. Volunteering increases self-confidence
B. Being a volunteer helps you make new friends and improve your social skills
C. Even if you’re not planning on changing your job
D. While some people are naturally outgoing
E. It provides many benefits to both mental and physical health
F. Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work
G. Volunteering can also reduce the risk of heart disease
【答案】36. B 37. D 38. E 39. G 40. C
上文“Volunteering connects you to others.”(志愿活动将你与他人联系起来。)引出话题。下文“Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area.”(志愿服务是认识新朋友的好方法,尤其是当你刚到一个地方的时候。)故可推断空格处内容为成为一名志愿者可以帮助你结交新朋友。结合选项B项Being a volunteer helps you make new friends and improve your social skills.(成为一名志愿者可以帮助你结交新朋友,提高你的社交技能。)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
由下文“others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people.”(另一些人则很害羞,很难结识新朋友。)以及该句的句子结构故可推知,该句应和上句构成some…others…“一些……另一些……”。结合选项D项While some people are naturally outgoing(然而有些人天生外向)符合该句子结构,和下文语意连贯。故选D项。
上文“Volunteering is good for your mind and body.”(志愿活动对你的身心都有好处。)说明志愿者活动对身心有好处,选项E项It provides many benefits to both mental and physical health(它对身心健康都有很多好处)承接上文,是对上文的强调。选项中“provides many benefits to both mental and physical health”和上文中“is good for your mind and body.”语意一致。故选E项。
上文段首“Volunteering is good for your mind and body.(志愿活动对你的身心都有好处。)”概括本段主题,志愿活动对身心有好处,选项G项Volunteering can also reduce the risk of heart disease(志愿活动还可以降低患心脏病的风险)呼应段首,说明志愿者活动对身体的具体好处。故选G项。
上文“If you’re considering a new job, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field.”(如果你正在考虑一份新工作,志愿服务可以帮助你在你感兴趣的领域获得经验,并结识该领域的人。)说明志愿者活动可以帮助你换一份新工作,选项C项Even if you’re not planning on changing your job(即使你不打算换工作)承接上文,说明不同于上文的另一种情况,即使不想换工作,连接下文“volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork communication, problem solving and organization.”(志愿活动给了你实践工作中用到的重要技能的机会,比如团队合作沟通、解决问题和组织能力。)说明不换工作,志愿者活动也可以提高本职工作的能力。语意通顺合理。故选C项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As a child, I would sit through movies I loved over and over. I dreamed of someday having the ability to create ___41___ .
But school was difficult for me for many reasons, so becoming a screenwriter seemed ___42___. When I was fourteen, I was shocked when my ___43___ were made into a brochure that was ___44___ to every student. For a week or so, I was treated very ___45___. Previously invisible, I was now “a published poet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) on the back. But an already deep-seated lack of ___46___ prevented me from having any serious hopes for a career in literature. I felt like those things only happened to other people. ___47___ I would look at thousands of books and ask myself, “Are all these people ___48___ than me, or did they just ___49___ harder ” So, I kept reading, writing and watching movies not only for ___50___ but to analyse how great stories are told.
The lack of confidence that annoyed me early in life took decades to ___51___ .
I had a job that paid well, but I ___52___ it. Suddenly, the company went out of business, ___53___ me to choose between getting yet another job I didn’t like and finally being committed to a career as a writer. My ___54___ was copyediting, which wasn’t writing exactly but almost.
I spent more years swimming in a sea of words, loved it and finally became a ___55___ as I had wished.
41. A. conditions B. films C. memories D. businesses
42. A. unnecessary B. impossible C. appropriate D. worthwhile
43. A. photos B. paintings C. poems D. reports
44. A. given away B. checked through C. finished off D. made up
45. A. rudely B. strictly C. fairly D. differently
46. A. confidence B. ability C. curiosity D. support
47. A. However B. Thus C. Otherwise D. Moreover
48. A. wealthier B. stronger C. smarter D. braver
49. A. live B. wait C. try D. rush
50. A. assessment B. entertainment C. competition D. adjustment
51. A. return B. grow C. arise D. shake
52. A. misunderstood B. ignored C. deserved D. disliked
53. A. persuading B. forcing C. reminding D. advising
54. A. choice B. truth C. aim D. challenge
55. A. actor B. director C. screenwriter D. teacher
【答案】41. B 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. B 51. D 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我梦想有一天有能力创作电影。A. conditions条件;B. films电影;C. memories记忆;D. businesses企业。上文“As a child, I would sit through movies I loved over and over.”以及最后一段“I spent more years swimming in a sea of words, loved it and finally became a ___15___ as I had wished.”可知,小时候作者喜欢看电影,所以他梦想有一天能够自己创作电影。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但由于多种原因,上学对我来说很困难,所以成为一名编剧似乎是不可能。A. unnecessary不必要的;B. impossible不可能;C. appropriate合适的;D. worthwhile值得的。根据上文“But school was difficult for me for many reasons”可知,作者觉得上学对他来说就很困难了,所以成为一名编剧更是不可能的。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我14岁的时候,当我的诗被做成一本小册子发给每个学生时,我感到震惊。A. photos照片;B. paintings绘画;C. poems诗;D. reports报告。根据下文“Previously invisible, I was now “a published poet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) on the back.”可知,作者被同学们称为“诗人”,所以是他把自己的诗歌做成了一个小册子。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我14岁的时候,当我的诗被做成一本小册子发给每个学生时,我感到震惊。A. given away赠送;B. checked through通过;C. finished off完成;D. made up虚构的。根据下文“Previously invisible, I was now “a published poet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) on the back.”可知,作者被同学们称为“诗人”,所以是他把自己的诗歌做成了一个小册子,赠送给了他的同学们。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:在一周左右的时间里,我受到了截然不同的对待。A. rudely粗鲁地;B. strictly严格意义上的;C. fairly相当;D. differently不同地。根据下文“Previously invisible, I was now “a published poet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) on the back.”可知,作者以前被同学们忽视,但是当他把诗歌小册子送给同学们的时候,却受到了同学们的称赞。所以作者受到了和以前不同的对待。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但已经根深蒂固信心不足使我对文学事业没有任何真正的希望。A. confidence信心;B. ability能力;C. curiosity好奇心;D. support支持。根据下文“The lack of confidence that annoyed me early in life took decades to ___11___ .”可知,作者自信心不足已经根深蒂固了。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我会看成千上万的书,问自己,“这些人都比我聪明吗,还是他们只是更努力了?”A. However然而;B. Thus因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Moreover此外。根据上文“I felt like those things only happened to other people.”可知,作者缺乏自信心,但是他却没有因此消沉,而是自己看了很多的书来充实自己。所以前后两句话为转折关系。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我会看成千上万的书,问自己,“这些人都比我聪明吗,还是他们只是更努力了?”A. wealthier富裕的;B. stronger更强的;C. smarter更聪明的;D. braver勇敢的。根据下文“So, I kept reading, writing and watching movies not only for ___10___ but to analyse how great stories are told.”可知,虽然作者缺少自信心,但是他自己却一直不服输,所以他会问自己这些人是否会比他更聪明。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我会看成千上万的书,问自己,“这些人都比我聪明吗,还是他们只是更努力了?”A. live活;B. wait等待;C. try试做;D. rush冲。根据下文“So, I kept reading, writing and watching movies not only for ___10___ but to analyse how great stories are told.”可知,虽然作者缺少自信心,但是他自己却一直不服输,所以他会问自己这些人是否会比他更聪明还是他们比作者更努力的去做。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我一直在读、写和看电影,不仅是为了娱乐,也是为了分析伟大的故事是如何讲述的。A. assessment评估;B. entertainment娱乐;C. competition竞争;D. adjustment调整。根据空后“but to analyse how great stories are told”可知,作者觉得看电影不仅仅是为了娱乐,也是去学习一些知识。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:早年困扰我的自信不足花了几十年的时间才得以改变。A. return返回;B. grow生长;C. arise出现;D. shake摆脱,克服。根据空前“The lack of confidence that annoyed me early in life”可知,早年的自信心不足花了作者好多年才消除。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我有一份报酬很高的工作,但我不喜欢。A. misunderstood误解了;B. ignored忽略;C. deserved应得的;D. disliked不喜欢的。根据转折连词but可知,虽然作者的工作虽然报酬很高,但是他不喜欢这份工作。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,公司倒闭了,迫使我在找到另一份我不喜欢的工作和最终从事作家职业之间做出选择。A. persuading说服;B. forcing迫使;C. reminding提醒;D. advising劝告。根据空前“Suddenly, the company went out of business”可知,作者的公司倒闭了,这件事迫使他去做出选择。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意: 我的选择是文案编辑,虽然不完全是写作,但也差不多了。A. choice选择;B. truth真相;C. aim目标;D. challenge挑战。根据下文“I spent more years swimming in a sea of words, loved it and finally became a ___15___ as I had wished.”可知,作者的最终选择是他一直希望做的事情:编剧。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我花了更多的时间在文字的海洋中游泳,喜欢它,最终如愿成为了一名编剧。A. actor演员;B. director董事,导演,管理者;C. screenwriter编剧;D. teacher教师。根据空前文“I spent more years swimming in a sea of words, loved it”可知,作者多年来一直在读书,写作,为他做编剧做准备。最后他终于得偿所愿,成为了一名编剧。故选C。
Most people relate learning ____56____ formal education at school. We often ____57____ (tell) that we should get a good education.
____58____ (general), it is true that formal education and the resulting qualifications are important. Education may make us make the best use of our potential ____59____ (find) better and more satisfying jobs, earn more and, perhaps, become more successful in our chosen career.
However, schooling is not only one type of learning, There are many other ____60____ (opportunity) to further your knowledge and develop the skills you need throughout life.
____61____ (educate) well is not the only key to employment ____62____ qualifications may get you an interview, actually getting the job needs a lot more. Employers look for well-balanced people with transferable skills, which include the ____63____ (able) to be able to demonstrate that you are keen to learn and develop.
If you are frustrated (沮丧的) with your job, continuing to sharpen your skills will make it ____64____ (easy) to find new ways out of a potentially stressful work situation. Keeping an open mind to learning and giving yourself room for flexibility are key to job satisfaction. Furthermore, potentially staying ahead of competitors for jobs by being more experienced or knowledgeable can give you _____65_____ slight advantage over others.
【答案】56. to 57. are told
58. Generally
59. to find
60. opportunities
61. Being educated##To be educated
62. Though##Although##While
63. ability
64. easier 65. a
考查谓语动词。句意:我们经常被告知我们应该接受良好的教育。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据全文语境为现在以及上句中的谓语动词relate可知,此处应为一所般现在时,tell与句子主语we之间为被动关系,主语为复数。故填are told。
考查非谓语动词。句意:一般来说,正规教育和由此获得的资格证书是很重要的,教育可以使我们充分利用我们的潜力,找到更好更满意的工作,赚更多的钱,也许,在我们选择的职业中变得更成功。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语,修饰名词potential应使用不定式形式,结合句意,此处表示主动意义,故填to find。
考查名词。句意:然而,学校教育是唯一的一种学习方式,还有许多其他的机会来扩展你的知识和发展你一生所需的技能。分析句子结构可知,此处为“there be”结构,opportunity在句中作主语,根据谓语动词are可知,此处应为名词复数。故填opportunities。
考查非谓语动词。句意:良好的教育并不是就业的唯一关键。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作主语,结合句意可知,此处可以表示经常性发生的动作也可理解为暂时性的动作,所以可以使用动名词形式作主语,也可以使用动词不定式作主语,且此处为“受教育”表示被动意义,位于句首,首个单词的首字母需大写。故填Being educated/To be educated。
考查形容词。句意:如果你对你的工作感到沮丧,继续提高你的技能会让你更容易找到新的方法来摆脱潜在的压力工作环境。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作宾补,根据continuing to sharpen your skills意为“继续提高你的技能”可知,此处应对比没提高技能时的状态,所以使用形容词比较级形式。故填easier。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lucy 刚刚转入新的学校,一时无法适应新的环境。她在邮件中向你询问如何尽快融入新环境。请你给她回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1.多跟同学交流沟通;
注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
Dear Lucy,
Li Hua
Dear Lucy,
I’m sorry to hear that you are having difficulty in getting used to the new environment at your new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions may be helpful.
Firstly, I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible. Only in this way will you get to know each other better. Secondly, it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities, which are good for developing friendly relationship. Last but not least, faced with some tough problems, you might ask your teachers,who can usually offer you some sensible suggestions.
I sincerely hope my advice will be of some help to you. In short , I hope you will fit in the new environment and be happy every day.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
适应:get used to→fit in
参加:take part in→participate in
原句:Firstly, I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible. Only in this way will you get to know each other better.
拓展句:Firstly, I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible, which will make you get to know each other better.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Secondly, it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities, which are good for developing friendly relationship.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Last but not least, faced with some tough problems, you might ask your teachers,who can usually offer you some sensible suggestions.(运用了过去分词作状语和who引导的非限制性定语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last winter, Linda went through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. So she quit her job and left Los Angeles, where she encountered her ex-husband in college. She flew to Boston on the east coast of the US. Later, she settled in a new neighborhood in East Boston. However, shortly afterwards, the company where she worked went bankrupt (破产). Suffering a series of bitter blows, she fell ill, a severe case of flu. She had to stay at home for the whole week, feeling extremely bad and hopeless.
Early one morning, Linda lay in bed, feeling painful all over. Then all of a sudden, there was an upsetting knock on her front door. Struggling out of the bed, she dragged herself to the window. There, outside, she saw a young lady carefully holding some leaflets(传单)and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today.” She muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.
Coughing bitterly, Linda stuck her head out. “Excuse me, madam…” the young lady said with a smile. “I’m sorry but I am not the slightest bit interested in any TV whatever.” Linda interrupted her impatiently. “As a matter of fact, I am feeling terribly awful.” “Is there anything I can do for you, madam ” the young lady asked with concern. “No thanks, just leave me alone.” Linda then shut the door in her face. The young lady politely turned and left in silence.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
A few hours later, another knock.
Paragraph 2:
Linda was surprised by this loving action.
【答案】One possible version:
A few hours later, another knock. Linda glanced out of the window. To her surprise, at the door was the same lady, back again. Really annoyed this time, Linda opened the door. Before Linda could utter any word, the young lady handed her a warm pot, with a concerned look on the face. “I’m so sorry to have disturbed you earlier. I thought you may need this homemade chicken soup. Hope it might make you feel a little better. ”
Linda was surprised by this lovely action. After being refused so rudely, the lady still showed much kindness to her. A sense of shame creeping upon her heart, she could only force a smile with burning ears. But also, a warm current surged through her brain and body. Linda took the chicken soup gratefully, tears blurring her eyes and a lump in her throat. The lady wrapped Linda in her arms and patted her on the back. “It’s OK, dear. Everything will be fine.” Hearing these words, Linda felt a ray of bright sunshine lighting up her life.
①.令某人惊讶的是:to one’s surprise/to one’s astonishment
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Before Linda could utter any word, the young lady handed her a warm pot, with a concerned look on the face. (before引导的时间状语从句)兴文二中2023年秋期高二半期考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the second class
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman want to do in the park
A. Go fishing. B. See animals. C. Go boating.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman going to do this afternoon
A. Pick up Jean. B. Go to the library. C. Drive Jason to the airport.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What was wrong with Jack
A. He had a fever. B. He was in hospital. C. He was late for work.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do the woman’s family members do to help the environment
A. They use fewer plastic bags. B. They don’t drive cars. C. They waste less food.
6. What is most probably the woman
A. A mechanic. B. A saleswoman. C. A student.
7. What will the woman do next
A. Ask Jim for help. B. Use the man’s laptop. C. Buy a new computer.
8. Why does the woman look sad
A. She has failed her law exam.
B. She can’t make progress in dancing.
C. Her father doesn’t allow her to be a dancer.
9. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Listen to her father. B. Hold on to her dream. C. Try to understand her father.
10. What color tie does the woman think matches the man’s jacket
A. Green. B. Black. C. Red.
11. Why doesn’t the woman like high heels
A. They aren’t beautiful. B. They are uncomfortable to wear. C. They don’t match the dress.
12. What does the man mean in the end
A. He knows a cafe nearby.
B. He can’t decide what to buy.
C. He doesn’t want to go on shopping.
13. How many people will go to Keswick with the woman
A. 6. B. 5. C. 4.
14. When will the woman go boating
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
15. Where will the woman stay in Keswick
A. In a country hotel. B. In a five-star hotel. C. In a camp.
16. What will the man do on the weekend
A. Visit his aunt. B. Watch TV. C. Do some shopping.
17. What was the speaker’s final destination
A. Paris. B. Vienna. C. Moscow.
18. How late did the speaker originally think she woke up
A 30 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 5 minutes.
19. What was in the backpack
A. A pen and a notebook. B. Her glasses. C. A ticket.
20. How did the speaker feel in the end
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Worried.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Many libraries around the world are as amazing in their architecture and organization as they are in the huge amount of knowledge they contain. With shelves and shelves of books, various collections and amazing historical and cultural displays, there are plenty of undiscovered wonders.
Beinecke Rare Book Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
Yale University has one of the most beautiful college campuses in America, and one of its most interesting features is the Beinecke Rare Book Library. It is one of the largest buildings in the world devoted to rare books and manuscripts (手稿) of famous people. From 2015-16 the library building was closed for 18 months for major improvement. Inside there is a statue of its main founder that rises up high.
Vennesla Library (Vennesla, Norway)
Located near the southernmost tip of Norway, Vennesla Library is more than a collection of books—it’s a city cultural center and meeting place. The building hosts a coffee shop, open meeting spaces, classrooms for children and adult education courses, and a cinema. It is mainly built out of wood. The long, thin beams (横梁) on the inside were designed to look like the inside of a whale.
Suzzallo Library (Seattle)
Among the many beautiful features of the campus at the University of Washington, such as its cherry flowers and a light rail station, Suzzallo Library was built in the Collegiate Gothic style. Its buttresses (扶壁) are decorated with 18 statues featuring famous academics and writers such as Plato, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Galileo, Beethoven, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
Library of Muyinga (Muyinga, Burundi)
A school for deaf children, the Library of Muyinga in Burundi was built with local techniques and traditions. A rope hammock (吊床) that hangs between the first and second floors of the library serves as part of the children’s reading room, a great place for indoor activities.
More information of them is just a click away.
21. Which one is suitable for people who want to appreciate statues
A. Beinecke Rare Book Library. B. Vennesla Library.
C. Suzzallo Library. D. Library of Muyinga.
22. What makes Vennesla Library different from others
A. It is mainly intended for children. B. It is built in the shape of a whale.
C. It is located within the campus. D. It is a kind of culture complex.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A culture magazine B. A travel brochure.
C. A website. D. A historical book.
The most valuable thing I ever lost was a pair of diamond earrings I won many years ago at a charity auction (拍卖会). I wrote about the lost earrings in my new children’s book, The Christmas Pig. When they reach the Land of the Lost, where the hero must go to rescue his most beloved toy, my earrings are angry that they aren’t treated with the respect they think they deserve. They soon find out that being made of diamonds counts for(有用) very little in the strange world where human-made objects go when lost, because a thing’s importance there depends on how much it’s truly loved.
The Christmas Pig explores a deep attachment to an old object. It’s about the journey of a boy, Jack, who is a little lost himself, but who discovers his bravery and ability to love in a strange new world. Of all the books I’ve written, this is the one that made me cry the most, because I was dealing with emotions that run deep in all of us. Loss and change are hard for children, but acceptance of these unavoidable parts of life isn’t much easier for adults. The Christmas Pig shows how human beings — even small, lost ones — are capable of wonderful, heroic acts.
A very strange thing happened on the day I finished editing The Christmas Pig. After emailing the final version to my editor, I set about clearing out a cupboard. One of the last objects I picked up was a small box. I opened it. There were my long-lost diamond earrings. I’ve decided to sell them and give the money to a charity. I think it was a nice ending for my earrings’ story to have them do some good for children in the Land of the Living.
How many times have I been asked whether I believe in magic On the day I finished The Christmas Pig, for a few shining moments I really did.
24. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A. To tell a story happening in a magical world.
B. To advertise her first children’s book.
C. To introduce her new book and stories behind it.
D. To reveal our deep attachment to old objects.
25. What is The Christmas Pig mainly about
A. A boy saved his lost toy in the magical world. B. A boy helped earrings find their own value.
C. A boy discovered bravery in the real world. D. A boy was looked down upon by some earrings.
26. Why did the book make the author cry most
A She was unable to forgive herself.
B. It was based on her own past experiences.
C. The hero dealt successfully with loss and change.
D. Many adults could hardly understand the main characters.
27. What does the author want to tell us through the story of her lost earrings
A. Lost things will turn up sooner or later. B. Sometimes warm magical things can happen in life.
C. We should donate to help those in need. D. Sometimes magic in books can happen in real life.
People have been curious for centuries about a future without work. Some imagine that the coining work-free world will be defined by inequality: A few people will own all the wealth, and the masses will struggle in a wasteland. A different prediction holds that without jobs to give their lives meaning, people will simply become lazy and depressed. But it doesn’t necessarily follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with dissatisfaction. Such visions (想象) are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the downsides of employment. In the absence of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could provide strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.
These days, spare time is relatively rare for most workers. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel tired,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different” — perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby with the enthusiasm usually reserved for professional matters.
Daniel Everett, an anthropologist (人类学家) at Bentley University, studied a group of hunter-gatherers in the Amazon called the Piraha (拉哈人) for years. According to Everett, while some might consider hunting and gathering work, hunter-gatherers don’t. “They think of it as fun,” he says. “They don’t have a concept of work the way we do.” Everett described a typical day for the Piraha: A man might get up, spend a few hours fishing, have a barbecue, and play until the evening.
Does this relaxing life lead to the depression and purposelessness seen among so many of today’s unemployed “I’ve never seen anything like depression there, except people who are physically ill,” Everett says. While many may consider work a staple (主要部分) of human life, work as it exists today is a relatively new invention in the course of thousands of years of human culture. “We think it’s bad to just sit around with nothing to do,” says Everett. “For the Piraha, it’s quite a desirable state.”
28. What does the underlined word “downsides” in paragraph two probably mean
A. Risks. B. Reasons. C. Challenges. D. Disadvantages.
29. What might John Danaher agree with
A. Work is the most important thing in life.
B. People don’t know how to balance work and life.
C. People may live a charmed life in the work-free future.
D. Higher unemployment makes life tougher for workers.
30. What can we infer from the text
A. In a work-free world, inequality may no longer exist.
B. Unemployment is the main reason for people’s depression.
C. The Piraha in the Amazon take interest in hunting and gathering.
D Only professional people can have a chance to lead a work-free life.
31. Why is Daniel Everett’s study mentioned
A. To prove John Danaher’s opinion. B. To show a future life without work.
C. To compare different opinions on work. D. To introduce a special group in the Amazon.
A team of researchers at ETH Zurich has the perfect long-lasting solution to our fog problem. They have developed a very thin and gold-based transparent coating (涂层) that can convert sunlight into heat, which can be applied to glass and other surfaces to prevent them from fogging.
The special coating is developed using titanium oxide and gold particles. It selectively absorbs infrared radiations (红外线辐射) from the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is powerful enough to keep fog away from the surface of an object. The coating basically employs heat to stop fogging. The coating absorbs a large part of the infrared radiation which causes it to heat up-by up to 8℃.
Previously, products like anti-fogging sprays (喷雾) create a very thin film of water on the surface to remove fog. The problem with such surfaces is pollution. Along with water, the sprays also attract dirt, dust, oil, and various other dirty substances, and just a little dirt on the surface makes it useless. However, the new coating repels (排斥) water. Furthermore, the coating is significantly thinner, which makes it more transparent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, no additional energy source.
Gold might be expensive, but the researchers stress that their coating requires so little that the material costs remain low. Their coating is produced with standardized and readily scalable methods, all cost-effectively. However, although this product can work at very low levels of solar radiation, it does rely on a certain amount of light.
The researchers will develop the coating further for other applications. In the process, they will examine whether other metals work just as well as gold. There is no need to fear. However, this would cause a car or a building to heat up more in the summer. The researchers have already filed a patent. Hopefully, this groundbreaking product will soon be available on the market.
32 How does the new coating work to remove fog
A. By reflecting part of sunlight selectively.
B. By keeping cool air away from the object.
C. By creating a thin film of water on the surface.
D. By absorbing infrared radiations to heat the coating.
33. Why does the author mention previous anti-fogging products
A. To stress the advantages of the new coating.
B. To introduce the inspiration behind the new coating.
C. To prove the difficulty of creating anti-fogging products.
D. To explain the reason for the anti-fogging coating being popular.
34. What is the limitation of the new coating
A. It is considerably expensive. B. It depends on sunlight to work.
C. It takes too much time to produce. D. It is difficult to clean and maintain.
35. What do the researchers plan to do next
A. Apply for a patent for the invention.
B. Develop the product for more practical uses.
C. Explore the environmental impact of the coating.
D. Seek a more environmentally friendly material to replace gold.
Volunteering offers great help to people in need, but the benefits(好处) can be even greater for you.
Volunteering connects you to others. ___36___. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It develops your ties to the community, broadens your support network and offers you chances to know people with common interests and fun activities.
___37___, others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills, since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests.
Volunteering is good for your mind and body. ___38___. Nothing reduces (减少) stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Working with pets and other animals has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have found that older volunteers are likely to walk more and find it easier to sleep regularly. ___39___.
If you’re considering a new job, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field. ___40___, volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork communication, problem solving and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching(伸展) your wings at work once you have improved these skills in a volunteer position first.
A. Volunteering increases self-confidence
B. Being a volunteer helps you make new friends and improve your social skills
C. Even if you’re not planning on changing your job
D. While some people are naturally outgoing
E. It provides many benefits to both mental and physical health
F. Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work
G. Volunteering can also reduce the risk of heart disease
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As a child, I would sit through movies I loved over and over. I dreamed of someday having the ability to create ___41___ .
But school was difficult for me for many reasons, so becoming a screenwriter seemed ___42___. When I was fourteen, I was shocked when my ___43___ were made into a brochure that was ___44___ to every student. For a week or so, I was treated very ___45___. Previously invisible, I was now “a published poet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) on the back. But an already deep-seated lack of ___46___ prevented me from having any serious hopes for a career in literature. I felt like those things only happened to other people. ___47___ I would look at thousands of books and ask myself, “Are all these people ___48___ than me, or did they just ___49___ harder ” So, I kept reading, writing and watching movies not only for ___50___ but to analyse how great stories are told.
The lack of confidence that annoyed me early in life took decades to ___51___ .
I had a job that paid well, but I ___52___ it. Suddenly, the company went out of business, ___53___ me to choose between getting yet another job I didn’t like and finally being committed to a career as a writer. My ___54___ was copyediting, which wasn’t writing exactly but almost.
I spent more years swimming in a sea of words, loved it and finally became a ___55___ as I had wished.
41. A. conditions B. films C. memories D. businesses
42. A. unnecessary B. impossible C. appropriate D. worthwhile
43. A. photos B. paintings C. poems D. reports
44. A. given away B. checked through C. finished off D. made up
45. A. rudely B. strictly C. fairly D. differently
46. A. confidence B. ability C. curiosity D. support
47. A. However B. Thus C. Otherwise D. Moreover
48. A. wealthier B. stronger C. smarter D. braver
49. A. live B. wait C. try D. rush
50. A. assessment B. entertainment C. competition D. adjustment
51. A. return B. grow C. arise D. shake
52. A. misunderstood B. ignored C. deserved D. disliked
53. A. persuading B. forcing C. reminding D. advising
54. A. choice B. truth C. aim D. challenge
55. A. actor B. director C. screenwriter D. teacher
Most people relate learning ____56____ formal education at school. We often ____57____ (tell) that we should get a good education.
____58____ (general), it is true that formal education and the resulting qualifications are important. Education may make us make the best use of our potential ____59____ (find) better and more satisfying jobs, earn more and, perhaps, become more successful in our chosen career.
However, schooling is not only one type of learning, There are many other ____60____ (opportunity) to further your knowledge and develop the skills you need throughout life.
____61____ (educate) well is not the only key to employment, ____62____ qualifications may get you an interview, actually getting the job needs a lot more. Employers look for well-balanced people with transferable skills, which include the ____63____ (able) to be able to demonstrate that you are keen to learn and develop.
If you are frustrated (沮丧的) with your job, continuing to sharpen your skills will make it ____64____ (easy) to find new ways out of a potentially stressful work situation. Keeping an open mind to learning and giving yourself room for flexibility are key to job satisfaction. Furthermore, potentially staying ahead of competitors for jobs by being more experienced or knowledgeable can give you _____65_____ slight advantage over others.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lucy 刚刚转入新的学校,一时无法适应新的环境。她在邮件中向你询问如何尽快融入新环境。请你给她回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1.多跟同学交流沟通;
注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
Dear Lucy,
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last winter, Linda went through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. So she quit her job and left Los Angeles, where she encountered her ex-husband in college. She flew to Boston on the east coast of the US. Later, she settled in a new neighborhood in East Boston. However, shortly afterwards, the company where she worked went bankrupt (破产). Suffering a series of bitter blows, she fell ill, a severe case of flu. She had to stay at home for the whole week, feeling extremely bad and hopeless.
Early one morning, Linda lay in bed, feeling painful all over. Then all of a sudden, there was an upsetting knock on her front door. Struggling out of the bed, she dragged herself to the window. There, outside, she saw a young lady carefully holding some leaflets(传单)and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today.” She muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.
Coughing bitterly, Linda stuck her head out. “Excuse me, madam…” the young lady said with a smile. “I’m sorry but I am not the slightest bit interested in any TV whatever.” Linda interrupted her impatiently. “As a matter of fact, I am feeling terribly awful.” “Is there anything I can do for you, madam ” the young lady asked with concern. “No thanks, just leave me alone.” Linda then shut the door in her face. The young lady politely turned and left in silence.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
A few hours later, another knock.
Paragraph 2:
Linda was surprised by this loving action.

  • 四川省兴文第二名校2023-2024高二上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版含听力音频及听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月21日  所属分类:作业答案