
英 语
1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的姓名、座位号和准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写清楚,考生考试条形码由监考老师粘贴在答题卡上的“贴条形码区”。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What will Joe do
A. Leave his company. B. Work in Paris. C. Move house.
2. Why is the man making the call
A. To remind the woman of a rainstorm.
B. To book a room for next Monday.
C. To have his house repaired.
3. What does the man think of the training
A. Disappointing. B. Satisfying. C. Worrying.
4. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. In the man’s office. B. In a meeting room. C. At home.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. An open-minded politician.
B. A famous teacher.
C. Public opinion.
6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers
A. Colleagues.
B. A receptionist and a visitor.
C. The boss and the secretary.
7. What does the woman give the man
A. A guidebook. B. A city map. C. A schedule.
8. When did the woman first see Mr. Wang
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.
9. What did Mr. Wang impress the woman. most with
A. His personality. B. His approach. C. His enthusiasm.
10. What will Mr. Wang do on Tuesday
A. Chair a meeting. B. Propose a strategy. C. Report the profits.
11. Where does the woman work
A. At a dental clinic. B. At a travel agency. C. At a restaurant.
12. When did the man make the reservation
A. One week ago. B. Two weeks ago. C. Three weeks ago.
13. What will the man try to do at 3:00
A. Visit his client. B. Reschedule a meeting. C. Keep an appointment.
14. What did Adriana create
A. A bicycle. B. A computer. C. A generator.
15. How did Adriana get the idea of her project
A. From the Internet. B. From her father. C. From a designer.
16. What was the only problem Adriana faced
A. She lacked money.
B. She was in need of support.
C. She couldn’t find suitable materials.
17. Who is the speaker talking to
A. Librarians. B. Freshmen. C. Teachers.
18. What is scheduled in the first week
A. Some tours. B. Some training. C. Some talks.
19. What do we know about the library computers
A. They are online all the time.
B. They are used as a tool to chat.
C. There are only a limited number.
20. Who can help to find things in the library
A. The Section Manager.
B. The Training Supervisor.
C. The Cataloguing Assistant.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Books open doors in our minds, allowing us to live an entire lifetime and travel the world without even leaving the comfort of our chairs. Here are 4 books you should read at least once in your life.
Number the Stars
by Lois Lowry
This novel tells the story of Annemarie Yohansen, a Danish girl growing up in World War Ⅱ with her best friend, Ellen, a Jewish. She and her family protected Ellen and her parents from the Nazis. Lowry’s novel is a reminder that cultural and religious differences are no divide between true friends.
The Little Prince
by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
The most-translated book in the French Language, the Little Prince, is the story of a little boy who falls to Earth from an Asteroid (小行星) to try to understand mankind. In his travels he meets a series of strange and delightful characters. It is a heartwarming story of the power of friendship and trust.
The Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner is the story of the unlikely and complicated friendship between Amir, the son of a wealthy merchant, and Hassan, the son of his father’s servant until the war separates them. It’s a story about the enduring love of friendship, and the power of forgiveness.
The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green
The story recounts the experiences of Hazel, a teenager with cancer, and the experiences of the other teens in her cancer support group. Green captures the struggles of terminal illness with tenderness, reminding us that love, friendship, and faith go beyond all.
21. Which book is set in the second World War
A. The Little Prince. B. Number the Stars.
C. The Kite Runner. D. The Fault in Our Stars.
22. What do the four books have in common
A. They are all related to friendship.
B. They are all translated into French.
C. They are all based on real experiences.
D. They are all told through children’s view.
23. Where can the text be found
A. In a novel. B. In a biography. C. In a magazine. D. In a history book.
In August 2019, two citizen scientists, Sunniva Sorby and Hilde FalunStrom landed on Spitsbergen, in Norway’s Svalbard island group. They planned to work through the winter, then go home in May 2020. But their ship could not come because of COVID-19 shutdowns. For fourteen months, they lived in a small cabin on an icy island near the North Poles. Sometimes, hurricane-force winds forced freezing air through the cabin’s slats. Once, wind ripped the door open. Sunniva and Hilde couldn’t close it until the storm ended! Between storms, silence settled on the cabin. Then, they could hear the crunch-crunch-crunch of polar bears walking in the snow.
Their days started at 7 am and ended after midnight. Each morning, they wore down-stuffed jackets and pants as they waited for the wood-burning stove to heat the cabin. They cut pieces of freshwater ice to melt for drinking, cooking and bathing. For the stove, they gathered driftwood. They cooked their meals, including pizza! These tasks used up large stretches of each day. They also kept in touch with schools and other groups. They wrote blog entries and answered e-mails. For fun, they danced to music, exercised, practiced yoga and read.
“We are efficient here,” Sunniva wrote. “We have a routine, habits, and systems. We have time for what matters most living safely while making a contribution to our understanding of a changing world.” They conducted lots of experiments. They gathered data on climate change, using a drone (无人机) to measure sea-ice temperatures. They observed wildlife and tested new technologies, including an electric snowmobile.
To stay four extra months, they had to eat smaller amounts of food so they wouldn’t run out. “It was difficult being here, so far away from everything,” Sunniva wrote. “Food, shelter, and warmth are often taken for granted until you are on your own.” But, they wrote, “We have packed our patience, our smiles, and good spirits.” And they enjoyed the adventure, finding ordinary miracles every day.
24. What can we learn about the two scientists on Spitsbergen
A. They lived a boring life there.
B. They could always keep the door closed.
C. They brought drinking water with them.
D. They stayed in contact with other groups.
25. What did Sunniva and Hilde do according to Paragraph 3
A. They watched the wildlife carefully.
B. They invented an electric snowmobile.
C. They conducted experiments on drones.
D. They collected data of new technologies.
26. Which of the following best describes these two scientists
A. Generous. B. Optimistic. C. Sensitive. D. Honest.
27. What does the author want to convey through the two scientists’ story
A. Well begun, half done. B. It’s easier said than done.
C. Every cloud has a silver lining. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Favored by many internet influencers, the city of Zibo, once a sleepy industrial city, has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms. The topic Zibo “barbecue” on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, was played 4.96 billion times since the city stormed the Internet for over a month. On 29 April, Zibo Railway Station saw a record 87,000 train trips to and from the station, according to Chinese news website Caixin.
Local authorities in Zibo have been quick to respond to the sudden flow of visitors. A barbecue zone that can accommodate 10,000 people, featuring live band performances, was built overnight. Volunteers have been dispatched to the railway station to offer advice and recommendations to tourists. Designated (指定的) buses and trains bring tourists to and from the hottest barbecue spots. The government has even threatened to punish profiteering hotels who raise prices by more than 50% .
What makes Zibo barbecue so special is that it does offer a distinctive (独特的) dining experience. The skewers (烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, offering an immersive dining experience.
Zibo’s low prices are also appealing. Many college students in Shandong have made concrete plans to enjoy Zibo barbecue at the least cost, and traveling back and forth by train for only 200 yuan ($29.1). So what better way to attract adventurous, hungry college students with a tight budget other than “tasty barbecue that makes you full for only 50 yuan!”
The locals seem happy enough about the arrival of visitors and shy away from hot spots to make space for outsiders, saying they are proud that their hometown has gained nationwide fame.
28. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. The history of Zibo.
B. The influence of social media.
C. The newfound popularity of Zibo.
D. The crowdedness of Zibo Railway Station.
29. What makes Zibo barbecue attractive to college students
A. Unique dining experience. B. Convenient transportation.
C. Wonderful performances. D. Affordable prices.
30. What is the local people’s attitude to the arrival of tourists
A. Favorable. B. Worried. C. Unconcerned. D. Critical.
31. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To promote an industrial city.
B. To introduce barbecue in Zibo.
C. To explain how to attract tourists.
D. To show the popularity of barbecue.
Stress is common in modern society. When you decide to do something about your stress levels it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to turn your whole life upside down — quit your job, file for divorce, move to another country. Among all the stress management strategies out there we are forgetting one essential treatment — taking time for rest.
For a long time, psychology was based on a clear division between body and mind. Psychologists focused almost only on what went on between our ears. The body was the responsibility of medical doctors and gym instructors. Recently, however, there has been a growing realization within psychology circles that the body and mind are closely connected with each other, far more than anyone ever imagined. You suffer more from stress when you are feeling run down or are suffering from a flu. If you have a bad night’s sleep, everything is more stressful the next day.
While you are more likely to suffer from stress when you are feeling poorly, you can alleviate it by looking after your body. Rest is actually good for both body and mind. We all need at least a little time to think, to reflect on life and even just to be bored. Your free time is meant for relaxation and recovery, and that is impossible when you have too much to do.
We need to relearn the art of rest, especially in these busy times. Getting enough rest is not just something we should do when we are exhausted. It is only when we take a good rest that we will be able to take a stand against stress. I like to imagine that in a few years from now it will be entirely acceptable to say, “Given how hard I worked last week on our project, this week I am going to take a day off.”
32. Which statement will the author probably agree with
A. Only modern people feel stressed.
B. Psychologists don’t have to focus on the body.
C. Quitting your job is the best way to reduce stress.
D. Body and mind are strongly interacted with each other.
33. What does the underlined word “alleviate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Develop. B. Increase. C. Relieve. D. Maintain.
34. What can we know about rest
A. Rest contributes to mental relief.
B. Rest will surely make people bored.
C. The idea of rest is well accepted now.
D. Rest is needed only when people are tired.
35. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Physical Health Affects the Mind
B. Rest is the Secret to Stress Relief
C. Brain Processes Psychological Pain
D. Good Life Starts with Stress Management
Regardless of where you plan to work after college, it’s never too early to start networking. 36 , there are many ways college students can prepare themselves for success. Use these tips to get an introduction to your dream job and make great first impressions as you begin your journey.
Engage on Campus
The best place to start networking is on campus. Reaching out to professors can help you understand what it’s really like to work in that industry. 37 . Additionally, practicing with your peers is a good way to improve your networking skills.
If you know about a networking opportunity in advance, take the night before to prepare. Go over your resume and be sure you can prove different strengths you gained from each experience. Eat a healthy dinner and get a good night’s sleep. Doing your research, and looking your best will help you feel excited and prepared.
Get Out There
Whether it’s a job fair or an informational interview, be sure to bring a pen and an open mind. 39 . If someone gives you a business card, be sure to take down conversation topics so you can write a personalized follow-up email. Writing a follow-up email is a great way to stay in contact, but the attention to detail shows interest and sincerity.
40 , but the more you network, the more effortless it becomes. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your next networking event, and you’ll take one step closer to the job or internship of your dreams.
A. Be prepared
B. Write your resume
C. Because it is too early to begin
D. Though it may seem challenging
E. Networking events require confidence and preparation
F. Also, they likely have connections for future opportunities
G. Have your resume on hand to share with everyone you meet
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
In high school, I got my first job at the local hardware (五金制品) store, all thanks to Mr. Anderson, our neighbor. He offered me a chance to 41 there. My parents gave the thumbs (拇指) up, so I 42 the world of part-time jobs.
My daily tasks weren’t too 43 . I tidied up shelves and helped 44 find what they needed. But working in a(n) 45 hardware store during the summer turned out to be more 46 than I thought. I had to manage between helping customers with screws and refilling shelves with goods
At dinner, I’d 47 tales of my day, admitting that the 48 was proving more difficult than I first thought. My dad, who had his share of hands-on experience fixing cars, would laugh and share 49 from his early mechanic (机械师) days.
He’d say, “Jobs like this teach you more than just about money; they 50 your character.” Back then, I didn’t realize that my summer 51 at the hardware store was turning out to be more than just a way to 52 some extra money.
As the summer went on, I found myself gaining a 53 understanding of responsibility and the essence of hard work. The simple 54 in the store became life lessons, teaching me to appreciate and 55 the people who work hard every day to make everything go smoothly.
41. A. work B. study C. play D. wait
42. A. dealt with B. gave up C. jumped into D. took over
43. A. clear B. complicated C. adventurous D. specific
44. A. parents B. neighbors C. workers D. customers
45. A. strange B. empty C. comfortable D. busy
46. A. challenging B. disappointing C. annoying D. boring
47. A. read B. share C. create D. hear
48. A. lesson B. experiment C. job D. life
49. A. exhibits B. tools C. stories D. books
50. A. shape B. show C. worsen D. accept
51. A. training B. experience C. arrangement D. camp
52. A. waste B. cost C. raise D. earn
53. A. deeper B. poorer C. quicker D. simpler
54. A. methods B. answers C. ideas D. tasks
55. A. help B. respect C. meet D. employ
A woodblock (木刻板) print art exhibition will begin in Guangzhou-based Ji’nan University next year, 56 (provide) young students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area an opportunity to understand the great Chinese art of woodblock watermarks.
More than 220 valuable woodblock print art 57 (work) and dozens of historical documents from the national intangible cultural heritage (遗产) inheritance base of Shizhuzhai, Zhejiang province, will be 58 display during the one-year-long show titled “Woodblock Print: The Scenery of Spring and Autumn, Watermark Heavenly Fragrance”, demonstrating Chinese history and culture. Shizhuzhai (Ten Bamboo Studio) 59 (be) an art museum in the Zhejiang provincial capital of Hangzhou.
Watermark woodblock prints have 60 history of more than 1,200 years and are regarded as excellent Chinese artistic treasures, 61 combine technology, art, painting and aesthetics, showing the 62 (intelligent) and creativity of the Chinese people.
Lin Rupeng, Party secretary of Ji’nan University, said the exhibition 63 (organize) by the university aims to inherit and spread Chinese culture, as well as demonstrate the university’s firm belief in 64 (strengthen) Chinese culture’s influence. “Ji’nan University combines excellent 65 (tradition) Chinese culture into teaching while sparing no effort to nurture and train high-level modern talents,” he said.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
某英文杂志正在进行征文活动,请以“A Great Artist”为题,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 该艺术家简介及其成就;
2. 你受到的鼓舞。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 题目已为你写好。
A Great Artist
The Great Field Day
The sun was shining brightly on the day of the big school field day. All the kids from different schools gathered for a day of fun games and activities. As I looked around, I noticed Molly, a small girl standing all by herself on the side of the field.
Feeling curious, I walked up to Molly and asked why she wasn’t playing with the other kids. She usually had a big smile, but today she looked a bit sad. After a little pause, she told me she decided not to join in. I wondered why, as she had been excited about this day for a long time.
Feeling a bit worried, I had a chat with the person in charge and found out that Molly was worried about not being as fast or strong as the other kids. The person in charge thought it was best to let Molly choose whether to play or not.
Trying to cheer her up, I told Molly that she had her own-special qualities, and if she wanted to play, what others thought didn’t matter. Molly, still unsure, decided to give it a shot and joined me, looking a bit shy. I whispered, “It’s your choice. Don’t let what others think stop you. Your preparation is what counts the most.” Molly took a deep breath and turned to me with watery eyes.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为120左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1
We sat down together, and I reminded Molly that only she could decide what to do. _______________________
Paragraph 2
When the activities began, Molly stood with the other kids at the starting line of the race. ___________________
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1~5: BCBAA 6~10: BACBA 11~15: ABCCA 16~20: ABCAC
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
21-23: BAC 24-27: DABC 28-31: CDAB 32-35: DCAB
36~40: DFAGE
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
41~45: ACBDD 46~50: ABCCA 51~55: BDADB
56. providing 57. works 58. on 59. is 60. a
61. which 62. intelligence 63. organized 64. strengthening 65. traditional
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考范文 略
Paragraph 1
We sat down together, and I reminded Molly that only she could decide what to do. “If you want to challenge yourself, it’s not about what others think, “I said with a sincere tone. Molly took a deep breath, turned to me with watery eyes, and said she was determined to join the field day. The person in charge, hearing Molly’s decision, gave me a look that showed they understood.
Paragraph 2
When the activities began, Molly stood with the other kids at the starting line of the race. The field seemed really big, especially for someone like Molly facing some challenges. But she started running, forgetting about any worries. A few kilometers into the race, she tripped and fell. Even though it was tough, Molly picked herself up and kept going. In the end, Molly reached the finish line, taking part in the activities and making everyone happy. It wasn’t about getting the first prize; it was about Molly’s brave heart and strong determination that turned a regular field day into an awesome success.
续写要点:Para 1 主要描写Molly被作者鼓励后,经过强烈的心理斗争,最终决定参加比赛。
Para 2 重点阐述Molly开始参赛,虽然中途遇到困难,仍然坚持到最后,完成比赛。
21. B 细节理解。根据Number the Stars部分中的This novel tells the story of Annemarie Yohansen, a Danish girl growing up in World WarⅡwith her best friend, Ellen, a Jewish.可得出答案。
22. A 细节理解。根据每本书的介绍的最后一句可得出答案。
23. C 推理判断。本文主要推荐了四本人生必读书,所以内容来源为杂志。
24. D 细节理解。根据第二段中They also kept in touch with schools and other groups.可知答案。
25. A 细节理解。根据第三段最后一句They observed wildlife…可知他们会观察野生生物。
26. B 细节理解。根据最后一段倒数第二句话But, they wrote, “We have packed our patience, our smiles, and good spirits.” 可知,两位科学家非常乐观。
27. C 主旨大意。从全文可知,两位科学家在北极科考的时候经历了重重困难,但他们始终保持了良好的心态最终守得云开见月明。
28. C 主旨大意。根据第一段的第一句话Favored by many internet influencers, the city of Zibo, once a sleepy industrial city, has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms.淄博市曾经是一个沉睡的工业城市,如今在中国的社交媒体平台上走红,受到许多网红的青睐。可得出答案。
29. D 细节理解。根据第四段首句Zibo’s low prices are also appealing.和后面的举例可知淄博烧烤对于大学生的吸引力在于价格。
30. A 意图态度。根据最后一段The locals seem happy enough…可得出答案。
31. B 主旨大意。整篇文章都是在介绍淄博烧烤。
32. D 细节理解。根据第二段Recently, however, there has been a growing realization within psychology circles that the body and mind are closely connected with each other, far more than anyone ever imagined.可得出答案。
33. C 猜测词义。根据本句的后面一句Rest is actually good for both body and mind. 可推断alleviate意为“缓解”。
34. A 细节理解。根据最后一段第二句It is only when we take a good rest that we will be able to take a stand against stress.可知答案。
35. B 主旨大意。根据文章第一段最后一句Among all the stress management strategies out there we are forgetting one essential treatment—taking time for rest.可知答案。
36. D 上下语境及句间逻辑。根据句子结构,本句应是一个从句,根据主句内容可以判断应选一个表示让步的从句,所以选D。
37. F 上下语境及句间逻辑。根据前一句Reaching out to professors can help you understand what it’s really like to work in that industry. Additionally, practicing with your peers is a good way to improve your networking skills.可知这三句话为递进关系,they指代前面提到的professors。
38. A 文章结构和主旨大意。根据本段第一句和最后一句可知这段提出的建议是做好准备。
39. G 文章结构和主旨大意。根据本段小标题和第一句内容可知本句为要行动起来,准备好简历,和你遇到的人分享,所以选G。
40. E 上下语境及句间逻辑。从空后的but the more you network, the more effortless it becomes.可知选E。
41. A 考查动词。由后文的so I 42 the world of part-time jobs可知,他提供给我工作的机会,故选A。
42. C 考查动词短语。从后文的My daily tasks weren’t too 43 : I tidied up shelves可知,我选择了兼职工作。故选C。
43. B 考查形容词。从后文的I tided up shelves.可知,我的工作不复杂,故选B。
44. D 考查动词。从后文的I had to manage between helping customers可知,这里是帮助顾客,故选D。
45. D 考查形容词。从后文的I had to manage between helping customers with screws and refilling shelves with goods.可知,我忙于应对帮助顾客和充实货架,故选D。
46. A 考查动词。从后文的I had to manage between helping customers with screws and refilling shelves with goods.可知,忙于应对帮助顾客和充实货架比我认为的更有挑战,故选A。
47. B 考查动词。从后文的admitting that the 48 was proving more difficult than I first thought可知,我在分享一天的故事,故选B。
48. C 考查名词。从前文的working in a(n) 45 hardware store during the summer turned out to be more 46 than I thought.可知,这份工作比我初次认为的更有挑战,故选C。
49. C 考查名词。从后文的from his early mechanic days可知,我父亲在分享故事,故选C。
50. A 考查动词。从前文的Jobs like this teach you more than just about money可知,同时,工作也会塑造你的性格,故选A。
51. B 考查名词。综合前文可知,应是夏日经历,故选B。
52. D 考查动词。从前文的Jobs like this teach you more than just about money可知,夏日经历不仅是一种挣
53. A 考查形容词。从后文的teaching me to appreciate and 55 the people可知,我获得了更深刻的理解,故选A。
54. D 考查名词。根据第二段的My daily tasks weren’t too 43 可知,应该是商店里的简单任务,故选D。
55. B 考查动词。从前文的teaching me to appreciate and. 可知,这里是与appreciate并列的动词,故选B。
56. providing 考查非谓语动词作状语。该句的逻辑主语A woodblock print art exhibition与provide之间是主动关系,故用providing。
57. works 考查名词的复数。因名词前有More than 220修饰,故用works。
58. on 考查介词。on display是固定短语,故用on。
59. is 考查主谓一致。因为主语Shizhuzhai是单数,整篇都是现在时,故用is。
60. a 考查冠词。have a history of…意思是“有……的历史”,故用a。
61. which 考查非限制性定语从句。此定语从句缺主语,且先行词treasures为物,故用which。
62. intelligence 考查词性变化。the+名词,故用intelligence。
63. organized 考查非谓语动词作定语。此处是exhibition与organize之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。
64. strengthening 考查动名词。因为在介词in后,故要用动名词。
65. traditional 考查词性变化。因为后面的名词culture前要用形容词修饰,故用traditional。
Text 1
W: Hey, forgot to tell you… Joe and Anna are moving to Paris!
M: Really Isn’t that a bit sudden How did that happen
W: His company offered him a job out there. They’re going for at least a couple of years.
Text 2
M: Hello, I’m calling to ask whether you can send someone to take a look at our ceiling. It’s been leaking since last night’s rainstorm.
W: Hi, Mr. Stevenson. I’m afraid we’re already booked up for this week. But I think we can make it next Monday.
Text 3
W: How was the training
M: The training was a great challenge. I learned a lot.
W: I’m glad you see it that way. Not a lot of people take a positive attitude towards training.
M: Anyway, I’m glad I went.
Text 4
M: Have you seen my blue sweater It was on the back of my chair before I went to the meeting, but now it disappeared.
W: Are you sure you left it there When I came in the office to remind you about the meeting I didn’t see it.
Text 5
M: Listen to this. The Education Minister is now saying that teachers deserve a pay rise. That’s a complete change of opinion!
W: I’m glad to hear it. He’s been listening to public opinion, obviously.
Text 6
M: Hi, my name is Tom Smith. I saw a sign that said all visitors need to sign in here.
W: That’s correct. May I ask your reason for visiting City Hall today
M: Actually, I’d like to take a tour. I’m interested in historic buildings.
W: Is that so We’ve had more visitors ever since the regional museum opened.
M: Oh, I was just there. Do you have any idea where I should start
W: Here, take this brochure. It has some information about the building’s history and shows you where the points of interest are. Let me know if you have any questions.
Text 7
M: Have you met our new marketing manager I heard he came from our Chicago branch and started work here last Monday.
W: Yes, I saw Mr. Wang in the staff meeting on Friday for the first time. He looked very energetic and organized. In particular, I liked the way he developed our new marketing strategies. He encouraged participants to share their ideas in an informal and inviting way.
M: It sounds like he has a constructive approach. I hope he will bring us more enthusiasm and help us increase our profits in the end.
W: That’s exactly what I want from him. By the way, there is another meeting that he is supposed to chair on Tuesday. You’ll be there, won’t you
Text 8
W: Good morning. You have reached Dr. Henry’s office. This is Laura. How may I help you
M: Hi, this is Joel Phillips. I’d like to reschedule my appointment today at three o’clock to another time tomorrow. Is that possible
W: I’m afraid the appointments are already fully booked for this week. Mr. Phillips, you’ve already waited two weeks to make this reservation and you really should have your teeth examined. Is there any way you can come today as arranged
M: I know, but I am at an urgent meeting with my client right now and I might not make it to the three o’clock appointment. Well, I’ll try to conclude everything quickly in the meeting so that I can arrive at your clinic on time. Thank you.
Text 9
M: Today I’m talking with 15-year-old Adriana Brown. She built her own bicycle generator. Adriana, can you tell us about your project How did you get started
W: Well, I’ve helped my dad with some of his projects. But I decided I wanted to do my own project this time. So I researched ideas on the Internet. I decided on a bicycle generator because it’s really useful. I can use it to power my computer.
M: So, how did you build it
W: First, I found plans for generators. I chose a simple design and made a first draft of the project. Then, my dad made some suggestions and I made another draft. After that, I started to look for materials. The only problem was that I didn’t have a lot of money, so it was difficult!
M: So, what did you do
W: Well, I went to a bicycle shop and a car repair shop. I told them about my project. They gave me some extra parts.
M: Oh, that was nice.
W: Yeah, it really was… When I got all the materials, I was ready to put it all together.
M: Well, I think it’s great. Very impressive!
Text 10
M: OK, are you all settled Well, first of all, welcome to Cardiff University. I’m here to explain what we can offer you.
Now, as a new student at the university, you will probably need some sort of guidance to help you to use the library effectively to study and research. Some of you have asked about a guided tour but we find this rather confuses people. So, in this first week, we run a series of talks which focus on different aspects of the library and its resources.
OK, now let me give you an outline of what’s available to you. You’ll find that the computers are increasingly used as a research tool. Many students do most of their research on the Internet and the library computers are permanently online. Having found what you need, you’ll find you can readily save texts on your personal computer space to print off when you need.
Naturally we do still have the full range of classic reference books for you to use and there are several copies of each one. This is because some of you may prefer to borrow a book rather than sit in the library. There is a restricted loan time on these so that they are not missing from the shelves for too long. Although there is a Section Manager for each part of the library, they are very busy and so, if you do get stuck looking for things, you should ask the relevant Cataloguing Assistant. As your Training Supervisor, I just oversee your work for a week and will not be around after this initial week.

  • 四川省蓉城联考2023-2024高二上学期期末联考英语试卷(word版含解析无听力音频含听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案