
姓名 ________ 分数__________ (测试时间:120分钟)
1.—Do you think Mom will agree on our plan
—________, but Dad will love it.
I disagree B.I’m not sure
C.I believe so D.I hope not
2.Mary wanted to find a job different ________ the old one, but in fact her new job is similar ________ the old one.
A.from; as B.from; to C.in; as D.in; to
3.—Shall we go climbing or go to the farm this Saturday, Mom
—It is ________ you, dear. What would you like to do
more than B.up to
C.less than D.across from
4.When Mr. Brown asked why he didn’t finish his homework, little Tom just ________ an excuse.
A.made up B.foud out C.put up D.picked up
5.—Which is your favorite, singing, dancing or drawing
—Dancing. I think it’s ________ of all.
enjoyable B.more enjoyable
C.most enjoyable D.the most enjoyable
6.—What are you doing, Jane
—I’m watching a film on TV. It ________ at 8:10 and will be on for another hour.
A.start B.starts C.started D.will start
7.—Betty isn’t so ________ as her brother Bob.
—That’s true, but she is much ________ than him.
talented; hardworking
B.more talented; hardworking
C.talented; more hardworking
D.more talented; more hardworking
8.Welcome to my party, my dear friends! Just enjoy ________ here!
A.yourself B.yourselves C.you D.yours
9.—Jack, I’m afraid I can’t go swimming with you tomorrow.
—But you ________ to do sports with me, Dad! I won’t believe you again.
A.forgot B.expected C.wished D.promised
10.—Look! Some people are running a red light.
—________ others are breaking the rule, we should wait here.
A.So B.If C.Although D.Because
11.—Do you get the main idea of the story, Rita
—Yes. I read it ________ twice.
comfortably B.Beautifully
C.differently D.carefully
12.—It’s ________ to leave our personal information on the Internet.
—Yes. This may give criminals a chance to cheat(欺骗) our friends and parents.
dangerous B.Exciting
C.interesting D.difficult
13.________ is ready. Let’s start our class today!
A.No one B.Anyone C.Someone D.Everyone
14.To keep your teeth healthy, you have to see a ________ twice a year.
A.dentist B.reporter C.magician D.writer
15.Zhai Zhigang, ________ excellent astronaut, was ________ first Chinese to take a space walk.
A.a; the B.an; / C.an; the D.the; a
Watching short videos(视频) is becoming more and more popular among students, 16 they are easy to watch and kind of interesting. However, there are some 17 when they watch the videos.
Some short videos are not for the young. They are just 18 making people laugh and sometimes not good for young people. Another problem is that kids are spending too much time watching the videos. The 19 time they spend watching such videos, the less time they will have for their studies and home lives. What will 20 to these children in the future if they don’t study hard Can they find a good job It is said that if children watch short videos for an hour or two each day, slowly they would not 21 their schoolwork. At the same time, this can be bad for 22 eyes.
So I 23 young people can stop spending too much time on short videos and take their school and home lives 24 . They can spend some time doing sports to keep 25 or listening to music to relax after finishing schoolwork.
16.A.Because B.So C.if D.or
17.A.Programs B.prizes C.problems D.plans
18.A.Questions B.jokes C.Books D.magicians
19.A.Shorter B.higher C.better D.more
20.A.give B.happen C.get D.want
21.A.care about B.tell about C.wait for D.look for
22.A.her B.his C.our D.their
23.A.Wonder B.see C.hope D.feel
24.A.Seriously B.clearly C.quietly D.easily
25.A.Talented B.healthy C.different D.excited
At the Tokyo Olympic Games, “post-2000s” (00后) players got 12 of China’s 38 gold medals (金牌). Here are three of these young players.
Zhang Changhong, 22
Zhang is from Shandong. He is cool and quiet. However, this makes him a good shooter (射手). And every time he shot, he did it best. In 2021, he went back to hometown, he visited Nanshan with his family.
Li Wenwen, 22
Li did best in the women’s weightlifting+87kg division (87公斤级举重). In fact, Li had leg problems, but she didn’t let these things get her down. Every time she went to lift, she shouted to make herself excited. Last year she was in two shows in Beijing.
Quan Hongchan, 15
Quan was the youngest player of the Chinese team, but won the women’s 10-meter platform dive (跳台跳水) three times. The talented girl said she just “did her common thing”. During practicing, she usually dived more than 300 times every day. In her free time, she is just like any other girl. She likes to play games and eats delicious food.
26.Where does Zhang come from
A.Beijing. B.Liaoning. C.Shandong. D.Guangdong.
27.How many gold medals did “post-2000s” athletes get
A.Twenty-two. B.Twelve. C.Thirty-eight. D.Fifty.
28.Li Wenwen may have problems in her ________.
A.hand B.back C.leg D.arm
29.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Li Wenwen is a good shooter.
B.Zhang Changhong was outgoing.
C.Quan dived less than 300 times every day.
D.Li Wenwen shouts when she lifts.
30.Quan Hongchan’s story tells us that ________.
A.only full marks mean success
B.diving is just for children
C.success doesn’t happen easily
D.playing games helps her practice diving
A: Good morning, Paul. 31
B: It was fantastic. I went to Xinhua Bookstore.
A: Xinhua Bookstore 32
B: Yes. It only takes me ten minutes to walk there.
A: Do you often go there
B: Yes. 33 And sometimes I buy books.
A: Did you buy any books there last weekend
B: Yeah. I bought Memories of Jiang Nan(《望江南》). 34
A: Oh, I read this book last month. I think it’s one of the best books this year.
B: Really 35
A: Enjoy your book! Please share your ideas with me when you finish it.
B: Of course I will.
A.I can’t wait to read it.
B.Is it near your home
C.How was your weekend
D.I go there almost every week.
E.What’s the name of the book
F.Would you like to go there with me
G.It’s the newest book by Wang Xufeng.
Plans for the winter holiday:
finishing the homework, doing some reading, playing sports, taking up a hobby...
1. What are you going to do during the winter holiday
2. Why do you want to do that
3. How are you going to do that
Dear David,
I’m glad to share my plans for the winter holiday with you.
What about you Do you have any plans Write to tell me.
Li Hua
【详解】句意:——你认为妈妈会同意我们的计划吗 ——我不确定,但是爸爸会喜欢的。
考查交际用语。I disagree我不同意;I’m not sure我不确定;I believe so我相信如此;I hope not我希望不是。根据“but Dad will love it.”可知不确定妈妈是否同意。故选B。
考查形容词短语。be different from:不同于。be similar to:与……相似。第一个设空处结合“different”可知是找不同于原来的工作,第二个空结合“similar”可知是与原来的相似。故选B。
考查形容词短语。more than多于,超过;up to由……决定;less than少于;across from在……对面。根据“What would you like to do ”和“It’s…you”可知此处应用It’s up to you.表示“由你来决定”。故选B。
考查动词短语。made up编造;foud out查明;put up搭建;picked up捡起。根据横线后的“an excuse”,所以是编了个借口。故选A。
考查最高级。根据“singing, dancing or drawing”以及“of all”可知,此处是三者中的选择最喜欢的,应用最高级形式,enjoyable的最高级是most enjoyable,最高级前要加定冠词the,故选D。
考查时态。根据“I’m watching a film on TV.”可知,电影已经开始了;再根据“It ... at 8:10”可知,电影是8点10分开始的,动作发生在过去,时态应为一般过去时,谓语动词要用过去式。故选C。
考查形容词的原级和比较级。根据“as(so)...as”中间加的是原级,than前是比较级,所以是talented;more hardworking。故选C。
考查代词辨析。yourself你自己;yourselves你们自己;you你,你们;yours你的,你们的。根据“enjoy”可知,enjoy oneself“过得愉快,玩得高兴”,故排除选项C和D。根据“my dear friends”可知为复数,应用yourselves。故选B。
考查副词辨析。comfortably舒适地; beautifully漂亮地;differently不同地;carefully仔细地。根据“get the main idea”(了解主旨大意)和“twice”(两次),可知空处表示把故事仔细读了两遍。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。dangerous危险的;exciting令人激动的;interesting有趣的;difficult困难的。根据“This may give criminals a chance to cheat(欺骗) our friends and parents.”可知把信息留在互联网上会给犯罪分子一个欺骗我们朋友和父母的机会,所以这是危险的。故选A。
考查复合不定代词。No one没有人;Anyone任何人;Someone某人;Everyone每个人。根据“Let’s start our class today”可知,每个人都准备好了,所以要开始上课了,故选D。
考查名词辨析。dentist牙医;reporter记者;magician魔术师;writer作家。根据“To keep your teeth healthy”可知是要去看牙医。故选A。
16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.B 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.B
because因为;so所以;if如果;or否则。根据“They are easy to watch and kind of interesting.”可知这了解释了原因,故选A。
programs节目;prizes奖状;problems问题;plans计划。根据“Some short videos are not for the young.”可知后文提到了个别问题。故选C。
questions问题; jokes笑话;books书;magicians魔术师。根据“making people laugh ”可知是笑话。故选B。
shorter更短的;higher更高的;better更好的;more更多的。根据“time they spend watching such videos”以及“the less time they will have”可知该处考查的是意思应该是时间在视频上花得越多,那么在其他地方的时间就越少。故选D。
give给;happen发生;get得到;want想要。根据“ if they don’t study hard”可知是想知道如果夛,什么会发生。故选B。
care about关心;tell about告诉;wait for等待;look for寻找。根据“if children watch short videos for an hour or two each day,”可知是他们将不会关心功课。故选A。
her她的;his他的;our我们的;their他们的。根据前文的“ if children ”可知这里说的是孩子们,因此是指的他们的眼睛。故选D。
wonder想知道;see看到;hope希望;feel感觉。根据“stop spending too much time on short videos”可知是希望他们做少花时间看短视频。故选C。
seriously认真地;clearly清楚地;quietly安静地;easily容易地。根据“take their school and home ”可知考查的是take……seriously。故选A。
talented有天分的;healthy健康的;different不同的;excited兴奋的。根据“spend some time doing sports”可知是保持健康。故选B。
26.C 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“Zhang is from Shandong.”可知,他来自山东。故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“‘post-2000s’ (00后) players got 12 of China’s 38 gold medals.”可知,00后获得中国38枚金牌中的12枚。故选B。
28.细节理解题。根据“In fact, Li had leg problems”可知,她是腿部有问题。故选C。
29.推理判断题。根据“Every time she went to lift, she shouted to make herself excited.”可知,每次她举重时,她都大声喊叫,让自己兴奋起来。所以D项观点正确。故选D。
30.主旨大意题。根据“During practicing, she usually dived more than 300 times every day.”并通读本段可知,全红婵的故事告诉了我们成功并不容易。故选C。
31.C 32.B 33.D 34.G 35.A
31.根据“It was fantastic. I went to Xinhua Bookstore”以及选项内容可知,是询问周末怎样。选项C“你的周末怎样”符合语境。故选C。
32.根据“Yes. It only takes me ten minutes to walk there”可知,横线上应是询问路程远近的一般疑问句,选项B“它离你家近吗”符合语境。故选B。
33.根据“Do you often go there ”可知询问的是经常去吗,选项D“我几乎每周去那里”符合语境。故选D。
34.根据“I bought Memories of Jiang Nan(《望江南》)”可知,横线上应是介绍这本书,选项G“这是王旭峰写的最新的书”符合语境。故选G。
35.根据“I think it’s one of the best books this year.”可知,对方说是好的书,所以应是迫不及待要读。选项A“我迫不及待要读它了”符合语境。故选A。
Dear David,
I’m glad to share my plans for the winter holiday with you.
First of all, I must finish my homework on time. This is the most important thing. I’m going to finish it in three weeks. Also, I’m going to get into the habit of reading every day, because I can learn a lot from books. I’ll spend half an hour reading every day. As the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” For this reason, I plan to do some sports. I will go swimming with my father. Besides, I want to take up a hobby, like painting, to improve myself. Maybe I will take online classes. I’ll try my best to have a meaningful holiday.
What about you Do you have any plans Write to tell me.
Li Hua
①share sth. with sb.与某人分享某事
②on time 及时
③take up 开始从事
④try one’s best to so sth. 尽最大努力做某事
①Also, I’m going to get into the habit of reading every day, because I can learn a lot from books.(because引导的原因状语从句)

  • 山东省济宁市特殊教育学校2023-2024八年级上学期期中英语试卷(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案