2023-2024辽宁省沈阳市五校协作体高一上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版有听力音频有听力原文)

时间:120分钟 分数:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the speakers do last weekend
A. They went climbing. B. They played football. C. They watched a match.
【原文】M: Last weekend was amazing, wasn’t it
W: Yes. It was. But I fell over a lot and my legs hurt!
M: Mine too. Getting down the hill was harder than playing a whole football match!
W: I want to go there again, but first I’m going to the sports center to get fit.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When was the meeting scheduled
A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00.
【原文】M: Hi, Sarah. What’s wrong Are you upset
W: It’s 6: 30. You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.
M: I’m sorry. There was so much traffic on the freeway. It won’t happen again.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man dissatisfied with about the store
A. The clothes. B. The service. C. The price.
【原文】W: I heard there’s a sale at Brenda’s Boutique. Do you want to check it out They have some really good clothes.
M: Yeah, but the people who work there are so rude.
W: I know what you mean.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman think of the show
A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Educational.
【原文】W: Oh, this show reminds me of old times. Now this is the kind of TV show you children can learn something from.
M: Ugh. The History of the Car, Grandma I can’t think of anything more boring to watch on TV.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. The sea. B. The weekend plan. C. The weather.
【原文】W: I can’t wait to get away from the city this weekend!
M: I know. Well, don’t forget to pack a scarf into your bag. It gets really cold when you’re at the top of the mountain.
W: True, but you can get a great view of the sea from high up there.
6 What day is it today
A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Monday.
7. Why is the woman worried
A. She has no time to prepare.
B. Nobody can lead the dance group.
C. There aren’t enough people in the group.
【答案】6. C 7. B
【原文】M: Did you get the email The date for the dance performance is this Saturday.
W: Yes, I know. I’m sure we’ll have enough time to prepare. We’ve got five days before the big day.
M: Yes, I think we’ll be OK. We’ve already learnt the basic steps, haven’t we
W: But the dance teacher’s away on holiday for the next 3 days so we’ll have to practice on our own. I’m not sure we have anyone in the group who’s strong enough to take charge. You know how we argue so much.
8. Where arc the speakers
A. In a store. B. In a street. C. In a cafe.
9. What problem does the man have
A. He forgot to send an email.
B. He has to make a phone call.
C. He left his wallet in the office.
10. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Speak with her manager. B. Visit another location. C. Eat in the cafe.
【答案】8. A 9. A 10. B
【原文】M: Hello. I just realized that I left the office without sending an important email. I can do it on my phone while I shop for groceries, as long as there’s Wi-Fi available here.
W: I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t have any in the store. The manager thinks it helps keep the employees off their phones while working.
M: Oh. I see. Well, do you know any place nearby where I can go to get a wireless connection
W: There’s a café right across the street that I always go to during my breaks. You’ll need to order a drink, and then the waiter will give you the password.
11. What might the man be
A. A customer service representative.
B. A travel agent.
C. A repairman.
12. What will the woman do next
A. Call his son. B. Give some details. C. Sign a form.
13. What do we know about the woman
A. Her son lives abroad now.
B. She will go to visit her son soon.
C. She should make payment from this month.
【答案】11. A 12. B 13. A
【原文】M: New-View Video, how can I help you today
W: Hello. I’d like to sign up for your Internet video streaming service for my family. However, my son is living in France now. Can he use it there
M: Sure, as long as you sign up for the Family Global package.
W: Good to hear. Oh, and the first month is a free trial, right
M: That’s correct. You won’t be charged for the global service until next month, but we will still need payment details when you register.
W: All right. Let me give you my credit card information. Just a second.
14. What did the man do yesterday
A. He started a new job.
B. He registered for a class.
C. He did some shopping online.
15. What does the man want to buy
A. Posters. B. Paintings. C. Brushes.
16. What will the woman do next
A. Go to a store. B. Ask about a sale. C. Email the man
【答案】14. B 15. C 16. C
【原文】M: Jenny, thanks for telling me about the painting courses at the community center. I signed up for it yesterday.
W: You are welcome. So when will you take the courses
M: On Tuesday and Thursday. Now I need to get some paintbrushes. Can you recommend a good art supplies store near here
W: I like the one on Washington Street next to the history museum.
M: I think I’ve seen the commercial posters about the store before.
W: Actually, I just got an email about a sale the store’s having this week. You’ll get extra savings this week.
M: Hmm. Washington Street is kind of far from me but I think I can get there this weekend.
W: I’ll send you the email I got from them. With the special discount, it’s definitely worth the trip to the store.
M: I hope so. My class starts from next week. I need to buy the supplies this week.
17. How much is the ticket to the Ocean Park
A. 2.00. B. 6.50. C. 8 50
18. What is unavailable during the trip
A. Lunch. B. Water. C. Fruit.
19. What will the listeners do at 2:30 next Tuesday
A. Listen to a talk.
B. Do some worksheets.
C. Watch the sharks being fed.
20. What is the topic of the talk for next Tuesday
A. The ocean. B. Sharks. C. Penguins.
【答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C
【原文】W: Right, listen everyone. The trip to the Ocean Park is next Tuesday, the 26th of May. I hope all of you have a form signed by your parents to say you can go. You need to pay for this trip by Friday. The cost is 6.50 for admission to the Ocean Park and 2.00 towards the cost of the coach. So, that means the amount you need is 8.50. Now, it’s very important for you to bring your lunch. We will provide water and some fruit, so don’t worry about that. We’re going to eat on the beach in front of the Ocean Park, and there won’t be a chance to buy anything, so you must bring your own. It’s going to be a really interesting trip. There are a few special events the day we are going. We’re going to watch the sharks being fed at 3: 00 o'clock, no, hold on, that’s at 2: 30. There’s also a talk every morning at 11. The topics change everyday and often they talk about fish, but on the day we’re going — that’s next Tuesday — it’s about penguins, so I’m sure you’ll all love that. We’ll give you some worksheets to do while you’re at the Ocean Park, but don’t worry, they’ll be quite easy.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine are the classic moves when it comes to buying the best mother’s day gifts. If you want something a little different this year, we’ve prepared a guide to fine gifts for your mother, grandmother or mother-in-law.
Personalized Chopping Board (切菜板)
From 40, Etsy
Quickest delivery: 5-7 days, free
A good chopping board will stay with you for life. This wooden board is handmade in a Yorkshire workshop, and can be personalized on one or both sides. Sizes vary from small to extra large.
Bloom & Wild Flower Subscription
104 for six months, Bloom & Wild
Give the gift of fresh flowers once a month, for six months with this well priced Bloom & Wild gift subscription. It works out at 17.33 per bunch. That’s a pretty good deal considering the average bunch at Bloom & Wild costs nearer 25.
The Body Shop Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone
15, The Body Shop
Quickest delivery: next day if you order before 11am, 4.99
The practice of gua sha is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine but became the number one western beauty trend in 2020 after influencers and beauty editors alike were crazy about how it made their faces appear more attractive. It involves combing a gua sha along your cheeks, jawline, chin and around your mouth in delicate dragging motions to de-puff (消肿).
Fitbit Inspire 2
44.99, John Lewis
Quickest delivery: next day from 7.50
It’s a common misconception that you have to break the bank to buy a fitness watch, but this Fitbit watch suggests otherwise. For less than 50, she gets a tracker of activity, heart-rate and sleep, as well as a battery that lasts up to 10 days.
21 How much may yearly subscribed flowers cost at Bloom & Wild
A. 100. B. 104. C. 208. D. 300.
22. What made gua sha popular in 2020
A. Its beautifying effect. B. Its easy-to-use feature.
C. Its body weight control. D. Its Chinese medicine origin.
23. What is special about Fitbit Inspire 2
A. It is water-proof. B. It is reasonably priced.
C. It has a long battery life. D. It can track users’ activity.
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B
细节理解题。根据Bloom & Wild Flower Subscription部分中“ 104 for six months, Bloom & Wild(六个月104英镑,Bloom & Wild)”可知,Bloom & Wild花店订阅六个月是104英镑,故订阅一年是208英镑。故选C。
细节理解题。根据The Body Shop Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone部分中“The practice of gua sha is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine but became the number one western beauty trend in 2020 after influencers and beauty editors alike were crazy about how it made their faces appear more attractive.(刮痧源于中国古代医学,但在2020年成为西方美容的头号潮流,因为网红和美容编辑们都疯狂地认为刮痧能让自己的脸看起来更有吸引力)”可知,刮痧由于其美容功效在2020年变得流行,故选A。
细节理解题。根据Fitbit Inspire 2部分“It’s a common misconception that you have to break the bank to buy a fitness watch, but this Fitbit watch suggests otherwise. For less than 50...(一个常见的误解是,你必须倾家万金才能买一块健身手表,但这款Fitbit手表却表明情况并非如此。花不到50英镑……)”可知,Fitbit Inspire 2的特殊之处在于它价格合理。故选B。
Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.
“I would never have said to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it ” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”
Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits. (轨迹)
Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve (包含) a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.
No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.”
But family experts warn that the new equality (平等) can also result in less respect for parents. “There’s still a lot strictness and authority (权威) on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College, “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”
Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these changing roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic (民主) process that encourages everyone to have a say.
“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”
24. The underlined word “gulf” in Para. 3 most probably means _________.
A. interest B. problem C. difference D. separation
25. Which of the following show that the generation gap is disappearing
A. Parents help their children develop interests in more activities.
B. Parents put more trust in their children’s abilities.
C. Parents and children talk more about sex and drugs.
D. Parents share more interests with their children.
26. What is the change in today’s parent-child relationship
A. More confusion among parents
B. New equality between parents and children
C. Less respect for parents from children
D. More strictness and authority on the part of parents
27. The purpose of the passage is to _________.
A. describe the difficulties today’s parents have met with
B. discuss the change of the parent-child relationship
C. suggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationship
D. stress the importance of parent-child relationship
【答案】24. C 25. D 26. B 27. B
词句猜测题。根据第二段最后一句话“There was just a complete gap in taste.(品位上有巨大的鸿沟)”和第三段中的“From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits.(从服装、发型到活动和期望,早期的父母和孩子似乎在不同的轨道上运行)”可知,划线词所在句Music was not the only gulf.意为“音乐不是唯一的分歧”。所以划线词与difference意思接近。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第一段首句“Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends.(父母和子女如今穿着相似,听着相同的音乐,并且像朋友一样相处)”以及第二句中“talk about interests both enjoy(谈论双方都喜欢的兴趣)”可知,如今的父母与孩子有更多的共同兴趣和爱好,说明代沟在慢慢消失。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据文章第六段“But family experts warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents.(但是家庭专家警告说新型的平等关系也会导致对家长的不尊重)”及第一段首句“Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends.(父母和子女如今穿着相似,听着相同的音乐,并且像朋友一样相处)”可知,如今亲子关系的改变就在于形成了新的公平型关系。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据全文,由首段“more distant relationship with his parents(和父母之间关系的疏远)”,到第二、三段举例说明和父母之间的代沟,以及第四、五、六段论述了新型的平等型的亲子关系和最后两段论述亲子关系变化的历程和形成良好亲子关系的途径。由此可知,全篇的目的是讨论亲子关系的发展。故选B项。
Sometimes there’s nothing better than the “rush” you feel when you’re going at high speeds. Or the wonder of going somewhere new and different, climbing a mountain or enjoying extreme sports like snowboarding or parachuting. These are the adventures we “thrill seekers” live for. But sometimes we also need to know when to slow down.
Recently, I went quad biking (越野摩托车)-or ATV driving-on a dirt track in the mountains outside of Beijing. After a brief instructional exercise and what seemed like lots of waiting, we put on our helmets, sped up our engines and got onto the track. The sound of the engine roaring was thrilling. As I got more confident, I couldn’t help overtaking other drivers whenever I got the chance. Finally, the way forward opened up and I sped ahead of the others. I turned toward a small hill and raced down. As I soon found out, this was a big mistake. My ATV turned over at full speed.
Luckily, I knew it was happening and pushed myself out of the way of the falling ATV. Had I not, I probably would have broken my leg beneath the weight of the ATV or even lost it. I might have even broken my neck. It ended up turning out fine, apart from some pain in my chest for a week or so. This was a pleasant surprise for my friend. After seeing the accident, he said to me, “Dude, I thought you were dead.” Perhaps I could have very well died, if I hadn’t been lucky that day.
That event was one I’ll always remember for the adventure and the near-death experience. It’s good to be adventurous, but it’s still really important to be wise and careful too. So, go on adventures- but be smart while you’re on them!
28. What did the author do before starting his quad biking adventure
A. He checked the engine of his ATV repeatedly.
B. He shared his experience with other drivers.
C. He received some guidance and waited.
D. He made a personal survey of the track.
29. What does the underlined word “overtaking” in paragraph 2 most likely mean
A. Following. B. Directing.
C. Going past. D. Talking with.
30. What happened when the author tried to race down a small hill
A. He hit his friend’s ATV. B. He slowed down gradually.
C. He broke his neck and leg. D. He lost control of his ATV.
31. What’s the main message the author wants to convey in the text
A. Accidents are a natural part of adventures.
B. It is fun to live an adventurous life.
C. Never be afraid of pushing our limits in life.
D. We should keep safety in mind while on an adventure.
【答案】28. C 29. C 30. D 31. D
细节理解题。根据第二段的“After a brief instructional exercise and what seemed like lots of waiting, we put on our helmets, sped up our engines and got onto the track.(经过简短的指导练习和漫长的等待后,我们戴上头盔,加速引擎,上了赛道。)”可知,作者在开始他的四轮自行车冒险之前得到了一些指导,等待了。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第二段的“I sped ahead of the others(我在其他人前面加速前进)”可知,作者忍不住超过其他的人,因此overtaking的意思是“超过”,和going past意思相近,故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“I turned toward a small hill and raced down. As I soon found out, this was a big mistake. My ATV turned over at full speed.(我转向一座小山,冲了下来。我很快发现,这是一个很大的错误。我的全地形车全速翻了。)”可知,当作者试图从一座小山上冲下来时他的全地形车失控了。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It’s good to be adventurous, but it’s still really important to be wise and careful too. So, go on adventures- but be smart while you’re on them!(勇于冒险是件好事,但明智和谨慎也很重要。所以,去冒险吧——但在冒险的时候要聪明!)”可知,作者在文章中想要传达的主要信息是我们在冒险时要牢记安全。故选D。
If you remain with low self confidence, you can expect your life to continue as it is. Nothing will change. You will think poorly of yourself and, following your lead, others will too.
There are many disadvantages related with low self confidence. Having a sour mood and misunderstanding what other people say and do will lead to unrepairable relationships. You’ll expect people to say no to you because you’re unworthy. Others will distance themselves from you and you’ll spend most of your time alone.
You’ll get angry easily and avoid social situations in order to protect yourself. When people want to be close to you, you’ll fail to behave naturally and build a healthy relationship. When relationships don’t work out well, you believe there is something entirely wrong with you, and this makes your self confidence decrease even further.
When you have low self confidence, you find it difficult to identify and achieve goals in your life. You don’t realize your life’s purpose. There’s no reason to try to devote to others since you have little value yourself. You feel there’s nothing important that you have to give. Instead, you protect yourself from what you consider to be a dangerous world.
Sooner or later, your low self confidence and emotional anxiety you’re experiencing will lead to a breakdown of your physical body. When you’re sad, depressed, and angry, your cells age and die more quickly. You may even put yourself into drugs, alcohol or other harmful things. Because you don’t feel you’re worthy, you don’t take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and the medical attention you need.
Not a pretty picture. This isn’t what you want for your life. But there is good news! You don’t have to live like that. You can create a better life for yourself, knowing your value, achieving your goals, and being happy and excited about life. By learning how to be self confident, you’re telling yourself that it’s time for a change. That’s exactly what you need to be doing right now.
32. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The effects of low self confidence. B. The importance of self confidence.
C. Some reasons for low self confidence. D. Some suggestions for building self confidence.
33. Which is the main character of people with low self confidence
A. They often over protect themselves. B. They often forget their goals of life.
C. They often rely on others too much. D. They often find other people’s mistakes.
34. What can we infer from Paragraph 5
A. Confident people are more likely to succeed.
B. Low self confidence is bad for physical health.
C. People with low self confidence care little about others.
D. Physical breakdowns often lead to low confidence.
35. What is the purpose of the last paragraph
A. To praise confident people. B. To ask people to accept the reality.
C. To encourage people to build confidence. D. To suggest people find their life goals.
【答案】32. A 33. A 34. B 35. C
主旨大意题。根据第一段“If you remain with low self confidence, you can expect your life to continue as it is. Nothing will change. You will think poorly of yourself and, following your lead, others will too.(如果你仍然缺乏自信,你可以期待你的生活继续下去。什么都不会改变。你会自卑,别人也会效仿你)”以及第二段中“There are many disadvantages related with low self confidence.(自信不足有很多坏处)”可知,全文主要论述了自信心低可能造成的不良后果。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“You’ll get angry easily and avoid social situations in order to protect yourself. When people want to be close to you, you’ll fail to behave naturally and build a healthy relationship.(你很容易生气,为了保护自己而避免社交场合。当人们想要亲近你时,你就不能表现得自然,也不能建立健康的关系)”和第四段中“Instead, you protect yourself from what you consider to be a dangerous world.(相反,你保护自己远离你认为危险的世界)”可知,自信心不足的人会回避与他人交往,因为他们存在“世间险恶”想要逃离的念头,因此经常过度保护自己。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第五段“Sooner or later, your low self confidence and emotional anxiety you’re experiencing will lead to a breakdown of your physical body. When you’re sad, depressed, and angry, your cells age and die more quickly. You may even put yourself into drugs, alcohol or other harmful things. Because you don’t feel you’re worthy, you don’t take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and the medical attention you need.(你所经历的自卑和情绪焦虑迟早会导致你身体的崩溃。当你悲伤、沮丧和愤怒时,你的细胞衰老和死亡得更快。你甚至可能沉溺于毒品、酒精或其他有害的东西。因为你觉得自己没有价值,所以你没有通过正确的饮食、锻炼、充足的睡眠和你需要的医疗照顾来照顾自己)”可推知,低自信对身体也是有害的。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“You can create a better life for yourself, knowing your value, achieving your goals, and being happy and excited about life. By learning how to be self confident, you’re telling yourself that it’s time for a change. That’s exactly what you need to be doing right now.(你可以为自己创造更好的生活,知道自己的价值,实现自己的目标,对生活感到快乐和兴奋。通过学习如何变得自信,你在告诉自己是时候改变了。这正是你现在需要做的)”可推知,作者写最后一段的目的在于试图说服自信心不足的人积极寻求改变,学着建立自信。故选C。
I’m often asked how to study English effectively. I think this means getting the most out of your study time, and that means variety. ____36____.
Study Every Day
It’s important to study English every day. However, don’t exaggerate (夸张)! ____37____. This habit of studying English every day will help keep English in your brain fresh.
A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a Little Writing.
____38____. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise and then read an article on the same topic. Don’t do too much; twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty!
Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use colored pens to highlight (使.....突出) forms that you are studying.
Use Different Learning Methods
Don’t just use one way to study English. Use many kinds of methods which will make all the parts of your brain help you. ____40____. All of these methods together help with your learning.
Find Some Friends
You can practice the exercises together, have conversations together (in English), and, as you study English together, help each other with exercises you may not understand.
A. Forget Grammar
B. Review Grammar as Yon Watch or Read
C. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up
D. Here are some basic ideas to help you as you study English
E. Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week
F. Make sure that you study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one
G. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list...
【答案】36. D 37. E 38. F 39. B 40. G
根据上文“I’m often asked how to study English effectively. I think this means getting the most out of your study time, and that means variety.(经常有人问我如何有效地学习英语。我认为这意味着充分利用你的学习时间,这意味着多样化)” 以及下文所列举的小标题可知,本文主题就是介绍英语学习方法。由此可知,D. Here are some basic ideas to help you as you study English(这里有一些基本的想法,可以帮助你学习英语)能够承接上文,同时引出下文几条学习方法,符合语境。故选D。
根据小标题“Study Every Day(每天学习)”可知,本段指出每天都要学习英语。由此可知,E. Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week.(天学习30分钟,而不是每周一次学习两个小时)是每天学习的具体措施,符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise and then read an article on the same topic.(学习一点语法,然后做一个简短的听力练习,然后读一篇相同主题的文章)”可知,此处介绍了介绍了一系列学习内容方法。由此可知,F. Make sure that you study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one(确保你学习了很多领域,而不是只关注一方面)能够引出下文,符合本段主题。故选F。
根据下文“Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video.(在阅读新文章或观看新视频时,给自己设定一个语法目标)”可知,此处指学习时给自己设个语法目标。由此可知,B. Review Grammar as Yon Watch or Read(在观看或阅读时复习语法)能概括本段大意,适合做本段标题。故选B。
根据上文“Use many kinds of methods which will make all the parts of your brain help you.(使用多种方法,这将使你的大脑的各个部分帮助你)”及下文“All of these methods together help with your learning.(所有这些方法都有助于你的学习)”可知,此处都在谈论方法对学习的帮助。由此可知,G. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list...(例如,如果你正在学习新词汇,可以画一张单词图,描述一幅画,列一张表……)承接上文,列举了一系列具体的学习方法,下文中的these methods指代“所举方法”,进一步说明这些方法的作用。故选G。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Seeing is believing and a small act can make a big difference. Deep in heart, I feel it. All began with a perfect score I received in my paper about the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.
Three years ago, I raced home to share the exciting news with my graceful grandmother Nana. Surprisingly, it ____41____ her childhood memories. “At that time,” she said,____42____ in thought, “especially late summer, oceans of those butterflies were a common sight, a miracle (奇迹) of nature. We felt like standing in an orange ____43____.”
“Incredible. It sounds like you witnessed an epic ____44____, but what happened later ” I asked curiously. “Frankly speaking, I’ve never known. Actually, there do seem to be fewer monarchs around the neighborhood” Nana ____45____ regretfully. So we decided to ____46____ thoroughly.
Then, at the public library, going all out, we ____47____, reflected and researched, smoothly ____48____ abundant information, concerning but fascinating. Obviously, the number of monarchs has declined ____49____ for the last several decades with their habitat destroyed by housing developments. Hopefully, the _____50_____ could be turned by creating a Monarch Waystation (驿站). Nana and I jumped at the opportunity to set _____51_____ our own.
Nana presented the idea to her garden club. More and more people not only started to plant flowers in their private gardens, but joined hands to plant a butterfly garden next to the city fountain. My friends and I spread leaflets telling people in our community how to build Monarch Waystations. Unexpectedly, from across the country, dedicated monarch enthusiasts _____52_____ us with their own observations, ideas and findings. As summer progressed, our efforts _____53_____!
One day when the sun was shining and the sky was deep blue, suddenly, just as Nana remembered, a few fluttering (颤动的) orange wings, laced with black lines and bordered with white dots, soon became thousands of soaring butterflies. As monarchs _____54_____ above and around us gracefully and merrily, Nana cried tears of happiness, hugging me tightly. It was really a(n)_____55_____ experience.
Seeing is believing. Now I know what it means to stand in an orange cloud of monarchs. Truly, a small act makes a big difference.
41 A. recalled B. reacted C. recognized D. referred
42 A. sculpted B. sunk C. stared D. subscribed
43. A. circle B. court C. cloud D. container
44. A. mystery B. immigration C. illustration D. migration
45. A. signed B. sighted C. sighed D. sought
46. A. inspire B. investigate C. inform D. indicate
47. A. explored B. existed C. encountered D. expected
48. A. branching out B. breaking out C. giving out D. rooting out
49. A. dramatically B. neatly C. responsibly D. typically
50. A. themes B. tables C. curtains D. campuses
51. A. out B. up C. off D. down
52. A. captured B. commented C. contacted D. corresponded
53. A. figured out B. wound up C. paid off D. came out
54. A. clicked B. poured C. landed D. sailed
55. A. intelligent B. opposing C. eventual D. breathtaking
【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. C 54. D 55. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,它唤起了她童年的记忆。A. recalled回想起;B. reacted反应;C. recognized识别;D. referred参考。根据下文““At that time,” she said,____2____ in thought,”祖母说起过去的事情,由此可知,此处应表示这唤起了她童年的记忆。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那时候,”她若有所思地说,“尤其是夏末,成群的蝴蝶是很常见的景象,是大自然的奇迹。A. sculpted雕刻;B. sunk陷入;C. stared开始;D. subscribed订阅。根据句意以及空后的“in thought”可知,此处应表示祖母陷入了沉思。sink in thought“陷入沉思”。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们感觉就像站在一片橙色的云中。A. circle圈子;B. court宫廷;C. cloud云;D. container容器。根据常识可知,蝴蝶一直在飞舞,因此感觉像站在一片橙色的云中。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:听起来你好像目睹了一场史诗般的迁徙,但后来发生了什么?A. mystery神秘;B. immigration想象力;C. illustration插图;D. migration迁徙。根据上文“oceans of those butterflies were a common sight, a miracle (奇迹) of nature.”成群的蝴蝶是很常见的景象,是大自然的奇迹,由此可推知,此处应表示成群的蝴蝶飞舞像是一场史诗般的迁徙。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:娜娜遗憾地叹了口气。A. signed标记;B. sighted看到;C. sighed叹气;D. sought寻找。根据上文“Actually, there do seem to be fewer monarchs around the neighborhood”以及下文“regretfully”由此可知,附近的帝王蝶越来越少,祖母为此而叹气。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我们决定彻底调查。A. inspire激励;B. investigate调查;C. inform通知;D. indicate表明。根据上文“there do seem to be fewer monarchs around the neighborhood”附近的帝王蝶越来越少,以及下文具体做出的行为,由此可知,此处应表示我们决定彻底调查。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,在公共图书馆,我们全力以赴,探索,反思,研究,顺利地挖掘出丰富的信息,既引人入胜,又令人着迷。A. explored探索;B. existed存在;C. encountered偶遇;D. expected期待。根据句意以及下文“reflected and researched”由此可知,此处应表示我们在图书馆里,探索,反思和研究。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后,在公共图书馆,我们全力以赴,探索,反思,研究,顺利地挖掘出丰富的信息,既引人入胜,又令人着迷。A. branching out拓展;B. breaking out爆发;C. giving out分发;D. rooting out挖掘出。根据下文“abundant information”丰富的信息,由此可知,此处应表示我们顺利地挖掘出丰富的信息。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:很明显,在过去的几十年里,帝王蝶的数量急剧下降,它们的栖息地被住房开发破坏了。A. dramatically显著地;B. neatly整齐地;C. responsibly负责地;D. typically典型地。根据上文“there do seem to be fewer monarchs around the neighborhood”附近的帝王蝶越来越少,由此可知,此处应表示帝王蝶的数量显著地减少了。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:希望通过创建帝王蝶驿站可以扭转局面。A. themes主题;B. tables局面;C. curtains窗帘;D. campuses校园。根据下文“by creating a Monarch Waystation.”可知,希望通过创建帝王蝶驿站可以扭转局面。turn the tables意为“扭转局面”。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:娜娜和我抓住了这个机会,建立了我们自己的驿站。A. set out出发,开始;B. set up建立,创办;C. set off出发;D. set down放下。根据上文“Nana and I jumped at the opportunity”以及下文“our own”可知,此处应表示我和祖母建立了自己的驿站。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,来自全国各地的忠实的帝王蝶爱好者与我们联系,分享了他们自己的观察、想法和发现。A. captured俘获;B. commented评论; C. contacted联系;D. corresponded符合。根据下文“with their own observations, ideas and findings.”可知,全国各地的忠实的帝王蝶爱好者联系了我们,分享了他们自己的观察、想法和发现。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:随着夏天的到来,我们的努力得到了回报!A. figured out算出;B. wound up结束;C. paid off得到回报;D. came out出来。根据上下文语境以及上文“our efforts”由此可知,此处应表示我们的努力得到了回报!故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当帝王蝶优雅而愉快地在我们上空和周围飞过时,娜娜流下了幸福的眼泪,紧紧地拥抱着我。A. clicked点击;B. poured倾倒;C. landed着落;D. sailed飘过,飞过。根据上文“a few fluttering (颤动的) orange wings, laced with black lines and bordered with white dots, soon became thousands of soaring butterflies.”提到很快就变成了成千上万只飞舞的蝴蝶可知,由此可知,此处应表示帝王蝶在我们上面和周围飞过。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那真是一次惊人的经历。A. intelligent聪明的;B. opposing反对的;C. eventual最终的;D. breathtaking惊人的。根据上文“Nana cried tears of happiness, hugging me tightly.”娜娜流下了幸福的眼泪,紧紧地拥抱着我,由此可知,此处应表示那真是一次惊人的经历。故选D项。
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Imagine ___56___ (fly) down a mountain at 70, 80, even 90 miles per hour. Ski racing is not for the faint of heart. It takes a rare ___57___ (combine) of skill and courage.
Consider then Ralph Green. He does it with one leg. “He’s hard at work, towards his goal of becoming ___58___ Olympic champion. More ___59___ (specific), a Paralympic champion.
“This winter Ralph and ___60___ (dozen) of other athletes will train for a spot on the United States’ Disabled Ski Team and the chance ___61___ (compete) in the Paralympic Games.
“We have people that ski visually impaired, with a guide in front of them. We have paralysed athletes who ski in ___62___ you call a mono-ski (单板式滑雪板). We have people that ski with one arm or someone like me that skis with one leg.”
Green grew up in Brooklyn and he ___63___ (lose) his leg in an accident. ___64___ Green is broken in body, he is firm in spirit.
“Don’t be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.” And Green is speaking from experience. “I never thought I could have an impact ____65____ somebody else’s life.”
【答案】56. flying
58. an 59. specifically
60. dozens 61. to compete
62. what 63. lost
64. Although/Though/While
65. on
考查动名词。句意:想象一下以每小时70,80,甚至90英里的速度飞下一座山。imagine doing sth“想象做某事”。本句用flying作宾语。故填flying。
考查冠词。句意:他努力着,朝着成为一名奥运冠军的目标努力。champion为可数名词,本句中表示“一名奥运冠军” ,且Olympic首字母的发音为元音音素。 故填an。
考查副词。句意:更具体地说,残奥会冠军。副词作状语修饰句子,本句为副词比较级。逗号之后的为省略句,还原为:He’s hard at work, towards his goal of becoming a Paralympic champion.故填specifically。
考查固定短语。句意:今年冬天拉尔夫和其他几十名运动员将参加美国残疾人滑雪队的训练,并有机会参加残奥会。dozens of...“几十个......”为固定短语。故填dozens。
考查动词不定式。句意:今年冬天拉尔夫和其他几十名运动员将参加美国残疾人滑雪队的训练,并有机会参加残奥会比赛。 chance to do sth“做某事的机会”,动词不定式作后置定语。故填to compete。
考查时态。句意:格林在布鲁克林长大,在一次事故中失去了一条腿。根据“Green grew up in Brooklyn ”可知,本句为一般过去时。故填lost。
考查介词。句意:我从没想过自己会对别人的生活产生影响。have an impact on sb“对某人有影响”为固定短语。 故填on。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将举办一场校服设计大赛,你打算邀请外教Peter做评委。请根据以下提示写一封邀请信:
1. 时间、地点;
2. 校服设计大赛相关介绍。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节。以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Peter,
I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union. Our school is going to hold a school uniform design contest at the lecture hall next Friday evening. It’s a great honor for us to invite you to be one of the judges.
As scheduled, the contest begins at 6 pm. next Friday, lasting for two hours. 15 contestants will participate in the contest. All the works are designed by students themselves, who have been preparing them for a long time. The outstanding designs from the contest will be selected as future school uniforms.
We’d appreciaie it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
参加:participate in→take part in
原句:As scheduled, the contest begins at 6 pm. next Friday, lasting for two hours.
拓展句:As scheduled, the contest which begins at 6 pm. next Friday will last for two hours.
[高分句型1] All the works are designed by students themselves, who have been preparing them for a long time (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] We’d apreciate it if you could accept our invitation (运用了it作形式宾语,if从句作真正的宾语)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
There are many things in senior middle school that I still remember clearly. I studied three years in a country school, which is faraway. However, it has a good environment and strict but kind teachers, so I loved the school and all my teachers very much. One Friday, just as we began to read books in reading class at our desks, our teacher, Mrs. Hill, said that she needed to be out of the classroom for a few minutes. She asked the class to read in silence while she was gone. And she said that those who didn’t read books in silence would have to answer her when she returned. It was well-known that Mrs. Hill was strict. So we had to be on our best behaviour.
But that Friday, Mrs. Hill hadn’t been gone for ten seconds before some students in the classroom started to talk. From one corner of the room I heard Josh ask Nick, “Can I trade my candies for your toy ” At the other end of the room I heard Samantha tell Kayla, “Let’s sit together on the bus for the museum field trip tomorrow.” And so it went all around me, until about half of the students communicated with each other.
After a while, I, too, forgot about Mrs. Hill’s instructions. I turned back and asked my friend Liza, “Can I borrow your storybook and keep it for a day ” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Mrs. Hill walked into the classroom. The whole class returned to silence immediately. And we were full of fear.
Mrs. Hill slowly looked around the classroom and said, “If you were talking while I was gone, then please stand up.” The guilt(内疚) suddenly weighed heavily on me. “I shouldn’t have talked while she was not in the classroom. And now I should be honest and admit my mistake bravely. This is what my parents have always told me.” I thought. Then, I summoned up(鼓起) my courage to stand up, worried about the punishment that waited for me. Then I looked around.
To my surprise, no one followed me and I was the only one in the classroom standing.
With Mrs. Hill’s encouragement, another student stood up.
【答案】One possible version:
To my surprise, no one followed me and I was the only one in the class room standing. I lowered my head, alone and filled with fear. After looking around for a while, Mrs. Hill walked towards me. Strangely, she asked in a soft voice, “Why did you dare to stand up ” I said I wanted to be honest and that I realized what I had done was wrong. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Hill was quite amazed by my answer and praised me for that. Then she returned to the front of the classroom and explained why we should be honest.
With Mrs. Hill’s encouragement another student stood up. Then more students followed until about half of the students stood up. Seeing it, Mrs. Hill praised us for our courage. Then, she asked us to sit down. We continued reading books. After we finished, Mrs. Hill reminded us to remember that everyone should be responsible for his behaviour. We all agreed with her. And I was happy that in a way I set a good example to my classmates.
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者对于初中生活“诚实坦率”事件的回忆。初中的Mrs. Hill老师是一个严格的老师,一次,她需要暂时离开教室,叮嘱学生继续默读。但是,她刚出去,学生们就开始说话讨论,包括作者自己。Mrs. Hill回到教室,要求说话的学生主动站起来,彼时只有作者自己一人勇敢地站起来并承认了错误。Mrs. Hill听到作者的对于自己错误的承认后,很是欣慰,并再次强调了诚实的重要性。果然,不少学生在这样的鼓励下,都主动站起来承认错误。令作者感到高兴的是,他成为了诚实的好榜样。
①由第一段首句内容“To my surprise, no one followed me and I was the only one in the class room standing.(令我惊讶的是,没有人跟着我(一起站起来),教室里只有我一个人站着。)”可知,第一段可描写作者独自站起来之后,老师的反应,询问原因以及给予鼓励。
②由第二段首句内容“With Mrs. Hill’s encouragement, another student stood up.(在Mrs. Hill的鼓励下,另一名学生站了起来。)”可知,第二段可描写其他学生在老师的鼓励下站起来承认错误之后,老师感到欣慰并对学生给予表扬,强调诚实的重要性。
①环顾四周:look around/look about
②走向某人:walk towards sb./come to sb.
③返回:return to/go back to
④继续做某事:continue doing/go on doing
【点睛】[高分句型1]. I said I wanted to be honest and that I realized what I had done was wrong.(运用了that和what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. Then she returned to the front of the classroom and explained why we should be honest.(运用了why引导的宾语从句)2023-2024学年度(上)沈阳市五校协作体期中考试
时间:120分钟 分数:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the speakers do last weekend
A. They went climbing. B. They played football. C. They watched a match.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When was the meeting scheduled
A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man dissatisfied with about the store
A. The clothes. B. The service. C. The price.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman think of the show
A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Educational.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. The sea. B. The weekend plan. C. The weather.
6. What day is it today
A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Monday.
7. Why is the woman worried
A She has no time to prepare.
B. Nobody can lead the dance group.
C. There aren’t enough people in the group.
8. Where arc the speakers
A. In a store. B. In a street. C. In a cafe.
9. What problem does the man have
A. He forgot to send an email.
B. He has to make a phone call.
C. He left his wallet in the office.
10. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Speak with her manager. B. Visit another location. C. Eat in the cafe.
11. What might the man be
A. A customer service representative.
B. A travel agent.
C. A repairman.
12. What will the woman do next
A Call his son. B. Give some details. C. Sign a form.
13. What do we know about the woman
A. Her son lives abroad now.
B. She will go to visit her son soon.
C. She should make payment from this month.
14. What did the man do yesterday
A. He started a new job.
B. He registered for a class.
C. He did some shopping online.
15. What does the man want to buy
A. Posters. B. Paintings. C. Brushes.
16. What will the woman do next
A. Go to a store. B. Ask about a sale. C. Email the man
17. How much is the ticket to the Ocean Park
A. 2.00. B. 6.50. C. 8 50
18. What is unavailable during the trip
A. Lunch. B. Water. C. Fruit.
19. What will the listeners do at 2:30 next Tuesday
A. Listen to a talk.
B. Do some worksheets.
C. Watch the sharks being fed.
20. What is the topic of the talk for next Tuesday
A. The ocean. B. Sharks. C. Penguins.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine are the classic moves when it comes to buying the best mother’s day gifts. If you want something a little different this year, we’ve prepared a guide to fine gifts for your mother, grandmother or mother-in-law.
Personalized Chopping Board (切菜板)
From 40, Etsy
Quickest delivery: 5-7 days, free
A good chopping board will stay with you for life. This wooden board is handmade in a Yorkshire workshop, and can be personalized on one or both sides. Sizes vary from small to extra large.
Bloom & Wild Flower Subscription
104 for six months, Bloom & Wild
Give the gift of fresh flowers once a month, for six months with this well priced Bloom & Wild gift subscription. It works out at 17.33 per bunch. That’s a pretty good deal considering the average bunch at Bloom & Wild costs nearer 25.
The Body Shop Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone
15, The Body Shop
Quickest delivery: next day if you order before 11am, 4.99
The practice of gua sha is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine but became the number one western beauty trend in 2020 after influencers and beauty editors alike were crazy about how it made their faces appear more attractive. It involves combing a gua sha along your cheeks, jawline, chin and around your mouth in delicate dragging motions to de-puff (消肿).
Fitbit Inspire 2
44.99, John Lewis
Quickest delivery: next day from 7.50
It’s a common misconception that you have to break the bank to buy a fitness watch, but this Fitbit watch suggests otherwise. For less than 50, she gets a tracker of activity, heart-rate and sleep, as well as a battery that lasts up to 10 days.
21. How much may yearly subscribed flowers cost at Bloom & Wild
A. 100. B. 104. C. 208. D. 300.
22. What made gua sha popular in 2020
A. Its beautifying effect. B. Its easy-to-use feature.
C. Its body weight control. D. Its Chinese medicine origin.
23. What is special about Fitbit Inspire 2
A. It is water-proof. B. It is reasonably priced.
C. It has a long battery life. D. It can track users’ activity.
Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.
“I would never have said to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it ” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”
Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits. (轨迹)
Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve (包含) a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.
No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.”
But family experts warn that the new equality (平等) can also result in less respect for parents. “There’s still a lot strictness and authority (权威) on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College, “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”
Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these changing roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic (民主) process that encourages everyone to have a say.
“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”
24. The underlined word “gulf” in Para. 3 most probably means _________.
A. interest B. problem C. difference D. separation
25. Which of the following show that the generation gap is disappearing
A. Parents help their children develop interests in more activities.
B. Parents put more trust in their children’s abilities.
C. Parents and children talk more about sex and drugs.
D. Parents share more interests with their children.
26. What is the change in today’s parent-child relationship
A More confusion among parents
B. New equality between parents and children
C. Less respect for parents from children
D. More strictness and authority on the part of parents
27. The purpose of the passage is to _________.
A. describe the difficulties today’s parents have met with
B. discuss the change of the parent-child relationship
C. suggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationship
D. stress the importance of parent-child relationship
Sometimes there’s nothing better than the “rush” you feel when you’re going at high speeds. Or the wonder of going somewhere new and different, climbing a mountain or enjoying extreme sports like snowboarding or parachuting. These are the adventures we “thrill seekers” live for. But sometimes we also need to know when to slow down.
Recently, I went quad biking (越野摩托车)-or ATV driving-on a dirt track in the mountains outside of Beijing. After a brief instructional exercise and what seemed like lots of waiting, we put on our helmets, sped up our engines and got onto the track. The sound of the engine roaring was thrilling. As I got more confident, I couldn’t help overtaking other drivers whenever I got the chance. Finally, the way forward opened up and I sped ahead of the others. I turned toward a small hill and raced down. As I soon found out, this was a big mistake. My ATV turned over at full speed.
Luckily, I knew it was happening and pushed myself out of the way of the falling ATV. Had I not, I probably would have broken my leg beneath the weight of the ATV or even lost it. I might have even broken my neck. It ended up turning out fine, apart from some pain in my chest for a week or so. This was a pleasant surprise for my friend. After seeing the accident, he said to me, “Dude, I thought you were dead.” Perhaps I could have very well died, if I hadn’t been lucky that day.
That event was one I’ll always remember for the adventure and the near-death experience. It’s good to be adventurous, but it’s still really important to be wise and careful too. So, go on adventures- but be smart while you’re on them!
28. What did the author do before starting his quad biking adventure
A. He checked the engine of his ATV repeatedly.
B. He shared his experience with other drivers.
C. He received some guidance and waited.
D. He made a personal survey of the track.
29. What does the underlined word “overtaking” in paragraph 2 most likely mean
A Following. B. Directing.
C. Going past. D. Talking with.
30. What happened when the author tried to race down a small hill
A. He hit his friend’s ATV. B. He slowed down gradually.
C. He broke his neck and leg. D. He lost control of his ATV.
31. What’s the main message the author wants to convey in the text
A. Accidents are a natural part of adventures.
B. It is fun to live an adventurous life.
C. Never be afraid of pushing our limits in life.
D. We should keep safety in mind while on an adventure.
If you remain with low self confidence, you can expect your life to continue as it is. Nothing will change. You will think poorly of yourself and, following your lead, others will too.
There are many disadvantages related with low self confidence. Having a sour mood and misunderstanding what other people say and do will lead to unrepairable relationships. You’ll expect people to say no to you because you’re unworthy. Others will distance themselves from you and you’ll spend most of your time alone.
You’ll get angry easily and avoid social situations in order to protect yourself. When people want to be close to you, you’ll fail to behave naturally and build a healthy relationship. When relationships don’t work out well, you believe there is something entirely wrong with you, and this makes your self confidence decrease even further.
When you have low self confidence, you find it difficult to identify and achieve goals in your life. You don’t realize your life’s purpose. There’s no reason to try to devote to others since you have little value yourself. You feel there’s nothing important that you have to give. Instead, you protect yourself from what you consider to be a dangerous world.
Sooner or later, your low self confidence and emotional anxiety you’re experiencing will lead to a breakdown of your physical body. When you’re sad, depressed, and angry, your cells age and die more quickly. You may even put yourself into drugs, alcohol or other harmful things. Because you don’t feel you’re worthy, you don’t take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and the medical attention you need.
Not a pretty picture. This isn’t what you want for your life. But there is good news! You don’t have to live like that. You can create a better life for yourself, knowing your value, achieving your goals, and being happy and excited about life. By learning how to be self confident, you’re telling yourself that it’s time for a change. That’s exactly what you need to be doing right now.
32. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The effects of low self confidence. B. The importance of self confidence.
C. Some reasons for low self confidence. D. Some suggestions for building self confidence.
33. Which is the main character of people with low self confidence
A. They often over protect themselves. B. They often forget their goals of life.
C. They often rely on others too much. D. They often find other people’s mistakes.
34. What can we infer from Paragraph 5
A. Confident people are more likely to succeed.
B. Low self confidence is bad for physical health.
C. People with low self confidence care little about others.
D. Physical breakdowns often lead to low confidence.
35. What is the purpose of the last paragraph
A. To praise confident people. B. To ask people to accept the reality.
C. To encourage people to build confidence. D. To suggest people find their life goals.
I’m often asked how to study English effectively. I think this means getting the most out of your study time, and that means variety. ____36____.
Study Every Day
It’s important to study English every day. However, don’t exaggerate (夸张)! ____37____. This habit of studying English every day will help keep English in your brain fresh.
A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a Little Writing.
____38____. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise and then read an article on the same topic. Don’t do too much; twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty!
Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use colored pens to highlight (使.....突出) forms that you are studying.
Use Different Learning Methods
Don’t just use one way to study English. Use many kinds of methods which will make all the parts of your brain help you. ____40____. All of these methods together help with your learning.
Find Some Friends
You can practice the exercises together, have conversations together (in English), and, as you study English together, help each other with exercises you may not understand.
A. Forget Grammar
B. Review Grammar as Yon Watch or Read
C. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up
D. Here are some basic ideas to help you as you study English
E. Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week
F. Make sure that you study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one
G. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list...
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Seeing is believing and a small act can make a big difference. Deep in heart, I feel it. All began with a perfect score I received in my paper about the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.
Three years ago, I raced home to share the exciting news with my graceful grandmother Nana. Surprisingly, it ____41____ her childhood memories. “At that time,” she said,____42____ in thought, “especially late summer, oceans of those butterflies were a common sight, a miracle (奇迹) of nature. We felt like standing in an orange ____43____.”
“Incredible. It sounds like you witnessed an epic ____44____ but what happened later ” I asked curiously. “Frankly speaking, I’ve never known. Actually, there do seem to be fewer monarchs around the neighborhood” Nana ____45____ regretfully. So we decided to ____46____ thoroughly.
Then, at the public library, going all out, we ____47____, reflected and researched, smoothly ____48____ abundant information, concerning but fascinating. Obviously, the number of monarchs has declined ____49____ for the last several decades with their habitat destroyed by housing developments. Hopefully, the _____50_____ could be turned by creating a Monarch Waystation (驿站). Nana and I jumped at the opportunity to set _____51_____ our own.
Nana presented the idea to her garden club. More and more people not only started to plant flowers in their private gardens, but joined hands to plant a butterfly garden next to the city fountain. My friends and I spread leaflets telling people in our community how to build Monarch Waystations. Unexpectedly, from across the country, dedicated monarch enthusiasts _____52_____ us with their own observations, ideas and findings. As summer progressed, our efforts _____53_____!
One day when the sun was shining and the sky was deep blue, suddenly, just as Nana remembered, a few fluttering (颤动的) orange wings, laced with black lines and bordered with white dots, soon became thousands of soaring butterflies. As monarchs _____54_____ above and around us gracefully and merrily, Nana cried tears of happiness, hugging me tightly. It was really a(n)_____55_____ experience.
Seeing is believing. Now I know what it means to stand in an orange cloud of monarchs. Truly, a small act makes a big difference.
41. A. recalled B. reacted C. recognized D. referred
42. A. sculpted B. sunk C. stared D. subscribed
43. A. circle B. court C. cloud D. container
44. A. mystery B. immigration C. illustration D. migration
45. A. signed B. sighted C. sighed D. sought
46. A. inspire B. investigate C. inform D. indicate
47. A. explored B. existed C. encountered D. expected
48. A. branching out B. breaking out C. giving out D. rooting out
49. A. dramatically B. neatly C. responsibly D. typically
50. A. themes B. tables C. curtains D. campuses
51. A. out B. up C. off D. down
52. A. captured B. commented C. contacted D. corresponded
53. A. figured out B. wound up C. paid off D. came out
54. A. clicked B. poured C. landed D. sailed
55. A. intelligent B. opposing C. eventual D. breathtaking
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Imagine ___56___ (fly) down a mountain at 70, 80, even 90 miles per hour. Ski racing is not for the faint of heart. It takes a rare ___57___ (combine) of skill and courage.
Consider then Ralph Green. He does it with one leg. “He’s hard at work, towards his goal of becoming ___58___ Olympic champion. More ___59___ (specific), a Paralympic champion.
“This winter Ralph and ___60___ (dozen) of other athletes will train for a spot on the United States’ Disabled Ski Team and the chance ___61___ (compete) in the Paralympic Games.
“We have people that ski visually impaired, with a guide in front of them. We have paralysed athletes who ski in ___62___ you call a mono-ski (单板式滑雪板). We have people that ski with one arm or someone like me that skis with one leg.”
Green grew up in Brooklyn and he ___63___ (lose) his leg in an accident. ___64___ Green is broken in body, he is firm in spirit.
“Don’t be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.” And Green is speaking from experience. “I never thought I could have an impact ____65____ somebody else’s life.”
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将举办一场校服设计大赛,你打算邀请外教Peter做评委。请根据以下提示写一封邀请信:
1. 时间、地点;
2. 校服设计大赛相关介绍。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节。以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
There are many things in senior middle school that I still remember clearly. I studied three years in a country school, which is faraway. However, it has a good environment and strict but kind teachers, so I loved the school and all my teachers very much. One Friday, just as we began to read books in reading class at our desks, our teacher, Mrs. Hill, said that she needed to be out of the classroom for a few minutes. She asked the class to read in silence while she was gone. And she said that those who didn’t read books in silence would have to answer her when she returned. It was well-known that Mrs. Hill was strict. So we had to be on our best behaviour.
But that Friday, Mrs. Hill hadn’t been gone for ten seconds before some students in the classroom started to talk. From one corner of the room I heard Josh ask Nick, “Can I trade my candies for your toy ” At the other end of the room I heard Samantha tell Kayla, “Let’s sit together on the bus for the museum field trip tomorrow.” And so it went all around me, until about half of the students communicated with each other.
After a while, I, too, forgot about Mrs. Hill’s instructions. I turned back and asked my friend Liza, “Can I borrow your storybook and keep it for a day ” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Mrs. Hill walked into the classroom. The whole class returned to silence immediately. And we were full of fear.
Mrs. Hill slowly looked around the classroom and said, “If you were talking while I was gone, then please stand up.” The guilt(内疚) suddenly weighed heavily on me. “I shouldn’t have talked while she was not in the classroom. And now I should be honest and admit my mistake bravely. This is what my parents have always told me.” I thought. Then, I summoned up(鼓起) my courage to stand up, worried about the punishment that waited for me. Then I looked around.
To my surprise, no one followed me and I was the only one in the classroom standing.
With Mrs. Hill’s encouragement, another student stood up.

  • 2023-2024辽宁省沈阳市五校协作体高一上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版有听力音频有听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案