2023-2024江西省抚州市高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)

说明:1. 全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 全卷分为试题卷和答题卡,答案要求写在答题卡上,不得在试题卷上作答,否则不给分。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. A movie. B. A girl. C. A book.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When does the man go swimming
A. At 5 a.m. B. At 6 a.m. C. At 7 p.m.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman doing
A. Buying a train ticket. B. Waiting for the train. C. Visiting Manchester.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where are the speakers
A. In a flower shop. B. In a movie theater. C. In a restaurant.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman’s advice
A. To be active in society. B. To do well in school. C. To be fully independent.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. Where is the woman going
A. Jim’s office. B. The post office. C. The Alder Street Station.
7. What is the man doing
A. Showing the woman the way.
B. Driving the woman to the bus stop.
C Waiting for the woman in the post office.
8. What are the travellers going to do on Wednesday afternoon
A. See a film. B. Play sports. C. Go sightseeing.
9. When are the travellers leaving for London
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
10. Where does the woman order books
A. At Libraries. B. At Tower Records. C. At Amazon. com.
11. What is by the woman’s house
A. Parks. B. Libraries. C. Zoos.
12. What is the man’s last question about
A. Shopping. B. Traffic. C. Jobs.
13. Where will the woman work
A. In a hospital. B. In a shopping center. C. In a company.
14. How will the woman probably go to work
A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus.
15. What does the man say about parking in Broadgreen
A. It is hard. B. It is easy. C. It is expensive.
16. What is the disadvantage of Broadgreen
A. There is too much noise. B. The rents are high. C. It’s far from shopping centers.
17. What do we know about the math class
A. It is the biggest class.
B. There are exchange students in it.
C. The teacher likes wearing formal clothes.
18. How many students are there in the chemistry class
A. 20. B. 23. C. 30.
19. What does the speaker think of speaking English
A. Boring. B. Hard. C. Interesting.
20. What is the speaker’s favourite subject
A. Music. B. Science. C. Physics.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
If you are looking for a day trip from Denver, here are our favorite family-friendly trips from Denver.
Explore Mesa Verde
ADDRESS: Mile Marker 15, Mesa Verde National Park, CO 81330, USA PHONE: +1970-529-4422
A six-and-a-half-hour drive will bring you from Denver to Mesa Verde National Park, where your kids can explore ancient ruins carved (into the side of a mountain. Go on hikes, climb up mountainsides, watch a historical movie and appreciate museum exhibits in this fascinating park.
See Giraffes in the Springs
ADDRESS: 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA
PHONE: +1719-633-9925
The drive from Denver to Colorado Springs is just an hour. Feed giraffes at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Don’t miss the Dinosaur Resource Center, where you can get up close to fossils of a T. Rex and other unbelievable ancient creatures.
Go on an Adventure in Keystone
ADDRESS: Keystone, CO 80435, USA
PHONE: +1970-496-4386
It’s only an hour and a half drive west of Denver. Keystone offers a cool Kidtopia pro-gram, with all kinds of free, daily activities and adventures, from kite-building workshops to Wild West nights to nature hikes.
Splash Around in Glenwood
ADDRESS: 51000 Two Rivers Plaza Road, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601-2809, USA
PHONE: +1970-945-4228
A two-and-a-half drive west from Denver will bring you to Glenwood Springs. There’s even a wave built into the river where people can surf in the summer.
21. What can kids do in Mesa Verde National Park
A. Develop historical knowledge. B. Get some free museum exhibits.
C. Camp on the mountainside. D. Carve their names into ancient ruins.
22. Which of the following is the closest to Denver
A. Keystone. B. Glenwood Springs.
C. Colorado Springs. D. Mesa Verde National Park.
23. Where can we most probably read the passage
A. In a travel brochure. B. In a research paper.
C. In a science magazine. D. In a geography textbook.
As Rhonda passed by Sunil on the way to the teacher’s desk, she paused for a second or two and left fall a tiny piece of paper. It fell down like a feather and settled lightly upon Sunil’s desk. Sunil looked quickly and secretly at the “pencil woman” but she had not noticed. She was too busy grading Rhonda’s test now, putting tick (√) after tick on the test paper and nodding her head with satisfaction. So the answers were indeed the right ones and here they sat on his desk!
Sunil had no idea how hard the test would be. Before the exam, he told himself to take the exam in an honest way. He chose this seat specifically to avoid cheating in the exam. But now, here he was, staring at the piece of paper that contained the key to his hopes. All he had to do was turn it over and look at the answers. The other children were too busy sniffingand biting their fingernails to notice and if he hurried, he might even copy the answers down before the “pencil woman”looked up again. She had finished grading Rhonda’s paper and was concentrating on the next script. Sunil stared a long moment at the paper, extremely tempted (诱惑).
Then, he reached out and quickly threw it away from his desk and it fell onto the floor. What good would those opportunities do to him if he was not allowed to be given them And where was the pleasure in cheating If he could not pass fairly, he did not want to pass. He thought this—and mostly believed it—and felt happy and comfortable about the decision. But even so, a few seconds passed before he could tear his eyes from the paper on the floor. “All right,” he told himself, returning to the test, “get a move on, Sunil, and don’t look back.
There’s no time to waste!”
24. What did Rhonda do when she passed Sunil’s desk
A. She knocked at Sunil’s desk softly. B. She gave Sunil her test paper.
C. She gave Sunil the test answers. D. She dropped a feather on Sunil’s desk.
25. Which of the following shows that Rhonda did well in the test
A. The teacher made good comments on the paper.
B. The teacher kept ticking Rhonda’s test answers.
C. The teacher didn’t look up from Rhonda’s paper.
D. The teacher nodded with satisfaction at Rhonda.
26. How did Sunil feel about his decision in Paragraph 3
A. Relaxed. B. Disappointed.
C. Regretful. D. Nervous.
27. What can be inferred from the text
A. Sunil had purposely chosen the seat for cheating.
B. The “pencil woman” watched Sunil closely.
C. Sunil expected the test to be rather difficult.
D. The paper was a strong attraction for Sunil.
Hannah Montana is a special movie about an ordinary teenager with a special secret, one that she is trying her best to hide from others. Apart from a few people, no one knows that the normal-looking Miley is actually the famous singer Hannah Montana. This double life can cause Miley to make mistakes; however, she is brave, smart, and also good-hearted.
Sometimes Miley has to make courageous choices. For example, when she is late for her best friend’s birthday party and does not have time to change into an ordinary-looking teen-
ager, she goes to the party as Hannah Montana. Unfortunately, the party turns into a big failure; everyone is more excited about seeing a great celebrity (名人) and forgets about making her friend happy. Nonetheless, we can still admire Miley for putting herself at risk for her friend.
Another reason for liking Miley is that she is smart. Her father takes her to live in her hometown of Crowley Corners, a very rural (乡下的) and simple town. One morning, Miley has to get some fresh eggs for breakfast, but she is faced with a problem— the hens do not want to give her their eggs. Miley thinks up a clever idea. She sings and dances to distract the hens. It works, but in her excitement, she breaks almost all the eggs she has collected. Once again, she fails, but there is no doubt about how creative she is.
Perhaps the most important reason to like Miley is that she has a very good heart. She wants to help her friends and family, and in the process of doing this she would feel sorry when something goes wrong. Particularly, she does not want to lie to Travis, a boy who likes her very much. He does not know she is a great singer, so she feels upset in her heart about not letting him know.
There is a lot to see in Hannah Montana, but viewers will definitely enjoy the main character in the movie. She is very humorous, courageous, and kind.
28. Who is Hannah Montana
A. A school teacher. B. A movie director.
C. A working mother. D. A teen celebrity.
29. What happens at the friend’s birthday party
A. Miley appears an ordinary-looking girl. B. The party is canceled because of Miley.
C. Miley becomes the focus of attention. D. Miley misses her friend’s birthday party.
30. According to Paragraph 3, where might Miley be
A. A small farm. B. A city breakfast store.
C. A rural school. D. A singing contest.
31. What could be the best title for this passage
A. Hannah Montana, a Famous Singer B. Hannah Montana, a Special Movie
C. Hiding from Others, a Double Life D. Helping People, a Pleasing Choice
Restaurants and food shops not satisfying the government hygiene standards can lose their licenses or permits under a demerit (记过) system introduced by the Urban Council. Health officials can give demerits in the form of points and food shops can be closed either for a short period of time or forever if they reach the demerit limit.
Fifteen points within a 12-month period will result in a food shop being closed for four days. If another 15 points are collected within a year of a first offence, the food shop will be closed for a week. Ten more points collected within a year of the second offence will mean being closed for 14 days.
Being closed one more time and another 10 points within 12 months will result in a license being cancelled and the food shop closed. On the other hand, if a food shop has a clean sheet for a year, it can start all over again.
Demerit points are given according to the seriousness of the hygiene offence. Very serious offences earn 15 points, for example, selling polluted food which is harmful to health, watering down milk or injecting (meat with water. Serious offences carry a 10-point punishment and include illegally doing business beyond licensed areas, employing workers likely to spread disease, or failing to keep the food shop or equipment clean.
Major offenses include selling food containing something that is not allowed or facing the risk of being polluted by rats and pests. Such offense carries 5 demerit points. So do having dirty fish tanks and having a lot of rubbish. Moderate offenses carrying three demerit points include allowing a dog in the food shop and failing to sterilize (消毒) wet towels.
To raise cleanliness awareness among restaurant operators, the Urban Council holds a Restaurant Hygiene Competition every year. Restaurants are judged by Urban Council judges according to environmental, food and worker hygiene, cleanliness of kitchens, equipment and toilets. This year, more than 5, 000 restaurants were judged and 450 restaurants with the city area of Hong Kong satisfied the government hygiene standards.
32 What does the underlined word “offence” probably mean
A. A dirty restaurant. B. An illegal act.
C. A big mistake. D. A long delay.
33. Which offence carries the lowest demerit points
A. Watering down milk. B. Selling polluted food.
C. Allowing a dog in the food shop. D. Having dirty fish tanks.
34. Which of the following is a shop with “a clean sheet”
A. A shop becoming clean all over. B. A shop admitting it is wrong.
C. A shop taken over by a new owner. D. A shop without any new demerit points.
35. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage
A. To introduce a demerit system. B. To raise awareness of healthy food.
C. To support the Urban Council. D. To advertise for restaurants in Hong Kong.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
You will be called on to do public speaking at some point in your life. ___36___ Using these public speaking tools will also reduce your nervousness before giving a speech!
Do not stay hidden before you speak.
___37___ Let people know that you are interesting and personable before you take the stage. Aim to connect with individuals and build a following before you address your audience as a whole.
Your audience already has some idea of who you are, so don’t give the boring facts. Keep it short and sweet, including only the most related information of why they should care about who you are and what you have to say.
Do not read your entire speech from your notes word by word.
Public speaking is an art. ___39___ Take video of yourself practicing, watch it, make note of your mistakes, and then practice some more. Keep your message into your mind and your speaking style into your body. Anyone can read a speech out loud-don’t be “anyone”.
Do not start with “Thank you very much. It’s such a pleasure to be here.
___40___ But we are now past that mark and opening with this line which is similar to saying: “Thank you for hearing me say something that you are now not listening to at all. “
Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Wechat or QQ within the first 10 seconds of your speech.
A. You need to practice.
B. Do not write a boring introduction.
C You have no reason to hide before you speak.
D. It is necessary to express your thanks to the organizers.
E. This used to be an acceptable way to begin public speaking.
F. Try to say, ”Oh, come on. I am sure you can do better than that.
G. Here are a few key things you can do to equip yourself for success.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
William Tang is a content creator and travel blogger who has made a name for himself with his travel blog, Going Awesome Places. He ___41___ his journey as an adviser in the software industry, but after about two years’ work, he felt ___42___ . So, he made up his mind to ___43___ his job and travel around Asia in 2012. During this trip, he came up with the idea to start a travel blog and ___44___ his experience and photography with the world.
Over the past eleven ___45___ , Going Awesome Places has become one of the top travel blogs in the world. William has made an effort to ___46___ his writing skills, understanding business, and networking with other travel industry members. His hard work has ___47___ as he has received recognition and ___48___ for his photography and videography.
Going Awesome Places is William’s main brand as a content creator. He provides ___49___ guides, travel plans and packing lists to help prepare their trips to the places he has been to.
The ____50____ of Going Awesome Places has never been to build a media empire; ____51____ , it was sparked by the desire to build a business that would give him the ____52____ to travel while also giving back to his ____53____ . He expected that they could go on amazing adventures with his help.
As he looks to the future, William is ____54____ to see the progress of Going Awesome Places. He hopes to continue to enable others to explore the world and make ____55____ that will last a lifetime.
41. A. broke B. continued C. began D. completed
42. A. encouraged B. surprised C. satisfied D. bored
43. A. quit B. advance C. choose D. prevent
44. A. review B. share C. connect D. compete
45. A. years B. days C. months D. seasons
46. A. discover B. prove C. improve D. recognize
47. A. paid off B. worked out C. given in D. run out
48. A. solutions B. challenges C. prizes D. comments
49. A. secret B. suitable C. famous D. difficult
50. A. joy B. goal C. law D. note
51. A. besides B. however C. therefore D. instead
52. A. way B. fame C. inspiration D. freedom
53. A. guides B. families C. readers D. directors
54. A. excited B. worried C. moved D. annoyed
55. A. promises B. requests C. rules D. memories
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
My friend Michael Corcia, a twenty-year-old exchange student from France, is now on his way to ____56____(explore)China and achieving his dream. He has ____57____ unique Chinese name, Kou Lexia, which means happiness and bravery.
In the beginning, I was curious ____58____ his drive to learn Chinese. He ex-plained to me confidently that it would be much ____59____ (easy)for him to build up his career in future with fluent Chinese. Actually, he had started to learn Chinese before he came to China.
Like many other exchange students studying in China, he quickly ____60____(fall)in love with Chinese food and fully got used to life here.
It seems that he lives an ____61____(extreme)busy life now. While practicing Chinese with his language partners in his university, he also teaches a Chinese girl French as a part-time job. Through playing badminton, he has made lots of Chinese friends. Besides all these ____62____(activity), he has Chinese courses everyday for a whole semester. Fortunately, his hard work has proved to be ____63____(succeed). He is able ____64____(introduce)himself clearly and express his ideas freely in Chinese.
By learning Chinese, Michael discovers a new world in _____65_____ he can experience different culture and make preparations for his future.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假如你是校英文报编辑,收到一封署名为Worried的高一学生的求助信。信中说他一直没有适应高中生活,导致诸多问题。请你回信给予建议,内容包括:
1. 表示理解和安慰;
2. 给出建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Worried,
I’m sorry to know that you have some problems adapting to the new life in senior school these days.
I’m looking forward to your reply!
Loving Editor
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
I grew up in a small village called Kampong Baru. My cousin, Loke, was near in age to me and he was my best friend. Loke and I changed the large place in front of our house into bicycle tracks or badminton court(球场).
At a later stage, Loke and I had a few badminton racquets(and badminton became one of our favourite sports. It did not matter that we did not know the rules-how to count the score and when to serve(发球). All we had to do was hit the shuttlecock(羽毛球)hard enough, so that it crossed over to the side of the opponent. As long as the shuttlecock was flying back and forth, we were happy.
With so much practice in badminton, I believed that I was good at the game. After all, I did win many of the matches against the neighbourhood children.
When I was in Secondary Two, our school held a badminton match. Our teacher asked for volunteers to sign up for it. Nobody responded. “Alright, looks like nobody wants to. Is there anyone who knows how to play the game “Immediately, I raised my hand. ”Good, looks like we’ve a volunteer here, the teacher smiled. Forty pairs of eyes turned to look at me. Some were glad and some were confused but everyone cheered for sure. I had no idea then that that match would be one of the most awkward experiences of my life.
The day came and I found myself face to face with my opponent. “That’s the school champion,” one classmate said in a low voice. My heart became a little heavy but still, I knew the game. I did not know what I was doing, obviously.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The whistle(口哨)blew and the game began.
I did not know where to put my face, now burning red with shame.
说明:1. 全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 全卷分为试题卷和答题卡,答案要求写在答题卡上,不得在试题卷上作答,否则不给分。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. A movie. B. A girl. C. A book.
【原文】M: Lucy, go on and tell me what happened then. I am curious about the ending of the film that just came out.
W: Nothing exciting. At the end of the film the little girl was saved by a young man. It’s the same as the book.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When does the man go swimming
A. At 5 a.m. B. At 6 a.m. C. At 7 p.m.
【原文】W: What kind of sports do you like best
M: Swimming. I get up very early, around 5 a.m., and then go to swim at six. I also play basketball at seven p.m. on the weekend.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman doing
A. Buying a train ticket. B. Waiting for the train. C. Visiting Manchester.
【原文】W: Hi. Could I have a ticket for the next train to Manchester, please
M: Single or return
M: Errr, single please.
W: The next train is at 12: 30 p. m. , leaving from platform 2.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where are the speakers
A. In a flower shop. B. In a movie theater. C. In a restaurant.
【原文】W: Hello, sir, would you like to order now
M: Yes, we’ll both have a bowl of noodles, and a salad.
W: And what would you like to drink
M: I’ll have coffee, and my sister would like tea.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman’s advice
A. To be active in society. B. To do well in school. C. To be fully independent.
【原文】M: Can you tell me how to have a successful teenager life
W: No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a good member in society. Listen to the teachers, do your homework, study hard, and get good grades. School sets you up on the right track!
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. Where is the woman going
A. Jim’s office. B. The post office. C. The Alder Street Station.
7. What is the man doing
A. Showing the woman the way.
B. Driving the woman to the bus stop.
C. Waiting for the woman in the post office.
【答案】6. A 7. A
【原文】M: Hey, Amy. What’s up
W: I’m on my way to Jim’s office, but I’m a bit confused. I’m afraid you’d better tell me how to get there.
M: Where are you
W: I’m at the 24th Street Station.
M: Actually, the best thing to do would be to ride two more stops, to Alder Street.
W: OK, I will get off the bus at the Alder Street Station.
M: Then go out of the door and turn left. Walk down Alder Street about 300 meters, you can see a post office. Jim’s office is on the right hand side.
8. What are the travellers going to do on Wednesday afternoon
A. See a film. B. Play sports. C. Go sightseeing.
9. When are the travellers leaving for London
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
【答案】8. B 9. C
【原文】W: So Mr Brown, what activities do you plan for the trip
M: Now this afternoon, we’ll go together on a walking tour of the city, and then on Wednesday afternoon, we are off to the local sports center, where you can play volleyball or football, use the gym, or go swimming to keep yourselves fit.
W: That’s a lot of fun, especially for those who like sports.
M: And on Friday afternoon, we have a film club. On Saturday, we’re going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at 8: 30 in the morning. Please don’t be late, or we’ll go without you. And finally, on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time.
I hope you will all have a wonderful stay here with us.
10. Where does the woman order books
A. At Libraries. B. At Tower Records. C. At Amazon. com.
11. What is by the woman’s house
A. Parks. B. Libraries. C. Zoos.
12. What is the man’s last question about
A. Shopping. B. Traffic. C. Jobs.
【答案】10. C 11. A 12. B
【原文】M: OK, Keith, we’re back here in the city. I’m going to ask you some questions about where you live. First, is there a library by your house
W: No, no libraries near me.
M: No, that’s too bad. Do you like reading
W: Sure, I love reading.
M: OK. Where do you get your books
W: Well, I usually buy them at Tower Records or I order them through Amazon. com.
M: OK. Note: this is not an advertisement. OK. Next one, is there a park by your house
W: Park Yeah, there’s actually two small ones.
M: Do you go there very often
W: No, not too often, because usually I don’t get home from work until pretty late.
M: OK. Take things easy. Now the last question, is there a lot of traffic where you live
W: Oh, yeah, in the day time because there are a lot of shops around my house. But at night time it’s pretty quiet.
M: OK. Great. Thanks, Keith
W: You’re welcome.
13. Where will the woman work
A. In a hospital. B. In a shopping center. C. In a company.
14. How will the woman probably go to work
A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus.
15. What does the man say about parking in Broadgreen
A. It is hard. B. It is easy. C. It is expensive.
16. What is the disadvantage of Broadgreen
A. There is too much noise. B. The rents are high. C. It’s far from shopping centers.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C
【原文】W: Hello, I’m moving to Liverpool next month and I’ve got a job at the children’s hospital, so I need to find a place to live near there.
M: I’d recommend you a block called Broadgreen.
W: Can you tell me more about the area I have a car but I’d rather use other forms of transport to go to the hospital.
M: This area has a very good bus service and a train service.
W: The bus sounds good. I come from London and parking can be a real problem there.
M: Yeah, my sister lives in London and she has to pay for parking in her own street! You’ll be glad to hear we don’t have that problem here.
W: Good. What are the rents like
M: The weekly rent here is around 120, much cheaper than that in London.
W: Great! There has to be some disadvantage to it. I think there’s a lot of noise in the area or something.
M: Not at all. Though some people do find they have to travel a bit to go shopping.
17. What do we know about the math class
A. It is the biggest class.
B. There are exchange students in it.
C. The teacher likes wearing formal clothes.
18. How many students are there in the chemistry class
A. 20. B. 23. C. 30.
19. What does the speaker think of speaking English
A. Boring. B. Hard. C. Interesting.
20. What is the speaker’s favourite subject
A. Music. B. Science. C. Physics.
【答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C
【原文】Hi, my name is Jack. I like my senior high school life. I’m a Grade 10 student. I’d like to talk about my courses. On Mondays, I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. The first class is math. I like math. It’s easy. There are twenty-three students in my math class, including a few exchange students who come from different nations. Chemistry is a bit boring, and there are twenty students in that class. The teacher likes to wear formal clothes and he looks nice. My English class is small. Our English teacher always gives great lectures and I think it’s fun to speak English. Science is the biggest class. There are thirty students in that class— twenty male students and ten female students. Science is very hard, though. Each class, we have a test. I don’t like that! The first class in the afternoon is physics and I like it best. The last class of the day is music, and we are active in that class.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
If you are looking for a day trip from Denver, here are our favorite family-friendly trips from Denver.
Explore Mesa Verde
ADDRESS: Mile Marker 15, Mesa Verde National Park, CO 81330, USA PHONE: +1970-529-4422
A six-and-a-half-hour drive will bring you from Denver to Mesa Verde National Park, where your kids can explore ancient ruins carved (into the side of a mountain. Go on hikes, climb up mountainsides, watch a historical movie and appreciate museum exhibits in this fascinating park.
See Giraffes in the Springs
ADDRESS: 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA
PHONE: +1719-633-9925
The drive from Denver to Colorado Springs is just an hour. Feed giraffes at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Don’t miss the Dinosaur Resource Center, where you can get up close to fossils of a T. Rex and other unbelievable ancient creatures.
Go on an Adventure in Keystone
ADDRESS: Keystone, CO 80435, USA
PHONE: +1970-496-4386
It’s only an hour and a half drive west of Denver. Keystone offers a cool Kidtopia pro-gram, with all kinds of free, daily activities and adventures, from kite-building workshops to Wild West nights to nature hikes.
Splash Around in Glenwood
ADDRESS: 51000 Two Rivers Plaza Road, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601-2809, USA
PHONE: +1970-945-4228
A two-and-a-half drive west from Denver will bring you to Glenwood Springs. There’s even a wave built into the river where people can surf in the summer.
21. What can kids do in Mesa Verde National Park
A. Develop historical knowledge. B. Get some free museum exhibits.
C. Camp on the mountainside. D. Carve their names into ancient ruins.
22. Which of the following is the closest to Denver
A. Keystone. B. Glenwood Springs.
C. Colorado Springs. D. Mesa Verde National Park.
23. Where can we most probably read the passage
A In a travel brochure. B. In a research paper.
C. In a science magazine. D. In a geography textbook.
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. A
细节理解题。根据Explore Mesa Verde部分的“A six-and-a-half-hour drive will bring you from Denver to Mesa Verde National Park, where your kids can explore ancient ruins carved (into the side of a mountain.(从丹佛驱车6个半小时就到了梅萨维德国家公园(Mesa Verde National Park),你的孩子可以在那里探索雕刻在山边的古代遗迹。)”可知,孩子们在梅萨维德国家公园可以探索古代遗迹,发展历史知识。故选A。
细节理解题。根据Explore Mesa Verde部分的“A six-and-a-half-hour drive will bring you from Denver to Mesa Verde National Park, where your kids can explore ancient ruins carved (into the side of a mountain.(从丹佛驱车6个半小时就到了梅萨维德国家公园(Mesa Verde National Park),你的孩子可以在那里探索雕刻在山边的古代遗迹。)”,See Giraffes in the Springs部分的“The drive from Denver to Colorado Springs is just an hour.(从丹佛开车到科罗拉多斯普林斯只需一个小时。)”,Go on an Adventure in Keystone部分“It’s only an hour and a half drive west of Denver.(从丹佛往西开车只要一个半小时。)”以及Splash Around in Glenwood部分“A two-and-a-half drive west from Denver will bring you to Glenwood Springs.(从丹佛往西开两小时半就到了格伦伍德泉。)”可知,科罗拉多斯普林斯距离丹佛最近。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“If you are looking for a day trip from Denver, here are our favorite family-friendly trips from Denver. (如果你正在寻找从丹佛出发的一日游,这里有我们最喜欢的丹佛家庭友好之旅。)”可知,本文主要介绍了一些最受人喜欢的丹佛家庭友好之旅,属于旅游方面的的内容,因此推断最有可能出现在旅游小册子上,故选A。
As Rhonda passed by Sunil on the way to the teacher’s desk, she paused for a second or two and left fall a tiny piece of paper. It fell down like a feather and settled lightly upon Sunil’s desk. Sunil looked quickly and secretly at the “pencil woman” but she had not noticed. She was too busy grading Rhonda’s test now, putting tick (√) after tick on the test paper and nodding her head with satisfaction. So the answers were indeed the right ones and here they sat on his desk!
Sunil had no idea how hard the test would be. Before the exam, he told himself to take the exam in an honest way. He chose this seat specifically to avoid cheating in the exam. But now, here he was, staring at the piece of paper that contained the key to his hopes. All he had to do was turn it over and look at the answers. The other children were too busy sniffingand biting their fingernails to notice and if he hurried, he might even copy the answers down before the “pencil woman”looked up again. She had finished grading Rhonda’s paper and was concentrating on the next script. Sunil stared a long moment at the paper, extremely tempted (诱惑).
Then, he reached out and quickly threw it away from his desk and it fell onto the floor. What good would those opportunities do to him if he was not allowed to be given them And where was the pleasure in cheating If he could not pass fairly, he did not want to pass. He thought this—and mostly believed it—and felt happy and comfortable about the decision. But even so, a few seconds passed before he could tear his eyes from the paper on the floor. “All right,” he told himself, returning to the test, “get a move on, Sunil, and don’t look back.
There’s no time to waste!”
24. What did Rhonda do when she passed Sunil’s desk
A. She knocked at Sunil’s desk softly. B. She gave Sunil her test paper.
C. She gave Sunil the test answers. D. She dropped a feather on Sunil’s desk.
25. Which of the following shows that Rhonda did well in the test
A. The teacher made good comments on the paper.
B. The teacher kept ticking Rhonda’s test answers.
C. The teacher didn’t look up from Rhonda’s paper.
D. The teacher nodded with satisfaction at Rhonda.
26. How did Sunil feel about his decision in Paragraph 3
A. Relaxed. B. Disappointed.
C. Regretful. D. Nervous.
27. What can be inferred from the text
A. Sunil had purposely chosen the seat for cheating.
B. The “pencil woman” watched Sunil closely.
C. Sunil expected the test to be rather difficult.
D. The paper was a strong attraction for Sunil.
【答案】24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D
细节理解题。根据首段中的“As Rhonda passed by Sunil on the way to the teacher’s desk, she paused for a second or two and left fall a tiny piece of paper. It fell down like a feather and settled lightly upon Sunil’s desk.( Rhonda在去讲台的路上从Sunil身边经过时,停了一两秒钟,留下了一张小纸条。它像羽毛一样飘落下来,轻轻地落在Sunil的桌子上。)”可知,Rhonda在经过Sunil时,扔给他一张纸条,结合下文中的“But now, here he was, staring at the piece of paper that contained the key to his hopes.(但现在,他却在这里,盯着那张包含着他希望的答案的纸。)”可知,这张纸条是试题的答案,由此可知,Rhonda给Sunil传答案。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据首段中的“She was too busy grading Rhonda’s test now, putting tick(√) after tick on the test paper and nodding her head with satisfaction.(她现在正忙着批改Rhonda的试卷,在试卷上打了一个又一个勾,满意地点了点头。)”可知,老师在批改着Rhonda的试卷,在试卷上打了一个有一个的对勾,还满意地点头,由此可知,老师不停地在Rhonda的答案上打勾表明Rhonda在测试中做得很好。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He thought this—and mostly believed it—and felt happy and comfortable about the decision.(他这样想——而且多半相信——并对这个决定感到高兴和舒适。)”可知,Sunil对自己做出的决定感到高兴和舒适,由此可知,Sunil对自己的决定感到很放松。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Sunil stared a long moment at the paper, extremely tempted (诱惑).(Sunil盯着那张纸看了很长时间,非常受诱惑。)”可知,Sunil盯着那张纸很长时间,受到很大的诱惑,结合第三段中的“He thought this—and mostly believed it—and felt happy and comfortable about the decision. But even so, a few seconds passed before he could tear his eyes from the paper on the floor.(他这样想——而且多半相信——并对这个决定感到高兴和舒适。但即便如此,几秒钟过去了,他才把眼睛从地上的纸上移开。)”可知,Sunil决定不看纸条上的答案,而且觉得很高兴,但即使如此,Sunil还是过了几秒钟后,眼睛才从那张纸条上移开,由此可知,Rhonda给Sunil的纸条对Sunil有很大的吸引力。故选D项。
Hannah Montana is a special movie about an ordinary teenager with a special secret one that she is trying her best to hide from others. Apart from a few people, no one knows that the normal-looking Miley is actually the famous singer Hannah Montana. This double life can cause Miley to make mistakes; however, she is brave, smart, and also good-hearted.
Sometimes Miley has to make courageous choices. For example, when she is late for her best friend’s birthday party and does not have time to change into an ordinary-looking teen-
ager, she goes to the party as Hannah Montana. Unfortunately, the party turns into a big failure; everyone is more excited about seeing a great celebrity (名人) and forgets about making her friend happy. Nonetheless, we can still admire Miley for putting herself at risk for her friend.
Another reason for liking Miley is that she is smart. Her father takes her to live in her hometown of Crowley Corners, a very rural (乡下的) and simple town. One morning, Miley has to get some fresh eggs for breakfast, but she is faced with a problem— the hens do not want to give her their eggs. Miley thinks up a clever idea. She sings and dances to distract the hens. It works, but in her excitement, she breaks almost all the eggs she has collected. Once again, she fails, but there is no doubt about how creative she is.
Perhaps the most important reason to like Miley is that she has a very good heart. She wants to help her friends and family, and in the process of doing this she would feel sorry when something goes wrong. Particularly, she does not want to lie to Travis, a boy who likes her very much. He does not know she is a great singer, so she feels upset in her heart about not letting him know.
There is a lot to see in Hannah Montana, but viewers will definitely enjoy the main character in the movie. She is very humorous, courageous, and kind.
28. Who is Hannah Montana
A. A school teacher. B. A movie director.
C. A working mother. D. A teen celebrity.
29. What happens at the friend’s birthday party
A. Miley appears an ordinary-looking girl. B. The party is canceled because of Miley.
C. Miley becomes the focus of attention. D. Miley misses her friend’s birthday party.
30. According to Paragraph 3, where might Miley be
A. A small farm. B. A city breakfast store.
C. A rural school. D. A singing contest.
31. What could be the best title for this passage
A. Hannah Montana, a Famous Singer B. Hannah Montana, a Special Movie
C. Hiding from Others, a Double Life D. Helping People, a Pleasing Choice
【答案】28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Apart from a few people, no one knows that the normal-looking Miley is actually the famous singer Hannah Montana. (除了少数人,没有人知道长相普通的麦莉实际上是著名歌手汉娜蒙塔娜)”可知,汉娜蒙塔娜实际上是一个著名歌手,即一位青少年名人。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“For example, when she is late for her best friend’s birthday party and does not have time to change into an ordinary-looking teenager, she goes to the party as Hannah Montana. Unfortunately, the party turns into a big failure; everyone is more excited about seeing a great celebrity (名人) and forgets about making her friend happy.(例如,当她参加她最好的朋友的生日聚会迟到了,没有时间变成一个普通的青少年,她作为汉娜蒙塔娜去了派对。不幸的是,聚会变成了一个大的失败;每个人都因为看到一个伟大的名人而更兴奋,而忘记了让她的朋友快乐)”可知,因为她去参加朋友的生日聚会,没有时间变成一个普通的青少年,以明星的身份去参加,因此每个人都因为看到一个伟大的名人而更兴奋,她成为了聚会的焦点。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“ Her father takes her to live in her hometown of Crowley Corners, a very rural (乡下的) and simple town. (她的父亲带她回到她的家乡克劳利角,那是一个非常乡村和简单的小镇)”可知,她的父亲带她回到她的家乡克劳利角,那是一个非常乡村和简单的小镇。因此推断她可能是在一个农场中。故选A。
主旨大意题。通读全文,文章讲述了电影《汉娜蒙塔娜》的主人公Miley的生活,她是一个普通的青少年,同时也是一个有特殊秘密的歌手。她需要面对双重生活所带来的压力和挑战,需要做出勇敢和聪明的选择,同时她也有一颗仁慈的心。读者可以从文章中感受到Miley的个性和魅力。故B选项“Hannah Montana, a Special Movie(汉娜·蒙塔娜,一部特别的电影)”概括文章主要内容,适合作为标题。故选B。
Restaurants and food shops not satisfying the government hygiene standards can lose their licenses or permits under a demerit (记过) system introduced by the Urban Council. Health officials can give demerits in the form of points and food shops can be closed either for a short period of time or forever if they reach the demerit limit.
Fifteen points within a 12-month period will result in a food shop being closed for four days. If another 15 points are collected within a year of a first offence, the food shop will be closed for a week. Ten more points collected within a year of the second offence will mean being closed for 14 days.
Being closed one more time and another 10 points within 12 months will result in a license being cancelled and the food shop closed. On the other hand, if a food shop has a clean sheet for a year, it can start all over again.
Demerit points are given according to the seriousness of the hygiene offence. Very serious offences earn 15 points, for example, selling polluted food which is harmful to health, watering down milk or injecting (meat with water. Serious offences carry a 10-point punishment and include illegally doing business beyond licensed areas, employing workers likely to spread disease, or failing to keep the food shop or equipment clean.
Major offenses include selling food containing something that is not allowed or facing the risk of being polluted by rats and pests. Such offense carries 5 demerit points. So do having dirty fish tanks and having a lot of rubbish. Moderate offenses carrying three demerit points include allowing a dog in the food shop and failing to sterilize (消毒) wet towels.
To raise cleanliness awareness among restaurant operators, the Urban Council holds a Restaurant Hygiene Competition every year. Restaurants are judged by Urban Council judges according to environmental, food and worker hygiene, cleanliness of kitchens, equipment and toilets. This year, more than 5, 000 restaurants were judged and 450 restaurants with the city area of Hong Kong satisfied the government hygiene standards.
32. What does the underlined word “offence” probably mean
A. A dirty restaurant. B. An illegal act.
C. A big mistake. D. A long delay.
33. Which offence carries the lowest demerit points
A. Watering down milk. B. Selling polluted food.
C. Allowing a dog in the food shop. D. Having dirty fish tanks.
34. Which of the following is a shop with “a clean sheet”
A. A shop becoming clean all over. B. A shop admitting it is wrong.
C. A shop taken over by a new owner. D. A shop without any new demerit points.
35. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage
A. To introduce a demerit system. B. To raise awareness of healthy food.
C. To support the Urban Council. D. To advertise for restaurants in Hong Kong.
【答案】32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“the food shop will be closed for a week”可知,食品店将被关闭一周,说明是有了非法行为。故划线词意思是“非法行为”。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Very serious offences earn 15 points, for example, selling polluted food which is harmful to health, watering down milk or injecting (meat with water. Serious offences carry a 10-point punishment and include illegally doing business beyond licensed areas, employing workers likely to spread disease, or failing to keep the food shop or equipment clean.(非常严重违法行为得15分,例如,销售有害健康的污染食品,在牛奶中掺水或在肉中注水。严重违规者将被扣10分,包括在许可区域以外非法经营,雇佣可能传播疾病的工人,或未能保持食品商店或设备清洁)”以及倒数第二段“Moderate offenses carrying three demerit points include allowing a dog in the food shop and failing to sterilize (消毒) wet towels.(中度违例会被扣三分,包括允许狗进入食品店和未对湿毛巾消毒)”可知,允许狗进入食品店扣分最低。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Being closed one more time and another 10 points within 12 months will result in a license being cancelled and the food shop closed. On the other hand, if a food shop has a clean sheet for a year, it can start all over again.(如果在12个月内再被关闭一次,再被扣10分,将被吊销营业执照并关闭该食品店。另一方面,如果一家食品店有一年的清洁单,它可以重新开始)”可知,没有新扣分的店铺是有“清洁单”的商店。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Restaurants and food shops not satisfying the government hygiene standards can lose their licenses or permits under a demerit (记过) system introduced by the Urban Council. Health officials can give demerits in the form of points and food shops can be closed either for a short period of time or forever if they reach the demerit limit.(根据市议会推出的记过制度,不符合政府卫生标准的餐馆和食品店将被吊销执照或许可证。卫生官员可以以积分的形式进行记过,如果达到记过上限,食品店可能会被短期关闭或永远关闭)”结合文章主要介绍了这种记过制度的规定以及具体扣分情况。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍记过制。故选A。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
You will be called on to do public speaking at some point in your life. ___36___ Using these public speaking tools will also reduce your nervousness before giving a speech!
Do not stay hidden before you speak.
___37___ Let people know that you are interesting and personable before you take the stage. Aim to connect with individuals and build a following before you address your audience as a whole.
Your audience already has some idea of who you are, so don’t give the boring facts. Keep it short and sweet, including only the most related information of why they should care about who you are and what you have to say.
Do not read your entire speech from your notes word by word.
Public speaking is an art. ___39___ Take video of yourself practicing, watch it, make note of your mistakes, and then practice some more. Keep your message into your mind and your speaking style into your body. Anyone can read a speech out loud-don’t be “anyone”.
Do not start with “Thank you very much. It’s such a pleasure to be here.
___40___ But we are now past that mark and opening with this line which is similar to saying: “Thank you for hearing me say something that you are now not listening to at all. “
Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Wechat or QQ within the first 10 seconds of your speech.
A. You need to practice.
B. Do not write a boring introduction.
C. You have no reason to hide before you speak.
D. It is necessary to express your thanks to the organizers.
E. This used to be an acceptable way to begin public speaking.
F. Try to say, ”Oh, come on. I am sure you can do better than that.
G. Here are a few key things you can do to equip yourself for success.
【答案】36. G 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. E
根据空后的“Using these public speaking tools will also reduce your nervousness before giving a speech!(使用这些公共演讲方法也会减少你在演讲前的紧张感!)”可推测,空处应该提到了一些公开演讲的方法。选项G“Here are a few key things you can do to equip yourself for success(这里有一些你可以做的关键的事情以帮助自己取得成功。)”与下文内容一致,引出本文主要内容——帮助我们公开演讲的方法。故选G。
根据本段小标题“Do not stay hidden before you speak.(说话之前不要躲起来。)”可知,本段讲述的是在演讲前不要躲起来。选项C“You have no reason to hide before you speak.(你说话之前没有理由躲起来。)”与本段主要内容相符,同时与下文“Let people know that you are interesting and personable before you take the stage.(在你上台之前,让人们知道你是一个有趣和有风度的人。)”保持一致,指的是没必要躲藏起来,可以让人们知道你是个有趣和有风度的人。故选C。
空处为本段小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Your audience already has some idea of who you are, so don’t give the boring facts. Keep it short and sweet, including only the most related information of why they should care about who you are and what you have to say.(你的听众已经知道你是谁了,所以不要讲无聊的事实。保持简短和甜蜜,只包括最相关的信息,如为什么他们应该关心你是谁以及你要说什么。)”可知,本段主要建议我们在演讲的时候不要写无聊的介绍,因为听众都知道你是谁。选项B“Do not write a boring introduction.(不要写无聊的介绍。)”与下文内容一致,指的是不要写无聊的介绍。故选B。
根据空后内容“Take video of yourself practicing, watch it, make note of your mistakes, and then practice some more.(拍下自己练习的视频,观看,记下你的错误,然后继续练习。)”可推断,空处指的是要多加练习演讲。选项A“You need to practice.(你需要练习。)”与下文内容一致,指的是演讲需要练习。故选A。
根据小标题“Do not start with “Thank you very much. It’s such a pleasure to be here.(不要以“非常感谢、很高兴来到这里。”开头。”)”可知,本段主要建议我们演讲时不要用“非常感谢、很高兴来到这里。”开头。”选项E“This used to be an acceptable way to begin public speaking.(这曾经是一种可以接受的开始公开演讲的方式。)”是上文内容的延续,指的是那样的开头曾经是一种可以接受的开始公开演讲的方式;同时引出下文“But we are now past that mark and opening with this line which is similar to saying: “Thank you for hearing me say something that you are now not listening to at all.”(但是我们现在已经过了那个阶段,以这句话开始,这句话类似于说:“谢谢你听我说一些你现在根本没有在听的话。”)”故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
William Tang is a content creator and travel blogger who has made a name for himself with his travel blog, Going Awesome Places. He ___41___ his journey as an adviser in the software industry, but after about two years’ work, he felt ___42___ . So, he made up his mind to ___43___ his job and travel around Asia in 2012. During this trip, he came up with the idea to start a travel blog and ___44___ his experience and photography with the world.
Over the past eleven ___45___ , Going Awesome Places has become one of the top travel blogs in the world. William has made an effort to ___46___ his writing skills, understanding business, and networking with other travel industry members. His hard work has ___47___ as he has received recognition and ___48___ for his photography and videography.
Going Awesome Places is William’s main brand as a content creator. He provides ___49___ guides, travel plans and packing lists to help prepare their trips to the places he has been to.
The ____50____ of Going Awesome Places has never been to build a media empire; ____51____ , it was sparked by the desire to build a business that would give him the ____52____ to travel while also giving back to his ____53____ . He expected that they could go on amazing adventures with his help.
As he looks to the future, William is ____54____ to see the progress of Going Awesome Places. He hopes to continue to enable others to explore the world and make ____55____ that will last a lifetime.
41. A. broke B. continued C. began D. completed
42. A. encouraged B. surprised C. satisfied D. bored
43. A. quit B. advance C. choose D. prevent
44. A. review B. share C. connect D. compete
45. A. years B. days C. months D. seasons
46. A. discover B. prove C. improve D. recognize
47. A. paid off B. worked out C. given in D. run out
48. A. solutions B. challenges C. prizes D. comments
49. A. secret B. suitable C. famous D. difficult
50. A. joy B. goal C. law D. note
51. A. besides B. however C. therefore D. instead
52. A. way B. fame C. inspiration D. freedom
53. A. guides B. families C. readers D. directors
54. A. excited B. worried C. moved D. annoyed
55. A. promises B. requests C. rules D. memories
【答案】41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. B 51. D 52. D 53. C 54. A 55. D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了旅行博主威廉·唐的故事,包括他从软件产业顾问转变为旅行博主的经历,以及他的旅行博客Going Awesome Places的发展历程和宗旨。威廉希望通过他的博客让更多的人了解旅行和世界的美好,同时也帮助他们更好地准备旅行。他的最终目标是继续让更多人探索世界,创造难忘的回忆。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一开始是在软件行业做顾问,但工作了大约两年后,他感到无聊。A. broke破裂;B. continued继续;C. began开始;D. completed完成。根据“his journey as an adviser”可知,他开始自己的工作之旅即作为一名软件行业的顾问。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. encouraged鼓励的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. satisfied满意的;D. bored无聊的。根据后文“So, he made up his mind to ___3___ his job and travel around Asia in 2012. During this trip,”可知,因为他觉得无聊所以就辞职了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以,他决定辞去工作,在2012年环游亚洲。A. quit退出,暂停;B. advance前进;C. choose选择;D. prevent防止。根据“but after about two years’ work, he felt ___2___ ”可知,因为他觉得工作无聊,故辞去了这份工作。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这次旅行中,他萌生了开一个旅行博客的想法,与世界分享他的经历和摄影。A. review复习;B. share分享;C. connect连接;D. compete竞争。根据“his experience and photography with the world”可知,此处指出他要与世界分享他的旅游经历。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在过去的11年里,Going Awesome Places已经成为世界上最顶级的旅游博客之一。A. years年份;B. days天数;C. months月份;D. seasons季节。根据前文“travel around Asia in 2012.”以及“has become one of the top travel blogs in the world”可知。2012年他开始旅游,并开始创建自己的博客与大家分享自己的旅游经历和照片,因此在过去的11年中,他创建的博客Going Awesome Places已经成为世界上最顶级的旅游博客之一。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:威廉一直在努力提高自己的写作技巧,学习商业,并与其他旅游业成员建立联系。A. discover发现;B. prove证明;C. improve改进;D. recognize认识到。根据后文的“his writing skills”以及“he has received recognition”可知,威廉在一直在提高自己的写作技巧,最终他的这些付出得到了回报因为他获得了认可。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:他的努力得到了回报,因为他的摄影和摄像获得了认可和奖项。A. paid off得偿所愿;B. worked out得出解决方案;C. given in让步;D. run out用完,耗尽。根据“as he has received recognition”可知,他获得了认可所以他的努力得到了回报。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. solutions解决方案;B. challenges挑战;C. prizes奖品;D. comments评论。根据前文“he has received recognition”可知,他获得了任何和奖项。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他提供合适的导游、旅行计划和行李清单,帮助他们准备去他去过的地方。A. secret秘密的;B. suitable适合的;C. famous有名的;D. difficult困难的。根据“guides, travel plans and packing lists”可知,他提供的是一些合适的导游、旅行计划和行李清单来帮助要去旅行的人。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Going Awesome Places的目标从来不是建立一个媒体帝国。A. joy高兴;B. goal目标;C. law法律;D. note笔记。根据后文“to build a media empire”可知,Going Awesome Places的目标不是建立媒体帝国。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,他的想法是想建立一项事业,既能让他自由旅行,又能回馈他的读者。A. besides除此之外;B. however然而;C. therefore因此;D. instead代替。根据后文“build a business”可知,他的不是建立商业帝国,而是建立一项事业。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. way方式;B. fame名声;C. inspiration灵感;D. freedom自由。根据“to travel”可知,他的想法是想建立一项事业,能让他自由旅行。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. guides指南;B. families家庭;C. readers读者;D. directors导演。根据前文“During this trip, he came up with the idea to start a travel blog and ___4___ his experience and photography with the world.”以及“Going Awesome Places is William’s main brand as a content creator.”可知,Going Awesome Places是威廉创作的一个网站,用来和用户们分享自己的旅游经历和照片,由此为旅游者们提供建议,故这些旅游者们是博客的阅读者。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:展望未来,威廉很高兴看到Going Awesome Places的进展。A. excited兴奋的;B. worried担心的;C. moved感动的;D. annoyed恼怒的。根据后文“continue to enable others to explore the world and make ___15___ that will last a lifetime.”可知,展望未来,威廉是非常高兴的,因为他希望Going Awesome Places能够继续帮助别人探索世界。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他希望能继续帮助他人探索世界,留下一生难忘的回忆。A. promises承诺;B. requests请求;C. rules规则;D. memories回忆。根据“that will last a lifetime.”可知,他希望能继续帮助他人探索世界,留下一生难忘的回忆。故选D。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
My friend Michael Corcia, a twenty-year-old exchange student from France, is now on his way to ____56____(explore)China and achieving his dream. He has ____57____ unique Chinese name, Kou Lexia, which means happiness and bravery.
In the beginning, I was curious ____58____ his drive to learn Chinese. He ex-plained to me confidently that it would be much ____59____ (easy)for him to build up his career in future with fluent Chinese. Actually, he had started to learn Chinese before he came to China.
Like many other exchange students studying in China, he quickly ____60____(fall)in love with Chinese food and fully got used to life here.
It seems that he lives an ____61____(extreme)busy life now. While practicing Chinese with his language partners in his university, he also teaches a Chinese girl French as a part-time job. Through playing badminton, he has made lots of Chinese friends. Besides all these ____62____(activity), he has Chinese courses everyday for a whole semester. Fortunately, his hard work has proved to be ____63____(succeed). He is able ____64____(introduce)himself clearly and express his ideas freely in Chinese.
By learning Chinese, Michael discovers a new world in _____65_____ he can experience different culture and make preparations for his future.
【答案】56. exploring
57. a 58. about
59. easier 60. fell
61. extremely
62. activities
63. successful
64. to introduce
65. which
考查非谓语动词。句意:我的朋友Michael Corcia,一个来自法国的20岁的交换生,现在正在探索中国,实现他的梦想。非谓语动词担当介词“to”的宾语,用动名词形式。故填exploring。
考查固定短语。句意:一开始,我对他学习中文的动力感到好奇。固定短语:be curious about,意为“对……感到好奇”,符合句意。故填about。
考查名词的数。句意:除了这些活动之外,他整整一个学期每天都上汉语课。根据空前的“all these”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。故填activities。
考查固定短语。句意:他能用中文清楚地介绍自己,自如地表达自己的观点。固定短语:be able to do sth,意为“能够做某事”,符合句意。故填to introduce。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假如你是校英文报编辑,收到一封署名为Worried的高一学生的求助信。信中说他一直没有适应高中生活,导致诸多问题。请你回信给予建议,内容包括:
1. 表示理解和安慰;
2. 给出建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Worried,
I’m sorry to know that you have some problems adapting to the new life in senior school these days.
I’m looking forward to your reply!
Loving Editor
【答案】One possible version:
Dear Worried
I’m sorry to know that you have some problems adapting to the new life in senior school these days. I understand quite well that you feel terrible with so many problems. So I’m here to offer some help.
First, engage yourself in school life actively, such as joining a club. When it comes to how to strengthen the relationship with your classmates, be open with them, which helps a lot. Besides, when you feel down, listening to your favorite music or playing sports can make you relaxed. Last but not least, it is a great idea to talk to your teachers and parents.
Hopefully, these suggestions will be of some benefit to you.
I’m looking forward to your reply!
Loving Editor
【详解】1. 词汇积累
此外:besides→what’s more/in addition
2. 句式拓展
原句:Hopefully, these suggestions will be of some benefit to you.
拓展句:It is hopeful that these suggestions will be of some benefit to you.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I understand quite well that you feel terrible with so many problems. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] When it comes to how to strengthen the relationship with your classmates, be open with them, which helps a lot. (运用了when引导时间状语从句、which引导非限制性定语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I grew up in a small village called Kampong Baru. My cousin, Loke, was near in age to me and he was my best friend. Loke and I changed the large place in front of our house into bicycle tracks or badminton court(球场).
At a later stage, Loke and I had a few badminton racquets(and badminton became one of our favourite sports. It did not matter that we did not know the rules-how to count the score and when to serve(发球). All we had to do was hit the shuttlecock(羽毛球)hard enough, so that it crossed over to the side of the opponent. As long as the shuttlecock was flying back and forth, we were happy.
With so much practice in badminton, I believed that I was good at the game. After all, I did win many of the matches against the neighbourhood children.
When I was in Secondary Two, our school held a badminton match. Our teacher asked for volunteers to sign up for it. Nobody responded. “Alright, looks like nobody wants to. Is there anyone who knows how to play the game “Immediately, I raised my hand. ”Good, looks like we’ve a volunteer here, the teacher smiled. Forty pairs of eyes turned to look at me. Some were glad and some were confused but everyone cheered for sure. I had no idea then that that match would be one of the most awkward experiences of my life.
The day came and I found myself face to face with my opponent. “That’s the school champion,” one classmate said in a low voice. My heart became a little heavy but still, I knew the game. I did not know what I was doing, obviously.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The whistle(口哨)blew and the game began.
I did not know where to put my face, now burning red with shame.
【答案】The whistle (口哨) blew and the game began. The shuttlecock was raining on me like fast stones. I was everywhere on the court chasing after the shuttlecock. I did not know how to count the score and I did not know when it was my turn to serve. It was obvious to everyone that I was quite unskilled. The match became my practice-my opponent took pity on me, guiding me whenever it was my turn to serve. By now, you can guess the result. I lost the game completely.
I did not know where to put my face, now burning red with shame. Why did I raise my hand to sign up for the game I saw the smile on the teacher’s face. Did she laugh at me Were some of my classmates playing jokes on me when they praised me for daring to take part in the school badminton match Walking slowly to my teacher, I had meant to say sorry. But my teacher patted me on the shoulder and said: “The result is not important. What’s important is that you have the courage to take the first step.” I was encouraged. Actually, it was “the first step” that made my life meaningful.
①举手:raise one’s hand/put up one’s hand
②戏弄:play jokes on/play tricks on
③打算:mean to do/intend to do
①同情某人:take pity on/show sympathy for
【点睛】【高分句型1】The match became my practice-my opponent took pity on me, guiding me whenever it was my turn to serve.(运用了whenever引导的时间状语从句以及现在分词guiding作伴随状语)
【高分句型2】Were some of my classmates playing jokes on me when they praised me for daring to take part in the school badminton match (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)

  • 2023-2024江西省抚州市高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案