2023-2024江苏省重点中学高三上学期期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What can the woman identify about what the boy was wearing
A. The brand of his hat.
B. The brand of his suit.
C. The brand of his shoes.
【原文】M: What did the boy look like Was he wearing something you could identify, like a hat with a logo
W: No, he was dressed all in black. Except for his gym shoes, they were Adidas.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does the man probably feel
A. Disappointed. B. Excited. C. Satisfied.
【原文】W: I know you can’t play because of your injury, but can you come to our championship game this Friday
M: I’ll be longing to play from my seat in the audience, but I’ll come.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the woman probably give the man
A. Some money. B. An apartment. C. Some furniture.
【原文】W: We’re so proud of your graduation, Mitchell. We know you got a new apartment, so here’s some financial help to decorate it.
M: Thanks, Aunt Diane. That’s so nice of you.
W: Of course. Just don’t spend it all in one place!
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why can’t the woman keep still
A. She is ill. B. She is busy. C. She is excited.
【原文】W: I can’t keep still. Just imagine. In three hours, we’ll be in Rome.
M: Anyone would think you had never been on holiday before. Relax. You’ll make yourself ill.
W: But think of all the things we’ll see. I just can’t wait.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where are the speakers
A. In a café. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore.
【原文】M: Excuse me, do you know where I can find the geography books
W: Just go to the coffee machine and keep walking, then turn right.
M: OK, thanks! I’d also like to return these.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Lawyer and client.
B. Manager and employee.
C. Police officer and interviewee.
7. What is the woman looking into
A. The contents of emails.
B. The cause of the accident.
C. The location of the man’s boss.
【答案】6. C 7. B
【原文】W: Is there anything I should know about the accident
M: Yes. The company cut corners to get the project done on time.
W: And you think that may have caused the accident
M: I don’t know. I guess that’s your job to find out the truth, but I just want to let you know.
W: Did you object to these cuts
M: Yes. I wrote several emails to my boss.
W: And where is he now
M: He’s in his office with his lawyer. Am I OK to go home now My wife is waiting for me.
W: Yes, but we may have follow-up questions.
8. How long has the woman been playing the violin
A. For six months.
B. For twelve months.
C. For two years.
9. What will the woman probably do next
A. Play the guitar. B. Call her brother. C. Go home.
【答案】8. B 9. C
【原文】M: They say the violin is the hardest instrument to learn. Don’t give up — you’ve just been playing for one year. Usually, it takes at least two years before students can play real compositions on their own.
W: My brother could play Paganini after six months. He said so himself.
M: Anyways, you’re learning fast. I can tell you’ve learned some instrument before by the way you can read notes. Was it the piano
W: No. Two years ago, when I was in Grade Three, I had to play the guitar in my school band.
M: Great, so you have a head start. Make sure to put oil on your bow(琴弓) next time you take it out to practice. See you next week! Make sure to work on your exercises.
W: OK, Mr. Smith. See you.
10. Which plants are the woman’s favorites
A. The red ones. B. The pink ones. C. The purple ones.
11. Why can’t the woman grow many plants in the house
A. She is too busy to feed them.
B. There isn’t enough water.
C. There isn’t enough light.
12. What does the woman plan to do next
A. Make a meal.
B. Water her plants.
C. Reach for a glass container.
【答案】10. B 11. C 12. A
【原文】M: What a lovely flower it is!
W: Yes, I like those — especially the pink ones. They’re the only type that will grow in this house.
M: Really You seem to look after your plants very well. You’re always watering them and feeding them.
W: Ah, but they need sun, and the windows in this place are too small.
M: Can’t you find some plants that like those conditions My mom used to grow some red and purple ones that don’t need much light.
W: Maybe I could. Perhaps I’ll look into it. Oh, and while you are here, can you do me a favor
M: Of course.
W: There is a glass container on the top shelf of my kitchen cupboard. I’m too small to reach it.
M: I’ll get it for you.
W: I was just about to start cooking when I realized I needed it. Now I can get on with it.
13. At what time does the conversation take place
A. 12:30 p.m. B. 1:00 p.m. C. 1:30 p.m.
14. What is the man looking to purchase at first
A. Cake. B. Coffee. C. Lunch.
15. How does the man find the Wi-Fi password
A. From a sign.
B. From the menu.
C. From the woman.
16. What is the man writing
A. A novel.
B. A university essay.
C. A magazine article.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. B
【原文】M: Hi there, can I order some food please
W: The kitchen doesn’t open until 1:00 p.m., so do you want to wait half an hour
M: Sure, I’ll just take a coffee then.
W: Would you like it white or black
M: White, with two sugars.
W: Sugar is at the side so just help yourself.
M: Thanks. Do you have Wi-Fi
W: Yes, it’s got a password. I can never remember it, though. It’s on the menu.
M: Great, I’ll just do some writing while I wait.
W: Oh, what are you writing Anything exciting like a novel
M: No, it’s a research paper on the decline of printed magazines and newspapers.
W: Yeah, everyone reads online now. It must save a lot of trees.
M: Well, that’s what I’m writing about. Most newspapers use recycled paper, so not as many trees will be spared as you might have thought.
W: Well, that’s a shame. So is it a paper for university that you’re writing
M: Yes, it’s for my final year, so I need to get a good mark.
W: Well, here’s a piece of chocolate cake to keep you motivated.
M: How much do I owe you
W: The coffee is $2, but you can pay once you’ve ordered food. The cake is on the house.
17. What might the speaker be
A. A school headmaster. B. A parent representative. C. A city official.
18. What is the speaker proud of
A. How bravely people face a tough year.
B. How many people are attending the ceremony.
C. How quickly the students adapted to online learning.
19. What percentage of students are going on to further education
A. About 50%. B. About 66%. C. About 75%.
20. What’s the talk mainly about
A. A speech for the graduates in a high school.
B. The importance of online learning.
C. The advice on applying to universities.
【答案】17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A
【原文】First, let me start by welcoming the graduating class of 2020. This year has been a tough one, and I am sorry that we are doing this digitally rather than personally in front of the high school for the last six years, but your safety is more important to me than a ceremony. We do not know the full extent that this virus has done to those infected, or to the wider economy, but I’m not going to lie. You face a difficult struggle, more so than any graduating class I have had the pleasure of teaching. But I know that you will face it with heads held high. When we closed the school and switched to online teaching, you didn’t complain. You just got on with it. You adapted to the situation so quickly, and I was very proud to see how you reacted. For some, this may be the end of your journey through education, but for the two thirds of you heading to college and university next year, I want you to know my door is always open. If you have any fears or worries about leaving home to study, I am here to listen and guide you as best as I can. I am so proud of each one of you, and I know all your families are too.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Gymnastics Summer Camps 2023
Morning and afternoon camps give students the opportunity to acquire and practice gymnastics skills. Team building exercises, climbing ropes, fun games, and art projects will keep your child active throughout the summer!
Camps run Monday through Friday during the following dates and times:
Half-Day AM Camp: 9:30 am—12:00 pm at $259/week
Half-Day PM Camp: 12:30 pm—3:00 pm at S259/week
WEEK 1: July 10th—July 14th
WEEK 2: July 17th—July 21st
WEEK 3: July 24th—July 28th
WEEK 4: July 31st—August 4th
WEEK 5: August 7th—August 11th
*Siblings (兄弟姐妹) signed up for the same weeks will receive a 10% discount. Discount will be applied whether siblings are in dance or gymnastics camp.
While we are not offering full-day camp, families looking for extended hours can sign up for both an AM and PM session. If you enroll (登记) your child in both a morning and afternoon session of camp in the same week, your child will need to bring lunch from home.
Camp sign-up is on a WEEKLY basis! You can register your child for camp directly through your account on the parent portal (入口站点) or by emailing info@.
To guarantee your spot in camp — a 25% non-refundable (不能退款的) payment is due at the time of registration for all weeks that you register your child. Therefore, a credit card must be on file at the time of sign-up. By April 1st, 50% of your camp payment must be made, non-refundable. Your final camp payment is due no later than June 1st.
We look forward to having a great time with your child at Camp!
21. How much should a parent pay in total if he enrolls his two children into an AM session of WEEK 3
A. $233.1. B. $259. C. $466.2. D. $518.
22. What is required of a child if he signs up for both an AM and PM session in the same week
A. Bringing his lunch.
B. Joining a competitive team.
C. Being accompanied by a parent.
D. Choosing between the dance and gym camp.
23. When should parents pay the final camp payment
A. Before April 1st. B. Before June 1st.
C On July 10th. D. On August 11th.
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B
细节理解题。根据文中“Half-Day AM Camp: 9:30 am—12:00 pm at $259/week (半天上午营:上午9:30至下午12:00,收费259美元/周)”以及“Siblings (兄弟姐妹) signed up for the same weeks will receive a 10% discount. (同周报名的兄弟姐妹可以享受9折优惠)”可知,上午营一周每人259美元,同周报名的兄弟姐妹可以享受9折优惠,所以两个孩子需259×2×0.9=466.2美元。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中“If you enroll (登记) your child in both a morning and afternoon session of camp in the same week, your child will need to bring lunch from home. (如果您的孩子在同一周内参加了上午和下午的夏令营,您的孩子需要从家里带午餐)”可知,在同一周参加上午和下午的夏令营的孩子需要自带午餐。故选A。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Your final camp payment is due no later than June 1st. (您的最后一次夏令营付款应不迟于6月1日)”可知,家长应在6月1日前付最后一次夏令营款。故选B。
Sam Shepler was not surprised the first time he was asked to make a video resume (简历) in 2021. The 32-year-old had noticed the trend growing in the previous year, and was applying for a video-editing role. The role did not require any public speaking, and Shepler had no experience talking about himself on camera. Even though he got the job, the process felt more burdensome than usual. “I honestly prefer the old-fashioned resume and interview, ” he says.
A recent survey showed that 79% of hiring managers thought that video resumes had become “more important” than before for vetting (审查) candidates, and 61% of job seekers thought “ a recorded video could be the next version of the traditional cover letter”. As remote work has made video an increasingly common part of life at work, are video resumes the future—whether candidates want them to be or not
Chloe Chioy, 22, believes a video resume was crucial in helping her secure her first job after university. “It was a decision on my part to submit a video resume,” says the Taipei-based digital marketing coordinator, who works remotely for a UK-based company. The job advertisement only stated that a resume was required. “Being a fresh graduate, I knew experience was my major disadvantage. I think showing my personality and attitude in the video helped my application.” She also made sure to emphasise skills relevant to the role, including screenshots of articles she had written, clips (片段) of her public speaking, and showing off her video-editing abilities.
Chioy’s approach made use of some of the distinct benefits of video resumes, says recruitment (招聘) specialist Jan Tegze. This can be particularly helpful for applicants with little experience applying in competitive fields who need an extra edge to secure a role. He also mentions that he cannot see the video resume replacing its written counterpart (相对物) any time soon. “Recruitment really hasn’t changed for decades. We are using different tools that are a little bit faster, but it’s still about human interaction,” he says.
24. What does paragraph 1 tell us about Sam Shepler
A. He felt awkward in front of a camera.
B. He was inexperienced in editing videos.
C. He liked the traditional hiring process better.
D. He applied for a job that valued public speaking.
25. What does the data in paragraph 2 imply
A. Most candidates no longer use cover letters.
B. There is a growing demand for video resumes.
C. Most hiring managers screen candidates via video.
D. Video becomes a common part of remote working.
26. Which of the following words can best describe Chloe Chioy
A. Brave and optimistic.
B. Selfless and polite.
C. Honest and independent.
D. Creative and smart.
27. What might Jan Tegze agree with
A. Written resumes won’t be replaced in the short term.
B. Using different tools can speed up the selection of talents.
C. Virtual hiring is particularly popular in competitive fields.
D. Sending a video resume isn’t very helpful for fresh graduates.
【答案】24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“I honestly prefer the old-fashioned resume and interview(老实说,我更喜欢老式的简历和面试)”可知,Sam Shepler更喜欢传统的招聘流程,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“A recent survey showed that 79% of hiring managers thought that video resumes had become “more important” than before for vetting (审查) candidates, and 61% of job seekers thought “ a recorded video could be the next version of the traditional cover letter”.(最近的一项调查显示,79%的招聘经理认为视频简历在审查候选人方面比以前“更重要”,61%的求职者认为“录制的视频可能是传统求职信的下一个版本”)”可知,第二段通过数字展示了更多的人倾向于使用视频简历,可推理出对视频简历的需求越来越大,故选B项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“I knew experience was my major disadvantage. I think showing my personality and attitude in the video helped my application(我知道经验是我的主要缺点。我认为在视频中展示我的个性和态度有助于我的申请)”可推理出Chloe Chioy很有智慧,根据倒数第二段“She also made sure to emphasise skills relevant to the role, including screenshots of articles she had written, clips(片段) of her public speaking, and showing off her video-editing abilities(她还确保强调与这个角色相关的技能,包括她写的文章的截图、公开演讲的片段,以及展示她的视频编辑能力)”可推理出Chloe Chioy富有创造力,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“He also mentions that he cannot see the video resume replacing its written counterpart (相对物) any time soon.(他还提到,他看不到视频简历在短期内取代书面简历)”可知,Jan Tegze认书面简历短期内不会被替换,故选A项。
Some people worry that there’s too much technology in our lives.And they may have a point, given how countless people now carry the internet around in their pocket and use it as a primary form of communication. It’s practically difficult to shun technology in our world. There are computer microchips(微芯片) in our watches, our cars, light switches, even our pets! Where will it end
Well, if certain people have their way, it’ ll go even further. We’ll have microchips implanted(植入) into our brains that can interact with the computers by thought alone. It may sound like something from the science fiction, but in many ways, things look quite promising. Thanks to the ability to send and receive information remotely via computers microchips and other related devices have long been put into brains.
For example, electrodes have been implanted in the brains of epilepsy patients to better record and even predict the abnormal neurological activity. Similarly, deep-brain stimulation, through implanted devices that cause activity in key brain regions, is an established treatment for things like Parkinson’s disease, and is even being looked into for illnesses like depression.
However,it’s another thing to place such devices in healthy individuals. There are the practical concerns,not least of which is what these chips will be made of. The inside of the brain is a mass of highly reactive chemicals and electrical activity. Implants would need to be inert(静止的) enough to not upset the delicate processes by their presence, but also sensitive enough to read and process the activity around them.Current technology has made impressive progress with this, but if it were to be rolled out to millions of people, we’d need to be 100 per cent certain that it’s safe.
How many people will actually want to have technology literally put into their brain A surprising 60 per cent of Americans say they’d be okay with it, but that’s when it’s purely theoretical. In reality, the possibility of having strangers stick chips in your brain is likely to prove unattractive, especially for a population where millions get mad at fictional microchips in vaccines(疫苗), and even more are frightened of dentists.
Ultimately, the technology of computer-brain interface(接口) implants is still far away from us.
28. What does the underlined word “shun” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Develop. B. Avoid. C. Change. D. Trust.
29. What does the author want to tell us by the examples in paragraph 3
A. The possible treatment for particular diseases.
B. The process of human-computer interaction.
C. The existing application of microchip implants.
D. The future of microchips and devices alike.
30. How may most Americans react to implanting chips in the brain in reality
A. They may reject it.
B. They may expect it.
C. They may adjust to it.
D. They may feel curious about it.
31. What might be the best title for the text
A. Computer-brain interface: The light of the future
B. Innovation is necessary to make progress
C. Where are we in the medical technology
D. Mind-controlled tech: Is it possible
【答案】28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D
词句猜测题。划线词句后文“There are computer microchips(微芯片) in our watches, our cars, light switches, even our pets! (我们的手表,汽车,电灯开关,甚至我们的宠物里都有电脑芯片!)”说明电脑芯片在人们日常生活中已经是普遍存在,从而推知划线词句“It’s practically difficult to shun technology in our world. (在我们的世界里,shun科技实际上是很困难的。)”其中划线词汇意思是“回避,不用”。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“Thanks to the ability to send and receive information remotely via computers microchips and other related devices have long been put into brains. (由于能够通过计算机远程发送和接收信息,微芯片和其他相关设备早已被植入大脑。)”和第三段“For example, electrodes have been implanted in the brains of epilepsy patients to better record and even predict the abnormal neurological activity. Similarly, deep-brain stimulation, through implanted devices that cause activity in key brain regions, is an established treatment for things like Parkinson’s disease, and is even being looked into for illnesses like depression. (例如,电极已经植入癫痫患者的大脑,以便更好地记录甚至预测异常的神经活动。类似地,通过植入设备引起大脑关键区域活动的深部脑刺激,是治疗帕金森氏症等疾病的既定方法,甚至正在研究治疗抑郁症等疾病。)”可知,作者想通过例子说明微芯片植入的现有应用。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“In reality, the possibility of having strangers stick chips in your brain is likely to prove unattractive, especially for a population where millions get mad at fictional microchips in vaccines(疫苗), and even more are frightened of dentists. (事实上,让陌生人在你的大脑里植入芯片的可能性很可能被证明是没有吸引力的,尤其是对于一个数百万人对疫苗中虚构的微芯片感到愤怒的人群,对于害怕牙医的人群来说更多。)”可知,在现实中,大多数美国人可能会拒绝对在大脑中植入芯片。故选A项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段中“How many people will actually want to have technology literally put into their brain (有多少人真的想把科技真正地植入他们的大脑?)”可知,本文探讨了将微芯片植入人类大脑的可能性。D项“大脑控制技术:这可能吗?”符合主题,故选D项。
Pickled (腌制的) vegetables, fish and meat preserved in salt, and bread baked in a circle with a hole in the middle (e.g. bagels), were once the foods for the poor of all backgrounds in central and eastern Europe. But it was Jewish immigrants (犹太移民) who brought these recipes to the West, particularly to America, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Bagels and pickled foods became mainstays of Jewish deli (熟食店) cuisine,which are the subject of an exhibition at the New-York Historical Society called “I’ll Have What She’s Having”. The exhibition implicitly (含蓄地) asks whether a cuisine that has been enjoyed by millions and helped define the taste of New York City continues to be lively today.
There is a distinctly sad tone to it. Though some foods exist over several decades, the number of Jewish delis in America has dropped sharply. Black-and-white pictures of long-gone people eating at long-gone places line the exhibition’s walls. After all, the Jewish deli is a product of a bygone era,shaped by immigration, discrimination and inner-city life. As immigrants’ children fit in with the locals and moved away, the deli became one of many dining choices — less a center of communal Jewish life and more a pleasant place to occasionally chat and talk about the past.
Meanwhile, deli food itself has crossed its limits. For a while, McDonald’s in Germany offered a “Grilled Texas Bagel”. That is a senseless phrase to a deli expert: a decent bagel belongs nowhere near a grill and has nothing to do with Texas. But it suggests that bagels — like pizza, hot dogs and other foods once only consumed by particular ethnicities — now come across less as specifically Jewish than as broadly American.
The most hopeful part of the exhibit is at the end: a case of menus from modern delis across the country. They were founded by young Jewish chefs determined to keep their culinary (烹饪的) traditions alive — not because discrimination left them no other way out, but because the food is delicious, inspiring, and an irreplaceable part of America’s culinary landscape.
32. What is the theme of this exhibition
A. The history of New York.
B. The foods of Jewish delis.
C. The recipes for Jewish foods.
D. The Jewish communities in New York.
33. What does paragraph 3 tell us about the Jewish delis in America
A. They cannot provide delivery service.
B. They have lost their original special flavor.
C. They don’t suit the tastes of young Jewish people.
D. They can bring back memories of Jewish immigrants.
34. What does the name of “Grilled Texas Bagel” imply
A. Deli experts aren’t big fans of meaningless names.
B. People think bagels are more of an American food.
C. Texans aren’t very good at baking satisfactory bagels.
D. McDonald’s in Germany prefers American foods to Jewish ones.
35. How do young Jewish chefs feel about their traditional food
A. Proud. B. Worried. C. Carefree. D. Disappointed.
【答案】32. B 33. D 34. B 35. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Bagels and pickled foods became mainstays of Jewish deli (熟食店) cuisine, which are the subject of an exhibition at the New-York Historical Society called ‘I’ll Have What She’s Having’.(百吉饼和腌制食物成为犹太熟食的主流,这是纽约历史学会的一个名为‘我要吃她点的东西’的展览主题)”可知,该展览的主题是犹太熟食店的食物,故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Black-and-white pictures of long-gone people eating at long-gone places line the exhibition’s walls.(展览的墙上挂着很久以前的人们在很久以前的地方吃饭的黑白照片)”和“As immigrants’ children fit in with the locals and moved away, the deli became one of many dining choices — less a center of communal Jewish life and more a pleasant place to occasionally cat and talk about the past.(随着移民的孩子们适应了当地人的生活,搬走了,这家熟食店成为了众多就餐选择之一——它不再是犹太人共同生活的中心,而更像是一个偶尔聊天和谈论过去的愉快场所)”可知,美国的犹太熟食店能唤起犹太移民的回忆,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“For a while, McDonald’s in Germany offered a ‘Grilled Texas Bagel’. That is a senseless phrase to a deli expert: a decent bagel belongs nowhere near a grill and has nothing to do with Texas. But it suggests that bagels — like pizza, hot dogs and other foods once only consumed by particular ethnicities — now come across less as specifically Jewish than as broadly American.(有一段时间,麦当劳在德国提供‘烤德克萨斯百吉饼’。对于一个熟食店专家来说,这是一个毫无意义的组合:一个体面的百吉饼不属于烤架附近,也与德克萨斯州无关。但它表明,像披萨、热狗和其他曾经只被特定种族消费的食物一样,百吉饼现在与其说是代表着具体的犹太人,不如说是代表着广泛的美国人)”可知,“烤德克萨斯百吉饼”这个名字表明人们认为百吉饼更像是美国食物,故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“The most hopeful part of the exhibit is at the end: a case of menus from modern delis across the country. They were founded by young Jewish chefs determined to keep their culinary (烹饪的) traditions alive — not because discrimination left them no other way out, but because the food is delicious, inspiring, and an irreplaceable part of America’s culinary landscape.(展览最有希望的部分是在最后:一箱现代熟食店的菜单。他们是由年轻的犹太厨师创立的,他们决心保持自己的烹饪传统——不是因为偏见让他们没有其他出路,而是因为食物美味,令人振奋,是美国烹饪景观中不可替代的一部分)”可知,犹太厨师认为犹太食物美味且令人振奋,是美国烹饪景观中不可替代的一部分,故犹太厨师对他们的传统食物感到骄傲,故选A。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Become a global citizen without leaving home
As an undergraduate student, I often dream of traveling the world and experiencing various cultures; I dream of having a better perspective and contributing politically, socially and economically towards the world. ___36___.
Here are some tips on tackling the feeling of being separated from the international community simply because you can’t afford to travel.
Join an international club.
There are different international clubs, especially at many universities, which allow you to make connections with people from around the world. For example, AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization that offers opportunities for students to go on international internships (实习). ___37___ — being involved in helping someone else’s travels permits you to be a part of their international experience.
Be engaged with world news and participate in discussions about current events.
Paying attention to international news broadens your sense of current events outside your borders, which can lead to reflection about your local environment. ___38___ — even if you cannot physically be where events originate.
Make an international pen pal (笔友) .
Having a pen pal is all about creating relationships with others that can allow you to learn about and embrace cultural differences. Strong friendships can have lasting effects. ___39___.
Take an international development or language class.
___40___. Taking an international development course can help you gain insight into international relations and development. These courses require our brains to remember and form ideas, which allows for positive debate and understanding of the world around us. Language classes can also make you feel like you are part of another culture.
A. Education is the best way to gain new perspectives
B. Demonstrating your understanding of current events is a way to be involved
C. It also offers local students the chance to help facilitate these internships
D. There are several websites that offer the service of volunteering without borders
E. However, financial stress makes these plans difficult and traveling takes time I may not have
F. Learning about different aspects of a country allows for a greater understanding of our global world
G. If you end up traveling in the future, there’s a chance that you can meet your international friend
【答案】36. E 37. C 38. B 39. G 40. A
前文“As an undergraduate student, I often dream of traveling the world and experiencing various cultures; I dream of having a better perspective and contributing politically, socially and economically towards the world. (作为一名本科生,我经常梦想着环游世界,体验不同的文化;我梦想有一个更好的视角,为世界在政治、社会和经济上做出贡献)”介绍自己环游世界、为世界做贡献的梦想,因此E项“However, financial stress makes these plans difficult and traveling takes time I may not have (然而,经济压力使这些计划变得困难,旅行需要我可能没有的时间)”符合语境,指出实现梦想面临的困难,和前文构成转折,其中的these plans指代前文提到的梦想。故选E。
前文“For example, AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization that offers opportunities for students to go on international internships (实习). (例如,AIESEC是世界上最大的学生组织,为学生提供国际实习机会)”举出AIESEC的例子,说明其提供的服务,后文“being involved in helping someone else’s travels permits you to be a part of their international experience (参与帮助别人的旅行可以让你成为他们国际经验的一部分)”说明帮助他人旅行的意义,因此C项“It also offers local students the chance to help facilitate these internships (它还为当地学生提供了帮助促进这些实习的机会)”符合语境,进一步说明AIESEC提供的服务,承接前文,引出后文的意义,其中的It指代前文的AIESEC。故选C。
前文“Paying attention to international news broadens your sense of current events outside your borders, which can lead to reflection about your local environment. (关注国际新闻可以拓宽你对国外时事的感知,这可以让你反思当地的环境)”说明关注国际新闻的意义,后文“even if you cannot physically be where events originate (即使你无法亲临事件发生的地方)”引出退一步讲的情况,因此B项“Demonstrating your understanding of current events is a way to be involved (展示你对时事的理解是一种参与的方式)”符合语境,进一步说明关注国际新闻的意义,承接前文,和后文形成让步关系,其中的current events和前文的current events是同词复现。故选B。
前文“Having a pen pal is all about creating relationships with others that can allow you to learn about and embrace cultural differences. Strong friendships can have lasting effects. (拥有一个笔友就是与他人建立关系,这可以让你了解并接受文化差异。牢固的友谊可以产生持久的影响)”说明交国际笔友的意义,因此G项“If you end up traveling in the future, there’s a chance that you can meet your international friend (如果你将来去旅行,你就有机会认识你的国际朋友)”符合语境,说明将来可能有机会认识这位国际笔友,承接前文,其中的friend与前文的friendships呼应。故选G。
空处位于段首,需引出段落内容。段落标题“Take an international development or language class. (参加国际发展或语言课程)”建议去学习,后文“Taking an international development course can help you gain insight into international relations and development. (学习国际发展课程可以让你对国际关系和国际发展有更深入的了解)”和“Language classes can also make you feel like you are part of another culture. (语言课程也可以让你感觉你是另一种文化的一部分)”展开说明学习这两类课程的意义,因此A项“Education is the best way to gain new perspectives (教育是获得新视角的最佳途径)”符合语境,指出教育的意义,呼应标题,契合后文内容。故选A。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Stephanie rescued Flynn from an animal centre in 2014, after she was found as a puppy wandering the streets alone. “She was super shy and sweet, and absolutely____41____of men,” Stephanie recalled. “We___42___ and she overcame her unpleasant experience.”
But in May 2020, six-year-old Flynn suddenly____43____her back when she jumped on Stephanie’s bed and landed ___44___ “She became paralysed and her two back legs stopped working,” Stephanie said.
Flynn had to have emergency___45___ and a month of recovery before she could put one paw in front of the other again. “Quite a few people told me to____46____and said she’d be a lot of work, but I never would. I had___47___ and I knew God would help her,” Stephanie said.
One year on, their roles____48____when Stephanie was diagnosed with a cancer in September 2021. Flynn became ___49___from Stephanie and refused to leave her side until she got better. “Flynn was my biggest____50____. I couldn’t have got through it without her,” Stephanie said. “She____51____ me every day. When I am tired or unwell, I think about how she____52____. She never quit. We’ve been through all the highs and lows of life together.”
Seven-year-old Flynn’s_____53_____doesn’t just inspire Stephanie, but lots of strangers too. Stephanie is_____54_____to her supportive family for helping her through her own health____55____, and to all of Flynn’s social media followers.
41. A. tolerant B. frightened C. confident D. ignorant
42. A. bonded B. followed C. suspected D. failed
43. A. trembled B. stretched C. lowered D. broke
44. A. skillfully B. cautiously C. awkwardly D. safely
45. A. power B. surgery C. conference D. supplies
46. A. take her in B. pick her up C. put her down D. show her around
47. A. faith B. courage C. mercy D. regret
48 A. disappeared B. expanded C. conflicted D. exchanged
49. A. withdrawn B. inseparable C. different D. invisible
50. A. decision B. mistake C. possibility D. support
51. A. believes B. inspires C. amazes D. carries
52. A. pushed on B. took responsibility C. gave away D. made trouble
53. A. determination B. hardship C. confidence D. positiveness
54. A. sensitive B. committed C. grateful D. compared
55. A. plans B. battles C. warning D. education
【答案】41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. B
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:。Stephanie回忆说:“她非常害羞、可爱,而且非常害怕人类。我们很亲密,她克服了那次不愉快的经历。”A. tolerant容忍的;B. frightened害怕的;C. confident自信的;D. ignorant无知的。根据上文“She was super shy and sweet”,可知,Flynn非常害羞,由此可知,空处指的是她很怕人。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:。Stephanie回忆说:“她非常害羞、可爱,而且非常害怕人类。我们很亲密,她克服了那次不愉快的经历。”A. bonded连结、发展亲密关系;B. followed追随;C. suspected怀疑;D. failed失败。根据下文“she overcame her unpleasant experience.”可知,她们俩之间的关系非常亲密。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但在2020年5月,6岁的Flynn跳上Stephanie的床笨拙地跌在地上时,突然摔断了背。A. trembled颤抖;B. stretched延伸;C. lowered降低;D. broke打破、折断。根据下文“She became paralysed and her two back legs stopped working”可知,Flynn瘫痪了,由此可知,她是摔断了背。故选D。
考查名副词词义辨析。句意:但在2020年5月,6岁的Flynn跳上Stephanie的床笨拙地跌在地上时,突然摔断了背。A. skillfully娴熟地;B. cautiously小心地;C. awkwardly笨拙地;D. safely安全地。根据上文“six-year-old Flynn suddenly____3____her back”以及下文“She became paralysed and her two back legs stopped working”可知,Flynn落地时很笨拙,所以才摔断了背。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Flynn不得不接受紧急手术,花了一个月的时间恢复,才能够再次把一只爪子放在另一只爪子前面。A. power力量、权力;B. surgery手术;C. conference会议;D. supplies补给。根据下文“a month of recovery before she could put one paw in front of the other again.”可知,她接受了手术。故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:“很多人告诉我要将她,说她是个大麻烦,但我从来没有这样做过。我有信心,我知道上帝会帮助她,” Stephanie说。A. take her in欺骗她;B. pick her up接她;C. put her down奚落她、杀死她;D. show her around带她四处闲逛。根据下文“said she’d be a lot of work”可知,人们都认为她是个大麻烦,所以让Stephanie把她杀了。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“很多人告诉我要将她,说她是个大麻烦,但我从来没有这样做过。我有信心,我知道上帝会帮助她,” Stephanie说。A. faith信念;B. courage勇气;C. mercy仁慈;D. regret遗憾。根据下文“I knew God would help her”可知,Stephanie相信Flynn会活下来。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一年后,当Stephanie于2021年9月被诊断出患有癌症时,他们的角色互换了。A. disappeared消失;B. expanded扩张;C. conflicted冲突;D. exchanged交换。根据上文可知,Stephanie一直相信Flynn一定会活下来;而根据下文“Flynn became ___9___from Stephanie and refused to leave her side until she got better.”可知,Stephanie患病后,Flynn一直守在她身边,由此可知,两人的角色互换了。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Flynn变得离不开Stephanie,直到她好转才离开她的身边。A. withdrawn离群的;B. inseparable不能分的;C. different不同的;D. invisible看不见的。根据下文“refused to leave her side until she got better.”Flynn从不离开Stephanie。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“Flynn是我最大的支持者。没有她,我不可能熬过去,” Stephanie说。A. decision决定;B. mistake错误;C. possibility可能性;D. support支持。根据下文“I couldn’t have got through it without her”可知,Stephanie认为Flynn是最大的支持者。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“她每天都在激励我。当我累了或不舒服的时候,我就会想起她是如何坚持下去的。她从不放弃。我们一起经历了人生的起起落落。”A. believes相信;B. inspires激励;C. amazes使惊叹;D. carries携带。根据下文“When I am tired or unwell, I think about how she___12___. She never quit. We’ve been through all the highs and lows of life together.”可知,Flynn的精神激励着Stephanie战胜了疾病。故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:“她每天都在激励我。当我累了或不舒服的时候,我就会想起她是如何坚持下去的。她从不放弃。我们一起经历了人生的起起落落。”A. pushed on推动、坚持;B. took responsibility承担责任;C. gave away赠送;D. made trouble制造麻烦。根据下文“She never quit.”可知,Flynn不管遇到什么困难都会坚持下去。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:7岁的Flynn的积极态度不仅激励了Stephanie,也激励了许多陌生人。A. determination决心;B. hardship艰难;C. confidence信心;D. positiveness肯定、积极性。根据上文内容可知,Flynn摔断了背后依然坚持活了下来,甚至还能够动自己的爪子,不管遇到什么,Flynn都会坚持下去,这是一种积极的生活态度。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Stephanie感谢支持她的家人帮助她度过了自己的健康斗争,也感谢Flynn所有的社交媒体粉丝。A. sensitive敏感的;B. committed忠诚的;C. grateful感激的;D. compared比较。根据上文“Flynn was my biggest___10___. I couldn’t have got through it without her”可推断,Stephanie对Flynn充满感激。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Stephanie感谢支持她的家人帮助她度过了自己的健康斗争,也感谢Flynn所有的社交媒体粉丝。A. plans计划;B. battles战斗;C. warning警告;D. education教育。根据上文“One year on, their roles____8____when Stephanie was diagnosed with a cancer in September 2021.”可知,Stephanie对Flynn充满感激,包括Flynn帮助自己度过了自己的健康斗争。故选B。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式
Luosifen is a combination of river snails and rice noodles, originating in Liuzhou, Guangxi, southern China. Since Liuzhou is a city full of Luosifen restaurants, with many near one another, you can even smell it____56____ (walk) down the street! Because of the humid climate in Liuzhou, people tend to lose their appetite, but the spicy and sour taste stimulates____57____ (people) appetite. Its unique taste of freshness, sourness, hotness and spiciness is____58____ modern people and young people prefer. Diners can also add extra chili, fresh green vegetables or garlic____59____ (suit) their own taste. Despite the word “snail” in its Chinese name, actual snails don’t commonly appear in the dish, but____60____ (use) to flavor the soup. There being many choices of____61____ (package) Luosifen these days ,people can easily prepare their favorite version at home. Some people even cook Luosifen-based hotpot____62____ (they). Admittedly, Luosifen has become____63____ must-try dish for those enthusiasts seeking a genuine cuisine. Whether you are exploring the streets of Liuzhou____64____ enjoying a bowl in a distant land, Luosifen is sure to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds, providing a_____65_____ (true) unforgettable gastronomic (美食的) experience.
【答案】56. walking
57. people’s
58. what 59. to suit
60. are used
61. packaged
62. themselves
63 a 64. or
65. truly
考查非谓语动词。句意:因为柳州是一个到处都是螺蛳粉餐馆的城市,许多餐馆彼此相邻,你走在街上都能闻到它的味道!分析句子,句中can smell为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,you和walk之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词,作状语。故填walking。
考查非谓语动词。句意:食客还可以根据自己的口味,额外添加辣椒、新鲜绿色蔬菜或大蒜。分析句子,句中can add谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,此处表示发出该动作的目的,故使用不定式,作状语。故填to suit。
考查动词语态。句意:尽管蜗牛的中文名字中有“蜗牛”一词,但蜗牛通常不会出现在这道菜中,而是用来给汤调味的。分析句子,句中but连词表示设空处使用动词作谓语,同时,句中don’t appear表示句子使用的是一般现在时,且snails与use之间是被动关系,故使用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词使用are。故填are used。
考查非谓语动词。句意:现在包装好的螺蛳粉有很多选择,人们可以很容易地在家里制作自己喜欢的螺蛳粉。分析句子,句中can prepare为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词,package与Luosifen之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词packaged作定语,意为“被包装的”。故填packaged。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假如你是中学生李华, 随学校到美国一所高中进行了一个月的交流学习活动。在美国,你结识了Tom回国后,你决定给Tom写一封信,内容包括:
1、表达谢意 2、自己的收获 3、邀请他来中国做客
Dear Tom,
Yours ,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Tom,
I have just arrived home and I can’t wait to write you a letter. I would like to convey my sincere appreciation for you kind help, without which, I wouldn’t have had a better understanding of the life and study of the US.
What impressed me most is your beautiful campus and the friendly students. Moreover, helped by you, my spoken English has improved a lot. It’s your generous help that enabled me to be confident when talking with others in English.
Thanks again for your kind help and I’ll be more than glad to have the opportunity to repay your kindness/hospitality by showing you around China.
Yours ,
Li Hua
原句:Moreover, helped by you, my spoken English has improved a lot.
拓展句:Moreover, because I was helped by you, my spoken English has improved a lot.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I would like to convey my sincere appreciation for you kind help, without which, I wouldn’t have had a better understanding of the life and study of the US. (运用了“介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] What impressed me most is your beautiful campus and the friendly students. (运用了what引导的主语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A lesson in trust
“Come on, Tuck,” I said, patting the floor of the 4Runner (越野车). “Load. Let’s go for a walk.” Tuck danced nervously at my feet, then sat and looked up at me with sad eyes. He wouldn’t jump in.
This was my first afternoon with the three-year-old border collie (德国牧羊犬) I was adopting, and it was time for the daily hike.
I’d taken Tuck in reluctantly, as a temporary solution for Tammy, my friend. She was trying to find a new home for the dog. Tuck was adopted from a pet store and had been kept long in a cage there, leaving him long-lasting trauma (创伤).
Tammy knew why I wasn’t willing to give Tuck a permanent home. Three months earlier, I’d lost my beloved Bantam, the border collie who’d been my rock for 12 years. I wasn’t ready to let a new dog into my life for good. But I’d agreed to help Tammy out while she continued her search.
Tuck wouldn’t load, no matter how much I coaxed (劝诱). Knowing there was always a reason for a dog’s behavior, I finally lifted the dog up and placed him in the back. “Load,” I said, teaching him the command. “Good boy.”
But every day, when it came time to load for our hike, Tuck still didn’t trust my invitation. At the end of the second week, I became impatient.
Actually, Tuck was a sweet dog and seemed to love everyone. He had this boyish enthusiasm toward strangers.
Days crept into a third week. I found myself appreciating Tuck for who he was. One afternoon, he came to the steps where I sat. He shyly looked at me, then walked over and put one big foot on my knee. At that very moment, I realized that he did show affection, in his own way. But he still refused to load for our hike.
Why wouldn’t Tuck jump into the car
The next afternoon, I called Tuck over and let him watch as I removed the cage from the car.
Why wouldn’t Tuck jump into the car I kept wondering about Tuck’s strange behavior. Having changed the command for several times, I lost my patience eventually. “Load,” I ordered angrily, raising my voice. Tuck went down to the ground and put his head on his paws, his eyes full of fear. Seeing this, I gave in. Upon lifting him into the 4Runner as usual, I caught a glimpse of the cage, Bantam’s cage.
The next afternoon, I called Tuck over and let him watch as I removed the cage from the car. After that, I patted the floor of the 4Runner, and said, “Come on now, Tuck. You can trust me.” To my surprise, Tuck jumped up on his own, tail wagging. Mystery solved! Without hesitation, I called Tammy and told her about my decision to give Tuck a permanent home here with me. That afternoon, I realized that while I trying to trust that fostering Tuck was the right thing to do, Tuck was fighting a battle to trust me. My adopted dog, in fact, taught me a lesson in trust.
①由第一段首句内容“Why wouldn’t Tuck jump into the car (Tuck为什么不跳进车里 )”可知,第一段可描写作者继续尝试用命令的方式让Tuck执行“上车”指令,但无效;同时作者感到困扰,找到原因。
②由第二段首句内容“The next afternoon, I called Tuck over and let him watch as I removed the cage from the car.(第二天下午,我把Tuck叫过来,让他看着我把笼子从车上搬下来。)”可知,第二段可描写作者移除车上的笼子,换了方式和语调发布“上车”指令,Tuck成功自己跳上车,同时讲述作者的感悟。
2.续写线索:对于Tuck“不上车”行为的思考——再次尝试用命令并失去耐心——观察Tuck的举动和情绪——发现“笼子恐惧”是原因——移除车上的笼子——改变态度和指令 ——成功——感悟
②举起:lift/raise/hold up/
③打电话给:call/ring/make a call
④意识到:realize/be aware of/be conscious of
①生气地:angrily/with anger
②恐惧/害怕:full of fear/in terror
③惊讶地:to one’s surprise/to one’s amazement/to one’s shock
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Having changed the command for several times, I lost my patience eventually.(“Having changed the command for several times”为现在分词的完成式结构作原因状语)
[高分句型2]. That afternoon, I realized that while I was trying to trust that fostering Tuck was the right thing to do, Tuck was fighting a battle to trust me.(第一个that引导从句“while I was trying to trust that fostering Tuck was the right thing to do, Tuck was fighting a battle to trust me”作动词“realized”的宾语从句,且该从句中“while I was trying to trust that fostering Tuck was the right thing to do”为时间状语从句,“that fostering Tuck was the right thing to do”则是“trust”的宾语从句)高三英语检测试题
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What can the woman identify about what the boy was wearing
A. The brand of his hat.
B. The brand of his suit.
C. The brand of his shoes.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does the man probably feel
A. Disappointed. B. Excited. C. Satisfied.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the woman probably give the man
A. Some money. B. An apartment. C. Some furniture.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why can’t the woman keep still
A. She is ill. B. She is busy. C. She is excited.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where are the speakers
A. In a café. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A Lawyer and client.
B. Manager and employee.
C. Police officer and interviewee.
7. What is the woman looking into
A. The contents of emails.
B. The cause of the accident.
C. The location of the man’s boss.
8. How long has the woman been playing the violin
A. For six months.
B. For twelve months.
C. For two years.
9. What will the woman probably do next
A. Play the guitar. B. Call her brother. C. Go home.
10. Which plants are the woman’s favorites
A. The red ones. B. The pink ones. C. The purple ones.
11. Why can’t the woman grow many plants in the house
A. She is too busy to feed them.
B. There isn’t enough water.
C. There isn’t enough light.
12. What does the woman plan to do next
A. Make a meal.
B. Water her plants.
C. Reach for a glass container.
13. At what time does the conversation take place
A. 12:30 p.m. B. 1:00 p.m. C. 1:30 p.m.
14. What is the man looking to purchase at first
A. Cake. B. Coffee. C. Lunch.
15. How does the man find the Wi-Fi password
A. From a sign.
B. From the menu.
C. From the woman.
16. What is the man writing
A. A novel.
B. A university essay.
C. A magazine article.
17. What might the speaker be
A. A school headmaster. B. A parent representative. C. A city official.
18. What is the speaker proud of
A. How bravely people face a tough year.
B. How many people are attending the ceremony.
C. How quickly the students adapted to online learning.
19. What percentage of students are going on to further education
A. About 50%. B. About 66%. C. About 75%.
20. What’s the talk mainly about
A. A speech for the graduates in a high school.
B. The importance of online learning.
C. The advice on applying to universities.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Gymnastics Summer Camps 2023
Morning and afternoon camps give students the opportunity to acquire and practice gymnastics skills. Team building exercises, climbing ropes, fun games, and art projects will keep your child active throughout the summer!
Camps run Monday through Friday during the following dates and times:
Half-Day AM Camp: 9:30 am—12:00 pm at $259/week
Half-Day PM Camp: 12:30 pm—3:00 pm at S259/week
WEEK 1: July 10th—July 14th
WEEK 2: July 17th—July 21st
WEEK 3: July 24th—July 28th
WEEK 4: July 31st—August 4th
WEEK 5: August 7th—August 11th
*Siblings (兄弟姐妹) signed up for the same weeks will receive a 10% discount. Discount will be applied whether siblings are in dance or gymnastics camp.
While we are not offering full-day camp, families looking for extended hours can sign up for both an AM and PM session. If you enroll (登记) your child in both a morning and afternoon session of camp in the same week, your child will need to bring lunch from home.
Camp sign-up is on a WEEKLY basis! You can register your child for camp directly through your account on the parent portal (入口站点) or by emailing info@.
To guarantee your spot in camp — a 25% non-refundable (不能退款的) payment is due at the time of registration for all weeks that you register your child. Therefore, a credit card must be on file at the time of sign-up. By April 1st, 50% of your camp payment must be made, non-refundable. Your final camp payment is due no later than June 1st.
We look forward to having a great time with your child at Camp!
21. How much should a parent pay in total if he enrolls his two children into an AM session of WEEK 3
A. $233.1. B. $259. C. $466.2. D. $518.
22. What is required of a child if he signs up for both an AM and PM session in the same week
A. Bringing his lunch.
B. Joining a competitive team.
C. Being accompanied by a parent.
D. Choosing between the dance and gym camp.
23. When should parents pay the final camp payment
A. Before April 1st. B. Before June 1st.
C. On July 10th. D. On August 11th.
Sam Shepler was not surprised the first time he was asked to make a video resume (简历) in 2021. The 32-year-old had noticed the trend growing in the previous year, and was applying for a video-editing role. The role did not require any public speaking, and Shepler had no experience talking about himself on camera. Even though he got the job, the process felt more burdensome than usual. “I honestly prefer the old-fashioned resume and interview, ” he says.
A recent survey showed that 79% of hiring managers thought that video resumes had become “more important” than before for vetting (审查) candidates, and 61% of job seekers thought “ a recorded video could be the next version of the traditional cover letter”. As remote work has made video an increasingly common part of life at work, are video resumes the future—whether candidates want them to be or not
Chloe Chioy, 22, believes a video resume was crucial in helping her secure her first job after university. “It was a decision on my part to submit a video resume,” says the Taipei-based digital marketing coordinator, who works remotely for a UK-based company. The job advertisement only stated that a resume was required. “Being a fresh graduate, I knew experience was my major disadvantage. I think showing my personality and attitude in the video helped my application.” She also made sure to emphasise skills relevant to the role, including screenshots of articles she had written, clips (片段) of her public speaking, and showing off her video-editing abilities.
Chioy’s approach made use of some of the distinct benefits of video resumes, says recruitment (招聘) specialist Jan Tegze. This can be particularly helpful for applicants with little experience applying in competitive fields who need an extra edge to secure a role. He also mentions that he cannot see the video resume replacing its written counterpart (相对物) any time soon. “Recruitment really hasn’t changed for decades. We are using different tools that are a little bit faster, but it’s still about human interaction,” he says.
24. What does paragraph 1 tell us about Sam Shepler
A. He felt awkward in front of a camera.
B. He was inexperienced in editing videos.
C. He liked the traditional hiring process better.
D. He applied for a job that valued public speaking.
25. What does the data in paragraph 2 imply
A. Most candidates no longer use cover letters.
B. There is a growing demand for video resumes.
C. Most hiring managers screen candidates via video.
D. Video becomes a common part of remote working.
26. Which of the following words can best describe Chloe Chioy
A. Brave and optimistic.
B. Selfless and polite.
C. Honest and independent.
D. Creative and smart.
27. What might Jan Tegze agree with
A. Written resumes won’t be replaced in the short term.
B. Using different tools can speed up the selection of talents.
C. Virtual hiring is particularly popular in competitive fields.
D. Sending a video resume isn’t very helpful for fresh graduates.
Some people worry that there’s too much technology in our lives.And they may have a point, given how countless people now carry the internet around in their pocket and use it as a primary form of communication. It’s practically difficult to shun technology in our world. There are computer microchips(微芯片) in our watches, our cars, light switches, even our pets! Where will it end
Well, if certain people have their way, it’ ll go even further. We’ll have microchips implanted(植入) into our brains that can interact with the computers by thought alone. It may sound like something from the science fiction, but in many ways, things look quite promising. Thanks to the ability to send and receive information remotely via computers microchips and other related devices have long been put into brains.
For example, electrodes have been implanted in the brains of epilepsy patients to better record and even predict the abnormal neurological activity. Similarly, deep-brain stimulation, through implanted devices that cause activity in key brain regions, is an established treatment for things like Parkinson’s disease, and is even being looked into for illnesses like depression.
However,it’s another thing to place such devices in healthy individuals. There are the practical concerns,not least of which is what these chips will be made of. The inside of the brain is a mass of highly reactive chemicals and electrical activity. Implants would need to be inert(静止的) enough to not upset the delicate processes by their presence, but also sensitive enough to read and process the activity around them.Current technology has made impressive progress with this, but if it were to be rolled out to millions of people, we’d need to be 100 per cent certain that it’s safe.
How many people will actually want to have technology literally put into their brain A surprising 60 per cent of Americans say they’d be okay with it, but that’s when it’s purely theoretical. In reality, the possibility of having strangers stick chips in your brain is likely to prove unattractive, especially for a population where millions get mad at fictional microchips in vaccines(疫苗), and even more are frightened of dentists.
Ultimately, the technology of computer-brain interface(接口) implants is still far away from us.
28. What does the underlined word “shun” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Develop. B. Avoid. C. Change. D. Trust.
29. What does the author want to tell us by the examples in paragraph 3
A. The possible treatment for particular diseases.
B. The process of human-computer interaction.
C. The existing application of microchip implants.
D. The future of microchips and devices alike.
30. How may most Americans react to implanting chips in the brain in reality
A. They may reject it.
B. They may expect it.
C. They may adjust to it.
D. They may feel curious about it.
31. What might be the best title for the text
A. Computer-brain interface: The light of the future
B. Innovation is necessary to make progress
C. Where are we in the medical technology
D. Mind-controlled tech: Is it possible
Pickled (腌制的) vegetables, fish and meat preserved in salt, and bread baked in a circle with a hole in the middle (e.g. bagels), were once the foods for the poor of all backgrounds in central and eastern Europe. But it was Jewish immigrants (犹太移民) who brought these recipes to the West, particularly to America, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Bagels and pickled foods became mainstays of Jewish deli (熟食店) cuisine,which are the subject of an exhibition at the New-York Historical Society called “I’ll Have What She’s Having”. The exhibition implicitly (含蓄地) asks whether a cuisine that has been enjoyed by millions and helped define the taste of New York City continues to be lively today.
There is a distinctly sad tone to it. Though some foods exist over several decades, the number of Jewish delis in America has dropped sharply. Black-and-white pictures of long-gone people eating at long-gone places line the exhibition’s walls. After all, the Jewish deli is a product of a bygone era,shaped by immigration, discrimination and inner-city life. As immigrants’ children fit in with the locals and moved away, the deli became one of many dining choices — less a center of communal Jewish life and more a pleasant place to occasionally chat and talk about the past.
Meanwhile, deli food itself has crossed its limits. For a while, McDonald’s in Germany offered a “Grilled Texas Bagel”. That is a senseless phrase to a deli expert: a decent bagel belongs nowhere near a grill and has nothing to do with Texas. But it suggests that bagels — like pizza, hot dogs and other foods once only consumed by particular ethnicities — now come across less as specifically Jewish than as broadly American.
The most hopeful part of the exhibit is at the end: a case of menus from modern delis across the country. They were founded by young Jewish chefs determined to keep their culinary (烹饪的) traditions alive — not because discrimination left them no other way out, but because the food is delicious, inspiring, and an irreplaceable part of America’s culinary landscape.
32. What is the theme of this exhibition
A. The history of New York.
B. The foods of Jewish delis.
C. The recipes for Jewish foods.
D. The Jewish communities in New York.
33. What does paragraph 3 tell us about the Jewish delis in America
A. They cannot provide delivery service.
B. They have lost their original special flavor.
C. They don’t suit the tastes of young Jewish people.
D. They can bring back memories of Jewish immigrants.
34. What does the name of “Grilled Texas Bagel” imply
A. Deli experts aren’t big fans of meaningless names.
B. People think bagels are more of an American food.
C. Texans aren’t very good at baking satisfactory bagels.
D. McDonald’s in Germany prefers American foods to Jewish ones.
35. How do young Jewish chefs feel about their traditional food
A. Proud. B. Worried. C. Carefree. D. Disappointed.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Become a global citizen without leaving home
As an undergraduate student, I often dream of traveling the world and experiencing various cultures; I dream of having a better perspective and contributing politically, socially and economically towards the world. ___36___.
Here are some tips on tackling the feeling of being separated from the international community simply because you can’t afford to travel.
Join an international club.
There are different international clubs, especially at many universities, which allow you to make connections with people from around the world. For example, AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization that offers opportunities for students to go on international internships (实习). ___37___ — being involved in helping someone else’s travels permits you to be a part of their international experience.
Be engaged with world news and participate in discussions about current events.
Paying attention to international news broadens your sense of current events outside your borders, which can lead to reflection about your local environment. ___38___ — even if you cannot physically be where events originate.
Make an international pen pal (笔友) .
Having a pen pal is all about creating relationships with others that can allow you to learn about and embrace cultural differences. Strong friendships can have lasting effects. ___39___.
Take an international development or language class.
___40___. Taking an international development course can help you gain insight into international relations and development. These courses require our brains to remember and form ideas, which allows for positive debate and understanding of the world around us. Language classes can also make you feel like you are part of another culture.
A. Education is the best way to gain new perspectives
B. Demonstrating your understanding of current events is a way to be involved
C. It also offers local students the chance to help facilitate these internships
D. There are several websites that offer the service of volunteering without borders
E. However, financial stress makes these plans difficult and traveling takes time I may not have
F. Learning about different aspects of a country allows for a greater understanding of our global world
G. If you end up traveling in the future, there’s a chance that you can meet your international friend
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Stephanie rescued Flynn from an animal centre in 2014, after she was found as a puppy wandering the streets alone. “She was super shy and sweet, and absolutely____41____of men,” Stephanie recalled. “We___42___ and she overcame her unpleasant experience.”
But in May 2020, six-year-old Flynn suddenly____43____her back when she jumped on Stephanie’s bed and landed ___44___ “She became paralysed and her two back legs stopped working,” Stephanie said.
Flynn had to have emergency___45___ and a month of recovery before she could put one paw in front of the other again. “Quite a few people told me to____46____and said she’d be a lot of work, but I never would. I had___47___ and I knew God would help her,” Stephanie said.
One year on, their roles____48____when Stephanie was diagnosed with a cancer in September 2021. Flynn became ___49___from Stephanie and refused to leave her side until she got better. “Flynn was my biggest____50____. I couldn’t have got through it without her,” Stephanie said. “She____51____ me every day. When I am tired or unwell, I think about how she____52____. She never quit. We’ve been through all the highs and lows of life together.”
Seven-year-old Flynn’s_____53_____doesn’t just inspire Stephanie, but lots of strangers too. Stephanie is_____54_____to her supportive family for helping her through her own health____55____, and to all of Flynn’s social media followers.
41. A. tolerant B. frightened C. confident D. ignorant
42. A. bonded B. followed C. suspected D. failed
43. A. trembled B. stretched C. lowered D. broke
44. A. skillfully B. cautiously C. awkwardly D. safely
45. A. power B. surgery C. conference D. supplies
46. A. take her in B. pick her up C. put her down D. show her around
47. A. faith B. courage C. mercy D. regret
48. A. disappeared B. expanded C. conflicted D. exchanged
49. A. withdrawn B. inseparable C. different D. invisible
50. A. decision B. mistake C. possibility D. support
51. A. believes B. inspires C. amazes D. carries
52 A. pushed on B. took responsibility C. gave away D. made trouble
53. A. determination B. hardship C. confidence D. positiveness
54. A. sensitive B. committed C. grateful D. compared
55. A. plans B. battles C. warning D. education
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式
Luosifen is a combination of river snails and rice noodles, originating in Liuzhou, Guangxi, southern China. Since Liuzhou is a city full of Luosifen restaurants, with many near one another, you can even smell it____56____ (walk) down the street! Because of the humid climate in Liuzhou, people tend to lose their appetite, but the spicy and sour taste stimulates____57____ (people) appetite. Its unique taste of freshness, sourness, hotness and spiciness is____58____ modern people and young people prefer. Diners can also add extra chili, fresh green vegetables or garlic____59____ (suit) their own taste. Despite the word “snail” in its Chinese name, actual snails don’t commonly appear in the dish, but____60____ (use) to flavor the soup. There being many choices of____61____ (package) Luosifen these days ,people can easily prepare their favorite version at home. Some people even cook Luosifen-based hotpot____62____ (they). Admittedly, Luosifen has become____63____ must-try dish for those enthusiasts seeking a genuine cuisine. Whether you are exploring the streets of Liuzhou____64____ enjoying a bowl in a distant land, Luosifen is sure to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds, providing a_____65_____ (true) unforgettable gastronomic (美食的) experience.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假如你是中学生李华, 随学校到美国一所高中进行了一个月的交流学习活动。在美国,你结识了Tom回国后,你决定给Tom写一封信,内容包括:
1、表达谢意 2、自己的收获 3、邀请他来中国做客
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A lesson in trust
“Come on, Tuck,” I said, patting the floor of the 4Runner (越野车). “Load. Let’s go for a walk.” Tuck danced nervously at my feet, then sat and looked up at me with sad eyes. He wouldn’t jump in.
This was my first afternoon with the three-year-old border collie (德国牧羊犬) I was adopting, and it was time for the daily hike.
I’d taken Tuck in reluctantly, as a temporary solution for Tammy, my friend. She was trying to find a new home for the dog. Tuck was adopted from a pet store and had been kept long in a cage there, leaving him long-lasting trauma (创伤).
Tammy knew why I wasn’t willing to give Tuck a permanent home. Three months earlier, I’d lost my beloved Bantam, the border collie who’d been my rock for 12 years. I wasn’t ready to let a new dog into my life for good. But I’d agreed to help Tammy out while she continued her search.
Tuck wouldn’t load, no matter how much I coaxed (劝诱). Knowing there was always a reason for a dog’s behavior, I finally lifted the dog up and placed him in the back. “Load,” I said, teaching him the command. “Good boy.”
But every day, when it came time to load for our hike, Tuck still didn’t trust my invitation. At the end of the second week, I became impatient.
Actually, Tuck was a sweet dog and seemed to love everyone. He had this boyish enthusiasm toward strangers.
Days crept into a third week. I found myself appreciating Tuck for who he was. One afternoon, he came to the steps where I sat. He shyly looked at me, then walked over and put one big foot on my knee. At that very moment, I realized that he did show affection, in his own way. But he still refused to load for our hike.
Why wouldn’t Tuck jump into the car
The next afternoon, I called Tuck over and let him watch as I removed the cage from the car.

  • 2023-2024江苏省重点中学高三上学期期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案