人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Assessing Your Progress练习(含答案)

Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
1.As everybody knows,there are a lot of beautiful and h     places in the city of Xi’an.
2.I have had the time of my life in China and wish I could stay here       (永远).
3.It is my honour to be here to share with you my o      on how to learn science in senior high school.
4.The activity is aimed at presenting the new      (形象) of China and helping people learn more about her.
5.As far as I know,the d     cameras which are sold in our shop are of high quality.
6.The news that the twins have been admitted into a famous university spread quickly         (遍及) the mountain village.
7.Passengers were asked to i      their own suitcases before they were put on the plane.
8.In keeping with the local        (传统),all of the citizens went to attend the ceremony.
9.In recent years,the government has taken effective measures to improve the air q     of these super cities.
10.You may have noticed that there is a striking       (对比) between the cultures of East and West.
1.I can only give you so much information;you can do some search on the net for         (far) information.
2.In        (compare) with others,the middle-aged professional’s talent for music stands out.
3.The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular       (tradition) festivals celebrated in China.
4.We are pleased to report that the club membership is growing      quality,if not in quantity!
5.      the opinion of most of the parents,this young biology teacher is extremely responsible.
6.Many young girls prefer to buy this kind of dress because it is really cheaper      comparison.
               for us to pay a New Year call to the senior in China during the Spring Festival.
The experts from different provinces                            the teaching quality of our school.
Strangely,two sportsmen                the champions of yesterday’s competition.
By comparison,I find that it rains                  in our hometown.
             in the newspaper,the famous film star is also a true hero.
When Lamont Thomas,a retired restaurant employee,became an empty-nester,it was the end of a parenting story.
A couple years ago,the divorced father of two became a hero when he took on a kid named Michael Perez in 2008.
“He was a good young man and I just hated to see him in the welfare system,” Thomas said.
Thomas eventually adopted Perez,who now works as a nurse.
Perez was just the beginning.Over the next 15 years,Thomas raised more than 30 kids.He did so all as a single parent and with all of his heart.
“With every child that I have had,it was my goal to make a difference in their lives,” he said.
When he retired from raising children to spend time fishing and travelling,that didn’t last for long.
“It was really a shocker,” Perez said.“I didn’t expect for him to restart and to do it all over again.”
Thomas began to foster again when he found out that five brothers and sisters all under the age of 6 were going to be forever broken up.To guarantee they remained a family,he adopted all of them too.
“I had to help them.They deserved to be raised together,” Thomas said.
After Thomas’ story first aired,CBS News received a lot of surprising mails from women who expressed interest in the great man.Some notes weren’t obvious,others were braver,“Ask Mr.Thomas if he would like a pen pal,” wrote one woman,while another said,“I’ll marry Lamont!”
But the kids see no room for romance,nor does Thomas.
“I was about to change my phone number,” he said.
So he remains single.He spends Thanksgiving with family and is more grateful than ever.
1.What was Lamont Thomas’ job before retirement
A.A hospital worker.
B.A social worker.
C.A food business worker.
D.A welfare system worker.
2.What is Lamont Thomas’ purpose of taking over 30 children
A.He wants all the children to stay a family.
B.He wants to spend Thanksgiving with family.
C.He doesn’t want to remain single after his retirement.
D.He wants to do something meaningful in their lives.
3.What is the most probable meaning of the underlined word “foster”
A.Encourage children.
B.Bring up children.
C.Train children.
D.Cure children.
4.What is the passage mainly about
A.An empty-nester retiring from work.
B.A divorced father enjoying his life.
C.A grateful hero interested in travelling.
D.An adoptive dad devoted to his children.
In a noisy world,the sound of silence is a gentle friend.Though it’s available to all,silence is rarely embraced.Quiet relaxes,restores and helps you a lot. 1  The average person wakes up to an alarm and then turns on the radio or TV.Outside,planes roar and cars honk.In fact,too much noise can actually reduce your cognitive(认知) function and lifespan.
It is time to go into silence,a necessary and forgotten natural resource.Just setting aside 30 minutes a day for pure silence is healing.Shut off your phone,turn off the music,and spend time alone.Similar to meditation(冥想),this precious time allows your brain to refresh cognitive functions including creativity. 2 
Two hours of silence per day can be helpful to cell development in the brain,where memories are formed.Even though relaxing music can be effective,silence is ideal. 3  When surrounded by silence,your consciousness has more freedom to process information.This can lead to better decision-making and more acute self-awareness.
 4  A recent report suggested that one in three people lose a whole year off their life due to noise.And this is linked to heart disease,sleep loss and high blood pressure.
Although many find silence to be empty and boring,it is a gift and a rare thing like gold. 5  And then simply stay with it.When you embrace it and let it fill you,you are open to healing and wellness.
A.Silence can generate brain cells.
B.Silence may assist in self-reflection.
C.Too much noise can have the opposite effect.
D.Try to move forward to a place of pure silence.
E.Noise can improve your ability to calm down quickly.
F.You may be so used to sounds and you hardly notice them.
G.This time will also help you to reconnect with your inner self.
An event of the intangible cultural heritage
A little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroom.One night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child.The fire spread quickly,and the situation was terrible.
Neighbours called the fire department,then stood helplessly by,unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances.The little girl appeared at an upstairs window,crying for help,just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.
Suddenly,a man appeared with a ladder,put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside.When he reappeared,he had the little girl in his arms.He delivered the child to the waiting arms below,then disappeared into the night.
An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives,and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.
A teacher said she would like to raise the child.She pointed out that she could ensure her a good education.A farmer offered her an upbringing(教养) on his farm.He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying.Others spoke,giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them.
Finally,the town’s richest resident rose and said,“I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here,plus money and everything that money can buy.”
Throughout all this,the child remained silent,her eyes on the floor.
“Does anyone else want to speak ” asked the meeting chairman.A man came forward from the back of the hall.He walked slowly and appeared to be in pain.
When he got to the front of the hall,he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms.
When asked her choice,the girl gave people the reasons firmly. _________________
Ⅰ.1.historic 2.forever 3.opinions 4.image 5.digital
6.throughout 7.identify 8.tradition(s) 9.quality 10.contrast
Ⅱ.1.further 2.comparison 3.traditional 4.in 5.In 6.by
Ⅲ.1.It is traditional 2.have a high/good opinion of
3.identify themselves as 4.as often as 5.As is reported
1.C 细节理解题。由第一段“When Lamont Thomas,a retired restaurant employee,became an empty-nester,it was the end of a parenting story.”可知,托马斯退休前是餐厅员工,即食品行业工作者。故选C项。
2.D 推理判断题。由第六段“‘With every child that I have had,it was my goal to make a difference in their lives,’ he said.”这一句可知,托马斯收养30名儿童的目的是改变他们的生活,做对他们的生活有意义的事。故选D项。
3.B 词义猜测题。由画线词后“when he found out that five brothers and sisters all under the age of 6 were going to be forever broken up.To guarantee they remained a family,he adopted all of them too.”可知,托马斯又开始收养孩子了,由此可知画线词表示“抚养”,与bring up children同义。故选B项。
4.D 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第五段“Perez was just the beginning.Over the next 15 years,Thomas raised more than 30 kids.He did so all as a single parent and with all of his heart.”这些信息可知,文章主要讲述了一位退休的餐厅员工收养了许多孩子,并为改变他们的生活而奉献的故事。故选D项。
1.F 由下文“The average person wakes up to an alarm and then turns on the radio or TV.Outside,planes roar and cars honk.”可知,这些都是生活中很难注意到的噪声,而F项“You may be so used to sounds and you hardly notice them.(你可能已经习惯了声音,几乎没有注意到它们)”合乎题意。故选F项。
2.G 根据前一句“Similar to meditation,this precious time allows your brain to refresh cognitive functions including creativity.(和冥想一样,这段宝贵的时间可以让你的大脑恢复包括创造力在内的认知功能)”可知,设空处也会讲这段宝贵的时间的好处,而G项“This time will also help you to reconnect with your inner self.”中的“time”原词重现,also表明上下文的并列关系。故选G项。
3.B 由后一句“When surrounded by silence,your consciousness has more freedom to process information.This can lead to better decision-making and more acute self-awareness.”可知安静有助于自我反省。而B项“Silence may assist in self-reflection.(安静有助于自我反省)”符合语境,“self-awareness”和“self-reflection”为近义词。故选B项。
4.C 由后一句“A recent report suggested that one in three people lose a whole year off their life due to noise.”可知,本段主要是说噪声的坏处,而C项“Too much noise can have the opposite effect.(太多的噪声会产生相反的效果)”符合语境,其中“noise”为原词重现。故选C项。
5.D 后一句“And then simply stay with it.”意为“然后和沉默共处”,而D项“Try to move forward to a place of pure silence.(试着到一个纯粹安静的地方)”与下文衔接自然,其中“it”指代D项中的“pure silence”。故选D项。
An event of the intangible cultural heritage
Today,our school held an event named “Intangible Cultural Heritage into School”,which aimed to promote traditional Chinese culture and inspire the interest of the teachers and students.
There were many activities during the event,such as paper-cutting,lion dancing and sugar painting.Both teachers and students,who were excited and full of curiosity,took part in the event actively through watching,listening and touching during the activities.
Overall,the event was quite popular with the teachers and students.They did feel the charm of the intangible cultural heritage of China,which raised their recognition and strengthened their confidence.
Ⅶ.When he got to the front of the hall,he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms.His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The little girl cried out,“This is the man who rescued me!” With a leap,she threw her arms around the man’s neck.She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments.Then she looked up and smiled,stating happily she would live with him.
When asked her choice,the girl gave people the reasons firmly.She said in a low but determined voice,“I really desire to get a good education that will give me chances to live my dreams.Besides,I know that money means a lot to me since I have no relatives to rely on.But it’s the man who saved my life when I was desperately facing a fire like that.Without him,I wouldn’t be here,waiting for a new choice.I hope that I can do whatever I can to pay back his kindness.”

  • 人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Assessing Your Progress练习(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案