
Ben has a good time today. He does well in his English test. He gets Grade A.He is very happy the whole morning. There is a football match between Class A and his class in the afternoon. Ben scores a goal in the second half. It makes his class win. Ben and his classmates are so glad. They laugh and shout for a long time. In the evening, he doesn’t feel well. And he is ill. He has to go to bed early after taking some medicine.
1.Ben is good at _________. ( )
A.Chinese B.English C.maths
2.Ben is very _________ the whole morning, because he gets Grade A.( )
A.happy B.sad C.tired
3.Ben’s class has a _________ match with Class A.( )
A.volleyball B.basketball C.football
4.Ben feels ill _________. ( )
A.in the morning B.in the evening C.in the afternoon
5.Ben has to _________ after taking some medicine. ( )
A.go home B.go to school C.go to bed
I’m Jack. I usually go to school on foot. But sometimes I go by bike. My father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weekend, I often play with my friend, Mike. We usually play football. Sometimes we play chess. This weekend, I’m going to visit my grandparents. Because it’s my grandma’s birthday.
6.Jack usually goes to school ______. ( )
A.on foot B.by bike C.by bus
7.Jack’s father works ______. ( )
A.next to the school B.near the school C.in the school
8.Jack goes to school with ______. ( )
A.his father B.his friend, Mike C.his mother
9.Jack and Mike usually ______. ( )
A.play football B.play basketball C.play chess
10.Whose birthday is this weekend ( )
A.Grandfather’s. B.Grandmother’s. C.Mike’s.
I have a pen pal. Her name is Vivian. She lives in Alaska. She is tall and kind. She likes singing songs. She can play the piano. She wants to be a singer one day. She is eleven years old. She studies in a primary school. She goes to school by bus. Her father is a police officer. He is very tall and strong. He catches bad men. Vivian’s mother is a reporter. She goes to work by car. She likes music. And she also likes sports. She has a very healthy life.
11.Vivian lives in _____. ( )
A.China B.The UK C.Alaska
12.Vivian likes __________. ( )
A.singing songs B.playing the piano C.A and B
13.What does Vivian want to be ( )
A.Singer. B.Dancer. C.Reporter.
14.Her father is __________. ( )
A.tall and thin B.strong C.thin
15.Her mother goes to work __________. ( )
A.on foot B.by car C.by bus
16.The title (题目) should be __________. ( )
A.My Pen Pal B.My Family C.Life in Alaska
Hello, I’m Ann. I am an American girl. But now I am in Shanghai with my parents. On Saturday, I usually go to the science museum. It’s next to the cinema on Center Street. It’s not far. So I usually go there on foot. I can see lots of robots in the museum. Some can read and write. Some can sing and dance. They are interesting. Do you want to go there with me On Sunday, I usually go to the nature park. It’s on Center Street, too. It’s in front of the zoo. I usually go there by bike. Tomorrow is Sunday. I am going to the park. I am going to have a picnic with my friends in the park. We are going to have a good time.
17.Ann is in ______ now. ( )
A.the UK B.China C.the USA
18.Ann usually goes to the ______ on Saturday. ( )
A.science museum B.park C.cinema
19.Ann usually goes to the park ______. ( )
A.on foot B.by subway C.by bike
20.The zoo is ______. ( )
A.next to the cinema B.in front of the park C.behind the park
21.Ann is going to ______ with her friends in the park tomorrow. ( )
A.have a picnic B.sing and dance C.read and write
Hello, I’m Mike. Usually, I go to school on foot, because my home is near the school. My father is a doctor. He often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She often goes to work by bus, but sometimes she goes by bike.
Tomorrow is Sunday. My family are going to take a trip. We are going to Xiangyang by taxi.
22.Mike’s home is ______ the school. ( )
A.behind B.in front of C.near
23.Mike’s father often goes to work ______. ( )
A.by bus B.by car C.on foot
24.Mike’s mother ______ goes to work by bike. ( )
A.often B.usually C.sometimes
25.Today is ______. ( )
A.Sunday B.Friday C.Saturday
26.Mike’s family are going to ______ tomorrow. ( )
A.take a trip B.see a film C.Wuhan
Everyone needs to know the rules of the road.
In China, when you cross the road, look left and right. Please walk on the zebra crossing(斑马线). You can take your friends’ hands when you cross the road. Don’t play or run on the road.
Always watch out for cars and buses. Don’t play beside the cars. When you see the red light, please stop and wait. You can’t ride a bike on the street before you are twelve years old. Go down the street on the right side of the road. Take turns to get on the bus. Don’t play or speak loudly on the bus. Always fasten your seat belt(系好安全带)in a car. Let’s be safe on the way.
27.What’s the text about ( )
A.The rules of the lights. B.The rules of the road.
28.What should we do when we cross the road ( )
A.Walk on the zebra crossing. B.Play on the road.
29.What should we do when we see the green light ( )
A.Stop and wait. B.Cross the road carefully.
30.What does “beside” mean ( )
A.near B.outside
31.Tim is 11 years old now. Can he ride a bike on the street ( )
A.Yes, he can. B.No, he can’t.
Mr Brown lives in a small town with his wife, Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday, he works in an office near his house. He is at home on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes planting flowers and he often works in the garden on the weekend. Mrs Browns often helps Mr Brown in the garden. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much.
32.Mr Brown lives in ______ with his wife. ( )
A.a city B.a small town C.a big town
33.Mr Brown works ______ days a week in his office. ( )
A.four B.five C.six
34.Mr Brown is ______ on Saturdays and Sundays. ( )
A.at home B.busy C.in an office
35.Mr Brown likes ______ on the weekend. ( )
A.working in his garden B.walking in his garden C.looking at his flowers
36.Mrs Brown ______ the flowers. ( )
A.likes B.doesn’t like C.often helps
Peter is an office worker. He works in a small town(小城镇). One day his boss(老板) says to him, “Peter, I want you to go to London, to an office there, to see Mr David.”
Peter goes to London by train. When he gets to London, he thinks, “The office isn’t far from here. I can go there on foot. I will find it easily(容易地).”
But after an hour(一小时后), he is still looking for it, so his stops and asks an old woman. She says, “Go along(沿着……径直走) this street, turn right at the end, and it is the first building on the right.” Peter goes and finds it.
A few days later(几天后), he goes to the same place, but again he cannot find the office. Just then an old woman comes over(走过来). It is the same woman. She is very surprise(吃惊的) and says, “Are you still looking for that office ”
37.—What does Peter do ( )
—He is a (an) ______.
A.teacher B.driver C.office worker
38.How does Peter go to London ( )
A.By train. B.On foot. C.By ship.
39.Who tells Peter the way to the office ( )
A.His boss. B.An old man. C.An old woman.
40.At last, ______ finds the office in London. ( )
A.His boss B.Peter C.An old woman
41.Peter goes to London again, he meets ______. ( )
A.the same woman B.the same boss
C.the same man
One day, when I am walking in the school, a strong American student comes to me and says, “Give me five.” He says it many times. I am very afraid at that time. I think he is a robber(劫匪). I tell him I don’t have five dollars and I can’t give him the money. He looks at me angrily(生气地). I run away quickly. In the evening, I tell it to Mr White, the head of the school. I want him to do something with that boy. But Mr White has a good laugh at it. He tells me the student passes(通过) the exam. He is very happy and he wants to tell other people about it. “Give me five.” means “Clap hands with me.”
42.The story happens(发生) ______. ( )
A.in a factory B.in a hospital C.at school
43.Who is the head of the school ( )
A.Mr White. B.The American boy. C.I don’t know.
44.After Mr White listens to the writer, he ______. ( )
A.feels sorry B.calls the police C.laughs
45.The American boy says “Give me five.” Because ______. ( )
A.he passes the exam B.he wants five dollars C.he is not happy
46.When someone says “Give me five.”, he really means “______”. ( )
A.Give me five dollars. B.Clap hands with me. C.Give me five yuan.
In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. If the school is not far(远的) they can walk to school every day. Few students are late for school. But things are not the same in other countries(国家). In some cities of other countries, such as London, there are double-deckers. The bus has two floors and it can carry more people, so some students can take a double-decker to school. Scooters(滑板车) are popular with students in some western(西方的) countries. It makes the trip more interesting.
In some cold countries, such as Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛), it often snows. The students in towns may take a school bus, but the students in villages far from the school have to go by sled because there is snow everywhere. It takes a little longer(时间更长). Sometimes they will be late for school. Guess, in which country, students may go to school by boat
47.In China, if the students live near the school, how can they go to school every day ( )
A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. D.By scooter
48.What’s the meaning of the word “popular” in Chinese ( )
A.讨厌的 B.流行的 C.困难的 D.少见的
49.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage ( )
A.In China, many students are late for school.
B.All the western students go to school by scooter.
C.The double-deckers can carry more people.
D.Students can’t take the school bus to school.
50.Why do students in Iceland go to school by sled ( )
A.Because they have no cars.
B.Because it’s too hot.
C.Because they miss the school bus sometimes.
D.Because there is snow everywhere.
51.In the passage, how many ways can we find to go to school ( )
A.3. B.4. C.At most(至多) 5. D.At least(至少) 6.
Hi, I’m Liu Yun. It’s Saturday morning. I’m going to the supermarket with my mother. This afternoon, I’m going to visit my aunt. We are going to have a big dinner together. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to the bookstore by subway. I’m going to buy a new comic book. Then I’m going home and read books.
52.Liu Yun is going to the supermarket on ________. ( )
A.Sunday morning B.Saturday afternoon C.Saturday morning
53.Liu Yun is going to visit her aunt on ________. ( )
A.Saturday afternoon B.Saturday morning C.Sunday afternoon
54.Liu Yun is going to ________ on Saturday. ( )
A.buy a new comic book B.have a big lunch C.have a big dinner
55.Liu Yun is going to the bookstore ________. ( )
A.by bus B.by subway C.by bike
56.Liu Yun is going to ________ at home. ( )
A.do homework B.sleep C.read books
Dear Sam,
I’m going to tell you about my life in China. I study in Hainan. I live near the school, so I usually go to school on foot. My mother is a computer teacher. My father works in a gym. I often play football at 5:00 p. m. with my father. I have a new friend. He is in Harbin now. I’m going to visit him this winter holiday. I’m going there by plane. It’s cold there. I should wear warm clothes.
What are you going to do this winter holiday
57.______ writes the letter. ( )
A.Mike B.John C.Sam
58.John is in ______ now. ( )
A.Harbin B.Hainan C.Guangzhou
59.John’s mother is a ______ teacher. ( )
A.maths B.science C.computer
60.John’s father works in a ______. ( )
A.factory B.farm C.gym
61.John is going to Harbin ______. ( )
A.by plane B.on foot C.by train
Hello! I’m Lily. This is my aunt. She works in a zoo. Her job is to look after the animals in the zoo. She feeds the animals, washes them and cleans their rooms. She talks to the animals. And the animals understand her. The animals are always happy when they see my aunt. Every day, many people come to see the animals in my aunt’s zoo. But some people do not know the zoo rules. They go near to the dangerous animals like lions or tigers. Some people litter(乱丢垃圾). When people do these, my aunt will stop them.
62.What does Lily’s aunt do every day ( )
A.She looks after the animals. B.She loves animals. C.She feeds the birds.
63.Can the animals in the zoo talk ( )
A.Yes, they can. B.No, they can’t. C.Sorry, I don’t know.
64.What is “dangerous” in Chinese ( )
A.可爱的。 B.干净的。 C.危险的。
65.What’s the rule of the zoo ( )
A.Don’t litter. B.Don’t talk to the animals. C.Don’t be far from the dangerous animals.
66.Lily’s aunt is a ______ worker in the zoo. ( )
A.good B.bad C.cute
John: Hi, Amy. You look happy today.
Amy: Yes. Today is a fine day. I’m going to go hiking. What about you, John How do you feel
John: I feel sad. Because my friend Mike is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. So we can’t go hiking together.
Amy: I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s go to the hospital to visit him.
John: Good idea. When are we going
Amy: After school
John: OK. The hospital is far from our school. Let’s go there by bus.
67.John is ______ today. ( )
A.happy B.sad C.ill
68.______ should see a doctor. ( )
A.John B.Amy C.Mike
69.When are Amy and John are going to the hospital ( )
A.This morning. B.After school. C.Tomorrow.
70.Amy and John are going to the hospital ______. ( )
A.By bus B.on foot C.by taxi
71.The hospital is ______ their school. ( )
A.near B.next to C.far from
In China, National Day is on October 1st. Chinese people will have a long holiday. It has seven days, so it’s also called “the Golden Week”. Because it’s very precious for people. During the holiday many people will take trips with their families, and they will see the most beautiful scenery in autumn. Some of them will go back to their hometowns. They are going to visit their parents or grandparents.
They are going to have a big dinner with their family, too. Many Chinese people will go to Beijing and see the military parade(阅兵) on the first day of the holiday. Many young people will hold their wedding ceremony(婚礼) during this long holiday. If you see many cars decorated(装饰) with flowers, they must be the wedding cars.
72.Chinese National Day comes in _________. ( )
A.summer B.autumn C.winter
73.How many days are there in the “Golden Week” ( )
A.Five. B.Seven. C.Nine.
74.What does the word “precious” mean ( )
A.宝贵的 B.亲爱的 C.长的
75.Which of the following is NOT true ( )
A.Many people will take trips in the “Golden Week”.
B.All the people will come back to their hometowns during the holiday.
C.Some people are going to visit their parents or grandparents during the holiday.
76.When is the military parade in this passage ( )
A.On October lst. B.On October 7th. C.On October 2nd.

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C
6.A 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B
11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.A
17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.A
22.C 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.A
27.B 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.B
32.B 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.A
37.C 38.A 39.C 40.B 41.A
42.C 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.B
47.A 48.B 49.C 50.D 51.D
52.C 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.C
57.B 58.B 59.C 60.C 61.A
62.A 63.B 64.C 65.A 66.A
67.B 68.C 69.B 70.A 71.C
72.B 73.B 74.A 75.B 76.A

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发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案