Unit3 This is my father 综合素质达标 (含答案和听力原文 无听力音频)

Unit3 This is my father 综合素质达标
第一部分 听力(40分)
(  ) 1. This is my     .
A. mother B. aunt C. grandmother
(  ) 2. —Who’s that?
—That’s my    .
A. aunt B. uncle C. father
(  ) 3. Show me your     photo.
A. sister’s B. brother’s C. daughter’s
(  ) 4. That boy is my    .
A. uncle B. brother C. son
(  ) 5. He is my     .
A. father B. grandfather C. brother
(  ) 1. A. B.
(  ) 2. A. B.
(  ) 3. A. B.
(  ) 4. A. B.
(  ) 5. A. B.
(  )  (  )  (  )  (  )  (  )
(  ) She’s my grandmother.
(  ) Oh,who’s this?
(  ) Look!This is my family photo.
(  ) And who’s that woman?
(  ) This is my uncle.
第二部分 笔试(60分)
五、补全家庭树。(填序号) (10分)
(  ) 1. —Who’s that?
—     is my daughter.
A. He B. This C. That
(  ) 2. —Who’s that old man?
—He is my    .
A. aunt B. sister C. grandpa
(  ) 3. —Pleased to meet you.
A. Pleased to meet you,too. B. I’m fine. C. Thank you.
(  ) 4. She is     mother.
A. my B. me C. I
(  ) 5. —Who’s this     ?
—This is my mother.
A. man B. woman C. girl
七、(新形式) 根据家庭树,在描述正确的句子前的“□”中打“√”。(10分)
□1. I’m James. Ben is my grandma.
□2. I’m Tom. Kate is my sister.
□3. Alice is Tom’s grandmother.
□4. Lucy is James’s sister.
□5. Kate’s father is Jim.
(  ) 1. 想和刚刚认识的朋友打招呼,应该这样说:    
A. Pleased to meet you. B. Goodbye!
(  ) 2. 想表达“那是我的妈妈。”,他会说:    
A. This is my mother. B. That is my mother.
(  ) 3. 牛犇犇想向新朋友介绍他的姐姐,他这样说:    
A. This is my sister. B. Show me your sister’s photo.
(  ) 4. 吉吉想知道毛毛的年龄,应该这样说:    
A. How are you? B. How old are you?
(  ) 5. 告诉大家他们都是兄弟姐妹,要互相帮助,他应该说:    
A. We are brothers and sisters. We should(应该) help each other.
B. They are brothers.
1. Who’s that woman? A. A book.
2. Who’s this? B. I’m eleven.
3. What’s on the desk? C. It’s eleven o’clock.
4. How old are you? D. That’s my aunt.
5. What time is it? E. This is my grandma.
Dear Sam,
Thank you for your e-mail(电子邮件) and the photo of your family. This is my family photo. We have a birthday party(聚会) for my mum. She is 35. My mum’s name is Jane. My dad is 37. I have a brother,Ben. He is ten. And he’s in Class Four,Grade Three. We say“Happy Birthday!”. Look! My mum is very happy.
(一) 根据邮件介绍顺序,用数字给下列图片排序。(6分)
(  )    (  )    (  )
(二) 根据邮件内容,判断下列句子对(√) 错(×) 。(4分)
(  ) 1. My mum’s name is Cindy.
(  ) 2. My brother is in Class Three,Grade Four.
一、1.This is my mother.
2.—Who’s that?
—That’s my uncle.
3.Show me your daughter’s photo.
4.That boy is my son.
5.He is my grandfather.
二、1.This is my mother.
2.Pleased to meet you.
3.Who’s that man?
4.She’s my aunt.
5.My daughter is eight years old.
三、1. This is my grandma.
2.The woman is my aunt.
3.Show me your father’s photo.
4.That is my uncle.
5.I love my grandpa.
四、A: Look!This is my family photo.
B: Oh,who’s this?
A: This is my uncle.
B: And who’s that woman?
A: She’s my grandmother.
一、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B
二、1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B
三、5 1 4 3 2
四、5 2 1 4 3
从左到右:B E C F D/B C E F D
六、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B
七、√2. √3. √5.
八、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A
九、1—D 2—E 3—A 4—B 5—C
十、(一)1 2 3 (二)1.× 2.×

  • Unit3 This is my father 综合素质达标 (含答案和听力原文 无听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月20日  所属分类:作业答案