
1.【国防教育】【跨学科·音乐】    is a Chinese musician(音乐家) and wrote some famous music, for example, March of the Volunteers(《义勇军进行曲》).
A.Xian Xinghai B.Nie Er
C.Tan Dun D.Shi Guangnan
2.【新考法·信息理解题】【跨学科·数学】Please look at the board below. How long is the Sunshine Science Museum open on Wednesday afternoon
A.3 hours B.7 hours C.5 hours D.4 hours
3.【跨学科·语文】“Hello, my dear friend. What a lucky day      I’m sure you will do well in this exam.”
Which of the following fits(适合) in the blank(空格) best
A.“!” B.“,” C.“ ” D.“.”
4.【跨学科·道德与法治】As middle school students, we should behave(表现) well at school. In class we should     .
①listen to the teacher carefully
②talk with our deskmates
③take notes
④remember what the teacher says
⑤play games on the phone
A.①④⑤ B.②③⑤ C.①③④ D.②④⑤
5.【跨学科·体育与健康】—     are the World University Games held
—Every two years.
A.How long B.How many
C.How often D.How far
6.【跨学科·生物】Which food or drink is bad for people’s health
A.Carrots. B.Milk. C.Grapes. D.Pop.
Last month, some teachers helped to do a survey(调查) to find out how students in Xi’an learn English. They interviewed(采访) 500 middle school students from 10 schools in Xi’an. The pie chart(饼状图) shows the results of the survey.
7.The most popular way of learning English for the middle school students is    .
A.reading English newspapers
B.joining English clubs
C.listening to English songs
D.watching English movies
8.【新考法·数字计算题】How many middle school students learn English by listening to English songs
A.45. B.60. C.115. D.280.
9.【新考法·语篇类型题】You can probably see the text in a     .
A.diary B.newspaper C.letter D.storybook
Ⅰ.1.B 由音乐常识可知,《义勇军进行曲》是聂耳的作品,故选B。
2.D 由公告栏中的“Tue.-Fri. 14:00-18:00”可知,阳光科学博物馆星期三下午的开放时间是四个小时。故选D。
3.A 由句意“多么幸运的一天啊!”可知,该句是what引导的感叹句,其后需用感叹号。故选A。
4.C ①意为“认真听讲”;②意为“和同桌交谈”;③意为“记笔记”;④意为“记住老师说的话”; ⑤意为“在手机上玩游戏”。作为一名中学生,课上我们应该遵守①③④三条。故选C。
5.C 由答语“每两年”可知,问句是询问“世界大学生运动会多久举办一次”。对频率提问需用how often。故选C。
6.D A项意为“胡萝卜”;B项意为“牛奶”;C项意为“葡萄”;D项意为“汽水”。由常识可知,喝汽水对身体是有害的。故选D。
Ⅱ.[语篇解读] 本文是针对西安500名中学生学习英语方式的调查结果。
7.D 细节理解题。由饼状图可知,最受欢迎的英语学习方式是通过看英文电影学习英语。
8.C 数字计算题。由饼状图可知,听英文歌曲来学英语的学生占23%。由500×23%可得115人。故选C。
9.B 语篇类型题。通读全文可知,本文是学生学习英语方式的调查报告。该报告最有可能选自报纸。故选B。
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  • 2024冀教版英语七年级下册–专项素养综合全练(七)跨学科专练(二)(含答案及解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月19日  所属分类:作业答案