Unit 2 School life Task and self assessment易错题精练(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版八年级上册

Unit 2 School life- Task& Self assessment
A) 1. At (午餐时间), I often chat with my classmates in the dining room.
2. Do you often play (羽毛球) or table tennis with your friends after school
3.My mother spent nearly half a day (完成)a birthday cake.
4.He is also a member of the (物理) Genius (天才) Club.
5. Nancy, it's your turn to give us a (day) report.
6. Kate is very thin and weak because she eats the (little) food in our class.
7.——Where are our seats, Henry
——We should sit in the (five) row.
8. It is reported that the number of working (wife) is becoming larger and larger.
B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)
16. Sam and Jim enjoyed ____________ (they) when they played games with their friends yesterday.
17. Mr Black is our English teacher and his lessons are very ____________ (interest).
18. Jim is ____________ (friend) to all his classmates.
19. Among the five girls, Millie is the ____________ (slim).
20. Millie joins more clubs than David, but Jack joins the ____________ (many).
二、选择填空:从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )1. I feel _____ because my job is too _____.
A. bored; boring B. bored; bored C. boring; boring D. boring; bored
( )2. Do you go _____ a school trip _____ a museum every year
A. on; to B. to; on C. for; for D. to; to
( )3. Students in the USA spend _____ time _____ their homework than we do.
A. fewer; to do B. fewer; doing C. less; to do D. less; doing
( )4. It is raining hard, so John decides _____ at home.
A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying
( )5. We usually do some cleaning _____ weekends.
A. for B. at C. over D. in
( )6. Lucy _____ go to the movies. She watched TV at home.
A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t
( )7. I have _____ to tell you about my favorite film.
A. something other B. other something C. something else D. else something
( )8. They do eye exercises twice a day, so _____ of them _____ glasses.
A. a few; put on B. a few; wear C. few; put on D. few; wear
( )9.–Maths is as interesting as English, I think.
–_____. English is more interesting than Maths.
A. I think so B. I don’t think so C. All right D. That’s OK
( )10.–How do you like my ideal school
–_____. I also hope to study in such a school.
A. It’s wonderful B. It’s worse C. I have no idea D. I don’t think so
三、完形填空。从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Mrs White likes sports. She seems short and thin, but she is stronger than any one of her workmates. Her husband likes drinking and __21__ much money on it. She has to work hard to buy enough food __22__ her family.
It was her thirtieth birthday yesterday. Her husband had little money to buy a good present for her. He had to buy a(an) __23__ necklace(项链) and gave it to her before the party started.
This evening, after the Whites had supper, the woman went to the __24__ to buy some bread for the next breakfast. At a street corner rushed out a young man and __25__ to rob(抢劫) her of her necklace. She collared him(揪住衣领) to stop him __26__ that. The young man had to run away as quickly as he could. A policeman __27__ it and came up to her and said, “Could you tell __28__ the young man is like, madam We’ll try our best to __29__ him.”
“Never mind, sir,” said the woman. “He robbed me of my necklace but I robbed him of his. Mine is made of glass but his is made of __30__.”
( )21. A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays
( )22. A. to B. with C. for D. in
( )23. A. expensive B. cheap C. nice D. beautiful
( )24. A. shop B. house C. street D. kitchen
( )25. A. tried B. knew C. learned D. helped
( )26. A. to do B. does C. doing D. for doing
( )27. A. waited B. thought C. hoped D. found
( )28. A. which B. how C. what D. whose
( )29. A. look for B. help C. hurt D. catch
( )30. A. glass B. gold C. ice D. stone
31. 八点钟到校太早还是太晚?
Is ________ ________ ________ ________ 8 o’clock too early or too late
32. 每天我们只有一个小时时间的家庭作业。
We only have ________ ________ ________ ________ every day.
33. 大多数学生在学校里不可以选择学习的科目。
Most students can’t ________ ________ ________ ________ at school.
34. 西蒙在家庭作业上花的时间比我少。
Simon ________ ________ ________ ________ homework than me.
35. 我们每月对每个进行测验。
We ________ ________ ________ ________ on each subject.
36. early need up Sunday do on to get we not (.) (连词成句)
37. very is I Maths interesting because like it (.) (连词成句)
38. The students often have a good time at weekends in an ideal school. (改为同义句)
39. Our school has over two thousand students. (改为同义句)
40. John goes on a school trip three times a month. (对画线部分提问)
Unit 2 School life- Task& Self assessment
一 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。
go on, have, because, playing chess, finishes, so
11. My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and _______________ at 3 p.m.
12. Every month, we _______________ a school trip.
13. I love computers, _______________ I have computer lessons every day.
14. There is a park near our school. We often _______________ fun there at weekends.
15. We usually have about two hours for _______________ on Saturday.
( )1. My brother is good at sports, and he can jump th an me.
A. as high B. very high C. too high D. much higher
( )2. The sign means that we must slow down and drive near the school.
A. quietly B. quickly C. carefully D. seriously
( )3.Here are clear instructions. First and then tell us how to make a fruit salad.
A. look into B. look up C. look through D. look after
( )4. After the new high-speed railway line began operations, the time on the trip from Nantong to Shanghai is much less than in the past.
A. one B. this C. that D. it
( )5. Because of the“double reduction”policy, students have homework and freetime after school than before.
A. less; fewer B. fewer; less C. less; more D. more; fewer
( )6. —What a fantastic song! It brings the good old days back to me.— . I feel the same.
A. Help yourself B. Take it easy C. No problem D. That's true
They don't .
He their school history.
The school life in the USA________________________ in China.
John made_____________________than Susan in the maths exam.
5.吉姆能选择自己最喜欢的科目去学吗 Can Jim
Lily flopped(沉重地躺下) onto the floor.“I'll never be as g 1 as you, Grandma.”
Lily's grandma did yoga(瑜伽) for more than 50 years. Now at the age of 70, she could still do the pose(姿势) like pulling her body into a b 2 .
“You need to be p 3 ,” said Grandma.
Like many schools in India, Lily's school was holding a yoga competition. The f 4 of each student would be there. Lily wanted to make them proud, especially her grandma,so she continued p 5 . Thirty minutes later, her arms got so tired that she flopped again.
“It's too h 6 ,” Lily said. “How did you get to be so strong ”
Grandma smiled,“Patience.”
Lily practised every day. She kept her grandma’s w 7 in mind.
The day of the yoga competition arrived. On the bus, Lily felt nervous, “What if I can't hold any poses ” When the bus stopped at school, her heart beat more q 8 .
Soon the competition began. Lily completed the poses one by one, keeping grandma's voice in her head.
“Your last pose is the ball,”said their teacher. Lily lay on her back. She took a deep breath and pulled her body as hard as she could.“A few more s 9 ,”Lily told herself.
“Well done, Lily,”their teacher came up. The audience(观众) cheered wildly.
Lily looked for her grandma and found she was walking over to her with a big s 10 .
Patience is such a magic(魔法).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Unit 2 School life- Task& Self assessment
一1. lunchtime 2. badminton 3. finishing 4. Physics 5. daily 6. least 7. fifth 8. wives
二、1—5 AADBB 6—10 DCDBA
三、21—25 BCBAA 26—30 CDCDB
四、31. getting to school at
32. an hour of homework
33. choose subjects to study
34. spends less time on
35. have a monthly test
五、36. We do not need to get up early on Sunday.
37. I like Maths because it is very interesting.
38. The students often have fun at weekends in an ideal school. 或
The students often enjoy themselves on weekends in an ideal school.
39. There are more than two thousand students in our school.
40. How often does John go on a school trip
Unit 2 School life- Task& Self assessment
一、11. finishes 12. go on 13. so 14. have 15. playing chess
16. themselves 17. interesting 18. friendly 19. slimmest 20. most
二、1. D 【解析】根据空后的“than”可知,此处应用比较级。故选 D。
2. C 【解析】根据常识可知,题中的标识表示“注意儿童”,所以司机在驶近学校时应减速并小心驾驶。quietly意为“安静地”;quickly 意为“快速地”; carefully 意为“小心地”;seriously意为“严肃地”。故选 C。3. C 【解析】句意:这儿有清楚的说明。先浏览一下,然后告诉我们如何制作一份水果沙拉。look into 意为“观察”;look up 意为“查阅”;look through 意为“浏览”;look after 意为“照顾”。故选C。
4. C 【解析】句意:在新的高铁线路开始运营之后,从南通到上海所花费的旅程时间比过去少了很多。该句中是把以前南通到上海所花的时间和现在的作比较,比较的对象是时间,time 是不可数名词,所以应用 that 指代。故选C。
5. C 【解析】句意:由于“双减”政策,与之前相比,学生们的课后作业更少,空闲时间更多了。根据句意可知,第一空表示“更少的”,且“homework”为不可数名词,应用 less 修饰;第二空表示“更多的”,应用 more。故选 C。
6. D 【解析】句意:—多么棒的一首歌! 它把我带回那些美好的旧时光。—确实。我也这么觉得。A 项意为“请自便”;B项意为“放轻松”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“确实”。故选 D。三、1. have enough time for after-school activities 2. seems to know little about 3. is different from that 4. much fewer mistakes 5. choose his favourite subject to study
四、1. good 2. ball 3. patient 4. family 5. practising 6. hard 7. words 8. quickly 9. seconds 10. smile

  • Unit 2 School life Task and self assessment易错题精练(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版八年级上册已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月19日  所属分类:作业答案