
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分×1.25)
Science Books for Kids of All Ages
To help you choose the perfect educational books for your child, we’ve created this handpicked list of the best science books for kids. The titles featured here spark curiosity, encourage learning, and are lots of fun, too.
About Time: A First Look at Time and Clocks
Author: Bruce Koscielniak; Price: US $8.55
Long ago people used the sun, the moon, and the water to tell time. Soon after we began using our knowledge about the natural world to build clocks and to create calendars made up of months and years. Centuries later, we have clocks and calendars all around us. This book tells the amazing story of how it all happened!
Animalium: Welcome to the Museum
Author: Katie Scott; Price: US $8.99
This book opens the doors of the natural history museum for your child all year round! It features 200 full-color specimens accompanied by lively, informative text and more. Discover the animal kingdom in glorious detail with unique illustrations that combine science and art.
Bang!: How We Came to Be
Author: Michael Rubino; Price: US $16.00
“Bang! And that was it, the beginning of everything.” So begins this beautifully illustrated story of evolution. This book conveys not only the facts but also the excitement of the scientific explanation of our world, from the origin of the universe to the present reality of our planet.
Bedtime Math: The Truth Comes Out
Author: Laura Overdeck; Price: US $10.99
This book makes learning about math as fun as dessert after dinner! It combines math and cool facts for one fun and wild adventure. Now kids can discover the science behind all their favorite things: marshmallows, soda, ice cream and more. With over 100 math problems on a variety of topics, kids will find math isn’t just fun--it can be found everywhere!
21.What can kids learn in the book About Time
A.The tough life of ancestors. B.The origin of the sun and the moon.
C.The old ways to measure time. D.The wildlife in the natural world.
22.What do Animalium and Bang have in common
A.They are children’s novels. B.They are popular for cheap price.
C.They are collected in the museum. D.They are illustrated stories for kids.
23.Which book can make numbers fun and easy
A.Bang. B.Bedtime Math. C.Animalium. D.About Time.
In 2005, Calvin Echevarria was on top of his game. He had two jobs, bought a house and was raising a 3-year-old daughter with his wife. But suddenly, it felt like it was all being taken away. He could no longer work as a FedEx driver because he was going blind.
He was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病视网膜病变). “I lost my sight and the job, but I don’t care about that. All I care is about my wife and my daughter,” he told CBS News. “How am I going to see my daughter grow ”
Echevarria at first worked on developing independent living skills like walking with a cane (手杖). But he wanted to learn more—like skills that would be useful for a job. That’s when he found Lighthouse Works in Orlando, a company that creates jobs for the blind.
“Seven out of 10 Americans who are blind are not in the workforce,” said Kyle Johnson, the president and CEO of Lighthouse Works. “And we knew that people who are blind are the most highly educated disability group on the planet. And so, very capable people, who want to work and contribute. So, we created Lighthouse Works to help them do that.”
At Lighthouse Works, nearly half of the employees are blind. Echevarria works in the call center. In his work, Echevarria uses a system called JAWS to “hear” the computer. The system reads the computer screen to him in one ear as he listens to a customer call in his other ear. Now he has gotten good at it and can listen to JAWS on a dramatic speed. “It gives me a purpose. It makes me feel better because I can provide for my family,” he said.
His original worry was not being able to be there for his daughter. Now, he is her mentor(导师), because she’s an employee at Lighthouse Works as well. He said, “Little kids come to their parents, and all of a sudden when they become teenagers, they go away. Now, we’re going back again to those days that my daughter used to come to me all the time. And I still feel needed.”
24.What did Echevarria wish to do most after he went blind
A.Make efforts to buy a new house. B.Collect money to treat his disease.
C.Find a job to provide for his family. D.Develop independent living skills.
25.Why did Kyle Johnson create Lighthouse Works
A.To found a non-profit charity. B.To help the blind learn living skills.
C.To train advanced computer talents. D.To get the blind to enter the workforce.
26.What can be inferred about Echevarria from paragraph 5
A.He is the most capable employee in the company.
B.He has better listening ability than others.
C.He had no trouble in adapting to the new life.
D.He is happy to have a new career now.
27.What does the author intend to show in the last paragraph
A.A father’s love to his daughter. B.A new employee’s achievement.
C.A daughter’s promise to her father. D.A company’s contributions to the blind.
Solar stills(蒸馏器) provide a clever and simple means of purifying dirty or salty water, but they work at a rather slow rate. A new material has been shown to boost their performance, and it’s made from fruit waste which would otherwise be thrown away.
In its most basic form, a conventional solar still consists of a basin of undrinkable water that is set beneath a cover. The water evaporates(蒸发) as it’s heated by the sun, condensing(凝结) on the inside surface of the cover. That condensation—which is pure, clean water—drops down the cover and is collected in a separate container for drinking. In order to warm the dirty/salt y water at a faster rate, scientists have developed materials that float on its surface, transforming sunlight into heat. They commonly use carbon obtained from coal.
To seek a less costly and more environmentally-friendly alternative, Prof. Edison and colleagues at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University looked to something that is free for the taking—fruit waste. More specifically, the scientists tried out coconut peels, orange peels and banana peels.
In a simple carbonization process, the fruit waste was heated at 850℃for a few hours, and mixed with a kind of chemical substance. Doing so transformed the fruit waste into a new material which has a very highlight-to-heat transforming efficiency.
When tested in a small solar still, this new material proved to be very effective at transforming sunlight into heat, causing the dirty/salty water to evaporate much more rapidly. And because the material is full of holes, the water steam is able to rise right through it, subsequently condensing on the inside of the still’s cover.
Prof. Edison and his team found material obtained from the coconut peels worked best, as it transformed sunlight to heat with an efficiency rate of 94%. They are now developing the technology further, and are seeking industry partners to help with its commercialization.
28.What is the paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The working principle of solar stills. B.The advantages of conventional solar stills.
C.The new materials of building a solar still. D.The different ways of purifying dirty water.
29.Why did Prof. Edison and his colleagues try out fruit waste as an alternative
A.To solve the problem of environmental pollution.
B.To find out more eco-friendly materials.
C.To expand the applied range of the solar still.
D.To make solar stills much easier and less costly.
30.What did the scientists do in the carbonization process
A.Get more waste water from the solar still.
B.Test chemical substances in the solar still.
C.Obtain an efficient water-purifying material.
D.Take measures to improve water quality.
31.What is the best title of the text
A.Scientists are transforming sun light into heat
B.Simple process turns fruit waste into new material
C.Solar stills are the best way to get drinking water
D.New technology helps solar stills reach the customer
As Michae! Jackson once famously sang: “I used to say ‘I’ and ‘me’. Now it’s ‘us’, now it’s ‘we’. “We know he was singing about a rat who was changing the way to talk with other rats—but if you find yourself making this same language choice when talking with your partner, it could be a sign that your relationship is getting better.
A team of researchers at Concordia University, Quebec, undertook a study to test the hypothesis(假设)that “we-talk” —the use of first-person plural pronouns like “us” and “we” —would be associated with greater harmony in relationship. The researchers thought that there could be a benefit associated with thinking of oneself and one’s partner as a team, which can be demonstrated by a tendency towards the use of plural pronouns.
The study included 77 couples, and all of them had to be legal guardians to a child under the age of 7.Some couples conducted short discussions by using first-person plural pronouns while some other couples not using “we-talk” could interact with their partner in whatever way they wanted. These discussions centered around the experience of raising their child with their partner. Experimenters watched on from another room.
After the discussions, the couples were asked to complete a marriage satisfaction rating questionnaire. Records of the couples’ conversations were run through a text analysis program to measure the use of plural versus singular pronouns. The results showed that the use of “we-talk” was associated with a change in marriage satisfaction and could beef up the relationship of the couples.
However, there are some clear limitations to this study, most obviously that only couples were included—the results may not be generalizable to a wider population. Anyway, these results represent an interesting piece of a complex puzzle. The researchers note several areas for further research, and ultimately conclude that “the present work demonstrates that we-talk may serve as an observable indicator of relationship satisfaction stability over time”.
32.Why is Michael Jackson mentioned in the first paragraph
A.To compare singing with talking. B.To show the effect of popular songs.
C.To lead in the topic of language style. D.To prove Michael Jackson is legendary
33.What do the researchers want to find out in the study
A.The best way to raise a child. B.The effect of using “we-talk”.
C.The reason of family conflicts. D.The measure of using plural pronouns.
34.What does the underlined word “beef up” mean in paragraph 4
A.Enhance B.Alleviate. C.Evaluate. D.Justify.
35.What is the author’s attitude toward the present study
A.Supportive. B.Negative. C.Skeptical. D.Objective.
Perseverance: The Key to Success
Perseverance is a vital quality to possess in order to achieve success in any aspect of life. 36 Perseverance involves the ability to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and push through adversity, no matter how difficult it may seem.
One perspective on perseverance is that it is the ability to maintain focus and determination in the face of frustrations. 37 The successful people are the ones who keep moving forward in face of adversity. They understand that success often comes after repeated failure.
Another perspective on perseverance is that it involves having a growth mindset. This means that individuals who possess perseverance are open to new challenges and are not afraid to fail. 38 They understand that each failure brings them one step closer to success, and they will keep pushing forward.
39 It also involves having the discipline to do so. This means staying committed to a goal and putting in the necessary time and effort, even when it is not easy. Successful people understand that in order to achieve greatness, sacrifices must be made and hard work must be put in consistently over time.
In conclusion, perseverance is an essential quality to possess in order to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. It involves the ability to persist in the face of adversity, maintain focus and determination, have a growth mindset, and possess the discipline necessary to put in consistent hard work over time. 40
A.With perseverance, anything is possible.
B.Write down your goals to keep them in front of you at all times.
C.It is the quality that drives us to keep going even when it is tough.
D.They view failure as an opportunity to learn rather than a reason to give up.
E.One way to build perseverance is to have a vision of what you want to achieve.
F.Furthermore, perseverance is not just about having the motivation to keep going.
G.In other words, perseverance is about not giving up even when things don’t go well.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My journey to isolation(隔离) in Antarctica was somewhat accidental. I saw a(n) 41 for a position as a leader for an expedition(探险) to Antarctica and was interested. 42 , it was the picture of a penguin in the ad that caught my attention. It 43 that they were looking for someone in charge of an expedition team. I took part in a job 44 and then got a job that I knew had I not gone for it I would 45 .
46 18 strangers around the clock for a full year, with no 47 from the cold and strong winds, I learned a lot. Being in isolation meant I had to do lots of self 48 . Every day I would think carefully of how I had operated as a leader. That discipline of 49 myself taught me how to tell right from wrong.
After returning from the silent Antarctica, the noise in the outside world seemed 50 . It took me about 180 days to 51 to the noisy life. I limited the time I spent outside and gradually 52 my tolerance to noise. Besides, the 53 of my life in Antarctica was very slow, just like everyone’s life in lockdown(禁闭期) due to the COVID-19.When I first got into my car for a ride alone, I felt like I was 54 , even though I wasn’t.
Nowadays I often think back to when I saw the 55 that inspired me to look at the ad for the job a moment that changed my life altogether.
41.A.requirement B.picture C.advertisement D.accident
42.A.Actually B.Ultimately C.Consequently D.Subsequently
43.A.believed B.ordered C.promised D.noted
44.A.experiment B.interview C.election D.investigation
45.A.decline B.delay C.regret D.accept
46.A.Seeking B.Leading C.Knowing D.Training
47.A.suffer B.escape C.concern D.favor
48.A.ambition B.adaptation C.recognition D.reflection
49.A.evaluating B.blocking C.behaving D.enjoying
50.A.louder B.gone C.quieter D.normal
51.A.prefer B.sustain C.adjust D.tailor
52.A.put off B.turned up C.took off D.built up
53.A.track B.pace C.quantity D.mode
54.A.running B.driving C.wandering D.speeding
55.A.penguin B.leader C.teammate D.advertiser
Hangzhou, a paradise on earth
Hangzhou, 56 is now in the spotlight as the main host of the 19th Asian Games, is one of the seven ancient capitals of China, ever 57 (serve) as the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom during the Five Dynasties and the Southern Song Dynasty. As a core city of the Yangtze River Delta, Hangzhou 58 (be) one of the most prosperous cities in China for more than 1,000 years 59 is home to a large number of natural attractions and historical heritages.
Marco Polo, the famous 13th century Italian traveler and merchant, described Hangzhou 60 “the finest and the noblest in the world”.
Now as Hangzhou has grabbed the world’s attention, tourists from 61 (vary) places have gathered to this heavenly city to enjoy its slow life pace and beautiful natural 62 (surround).
The West Lake is 63 (definite) a place people can never miss when visiting Hangzhou. The lake 64 (it) covers 6 square kilometers, and includes some of Hangzhou’s most famous scenic places. Situated in the center of the city, it has convenient public transport access. The Hangzhou government also offers free public bikes for tourists 65 (travel) around the lake. The parks around the lake are all free to visit.
假定你是李华,为提高学生保护视力的意识,你校英语报正在举办以“保护眼睛”为主题的英语征文活动。请你以“My proposals for protecting eyes”为题写一篇短文投稿。要点如下:
My proposals for protecting eyes
No sooner had I finished the midterm exam than I knew I failed in maths again. Mrs. Steward, my maths teacher, asked me to stay after school to talk about my maths study. I was among those students who worked hard and achieved academic success at school — apart from maths. Though I did well in many other subjects, I wouldn’t be on the honor roll(光荣榜) that term if I couldn’t make significant progress in maths. And, the honor roll would be announced in just several weeks. I was frustrated.
Having spotted my depression, Mrs. Steward said, “There will be another important maths test before the honor roll is fixed. Cheer up! I could spare some time after school to help you. You can make it.” “No, thanks,” I declined, adding that I just wanted to go home and never think about maths again. “I am just naturally a poor maths learner.” I almost cried.
Mrs. Steward didn’t give up. She looked me in the eye and said, “You are good at learning. I believe you can change it if we work together.” For a moment, I kept silent, wondering if she might be right. “What time does your bus come ” she asked. “In half an hour,” I replied. She asked if I would like to use the time to deal with the math problems I met in the exam. Encouraged by her, I began to look at my midterm maths paper.
We settled the difficulties in the paper and made a plan to meet every other day after school for the following three weeks. She went over each problem, carefully explaining the solutions. Sometimes I had difficulty understanding her explanation, and she would come up with a different approach to getting across the answer. Soon, the day to take the test came.
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
Mrs. Steward walked around in the classroom, handing out the test papers. ______________________________
The next Monday. Mrs. Steward came in, with the honor roll in her hands. _______________________________
21-25 CDBCD 26-30 DAABC 31-35 BCBAD 36-40CGDFA
41-45CADBC 46-50BBDAA 51-55CDBDA
56.which 57.serving 58.has been 59.and 60.as
61.various 62.surroundings 63.definitely 64.itself 65.to travel
My proposals for protecting eyes
The eyes are the window of our soul, the important guarantee of our contact with the outside world, so we must protect our eyes. In order to keep our eyes healthy, I’d like to share my proposals.
First of all, we should pay attention to eye posture, avoiding reading on your phone while lying down, walking, or taking a car. Besides, due to endless homework, we often feel our eyes tired so we should control eye usage time, resting for 5-10 minutes every 40-50 minutes and doing eye-protection exercises during the break.
Let’s protect our eyes and see more beautiful things.
Mrs. Steward walked around in the classroom, handing out the test papers. Sitting still, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. So nervous was I that I even couldn't make out what was printed on the paper. Mrs. Steward gave me an encouraging look as if saying, “Have faith in yourself! You can make it!” I recalled all those hours we spent after class dealing with my maths problems and the explanations Mrs. Steward offered. So I kept calm and focused all my attention on the questions. In fact, after a few weeks’ efforts, I found maths not as scary as it used to be. I finished the test five minutes before the time limit.
The next Monday, Mrs. Steward came in, with the honor roll in her hands. She stood in front of the class and began to read out the names on it. As my name was announced, I couldn't believe it! “Congratulations, John! You did excellently in the maths test. You deserve it!” With tears welling up in my eyes, I felt astonished and overjoyed. Things became different after that. I showed an interest in maths and gradually became quite good at it. I am so grateful to Mrs. Steward, who has improved not only my maths but also my confidence.

  • 河南省三门峡市渑池县第二高级中学2023-2024高三上学期12月第二次月考英语试题(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月19日  所属分类:作业答案