
(时间:35分钟 满分:105分)
( )1. A. busy B. bad C. bread
( )2. A. close B. cousin C. cloudy
( )3. A. holiday B. hospital C. housework
( )4. A. then B. there C. travel
( )5. A. wash B. water C. weather
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. He's a bit shy. B. He's very cool. C. She's a bit shy.
( )2. A. Robots will do everything. B. Robots will do the housework.
C. Robots will do our homework.
( )3. A. Will it be hot in Haikou B. Will it snow in Shenyang
C. Will it be sunny in Guangzhou
( )4. A. They sang beautifully. B. We sang and danced. C. We listened to music.
( )5. A. Did you have a nice holiday
B. Did you go to Hangzhou
C. Did you visit the famous West Lake
( )1. On Friday I'll go swimming.
( )2. They were young then.
( )3. —Was it a big city then —Yes, it was.
( )4. Grandma cooked noodles.
( )5. Does he live in New York
( )1. A. He's tall. B. It's a book. C. They are pandas.
( )2. A, Yes, they can. B. No, they won't. C. Yes, he will.
( )3. A. I was a bit shy. B. I'll watch TV. C. She helped Mum.
( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don't. C. Yes, I am.
( )5. A. Yes, I was. B. Yes, he did. C. No, I didn't.
( )1. A. take B. wash C. whose
( )2. A. hair B. great C. city
( )3. A. beautiful B. welcome C. cloudy
( )4. A. saw B. had C. eat
( )5. A. Mrs B. dear C. Miss
( )1. It will ________ tomorrow.
A. be hot B. sun C. windy
( )2. —Was it a big city
—________ It was a small village.
A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn't. C. No, it isn't.
( ) 3. What happened ________ your head, Daming
A. for B. / C. to
( )4. —________ postcard is this
—It's Sam's.
A. Who B. Whose C. What
( )5. I'll read my books ________ Sunday.
A. in B. on C. At
1. It will be ________(多云的)in Beijing.
2. This ________(船) is very big.
3. We played ________(游戏;比赛)
4. I want to play in the ________.(太阳)
5. It wasn't clean then. It was ________.(脏的)
( )1. Is it sunny in London A. It's a robot.
( )2. Did he live in New York B. She will do her homework.
( )3. What's that C. It's the Queen's house.
( )4. What will Shanshan do on Tuesday D. No, it isn't.
( )5. Whose house is this E. Yes, he did.
1. for, ride, I, a, went, yesterday, bike (.)
2. be, Beijing, will, sunny, in, it'(.)
3. talked, friends, some, they, with (.)
4. lots, ate, food, of, we, delicious (.)
5. have, you, a, holiday, did, nice ( )
A. I was at home. B. Did you have a nice holiday C. You will have a good time. D. I went there by train. E. Yes, I will.
Jack: Hello, Alice. I'm happy to see you.
Alice: Me too. 1. _____________
Jack: Yes, I did. I went to Beijing.
Alice: Did you travel by plane
Jack: No. 2. _____________ And I saw some old but beautiful villages on the way.
Alice: That's great.
Jack: What about you
Alice: 3. _____________ Because it was rainy.
Jack: What a pity (真可惜) ! Will you go out next weekend
Alice: 4. _____________ I will go to Hangzhou and visit the West Lake with my friends.
Jack: The West Lake is very famous and beautiful. 5. _____________
It was Sunday yesterday. The weather was fine. Jim and Tom went to the zoo by bike. They saw many animals there. They were very happy. At eleven o' clock, they were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some hot dogs and some milk. They had them for lunch. Then they played in the zoo. They jumped and ran, but then Jim fell down and bumped his arm. Tom took him to the hospital. Now Jim is better.
( )1. The weather was fine yesterday.
( )2. They went to the park by bike.
( )3. They saw many animals.
( )4. They had some bread and milk for lunch.
( )5. Jim bumped his leg

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发布日期:2023年12月19日  所属分类:作业答案