Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. (Section A 2a-2d)基础知识精练(2课时无答案)

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up … 同步练习
Section A 2a-2e第1课时
①We should __________________(尽最大努力)to be happy in the future.
②We should try _____ much fruit. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. Eats
③—Do you know Mo Yan
—Of course, He won the 2023 Nobel Prize four Literature _____ the age of 57.
A. in B. at C. on D. To
④I find ___too difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it.
A. it, give up it B. It, give it up C. that ,give away it D. that ,give it away
1).They’ll organize a pop concert to r_______money for the poor children.
2).There are ______(几只)birds in the tree.
3).Look at the s_____.It says:“no parking .”
4).He often goes to the hospital to sing for the patients to c_____them up.
( ) 1).We need_______________________________(想出) a plan.
( ) 2).We notice Mr Wang _________ his office. (我们注意到王老师正进办公室)
( ) 3).My little sister is afraid to stay at home alone.
A. quietly B. lonely C. all the time D. by herself
( ) 4).The old man lives ___,but he never feels ____.
A. lonely; alone B. alone ;lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely
( ) 5).( ) My mother came up with a good idea which we all agreed to.
A.thought about B. thought up C. thought hard
( ) 6).We're thirsty. We’d like _______ some water A.drink B. drinking C. to drink
( ) 7).---Mary is upset now. Why don’t we_________ --- That’s a good idea.
A .cheer her up B .wake her up C. put her up
( )8). Did John______ the books to the students this morning A. gave out B. give up C. give out
4、用所给词的适当形式填空1). When I see ______________(home) people in the street. I feel sad.
2). We are going to Food bank to help ____________(hunger) people.
3). It’s________________(hope) for him to go to college because he hardly ever does his schoolwork.
4). The room is too dirty,Let’s (把它打扫干净,好吗)_____________________ , _________ ______
5.提高题 你知道我们已学过与up搭配的动词短语吗?请试译出其汉语意思
clean up__________ put up__________ cheer up____________ set up___________think up_________
come up__________ call up__________ stand up___________ get up___________ turn up__________
look up_________ catch up with_____________ use up___________ eat up_________
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up … 同步练习
Section A 2a-2e第2课时
1.知识点巩固练习:①My mother used_________(tell)us story when we were young.
②He used to ____short and ____ short hair when he was young.
A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; have
3).Stamps is used ____________(post) letters.
2.直击中考 1)My brother used to _____ up late, but now he is used to ___ up early.
A. get ;get B. getting; get C. get; getting D. getting; getting(2023上海)
2)Keys are used ___ the door.A. to open B. to opening C. open D. Opening(2023张掖)
5).Who is the o_______ of this red car
6).I said it in that way so as not to hurt his _____(fell)
7).He finished painting the picture and looked at it with _____________(满意)。
8).His grandparents live ____in a small house,but they don’t fell____.
A.lonely,alone B.alone,lonely C.lonely,lonely D.alone,alone
9).I am sorry to tell you that you shouldn’t smoke here.Please look at the sign.
Oh,I am sorry.I______it.
A.don’t notice B.didn’t notice C.will notice D.haven’t noticed
10).I ______an hour and a half on my homework yesterday. A. took B. cost C. spent
11).How long have you________your hometown
A. be away B. left C. been away from
4.提高题 找出下列短语的同义词
1. think up _________ A. hand out
2. call up__________ B. establish / start
3. give out_________ C. come up with
4. set up __________ D. make sb. happier
5. cheer up _________ E. make a phone to sb.

  • Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. (Section A 2a-2d)基础知识精练(2课时无答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案