山东省鄄城县重点中学2023-2024高一上学期12月月考英语试题(含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What kind of movie will the speakers watch
A. An action movie. B. A comedy. C. A thriller.
2. What is the matter with the man
A. He tied in a wrong way.
B. He is not fit to wear a tie.
C. He is wearing a tie in a wrong color.
3. What do we know about the woman
A. She is not hungry. B. She doesn’t like bread. C. She will eat the bread
4. What does the man mean
A. He’s sure to pass the test.
B. He also thinks the test difficult.
C. He hopes the woman can pass the test.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A job position. B. A sales engineer. C. An electrical company.
6. What relation is the woman to Dr. Carlton
A. His secretary. B. His wife. C. His student.
7. What will the man do next
A. Book a flight. B. Make an appointment. C. See a doctor.
8. What is the purpose of the survey
A. To do a market research.
B. To introduce a new product.
C. To persuade people to apply for credit cards.
9. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Fill out a form. B. Sign a form. C. Pay his credit card bills.
10. Where will the party be held
A. In a café. B. In a club. C. In the dining hall.
11. How many people are expected to be present at the party
A. 8. B. 9. C. 10.
12. What will the woman do later
A. Go on the Internet. B. Book a place. C. Listen to music.
13. What are the speakers doing
A. Buying books.
B. Putting books in order.
C. Checking the information of some books.
14. Who is the writer of Wine Science
A. Mac Lean. B. George Brown. C. Bookman.
15. What does the woman say about Grape Growing
A. It is quite expensive.
B. It is a classic course book.
C. It won’t be used in second year.
16. How much does Wine Making cost
A. $13. B. $30. C. $45.
17. What does the speaker do
A. A tour guide. B. An artist. C. A photographer.
18. When will the group arrive in India
A. On the 5th of November.
B. On the 6th of November.
C. On the 7th of November.
19. How many types of birds are there in the wildlife park
A. About 10. B. About 20. C. About 300.
20. What can people in the group do in New Delhi
A. Go sightseeing or go shopping.
B. Travel around on elephants.
C. Have lunch and dinner.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Enjoy Fresh Air
Namba Parks, Osaka, Japan
Architects creating Namba Parks shopping mall in Osaka showed that you needn’t sacrifice (牺牲) green spaces for commercial (商业的) development.
The shopping center, built in 2003, provides eight floors of commercial space for cinemas, stores, events and restaurants.
The garden at its top begins at street level. Visitors are treated to green spaces and there is no money necessary to enjoy the simple pleasures.
Promenade Plantee, Paris, France
The space was developed on a disused railway line and runs from the Opera Bastille to the Bois de Vincennes in the city.
Around 1.5 km of the park is higher than the street, with other parts at street level, even passing through disused railway tunnels (隧道).
The project began in 1988 and finished in 1994 and the space is now home to many trees and plants, including bamboo and cherry trees.
Jurong Lake Gardens, Singapore, Singapore
Jurong Lake Gardens is a 90-hectare green space in the heart of Singapore. Although some areas are still under development, the first part opened in 2019.
The gardens were developed with nature and community in mind — with a large 2.3-hectare play area for children. The park has also developed a learning program to help educate students about biodiversity (生物多样性).
The High Line, New York, USA
You’ve probably heard of Central Park in New York. But did you know this is only the fifth largest park in New York, a city that has 180 state parks in total
Wanting to increase its biodiversity further, city planners also created a city park known as the High Line between 2009 and 2019. This 2-kilometer public park was built on a disused railway line and is now home to over 150,000 plants and trees.
21. Why is Namba Parks special
A. It serves as a shopping center. B. It is still under development.
C. It is the fifth largest park in Japan. D. It includes different parks in Osaka.
22. What do Promenade Plantee and The High Line have in common
A. They were created by architects from Singapore.
B. They are famous for learning programs.
C. They were private gardens at first.
D. They are ‘on old railway lines.
23. Which park is the oldest
A. Namba Parks. B. Promenade Plantee.
C. Jurong Lake Gardens D. The High Line.
For eight years, Handshouse Studio has worked to create toys for Emily and Ruth, two Asian elephants at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford.
The founders of the organization, Rick and Laura Brown, are both art teachers and created the “Toys for Elephants” program to challenge their students to make toys for Emily and Ruth and raise the quality (质量) of their lives at the zoo. Emily and Ruth were saved from a failed circus (马戏团) in Asia and were badly treated in their youth.
In the spring, the art students make the toys out of wood and other materials (材料). At the end of the semester, the class sends them to Emily and Ruth at the zoo.
This year, the Norwell Fire Department gave away old fire hoses (消防水龙带) to the class. “It’s interesting what use people find in old hoses,” Fire Chief Andrew Reardon said. “To create toys for elephants was certainly a first.” Reardon said they were happy to give Handshouse the old hose to make toys for the elephants and that it was a special chance to be a part of that. “It’s not every day you get to help make toys for elephants,” Reardon said.
Once at the zoo, the students set up their toys around the empty elephant house and quickly leave so Emily and Ruth may come in to play with their new toys. “The students have really embraced this and they really want to have a part to play in solving the serious problem of keeping animals in captivity (圈养),” Rick said.
Handshouse Studio decided to work with other zoos and art and design organizations around the world with the “Toys for Elephants” program. Already, the Browns have been getting calls from all over the world, including New Zealand, Germany and Thailand.
24. What is the purpose of the program from Handshouse Studio
A. To teach students how to design handmade toys.
B. To attract visitors to the Buttonwood Park Zoo.
C. To save wild elephants from circuses in Asia.
D. To improve the lives of elephants at the zoo.
25. How did the Norwell Fire Department support the program
A. By volunteering at the park.
B. By making toys with the students.
C. By providing toy-making materials.
D. By raising money for Emily and Ruth.
26. What does the underlined word “embraced” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Missed. B. Accepted. C. Needed. D. Helped.
27. What can we say about the program
A. It has drawn worldwide attention.
B. It has made the zoo very-famous.
C. It has been a big step in art education.
D. It has shown the public the value of zoos.
For new students at Binghamton University, the first few weeks can be an exciting time. Their focus is largely on finding a sense of community. For Antoinette “Toni” Stefanakos, now a senior majoring in (主修) marketing, her sense of belonging (归属感) started with a flyer from Off Campus College Transport (OCCT).
“One day I was leaving the classroom and there was a flyer advertising (征聘) for student drivers,” Stefanakos said. “I had no idea that the buses on campus were run by students. So I called my dad, and said, ‘I’m going to be a bus driver.’”
OCCT is Binghamton University’s student-run bus service. The blue buses are a hallmark of the campus, and they are all driven in the lane (车道) by students.
“I interviewed, and it went really well,” Stefanakos said.
Stefanakos’s interest in public transportation continued to grow after she saw a job flyer for Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS). “I knew that TAPS was advertising for a marketing student,” she said. “And I thought that was great for me as a marketing major and someone who works with buses.”
Stefanakos began working with TAPS. Because of this job, Stefanakos found a new path. Now, she deals with public relations and trains new drivers for OCCT. “I can share my knowledge and experience as someone who is a driver,” she said.
The people make the job all the more worthwhile for Stefanakos. “One day, a passenger came up to me and told me I was her driver every Tuesday morning. And she told me that every time she was on my bus, she knew it was going to be a good day. I didn’t even realize that a simple ‘good morning’ could make someone’s day like that,” she said.
Stefanakos will surely miss the blue buses when she graduates, but she’ll always have unforgettable memories (回忆) to look back on.
28. What decision did Stefanakos share with her father
A. To be a school bus driver.
B. To invite him to visit her campus.
C. To complete a major in marketing.
D. To start the student organization OCCT.
29. What did Stefanakos think of her job at TAPS
A. It awakened her interest in public transportation.
B. It was a perfect match for her major and job.
C. It was an encouragement for her to run OCCT.
D. It filled her father with great pride.
30. What can we learn about Stefanakos from paragraph 7
A. She is very friendly to her driver.
B. She has a gift for making friends.
C. She is spoken highly of because of her job.
D. She has met passengers from all walks of life.
31. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Driven by love, a journey of hope B. On the bus, connect with others
C. Life in the blue bus lane D. The path less traveled
The AI program ChatGPT might one day be able to help doctors detect (发现) Alzheimer’s disease (a serious illness that especially influences older people) in its early stages, according to new research from Drexel University.
While there is still no effective treatment for the disease, detecting it early can give patients more choices for medical treatment and support. “We know from ongoing research that the harmful results of Alzheimer’s disease can show themselves in language production,” said Hualou Liang, a professor at Drexel University and a co-author of the research. “The most commonly used tests for early detection of Alzheimer’s look at acoustic features (声学特征). We believe the improvement of AI programs provides another way to support early detection. of Alzheimer’s.”
GPT-3 uses a deep learning system (系统) which allows it to produce a human-like answer to any questions that include language. It is extremely good at “zero-data learning” — meaning it can answer questions that would require extra knowledge that has not been-provided. “GPT-3’s systemic method of language learning and production makes it a promising tool for finding certain speech features that may detect the disease,” said Liang.
The researchers carried out a series of experiments to test their ideas. “As we had expected, our test results showed that GPT-3 program can find clues (线索) from its conversations with patients that are 80% accurate (精确的) in the detection. GPT-3 can be a dependable tool,” they wrote.
To build on the promising result, the researchers are planning to develop an APP that could be used at home or in a doctor’s office as a pre-screening tool.
“This could be a simple and accurate tool for community-based testing.” said Felix Agbavor, a doctoral researcher at the University. “It is the latest in a series of efforts to show the effectiveness of AI programs for early detection of Alzheimer’s. It could be very useful for early screening and risk management.”
32. What did the Drexel study look at
A. Different causes of Alzheimer’s disease.
B. Effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
C. Detecting the use of AI programs in language learning.
D. Finding early signs of Alzheimer’s disease through ChatGPT.
33. What made the researchers choose GPT-3
A. Its low cost. B. Its promising future.
C. Its wide popularity. D. Its working system.
34. How did the study turn out
A. It achieved the expected results.
B. It was questioned by community doctors.
C. It has driven the development of AI technology.
D. It has changed public opinion on Alzheimer’s disease.
35. What is Felix Agbavor’s attitude to the study
A. Dissatisfied. B. Uncaring. C. Supportive. D. Curious.
It’s very common to have performance (表现) anxiety when giving a speech. Luckily, it’s possible to get over your fear so you can give great public speeches.
Know your topic really well. Being prepared is the best way to deal with this fear. 36 If you have time, look for online videos to help you deepen your understanding. If you’re short on time, do an Internet search and read the first few sources that come up.
37 You’ve likely heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect,” and it’s true. Practicing will help you feel confident when you step in front of an audience. Start by reading your speech aloud to yourself. If you have a time limit (限制) for your speech, time yourself when you’re practicing. 38 Get a feel for the sound of your speech and make changes as necessary.
Visualize (想象) yourself giving a great speech. Visualization can make you feel like you actually experienced the thing you’re imagining. 39 Imagine that you’re doing an excellent job and everyone is excited to hear you. Then, picture yourself ending your speech and walking away to applause (掌声). This can help you relax because it makes you feel like you can be successful.
Tell yourself that the audience wants you to succeed. It may feel like the audience is there to laugh at you, but this isn’t true. 40 They want you to do a good job, so they’re on your side. Think of them as supporters.
A. Just listen to your voice at first.
B. Practice your speech before you give it.
C. Read about your topic so that you understand it well.
D. Public speaking is a skill that most people have to learn.
E. Close your eyes, then picture yourself giving your speech.
F. Then, write out paragraphs explaining your main points and support for them.
G. Your audience is there to hear what you have to say and learn something they can use.
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
I spent this summer with my sister.
I really valued this 41 . I left home for college about the time my sister turned nine, so the last time we 42 together was when she was still a kid. In the past years, we’ve only had vacations with kids following closely behind. This was the first time that we had days together with none of our 43 around.
What did I learn about my sister from this vacation
She likes to 44 . My sister took up running many years ago. My last experience running was in the summer of 1977. But she has 45 it for years and even ran during our vacation.
She is an excellent planner. The ability to plan is one trait (品质) we share. We are both able to 46 an outing. We are 47 and can read maps and schedules. Also, we are each pretty 48 to either leading or following. So travelling 49 seems to work out well.
She is more 50 than I am, particularly (尤其是) in the evenings. I 51 early, but she stayed up for many of the night-time entertainment (娱乐) programs. That’s how she made friends with other 52 and arranged for us to have a nice dinner with them. That day, I was glad she was the leader and I was the 53 .
Sisters can be different and still enjoy each other’s 54 . I enjoyed hers this summer, and hope we can 55 the experience sometime.
41. A. luck B. choice C. information D. chance
42. A. lived B. rested C. shared D. met
43. A. students B. friends C. kids D. sisters
44. A. climb B. run C. compete D. play
45. A. kept up with B. come up with C. put up with D. caught up with
46. A. introduce B. attend C. enjoy D. organize
47. A. thankful B. hopeful C. thoughtful D. successful
48. A. agreeable B. new C. close D. important
49. A. abroad B. together C. online D. alone
50. A. creative B. honest C. popular D. active
51. A. finished B. slept C. arrived D. left
52. A. neighbors B. users C. visitors D. hosts
53. A. follower B. guide C. partner D. guest
54. A. confidence B. life C. change D. company
55. A. report B. repeat C. remember D. discover
Learning Chinese musical instruments has been a(n) 56.__________ (amaze) journey for me as a high school freshman. I decided 57.__________ (enjoy) the rich heritage (遗产) of Chinese music and learn the guzheng.
Finding a skilled guzheng teacher was my first step. Luckily, I found a great instructor 58.__________ guided me through this new musical world. Under 59.__________ (he) guidance, I learned finger placement and hand movements, and got control 60.__________ the strings (弦).
Playing the guzheng also taught me the cultural 61.__________ (important) of each piece. Chinese music tells stories and shares emotions (情绪), requiring precise (精确的) expression. Practicing the guzheng needed patience and time. Progress came after great effort. However, the happiness of 62.__________ (produce) beautiful sounds made it all worthwhile.
Playing the guzheng enriched my life in countless 63.__________ (way). It deepened my understanding of Chinese culture and history and also provided 64.__________ sense of achievement.
Learning the guzheng has been a spiritual journey. It challenged and encouraged me, showing the beauty of Chinese music. The guzheng has 65.__________ (certain) become a part of my life, and I am thankful for this chance to learn Chinese musical instruments.
第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66. My n__________ language is Chinese, one of the six working languages of the UN.
67. To express yourself freely, you must have a large __________ (词汇).
68. When you meet with new words, you can r__________ to the dictionary.
69. D__________ the poor weather, we all enjoyed ourselves on the beach.
70. The workers in France are s__________ for better working conditions
71. These dead animals should be b__________ immediately since they aren’t fit to be eaten.
72. With the help of her teacher and through her own __________ (努力), Helen graduated from university.
73. I would need oxygen tanks placed on my back so I could __________ (呼吸) all the time.
74. Firemen were called out to r__________ a man trapped in the building.
75. This is one of the worst natural d__________ in the area.
第四节 翻译句子(每个句子2分,共10分,错一词扣0.5分)
76. 好像世界末日即将来临。
77. 在不到一分钟的时间里,一座大城市沦为废墟。
78. 唐山开始复活并重新站起来。
79. 当时我和三孩子正在吃早饭,海水开始灌入屋内。
80. 幸存者所看到的每个地方,全是废墟。
第四部分 写作(作文:满分20分)
1. 保证充足睡眠,至少八小时。
2. 注意合理饮食,多吃水果蔬菜。
3. 坚持体育锻炼,多参加体育活动。
Dear Lily,
Glad to hear from you! In your letter you asked me how to prevent flu and keep healthy. I am happy to give you some suggestions. _______________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A
(Text 1)
M: How about a movie on Sunday, Mum
W: Well, I’m afraid your father’s not interested in action movies or thrillers
M: We could find a comedy.
W: That sounds fine.
(Text 2)
W: George, change the tie. It is an awful match for the suit in color.
M: Really I thought I tied it so good.
W: It’s not your way of tying it but the match!
M: OK. I’ll change it.
(Text 3)
M: Ah-oh, I burned your bread. I’ll put in a couple more slices.
W: No, don’t waste the bread. Just cut off the burnt part. It’ll be fine.
(Text 4)
W: Do you think Professor Morrison’s biology test was too difficult
M: Well, I wish I could just get a passing mark.
(Text 5)
W: I suggest you apply for the job as an Electrical Sales Engineer in Mlawi. The conditions are excellent.
M: You may be right, but job satisfaction is more important than money.
(Text 6)
W: Hello, sir. How can I help you
M: I have an appointment with Dr. Carlton on Thursday. But I just found out I have to fly to Tokyo on Thursday morning.
W: Well, I guess you will be needing to change the time, then. Actually, the doctor is free in about 30 minutes if you have time today.
M: That’s good luck. I’d be happy to wait here and see him today. Thank you very much.
(Text 7)
M: I was stopped by one of those market researchers today. She was doing a survey on money.
W: Really What kind of things was she asking
M: She wanted to know whether I was a spender or a saver, and how I usually paid for everything.
W: Hmm. Did you tell her I pay for everything
M: Uh, no… Anyway, she asked me how many times I’d used a credit card in the past month. I told her I didn’t have one, and the next thing I know, she asked me if I wanted to have one!
W: But you’re only 18!
M: Well, I filled out the form anyway. The only thing is… she asked if a parent could sign it, so…
(Text 8)
M: Hi, Lisa. You know we’ve been asked to organize a party for Tony’s birthday
W: Of course. Let’s start working out the details. The first thing is, er, the time. Tony’s birthday…
M: October 25th
W: Sure! And what about the place
M: Is the dining hall a good choice Or a club is much better
W: I think Tony likes a quiet place
M: How about the newly opened café
W: Sounds great! Then we’d better make sure how many people will be invited to the party.
M: Yeah, I’ve been working it out and I think 9 including Tony.
W: OK. Next thing… yes… the birthday gift. Do you have any ideas
M: You know Tony loves music, so I thought perhaps, an MP3.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll check the price through the Internet later.
M: Great! I’ll call the cafe right now to book a table.
(Text 9)
M: There are mountains of books to look through.
W: Oh, I don’t think it will be all that difficult with the two of us.
M: Well, here goes.
W: Guess what I’ve just found
M: What
W: Wine Science. It is by Bookman. Quite good for $4.50.
M: Hey. Look what I’ve got here. Grape Growing. Is it on your list
W: Great! This is one of the main books in the course and it’s used in second year as well. And it’s not really expensive at $30. Um, it’s written by MacLean. The condition is good too. Considering it’s a classic book in the wine industry, it is of good value. I’m glad I brought my backpack along. I think it’s going to be useful with all these books we’re finding.
M: Oh look. Here’s another one on your list, Wine Making. It’s by someone called George Brown.
W: Let me see. Um. Yes it’s on my list. How much is it
M: I can’t read the price. Look! Here are dirty marks. $30 I think. No, it’s $13.
W: What a bargain! This one normally sells for $45. I’m so pleased you’re helping me.
M: My pleasure.
(Text 10)
M: Hello. I’m Stephen Mills. I will travel with you on the Tiger Tour to India, but I’m not your tour guide. I work as an artist and I’m going to take some photographs of tigers so that I can use them when I paint some pictures later. An expert guide will join the group when we arrive in India, but I’m leading the group until then.
We leave London on the 6th of November, arriving in India the following day. It’s a good time of the year to visit the wildlife park where the tigers live. We’ll spend ten days in the wildlife park. There are about 20 types of animals and 300 types of birds to see as well as tigers. To be sure of seeing tigers, we’ll stay in two different parts of the wildlife park. We’ll spend three days in the north, where we’ll travel around in an open truck, and the rest of the time in the south, where we’ll travel around on elephants. That should be fun!
On the way back to London, we have dinner and one night’s bed and breakfast in the Indian capital, New Delhi. There you can either go sightseeing or go shopping, whichever you prefer. But please note that lunch is not provided on our last day, as the plane leaves at two in the afternoon.
21. A。理解具体信息。根据Namba Parks, Osaka, Japan部分中的Namba Parks shopping mall以及The shopping center, built in 2003, provides eight floors of commercial space for cinemas, stores, events and restaurants可知,Namba Parks本身也是一座商业购物中心。
22. D。理解具体信息。根据Promenade Plantee, Paris, France部分中的The space was developed on a disused railway line和The High Line, New York, USA部分中的This 2-kilometer public park was built on a disused railway line可知,这两个公园都建在废弃的铁路线上。
23. B。理解具体信息。根据Namba Parks, Osaka, Japan部分中的built in 2003、Promenade Plantee, Paris, France部分中的began in 1988 and finished in 1994、Jurong Lake Gardens, Singapore, Singapore部分中的are still under development, the first part opened in 2019和The High Line, New York, USA部分中的between 2009 and 2019可知,Promenade Plantee的历史最悠久。
24. D。理解具体信息。根据第一段的内容和第二段中的created the “Toys for Elephants” program to challenge their students to make toys for Emily and Ruth and raise the quality of their lives at the zoo可知,“Toys for Elephants”项目旨在为大象制作玩具,改善它们在动物园里的生活环境。
25. C。理解具体信息。根据第四段中的This year, the Norwell Fire Department gave away old fire hoses to the class和Reardon said they were happy to give Handshouse the old hose to make toys for the elephants可知,the Norwell Fire Department为学生们提供了制作玩具用的旧消防水龙带。give away意为“赠送”。fire department意为“消防部门”。
26. B。理解词汇。根据下文中的they really want to have a part to play in solving the serious problem of keeping animals in captivity可知,学生们非常支持这一项目,由此可推知,embrace意为“欣然接受”。
27. A。推断。根据最后一段中的Already, the Browns have been getting calls from all over the world, including New Zealand, Germany and Thailand可知,该项目引起了全世界的关注。
first n. 空前的成就:前所未有的事情
28. A。理解具体信息。根据第二段内容可知,Stefanakos在看到招聘校车司机的传单后,她打电话告诉父亲自己决定要当校车司机。本段中的flyer意为“宣传单”。
29. B。理解观点、态度。根据第五段中的And I thought that was great for me as a marketing major and someone who works with buses可知,Stefanakos认为TAPS的工作是她的专业和目前所做工作的完美匹配。B项中的match作名词,意为“相配的人(或物)”。
30. C。推断。根据第七段中的she told me that every time she was on my bus, she knew it was going to be a good day. I didn’t even realize that a simple ‘good morning’ could make someone’s day like that可知,Stefanakos在乘客中的口碑很好。speak highly of意为“大加称赞”。
31. C。理解主旨要义。阅读全文可知,文章主要讲述了Stefanakos在看到校车司机招聘传单后决定加入学校的OCCT组织,成为学校蓝色校车司机的故事。多年来,Stefanakos全身心投入到校车司机的工作中,不仅作为司机服务全校师生,还将自己的专业和爱好结合起来,为OCCT组织处理公共关系和培训新司机,赢得了乘客的好评,因此C项最能概括本文内容。
hallmark n. 特征;特点
32. D。理解具体信息。根据第一段的内容和第二段中的We believe the improvement of AI programs provides another way to support early detection of Alzheimer’s可知,该研究主要探究能否通过使用人工智能程序GPT-3发现阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease)的早期症状。
33. D。推断。根据第三段中的GPT-3’s systemic method of language learning and production makes it a promising tool for finding certain speech features that may detect the disease可知,语言学习和生成的工作原理是工作人员选择GPT-3作为研究对象的原因。promising作形容词,意为“有前途的;有望成功的”。
34. A。推断。根据第四段中的As we had expected, our test results showed that GPT-3 program can find clues from its conversations with patients that are 80% accurate in the detection. GPT-3 can be a dependable tool可知,研究取得了预期的结果,GPT-3可以被用来发现阿尔茨海默病的早期症状。
35. C。理解观点、态度。根据最后一段中Felix Agbavor说的话It is the latest in a series of efforts to show the effectiveness of AI programs for early detection of Alzheimer’s. It could be very useful for early screening and risk management可知,Felix Agbavor对该研究持肯定态度。screening意为“筛查;检查”。
36. C。根据本段的主旨句Know your topic really well可知,作者在本段建议我们要充分了解自己的演讲话题,因此C项符合此处内容。C项中的understand it well与主旨句相照应。
37. B。设空处为本段的主旨句。根据下文中的You’ve likely heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect,” and it’s true. Practicing will help you feel confident when you step in front of an audience可知,作者在本段建议我们在正式演讲前多练习,因此B项最能概括本段主旨。
38. A。根据下文中的Get a feel for the sound of your speech and make changes as necessary可知,作者认为练习演讲时要首先熟悉自己的声音,因此A项符合此处内容。A项中的Just listen to your voice与下文中的Get a feel for the sound of your speech相照应。get a feel for…意为“加深对……的了解”。
39. E。根据本段的主旨句Visualize yourself giving a great speech可知,作者在本段建议我们可以在脑海中想象自己正在作精彩演讲,因此E项符合此处内容。E项中的picture与主旨句中的Visualize以及下文中的Imagine构成近义词复现的关系,并与下文中的picture构成原词复现的关系。picture作动词,意为“想象;设想”。
40. G。根据本段的主旨句Tell yourself that the audience wants you to succeed和下文中的They want you to do a good job, so they’re on your side可知,作者在本段建议我们不要害怕观众,观众聆听我们的演讲不是为了看我们出丑,而是为了从我们的演讲中学到东西,因此G项符合此处内容。
41. D。根据上文中的I spent this summer with my sister和下文中的This was the first time that we had days together with none of our. around可知,作者非常珍惜这次和妹妹一起旅行的机会。
42. A。根据上文中的I left home for college about the time my sister turned nine可知,作者和妹妹很早就没有住在一起了。
43. C。根据上文中的In the past years, we’ve only had vacations with kids following closely behind和This was the first time可知,这是作者和妹妹第一次没有孩子在身边的旅行。
44. B。下文中的My sister took up running提示本空选择run, 属于原词复现。take up意为“开始从事”。
45. A。根据上文中的My last experience running was in the summer of 1977和But以及下文中的even ran during our vacation可知,作者的妹妹至今都在坚持跑步。keep up with… 意为“继续做……”,符合语境。
46. D。根据上文中的The ability to plan is one trait we share和下文中的an outing可知,作者和妹妹都非常擅长安排旅行。outing作名词,意为“短途旅行;外出”。
47. C。根据上文中的The ability to plan is one trait we share和下文中的can read maps and schedules可知,作者和妹妹都是考虑周到的人。
48. A。根据下文中的to either leading or following可知,在旅行中,作者和妹妹既可以带队,也愿意跟随。be agreeable to意为“欣然同意”,符合语境。
49. B。根据上文中的内容和下文中的work out well可知,作者和妹妹两人都很擅长规划旅行,因此一起旅行可以很顺利。work out well意为“成功地发展”。
50. D。根据下文中的she stayed up for many of the night-time entertainment programs和she made friends with other… and arranged for us to have a nice dinner with them可知,作者的妹妹比她更活跃。
51. B。根据下文中的but she stayed up for many of the night-time entertainment programs可知,作者与妹妹不同,她在旅行期间很早就睡了。
52. C。此处是指作者的妹妹和其他游客成为了朋友。
53. A。根据上文中的arranged for us to have a nice dinner with them she was the leader可知,作者的妹妹成为了那天旅行中的“领导者”,作者只需要听从妹妹的安排。follower:意为“追随者;拥护者”,符合语境。
54. D。根据上文作者和妹妹一起旅行的内容可知,作者认为姐妹之间会有很多的不同之处,但是仍然喜欢彼此的陪伴。company作名词,意为“陪伴”,符合语境。
55. B。此处是指作者希望能和妹妹再旅行一次。repeat意为“再次发生”,符合语境。
56. amazing。考查形容词。设空处作前置定语,修饰journey, 表示“令人惊喜的”,用形容词,故填amazing。
57. to enjoy。考查动词不定式。decide to do sth. 决定做某事。
58. who/that。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,指代先行词instructor,且在从句中作主语,故填who或that。instructor意为“导师;教练”。
59. his。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示“他的”指导,故填形容词性物主代词his。
60. over/of。考查介词。control over /of sth.对某物的控制。
6l. importance。考查名词。根据空前的the和空后的of可知,此处表示每首曲子的文化“重要性”,用名词,故填importance。设空处所在句中的piece意为“(音乐作品)一首”。
62. producing。考查动词-ing形式。设空处作介词of的宾语,故填producing。
63. ways。考查可数名词的复数。way意为“方式;途径”,为可数名词,根据语境和空前的countless可知,此处表示复数意义,故填ways。
64. a。考查固定搭配。a sense of achievement成就感。
65. certainly。考查副词。设空处作状语,用副词,故填certainly。
66. native, 67. vocabulary, 68. refer, 69. Despite, 70. struggling,
71. buried, 72. efforts, 73. breathe, 74. rescue, 75. disasters.
76. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end.
77. In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins.
78. Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet up.
79. I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
80. Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins.
Dear Lily,
Glad to hear from you! In your letter you asked me how to prevent flu and keep healthy. I am happy to give you some suggestions. As we know, food is of great importance to us teenagers. Since we grow very fast, we are in need of nutritious food, such as fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and soon. However, I think you’d better not eat food with much sugar and fat. It is necessary for you to have at least eight hours of sleep every day. In addition, you should take
physical exercise regularly. It will be beneficial to your health, only in this way can you keep fit.
Best wishes!
Li Hua

  • 山东省鄄城县重点中学2023-2024高一上学期12月月考英语试题(含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案