
1.(1分)A.To say hello.
B.To write down the numbers.
C.To turn to Page 33.
3.(1分)A.She's worried.
B.She's proud.
C.She's sorry.
4.(1分)A.Computer skills.
B.A musical instrument.
C.A foreign language.
5.(1分)A.To Mr.Griffin's office.
B.To the staff room.
C.To the meeting hall.
二、听短文,完成下面的任务。(共2小题,每小题5分, 共10分)
A.It was the biggest success for her.
B.In 2011,she kept on making dried fruit.
C.She even started making popcorn and sold it to the local cinemas
D.Most of Emma's friends decided to go to college,but Emma used the money to start her own business.
E.She was so busy that she needed more people to work for her.
(1)    (2)   (3)   (4)    (5)   
7.(5分) 请再听录音,根据录音内容选出最佳答案。
(1)When was Emma born?
A.In 1975.
B.In 1981.
C.In 1992.
(2)What did Rose give Emma some money for?
A.Her business.
B.Her birthday.
C.Her college.
(3)What did Emma's parents want her to do in the future?
A.Open a fruit shop.
B.Work as a doctor.
C.Sell medicine.
(4)Which places did Emma sell dried fruit to in 2011?
A.The supermarkets.
B.The cinemas.
C.The amusement parks.
(5)What was the biggest success for Emma at the end of 2015?
A.Selling popcorn.
B.Opening more shops.
C.Having 100 workers.
8.(1分)﹣Are you going to_____ football match tonight?
﹣I wish I could, but I'm meeting _____ VIP from Oklahoma.(  )
A.an; an B.an; a C.the; an D.the; a
9.(1分)—Wow!How beautiful the moon is!Let's admire the bright moon!
—Great!I have already____________the moon cakes and your favorite fruits in the garden.(  )
A.lay out B.laid out C.lied out D.lain out
10.(1分)—Gee!I can't focus on what teacher says in class.So I always fail my tests.
—Taking notes may help a lot.____________you are,____________grades you'll get.(  )
A. The better;the more careful
B. The careful;the good
C. The more carefully;the better
D. The more careful;the better
11.(1分) —We should start with"Excuse me."Sometimes we need to spend time ____________ into a request.
—Of course.We are taught to speak ____________when we ask for help.(  )
A. lead;polite B. leading;polite
C. to led;more polite D. leading;politely
12.(1分)—Don't worry about Tom.He____________in the new boarding school.
—How brave he is!He ____________be afraid of that.(  )
A. used to live;is used to
B. is used to live;used to
C. used to living;is used to
D. is used to living;used to
13.(1分)﹣I wonder ________ the earth is also called water planet.
﹣Yes.Geographer teacher told us 71% of the earth's surface ________ by water.(  )
A.if;is covered
B.that;is covered
C.whether;was covered
D.if;was covered
14.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Happy Christmas!Here is a present for you!
﹣﹣﹣Oh,____________lovely the puppy is!Thank you,Dad.(  )
A. what B. how a C. how D. what a
15.(1分) —What a lovely model plane!What is it made ____________?
—Steel,glass and rubber.It is made ____________America.(  )
A. of;from B. of;in C. from;of D.from;from
16.(1分)He doesn't tell me when he_______.I'll telephone you as soon as he______.(  )
A.will come; comes
B.will come; will come
C.comes; will come
D.comes; comes
17.(1分) —It will be my turn.I am afraid of giving a speech in public.
—____________You can make it with great courage.(  )
A. Sorry to hear that.
B. Congratulations!
C. Take it easy.
D. Have a good time.
四、完形填空(共10 小题,每小题1.5分)
18.(15分)Ross walked in and sat on a chair with a deep sigh.(叹息)."What's wrong,dear?"Grandma asked (1)   .
"We played (2)    at school today,"answered Ross,"and I was the worst player in the whole class." Grandma poured a glass of chocolate milk.She (3)    it to Ross and said, "Well, (4)    it's over.Try to forget about it."
"I can't,"said Ross."Ms.Green says we'll be playing basketball for three more weeks.That will be four weeks of misery(痛苦)"Thump…thump.thump..The sound was coming from outside.
Grandma and Ross looked out of the window and saw Brianna,Ross's classmate,playing basketball.As they watched
Grandma said,"It seems that Briana is a (5)    player."Ross nodded,"She reached the highest point in our class today.I don't know (6)    she did it."
"Well,I do."Grandma laughed."(7)    you 're here feeling sorry for yourself,Brianna is out there (8)   ."
Then Grandma added,"You can accept the fact of being the worst player in your class,or you can do something to (9)    it.It's up to you."
Ross sat there thinking for a while.Then she walked (10)    and headed for Brianna's yard.
(1) A.certainly B.clearly C.happily D.worriedly
(2) A.baseball B.football C.basketball D.tennis
(3) A.caught B.brought C.bought D.threw
(4) A.at first B.at times C.at least D.at most
(5) A.new B.special C.shy D.good
(6) A.when B.how C.why D.what
(7) A.After B.Before C.While D.Since
(8) A.dreaming B.enjoying C.trying D.practicing
(9) A.change B.celebrate C.accept D.introduce
(10) A.back B.down C.outside D.inside
五、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题5分)
◎◎◎ Blog
DianaGarcia@dgarcia It's a mini﹣project for my course at college.Thanks to all my friends (174 in total) who answered my questions about selfies(自拍).Here's the result.
Selfies in Numbers
Who's Taking Selfies? Top Situations for Selfies
30% at a party / on a night out34% on vacation20% at school16% in front of the mirror30% with a friend /a group of friends52% alone
Changing Selfies Top Reasons for Selfies
I have used an app to.....change my hair 37%...add glasses or a silly mustache 32%….add a filter (滤镜)...change my eye color 6% 1 to remember a happy moment2 because you feel good3 because you look good4 to share information about your lifeFUN FACT!!People take TWO selfies a day on average.
(1)What is Diana?    
A.A college student.
B.An actress.
C.A news reporter.
D.A director.
(2)How many people answered Diana's questions?    
(3)Who's taking the most selfies?    
(4)Which app is the least popular for changing selfies?    
A.An app for adding a filter.
B.An app for adding glasses.
C.An app for changing eye color.
D.An app for changing hair.
(5)What are included in the result?    
①problems of selfies
②why people take selfies
③famous people's selfies
④where people take selfies
⑤how often people take selfies
A. ①③⑤
B. ②③④
C. ①②④
D. ②④⑤
20.(5分)As a child,one of my favorite things to do was to go to the river and sit on the bank.There I would enjoy the peace and quiet.Watching the river,listening to the chirps(鸟鸣)
I noticed that the bamboo trees would bend(弯曲) in the wind.However,after the wind had died down they would stand up again.
When I think about the bamboo tree's ability,the word" resilience comes to mind.This word means the ability to overcome shock,low spirits and other difficult situations.Have you ever felt like you are about to break suddenly?Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point?Thankfully( 幸免) such an experience.
During the experience you probably had mixed emotions(情感).You felt very tired.
Life is a mixture of good times and bad things,happy moments and unhappy moments.The next time you are having a bad time or unhappy moment,bend but don't break.Try your hardest not to let the situation take control of you.
Hope will get you through the unhappy times.With hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation,things may not be as bad as they seem to be.
If life gets hard and you are at your breaking point,show resilience.Like the bamboo tree,bend
(1)Why did the author like to sit on the river bank when he was young?    
A.Because he liked to play in the water.
B.Because he did not want to go to school.
C.Because he wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet there.
D.Because he thought it was more fun than staying at home.
(2)What does the word "resilience" mean?    
A.Being able to forget things quickly.
B.Being able to deal well with problems.
C.Never letting yourself get into trouble.
D.Being at the breaking point.
(3)The writer realized the lesson from    .
A.the wind
B.chirps of the birds
C.the bamboo trees
D.moving leaves in the trees
(4)According to the story,which of the following situations is acceptable(可以接受)?
A.Allen failed in the exam yesterday and he was too afraid to tell his parents.
B.William failed to win the contest prize,so he gave up after that and never tried again.
C.Nancy has good grades in every subject,so she thinks she is better than everyone.
D.Grace lost in the last game,but she kept practicing and finally won next time.
(5)What's the main idea of this story?    
A.Life is short.Enjoy the moment,and enjoy the day.
B.An inch(英尺) of time is worth an inch of gold.
C.Never break down,even when things seem to be at their worst.
D.God helps those who help themselves.
21.(5分)Do you know which social app Chinese young people use a lot now?(1)   Some users use Tik Tok (抖音) and Kuaishou.They think it is fun to share short videos about their lives,while others have other purposes as well.
A 12﹣year﹣ old user named Elsa has about 2.7 million fans on Tik Tok.The girl has shared videos about her dancing studies since last July.(2)    "I feel really glad to share happiness with people by short videos," said Elsa.
As some videos are about the latest news,a group of users depend on them to get information.To some other users,they have a different purpose. "Because I can't spend many hours watching a whole video and I'm not a very patient person,(3)   I prefer to watch short videos of wonderful parts in programs," said Wang Zhihao.
(4)    "Killing time is the main reason for me to watch the short videos,but many are almost the same,so I think it is a waste of time.What's more," said Wen Nan,another college student.
Recently,something else has happened.Some videos are telling people what products are worth buying.(5)    So they should think twice.Some short videos even sell bad products,but these sellers won't let you get your money back.
A.I don't like waiting for a program to end.B. "Short videos" are certainly the most popular.C.But after they buy the products,they may regret soon.D.One of the videos won her about one million fans.E.I can make money with short videos.F.However,some young Chinese feel bored with some short videos.
六、综合填空(本题10 小题, 共 15分)
win,worry about,depend,waste,succeed,
(1)Whether or not you can do this well    on your learning habits.
(2)Who    the boys' long jump yesterday?
(3)If we work hard,we    sooner or later.
(4)I     a lot of money on that car since I bought it.
(5)﹣﹣﹣Why are you so upset?
﹣﹣﹣I    my son.He has been away from home for two days.
23.(1分)I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor     (发音).
24.(1分) I didn't use to be popular in school,but now I get lots of    (注意力) everywhere I go.
25.(1分) Your answer is    (精确地) right.
26.(1分) She seems much    (生机勃勃的) than she did last week.
27.(1分) The story    (本身) is very interesting,but I didn't tell it well.
28.(10分)Xu Xiake was an explorer of the late Ming Dynasty who travelled huge mountains and deep valleys in China.He was one of the greatest explorers in Chinese history.
Xu's travels were tally up to him and done on his own.He travelled so that his feet could feel strong winds beat his body;he travelled so that his feet could kiss the soil of the mountains.
After his death,Xu left behind his famous book,Xu Xiake's Travels,hear and thought about during his travels and was a personal diary that was not published during his lifetime.It was said that Xu was a filial (孝顺的) son and the beginning purpose of his travel diary was to allow his mother to travel the world through his eyes at home.He followed the ancient teaching that says,one must not travel to far places." For this reason,when his mother was still alive,he mainly travelled the southeast half of the country and would not leave home for too long.
The most important part of his travels was his ten﹣thousand﹣mile journey to the southwest.He travelled from Zhejiang to Jiangxi,Hunan,Guangxi,and Yunnan.This journey took him four years and he wrote about ten times more than he did in the past.In the morning,he would be climbing the mountains and crossing rivers.At night,he would lay out a piece of paper and record his daily experiences beside an oil lamp.
Xu lived his life travelling mountains and rivers all day long.He was an outstanding person in history.In fact,Xu who lived 400 years ago was more like today's backpackers ﹣﹣ very cool!
(1)Which dynasty did Xu Xiake live in?
(2)How did Xu Xiake travel?
(3)What did Xu Xiake leave behind?
(4)Who did Xu Xiake write for at first?
(5)How long did the journey to the southwest take?
29.(10分)Dennis looked at his grandpa's bookshelves.There were a lot of books on them,some yellowing with age.
"Have you read all of these?" Dennis asked his grandpa.
Grandpa smiled,since he always heard this question. "Most of them,yes.There may be a few here and there that I have overlooked (忽略)."
"What are all of them about?"
"Oh,there are a lot of kinds of books."
Grandpa pointed to the wall near the window. "Those ones there are reference books (工具书).You could learn things about fixing (修理) houses or identifying (识别) birds.I like to know a lot of things about nature and how to do things."
Then Grandpa pointed to the left wall, "These ones are all science fiction (科幻小说) books,including a few I wrote."
"You wrote books?!" Dennis was surprised.He knew Grandpa read a lot,but writing too?
Dennis then turned to the right wall. "What are these ones?"
"Fantasy books," Grandpa answered.
"Isn't that almost the same as science fiction,since they're both make﹣believe?"
"Not really because science fiction is true to life;it's something that could happen someday.Fantasy,on the other hand,which will never and has never been true.It's great fun to read,though."
"Can I read one of them?"
Grandpa smiled and picked one. "I thought you'd ask,so I had already chosen one before you came.And you can read more if you take care of it."
Dennis took the book from Grandpa's hands. "I'll start it right now," he said,but his stomach growled (发轰隆声)."Or maybe I can start after lunch."
They both laughed.
请将划线句子Grandpa smiled,since he always heard this question.翻译成汉语。
From what kind of book can we find information about animals?
We can learn from the first paragraph that some of Grandpa's books looked ①   .Dennis was surprised that Grandpa ②    books.Dennis would ③    after lunch.
30.(20分)为配合我市开展文明城市(build a civilized city) 创建的活动,你校举办以How to Behave Well为主题的英语征文比赛.现在请你根据所给提示内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。
How to Behave Well?
In order to build a civilized city,we students should try our best to behave well in the activities.

二、听短文,完成下面的任务。(共2小题,每小题5分, 共10分)
四、完形填空(共10 小题,每小题1.5分)
五、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题5分)
六、综合填空(本题10 小题, 共 15分)
(3)will succeed
(4)have wasted
(5)worry about
28.【答案】(1)In the late Ming Dynasty.
(2)Let his feet feel the strong wind beating against his body and kissing the soil of the mountains.
(3)His famous book Xu Xiake's Travels.
(4)His mother.
(5)Four years.
(2)Reference books.
(3)①science fiction is true to life.②It's something that could happen someday.
How to Behave Well?
In order to build a civilized city,we students should try our best to behave well in the activities.
It's a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy.(高分句型一) Our city should be kept clean every day.Don't throw litter or spit about.It's good manners to say"Thank you"and"Please"and so on.We should never say dirty words.Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need.For example,when we are on a bus,we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies.We should also obey traffic rules.When the traffic lights are red,we should stop.And we'd better not talk or laugh loudly in public.(行为举止良好的具体表现)
If everyone behaves well,our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.(高分句型二)(期望)

  • 山东省青岛大学附属中学2023-2024九年级上学期11月期中英语试题(含答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案