
2.本卷考试时间70分钟,满分75分。 考试范围:九年级上册
A soldier(士兵)who was at war looked after his horse with great care. He gave it the best grass to eat and the 1 water to drink. He kept its coat clean and 2 it with a warm quilt on cold nights. 3 the horse was strong and served the soldier quite well in the war.
However, the soldier 4 after the war. He made the horse live in a small and cold stable(马厩)and gave it 5 food to eat. The stable had a leaky(漏雨的)roof and a 6 made of mud; the water inside was dirty and muddy. The soldier made the horse work 7 on his farm, carrying heavy things every day.
After some time, another war 8 . The soldier took out his weapons(武器)and prepared to join it. He went to the stable to lead his horse. He 9 a leather saddle(马鞍)on its back and rode on it.
1.A.coldest B.warmest C.cleanest D.dirtiest
2.A.hid B.covered C.supported D.invented
3.A.By the way B.Above all C.On the other hand D.As a result
4.A.changed B.left C.relaxed D.forgot
5.A.a little B.a lot of C.much D.little
6.A.house B.ground C.floor D.bed
7.A.hardly B.hard C.easily D.happily
8.A.broke in B.broke up C.broke out D.broke down
9.A.led B.laid C.lent D.lied
10.A.With B.At C.For D.In
Hi, everyone. Look at the photo. You can see a boy in it. His first name is Tom. His last name is White. He is in No.41 Middle School. His school ID card number is 1919-6666. His English teacher is Mr. Hu. Tom likes Mr. Hu’s classes. He thinks English is interesting and useful. Jack is his good friend at school. They are in different (不同的) classes, but in the same grade. Mrs. Black is Jack’s mother. She is an English teacher, too. She also works (工作) at the school, but (但是) Tom doesn’t know her.
11.Tom White is a/an ________.
A.Chinese teacher B.English teacher C.middle school student
12.What does the underlined word “useful” mean (意思) in Chinese
A.无聊的 B.无益的 C.有用的
13.Mrs. Black and Jack are ________.
A.mother and son B.teacher and student C.strangers (陌生人)
14.Which of the following is TRUE (正确)
A.Mrs. Black isn’t Jack’s parent.
B.Tom and Jack are good friends.
C.Tom and Jack are in the same class.
15.Where does Mrs. Black work
A.In No.4 school. B.In No.41 school. C.We don’t know.
Do you have a pet Would you like to get one The book Pets and Their People has everything you need to know about caring for animals-it’s full of facts and helpful advice about some of the most popular pets as well as more unusual ones like snakes. You’ll find out how to care for them, inciuding feeding and training. You’ll also know about the history of pets and understand their behavior. Even if a pet won’t fit into your family right now, there are some animal ideas, such as helping at local dog shelters (收容所) or even playing your part in protecting wild animals.
●What inspired you to write this book I’m an animal doctor, so people often come to me asking how they can best look after their pets. I thought it was about time I wrote all my answers down together in one place. ●Favorite animals Don’t do that to me. I love all animals. ●Best thing about being an animal doctor The best thing — saving lives. ●How many pets have you had in your life Too many to count — from dogs and cats to stick insects and chickens.
16.After reading Pets and Their People, you can learn about ________.
①the steps to feed pets ②the ways to find lost pets
③the meaning of pets’ behavior ④the history of some pets
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④
17.Jess French wrote this book mainly to ________.
A.help the local animal shelters B.protect the wild animals
C.share advice on caring for pets D.ask people to keep pets
18.If you want to win a copy of Pets and Their People, you have to ________.
A.write a letter to The Week Junior B.send an e-mail to The Week Junior
C.talk to the writer Jess French D.fill in the form on the Internet
19.Jess French said in the interview that ________.
A.people often ask her how to save wildlife B.her favorite animals are dogs and cats
C.she often volunteers at local dog shelters D.the best thing about her job is saving lives
20.This text is most probably from a/an ________.
A.storybook B.guidebook C.instruction D.magazine
During the two sessions(两会), people around the world talk about China. Have you ever wondered what topics Generation Z (people born 1995-2009) are most interested in In March 2022, China Daily did a survey on topics of the two sessions to see what interests Generation Zers most. Let’s take a look.
Among all topics, “ mental health” got the most votes (投票). “ Spreading traditional culture” (83%) followed closely. The top choice is not unexpected. Reports on mental health problems of teenagers have increased in recent years. The rate of depression ( 抑郁) among them was nearly 25%. The attention they give to mental health shows that they care for their own well-being. When they don’t feel well, they dare to speak out and ask for help.
Although Generation Zers are young, they understand the power of traditional culture. They believe that China is deeply rooted in traditional culture and would like to spread it to the world. Zhao Yan, a junior 2 student from Liaoning Riwan Middle School, said, “ My school set up many clubs to help students understand the importance of traditional culture. I join a paper-cutting workshop and a hanfu club. I have learned a lot. I made a tiger-shaped paper-cutting. It has not only helped me practise my handwork skills but also let me know the beauty of art. It’s our duty to pass this great art to future generations.”
Instead of only focusing on themselves, Generation Zers also set their eyes on social problems. Kevin Xu, a 16-year-old boy from Shenzhen, told the reporter. “I care about the prevention and control measures (防治措施) of COVID-19. I’m now studying in the UK. In February, the UK government ended quarantine (隔离) rules. It means that COVID-19 patients can go out. This would never happen in China! I think China’s “ dynamic zero-case” policy ( 动态清零政策) sounds more responsible. A country should protect its people in a pandemic.”
People seem to know little about Generation Zers. Thanks to this survey, we are able to take a closer look at “what Generation Zers care about” and paint a picture of what they are like.
21.According to the passage, what might be the percent of votes of mental health in the survey
A.95% B.84% C.55% D.82%
22.What does the author mean by saying, “ The top choice is not unexpected.”
A.It is delighted to find teenagers pay attention to their own health.
B.The author is surprised that the mental health problems of teenagers are serious.
C.The author is surprised that the rate of depression is unexpectedly high.
D.It’s known to all that the mental health problems of teenagers are serious.
23.According to the third paragraph, what is Zhao Yan like
A.Creative and artistic. B.Lazy and selfish.
C.Impolite and unsocial. D.Intelligent and expressive.
24.What can we infer(推断) from the fourth paragraph
A.Kevin Xu studies in the UK and he is satisfied with everything there.
B.Kevin Xu agrees with the control measures of COVID-19 in the UK.
C.Kevin Xu thinks China’s “ dynamic zero-case” policy is a wise decision.
D.Kevin Xu thinks it’s fine for COVID-19 patients to go out.
25.What is the structure of this passage
A.①—②③④⑤ B.①—②③④—⑤
C.①—②③—④⑤ D.①—②—③④—⑤
26 Linda is tired of eating Indian food. She wants to try something new and she will be free on weekends. Also she wants to invite her friends to go together. 27 Amy is glad to have a ten day holiday on June 2nd. She wants to relax herself for the whole day. She wants to eat some sea food. 28 Jane is a middle school student. She is busy with her schoolwork these days. She wants some bread for lunch. 29 Lucy is putting on weight these days. Her friends think she is a little fat. So she wants to become thin. She wants to eat less and have healthy eating habits. 30 Jenny wants to be a cook. She also wants to make cake by herself at home. But she is only free on weekends. A.Delicious Sea Food Enjoy the delicious sea food on trip. Place: Hainan Date: June 1st—June 13th Time: 10: 00 a.m. till late at night B.Keeping Fit Center Keeping Fit Center is a nice place to keep healthy here. You can learn how to eat healthily here. It is not only fun but also helpful to lose weight. Place: CK Steins Date: June 10th—June 25th Time: 7: 00 p.m.—10: 00 p.m. C. Sweet House You can enjoy the freshest bread here. Middle school students only have to pay 2 dollars for a bag of bread and a cup of orange juice. You can order food at 9291458. D.International Picnic Are you tired of the same food every day Would you like to enjoy food from all over the world Come here on Saturday from 11: 30 a.m.to 5 p.m.We are waiting for you. E. Pizza Hut Welcome to Pizza Hut this weekend. If you have a student ID card, you can have a pizza with a discount(折扣). F. Cake Shop You can learn how to make cake in our shop. You can also learn to e to our shop and choose what you like best! Our shop opens from Tuesday to Friday. G. Cooking School You can come to our school to learn how to cook and make cake. We have classes every day including Saturday and Sunday. Don’t miss it!
I am a person who can get angry easily. But after reading an article from my English teacher, 31 I am studying at a middle school. So I have to learn not only how to study well, 32 Some of us are outgoing while others are quiet.
As the article says, “We cannot change the way other people act. So it’s very important to get on well with them.” 33 If others’ ideas are really not good, keep an open mind. Try to forgive (原谅) them. Having a friend is much better than having an enemy after all!
34 This will make people lose face and get hurt. If you really want to help, send a letter instead. On the other hand, if someone points out your disadvantage (缺点) 35 Just think this is a person who really wants to help you and become your friend.
A.don’t be unhappy.
B.Maybe smiling at others is the easiest way.
C.Also, don’t point out others’ mistakes in public.
D.but also how to get on well with others.
E.I should be quiet.
F.things have changed a lot.
With the rapid development of the cities, many different kinds of animals are in danger. The number of them is getting smaller and smaller. 36 (cut) down forests, farming and development all result in the loss of wildlife habitat(栖息地). Everyone can give a hand to those 37 (danger) animals. So, if we can protect the wildlife habitat, animals can 38 (protect) together naturally.
It 39 (report) that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because 40 collisions(碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions 41 (simple) by placing decals(贴花纸) on the windows in your home and in the office.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas, and this 42 (mean) they must move to human-living areas. One of 43 (big) obstacles(障碍) for native animals is created by roads. It is because roads divide wildlife habitat that 44 constant danger is caused to animals when they are trying 45 (cross) from one side to the other. So when you go out, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
46.重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)又称老人节,是我国一个传统节日。在那天人们会出游、登高。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示,以“重阳敬老”为主题为学校英语报投稿,介绍人们怎样庆祝这个节日,你通常做些什么来敬老助老,以及你的想法。
提示词语∶go outing,climb,help,look after
1. How do Chinese people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival 2. What do you usually do to show respect(尊重)to the old 3. Do you think it is important to respect the old Why
The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. __________________________
2023-2024学年深圳市初三适应性考试模拟试卷 英语试卷 第1页,共3页
2023-2024学年深圳市初三适应性考试模拟试卷 英语试卷 第1页,共3页
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C B D A d C B C B C
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
Cutting 37.endangered 38.be protected 39.is reported 40.of
41.simply 42.means 43.the biggest 44.a 45.crossing
The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. On that day, people usually climb mountains and go outing with their family. It’s also a day to show respect to the old.
As a teenager, I try my best to do what I can to be nice to the old. I often visit my grandparents on weekends and talk to them and cheer them up. I also help them with the housework. Meanwhile, I am polite to the old. When I see them on the bus, I always offer them my seat. Moreover, I volunteer to look after the old who live alone in our neighborhood. I help them carry heavy things when they need help.
I think it’s very important to respect the old because they have done a lot for their family and for the country. One day, we will all be old.
①try one’s best to do尝试做某事;
②volunteer to do志愿做某事;
③look after照顾。
①As a teenager, I try my best to do what I can to be nice to the old.(宾语从句)
②Moreover, I volunteer to look after the old who live alone in our neighborhood.(定语从句)
③I think it’s very important to respect the old because they have done a lot for their family and for the country.(宾语从句和原因状语从句)
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2023-2024学年深圳市初三适应性考试模拟试卷 英语试卷 答案 第1页,共3页

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