九年级英语下册(牛津上海版)Unit 1 Saving the earth单元话题短文首字母填空练习(含解析)

Unit 1 Saving the earth
Plastic is a convenience, but both regular and micro plastics can hurt the environment. Therefore, action must be taken to reduce their use.
There are many d 1 ways to reduce your plastic use at home. To begin with, be sure to properly recycle everything you can and throw away what you can’t, such as plastic cups and dishes. If you’d like to take further steps to make your home free from plastics, consider using simple alternatives(替代品) to everyday products like personal care items. For example, a m 2 of baking soda vinegar, hot water and lemon can effectively replace traditional cleaners that come in harmful plastic bottles.
Shopping may be one of the hardest things to do when trying to avoid plastic. Replacing plastic shopping bags with reusable ones is a good s 3 , and there is much more you can do. Before you walk out of the door, make sure you have an accurate shopping list with e 4 what you will need or eat. This will not only reduce food waste but also the amount of plastic packaging you throw away every year.
Believe it or not, it is possible to avoid plastics while on vacation. You may book one of the hotels that have l 5 the use of plastics. These hotels hardly provide guests with the plastics that can only be used once. As for take-home gifts, don’t buy products made from plastics. Stick to buying those made from natural materials like metals or plants. Or i 6 , give up traditional gifts completely and give someone a picture you took yourself, which can be more special for the purpose of helping the planet.
It seems like a difficult task to take all the actions immediately, so begin small and take larger steps towards a plastic-free life. Don’t be afraid to share your stories with others. While a s 7 person’s effort wouldn’t make much difference, only many people’s actions can change the world for the better. If we can help other people make the change to a plastic-free life, we’ll be doing the world a huge favor.
Few things are as wonderful as visiting a beautiful natural place, breathing the fresh air and marveling at the landscape. But enjoying nature comes at a price, People may make nature messy if they aren’t c 8 . There should be rules to keep people from accidentally harming nature. In 1990, the Leave No Trace movement attempted to help. They introduced the following seven principles to encourage people to both enjoy and protect the great outdoors.
Plan a 9 . This means more than just deciding which day to go. Check the weather forecast, plan what clothing to wear, and think about a water supply. Check the area’s rules for use.
Hike and camp on surfaces that don’t damage easily. Grass is easily damaged. Already used areas or areas with no grass are better choices for camping.
Deal with waste p 10 . Never leave garbage behind. Don’t abandon your food wrappers, cans or leftovers. Take out what you take in.
Leave what you find. Take home any camping or biking gear, but leave behind that cool rock or flower.
Reduce campfire d 11 . Build your fire only in an appropriate location. Check on the conditions of the area before going there. Sometimes building campfires isn’t allowed. Never build a fire when weather conditions are too dry or windy,
Respect wildlife. You should stay at least 100 meters away from wildlife, so you don’t d 12 any animals. Getting too close could be fatal. Protect your food so animals can’t get into it, and don’t feed the animals anything.
Be kind to other visitors. Don’t make loud noises or play loud music when you’re out in natural environments. It annoys both the animals and humans. Don’t travel in large g 13 as it makes it troublesome for too many people to move around on the trail.
These seven principles can help e 14 share the outdoors comfortably. We all need to take care of the earth we know and love.
Have you seen pieces of litter around where you live Dropping litter doesn’t look nice; it can harm the environment and it is actually a 15 the law. Litter means all sorts of things that have been dropped in a public space, including bottles, cans, cigarette ends, crisp packets and sweet wrappers. Litter collects on streets and paths, in bushes, parks, rivers and trees. It can take hundreds of years to decompose (slowly break down and disappear) and can d 16 the soil.
Wildlife s 17 because of litter. Animals can get injured by sharp cans or glass, or they might even accidentally eat bits of plastic. Litter is blown by the wind and w 18 into rivers and drains. Eventually these things end up in the sea, where they can be a d 19 to sea creatures.
If you’re doing a clean-up operation, one very useful thing is a litter picker. It has a handle at one end and grabber at the other. Using a litter picker allows you to collect rubbish easily and s 20 . You should always wear protective gloves when out collecting rubbish. Wearing a bright-colour vest is also a good idea, but n 21 go picking up litter near a busy road without an adult with you.
(2020下·九年级单元测试)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给
Nowadays, the environmental protection is becoming one of the most important issues in the world. Being one of the m 22 of our society, what shall we do to protect the environment
First, stop using p 23 bags, boxes and bottles. Stores should be required to use the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper.
Secondly, more and more trees and flowers should be p 24 to keep our surrounding clean. People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.
F 25 we must control the pollution by law, according to which, polluted water and air exhausted from factories should be forbidden.
These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us. Remember, the earth is the o 26 planet we could live at present.
Since the first day, BNBM has paid more attention to protect the environment as its social responsibility, by developing green building materials, producing green p 27 and creating green enterprises. According to the spirit of “F 28 the nature, for the nature and return to the nature”, BNBM has tried its best in developing new technology and improving equipment to reduce the pollution.
(2022上·天津北辰·九年级统考期末)Have you seen some machines that e 29 used plastic bottles and give some coins to the users
Recently, such machines have a 30 at universities in Chongqing. They can turn rubbish i 31 treasure and encourage the public to recycle rubbish. The machine is as l 32 as a fridge. Users put an empty bottle in the machine. It is identified(识别) by a small camera. Then it is put into a built-in bin. The users can get some coins. They can also give away the money.
W 33 the machine is filled with bottles, it will tell the company’s head office. Near stations they will send workers to have bottles collected, packed and sent to the company.
The bottle recycling machines could greatly encourage the public to recycle rubbish and s 34 natural resources. Now the machine only eats plastic bottles. At sometime in the near future it will also cover others, such as glass b 35 to turn more rubbish into treasure and make full use of the natural resources.
People can a 36 see similar machines in Shanghai. In the future, m 37 such machines will appear at some large stations, b 38 stop, neighborhoods and school.
(2022上·天津南开·九年级校考期末)How green are you Answer to these questions and find out.
·Do you walk or ride to school Do you buy new clothes just because they are modern
·Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room
·Do you take your own bag when shopping
·Do you buy drinks in bottles
·And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty
We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is h 39 to our environment. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.
Reduce Reduce means “use less”. Do not waste things. It save money and cause less p 40 . Do not order more food than you can finish. Turn off the lights when you do not need them. Before you buy something new, think whether it is really n 41 because maybe the old one is just as good!
Reuse Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. Look after them so that they will l 42 . Repair them if possible. Do not throw them away and buy new ones. Do not use paper cups or paper bags. It is better they can be used many times.
Recycle Recycle means “change things into something else to be reused”. Although it takes e 43 to change things into something else, it is better than throwing things away or b 44 them. We throw away tons of rubbish every year, and we have to make a change. Divide your rubbish into p 45 , glass, paper and rubber. Develop a recycling policy for the whole c 46 . Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees.
We cannot hope for rapid change, but let’s take these s 47 steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughter tomorrow. Remember, if everyone b 48 to do something, the world will be saved.
(2022上·天津南开·九年级南开中学校考期末)My father told me that there used to be a forest near our town. But the farmer who owned the forest cut down trees every year until one year, there were no trees l 49 .
One day, our teacher took us out and we had a picnic in the field where the forest u 50 to be. W 51 eating and drinking, we talked about the beautiful forest we once had. One of my classmates comes from a tribe(部落)that lived in the west of our country. He told us what he thought about the c 52 . “It makes me really s 53 to learn that a forest has disappeared. My people have taught me to always think seven generations(七代人)in the future. That’s to say, when we do s 54 to the land, we should never hurt it. We must care about nature and leave it good e 55 for later generations.”
When we heard what he said, we kept s 56 first. “Let’s plant some trees!” said our teacher after a moment. “It will be a good start!” So that’s what we did. For the rest of the spring, we worked hard and we p 57 thousands of trees.
That was five years ago. Today, when I stand in that field which was once e 58 , I see trees about as tall as I am. It’s great to see how we’ve changed the field. It taught us the power of thinking about the future.
1.(d)ifferent 2.(m)ixture 3.(s)olution 4.(e)verything 5.(l)imited 6.(i)nstead 7.(s)ingle
2.句意:例如,小苏打醋、热水和柠檬的混合物可以有效地取代装在有害塑料瓶中的传统清洁剂。根据首字母提示和题干中的“replace traditional cleaners”可推断出,要取代传统清洁剂,只能是小苏打、醋、热水和柠檬的一种混合物,因此此处要填入的内容是mixture“混合物”,并且在冠词“a”的后面要用其单数形式。故填(m)ixture。
3.句意:用可重复使用的塑料购物袋代替塑料购物袋是一个很好的解决方案,而且你可以做更多的事情。根据首字母提示和题干前面一句“Shopping may be one of the hardest things to do when trying to avoid plastic.”可知,此处应是表达“用可重复使用的袋子代替塑料购物袋是一种很好的解决办法”这一含义,因此此处要填入的内容是solution“解决办法”,是可数名词,并且在冠词“a”的后面要用其单数形式。故填(s)olution。
4.句意:在你出门之前,确保你有一份准确的购物清单,上面有你需要或吃的所有东西。根据首字母提示和题干后面一句“This will not only reduce food waste but also the amount of plastic packaging you throw away every year.”可知,在你出门前,有一份准确的购物清单,上面写满了你需要的或吃的一切东西不仅会减少食物浪费,而且还会减少你每年扔掉的塑料包装的数量,因此此处要填入的内容是everything“一切东西”,在句中做介词“with”的宾语。故填(e)verything。
5.句意:你可以预订一家限制使用塑料的酒店。根据“These hotels hardly provide guests with the plastics that can only be used once.”可知这些酒店几乎不向客人提供只能使用一次的塑料,结合首字母提示可知,所以酒店是限制使用塑料的酒店,动词limit意为“限制”,空前有“have”,空处应填动词的过去分词limited。故填(l)imited。
6.句意:或者,完全放弃传统的礼物,给别人一张你自己拍的照片,这对帮助地球来说可能更特别。根据前文的“As for take-home gifts, don’t buy products made from plastics. Stick to buying those made from natural materials like metals or plants.”与后文“give up traditional gifts completely”可知是完全相反的情况,结合首字母提示可填instead“反而”。故填(i)nstead。
7.句意:虽然一个人的努力不会有多大区别,但只有许多人的行动才能让世界变得更好。根据“only many people’s actions can change the world for the better”可知只有许多人的行动才能让世界变得更好,所以前文指的是一个人的努力,结合首字母提示可填形容词single“单一的”,作定语。故填(s)ingle。
8.(c)areful 9.(a)head 10.(p)roperly 11.(d)anger 12.(d)isturb 13.(g)roups 14.(e)veryone/(e)verybody
8.句意:如果他们不小心,会使得自然乱七八糟。根据“People may make nature messy”可知,人们可能会使得自然乱七八糟,后文是个条件状语从句,在他们不小心情况下,根据首字母c,横线上应是形容词careful,故填(c)areful。
10.句意:正确地处理垃圾。横线上词修饰“Deal with waste”,所以应是副词,后文的内容都是关于如何正确处理废物的,根据首字母p,故填(p)roperly。
12.句意:因此你不能打扰动物。根据“You should stay at least 100 meters away from wildlife,”可知,要远离野生动物,不要打扰他们,首字母是d,故填(d)isturb。
13.句意:不要大规模的旅行。根据“it makes it troublesome for too many people to move around on the trail.”可知,不能人太多,首字母是g,考查短语in groups成群结队地,故填(g)roups。
14.句意:这七个原则能帮助每一个人舒服地共享户外活动。根据短语help sb. do 可知横线上应是人,由于首字母是e,及后文的“we”,可推应是everyone/everybody,故填(e)veryone/(e)verybody。
15.(a)gainst 16.(d)amage 17.(s)uffers 18.(w)ashed 19.(d)anger 20.(s)afely 21.(n)ever
15.句意:它对环境有害并且它事实上是违反法律。分析句子和首字母提示可知是“违反法律”用against the law。故填(a)gainst。
16.句意:它可能需要数百年才能分解并且它会毁坏土壤。根据文中“It can take hundreds of years to decompose”可知垃圾需要百年才能分解;又根据首字母提示,可知它会对毁坏土壤,应用damage,前面有情态动词“can”,故用原形。故填(d)amage。
17.句意:因为垃圾野生动物也在受难。根据后文“Animals can get injured by sharp cans or glass, or they might even accidentally eat bits of plastic.”可知,野生动物也在受难。根据首字母提示可知应用suffer,主语是“Wildlife”三单,故suffer用三单形式。故填(s)uffers。
22.(m)embers 23.(p)lastic 24.(p)lanted 25.(F)inally 26.(o)nly 27.(p)roducts 28.(F)or
22.句意:作为社会的一员,我们应该做些什么来保护环境?根据后文“what shall we do...”可知,此处表示我们作为社会的成员,应用名词member。one of+名词复数,此处名词应用复数形式,故填(m)embers。
23.句意:停止使用塑料袋,塑料盒子和塑料瓶。根据后文“the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper”可知,后文提到商店应用由纸制成的袋子、盒子和瓶子,所以前文是倡导人们停止使用对环境有害的塑料袋,表示“塑料的”应用形容词plastic,故填(p)lastic。
24.句意:其次,应该种植更多的树木和鲜花来保持我们周围的清洁。根据后文“People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.”可知,此处提倡人们种树和花,应用动词plant。本句主语是“more and more trees and flowers”,主谓之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,空处动词用过去分词形式,故填(p)lanted。
25.句意:最后,我们必须通过法律控制污染。根据前文“ First,”和“Secondly, ”,以及后文“These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us.”可知,本段是最后一条建议,应用副词finally,故填(F)inally。
26.句意:记住,地球是我们目前唯一可以居住的星球。根据前文“the earth”可知,此处表示地球是人类居住唯一的星球,only表示“唯一的”,符合语境,故填(o)nly。
28.句意:本着“为了自然,为了自然,回归自然”的精神。根据后文“for the nature”可知,此处表示并列,应用介词for,故填(F)or。
29.(e)at 30.(a)ppeared 31.(i)nto 32.(l)arge 33.(W)hen 34.(s)ave 35.(b)ottles 36.(a)lso 37.(m)ore 38.(b)us
29.句意:你有没有见过一些机器吃用过的塑料瓶并给用户一些硬币?根据下文“Now the machine only eats plastic bottles.”可知,机器吃塑料瓶,所以此空填eat。故填(e)at。
30.句意:最近,这种机器出现在重庆的大学里。根据下文“such machines will appear at some large stations”及首字母可知,此空也是填appear“出现”;“have”后填过去分词,appear的过去分词为appeared。故填(a)ppeared。
31.句意:他们可以将垃圾变成宝藏,并鼓励公众回收垃圾。根据“turn rubbish”及“treasure”可知,此处指把垃圾变成宝藏,考查turn sth. into sth.“把……变成……”,故填(i)nto。
33.句意:当机器装满瓶子时,它会告诉公司总部。根据“the machine is filled with bottles”及首字母可知,这里是时间状语从句,当满的时候,所以填When。故填(W)hen。
34.句意:瓶子回收机可以极大地鼓励公众回收垃圾并节省自然资源。根据下文“make full use of the natural resources”可知,充分利用资源可以达到节约的目的,故填(s)ave。
35.句意:在不久的将来,它还将涵盖其他内容,例如玻璃瓶,将更多的垃圾变成宝藏并充分利用自然资源。根据“The bottle recycling machines”及首字母可知,此处为glass bottles“玻璃瓶”,故填(b)ottles。
36.句意:人们在上海也能看到类似的机器。根据“at universities in Chongqing”可知,重庆已经有了,所以是也会在上海看到,故填(a)lso。
37.句意:未来,更多这样的机器将出现在一些大型车站、公共汽车站、社区和学校。根据“such machines will appear at some large stations”可知,出现的地方多了,需要更多的机器,所以填(m)ore。
38.句意:未来,更多这样的机器将出现在一些大型车站、公共汽车站、社区和学校。根据“stop”及首字母可知,此处指bus stop“公交站台”。故填(b)us。
39.(h)armful 40.(p)ollution 41.(n)ecessary 42.(l)ast 43.(e)nergy 44.(b)urning 45.(p)lastic 46.(c)ommunity 47.(s)imple 48.(b)egins
39.句意:我们都需要一个健康的环境,但是我们每天都产生废物,这对我们的环境是有害的。根据“but we produce waste every day”可知,我们每天都产生废物,这对环境有害,be harmful to“对……有害”,故填(h)armful。
40.句意:它既省钱又减少污染。这里讲的是环保的第一条“reduce”,根据“Do not waste things. It save money and cause less ...”及首字母可知,此处指这样可以减少污染,pollution“污染”,故填(p)ollution。
41.句意:在你买新东西之前,想想是否真的有必要,因为也许旧的也一样好!根据“think whether it is really ... because maybe the old one is just as good!”及首字母可知,此处是指在买之前要想想是否有必要买,necessary“有必要的”,形容词作表语,故填(n)ecessary。
42.句意:好好照顾它们,让它们持续下去。根据“Use things for as long as possible.”及首字母可知,照顾好是为了可以持久耐用,last“持久,够用”,will后跟动词原形,故填(l)ast。
43.句意:虽然把东西变成别的东西需要精力,但总比扔掉或烧掉好。根据“Although it takes ... to change things into something else”及首字母可知,要把东西变成其他的动词在使用是需要精力的,energy“精力”,故填(e)nergy。
44.句意:虽然把东西变成别的东西需要精力,但总比扔掉或烧掉好。根据“throwing things away or ... them”及首字母和常识可知,通常不用的东西会扔掉或烧掉,burn“燃烧”,空处与throwing并列,所以用动名词,故填(b)urning。
45.句意:把你的垃圾分成塑料、玻璃、纸和橡胶。根据“Divide your rubbish into ..., glass, paper and rubber.”可知,此处指按照材料将垃圾分类,结合首字母,此处指“塑料”plastic,故填(p)lastic。
46.句意:为整个社区制定回收政策。根据“Develop a recycling policy for the whole ...”及首字母和常识可知,回收是在社区进行的,所以此处指community“社区”,为整个社区制定回收政策,故填(c)ommunity。
47.句意:我们不能指望迅速改变,但让我们今天采取这些简单的步骤,以便为我们的子孙后代拯救世界。根据“let’s take these ... steps today”及首字母和上文提到的做法可知,此处指简单的步骤,simple“简单的”,作定语修饰名词,故填(s)imple。
48.句意:记住,如果每个人都开始做点什么,世界就会得到拯救。根据“if everyone... to do something, the world will be saved.”可知,此处指每个人都开始做点什么,世界将会得到拯救,begin“开始”,不定代词everyone作主语,谓语动词用三单形式,故填(b)egins。
49.(l)eft 50.(u)sed 51.(W)hile 52.(c)hange 53.(s)ad 54.(s)omething 55.(e)nough 56.(s)ilent 57.(p)lanted 58.(e)mpty
50.句意:一天,我们的老师带我们出去,我们在曾经是森林的田野里野餐。根据第一段内容可知森林已经消失,所以这里曾经是森林,used to be“曾经是”,故填(u)sed。
52.句意:他告诉我们他对于变化的看法。根据“It makes me really sad to learn that a forest has disappeared.”可知,他对于森林消失这种变化很伤心,所以是对于变化的看法,change“变化”,故填(c)hange。
55.句意:我们必须关心大自然,并把它以足够好的状态留给后代。根据“ always think seven generations in the future”可知他要为后代考虑,所以要让大自然保持足够好的状态,enough“足够的”,常用于形容词的后面,故填(e)nough。
56.句意:当我们听到他所说的,我们起初保持沉默。根据“...said our teacher after a moment”可知过了一会老师才说话,起初是没有人说话的,keep silent“保持沉默”,故填(s)ilent。
57.句意:春天剩下的时间我们很努力种植了数千棵树。根据“Let’s plant some trees!”可知他们的目标是多种树保护环境,而且语境为一般过去时,故填(p)lanted。

  • 九年级英语下册(牛津上海版)Unit 1 Saving the earth单元话题短文首字母填空练习(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案