八年级英语上册牛津深圳版期末专题12 任务型阅读(含解析)

期末专题12 任务型阅读
Now students’ English handwriting (书写) gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful Here are some ways to improve your handwriting.
Use paper with lines
Using paper with lines can keep you writing well when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.
Slow down
If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, writing slowly makes handwriting clear. If you write too fast, you may make more mistakes.
Hold your pen right
When you hold your pen in the correct way, writing is much easier. Some students hold the pencils so hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to relax yourself and don’t hold the pen so hard. If you do so, people will think you are a student with a good habit.
Draw more pictures
Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control (控制) your pencil better when you are drawing pictures. If you have no time to draw at school, you can practice it at home.
Handwriting is very important. You need to take time to improve it.
1.Students’ bad English handwriting makes teachers .
2.If your writing is not easy to read, try .
3.How many ways to improve handwriting are talked about in the passage
4. .
5. .
Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer.
·Keep your computer in a cool, dry room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Most computers work best at a temperature of 5℃~30℃.
·Don’t let people smoke near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.
·Don’t eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.
·Make sure that the keyboard and screen are at the correct height for you. If they are not at the correct height, you will get a backache.
·Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes. If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when using a computer.
·Keep your screen clean and don’t make it too bright. A dirty or a very bright screen can hurt your eyes.
6.When you use the computer, how many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage
7.When computers work, what is the best temperature
8.When you are near the computer, why can’t you eat or drink
9.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
10.Give a proper title to the passage.
My sister and I are very different. When people meet us both, they are always surprised to learn that we are sisters. This is because we don’t look like each other we have different personalities, and our lifestyles are different.
Do you resemble your brother or sister My sister and I don’t resemble each other at all. I am tall, but she is very short. I have short dark brown hair and green eyes. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. I am strong, but she is not. I have big hands and feet, her hands and feet are very small. When we were kids, she was thin, but I was heavy. Now we are both heavy.
We also have opposite personalities. She is always stressed out. I am calmer and more outgoing. She is very worried about what other people think and say about her, but I really don’t care. When she has a problem, she just worries about it. But when I have a problem, I try to fix(解决)it. She easily gets angry, especially(尤其是)with our mother. But I am more patient(耐心的).
Our lifestyles are very different. I love old things and hardly ever go shopping. But she goes shopping twice or more a week. I have cats. She has a dog. I read. She watches TV.
11.When people meet the writer and her sister, they are always surprised to learn
12.The writer and her sister are different in ways.
13.The writer’s sister has hair.
14.The writer’s sister is very worried about about her.
15.Do the write and her sister have the same personalities
16.Find the topic sentence of the passage and copy it down. (找出文章的主题句并抄写下来)
17.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (将划线的句子翻译成中文)
18.The underlined word “heavy” in the passage means in English.
What does an elephant never do An elephant never eats meat. An elephant always eats p① and it eats a lot. It eats for about sixteen hours a day, usually at night. When it’s very hot, around midday, it gets together with other elephants and sleeps for a few hours. It usually sleeps on its feet. After sunset, it starts to walk to look for water. An elephant sometimes walks for fifty miles to find water and goes without water for three days.
An elephant shows feelings. ② It is happy to see a friend. It takes care of a sick elephant. When an elephant dies, all the other elephants are sad.
They bury (埋葬) the elephant in the ground with their tusks (长牙). They usually don’t leave that place for three days. When elephants travel, they always stop when they come to the place where a friend is under the ground. Elephants have great memories!
Task 1: Please complete the word ① according to the initial letter.
Task 2: Choice. 任务二:选择题。
20.Please choose the sentence that can be filled in ② from the context. 请结合上下文选出能填入②处的句子。
A.It eats and it sleeps.
B.It laughs and it cries.
C.It travels and it stops.
Task 3: Answer the question briefly. 任务三:简略回答问题。
21.How many hours does an elephant eat for a day (three words)
22.How does an elephant sleep (three words)
23.How do the elephants bury a dead elephant (two words)
Every year, more than nine million people all over the world come to visit London. They go to the museums and theatres; they look at interesting old buildings or have a drink in a park.
A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train. The London underground is one of the best and most widely used transport networks (网状组织) in the world. The trains run all day and most of the night. You’d better not take the underground between eight o’clock and ten o’clock in the morning, or four o’clock and six o’clock in the afternoon. The trains are so crowded that you can hardly move or find a place to sit.
London’s famous red buses form a big part of getting around in London. Although the London underground is the fastest and the simplest way of getting around London, the buses play their part and are an experience you should try at least once. By sitting on the top deck (层) of the bus, you can get a great sightseeing (观光的) experience of London as well.
Some special visitors’ buses take you to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey. It takes about one and a half hours, but you can cancel your journey and get off (and on again) at the different places you want to visit.
London taxis are called “black cabs”. Most of them are black, but some are not. You can stop one if it has a “For Hire (供租用的)” sign on it. The drivers are friendly and helpful.
In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and to do. Welcome to London.
24.A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is .
25.The trains in London run .
26.How many kinds of transportation can visitors use to get around in London
Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928 and this made him very famous. He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die. Now people all over the world enjoys his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.
Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily. One summer, Walt Disney wanted a job in a post office, but they told him that he was too young. He went home, and dressed up like an old man. And he put on his father’s clothes and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18. He got the job finally.
Later in his life, Mr. Disney had a dream. He wanted to build a new kind of park. It would be clean and beautiful. There were roads for children and nice hotels for adults(成人). It would be fun for people of all ages. Mr. Disney drew a plan for this park. It was called Disneyland. Someone told him it was not a good dream. His family and friends thought he was crazy. However, he was always ready to try his best. In 1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful park in the USA.Walt Disney’s dream came true.
29.Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in .
30.What was Walt Disney’s dream
31.Where is the first Disneyland
Your eyes are an important part of your body. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy. Follow these simple steps to keep eyes healthy.
Take a 20-second computer break. Looking at the computer screen for a long time can hurt your eyes. It can make them feel tired and dry. To keep your eyes healthy, follow the 20/20/20 rule:Every 20 minutes, look at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. In addition about 25 inches away.
Use safety glasses at work and play. Eye injuries may happen both at home and in the workplace. Therefore, make a habit of using safety glasses before you carry out some dangerous tasks. Besides, sports like baseball and basketball can easily cause eye injuries. Wear protective eyewear to avoid these injuries.
Eat for your eyes. A lot of foods are good for your eyes. Foods that are rich in zinc (锌) can protect your eyes from being hurt by strong light. And vitamin A in carrots is important for good eyesight.
Get regular (有规律的) eye exams. You should get your eyes checked regularly, even if you don’t wear glasses. Ask your doctor how often you need to have your eyes examined. It will be at least every other year from ages 18 to 60, wear glasses, or have some problems like high blood pressure.
34.How often will you get eye exams if your father has eye disease
36.将划线句子Therefore, make a habit of using safety glasses before you carry out some dangerous tasks.翻译成汉语。
Here is some advice to keep your eyes in good . First, follow the 20/20/20 . safety glasses while working can help you avoid injures. Foods zinc or vitamin A are good for your eyesight. Finally, you should your eyes regularly.
Most people know how to stay safe in the city: Don’t walk alone after dark, hold onto your bag on crowded places. However, many people are not so careful on the Internet. To stay safe and keep your money in your pocket, you need to watch out.
Have you ever received a message on WeChat or QQ from a friend who is far away and asks you to send money in a hurry Emma Park did, and it cost her $2,000. Somebody stole her friend’s WeChat account (账号)and sent messages to everyone in the phone. She sent the money when she received the message, and by the time she realized there was something wrong, it was too late. Emma never got her money back.
Your bank sends a message saying it has lost your data (数据). It asks you to send your bank account information, including your full password and PIN. At least the message looks as if it’s from your bank. It has their logo and looks official. But in fact, it is not true. Banks never ask for your full password or PIN in this way.
Someone sends you a message with a list of names. It asks you to send a small amount of money to the people at the top of the list, then delete (删除) that name, add your name to the bottom. The email says that when your name gets to the top of the list, you’ll receive a lot of money. You might even become a millionaire!
Being careful about the above is the best way to stay safe online. If something seems a little strange, it probably is not true. Don’t fall for it.
38.What do we know about Emma in the passage
A.She lost $ 2000.
B.She received $ 2000.
C.She made an Internet friend.
D.She lost an Internet friend.
39.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
C. D.
40.What’s the purpose of this passage
A.To warn people not to believe banks.
B.To warn people not to make friends online.
C.To tell people how to become rich.
D.To tell people to be careful with online information.
41.What should we do to keep our money safe
We live in the age of the computer. People like scientists, teachers, writers and students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, computers couldn’t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very few people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and cheaper. Since they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Many people have them at home.
Computers become very important because they can work faster than men and make fewer puters can help people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to teach. Students use them to study and children use them to play puters can also remember what you put into puters are very useful and helpful. They are our good friends. Do you want a computer
42.People like scientists, teachers, writers and students can’t use computers to do all kinds of work.( )
43.People didn’t know how they in the old days.
44.Could computers do much work 30 years ago
45.Do students use computers to teach
China gets more and more popular with people from many foreign countries. Many foreigners(外国人) now think of China if they want to move to other countries. Here is a study that found out what they thought to be the most wonderful cities in China.
No. 1 of the “top ten best cities to live in China” is Shanghai. It’s not surprising at all, is it Most foreigners always find Shanghai friendly, beautiful and full of interesting things to see and do. Foreigners can find a lot of jobs here. But it’s quite expensive to live in Shanghai.
No. 2 is Beijing. Though the weather there is not good, Beijing is China’s political, cultural and educational center(政治、文化和教育的中心). There are many big places of interest, like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. It’s quite easy to live in Beijing. You can easily get almost everything you need here.
What is No. 3 city It’s Shenzhen. It’s a modern(现代的) city where many foreigners do business(生意).
If you like a more relaxing lifestyle, you can think about somewhere like Hangzhou, Suzhou or Kunming. If you like a sea lifestyle, Xiamen or Qingdao would be great. They are on the list of top ten, too. What’s more, Nanjing and Tianjin are also on the top ten. Which city do you like
47.Many foreigners think is the best city to live in China.
48.Beijing’s is not good.
50.What’s the No. 3 city of the top ten best cities to live in China
51.Where can you go if you like a relaxing lifestyle
Most plant will die if they don’t have enough water. But one plant, called the resurrection(复活)plant, seems to come back to life after it dies. This plant can still be there after a long time of terrible drought(久旱)because it travels to look for water. Many people say that one difference between plants and animals is that animals move from place to place to find food and water, while plants cannot. But in the desert areas of American West, the resurrection plant can move around to get what it needs, too.
When there is lots of rain, the resurrection plant grows like any other plant. It sends roots(根)down into the ground and has green leaves(叶子). But when there is little water, the resurrection plant pulls(拉)its roots back up and dries up. It turns into a brown ball of seemingly dead roots and leaves. This brown ball goes through the desert with the help of the wind.
As soon as it touches water, the resurrection plant begins to act like a normal plant again. Its leaves turn green once more as it starts to grow. It is resurrected or brought back to life again in a new place. Because this plant can live a long time with no water, it has become a popular house plant. For anyone who always forgets to water his or her plants, the resurrection plant can be a fantastic gift.
52.The resurrection plant is a good example of showing the difference between plants and animals.
53.The resurrection plant’s roots can dry up and turn brown when there is little water.
54.The resurrection plant can turn into a (n) to move around to find water.
55.Resurrection plants are fantastic gifts for people who always to water their plants.
56.Who helps resurrection plants move from place to place
A.Humans. B.The sun. C.Animals. D.The wind.
The aim of students who come to school is to study. But to study needs a right way, or you may waste ________ the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.
The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear. For that reason, we can get good results.
In studying we must have patience (耐心). If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one until we have learned the first one.
When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can ________ nothing from the book while we are reading.
We must always ask “whys”. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we have learned can be used well and made better. So asking more “whys” can help us understand well.
Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we keep them in heart and do so.
57.① ②
任务二: 阅读短文,找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。
58.If we don’t understand a text well, we must read it for a second time.
60.How many ways of studying does the passage tell us
61.Why must we always ask “whys” in studying
1.feel worried 2.slowing down a little 3.4./Four. 4.Here are some ways to improve your handwriting. 5.如果你这样做,人们会认为你是一个有良好习惯的学生。
1.根据“Now students’ English handwriting (书写) gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried.”可知,学生糟糕的书写让老师担忧。故填feel worried。
2.根据“If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little.”可知,如果你的书写很难读懂,要尽量慢一点。故填slowing down a little。
3.根据“Use paper with lines;Slow down;Hold your pen right;Draw more pictures”可知,这篇文章讨论了4种改善书写的方法。故填4./Four.
4.根据“Here are some ways to improve your handwriting.”可知,文中介绍了四种改善书写的方法。故填Here are some ways to improve your handwriting.
5.本句是带有条件状语从句的复合句从句,用if引导,so这样;主用一般将来时;will会;think认为;think后接宾语从句;you你;are是;a student一个学生,介词短语作后置定语修饰student;with有;a good habit良好的习惯。故填:如果你这样做,人们会认为你是一个有良好习惯的学生。
6.6/six. 7.5℃~30℃. 8.(Because) pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems. 9.确保你的眼睛离屏幕有合适的距离。 10.How to look after a Computer.
6.根据“Keep your computer in a cool, dry room.”、“Don’t let people smoke near your computer.”、“Don’t eat or drink when you are near your computer.”、“Make sure that the keyboard and screen are at the correct height for you.”、“Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes.”和“Keep your screen clean and don’t make it too bright.”可知,文章一共提出了6条正确使用电脑的建议。故填6/Six.
7.根据“Most computers work best at a temperature of 5℃~30℃.”可知,电脑的最佳工作温度是5到30摄氏度。故填5℃~30℃.
8.根据“Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.”可知,当你在电脑旁,不能吃东西或喝水是因为食物残渣或一点点的水留在键盘上都可能引发许多问题。故填(Because) pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.
9.分析句子可知,本句为含有省略引导词that引导的宾语从句。Make sure翻译为“确保”;the screen翻译为“屏幕”;is the correct distance from your eyes翻译为“你的眼睛离……有合适的距离”。故填“确保你的眼睛离屏幕有合适的距离。”
10.根据“Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer.”可知,这篇文章介绍的是如何照顾好你的电脑的方法或建议。因此可用“How to look after a computer”作为标题。故填How to look after a computer.
11.they are sisters 12.two 13.long blond 14.what other people think and say 15.No. 16.My sister and I are very different. 17.我比较开朗。 18.fat
11.根据上文When people meet us both, they are always surprised to learn that we are sisters可知答案应是they are sisters.
12.根据文中句子This is because we don’t look like each other, and we have different personalities(性格).可知她们在长相和性格两方面不同,故填two.
13.根据短文第二段She has long blond hair可知此处应填long blond.
14.根据短文第三段She is very worried about what other people think and say about her,可知此处答案应为what other people think and say。
15.根据短文第一段 we have different personalities(性格).可知回答应为No.
16.综合全文,文章的主题句应为本文的首句My sister and I are very different.
17.I am more outgoing. 此句的意思是:我比较开朗。
19.(p)lants 20.B 21.About sixteen hours. 22.On its feet. 23.With tusks.
19.根据第一段 “An elephant never eats meat.”可知大象从来不吃肉,它们吃植物。故填(p)lants。
20.根据第二段“ It is happy to see a friend. It takes care of a sick elephant. When an elephant dies, all the other elephants are sad.”可知此处介绍大象会高兴也会悲伤难过。故选B。
21.根据第一段 “It eats for about sixteen hours a day”,可知大象一天吃大约16个小时。故填About sixteen hours.
22.根据第二段“It usually sleeps on its feet.”可知大象经常站着睡觉。故填On its feet.
23.根据第三段“They bury (埋葬) the elephant in the ground with their tusks (长牙).”可知他们用长牙来埋葬死去的大象。故填With tusks.
24.to take an underground train 25.all day and most of the night 26.Four. 27.In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and to do. 28.地铁里边如此拥挤,你几乎无法移动,也找不到位置可坐。
24.根据第二段“A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train.”可知,到城市不同地方的一种快捷方便的方式是乘坐地铁,故填to take an underground train。
25.根据第二段“The trains run all day and most of the night.”可知,伦敦的火车全天大部分时间都在运行,故填all day and most of the night。
26.根据文中“underground train”、“red buses”、“special visitors’ buses”和“London taxis”可知,游客在伦敦可以使用四种交通工具,故填Four。
27.通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了伦敦是一个大而美丽的城市,有很多可看可做的事,游客可以用多种方式出游,所以全文主题句为“In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and to do.”,故填In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and to do.
28.“The trains”意为“火车”;“so…that”意为“如此……以至于”;“crowded”意为“拥挤的”;“hardly”意为“几乎不”;“move”意为“移动”;“find a place to sit”意为“找到位置坐下”,故填:地铁里边如此拥挤,你几乎无法移动,也找不到位置可坐。
29.1928 30.He wanted to build a new kind of park. 31.In the USA. 32.Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily. 33.他回到家,打扮得像个老人。
29.根据“Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928”可知迪士尼在1928年创造了米老鼠。故填1928。
30.根据“Mr. Disney had a dream. He wanted to build a new kind of park.”可知迪士尼的梦想是想建造一个新的公园。故填He wanted to build a new kind of park.
31.根据“In 1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful park in the USA”可知第一个迪士尼乐园在美国,故填In the USA.
32.根据“Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily.”以及本段可知,第二段讲述了迪士尼是一个不轻易放弃的人。故填Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily.
33.He went home“他回到家”;and表承接;dressed up like“打扮得像”;an old man“一名老人”。故填:他回到家,打扮得像个老人。
34.Every year. 35.Looking at the computer screen for a long time. 36.因此,在你执行一些危险的任务之前,要养成使用安全眼镜的习惯。 37. health rule Using with examine
34.根据“It will be at least every other year from ages 18 to 60, wear glasses, or have some problems like high blood pressure.”可知,如果年龄在18到60,戴眼镜或者有高血压等问题,需要至少每年检查一次眼睛。故填Every year.
35.根据“Looking at the computer screen for a long time can hurt your eyes. It can make them feel tired and dry.”可知,它会让它们感到疲倦和干燥,It指的是长时间看电脑屏幕。故填Looking at the computer screen for a long time.
36.Therefore“因此”;make a habit“养成习惯”;safety glasses“安全眼镜”;carry out“执行”;tasks“任务”,故填:因此,在你执行一些危险的任务之前,要养成使用安全眼镜的习惯。
37.根据“There are many things you can do to keep them healthy.”可知,下面有一些保持眼睛健康的方法,故①处应该填health;根据“follow the 20/20/20 rule”可知,遵守20/20/20规则,故②处应该填rule;根据“Therefore, make a habit of using safety glasses before you carry out some dangerous tasks.”可知,③处应该填Using;根据“Foods that are rich in zinc (锌) can protect your eyes from being hurt by strong light.”可知,胡萝卜中的维生素A对良好的视力很重要,含锌或维生素A的食物对视力有益,故④处应该填with;根据“Get regular (有规律的) eye exams.”可知,应该定期进行眼科检查,故⑤处应该填examine。故填health;rule;Using;with;examine。
38.A 39.A 40.D 41.We should be careful about online information.
38.细节理解题。根据“Emma Park did, and it cost her $2,000.”和“Emma never got her money back.”可知,艾玛损失了2000美元。故选A。
41.根据“Being careful about the above is the best way to stay safe online.”可知,为了确保财产安全,我们应该当心网络信息。故填We should be careful about online information.
42.F 43. could use computers 44.No, they couldn’t. 45.No, they don’t. 46.电脑由于比人工作更快并且出错更少而变得十分重要。
42.根据第一段中“People like scientists, teachers, writers and students use computers to do all kinds of work.”可知,像科学家、教师、作家和学生这样的人使用计算机做各种工作。故答案为F。
43.根据第一段中“But more than 30 years ago, computers couldn’t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very few people were interested in them and knew how to use them.”可知,在过去,人们不知道如何使用电脑。故填could;use;computers。
44.根据第一段中“But more than 30 years ago, computers couldn’t do much.”可知,在30多年前,计算机还不能做许多工作,所以作否定回答。故填No, they couldn’t.
45.根据第二段“Teachers use them to teach. Students use them to study”可知,老师们用电脑来教学,学生用电脑来学习,所以作否定回答。故填No, they don’t.
46.分析句子可知,本句是because引导的原因状语从句,翻译为“因为”;Computers become very important翻译为“电脑变得十分(非常)重要”;work faster than men翻译为“比人工作得更快”;make fewer mistakes翻译为“犯得错误更少”。故填:电脑由于比人工作更快并且出错更少而变得十分重要。
47.Shanghai 48.weather 49.在这里你可以很容易地得到几乎所有你需要的东西。 50.Shenzhen. 51.You can think about somewhere like Hangzhou, Suzhou or Kunming.
47.根据“No. 1 of the ‘top ten best cities to live in China’ is Shanghai.”可知许多外国人认为上海是中国最适合居住的城市。故填Shanghai。
48.根据“No. 2 is Beijing. Though the weather there is not good”可知北京的天气不好,故填weather。
49.You can“你可以”;easily“容易地”;get almost everything得到几乎所有东西;you need“你需要的”;here“这里”。故填:在这里你可以很容易地得到几乎所有你需要的东西。
50.根据“What is No. 3 city It’s Shenzhen”可知是深圳,故填Shenzhen.
51.根据“If you like a more relaxing lifestyle, you can think about somewhere like Hangzhou, Suzhou or Kunming”可知如果你喜欢放松的生活方式,你可以考虑杭州、苏州或昆明这样的地方。故填You can think about somewhere like Hangzhou, Suzhou or Kunming.
52.F 53.T 54.ball 55.forget 56.D
52.根据“Many people say that one difference between plants and animals is that animals move from place to place to find food and water, while plants cannot. But in the desert areas of American West, the resurrection plant can move around to get what it needs, too.”(许多人说,植物和动物之间的一个区别是,动物从一个地方到另一个地方寻找食物和水,而植物却不能。但在美国西部的沙漠地区,复活植物也可以四处移动以获得所需的东西。)可知,题干表述错误。故填F。
53.根据“But when there is little water, the resurrection plant pulls(拉)its roots back up and dries up. It turns into a brown ball of seemingly dead roots and leaves. ”可知,当水很少时,复活植物的根会变干并变成棕色。故填T。
54.根据“It turns into a brown ball of seemingly dead roots and leaves. This brown ball goes through the desert with the help of the wind.”和“As soon as it touches water, the resurrection plant begins to act like a normal plant again.”可知,复活植物可以变成一个球,四处寻找水源。前面有不定冠词a,此处用名词单数。故填ball。
55.根据“For anyone who always forgets to water his or her plants, the resurrection plant can be a fantastic gift.”可知,复活植物是送给那些总是忘记浇花的人的绝佳礼物,主语为people,是复数,谓语动词用动词原形。故填forget。
56.根据“This brown ball goes through the desert with the help of the wind.”可知,这个棕色的球在风的帮助下穿过沙漠。故选D。
57. either get 58.If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. 59.阅读的最佳时间是早晨,因为早晨空气清新,头脑清醒。 60.Four. 61.To understand the book well.
根据前句“When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book,”语境可知,后句应是:否则当我们阅读时,我们从书中什么也得不到,故空处应是get“得到”,动词,can是情态动词,后加动词原形。故填get。
58.If we don’t understand a text well, we must read it for a second time.意为“如果我们不能很好地理解一篇课文,我们必须再读一遍。” 和文中If we have not known a text well, we must read it again.“如果我们不是非常了解一篇文章,我们必须再读一遍。”意思相近。故填If we have not known a text well, we must read it again.
59.The best time for reading“阅读的最好时间”;is“是”;morning“早上”;because “因为”;in the morning“在早上”;the air“空气”;fresh“清新的”;the mind“头脑”;clear“清醒的”。故填:阅读的最佳时间是早晨,因为早晨空气清新,头脑清醒。
60.根据文中“The best time for reading is morning, In studying we must have patience (耐心). When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book,和We must always ask ‘whys’.”可推理出,这篇文章告诉了我们四种学习方法。故填Four.
61.根据文中“So asking more ‘whys’ can help us understand well.”可知,我们在学习中总是要问“为什么”,以便更好地理解这本书。故填To understand the book well.

  • 八年级英语上册牛津深圳版期末专题12 任务型阅读(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案