Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up Section A 3a-3c 补充精练(无答案共3课时)人教版八年级下册

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up … 同步练习
Section A 3a-3c第1课时
1. several
2. feeling
3. satisfaction
4. journey
5. put up
6. call up
1. I don't know the plan is good or not. So we'd better .
A. try out it B.try it out C. find out it D.find it out
2.-___ little water is not enough for___ many people.
-We should keep the habit of saving the water.
A.So;such B.So ;so C.Such;so D.Such;such
3.-As we all know,climbing mountains on weekends is a good way ourselves. -Yeah ,it's true.
A.relaxing B. relaxed C. to relax D.relax
4.-Linda, does your grandfather live in a(n) village
-Yes. But he never feels .
A. lonely ;lonely,alone B.alone ;lonely;lonely
C.alone;alone;lonely D. lonely;alone ; lonely
III 选择词组填空。
1. Please the table after supper.
2. He with a good idea yesterday.
3. Your daughter is sad. Why not her .
4. The teacher apples to every child.
5. The sports meet is because of the heavy rain.
6. these potatoes. I’ll cook them.
7. Terasa a school for poor children last year.
8. I will my mother some housework after I finish my work.
9. Please what I said just now.
10. He his wife as soon as he arrived Shanghai.
When I was in the seventh grade, I helped take care of the sick people at a hospital in my town. 1 He never had any visitors and nobody seemed to care about his condition. I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him,helping with anything that needed to be done. 2
I left for a one-week holiday with my parents,and when I came back,Mr. Green was gone.I was afraid to ask any of the nurses where he was. Several years later,I was a student in high school. One day when I was at a bus station,I noticed a familiar(熟悉的)face. 3 I asked him if his name was Mr. Green and if he had been in a coma about five years ago. With an unsure look on his face,he replied “yes”.I explained how I knew him, and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. 4 He began to tell me about his story. He said he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time. He thought it was an angel , not a person, who was here with him. Mr. Green believed that it was my voice and my touch that kept him alive. Although I don't see him after that, he fills my heart with joy every day. I know that I made a difference in his life. 5
A.I spent most of the time there with Mr. Green.B.When I realized who he was,I couldn't stop crying. C.More importantly,he also made a big difference in my life.D. He became a close friend of mine though he was in a coma(昏迷).E. His eyes were also full of tears and he gave me the warmest hug I never received before.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up … 同步练习
Section A 3a-3c第2课时
①We should __________________(尽最大努力)to be happy in the future.
②We should try _____ much fruit. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. Eats
③—Do you know Mo Yan
—Of course, He won the 2023 Nobel Prize four Literature _____ the age of 57.
A. in B. at C. on D. To
④I find ___too difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it.
A. it, give up it B. It, give it up C. that ,give away it D. that ,give it away
1).They’ll organize a pop concert to r_______money for the poor children.
2).There are ______(几只)birds in the tree.
3).Look at the s_____.It says:“no parking .”
4).He often goes to the hospital to sing for the patients to c_____them up.
5).Who is the o_______ of this red car
6).I said it in that way so as not to hurt his _____(fell)
7).He finished painting the picture and looked at it with _____________(满意)。
8).His grandparents live ____in a small house,but they don’t fell____.
A.lonely,alone B.alone,lonely C.lonely,lonely D.alone,alone
9).I am sorry to tell you that you shouldn’t smoke here.Please look at the sign.
Oh,I am sorry.I______it.
A.don’t notice B.didn’t notice C.will notice D.haven’t noticed
10).I ______an hour and a half on my homework yesterday. A. took B. cost C. spent
11).How long have you________your hometown
A. be away B. left C. been away from
4.提高题 找出下列短语的同义词
1. think up _________ A. hand out
2. call up__________ B. establish / start
3. give out_________ C. come up with
4. set up __________ D. make sb. happier
5. cheer up _________ E. make a phone to sb.
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up … 同步练习
Section A 3a-3c第3课时
1. I'm afraid I won't be able to control such a [ str ] horse.
2. After a long _____['d 3:(r)ni],the old man sat down and had a short break.
3. [ 'sevr l] of my friends are learning English at language schools.
4.The (own) is cleaning the floor when I come into the store.
5. He is enjoying all the ( satisfy) of being a parent.
6. Last week they ( raise) some money for their club.
7.I had a (feel) of sadness when I said goodbye to my brother.
1. 我准备带他去看电影,以便他会高兴起来。
2. 这些词都很重要,请把它们记下来。
3. 你知道谁在校门口分发广告吗?
4. 我在做一些标语张贴在整个校园。
1. I'm a League Member. I volunteer my time others.
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
2. I don’t know kind of work I can do.
A. how B. what C. why D. when
3. Tom is a volunteer in his spare time. He nearly spends every Sunday evening in an orphanage.
working B. work C. to work D. worked
4. Not only study Chinese, but I study English and Japanese.
A. I B. do I C. did I D. can I
5. Now I spend time what I love to do.
A. to do B. doing C. do D. did
6. He’d like to the school volunteer project.
A. join B. take part in C. enter D. go
7. I some clothes to charity because they are too small for me.
A. take after B. hang out C. give away D. put off
8. I like to help kids with their schoolwork.
A. could B. will C. should D. would
9. After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didn’t do that .
A. any B. more C. any more D. no more
10. of them likes to play basketball.
A. Each B. Everyone C. Every D. Both
cut up, give out, come up, clean up, put off, cheer up, call up, help with, set up, write down

  • Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up Section A 3a-3c 补充精练(无答案共3课时)人教版八年级下册已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月18日  所属分类:作业答案