2023-2024湖南省张家界市慈利县高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What did the man have for lunch today
A.Beef B.Chicken. C. Fish.
2.Where is the woman probably now .
A.At school. B.On the bus C.In the car.
3.What are the speakers talking about
A. Buying a book. B.Going to school. C.Using the Internet.
4.Why does the woman talk to the man
A.To tell him the homework . B.To discuss a problem. C.To borrow his textbook.
5.What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Shop for clothes. B.Take a trip C.Attend a festival
6.What is the woman’ s favorite subject
A .Chemistry. B.Math. C.Geography
7. What will the speakers do on their first day at school
A. Meet all the teachers. B. Have a test. C.Look around the library.
8.How will the woman go to school
A.By bus. B.By bike. C. On foot.
9. What does the man like best about the uniform
A.The jacket. B.The trousers. C.The shirt
10. What will the man talk about next
A. The size of the school. B.The plants in the school. C.The number of the students
11. What does the woman want to do in the future
A.Sing. B.Write poems. C.Play the piano
12.What is Emily’s dream job
A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A writer.
13. What would Oliver like to do one day
A.Act in films. B.Work as a painter. C.Become a dancer.
14. Who does the woman spend the most time with
A. Amy B.Lisa. C.Ann
15.What does Peter love doing
A.Running. B.Playing basketball. C.Swimming
16.What can we say about Tom
A.He is hardworking. B.He is outgoing. C.He is curious.
17.How old is the speaker now
A.9. B.12. C.15.
18. How did the speaker feel about moving to her new school
A.Worried. B. Proud. C.Happy.
19. Who has become the speaker’ s best friend at her new school
A. Her neighbor. B.Her old schoolmate. C.Her classmate.
20. Why will it become easier for the speaker to find the classrooms
A.She will use a map.
B.The senior students will help her.
C.The teacher will show her around the school.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Welcome to senior high. Your great adventure is about to begin. It is a time when you can challenge yourself to improve. Some senior high students are invited to share their secrets and advice.
Wang Zanduo, 17, Hebei
One of the most important things for seniors is to learn to get along with others. We all know nobody is perfect. Getting along with others takes patience and understanding. You should always respect others’ differences and make new friends with people sharing common interests. It’s also a time to learn to keep your temper (脾气) under control. A hot temper cannot solve any problems but patience can.
Sun Xiuyuan, 16, Shandong
To enjoy your high school life, I would say that you don’t want to stress yourself out. Senior years provide you with more chances to explore who you are and what you want to do in the future. I really enjoy doing extracurricular activities and community service. My experiences of joining a singing club and a computer programming club, as well as volunteering, have encouraged me to search for the unknown and find more fun and warmth in the world. Try things you are not familiar with, and remember, no matter what your talents are, you can always go beyond yourself.
Zhao Yuebei, 18, Hainan
It’s true that senior year means a lot more work. Don’t worry! A very useful study method is the mind map to help organize information. Creating your own system of knowledge is important. It plays a key role especially in the review stage of the final year. You can start by writing down a key concept (概念) in the center of a page, then add related points and ideas around it. I have benefited a lot from this method since it pushes me to review and organize all my knowledge.
1. According to Wang Zanduo, how can you get along well with others
A. Making efforts to become perfect.
B. Being patient and understanding.
C. Trying to be different from others.
D. Developing the same interest as others.
2. What does Sun Xiuyuan advise you to do
A. To put yourself under no stress. B. To do what you want to.
C. To become a helpful volunteer. D. To try some new things.
3. What is Zhao Yuebei talking about
A. Learning strategies. B. Some past experiences.
C. System of knowledge. D. High school’s final year.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据Wang Zanduo, 17, Hebei部分“Getting along with others takes patience and understanding.(与人相处需要耐心和理解。)”可知,与别人友好相处需要耐心和理解。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Sun Xiuyuan, 16, Shandong部分的最后一句“Try things you are not familiar with, and remember, no matter what your talents are, you can always go beyond yourself.(尝试你不熟悉的东西,记住,无论你有什么才能,你都可以超越自己。)”可知,Sun Xiuyuan建议尝试新的事物。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据Zhao Yuebei, 18, Hainan部分“A very useful study method is the mind map to help organize information.(思维导图是帮助组织信息的一种非常有用的学习方法。)”可知,本段的主要内容是关于学习策略的建议。故选A。
I’m a seventeen-year-old boy preparing for my A Level exams at the end of the year. In the society where my peers and I live, we tend to accept the rat race values. As students, we want to get good grades so that we can get good jobs. I enjoy studying and have consistently received A’s in my classes. There was a year when I finished first in my class in the final exams. It was a great accomplishment.
Another one I am pleased with is that I managed to improve the relationship between Mum and Dad. Dad was a successful businessman who was rarely at home. Mum was a housewife who always felt bored and constantly nagged (唠叨) him to let her go to work. Their constant arguing bothered me, so I advised Dad that Mum would be better off with a part-time job. He agreed, and their relationship has improved since then.
My most proud achievement, however, is my successful work in the local old folks’ home. My grandparents had raised me since I was a child. I wept (哭泣) bitterly when they died. Unlike many of my classmates, I do not take part in my school’s community service to earn points. I enjoy my voluntary work and believe I’m contributing to a worthwhile cause. This is where I can help. I talk to the elderly, assist them with their daily life, and listen to their problems, glory days and the hardships they experienced.
Last year, I hosted a successful New Year party for the elderly and they enjoyed a great time. Many expressed a desire to attend another party the following year. When I reflect on my accomplishments, I’m especially proud of my service at the old folks’ home, so I hope to study social work at university and work as a social worker in the future. I wish to be more skilled in attending to the less fortunate as well as find great satisfaction in it.
4. What can be inferred about the author from the first paragraph
A. His good grades got him a good job. B. He refuses to compete with his peers fiercely.
C. His views on social values are well known. D. He is content with his academic achievements.
5. Which role does the author play in his parents’ relationship
A. A helper. B. A judge. C. A monitor. D. A supporter.
6. What is the greatest accomplishment for the author
A. The contribution to volunteering. B. The success in exams.
C. The recovery of confidence in life. D. The work in community service.
7. What does the underlined phrase in the last paragraph mean
A. To depend on. B. To think carefully and deeply about.
C. To pay attention to. D. To have a check on.
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. A 7. B
推理判断题。根据第一段中“I enjoy studying and have consistently received A’s in my classes. There was a year when I finished first in my class in the final exams. It was a great accomplishment.(我喜欢学习,在我的课上一直拿A。有一年,我在期末考试中获得了全班第一名。这是一项伟大的成就)”可推知,作者对自己的学习成绩很满意。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Another one I am pleased with is that I managed to improve the relationship between Mum and Dad.(另一件让我高兴的事是我设法改善了爸爸妈妈之间的关系)”可推知,作者在父母的关系中扮演了一个帮手的角色。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“My most proud achievement, however, is my successful work in the local old folks’ home.(然而,我最骄傲的成就是我在当地老人院的成功工作)”可知,对志愿工作的贡献是作者最大的成就。故选A。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“I’m especially proud of my service at the old folks’ home, so I hope to study social work at university and work as a social worker in the future(我特别为我在敬老院的服务感到自豪,所以我希望在大学学习社会工作,将来成为一名社会工作者)”可知,作者在反思自己的成就,并且为自己在敬老院服务感到自豪,故划线词意思是“仔细而深刻地思考”。故选B。
Teenage life is quite dramatic but that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy your life in these years. Even with your daily troubles, your life is not very hard if you know how to deal with them.
I know exactly how you feel. Teenage life can be hard. You are not a kid anymore, because you are smart enough to consider your surroundings. However, you are still not an adult because there are still lots of experiences that you need to have and lessons that you need to learn from these experiences. Above all, the hormonal (荷尔蒙的) imbalance in your body can really mess you up. I have been there. I was in it for six years exploring what life is about!
As a teenager, I had a major problem completing my routine tasks on time. And at that time, all that I needed to do was to finish my homework, study for the upcoming tests and clean my room. Now, I have much more things to do: cooking, cleaning and working while keeping a balance between all my relationships related to work, family and friends. That really is a lot of work. So, I will just give you one golden tip, “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”
Life becomes much easier now because I finish all my work on time and I have enough time to let my hair down. Half the problems of a teenager appear because we hate doing things. We’d rather go and have fun than sit down and take on our responsibilities. That is why you have so much trouble in your life; your parents won’t let you go out with friends because you haven’t cleaned your room or your teacher is always criticizing you because you haven’t finished your homework.
8. Who are the target readers of this passage
A. Parents B. Scientists
C. Teachers D. Teenagers.
9. What plays a key role in making teenage life hard according to the writer
A. The lack of life experience. B. The physical changes.
C. The failure of concentration. D. The unfamiliar surroundings.
10. How did the writer feel about her teenage life
A. It was enjoyable. B. It was simple.
C. It was boring. D. It was difficult.
11. What does the writer advise teenagers to do
A. Take on responsibilities. B. Go and have fun.
C. Finish their homework. D. Give up their friends.
【答案】8. D 9. B 10. D 11. A
推理判断题。根据第一段“Teenage life is quite dramatic but that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy your life in these years. Even with your daily troubles, your life is not very hard if you know how to deal with them.(青少年的生活充满戏剧性,但这并不意味着你不能享受这几年的生活。即使你每天都有烦恼,如果你知道如何处理它们,你的生活也不会很艰难)”可知,本文为青少年处理日常生活提出建议,故文章的目标读者是青少年。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Above all, the hormonal (荷尔蒙的) imbalance in your body can really mess you up. I have been there. I was in it for six years exploring what life is about!(最重要的是,你体内的荷尔蒙失衡真的会让你一团糟。我也经历过。我花了六年时间探索生活的真谛!)”可知,在所有的影响因素中,身体里的荷尔蒙不平衡会使得青少年的生活变得一团糟,所以身体上的变化让青少年的生活变得艰难。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第二段的“I have been there. I was in it for six years exploring what life is about!(我也经历过。我花了六年时间探索生活的真谛!)”和第三段中“As a teenager, I had a major problem completing my routine tasks on time. (十几岁的时候,我在按时完成日常任务方面遇到了很大的问题)”可以推断,作者的青少年生活是有很多问题,即是困难的。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Life becomes much easier now because I finish all my work on time and I have enough time to let my hair down. Half the problems of a teenager appear because we hate doing things. We’d rather go and have fun than sit down and take on our responsibilities. (现在生活变得轻松多了,因为我按时完成了所有的工作,有足够的时间放松。青少年有一半的问题是因为我们讨厌做事。我们宁愿去玩,也不愿坐下来承担责任)”可知,作者建议青少年承担自己该有的责任,生活就没有那么难了。故选A。
A new contact lens (隐形眼镜片) has been developed by scientists from America, Britain and China. It can check for illnesses at any time by examining chemical in tears. A new sensor (感应器) is used to achieve the purpose.
Scientists hope that the improvement could help to deal with sudden medical events. Dr Zhao Yunlong said. “COVID-19 has had a great influence on the scientific world. And we are doing research to help people deal with similar events in the future.”
When introducing the new contact lens, Dr. Guo Shiqi, a researcher at Harvard, said. “In the past, the sensor was put between the layers (层) of the lens. It didn’t have direct contact (接触) with tears. But our new sensor is smaller and smarter, it can be fixed to a lens and keep direct contact with tears. What’s more, it causes no discomfort to the eye.”
The contact lens has not been put to the market, but researchers are quite sure that it will be welcomed. It is especially useful for the old and those who may experience sudden medical events.
As society develops, scientists are supposed to develop more products that provide care and convenience (便利) for people. The contact lens is one of what they are researching on. Earlier, a California company developed another kind of contact lens using LED technology. It can show the health information on the mobile phone. Steve Sinclair, head of the company, said, “We have to build something that helps you when you need it and stays off when you don’t need it.”
12. According to Dr. Zhao Yunlong, they do this research because ________.
A they are experienced B. they are asked to do so
C. they want to fight COVID-19 D. they want to help people
13. The advantage of the new sensor is that ________.
A. it is put between lenses B. it s much cheaper
C. it is smaller and smarter D. it can be used for many years
14. The writer writes the last paragraph by giving ________.
A. an opinion and facts B. an opinion and answers
C. a question and facts D. a question and answers
15. The best title of this passage probably is ________.
A. Sensors: Science and Technology B. Contact Lenses and Convenience
C. The Most Useful Product D. Great Companies of Contact Lens
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二自然段“And we are doing research to help people deal with similar events in the future. (我们正在进行研究,以帮助人们在未来应对类似事件。)”可知,他们做这项研究的目的是在将来帮助人们应对类似的事件。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三自然段“But our new sensor is smaller and smarter, it can be fixed to a lens and keep direct contact with tears. What’s more, it causes no discomfort to the eye. (但我们新传感器更小、更智能,可以固定在晶状体上,与眼泪保持直接接触。更重要的是,它不会对眼睛造成不适。)”可知,新传感器的优点是更小、更智能。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“As society develops, scientists are supposed to develop more products that provide care and convenience (便利) for people. (随着社会的发展,科学家们应该开发出更多为人们提供护理和便利的产品。)”可知,这是作者的观点;根据“Earlier, a California company developed another kind of contact lens using LED technology. It can show the health information on the mobile phone. (早些时候,加利福尼亚州的一家公司利用LED技术开发了另一种隐形眼镜。它可以在手机上显示健康信息。)”可知,这是陈述一个事实。故推断出作者是通过给出观点和事实展开最后一段。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一自然段“A new contact lens (隐形眼镜片) has been developed by scientists from America, Britain and China. (来自美国、英国和中国的科学家开发了一种新型隐形眼镜。)”可知,文章主要介绍了一种新型隐形眼镜。这种隐形眼镜使用了更小、更智能的新型传感器的隐形眼镜片,这种隐形眼镜能够为人们在应对突发的医疗事件中提供关怀与便利。故最佳标题应是“隐形眼镜片关怀与便利”。故选B。
If you want to keep fit, please refer to the following:
Move More
Make it a daily habit to find ways to move your body. ___16___ Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator(电梯); walk your dog;play with your kids. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minutedance class. But that's great when you're up to it. At the same time, move more.
Give up Smoking
Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen more and more teens smoking. Could it be the Hollywood influence(影响) ___17___ Take care! Warn your children against smoking.
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney(肝和肾)disease and cancer.
Reduce Stress
Easier said thandone. Stress comes in many ways. ___19___ Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like such as walking on the beach or in a park, reading a good book, visiting a friend, listening to relaxing music, and watching a funny movie.
Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms. ___20___ Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is not good.
A. Avoid Excessive (过量的) Drinking
B. There are many things you can do to move your arms and legs.
C. Think carefully about what you will do.
D. Exercise outside when the smog(雾霾) rating is low.
E. It seems that the stars in every movie smoke cigarettes
F. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
G. Some suggestions given by experts are to do something positive.
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. D
下文Climb stairs instead of taking the lift. Walk your dog; play with your kids.(爬楼梯而非乘电梯;遛狗;陪孩子一起玩。)与B. There are many things you can do to move your arms and legs.(有许多事情可以来活动的你的胳膊和腿)承接自然,下文是对选项陈述内容的举例说明,故选B项。
上文Could it be the Hollywood influence (可能是好莱坞的影响吗?)与E. It seems that the stars in every movie smoke cigarettes(看起来主演在每部电影里都吸烟。)承接自然,上文提到了好莱坞,下文提到电影明星,符合语境和逻辑,故选E项。
根据下文While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney(肝和肾)disease and cancer.(虽然最近的研究表明适量饮酒可预防心脏病,但超过了那个量会易造成其它健康问题,例如肝脏和肾脏疾病以及癌症。)可知,本段主要讲述虽然适量饮酒对健康有一定帮助,但过量饮酒容易造成其它疾病和癌症。故A. Avoid Excessive (过量的) Drinking(避免过量饮酒)可以作为本段小标题,故选A项。
下文Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like such as walking on the beach or in a park, reading a good book, visiting a friend, listening to relaxing music, and watching a funny movie. (每天用30分钟做你喜欢的事情,例如去沙滩或公园散步,读一本好书,拜访一位朋友,听放松的音乐以及看一部有趣的电影。)与G. Some suggestions given by experts are to do something positive.(一些专家的建议是做一些积极的事情。)承接自然,下文所提到的活动都是一些生活中积极的事情,并且选项符合本段小标题Reduce Stress(减压)的话题,故选G项。
下文Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is not good.(当空气质量不好时,在室内空调环境下锻炼。)与 D. Exercise outside when the smog(雾霾) rating is low.(雾霾较低的时候去户外活动。)承接自然,上下文分别介绍为了避免空气污染,可以根据空气质量进行室内、室外的身体锻炼,故选D项。
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
The Olympic spirit is about a lot more than winning medals and setting records. Just look at the story of ____21____ Eric.
The boy from Equatorial Guinea found his____22____ for swimming shortly after high school.____23____ he found it difficult to get a swimming pool to learn swimming. Eventually, he____24____ a 13-meter hotel pool that he could only use three hours a week. On days he could not practice in the pool, he____25____ in rivers. After about eight months of swimming, he____26____ the chance to compete in the 2000 Summer Olympics.
On the 100m freestyle, Eric was in the first____27____ along with the other two strong swimmers. Both swimmers were____28____ to carry on competition for starting too early,____29____ Eric as the only man in his race. Not only were the eyes of the 17,000_____30_____ at the scene entirely on him, but the billions_____31_____ the Games that day, from all over the world.
When he heard the crowd shouting, encouraging him to ‘Go, go, go. he gathered all his_____32_____ to finish the race with a time of 1:52.72,the slowest_____33_____ time in Olympic history. But the fans did not care,_____34_____ him as if he had broken the world record.
Although he is not outstanding in performance, he has made_____35_____ for his motherland and has left an everlasting chapter(篇章)in the swimming field.
21. A. swimmer B. runner C. jumper D. thrower
22. A. hope B. goal C. request D. love
23. A. Besides B. Unfortunately C. Therefore D. Surprising1
24. A. remembered B. controlled C. found D. introduced
25. A. waited B. fixed C. performed D. trained
26. A. got B. missed C. developed D. created
27. A. ground B. race C. nation D. space
28. A. allowed B. expected C. forbidden D. invited
29. A. believing B. holding C. forgetting D. leaving
30. A. audiences B. directors C. visitors D. listeners
31. A. attending B. watching C. preparing D. enjoying
32. A. courage B. growth C. strength D. breath
33. A. promised B. required C. believed D. recorded
34. A. cheering B. encouraging C. supporting D. cheating
35. A. progress B. power C. history D. money
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:看看游泳运动员埃里克的故事就知道了。A. swimmer游泳运动员;B. runner跑步运动员;C. jumper跳跃运动员;D. thrower投掷运动员。根据下文“The boy from Equatorial Guinea found his____2____ for swimming shortly after high school.”可知,埃里克是一名游泳运动员。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个来自赤道几内亚的男孩在高中毕业后不久就爱上了游泳。A. hope希望;B. goal目标;C. request请求;D. love热爱。根据下文他练习游泳并参加奥运会可知,此处指他爱上了游泳。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他发现很难找到一个游泳池来学习游泳。A. Besides此外;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Therefore因此;D. Surprisingly令人奇怪地。根据句中“found it difficult to get a swimming pool”可知,他发现很难找到一个游泳池来学习游泳,这是不幸的事。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,他找到了一个13米长的酒店游泳池,每周只能使用三个小时。A. remembered记得;B. controlled控制;C. found发现;D. introduced介绍。根据空后的定语从句“that he could only use three hours a week”可知,他找到了一个13米长的酒店游泳池。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他不能在游泳池里练习的日子里,他在河里训练。A. waited等待;B. fixed修理;C. performed表演;D. trained训练。根据上文“practice”可知,他是在河里练习、训练。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过大约八个月的游泳训练,他获得了参加2000年夏季奥运会的机会。A. got得到;B. missed错过;C. developed发展;D. created创造。根据空后“to compete in the 2000 Summer Olympics”以及下文内容可知,他获得了参加奥运会的机会。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在100米自由泳比赛中,埃里克和另外两名游泳健将一起参加了第一场比赛。A. ground场地;B. race比赛;C. nation民族;D. space空间。根据上文“Both swimmers were____8____ to carry on competition for starting too early,____9____ Eric as the only man in his race.”可知,埃里克和另外两名游泳健将一起参加了第一场比赛,race一词是原词复现。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:两位游泳运动员都因起跑太早而被禁止继续比赛,埃里克成为了比赛中唯一的一个人。A. allowed允许;B. expected期待;C. forbidden禁止;D. invited邀请。根据下文“for starting too early”以及“Eric as the only man in his race”可知,这两位游泳运动员都因起跑太早而被禁止继续比赛。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. believing相信;B. holding举行;C. forgetting忘记;D. leaving留下。根据下文“for starting too early”以及下文“entirely on him”可知,两位游泳运动员都因起跑太早而被禁止继续比赛,留下埃里克唯一一个继续游。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:现场17000名观众的目光不仅完全集中在他身上,还有当天来自世界各地观看奥运会的数十亿人。A. audiences观众;B. directors导演;C. visitors游客;D. listeners听众。根据句中“at the scene”可知,此处指现场17000名观众。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. attending出席;B. watching观看;C. preparing准备;D. enjoying欣赏;喜欢。根据常识及下文“from all over the world”可知,此处指数十亿来自世界各地观看奥运会的人。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他竭尽全力以1分52秒72的成绩完成了比赛,这是奥运会历史上最慢的记录。A. courage勇气;B. growth成长;C. strength力气;D. breath呼吸。根据上文可知,埃里克参加的是游泳比赛,联系下文,此处应指他用尽所有力气完成比赛。gather all one’s strength意为“竭尽全力”。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. promised承诺;B. required要求;C. believed相信;D. recorded记录。根据下文“But the fans did not care,____14____ him as if he had broken the world record.”可知,他的成绩1分52秒72是奥运会历史上最慢的记录。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但仰慕者们并不在意,为他欢呼,好像他打破了世界纪录。A. cheering欢呼;B. encouraging鼓励;C. supporting支持;D. cheating欺骗。根据下文“as if he had broken the world record”可知,仰慕者为他欢呼。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然成绩并不出众,但他为祖国创造了历史,在游泳界留下了不可磨灭的篇章。A. progress进步;B. power权力;C. history历史;D. money金钱。根据上文“Although he is not outstanding in performance”以及下文“for his motherland and has left an everlasting chapter(篇章)in the swimming field”可知,但他为祖国创造了历史。故选C项。
Chinese painting is also called traditional Chinese painting. As ____36____ important part of traditional Chinese culture, it has a long history and fine traditions in the field of art in the world.
____37____ (draw) a Chinese painting, you need a writing brush, ink, xuan paper, and ink stone. Especially, xuan paper, is the best tool for Chinese painting ____38____ it allows the writing brush, wet with Chinese ink and held in a well-trained hand to move freely on it.
There are three main _____39_____(subject) of Chinese painting: human figures,landscapes (风景) , and birds and flowers. For example, the painting ____40____ ladies, the painting of mountains, and the painting of insects and fish. Figure painting became highly ____41____ (develop) during the Tang dynasty, and landscape painting reached its ____42____ (high) during the Song dynasty.
There are two main techniques in Chinese painting. _____43_____ is gongbi often referred to as “fine-line” painting. This style of painting pays close attention to details. It’s often ____44____ (use) to draw people or animals. The other is freehand style, referred to as “xieyi”. It pays more attention to _____45_____ (express) an artist’s feelings. It is often used in landscape paintings.
Chinese paintings do not try to draw the outlooking of a subject, but its nature or character. Every area of the painting is interesting to the eye.
【答案】36. an 37. To draw
38. because##as
39. subjects
40. of 41. developed
42. highest
43. One 44. used
45. expressing
考查动词不定式。句意:要画一幅中国画,你需要毛笔、墨水、宣纸和墨石。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词。根据句意,此处是动词不定式作目的状语。故填To draw。
考查介词。句意:比如说仕女图、山图、虫鱼图。根据句中 the painting of mountains, and the painting of insects and fish 可知,此处也应用介词of。故填of。
考查形容词的最高级。句意:同上。分析句子可知,空格处应填入形容词作定语。根据句意,此处应用形容词的最高级,reached its highest意为“达到顶峰”。故填highest。
考查代词。句意:一种是工笔画,通常被称为“细线”。根据上文的 two main techniques以及下文的The other可知,此处应用代词one,表示“一个”。置于句首,首字母应大写。故填One。
考查过去分词。句意:它经常被用来画人或动物。根据句意,此处指“被用来画人或动物”,故此处应用过去分词。be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”。故填used。
考查动名词。句意:它更注重表达艺术家的感受。pay attention to意为“注意……”,to是介词,其后应用动名词作宾语。故填expressing。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Laura的父母过分关心她的日常生活,不允许她和朋友外出,她因此深感苦恼,写信向你寻求建议,请你根据以下要点给她写一封回信:
Dear Laura,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Laura,
I am glad to hear from you and sorry to learn that you are upset that your parents are too concerned about your daily life and don’t allow you to go out with your friends.
It is quite normal for you to feel like that. Here are some tips for you, which I hope can help you change the situation. To begin with, you have to be open and honest with your parents about your real thoughts and annoyance. Meanwhile, tell your parents about your desire for independence and social activity. Besides, reassure your parents by letting them know what kind of friends you are making. Not only can friends keep you company, they can also offer you some mental support.
I believe the period will not last long. Everything will turn out all right in the end.
Li Hua
此外:Besides=In addition
原句:It is quite normal for you to feel like that.
拓展句:What you are feeling is quite normal.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Here are some tips for you, which I hope can help you change the situation. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Not only can friends keep you company, they can also offer you some mental support. (运用了not only...but also句型及倒装句型)
第二节 (满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Polly Goodman, 82-year-old, was a rich old woman. Her husband was a businessman and left her a large fortune after his death, so she had no problems supporting herself. The only problem was that her son who was a doctor busy with his work seldom had time to visit her, leaving her living lonely.
One day, Polly was walking along the beach, like she did every evening near her seaside house, when she noticed a young boy and his little sister playing there. As she was passing by them, she heard their mother calling out to them. “Corey! Daisy! Be careful! Stay away from the water!”
Polly noticed their mother resting on a bench, appearing sick and tired. The dark circles under her eyes were quite obvious, and she coughed frequently. Polly always had a desire to have a chat with someone. So she walked carefully towards the mother with a kind smile on her face.
“Hi, I’m Polly. I live by the beach.” Polly said.
The mother looked up at Polly, feeling a little surprised. The mother told Polly she was Lydia and had worked as a waitress. Lydia further said that she and her children had only recently moved to that location because her children had always wanted to see the ocean. Then Lydia stopped to cough heavily. After she calmed down, it seemed she wanted to say something, but stopped as if there was something difficult to tell. Polly did not follow up, saying goodbye and left.
When Polly went to the beach the next day, she saw the kids again, but this time their mother wasn’t with them. She observed them playing by themselves until late in the evening before heading home. The third day came and again the two kids played at the seaside until late in the evening, still without their mother s company. Then the elder brother was about to lead the sister back home. Out of curiosity and care Polly decided to follow them to their house.
Upon arrival, the kids invited Polly inside.
Polly took the mother to the hospital her son worked in.
【答案】Upon arrival, the kids invited Polly inside. The moment Polly stepped into the house, she was shocked to see the house in a mess with toys scattered everywhere on the floor. Meanwhile, she spotted Lydia lying in the sofa, coughing heavily. Seeing Polly approaching, Lydia struggled to sit up but failed. Apparently, Lydia was seriously sick and needed immediate treatment. When asked why she didn’t go to hospital, Lydia explained she was too weak to drive. Out of sympathy, Polly offered to drive her to the hospital.
Polly took the mother to the hospital her son worked in. Having learned about the situation through the phone called by Polly, her son helped contact doctors. After a careful medical check, Lydia was told she had to stay in hospital for days, which worried her a lot, for her kids were too young to stay at home alone. Polly comforted her that she would take care of the kids. Hearing that, Lydia was so deeply moved that she could say nothing. She hugged Polly tightly to express her sincere gratitude.
【导语】本文以人物为线索,讲述了一位丧偶的富有老太太——82岁的Polly Goodman,一天在海边散步时,发现了一对在海边玩耍的兄妹和坐在一边、满脸病容的母亲Lydia,主动聊天后,Polly与Lydiai相结识;之后的两天,Polly因在海滩上遇到两兄妹独自玩耍,而跟随孩子去家中查看,从而发现了病重的Lydia,Polly及时送Lydia去了自己儿子工作的医院,并主动照看两个孩子,得到了Lydia的深深的感激。
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:到Lydia家——屋中杂乱——Lydia病重——送医院——诊断、要求住院——Polly提出照看孩子——感动、感激
③照顾:take care of/look after
②表示感谢:express her gratitude/show her appreciation
【点睛】【高分句型1】When asked why she didn’t go to hospital, Lydia explained she was too weak to drive. (运用了以when引导的时间状语从句的省略句和以连接词why引导的宾语从句,及省略了连接词that的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】After a careful medical check, Lydia was told she had to stay in hospital for days, which worried her a lot, for her kids were too young to stay at home alone. (运用了省略了连接词that的宾语从句和以关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)慈利一中2023年下学期高一年级第一次月考
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What did the man have for lunch today
A.Beef B.Chicken. C. Fish.
2.Where is the woman probably now .
A.At school. B.On the bus C.In the car.
3.What are the speakers talking about
A. Buying a book. B.Going to school. C.Using the Internet.
4.Why does the woman talk to the man
A.To tell him the homework . B.To discuss a problem. C.To borrow his textbook.
5.What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Shop for clothes. B.Take a trip C.Attend a festival
6.What is the woman’ s favorite subject
A .Chemistry. B.Math. C.Geography
7. What will the speakers do on their first day at school
A. Meet all the teachers. B. Have a test. C.Look around the library.
8.How will the woman go to school
A.By bus. B.By bike. C. On foot.
9. What does the man like best about the uniform
A.The jacket. B.The trousers. C.The shirt
10. What will the man talk about next
A. The size of the school. B.The plants in the school. C.The number of the students
11. What does the woman want to do in the future
A.Sing. B.Write poems. C.Play the piano
12.What is Emily’s dream job
A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A writer.
13. What would Oliver like to do one day
A.Act in films. B.Work as a painter. C.Become a dancer.
14. Who does the woman spend the most time with
A. Amy B.Lisa. C.Ann
15.What does Peter love doing
A.Running. B.Playing basketball. C.Swimming
16.What can we say about Tom
A.He is hardworking. B.He is outgoing. C.He is curious.
17.How old is the speaker now
A.9. B.12. C.15.
18. How did the speaker feel about moving to her new school
A.Worried. B. Proud. C.Happy.
19. Who has become the speaker’ s best friend at her new school
A Her neighbor. B.Her old schoolmate. C.Her classmate.
20. Why will it become easier for the speaker to find the classrooms
A.She will use a map.
B.The senior students will help her.
C.The teacher will show her around the school.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Welcome to senior high Your great adventure is about to begin. It is a time when you can challenge yourself to improve. Some senior high students are invited to share their secrets and advice.
Wang Zanduo, 17, Hebei
One of the most important things for seniors is to learn to get along with others. We all know nobody is perfect. Getting along with others takes patience and understanding. You should always respect others’ differences and make new friends with people sharing common interests. It’s also a time to learn to keep your temper (脾气) under control. A hot temper cannot solve any problems, but patience can.
Sun Xiuyuan, 16, Shandong
To enjoy your high school life I would say that you don’t want to stress yourself out. Senior years provide you with more chances to explore who you are and what you want to do in the future. I really enjoy doing extracurricular activities and community service. My experiences of joining a singing club and a computer programming club, as well as volunteering, have encouraged me to search for the unknown and find more fun and warmth in the world. Try things you are not familiar with, and remember, no matter what your talents are, you can always go beyond yourself.
Zhao Yuebei, 18, Hainan
It’s true that senior year means a lot more work. Don’t worry! A very useful study method is the mind map to help organize information. Creating your own system of knowledge is important. It plays a key role especially in the review stage of the final year. You can start by writing down a key concept (概念) in the center of a page, then add related points and ideas around it. I have benefited a lot from this method since it pushes me to review and organize all my knowledge.
1. According to Wang Zanduo, how can you get along well with others
A. Making efforts to become perfect.
B. Being patient and understanding.
C. Trying to be different from others.
D. Developing the same interest as others.
2. What does Sun Xiuyuan advise you to do
A. To put yourself under no stress. B. To do what you want to.
C. To become a helpful volunteer. D. To try some new things.
3. What is Zhao Yuebei talking about
A. Learning strategies. B. Some past experiences.
C. System of knowledge. D. High school’s final year.
I’m a seventeen-year-old boy preparing for my A Level exams at the end of the year. In the society where my peers and I live, we tend to accept the rat race values. As students, we want to get good grades so that we can get good jobs. I enjoy studying and have consistently received A’s in my classes. There was a year when I finished first in my class in the final exams. It was a great accomplishment.
Another one I am pleased with is that I managed to improve the relationship between Mum and Dad. Dad was a successful businessman who was rarely at home. Mum was a housewife who always felt bored and constantly nagged (唠叨) him to let her go to work. Their constant arguing bothered me, so I advised Dad that Mum would be better off with a part-time job. He agreed, and their relationship has improved since then.
My most proud achievement, however, is my successful work in the local old folks’ home. My grandparents had raised me since I was a child. I wept (哭泣) bitterly when they died. Unlike many of my classmates, I do not take part in my school’s community service to earn points. I enjoy my voluntary work and believe I’m contributing to a worthwhile cause. This is where I can help. I talk to the elderly, assist them with their daily life, and listen to their problems, glory days and the hardships they experienced.
Last year, I hosted a successful New Year party for the elderly and they enjoyed a great time. Many expressed a desire to attend another party the following year. When I reflect on my accomplishments, I’m especially proud of my service at the old folks’ home, so I hope to study social work at university and work as a social worker in the future. I wish to be more skilled in attending to the less fortunate as well as find great satisfaction in it.
4. What can be inferred about the author from the first paragraph
A. His good grades got him a good job. B. He refuses to compete with his peers fiercely.
C. His views on social values are well known. D. He is content with his academic achievements.
5. Which role does the author play in his parents’ relationship
A. A helper. B. A judge. C. A monitor. D. A supporter.
6. What is the greatest accomplishment for the author
A. The contribution to volunteering. B. The success in exams.
C. The recovery of confidence in life. D. The work in community service.
7. What does the underlined phrase in the last paragraph mean
A. To depend on. B. To think carefully and deeply about.
C. To pay attention to. D. To have a check on.
Teenage life is quite dramatic but that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy your life in these years. Even with your daily troubles, your life is not very hard if you know how to deal with them.
I know exactly how you feel. Teenage life can be hard. You are not a kid anymore, because you are smart enough to consider your surroundings. However, you are still not an adult because there are still lots of experiences that you need to have and lessons that you need to learn from these experiences. Above all, the hormonal (荷尔蒙的) imbalance in your body can really mess you up. I have been there. I was in it for six years exploring what life is about!
As a teenager, I had a major problem completing my routine tasks on time. And at that time, all that I needed to do was to finish my homework, study for the upcoming tests and clean my room. Now, I have much more things to do: cooking, cleaning and working while keeping a balance between all my relationships related to work, family and friends. That really is a lot of work. So, I will just give you one golden tip, “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”
Life becomes much easier now because I finish all my work on time and I have enough time to let my hair down. Half the problems of a teenager appear because we hate doing things. We’d rather go and have fun than sit down and take on our responsibilities. That is why you have so much trouble in your life; your parents won’t let you go out with friends because you haven’t cleaned your room or your teacher is always criticizing you because you haven’t finished your homework.
8. Who are the target readers of this passage
A. Parents B. Scientists
C. Teachers D. Teenagers.
9. What plays a key role in making teenage life hard according to the writer
A. The lack of life experience. B. The physical changes.
C. The failure of concentration. D. The unfamiliar surroundings.
10. How did the writer feel about her teenage life
A. It was enjoyable. B. It was simple.
C. It was boring. D. It was difficult.
11. What does the writer advise teenagers to do
A. Take on responsibilities. B. Go and have fun.
C. Finish their homework. D. Give up their friends.
A new contact lens (隐形眼镜片) has been developed by scientists from America, Britain and China. It can check for illnesses at any time by examining chemical in tears. A new sensor (感应器) is used to achieve the purpose.
Scientists hope that the improvement could help to deal with sudden medical events. Dr Zhao Yunlong said. “COVID-19 has had a great influence on the scientific world. And we are doing research to help people deal with similar events in the future.”
When introducing the new contact lens, Dr. Guo Shiqi, a researcher at Harvard, said. “In the past, the sensor was put between the layers (层) of the lens. It didn’t have direct contact (接触) with tears. But our new sensor is smaller and smarter, it can be fixed to a lens and keep direct contact with tears. What’s more, it causes no discomfort to the eye.”
The contact lens has not been put to the market, but researchers are quite sure that it will be welcomed. It is especially useful for the old and those who may experience sudden medical events.
As society develops, scientists are supposed to develop more products that provide care and convenience (便利) for people. The contact lens is one of what they are researching on. Earlier, a California company developed another kind of contact lens using LED technology. It can show the health information on the mobile phone. Steve Sinclair, head of the company, said, “We have to build something that helps you when you need it and stays off when you don’t need it.”
12. According to Dr. Zhao Yunlong, they do this research because ________.
A. they are experienced B. they are asked to do so
C. they want to fight COVID-19 D. they want to help people
13. The advantage of the new sensor is that ________.
A. it is put between lenses B. it s much cheaper
C it is smaller and smarter D. it can be used for many years
14. The writer writes the last paragraph by giving ________.
A. an opinion and facts B. an opinion and answers
C. a question and facts D. a question and answers
15. The best title of this passage probably is ________.
A. Sensors: Science and Technology B. Contact Lenses and Convenience
C. The Most Useful Product D. Great Companies of Contact Lens
If you want to keep fit, please refer to the following:
Move More
Make it a daily habit to find ways to move your body. ___16___ Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator(电梯); walk your dog;play with your kids. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minutedance class. But that's great when you're up to it. At the same time, move more.
Give up Smoking
Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen more and more teens smoking. Could it be the Hollywood influence(影响) ___17___ Take care! Warn your children against smoking.
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney(肝和肾)disease and cancer.
Reduce Stress
Easier said thandone. Stress comes in many ways. ___19___ Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like such as walking on the beach or in a park, reading a good book, visiting a friend, listening to relaxing music, and watching a funny movie.
Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms. ___20___ Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is not good.
A. Avoid Excessive (过量的) Drinking
B. There are many things you can do to move your arms and legs.
C. Think carefully about what you will do.
D. Exercise outside when the smog(雾霾) rating is low.
E. It seems that the stars in every movie smoke cigarettes
F. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
G. Some suggestions given by experts are to do something positive.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
The Olympic spirit is about a lot more than winning medals and setting records. Just look at the story of ____21____ Eric.
The boy from Equatorial Guinea found his____22____ for swimming shortly after high school.____23____ he found it difficult to get a swimming pool to learn swimming. Eventually, he____24____ a 13-meter hotel pool that he could only use three hours a week. On days he could not practice in the pool, he____25____ in rivers. After about eight months of swimming, he____26____ the chance to compete in the 2000 Summer Olympics.
On the 100m freestyle, Eric was in the first____27____ along with the other two strong swimmers. Both swimmers were____28____ to carry on competition for starting too early,____29____ Eric as the only man in his race. Not only were the eyes of the 17,000_____30_____ at the scene entirely on him, but the billions_____31_____ the Games that day, from all over the world.
When he heard the crowd shouting, encouraging him to ‘Go, go, go. he gathered all his_____32_____ to finish the race with a time of 1:52.72,the slowest_____33_____ time in Olympic history. But the fans did not care,_____34_____ him as if he had broken the world record.
Although he is not outstanding in performance, he has made_____35_____ for his motherland and has left an everlasting chapter(篇章)in the swimming field.
21. A. swimmer B. runner C. jumper D. thrower
22. A. hope B. goal C. request D. love
23. A. Besides B. Unfortunately C. Therefore D. Surprising1
24. A. remembered B. controlled C. found D. introduced
25. A. waited B. fixed C. performed D. trained
26. A. got B. missed C. developed D. created
27. A. ground B. race C. nation D. space
28. A. allowed B. expected C. forbidden D. invited
29. A. believing B. holding C. forgetting D. leaving
30. A. audiences B. directors C. visitors D. listeners
31. A. attending B. watching C. preparing D. enjoying
32. A. courage B. growth C. strength D. breath
33. A. promised B. required C. believed D. recorded
34. A. cheering B. encouraging C. supporting D. cheating
35. A. progress B. power C. history D. money
Chinese painting is also called traditional Chinese painting. As ____36____ important part of traditional Chinese culture it has a long history and fine traditions in the field of art in the world.
____37____ (draw) a Chinese painting, you need a writing brush, ink, xuan paper, and ink stone. Especially, xuan paper, is the best tool for Chinese painting ____38____ it allows the writing brush, wet with Chinese ink and held in a well-trained hand to move freely on it.
There are three main _____39_____(subject) of Chinese painting: human figures,landscapes (风景) , and birds and flowers. For example, the painting ____40____ ladies, the painting of mountains, and the painting of insects and fish. Figure painting became highly ____41____ (develop) during the Tang dynasty, and landscape painting reached its ____42____ (high) during the Song dynasty.
There are two main techniques in Chinese painting. _____43_____ is gongbi often referred to as “fine-line” painting. This style of painting pays close attention to details. It’s often ____44____ (use) to draw people or animals. The other is freehand style, referred to as “xieyi”. It pays more attention to _____45_____ (express) an artist’s feelings. It is often used in landscape paintings.
Chinese paintings do not try to draw the outlooking of a subject, but its nature or character. Every area of the painting is interesting to the eye.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Laura的父母过分关心她的日常生活,不允许她和朋友外出,她因此深感苦恼,写信向你寻求建议,请你根据以下要点给她写一封回信:
Dear Laura,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Polly Goodman, 82-year-old, was a rich old woman. Her husband was a businessman and left her a large fortune after his death, so she had no problems supporting herself. The only problem was that her son who was a doctor busy with his work seldom had time to visit her, leaving her living lonely.
One day, Polly was walking along the beach, like she did every evening near her seaside house, when she noticed a young boy and his little sister playing there. As she was passing by them, she heard their mother calling out to them. “Corey! Daisy! Be careful! Stay away from the water!”
Polly noticed their mother resting on a bench, appearing sick and tired. The dark circles under her eyes were quite obvious, and she coughed frequently. Polly always had a desire to have a chat with someone. So she walked carefully towards the mother with a kind smile on her face.
“Hi, I’m Polly. I live by the beach.” Polly said.
The mother looked up at Polly, feeling a little surprised. The mother told Polly she was Lydia and had worked as a waitress. Lydia further said that she and her children had only recently moved to that location because her children had always wanted to see the ocean. Then Lydia stopped to cough heavily. After she calmed down, it seemed she wanted to say something, but stopped as if there was something difficult to tell. Polly did not follow up, saying goodbye and left.
When Polly went to the beach the next day, she saw the kids again, but this time their mother wasn’t with them. She observed them playing by themselves until late in the evening before heading home. The third day came and again the two kids played at the seaside until late in the evening, still without their mother s company. Then the elder brother was about to lead the sister back home. Out of curiosity and care Polly decided to follow them to their house.
Upon arrival, the kids invited Polly inside.
Polly took the mother to the hospital her son worked in.

  • 2023-2024湖南省张家界市慈利县高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月17日  所属分类:作业答案