2023-2024辽宁省葫芦岛市协作校高二上学期第二次考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What is David doing
A. Buying a new computer.
B. Playing computer games.
C. Looking for information.
2. What will the man do during the winter break
A. Stay at home with his dog.
B. Visit some foreign friends.
C. Go skiing.
3. Where did the man get the vegetables
A. From his school.
B. From the community garden.
C. From the grocery store.
4. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a library. B. In a hotel. C. In a store.
5. What size does the woman need
A. Large. B. Medium. C. Small.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where is the post office located
A. At the end of the road.
B. Right around the corner.
C. Next to a railway station.
7. Why does the man ask the woman to hurry
A. It is getting dark.
B. The post office is very far away.
C. The post office is closing soon.
8. When does the woman want to start shopping
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
9. How much will an iPad cost on the big shopping day
A. 80. B. 150. C. 75.
10. What is the most important for the man
A. Family dinner.
B. Shopping on a holiday.
C. Inviting friends over for Thanksgiving.
11. Why does the woman take night classes
A. To spend her spare time.
B. To become a manager.
C. To get control of her life.
12. What does the woman mention in the conversation
A. She lives a happy life.
B. She is a single mother.
C. She can rely on her children.
13. Which course is the woman taking
A. Auto repair. B. Electrical repair. C. Business management.
14. For how many nights has the woman had trouble sleeping
A. Two. B. Four. C. Three.
15. What does the man think the woman should do
A. Listen to a boring lecture.
B. Count sheep in her head.
C Read a good book.
16. How does the woman feel about the man’s idea
A. It is funny. B. It’s clever. C. It’s boring.
17. Why is the flight canceled
A The pilot has to deal with emergencies.
B. There will be a storm.
C. Something is wrong with the plane.
18. What will happen to the passengers who do not live locally
A. They will be given a hotel room.
B. They will be given a free taxi ride.
C. They will be put on buses and sent home.
19. What should passengers remember to do
A. Call the Star Airlines hotline.
B. Visit the service desk.
C. Pick up their luggage.
20. When is the announcement given
A. In the evening. B. At noon. C. In the morning.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
Here are some national parks where visitors can enjoy varieties of wildlife.
Acadia National Park Maine
The Atlantic Ocean meets the cliff-lined Maine coast at this popular park, providing habitat for wildlife with feet and flippers. From the shore, scan the water for marine life like sharks or gray seals(海豹). On land, you might spot beavers, snowshoe hares, or bobcats. In between, in the intertidal zone, tide pools hold translucent anemones, sea urchins, snails, and sea stars.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
The park is a mixed ecosystem of oak-hickory forest, meadows, and wetlands sheltering a variety of animals. You can see water-loving mammals or snapping turtles. More than 200 species of bird live or migrate through the park, including nesting peregrine falcons and bald eagles.
Pinnacles National Park, California
Nearly being in extinction in the 1980s, the number of mighty California condors(兀鹫)now increases again over volcanic peaks. Intense recovery efforts, including a captive breeding(圈养繁殖)program, have brought a significant increase of the population, which was just 22in 1982. If you have binoculars, you’ll have a good chance of seeing condors flying in the mornings and evenings. Others include golden eagles, peregrine falcons and bees.
Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida
Contrary to its name, water makes up 99 percent of this park. Visitors can see five species of endangered sea turtles nest on the beaches or swimming. Book a snorkeling to explore the reefs, where green sea turtles, nurse sharks, and decorator crabs live am id corals. Divers can also access the Windjammer Wreck site, where a ship that sank(沉没) in 1907 provides a home for marine life.
1. When introducing wildlife, the author divides the Acadia National Park into __________.
A. two areas B. three areas C. four areas D. five areas
2. How does the California condor increase its population
A. With another country’s technical support.
B. By hunting for food on volcanic peaks.
C. With the assistance of human beings.
D. By competing with new species.
3. In which park can visitors see a sunk ship
A. Acadia National Park. B. Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
C. Pinnacles National Park. D. Dry Tortugas National Park.
As for Hallie Barnard, who was born with a rare blood disorder, a song, whose main idea is about a good friendship turning bad like the bad blood, meant a lot to her. The song represents her inborn struggle with a unique blood condition and the impact it has on her life.
At just 15 months old, Hallie was diagnosed (诊断) with Diamond-Blackfan anemia(DBA) , and she spent most of her life in and out of the hospital. Hallie said she relied on the singer to bring her joy. The only way to survive DBA is with a bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) and Hallie was eager for one. But she knew thousands of other patients were, too.
So, a few years ago, she decided to do something about it, creating her own foundation, Hallie’s Heroes. “It started selfishly as just trying to save my life, but then we realized there’s so many other children out there that needed a bone marrow transplant.” she said. “So, so far we’ve tested over 8,000 people and we found over 300 matches.” After a 9-year wait, Hallie got her own match through her own foundation. The recovery was hard, but Hallie said she stayed hopeful. “I would just kind of daydream. And sometimes I would listen to her music and I would daydream about the singer and meeting her and seeing her in person,” Hallie said in her social media.
When the singer’s assistant heard about Hallie’s Heroes and knew about her wish, he was inspired to help the selfless little girl who turned her own health battle into a way to help others and decided to give Hallie the surprise of a lifetime. He offered two tickets to the singer’s concert in Houston. When Hallie received a call offering her the tickets, she was shocked and enthusiastically accepted and attended the concert with her mother in the front row.
Now Hallie has recovered. She no longer has “bad blood”. Thanks to her foundation, hundreds of others can say the same.
4. Why did the author mention the main idea of a song
A. To introduce the heroine of the text.
B. To show the author’s love for the song.
C. To explain how harmful the bad blood was.
D. To highlight the impact of the song on the author.
5. What do we know about Hallie’s life before the operation
A. She felt sorrow for herself. B. She often went to the concert.
C. She sought for a bone marrow match. D. She prepared for her own foundation.
6. What was Hallie’s initial purpose of setting up Hallie’s Heroes
A. To save herself B. To be known by others.
C. To see her favorite singer. D. To help patients with DBA,
7. Which of the following can best describe Hallie
A. Inactive but lucky. B. Selfish but capable,
C. Helpful and wealthy. D. Caring and determined.
When I was in high school, my history teacher tried an experiment with a classmate known for her enthusiastic and expressive communication style. The girl had raised her hand to answer a question, and the teacher challenged her to reply while keeping her hands folded in her lap. I’ve never forgotten the sight of her struggling to get her words out while her hands were restrained (限制) .
We all, to some extent or another, talk with our hands. It’s part of how we communicate. But as Susan Goldin-Meadow, a professor and psychologist at the University of Chicago, explains in her newest book, that’s just the beginning.
What she discovered are an astonishing number of ways in which our hands not only help us to emphasize(or sometimes contradict) our spoken words, but they also play a vital role in how we form our ideas. As Goldin-Meadow shows, even people blind from birth use gestures.
People who don’t have arms will experience a phantom (幻觉) feeling they are gesturing. We gesture when someone we’re talking to can’t see us, such as on the phone. We gesture when we’re all alone, trying to compose an email. We need to gesture to make sense of the world.
“Gestures and language really are a single integrated system. It’s not just a system that linguists study,” said Goldin-Meadow. “There’s so much information that isn’t captured by our words, and by all of the conventional things that we learn from language. For that purpose, certainly as a psychologist, I think it’s very important to take these kinds of things seriously.”
There’s a huge literature on body language. It really does convey lots of things-attitude perspective, sense of self, and more. Most of them are about how we feel, and our perception of our interaction. What the hands contribute—and the face can do this, too-is not just our attitudes to the conversation, but the content of the conversation.
8. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1
A. To introduce the topic. B. To share an experiment.
C. To tell an interesting story. D. To introduce a phenomenon.
9. How do gestures have an impact on communication
A. Limiting oral words B. Stressing oral words.
C. Directing oral words. D. Interrupting oral words.
10. What is mostly conveyed in a speaker’s gestures
A. His habits. B. His character. C. His feelings. D. His contribution.
11. What can be the best title for the text
A. Hand Gestures: A Way We Need To Do Everyday
B. Hand Gestures: A Language We Struggle To Understand
C. Hand Gestures: An Easy Language Learning From Childhood
D. Hand Gestures: An Important And Silent Communication Method
India’s robotic spacecraft landed on the moon undamagedly on August 23, 2023, a historic achievement for the country’s growing space program.
The Chandrayaan-3 mission is the first ever to touch down at the lunar south pole. Many nations and private companies have set their sights on the region because of its ice, thought to be buried in the polar craters. The natural resources are coveted because they could supply drinking water, air, and rocket fuel for future missions, ushering a new era in spaceflight.
The success also means India has been one of countries who have landed a spacecraft on the moon. The victory comes four years after India’s previous mission, Chandrayaan-2, crashed.
An Indian official, who watched the live stream from Johannesburg, South Africa, said, “On this joyous occasion, I would like to address all the people of the world: India’s successful moon mission is not just India’s alone. This success belongs to all humanity.”
About 60 years have passed since the first unpiloted (无人驾驶的) moon landings, but touching down is still demanding. The moon’s atmosphere is very thin, providing virtually no drag to slow a spacecraft down as it approaches the ground. Furthermore, there are no GPS systems on the moon to help guide a craft to its landing spot. Engineers have to make up for these shortcomings from about 239,000 miles away.
Over the past four years, private companies and other nations have tried and failed. But perhaps now there’s more hope.
The Indian official said, “I’m confident that all countries in the world including those from the global south are capable of achieving such a success. We can all aspire (渴望) to the moon and beyond.”
12. What does the underlined word “coveted” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Desired. B. Legal. C. Tough. D. Balanced.
13. What can we infer about Chandrayaan-2
A. It was connected by Chandrayaan-3.
B. It landed on the south surface of the moon.
C. It was the first to touch down at the south pole.
D. It fell and broke when carrying out space mission.
14. What makes it hard to land on the moon according to the text
A. The unfamiliar preens for scientists.
B. The materials used to make the spaceship.
C. The shortage of previous successful cases.
D. The limitation of the moon’s atmosphere and technology.
15. What is the Indian official’s attitude to the future space exploration
A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Objective. D. Doubtful.
Snuggling (偎依) up with your little one from an early age and diving into a book together is always a great way to spend time. ____16____ They will give your little one a flying start in life.
Firstly, it’s a great introduction to reading, writing and vocabulary. Seeing an adult reading out the words and linking them to the shapes on the page begins to build literary building blocks that the children will use for the rest of their life. ____17____ It helps them build up their understanding of language as well as the wider world.
____18____ It boosts children’s minds and develops their social awareness and skills. At a time when they are perhaps stuck indoors more than ever before, reading is the best way to spark children’s imagination. You can travel to the moon, meet the Gruffalo and pop into a chocolate factory! This means children will have a solid creative base and develop their own story-telling skills while enjoying adventurous days at home. Fantastic lands, stories and characters can inspire play ideas for children too. However, you’ll find books fit for children are limited on your bookshelf. Don’t worry! ____19____.
Reading time is a brilliant bonding tool with parents or carers, which builds up confidence and a sense of security for little ones. ____20____ It can even help them sleep better. Now is the perfect time to build up a library of remarkable reads ready for children to enjoy now and in the future.
A. Turning to the Internet is a good idea.
B. These stories can encourage future leaders and thinkers.
C. Reading to your children from day one has a lot of benefits.
D. Secondly, there are many brilliant effects of hearing stories.
E. It can also make them get difficult feelings, like loss or sadness.
F. Reading aloud introduces children to new words they might not hear daily.
G. A regular bedtime story create s routine which small children especially love.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Paul Durietz is a social studies teacher from Illinois. Social studies explores various aspects of human ____21____ and its interactions. Mr. Durietz made up his mind to be a social studies teacher when he was just 11 years old, mainly because of his ____22____ and love for history.
Mr. Durietz ____23____ his teaching job at Woodland Middle School in 1970. Ever since then, he’s been ____24____ social studies at the same school. He loves sharing his knowledge of history with students. “Teaching is ____25____,” he said. “Every day is different.”
Things have ____26____ a lot since he began teaching. These days, he and the students use ____27____ and digital whiteboards instead of chalk and paper textbooks. With or without technology, Mr. Durietz has used ____28____ activities to teach his students. For example, he has ____29____ virtual field trips and even mock elections to help students learn about politics. These ____30____ are the ones that he and his students enjoy most.
Being ____31____ the social studies program at Woodland Middle School, Mr. Durietz is ____32____ proud that his students tell him that they want to be history teachers because of him. He ____33____ a point that people who want to be teachers should ____34____ they are patient with their students. He also encourages them to choose ____35____ that they care deeply about. “Keep working on what you love to do in life,” he said.
21 A. consumption B. society C. virtue D. psychology
22. A. digest B. tendency C. ambition D. appetite
23. A. attained B. entrusted C. involved D. employed
24. A. making using of B. taking into account C. applying himself to D. keeping away from
25. A. upsetting B. interesting C. boring D. shocking
26. A. showed B. damaged C. tackled D. changed
27. A. headphones B. computers C. diagrams D. recorders
28. A. creative B. conventional C. abstract D. severe
29. A. refused B. participated C. organized D. taken
30. A. games B. activities C. incidents D. awards
31. A. in need of B. in search of C. in honour of D. in charge of
32. A. extremely B. fortunately C. slightly D. instantly
33. A. forgets B. predicts C. prohibits D. demonstrates
34. A. reflect B. complain C. ensure D. explain
35. A. subjects B. properties C. drafts D. barriers
Mountains are important sources of water supply to humans. Among the ecosystem services ____36____ (provide) by mountains, water supply is ____37____ most important because of the large quantity of free-flowing water. Mountain water resources are affected by glacier melt, snowmelt run-off or rainfall run-off.
Sustainable (可持续的) use of mountain water resources is important for both humans and global mountain biodiversity in the economic and ____38____ (society) context of human progress. Particular attention should be given in the water resources ____39____ (come) from the mountain areas. Sustainability has been ____40____ (previous) used as a term to describe a concern related to preservation of natural resources for future. The relation between human development and the need ____41____ (manage) resources forms a principle to design a dialogue regarding environmental needs. So far, a limited number of studies ____42____ (publish) on mountain water uses and sustainability. Most studies are focused ____43____ examining prevention, diversions, and mountain water storage during floods or droughts.
However insights into water use, as well as employing state-of-the-art technologies, are very important from both a technological standpoint and as elements of practical sustainable ____44____ (solution) . The interplay between academics, policy makers, and decision makers is important in expanding the scientific knowledge of mountain regions and the ways in _____45_____ water resources could be used in a more sustainable way.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校正在举办主题为“给未来的自己写一封信”的英语作文比赛。请你写一篇作文参赛,内容包括:
Dear Future Li Hua,
Best regards,
Present Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Birthdays were a huge deal at my workplace. Co-workers went above and beyond to shower the person of honor with food, decorations, affirmations, love and, yes, embarrassment on their special day. As one who preferred to go unnoticed and felt embarrassed at being the center of attention, I was horrified to walk in on my birthday to see my desk decorated with glittery streamers, and a hot pink sash (饰带) with the words, “Kneel! I’m the Birthday Princess”. I was forced to wear for the duration of the day.
Although embarrassed by the display, I felt extremely loved. I thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant flowers and delicious chocolate cake my co-workers gave me.
Several months after my birthday celebration, our office welcomed Laura, a new member, to the team. Hired as our office manager’s assistant, Laura was also tasked with establishing a human resources department. Possessing an ambitious vision and receiving trust from our manager, she immediately made major changes — which were not well received. Gradually, Laura became the centre of gossip (闲言碎语).
When Laura’s spring birthday neared, it was evident that no one wanted to celebrate. I understood why no one wanted to go all-out in celebrating Laura’s birthday, but it bothered me nevertheless. As an extremely shy and introverted (内向的) individual, being left out or ignored was nothing foreign to me, and it pained me to think of the deliberate effort to ignore her birthday. Although she drove me crazy, too, I knew her time in our office had not been easy.
Stopping by our local grocery store, I selected some rosy-pink tulips and a birthday card in which I wrote a heartfelt note highlighting some of Laura’s qualities I admired, such as her ambitious spirit, creativity, and strong inner drive. Arriving an hour early to work the morning of her birthday, I transformed her corner of the office just like what my co-workers did for my birthday.
I watched Laura spot her decorated work area when she arrived.
The friendship between Laura and me began since the lunch and continued to grow over the years.
听力答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 BCABA 11~15 CBACB 16~20 CBACA2023~2024学年高二上学期协作校第二次考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What is David doing
A. Buying a new computer.
B. Playing computer games.
C. Looking for information.
2. What will the man do during the winter break
A. Stay at home with his dog.
B. Visit some foreign friends.
C. Go skiing.
3. Where did the man get the vegetables
A. From his school.
B. From the community garden.
C. From the grocery store.
4. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a library. B. In a hotel. C. In a store.
5. What size does the woman need
A. Large. B. Medium. C. Small.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where is the post office located
A. At the end of the road.
B. Right around the corner.
C. Next to a railway station.
7. Why does the man ask the woman to hurry
A. It is getting dark.
B. The post office is very far away.
C. The post office is closing soon.
8. When does the woman want to start shopping
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
9. How much will an iPad cost on the big shopping day
A. 80. B. 150. C. 75.
10. What is the most important for the man
A. Family dinner.
B. Shopping on a holiday.
C. Inviting friends over for Thanksgiving.
11. Why does the woman take night classes
A. To spend her spare time.
B. To become a manager.
C. To get control of her life.
12. What does the woman mention in the conversation
A. She lives a happy life.
B. She is a single mother.
C. She can rely on her children.
13. Which course is the woman taking
A. Auto repair. B. Electrical repair. C. Business management.
14. For how many nights has the woman had trouble sleeping
A. Two. B. Four. C. Three.
15. What does the man think the woman should do
A. Listen to a boring lecture.
B. Count sheep in her head.
C. Read a good book.
16. How does the woman feel about the man’s idea
A. It is funny. B. It’s clever. C. It’s boring.
17. Why is the flight canceled
A. The pilot has to deal with emergencies.
B. There will be a storm.
C. Something is wrong with the plane.
18. What will happen to the passengers who do not live locally
A. They will be given a hotel room.
B. They will be given a free taxi ride.
C. They will be put on buses and sent home.
19. What should passengers remember to do
A. Call the Star Airlines hotline.
B. Visit the service desk.
C. Pick up their luggage.
20. When is the announcement given
A. In the evening. B. At noon. C. In the morning.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
Here are some national parks where visitors can enjoy varieties of wildlife.
Acadia National Park, Maine
The Atlantic Ocean meets the cliff-lined Maine coast at this popular park, providing habitat for wildlife with feet and flippers. From the shore, scan the water for marine life like sharks or gray seals(海豹). On land, you might spot beavers, snowshoe hares, or bobcats. In between, in the intertidal zone, tide pools hold translucent anemones, sea urchins, snails, and sea stars.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
The park is a mixed ecosystem of oak-hickory forest, meadows, and wetlands sheltering a variety of animals. You can see water-loving mammals or snapping turtles. More than 200 species of bird live or migrate through the park, including nesting peregrine falcons and bald eagles.
Pinnacles National Park, California
Nearly being in extinction in the 1980s, the number of mighty California condors(兀鹫)now increases again over volcanic peaks. Intense recovery efforts, including a captive breeding(圈养繁殖)program, have brought a significant increase of the population, which was just 22in 1982. If you have binoculars, you’ll have a good chance of seeing condors flying in the mornings and evenings. Others include golden eagles, peregrine falcons and bees.
Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida
Contrary to its name, water makes up 99 percent of this park. Visitors can see five species of endangered sea turtles nest on the beaches or swimming. Book a snorkeling to explore the reefs, where green sea turtles, nurse sharks, and decorator crabs live am id corals. Divers can also access the Windjammer Wreck site, where a ship that sank(沉没) in 1907 provides a home for marine life.
1. When introducing wildlife, the author divides the Acadia National Park into __________.
A. two areas B. three areas C. four areas D. five areas
2. How does the California condor increase its population
A. With another country’s technical support.
B. By hunting for food on volcanic peaks.
C. With the assistance of human beings.
D. By competing with new species.
3. In which park can visitors see a sunk ship
A. Acadia National Park. B. Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
C. Pinnacles National Park. D. Dry Tortugas National Park.
【答案】1 B 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据文章第一个小标题部分中“From the shore, scan the water for marine life like sharks or gray seals(海豹). On land, you might spot beavers, snowshoe hares, or bobcats. In between, in the intertidal zone, tide pools hold translucent anemones, sea urchins, snails, and sea stars.(站在岸上,扫描水中的海洋生物,比如鲨鱼或灰海豹。在陆地上,你可能会看到海狸、雪鞋兔或山猫。在两者之间的潮间带,潮池里有半透明的海葵、海胆、蜗牛和海星。)”可知,在介绍野生动物时,作者将阿卡迪亚国家公园分为海岸上、陆地上、潮间带三部分。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三个小标题部分中“Intense recovery efforts, including a captive breeding(圈养繁殖)program, have brought a significant increase of the population, which was just 22in 1982.(密集的恢复努力,包括圈养繁殖计划,使种群数量显著增加,1982年只有22只。)”可知,加州秃鹰其数量是在人类的帮助下增加的。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一个小标题部分中“Divers can also access the Windjammer Wreck site, where a ship that sank(沉没) in 1907 provides a home for marine life.(潜水员还可以进入Windjammer沉船遗址,1907年沉没的一艘船为海洋生物提供了一个家。)”可知,在佛罗里达州的干龟岛国家公园国家公园可以看到沉船。故选D项。
As for Hallie Barnard, who was born with a rare blood disorder, a song, whose main idea is about a good friendship turning bad like the bad blood, meant a lot to her. The song represents her inborn struggle with a unique blood condition and the impact it has on her life.
At just 15 months old, Hallie was diagnosed (诊断) with Diamond-Blackfan anemia(DBA) , and she spent most of her life in and out of the hospital. Hallie said she relied on the singer to bring her joy. The only way to survive DBA is with a bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) and Hallie was eager for one. But she knew thousands of other patients were, too.
So, a few years ago, she decided to do something about it, creating her own foundation, Hallie’s Heroes. “It started selfishly as just trying to save my life, but then we realized there’s so many other children out there that needed a bone marrow transplant.” she said. “So, so far we’ve tested over 8,000 people and we found over 300 matches.” After a 9-year wait, Hallie got her own match through her own foundation. The recovery was hard, but Hallie said she stayed hopeful. “I would just kind of daydream. And sometimes I would listen to her music and I would daydream about the singer and meeting her and seeing her in person,” Hallie said in her social media.
When the singer’s assistant heard about Hallie’s Heroes and knew about her wish, he was inspired to help the selfless little girl who turned her own health battle into a way to help others and decided to give Hallie the surprise of a lifetime. He offered two tickets to the singer’s concert in Houston. When Hallie received a call offering her the tickets, she was shocked and enthusiastically accepted and attended the concert with her mother in the front row.
Now Hallie has recovered. She no longer has “bad blood”. Thanks to her foundation, hundreds of others can say the same.
4. Why did the author mention the main idea of a song
A. To introduce the heroine of the text.
B. To show the author’s love for the song.
C. To explain how harmful the bad blood was.
D. To highlight the impact of the song on the author.
5. What do we know about Hallie’s life before the operation
A. She felt sorrow for herself. B. She often went to the concert.
C. She sought for a bone marrow match. D. She prepared for her own foundation.
6. What was Hallie’s initial purpose of setting up Hallie’s Heroes
A. To save herself B. To be known by others.
C. To see her favorite singer. D. To help patients with DBA,
7. Which of the following can best describe Hallie
A. Inactive but lucky. B. Selfish but capable,
C. Helpful and wealthy. D. Caring and determined.
【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Hallie生来就患有罕见的血液疾病,为了使自己好起来,她创建了Hallie’s Heroes,帮助她自己以及许多和她一样的人。
推理判断题。根据第一段“As for Hallie Barnard, who was born with a rare blood disorder, a song, whose main idea is about a good friendship turning bad like the bad blood, meant a lot to her. The song represents her inborn struggle with a unique blood condition and the impact it has on her life.(至于海莉·巴纳德,她生来就患有罕见的血液疾病,一首主要思想是关于一段好的友谊变坏,就像坏的血液的歌曲,对她来说意义重大。这首歌代表了她与生俱来的与一种特殊血液状况的斗争,以及这种斗争对她生活的影响。)”可推知,作者第一段提到一首歌的意义是为了引出本文的主人,故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“At just 15 months old, Hallie was diagnosed (诊断) with Diamond-Blackfan anemia(DBA) , and she spent most of her life in and out of the hospital. Hallie said she relied on the singer to bring her joy. The only way to survive DBA is with a bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) and Hallie was eager for one. (在仅仅15个月大的时候,Hallie 被诊断出患有 Diamond-Blackfan 贫血症(DBA) ,她一生中的大部分时间都在医院里进进出出。海莉说她依靠这位歌手带给她快乐。DBA 存活的唯一方法就是骨髓移植,Hallie非常渴望骨髓移植。)”可知,Hallie在手术前寻找合适的骨髓,故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段中““It started selfishly as just trying to save my life, but then we realized there’s so many other children out there that needed a bone marrow transplant.” she said.(“一开始只是自私地试图挽救我的生命,但后来我们意识到还有很多其他孩子需要骨髓移植。”她说。)”可知,她创办该基金会的初衷是自救,故选A。
推理判断题。通读全文可知,Hallie坚信自己能够好起来,创建了Hallie’s Heroes,帮助她自己以及许多和她一样的人,所以她是一个有爱心且很坚定的女孩,故选D。
When I was in high school, my history teacher tried an experiment with a classmate known for her enthusiastic and expressive communication style. The girl had raised her hand to answer a question, and the teacher challenged her to reply while keeping her hands folded in her lap. I’ve never forgotten the sight of her struggling to get her words out while her hands were restrained (限制) .
We all, to some extent or another, talk with our hands. It’s part of how we communicate. But as Susan Goldin-Meadow, a professor and psychologist at the University of Chicago, explains in her newest book, that’s just the beginning.
What she discovered are an astonishing number of ways in which our hands not only help us to emphasize(or sometimes contradict) our spoken words, but they also play a vital role in how we form our ideas. As Goldin-Meadow shows, even people blind from birth use gestures.
People who don’t have arms will experience a phantom (幻觉) feeling they are gesturing. We gesture when someone we’re talking to can’t see us, such as on the phone. We gesture when we’re all alone, trying to compose an email. We need to gesture to make sense of the world.
“Gestures and language really are a single integrated system. It’s not just a system that linguists study,” said Goldin-Meadow. “There’s so much information that isn’t captured by our words, and by all of the conventional things that we learn from language. For that purpose, certainly as a psychologist, I think it’s very important to take these kinds of things seriously.”
There’s a huge literature on body language. It really does convey lots of things-attitude perspective, sense of self, and more. Most of them are about how we feel, and our perception of our interaction. What the hands contribute—and the face can do this, too-is not just our attitudes to the conversation, but the content of the conversation.
8. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1
A To introduce the topic. B. To share an experiment.
C. To tell an interesting story. D. To introduce a phenomenon.
9. How do gestures have an impact on communication
A. Limiting oral words B. Stressing oral words.
C. Directing oral words. D. Interrupting oral words.
10. What is mostly conveyed in a speaker’s gestures
A. His habits. B. His character. C. His feelings. D. His contribution.
11. What can be the best title for the text
A. Hand Gestures: A Way We Need To Do Everyday
B. Hand Gestures: A Language We Struggle To Understand
C. Hand Gestures: An Easy Language Learning From Childhood
D. Hand Gestures: An Important And Silent Communication Method
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C 11. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“When I was in high school, my history teacher tried an experiment with a classmate known for her enthusiastic and expressive communication style. The girl had raised her hand to answer a question, and the teacher challenged her to reply while keeping her hands folded in her lap. I’ve never forgotten the sight of her struggling to get her words out while her hands were restrained (限制) . ( 在我上高中的时候,我的历史老师和一位以热情和富有表现力的交流风格而闻名的同学做了一个实验。女孩举手回答了一个问题,老师让她双手交叉放在膝盖上回答。我永远不会忘记她的手却被绑着挣扎着说出话的样子。)”和第二段“We all, to some extent or another, talk with our hands. It’s part of how we communicate. But as Susan Goldin-Meadow, a professor and psychologist at the University of Chicago, explains in her newest book, that’s just the beginning. (在某种程度上,我们都用手交谈。这是我们沟通方式的一部分。但正如芝加哥大学教授、心理学家Susan Goldin-Meadow在她的新书中所解释的那样,这仅仅是个开始。)”可推知,作者在第一段介绍了一个小实验:作者的一个同学热情和富有表现力,但是一次课上老师要求她双手交叉放在膝盖上来回答问题,在回答问题时,她挣扎着说话说明在某种程度上,我们都用手来交谈,即手势很重要,由此可推知,作者写第一段是为了引出文章话题——手势很重要,故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“What she discovered are an astonishing number of ways in which our hands not only help us to emphasize(or sometimes contradict) our spoken words, but they also play a vital role in how we form our ideas. (她发现了数量惊人的方式,我们的手不仅帮助我们强调(或有时反驳)我们所说的话,而且也在我们形成思想的过程中起着至关重要的作用。)”可知,手势是通过强调我们所说的话来影响沟通的,故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“There’s a huge literature on body language. It really does convey lots of things-attitude perspective, sense of self, and more. Most of them are about how we feel, and our perception of our interaction. (有很多关于肢体语言的文献。它确实传达了很多东西——态度、自我意识等等。其中大部分是关于我们的感受,以及我们对互动的看法。)”可知,演讲者的手势主要传达了他的感受,故选C。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第三段中“What she discovered are an astonishing number of ways in which our hands not only help us to emphasize(or sometimes contradict) our spoken words, but how they also play a vital role in how we form our ideas. (她发现了数量惊人的方式,我们的手不仅帮助我们强调(或有时反驳)我们所说的话,而且在我们形成思想的过程中起着至关重要的作用。)”可知,文章主要介绍了手势的重要性:不仅帮助我们强调我们所说的话,而且在我们形成思想的过程中起着至关重要的作用。D项“手势: 一种重要的无声交流方式”适合作文章标题,故选D。
India’s robotic spacecraft landed on the moon undamagedly on August 23, 2023, a historic achievement for the country’s growing space program.
The Chandrayaan-3 mission is the first ever to touch down at the lunar south pole. Many nations and private companies have set their sights on the region because of its ice, thought to be buried in the polar craters. The natural resources are coveted because they could supply drinking water, air, and rocket fuel for future missions, ushering a new era in spaceflight.
The success also means India has been one of countries who have landed a spacecraft on the moon. The victory comes four years after India’s previous mission, Chandrayaan-2, crashed.
An Indian official, who watched the live stream from Johannesburg, South Africa, said, “On this joyous occasion, I would like to address all the people of the world: India’s successful moon mission is not just India’s alone. This success belongs to all humanity.”
About 60 years have passed since the first unpiloted (无人驾驶的) moon landings, but touching down is still demanding. The moon’s atmosphere is very thin, providing virtually no drag to slow a spacecraft down as it approaches the ground. Furthermore, there are no GPS systems on the moon to help guide a craft to its landing spot. Engineers have to make up for these shortcomings from about 239,000 miles away.
Over the past four years, private companies and other nations have tried and failed. But perhaps now there’s more hope.
The Indian official said, “I’m confident that all countries in the world including those from the global south are capable of achieving such a success. We can all aspire (渴望) to the moon and beyond.”
12. What does the underlined word “coveted” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Desired. B. Legal. C. Tough. D. Balanced.
13. What can we infer about Chandrayaan-2
A. It was connected by Chandrayaan-3.
B. It landed on the south surface of the moon.
C. It was the first to touch down at the south pole.
D. It fell and broke when carrying out space mission.
14. What makes it hard to land on the moon according to the text
A. The unfamiliar preens for scientists.
B. The materials used to make the spaceship.
C. The shortage of previous successful cases.
D. The limitation of the moon’s atmosphere and technology.
15. What is the Indian official’s attitude to the future space exploration
A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Objective. D. Doubtful.
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. D 15. B
词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“The Chandrayaan-3 mission is the first ever to touch down at the lunar south pole. Many nations and private companies have set their sights on the region because of its ice, thought to be buried in the polar craters.( 月船3号任务是第一次在月球南极着陆。许多国家和私营公司都把目光投向了这个地区,因为它的冰被认为埋藏在极地的火山口中。)”和划线单词所在句子“The natural resources are coveted because they could supply drinking water, air, and rocket fuel for future missions, ushering a new era in spaceflight.(这些自然资源之所以coveted,是因为它们可以为未来的任务提供饮用水、空气和火箭燃料,开创了航天飞行的新纪元。)”可知,许多国家和私营公司都把目光投向这个地区,因为这里有为未来的任务提供饮用水、空气和火箭燃料的资源,人们渴望这些资源,由此可推知,划线单词coveted意为“渴望的,梦寐以求的”,与A项“Desired.(期望得到的,希望实现的)”意思一样,故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“The victory comes four years after India’s previous mission, Chandrayaan-2, crashed.(这次胜利是在印度前一次任务“月船2号”坠毁4年后取得的。)”可知,Chandrayaan-2在执行太空任务时坠毁,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第五段中“The moon’s atmosphere is very thin, providing virtually no drag to slow a spacecraft down as it approaches the ground. Furthermore, there are no GPS systems on the moon to help guide a craft to its landing spot.(月球大气层非常稀薄,几乎不提供任何阻力来减缓航天器接近地面的速度。此外,月球上没有 GPS 系统来帮助引导飞行器到达着陆点。)”可知,月球大气和技术的局限性使登月变得困难,故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“The Indian official said, “I’m confident that all countries in the world including those from the global south are capable of achieving such a success. We can all aspire (渴望) to the moon and beyond.”(这位印度官员表示: “我相信,世界上所有国家,包括南半球国家,都有能力取得这样的成功。我们都渴望登上月球”)”可推知,那位印度官员对未来的太空探索的态度是乐观的,故选B。
Snuggling (偎依) up with your little one from an early age and diving into a book together is always a great way to spend time. ____16____ They will give your little one a flying start in life.
Firstly, it’s a great introduction to reading, writing and vocabulary. Seeing an adult reading out the words and linking them to the shapes on the page begins to build literary building blocks that the children will use for the rest of their life. ____17____ It helps them build up their understanding of language as well as the wider world.
____18____ It boosts children’s minds and develops their social awareness and skills. At a time when they are perhaps stuck indoors more than ever before, reading is the best way to spark children’s imagination. You can travel to the moon, meet the Gruffalo and pop into a chocolate factory! This means children will have a solid creative base and develop their own story-telling skills while enjoying adventurous days at home. Fantastic lands, stories and characters can inspire play ideas for children too. However, you’ll find books fit for children are limited on your bookshelf. Don’t worry! ____19____.
Reading time is a brilliant bonding tool with parents or carers, which builds up confidence and a sense of security for little ones. ____20____ It can even help them sleep better. Now is the perfect time to build up a library of remarkable reads ready for children to enjoy now and in the future.
A. Turning to the Internet is a good idea.
B. These stories can encourage future leaders and thinkers.
C. Reading to your children from day one has a lot of benefits.
D. Secondly, there are many brilliant effects of hearing stories.
E. It can also make them get difficult feelings, like loss or sadness.
F. Reading aloud introduces children to new words they might not hear daily.
G. A regular bedtime story create s routine which small children especially love.
【答案】16. C 17. F 18. D 19. A 20. G
根据前文“Snuggling (偎依) up with your little one from an early age and diving into a book together is always a great way to spend time.(从小就和你的孩子依偎在一起,一起沉浸在书中,这是一个很好的消磨时间的方式)”和后文“They will give your little one a flying start in life.(他们会给你的孩子的生活一个良好的开端)”可知,此处指给孩子读书很有好处,所以选项C“从孩子出生的第一天起就给他们读书有很多好处。”切合文意。故选C。
根据后文“It helps them build up their understanding of language as well as the wider world.(它帮助他们建立对语言的理解以及更广阔的世界)”和前文“Firstly, it’s a great introduction to reading, writing and vocabulary. Seeing an adult reading out the words and linking them to the shapes on the page begins to build literary building blocks that the children will use for the rest of their life.(首先,它是阅读,写作和词汇的一个很好的介绍。看到一个成年人读出单词并将它们与页面上的形状联系起来,就开始建立孩子们将在他们的余生中使用的文学积木)”可知,此处指阅读可以向孩子介绍更广阔的词汇,所以选项F“大声朗读可以让孩子们接触到他们可能不是每天都听到的新单词。”切合文意。故选F。
根据后文“It boosts children’s minds and develops their social awareness and skills. At a time when they are perhaps stuck indoors more than ever before, reading is the best way to spark children’s imagination.(它能提高孩子们的智力,培养他们的社会意识和技能。当孩子们比以往任何时候都更困在室内的时候,阅读是激发孩子想象力的最好方式)”可知,此处指给孩子读故事的好处,所以选项D“其次,听故事有很多绝妙的效果。”切合文意。故选D。
根据前文“However, you’ll find books fit for children are limited on your bookshelf. Don’t worry!(然而,你会发现适合儿童的书在你的书架上是有限的。别担心!)”可知,此处是指如果自己书架上的书籍有限可以求助互联网,所以选项A“求助互联网是个好主意。”切合文意。故选A。
根据前文“Reading time is a brilliant bonding tool with parents or carers, which builds up confidence and a sense of security for little ones.(阅读时间是与父母或照顾者建立联系的绝佳工具,可以为孩子建立信心和安全感)”和后文“It can even help them sleep better.(它甚至可以帮助他们睡得更好)”可知,此处指睡前故事时间会受到孩子的喜爱,所以选项G“有规律的睡前故事是小孩子特别喜欢的。”切合文意。故选G。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Paul Durietz is a social studies teacher from Illinois. Social studies explores various aspects of human ____21____ and its interactions. Mr. Durietz made up his mind to be a social studies teacher when he was just 11 years old, mainly because of his ____22____ and love for history.
Mr. Durietz ____23____ his teaching job at Woodland Middle School in 1970. Ever since then, he’s been ____24____ social studies at the same school. He loves sharing his knowledge of history with students. “Teaching is ____25____,” he said. “Every day is different.”
Things have ____26____ a lot since he began teaching. These days, he and the students use ____27____ and digital whiteboards instead of chalk and paper textbooks. With or without technology, Mr. Durietz has used ____28____ activities to teach his students. For example, he has ____29____ virtual field trips and even mock elections to help students learn about politics. These ____30____ are the ones that he and his students enjoy most.
Being ____31____ the social studies program at Woodland Middle School, Mr. Durietz is ____32____ proud that his students tell him that they want to be history teachers because of him. He ____33____ a point that people who want to be teachers should ____34____ they are patient with their students. He also encourages them to choose ____35____ that they care deeply about. “Keep working on what you love to do in life,” he said.
21. A. consumption B. society C. virtue D. psychology
22. A. digest B. tendency C. ambition D. appetite
23. A. attained B. entrusted C. involved D. employed
24. A. making using of B. taking into account C. applying himself to D. keeping away from
25. A. upsetting B. interesting C. boring D. shocking
26. A. showed B. damaged C. tackled D. changed
27. A. headphones B. computers C. diagrams D. recorders
28. A. creative B. conventional C. abstract D. severe
29. A. refused B. participated C. organized D. taken
30. A. games B. activities C. incidents D. awards
31. A. in need of B. in search of C. in honour of D. in charge of
32. A. extremely B. fortunately C. slightly D. instantly
33. A. forgets B. predicts C. prohibits D. demonstrates
34. A. reflect B. complain C. ensure D. explain
35. A. subjects B. properties C. drafts D. barriers
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A
考查名词词义辨析。句意:社会研究探索人类社会的各个方面及其相互作用。A. consumption消耗;B. society社会;C. virtue美德;D. psychology心理学。根据“Social studies”可知,此处是指探索人类社会的各个方面。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:杜里茨在11岁时就下定决心要成为一名社会研究教师,主要是因为他对历史的兴趣和热爱。A. digest分解物;B. tendency倾向;C. ambition野心;D. appetite兴趣。根据“and love for history”可知,此处是指对历史的兴趣和热爱。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:杜里茨先生于1970年在伍德兰中学获得教学工作。A. attained获得;B. entrusted委托;C. involved使参与;D. employed雇佣。根据“his teaching job”可知,此处是指获得教学工作。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:从那以后,他一直在同一所学校研究社会学。A. making using of利用;B. taking into account考虑;C. applying himself to专心从事;D. keeping away from远离。根据后文“He loves sharing his knowledge of history with students.(他喜欢和学生们分享他的历史知识。)”可知,此处是指他一直专心研究社会学。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“教学很有趣,”他说。“每天都不一样。”A. upsetting令人苦恼的;B. interesting有趣的;C. boring无聊的;D. shocking令人震惊的。根据“Every day is different”可知,此处是指教学很有趣。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:自从他开始教书以来,情况发生了很大的变化。A. showed展示;B. damaged伤害;C. tackled解决;D. changed改变。根据后文“and digital whiteboards instead of chalk and paper textbooks(用电子白板代替粉笔和纸教科书)”可知,此处是指情况发生了很大的变化。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些天,他和学生们用电脑和电子白板代替粉笔和纸教科书。A. headphones耳机;B. computers电脑;C. diagrams图表;D. recorders录音机。根据“and digital whiteboards instead of chalk and paper textbooks”可知,此处是指用电脑和电子白板代替粉笔和纸教科书。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不管有没有科技,杜里茨都用创造性的活动来教他的学生。A. creative创造性的;B. conventional传统的;C. abstract抽象的;D. severe严重的。根据后文“virtual field trips and even mock elections to help students learn about politics(虚拟实地考察甚至模拟选举来帮助学生了解政治)”可知,此处是指用创造性的活动来教他的学生。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,他组织了虚拟实地考察,甚至模拟选举,以帮助学生了解政治。A. refused拒绝;B. participated参与;C. organized组织;D. taken带走。根据“virtual field trips and even mock elections to help students learn about politics”可知,此处是指组织虚拟实地考察。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些活动是他和他的学生们最喜欢的。A. games游戏;B. activities活动;C. incidents事故;D. awards奖。根据“virtual field trips and even mock elections”可知,此处是指这些活动。故选B。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:作为伍德兰中学社会研究项目的负责人,杜里茨先生非常自豪,因为他的学生告诉他,他们因为他而想成为历史老师。A. in need of需要;B. in search of调查;C. in honour of为纪念;D. in charge of负责。根据“the social studies program at Woodland Middle School”可知,此处是指作为伍德兰中学社会研究项目的负责人。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:作为伍德兰中学社会研究项目的负责人,杜里茨先生非常自豪,因为他的学生告诉他,他们因为他而想成为历史老师。A. extremely非常;B. fortunately幸运地;C. slightly轻微地;D. instantly立刻。根据“proud that his students tell him that they want to be history teachers because of him”可知,此处是指杜里茨先生非常自豪。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他论证了一个观点:想成为老师的人应该确保他们对学生有耐心。A. forgets忘记;B. predicts预料;C. prohibits禁止;D. demonstrates证明。根据“a point that people who want to be teachers should”可知,此处是指他论证了一个观点。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他论证了一个观点:想成为老师的人应该确保他们对学生有耐心。A. reflect反映;B. complain抱怨;C. ensure保证;D. explain解释。根据“people who want to be teachers should”和“they are patient with their students”可知,此处是指想成为老师的人应该确保他们对学生有耐心。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还鼓励他们选择自己非常关心的科目。A. subjects科目;B. properties财产;C. drafts草稿;D. barriers障碍。根据“that they care deeply about”和choose可知,此处是指选择自己非常关心的科目。故选A。
Mountains are important sources of water supply to humans. Among the ecosystem services ____36____ (provide) by mountains, water supply is ____37____ most important because of the large quantity of free-flowing water. Mountain water resources are affected by glacier melt, snowmelt run-off or rainfall run-off.
Sustainable (可持续的) use of mountain water resources is important for both humans and global mountain biodiversity in the economic and ____38____ (society) context of human progress. Particular attention should be given in the water resources ____39____ (come) from the mountain areas. Sustainability has been ____40____ (previous) used as a term to describe a concern related to preservation of natural resources for future. The relation between human development and the need ____41____ (manage) resources forms a principle to design a dialogue regarding environmental needs. So far, a limited number of studies ____42____ (publish) on mountain water uses and sustainability. Most studies are focused ____43____ examining prevention, diversions, and mountain water storage during floods or droughts.
However, insights into water use, as well as employing state-of-the-art technologies, are very important from both a technological standpoint and as elements of practical sustainable ____44____ (solution) . The interplay between academics, policy makers, and decision makers is important in expanding the scientific knowledge of mountain regions and the ways in _____45_____ water resources could be used in a more sustainable way.
【答案】36. provided
37. the 38. social
ing 40. previously
41. to manage
42. have been published
43. on 44. solutions
45. which
考查冠词。句意:在山区提供的生态系统服务中,供水是最重要的,因为山区有大量的自由流动的水。most important为最高级,前面应用定冠词。故填the。
考查非谓语动词。句意:应特别注意来自山区的水资源。分析句子结构可知come与逻辑主语the water resources构成主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。故填coming。
考查非谓语动词。句意:人的发展与管理资源的需要之间的关系构成了设计关于环境需要的对话的原则。短语the need to do sth.表示“做某事的需要”。故填to manage。
考查时态语态。句意:到目前为止,发表的关于山区水资源利用和可持续性的研究数量有限。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据上文so far可知为现在完成时,主语为a limited number of studies,助动词用have。故填have been published。
考查介词。句意:大多数研究都集中在洪水或干旱期间的预防、调水和山区蓄水方面。短语focus on表示“集中”。故填on。
考查定语从句。句意:学者、政策制定者和决策者之间的相互作用对于扩大山区的科学知识和以更可持续的方式利用水资源的方式是重要的。此处为介词+关系代词结构定语从句修饰先行词ways,关系代词为in which,故填which。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校正在举办主题为“给未来的自己写一封信”的英语作文比赛。请你写一篇作文参赛,内容包括:
Dear Future Li Hua,
Best regards,
Present Li Hua
【答案】Dear Future Li Hua,
Hi, I’m Li Hua, your present self. I’m passionate about English and dream of becoming a translator in the future. I am also fond of traveling and exploring new cultures.
In my imagination, your life is filled with more opportunities and challenges. You graduate from a prestigious university and then get a master’s degree in a foreign country. With your language skills and cultural knowledge, you plan to work in the field of international relations and promote cultural understanding between nations.
Despite the obstacles that may arise, I’m confident that your strong determination and unremitting efforts will help you realize your dreams.
Best regards,
Present Li Hua
喜爱:be fond of→be into
尽管,不管:despite→in spite of
原句:With your language skills and cultural knowledge, you plan to work in the field of international relations and promote cultural understanding between nations.
拓展句:With your language skills and cultural knowledge, you plan to work in the field of international relations, which will promote cultural understanding between nations.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m passionate about English and dream of becoming a translator in the future.(运用了高级短语be passionate about)
【高分句型2】Despite the obstacles that may arise, I’m confident that your strong determination and unremitting efforts will help you realize your dreams.(运用了两个从句,第一个that引导定语从句,第二个that引导宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Birthdays were a huge deal at my workplace. Co-workers went above and beyond to shower the person of honor with food, decorations, affirmations, love and, yes, embarrassment on their special day. As one who preferred to go unnoticed and felt embarrassed at being the center of attention, I was horrified to walk in on my birthday to see my desk decorated with glittery streamers, and a hot pink sash (饰带) with the words, “Kneel! I’m the Birthday Princess”. I was forced to wear for the duration of the day.
Although embarrassed by the display, I felt extremely loved. I thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant flowers and delicious chocolate cake my co-workers gave me.
Several months after my birthday celebration, our office welcomed Laura, a new member, to the team. Hired as our office manager’s assistant, Laura was also tasked with establishing a human resources department. Possessing an ambitious vision and receiving trust from our manager, she immediately made major changes — which were not well received. Gradually, Laura became the centre of gossip (闲言碎语).
When Laura’s spring birthday neared, it was evident that no one wanted to celebrate. I understood why no one wanted to go all-out in celebrating Laura’s birthday, but it bothered me nevertheless. As an extremely shy and introverted (内向的) individual, being left out or ignored was nothing foreign to me, and it pained me to think of the deliberate effort to ignore her birthday. Although she drove me crazy, too, I knew her time in our office had not been easy.
Stopping by our local grocery store I selected some rosy-pink tulips and a birthday card in which I wrote a heartfelt note highlighting some of Laura’s qualities I admired, such as her ambitious spirit, creativity, and strong inner drive. Arriving an hour early to work the morning of her birthday, I transformed her corner of the office just like what my co-workers did for my birthday.
I watched Laura spot her decorated work area when she arrived.
The friendship between Laura and me began since the lunch and continued to grow over the years.
I watched Laura spot her decorated work area when she arrived. She stopped dead in her tracks. She looked around confusedly, and then our eyes met. She seemed to have known the source of the birthday surprise. Later that morning, she invited me to have lunch with her at the restaurant close to our office. Over the lunch, she told me she was extremely sorrowful that morning because her family were not around and she felt ignored. Laura tearfully expressed the great impact my efforts had on her who expected a gesture of kindness and love more than she knew. Realizing how similar we were, I hugged her firmly.
The friendship between Laura and me began since the lunch and continued to grow over the years. Laura and I became inseparable friends. We supported each other through the ups and downs and formed a close bond that extended beyond the workplace. We discovered shared interests and spent weekends exploring new restaurants, going on hikes, and attending art exhibitions. We realized small gestures of kindness for our co-workers on their birthdays were important, which ensured that no one felt left out or ignored and made the office culture more compassionate and empathetic.
②意识到:realize/be aware of
②含泪地: tearfully/moistly
【点睛】[高分句型1] We realized small gestures of kindness for our co-workers on their birthdays were important, which ensured that no one felt left out or ignored and made the office culture more compassionate and empathetic. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Realizing how similar we were, I hugged her firmly. (运用了现在分词作状语和how引导的宾语从句)
听力答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 BCABA 11~15 CBACB 16~20 CBACA

  • 2023-2024辽宁省葫芦岛市协作校高二上学期第二次考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月17日  所属分类:作业答案