期末专题复习-语法填空 2023-2024外研版九年级上学期期末真题备考(含解析)

期末专题复习-语法填空 2023-2024学年 外研版 九年级上学期期末真题备考 (含答案解析)
Dear Linda,
How is it going these days I’m glad you’re 1 (interest) in our baseball club. I’d like to tell my experience 2 you. I 3 (go) to the baseball club several times last month. The baseball club 4 (activity) are held in the school playground every Friday. Both students 5 teachers take part in it. Some students practice playing baseball there and they try to do their 6 (good). The teachers also teach 7 (we) baseball skills. Since I took part in the baseball club, my ability has 8 (improve) a lot. Last week, our school had 9 baseball game. I worked hard and our team won the 10 (two) place in the match. Now I’m not afraid of playing baseball anymore. Tell me something about your outdoor sports.
I’m looking forward to your letter.
Confidence is very important in daily life. It is helpful to develop a 11 (health) attitude. If people are more confident, they are 12 (much) happier. And they can have more chances to be successful. Here are some 13 (suggestion) to be more confident.
★Speak loud. When you are not confident, you can’t do what you want to do. Try 14 (speak) loud enough so that people can hear you 15 (clear).The high voice can help you become more confident.
★Play sports. Physical 16 (exercise) makes you tired but strong. A strong body 17 (help) you be full of confidence.
★ 18 (encourage) yourself. Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise for the good things you have 19 (do).
★Pick up a hobby. If you like 20 (sing), sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.
The FIFA World Cup is upon us in Qatar and excitement is truly kicking in. It’s the world’s 21 (big) international soccer tournament (比赛) and also the most-watched sporting event in the world. There are thirty-two 22 (team) competing to win. This year’s tournament looks to be real unique (独特的). What makes it different 23 the ones before
For starters, it’s the first time the tournament has been held in the Middle East since Qatar 24 (beat) other host competitors—the US, South Korea, Japan and Australia back in 2010. Qatar is also 25 smallest nation by area to host the cup. It’s also the first time in history the tournament is 26 (happen) during the Northern Hemisphere (北半球) winter months, from Nov. 20 to Dec. 18.
That’s because Qatar is a desert country, and in summer the 27 can be as high as 42℃. It’s too hot to play outdoor sports. But it will still be pretty warm in winter. The temperature in the stadium (体育场) is 28 (expect) to be around 20℃ to 30℃. Air conditioning will help to keep it cooler.
There are new challenges for many players too. Besides the hot weather, for 29 (Europe) teams like England, France, Germany 30 Spain, it’s only just over a year since their last big international tournament, the UEFA Champions League (欧洲杯).
The tournament has come to an end. On December 18 local time, Messi led Argentina to win the championship.
(2022上·河北邯郸·九年级统考期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词 (有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。
Do you know the book The Art of War When I 31 (one) started reading the book, I really had no idea what it was about. I was in junior high school and hardly 32 (know) anything about philosophy (哲学). As I was 33 (try) to read more books at the time, The Art of War sounded like a good choice.
But as soon as I opened it 34 started reading, I was confused (困惑的). 35 did so many people find this book interesting I had a great 36 (difficult) understanding some quotes (引文) clearly. But after reading a bit more deeply, I found some ideas could be used 37 my own life. For example, the quote “If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in” means to catch opportunities quickly before they are gone works 38 (good) than doing nothing.
I haven’t read 39 book for a long time. But I still remember some of its 40 (lesson).
Friendship is very important. However, it is not easy to build a lasting friendship. In 41 to do so, you need to make the person with whom you want to build a friendship believe in you. Of course, it is much 42 (easy) to say than to do. Here are some of my suggestions about making friends.
Firstly, be careful when you want to make friends 43 someone. He or she may not be as kind as you think. He or she may lie and may cause you trouble. Once I told a secret of 44 (I) to one of my friends. I told him not to tell it to 45 (somebody) else. He agreed. But that was a lie! I was surprised when I found out that he had told 46 secret to many people. It was so terrible!
Secondly, it is not easy to keep friendships. You should avoid 47 (be) selfish (自私的) and think about problems from the opinions of your friends. It is also important to keep calm. A friendship won’t last long 48 you don’t care for that friend.
My last suggestion is: You don’t have to use 49 (gift) to show that you care for your friends. Friendship do not build on presents. Instead, they are made up of 50 (kind) and true love.
Cherish (珍惜) your friends! They are a treasure in our life!
(2022上·河北石家庄·九年级校联考期末)A study has been done in our class. Mr. Zhang divided us 51 two groups. He made each group take notes in different ways. The first group took notes by hand. The 52 (two) one did it on the computer. Which way would help students learn better We thought Group Two would win. But to our surprise, Group One did a 53 (good) job.
How can you improve your note-taking 54 (skill) Firstly, try to get yourself ready before class 55 (begin). Be familiar (熟悉的) with 56 material that you are going to learn. Make sure you have your notebooks 57 pens on the desk. Then, take notes 58 (wise) while listening in class. Many students are too busy taking notes to follow the teacher, so it is important to know when to take notes. Lastly, check your notes after class. If there is still something missing, compare your notes with 59 (others). These checks will also increase your chances of understanding 60 you’ve written.
(2022上·浙江温州·九年级乐清外国语学校校考期末)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
How to Write a Thank You Note
Think of a time when you felt thankful. Maybe a teacher helped you with a hard problem. Or a friend gave you a hug when you were sad. When you are thankful for someone, try 61 (write) a thank you note. A note is a nice way to show you are thankful. The person 62 you write to will be happy. They will know that their actions made a 63 (different).
Do you have someone to thank Here are a few 64 (use) tips for writing them a thank you note. Even if you’re typing your thank you note, it’s a good idea to write a draft first, 65 that your note won’t have any mistakes. A simple draft 66 (help) you get your thoughts and feelings down. Then you can go back to make them better. 67 (two), begin your letter with “Thank you so much for…” Next, use details and examples to explain why you’re grateful. Share how the person’s action made you feel. Don’t forget 68 (end) with one last thank you. You might write, “Thank you again, for your 69 (kind).” Or you could write, “I am very grateful to you. ”
If you have written a note 70 hand, put it in an envelope and drop it in the mail. If you’ve written a text or email, you can send it with a click. Enjoy sharing.
Dining habit proposal (提议)
Dear citizens,
With the outbreak of COVID-19, we have a better understanding of daily healthy habits. In order 71 avoid spreading the virus (病毒), it’s time to change our eating habits.
Although sharing food is a way of 72 (show) trust, it may increase the risk of spreading the virus. However, if public eating tools are provided, this problem can be well 73 (solve). How can we do it usefully
Firstly, dining places must provide each table with serving 74 (chopstick) and spoons. Secondly, dinners had better keep in mind that they should not put 75 (they) own utensils (餐具) into public dishes. Thirdly, tell more people to use public utensils. If you set 76 example for people around you, it will be much 77 (easy) to advise them to follow what you do.
It is everyone’s duty to develop this new habit. We decide to use public utensils so 78 we can live a healthy and happy life. Others are also protected when we care a 79 public health. Let’s make efforts 80 (form) the new habit to use public utensils.
The Blue Sky Garden Community
Simon Dale didn’t want to live in a city’s apartment building. So he made 81 his mind to build his own home in the countryside. He moved to Wales with his wife and two 82 (child). With the help of his father-in-law, a builder, he moved into a 83 (comfort) wooden eco-house after only four months. 84 (he) family loves this house which only cost $4,700.
85 eco-house is made of natural materials. Simon Dale and his father-in-law 86 (dig) into the side of a hill and then used the mud and stone to make the walls. The 87 (two) floor is made from wood from the nearby area. The design is open-plan. There is no central heating, 88 there’s a wood-burner and solar panels (太阳能电板) on the top that can provide power for lighting, music and computing. Drinking water is from a nearby spring. The fridge stays cool, thanks 89 the air from under the ground. Simon Dale says, “We try to live in peace with the natural world.” He has 90 (certain) done his best to achieve that.
Many people are trying to learn 91 new language. Some of them consider it as a hobby, while others learn it because it 92 (require) by their jobs or study. As a foreigner who is really interested 93 Chinese culture, I like learning Chinese.
It is reported that a person needs to know at least 3,000 Chinese characters to understand most Chinese newspapers. 94 , some foreigners think it is so hard that they give up halfway. It’s the 95 (difficult) part for me, too. But I manage 96 (write) each character by watching videos online. I can 97 (slow) learn more and more characters that are common in daily life.
As for listening, I practice listening by 98 (watch) Chinese TV shows and films. In this way, I am able to learn how to express 99 (I) like a Chinese. It’s also important to practice talking about different topics in Chinese when I am cycling around, effectively talking to myself or in my head, thinking through different 100 (conversation) and scenarios(场景). It helps me to think in a Chinese way, which is really important.
1.interested 2.to 3.went 4.activities 5.and 6.best 7.us 8.improved 9.a 10.second
1.句意:我很高兴你对我们的棒球俱乐部感兴趣。根据“I’m glad you’re ... in our baseball club.”可知,此处是固定搭配be interested in“对某事感兴趣”。故填interested。
2.句意:我想要告诉你我的经历。根据“I’d like to tell my experience ... you.”可知,此处是固定短语tell sth to sb“告诉某人某事”。故填to。
3.句意:我上个月去了棒球俱乐部几次。根据“last month.”可知,此处是一般过去时,应用动词的过去式。故填went。
4.句意:棒球俱乐部的活动每周五在学校操场举行。根据“are held in the school playground every Friday. ”可知,此处be动词是复数形式,主语也应当是复数形式,应用名词的复数。故填activities。
5.句意:学生和老师都会参加。根据“Both students ... teachers take part in it.”可知,此处是固定短语both...and“两者都”。故填and。
6.句意:他们会尽全力。根据“they try to do their”可知,此处是固定短语do one’s best“尽全力”。故填best。
7.句意:老师也会教我们棒球技巧。根据“The teachers also teach”可知,动词之后应用人称代词的宾格形式。故填us。
8.句意:我的能力已经提高了很多。根据“Since I took part in the baseball club, my ability has”可知,此处是现在完成时,空格处应用动词的过去分词形式。故填improved。
9.句意:我们学校有一场棒球比赛。根据“baseball game.”可知,此处泛指一场棒球比赛,结合首音标是辅音音标,此处应用a。故填a。
10.句意:我们队伍赢得了比赛的第二名。根据“our team won the ... place in the match.”可知,此处指的是比赛第二名,应用序数词。故填second。
11.healthy 12.much 13.suggestions 14.to speak 15.clearly 16.exercise 17.helps 18.Encourage 19.done 20.singing/to sing
11.句意:养成健康的态度是很有帮助的。根据“Confidence is very important in daily life.”可推出是养成健康的态度,attitude前用形容词healthy作定语。故填healthy。
14.句意:尽量大声说话,以便人们能听清楚。try to do sth.“尝试做某事”。故填to speak。
16.句意:体育锻炼使你累但强壮。physical exercise“体育锻炼”。故填exercise。
17.句意:一个强壮的身体会让你充满信心。“A strong body”后接动词第三人称单数形式helps。故填helps。
20.句意:如果你喜欢唱歌,就尽量多唱。like doing sth./like to do sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填singing/to sing。
21.biggest 22.teams 23.from 24.beat 25.the 26.happening 27.temperature 28.expected 29.European 30.and
21.句意: 它是世界上最大的国际足球锦标赛,也是世界上最受关注的体育赛事。根据空后的“also the most-watched sporting event in the world”可知,此处表示的是它是世界上最大的国际足球锦标赛,所以应用形容词最高级biggest。故填biggest。
22.句意:有三十二支队伍为取胜而竞争。根据空前的“There are thirty-two”可知,此处应用名词复数形式。故填teams。
23.句意:它与以前的有什么不同?根据上文“This year’s tournament looks to be real unique (独特的).”可知,此处表示的是它与以前的有什么不同,be different from为固定搭配,意为“不同于”。故填from。
24.句意:首先,这是自2010年卡塔尔击败美国、韩国、日本和澳大利亚等其他主办国后,首次在中东举行锦标赛。根据“in 2010”可知,此处用一般过去时,因此填beat。故填beat。
26.句意:这也是历史上第一次在北半球冬季举行锦标赛,从11月20日到12月18日。根据“from Nov. 20 to Dec. 18”可知,此处指即将在北半球冬季举行,前面有is,因此空处应用现在分词happening构成现在进行时。故填happening。
28.句意: 体育场的温度预计在20℃到30℃左右。主语temperature与动词expect之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此空处应用过去分词expected。故填expected。
29.句意: 除了炎热的天气,对于像英格兰、法国、德国和西班牙这样的欧洲球队来说,距离他们上一次大型国际赛事——欧洲杯仅仅一年多的时间。根据空后的“teams”可知,此处应用形容词European作定语。故填European。
30.句意:除了炎热的天气,对于像英格兰、法国、德国和西班牙这样的欧洲球队来说,距离他们上一次大型国际赛事——欧洲杯仅仅一年多的时间。根据空前的“teams”可知,“England, France, Germany”和“Spain”构成并列关系,因此填and。故填and。
31.first 32.knew 33.trying 34.and 35.Why 36.difficulty 37.in 38.better 39.the 40.lessons
31.句意:当我第一次开始阅读这本书的时候,我并不知道它是关于什么。根据“When I... started reading the book, I really had no idea what it was about.”可知,此处结构完整,应考虑副词,结合所给单词可知,此处是第一次开始阅读这本书,应用one的序数词first“第一次”。故填first。
32.句意:我几乎不知道关于哲学的事情。根据“I was in junior high school”可知,此处是一般过去时,应用动词know的过去式。故填knew。
33.句意:那时候我正在尝试多读点书。根据“As I was... to read more books at the time,”可知,此处是过去进行时,应用try的现在分词形式。故填trying。
34.句意:但是我一打开它并且开始阅读就感到困惑。根据“But as soon as I opened it ... started reading,”可知,空格前后是两个动词短语,并构成顺接关系,应用表示顺接的连词。故填and。
35.句意:为什么如此多的人发现这本书很有趣?根据“did so many people find this book interesting ”可知,结合上文可知,自己读的时候很困惑,故此处应表示疑惑为什么很多人觉得有趣,应用why“为什么”,句首字母需大写。故填Why。
36.句意:我清晰地理解一些引文有困难。根据“I had a great ...understanding some quotes (引文) clearly. ”可知,此处考查have a +限定词+ difficulty (in) doing sth“做某事有困难”,故应用difficult的名词difficulty。故填difficulty。
37.句意:我发现在我自己的生活中一些主意是可以用起来的。根据“my own life”可知,此处是在我的生活中,应用介词in。故填in。
38.句意:这句话的意思是在机会消失之前迅速抓住机会,总比什么都不做要好。根据“than doing nothing.”可知,此处应用比较级。故填better。
39.句意:我已经很久没有读过这本书了。根据“I haven’t read ... book for a long time.”可知,此处表示特指“这本书”,应用定冠词。故填the。
40.句意:但是我依然记得它的一些教训。根据“some of its...”可知,此处应用名词复数形式。故填lessons。
41.order 42.easier 43.with 44.mine 45.anybody 46.the 47.being 48.if 49.gifts 50.kindness
41.句意:为了做到这一点,你需要让你想与之建立友谊的人相信你。in order to“为了”,固定搭配。故填order。
43.句意:首先,当你想和某人交朋友时要小心。make friends with sb“和某人交朋友”,固定搭配。故填with。
44.句意:有一次我把我的一个秘密告诉了我的一个朋友。根据“a secret of...(I)”可知,此处表达我的一个秘密,由空前of可知,空处应填名词性物主代词mine“我的”。故填mine。
47.句意:你应该避免自私,从你朋友的观点来考虑问题。avoid doing sth“避免干某事”,空处应用be的动名词形式being。故填being。
48.句意:如果你不关心那个朋友,友谊就不会长久。根据“A friendship won’t last long...you don’t care for that friend.”可知,此处应表达如果你不关心朋友,友谊就不会长久,空处应用if引导条件状语从句。故填if。
49.句意:我的最后一天建议是:你不必用礼物来表达你对朋友们的关心。由空后“your friends”可知,空处应填名词gift的复数形式gifts“礼物”。故填gifts。
51.into 52.second 53.better 54.skill 55.begins 56.the 57.and 58.wisely 59.others’ 60.what
52.句意:第二组在电脑上记笔记。根据“The...(two) one”可知,指第二组,two基数词“二”,此处填序数词second“第二”。故填second。
53.句意:但让我们惊讶的是,第一组做得更好。根据“We thought Group Two would win. But to our surprise,...”可知,两组进行比较,惊讶的是第一组做得更好,此空填good“好的”的比较级。故填better。
54.句意:你怎样能提高你记笔记的技能呢?根据“How can you improve your note-takin...(skill) ”可知,此处指记笔记这一项技能,填名词单数。故填skill。
55.句意:首先,上课前尽量做好准备。根据“Firstly, try to get yourself ready before class...(begin).”可知,提建议的祈使句中用一般现在时,主语是class“课”单数,故动词用三单形式。故填begins。
56.句意:熟悉你将要学习的材料。根据“...material that you are going to learn.”可知,此处特指你将要学习的材料,用定冠词修饰。故填the。
58.句意:然后,在课堂上听的时候明智地做笔记。根据“take notes”可知,用副词来修饰动词。故填wisely。
59.句意:如果还有遗漏,将你的笔记与其他人的笔记进行比较。根据“compare your notes with...(others)”可知,将你的笔记与其他人的笔记进行比较,此空填“其他人的笔记”,名词所有格可以表示一个人或物所拥有的东西。故填others’。
61.writing 62.who/that/whom 63.difference 64.useful 65.so 66.helps 67.Second 68.to end 69.kindness 70.by
61.句意:当你感激某人时,试着写一封感谢信。根据“try...a thank-you note”可知是尝试写感谢信,try doing sth.“尝试做某事”。故填writing。
62.句意:你写信给的人会很高兴。句子是定语从句,先行词是the person,关系词在从句中作宾语,用who/that/whom引导定语从句。故填who/that/whom。
63.句意:他们会知道自己的行为有影响。make a difference“有影响”。故填difference。
65.句意:即使你在打印感谢信,最好先写一份草稿,以便你的笔记不会有任何错误。“it’s a good idea to write a draft first”的目的是“your note won’t have any mistakes”,用so that引导目的状语从句。故填so。
66.句意:一份简单的草稿有助于你写下你的想法和感受。本文时态为一般现在时,主语是A simple draft,谓语动词用单三helps“帮助”。故填helps。
68.句意:不要忘了最后一句谢谢。forget to do sth.“忘记做某事”。故填to end。
70.句意:如果你手写了一封信,请将其放入信封并放入邮件中。by hand“用手”。故填by。
71.to 72.showing 73.solved 74.chopsticks 75.their 76.an 77.easier 78.that 79.(a)bout 80.to form
71.句意:为了避免病毒的传播,是时候改变我们的饮食习惯了。结合题干和语境可知,本题考查短语in order to,意为“为了”,故填to。
76.句意:如果你为周围的人树立榜样,那么建议他们遵照你的做法会容易得多。根据语境可知,本题考查短语set an example“树立榜样”,故填an。
78.句意:为了能过上健康快乐的生活,我们决定用公共餐具。根据语境可知,本题考查so that“以便,为了”引导目的状语从句,故填that。
79.句意:当我们关心公共健康时,其他人也受到了保护。结合提示字母a和语境可知,本题考查care about“关心,关怀”,故填(a)bout。
80.句意:让我们一起努力形成使用公共餐具的新习惯。form“形成”,动词。根据语境可知,本题考查make efforts to do sth.“努力做某事”,故填to form。
81.up 82.children 83.comfortable 84.His 85.The 86.dug 87.second 88.but 89.to 90.certainly
81.句意:因此,他下定决心在乡下建造自己的家。此处是一个常用动词短语make up one’s mind to do sth“下决心做某事”。故填up。
83.句意:仅仅四个月后,在他当建筑师的岳父的帮助下,他搬进了舒服的新家。根据“wooden eco-house” 可知,空处应填comfort形容词形式comfortable“舒服的”,句中作定语修饰wooden eco-house。故填comfortable。
88.句意:没有中央供暖系统,但是有一个燃木炉和太阳能电池板。根据“There is no central heating,…there’s a wood-burner and solar panels (太阳能电板)…”可知,空处前后句表示转折关系,空处应填表示转折的连词but“但是”。故填but。
89.句意:多亏了地下的空气,冰箱才能保持凉爽。此处是一个常用短语thanks to“多亏了”。故填to。
90.句意:他当然尽全力完成。根据“He has…done his best to achieve that.”可知,has done为谓语动词,应用副词修饰,空处应填certain的副词形式certainly“当然的”。故填certainly。
91.a 92.is required 93.in 94.However 95.most difficult 96.to write 97.slowly 98.watching 99.myself 100.conversations
92.句意:然而其他人学习新语言是因为工作或学习需要。require“要求”,动词。分析句子可知,主语it和谓语动词require之间是被动关系,时态是一般现在时,因此空格处须用一般现在时的被动语态,结构是am/is/are+动词过去分词,主语it是单数代词,因此be动词用is,故填is required。
93.句意:作为一个对中国文化很感兴趣的外国人,我喜欢学习中文。本题考查短语be interested in sth.“对某事感兴趣”,此处表示“对中国文化感兴趣”,故填in。
95.句意:这对我来说也是最困难的。difficult“困难的”,形容词。根据空格前的the和语境可知,空格处须用difficult的最高级,表示“最困难的”,故填most difficult。
96.句意:但是我设法通过观看视频来写出每个汉字。write“写”,动词。本题考查短语manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”,故填to write。
100.句意:当我骑车时,练习用中文谈论不同的话题,有效地自言自语或在脑海中思考不同的对话和场景也很重要。conversation“对话”,可数名词。根据“different...(conversation) and scenarios(场景).”可知,空格处应用conversation的复数形式,故填conversations。

  • 期末专题复习-语法填空 2023-2024外研版九年级上学期期末真题备考(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月17日  所属分类:作业答案