期末专题复习-任务型阅读 2023-2024人教版英语八年级上册期末真题备考 (含解析)

期末专题复习-任务型阅读 2023-2024学年 人教版 英语八年级上册期末真题备考
American boys and girls love watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday or Sunday.
Every coin has two sides. A child can learn both bad things and good things from TV programs. Some programs help children to understand the news, and others show people and places from other countries or other times in history. The programs can help educate them well. A program makes it easier for little kids to learn about animals. They do not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.
TV programs bring many places and events into our homes. Some programs show the crime and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes should help them to find other interesting things to do.
Information Card
Time: Some American children spend four to six hours watching TV on weekdays and eight hours or more on 1 .
Good sides: Some programs like the news, people and places from other countries or other times in history can help 2 children well. Some programs can help little kids learn about animals and ships, see a play, a concert or a game more 3 .
Bad sides: Some programs may 4 the crime and other things that are bad for children.
What we learn from the passage: Every thing in the world has its own 5 sides.
6 Nearly 100 historic (有历史意义的) buildings across Shanghai will open free to the public (公众) to celebrate Cultural and Natural Heritage (遗产).
7 Shanghai Book Fair (展览会) is one of the largest book fairs in China, and many of its visitors come to the fair every year.
8 Foreign students learn to make zongzi and wear Han costurmes (服饰) during an activity to mark the Dragon Boat Festival at Donghua University in Shanghai.
9 Some people want to pass through different openings made of hardboard, and a thin woman passes through the narrowest (最窄的) opening at a department store on East Nanjing Road.
10 Helping Village in Shanghai is becoming a new attraction (景点) for visitors because of the bright wall paintings there.
11 Tony Brown is a student from Britain and studies in China now. He is quite interested in stories about ancient China. 12 Li Min, a 13-year-old student, wants to get a break from the heavy schoolwork. She enjoys watching cartoons and movies. 13 Simon likes reading because he knows reading makes men wise. But sometimes he finds reading a little bit boring. 14 Hu Qing is a college student. She will finish her study in 2021. She is worrying about how to face her future work. 15 Harry Smith is a manager in a big factory. He is always tired after work. He wants to learn something about talking and have some relaxing time. A.The Wonderful Read Do you find reading books by yourself boring Our program provides nice acting by nice actors and actress. Their acting leads us to enjoy the beauty of books in an interesting way. B.Dream Job 12 young men and women just finished their university and joined the show. They try to finish the tasks to win their dream job. You can learn how to deal with your future job from it. C. Amazing World If you are interested in cartoons for teenagers and want to get relaxation, why not watch our program The creative roles and stories will certainly make your free time enjoyable. D.Roast Talk (《吐槽大会》) It is the most popular talk show in China now. It shows us a new way to communicate and offers us a way to relax after a day’s tiring work. E. Lecture Room The program is popular among both the young and the old. It offers us a way to enjoy wonderful books. What’s more, it tells us stories in ancient China.
16 Mr. Black would like to get something to make the house warm because his father is ill in bed because of the cold weather. 17 Cherry is often late for school in the morning. Sometimes even the loud sound from the clock can not wake her up. 18 Tom doesn’t have much time for sports. He wants something to help him exercise in a right way any time at home. 19 Jack is a businessman. He wants a robot in his office to make tea for him, tell him about his working plans and so on. 20 Kate is a working mother. She is too busy and doesn’t have time to wash dishes. She wants to buy a cheap robot to help her. A.Mr. Cleaner is an expensive but great cleaning robot. It can do all the housework for you in your house, like cleaning the kitchen, washing the clothes and even cooking. B.Little Sun can make your house warm even before you reach home. It can move around the house and stay where the temperature is low, so you won’t feel cold anywhere at home. C. Running Robot can run with you in the park or in the street. It won’t be dangerous if you run with the robot. It can tell you which way is the right to go and ask you to have a break if you are tired. D.Little Bicycle is a small robot. You can ride it at home as a bike. It will start by itself and tell you it’s time to exercise and when you do enough exercise, it will ask you to stop. E. Morning Caller can move round the house by itself. When it sees someone sleeping, it sings a song as a wake-up call. If you don’t get up then, it will shout. You can set a time for it to work. F. Dish Boy is a simple robot that can wash the dishes for you. It can wash the plates, bowls, spoons, pots and pans. It can also make them dry after the washing. It costs only two hundred dollars. It is a very good price. G. Office Kid can do many things in an office. It can take notes for you at a meeting. It can tell you when to do something and what to do every day. It can even make tea and coffee, wash and peel fruit for you!
(2022上·吉林四平·八年级统考期末)I’m sixteen now and I’m studying in a high school. I’m going to finish high school in two years, and then I’m going to college for years. I’m going to study languages because after college I’m going to work as a language teacher. While at college, I’m also going to take computer lessons because I’m going to use the computer in my work. Also, I’m going to play sports to keep healthy.
I really enjoy travelling, so before starting to work, I’m going to travel. To get the money to travel, I’m going to get a part-time Job. I’m going to save my money for six months, and then I’m going to visit Egypt. I’m going to see the pyramids (金字塔) and ride a camel (骆驼). Of course, I’m going to take lots of photos during my trip so that I can remember it.
I’m going to concentrate on (全神贯注于) my studies and my job. I’m not going to get married (结婚) until I’m a little older.
21.When is the writer going to finish high school
22.What is the writer going to be after he finishes college
23.What is the writer going to do to keep healthy
24.What does the writer enjoy
25.Where is the writer going to visit
(2022上·吉林·八年级统考期末)What will our life be like in 100 years No one can truly know the answer, but we are sure that it will be very different from the life today. My brother David makes some predictions. Here are some of his ideas.
First, people will have less work to do. People will spend most of their time playing sports and traveling. So people will become stronger and healthier, and they will live longer as well.
Second, computers will control the cars and people don’t need to drive. So there will be fewer and fewer traffic accidents on the road. Planes will be very popular, and most people would like to take a plane for their trips. As for robots, they’ll be very popular with human beings. Every family will have a robot. Robots will do dangerous and heavy work for people.
Third, people will be able to live in the sea, on the moon or on other planets. The earth won’t be crowded or noisy any more. So there will be much space for people to plant trees. There will be less pollution, and the air will become much fresher.
Finally, water shortage (短缺) will become one of the most serious problems. If we don’t save water now, people will start wars for water in 100 years.
26.What will people spend most of their time doing in the future
27.How will most people go traveling
28.Why will robots be very popular with people
29.Where will people live in 100 years
30.What will happen if we don’t save water
(2022上·上海徐汇·八年级统考期末)Answer the questions.(根据短文内容完整回答下列问题)
Have you heard about “Survival (生存) Holidays” “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.
Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents. The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games, but “Survival Holidays” can change them a lot.
Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled(控制) by adults, but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them. Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.
31.Is “Survival Holidays” for children or parents
32.Why do people like “Survival Holidays”
33.What do the children in big cities usually do
34.What can children learn in the survival activities (list at least two)
35.Would you like to join in “Survival Holidays” Why or why not
My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager. Of course it was black and white. She said she only watched it at night. She doesn’t remember watching it in the morning or afternoon. When I was young we had only about 3 or 4 different channel. My brothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch. But we usually enjoyed the same shows.
Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV. I can’t believe it! There are channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on. It’s amazing! There is a channel for everything. I wonder how much my brothers, my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child. Of course we had only one television set. These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes. I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose from.
36.When did the writer’s mother get her first television
37.In those days, what kind of television sets did people only have
38.What did they fight about in the past
39.Nowadays, how many channels can they get on TV
40.What kind of TV channels do we have now
A long time ago, people were very different from the way we are now. For example, if you find a really old house somewhere, you will see that the doors are usually much lower than they are today. Why Because hundreds of years ago, people were shorter. Over time, the human body has changed a lot.
Can we expect the human body to keep changing in the future That’s for sure. And the main reason is that we have more and more technology, and it’s changing how we live. Here are some possible changes.
In the future, people will probably be even taller. Most of us now have much better food than people in the past, so we grow more.
Our muscles will not be as strong as now, because we won’t do lots of physical work. We are already using our feet less, and our hands more. So we can expect that our legs will get shorter and our feet smaller.
At the same time, our fingers will get longer. And our fingers and eyes will both get better, because they will have to do more work together.
In the future, people will probably be even taller. Most of us now have much better food than people in the past, so we grow more.
Our muscles will not be as strong as now, because we won’t do lots of physical work.
We are already using our feet less, and our hands more. So we can expect that our legs will get shorter and our feet smaller. At the same time, our fingers will get longer. And our fingers and eyes will both get better, because they will have to do more work together.
What about the mouth It will get smaller, because we needn’t talk so much with the help of technology.
41.How are the doors of old houses according to the passage
They are usually much than those today.
42.Why will the human body keep changing in the future
Because we have more technology that is changing .
43.What will our muscles be like in the future
They will not be now because of less physical work.
44.What does the underlined word “they” in the fifth paragraph refer to
It refers to .
45.What does the passage mainly talk about
It mainly talks about in the future.
Where will people live in the future Maybe people will work and live in the sea. But how will people go to work then By submarine. Some scientists believe that some day submarines will be as many as today’s cars. A famous French driver says “One day, man will work on the ocean floor as they do on the street! If people want to live in the sea, they have to solve a lot of problems first. It is similar to those of living on the moon, such as being lack of oxygen(缺氧) and weightlessness(失重). Many questions are hard to solve. For example, maybe in 50 years man will be able to live in the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. Man will find it fun and interesting to live in the sea. And life in the sea is more comfortable. Don’t you think so
46.If people live in the sea, they will go to work by .
47.If people want to live in the sea, they have to first.
48.When will man be able to live in the sea, according to some scientists
(2022上·吉林四平·八年级统考期末)What will our world be like in 2050 We asked a group of experts to make their predictions about our future.
51 We used to pay in cash (现金) for everything we bought. By 2050, we will completely stop using cash and we will use digital (数字的) money instead. We have to admit (承认) that using digital money is much easier and safer than searching your pocket for change.
52 By 2050 we will have ‘‘clever” cars. We won’t have so many accidents, because they will be able to communicate (交流) with each other. Cars will slow down by themselves or stop in dangerous situations. Also, our cars will run on electricity or water.
53 By 2050 our homes will be more eco-friendly (环保的). We will use solar energy (太阳能) and we will clean and recycle (回收、再利用) our water. There will be more people in the world and our houses will be smaller. Many houses will be underground and we will have robots to help clean, cook and do our home shopping.
54 We won’t die! We will put our brains onto computers and live forever. The computers of the future won’t look like machines. They’ll look like humans.
55 By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and over 100 million people will be living on the moon and other planets. We will be able to travel to Mars (火星) and back in just three days.
(a) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。
A.More eco-friendly homes B.Living on other planets C. Having “clever” cars D.No death E. Using digital money
(b) 根据短文内容,完成下列表格。(每空不超过两个词)
Predictions about the future
Money Using digital money is much easier and 56 than using cash.
Cars 57 accidents. These cars will stop in dangerous situations. Running on electricity or water. Using solar energy.
Homes Using solar energy. Cleaning and recycling the water. 58 houses. Underground houses. Robots help with housework.
No 59 Brains will be put onto human-like computers. Living forever.
Living on other planets Living on the 60 and other planets. Being able to travel to Mars and back in a short time.
(2022上·河北石家庄·八年级统考期末)Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year. Chinese people celebrate(庆祝) the festival in different ways. But their wishes are almost the same: They all wish their families and friends good health and good luck for the coming year. Here are some Chinese New year activities.
*House cleaning
Cleaning one’s house before New Year’s Eve is a very old tradition(传统). Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the “old”. This is also a kind of good wish for luck and fortune(财运).
*New Year Feast(年夜饭)
The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together. Everyone in the family must go to this feast. After the feast, families sit together and do “shousui” This means staying up late or all night on New Year’s Eve to wait for the New Year to come.
*Waiting for the first bell ringing
The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year. Some people like to go to a large square(广场) to wait for the bell ringing. But for some people, they’d like to stay with their family, watch TV, and wait for the first bell at home.
*Setting off firecrackers(放鞭炮)
Lighting firecrackers is one of the most important customs during Chinese New Year.
*Giving or receiving lucky money
This is the money given to children by their parents and grandparents as a New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck to the children, so it is named “lucky money”.
61.Cleaning the house means good luck.
62.The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.
63.Parents and grandparents give to their children to bring good luck to them.
64.What does the first bell ringing mean
65. .
1.weekends 2.educate 3.easily 4.show 5.two
1.根据第一段“Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday or Sunday”可知,有的孩子甚至在周六和周日看八个小时,甚至更长时间的电视。周六和周日可统称为“周末”weekends。故填weekends。
2.根据第二段“Some programs help children to understand the news, and others show people and places from other countries or other times in history. The programs can help educate them well”可知,一些节目帮孩子们理解新闻,其他的节目展示其他国家或历史上其他时期的人和地方。这些节目可以很好地教育他们。故填educate。
3.根据第二段“A program makes it easier for little kids to learn about animals. They do not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home”可知,一个电视节目可以让小孩子更容易地了解动物。他们不需要去动物园看动物,也不需要去海洋看船。男孩和女孩可以在家里看戏、听音乐会或玩游戏,故电视节目可以让孩子更容易地做这些事,此处应用副词“容易地”easily。故填easily。
4.根据第三段“Some programs show the crime and other things that are bad for children”可知,一些节目展示了犯罪和其他对孩子有害的事情。根据“may”可知,空格处应用动词原形。故填show。
5.根据第二段“Every coin has two sides”可知,凡是皆有两面性。故填two。
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.E 10.D
6.根据“Nearly 100 historic (有历史意义的) buildings across Shanghai will open free to the public (公众)...”可知,上海有近百座历史建筑将免费向公众开放,B项是建筑的图片,故选B。
7.根据“Shanghai Book Fair(展览会) is one of the largest book fairs in China”可知,上海书展是中国最大的书展之一,C项是图书的图片,故选C。
8.根据“Foreign students learn to make zongzi and wear Han costurmes(服饰)”可知,外国学生学习包粽子和穿汉服,A项是外国学生穿汉服的图片,故选A。
9.根据“ Some people want to pass through different openings made of hardboard,and a thin woman passes through the narrowest(最窄的) opening at a department store on East Nanjing Road”可知,有些人想穿过不同的硬纸板隔开的间隙,一个瘦削的女人穿过南京东路一家百货公司最窄的间隙,E项是许多人穿过纸板间隙的图片,故选E。
10.根据“because of the bright wall paintings there”可知,那里有明亮的壁画,D项是壁画的图片,故选D。
11.E 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D
11.根据“Tony Brown is a student from Britain and studies in China now. He is quite interested in stories about ancient China.”可知,外国学生对中国古代的故事感兴趣。选项E“这个节目在年轻人和老年人中都很受欢迎。它为我们提供了一种欣赏精彩书籍的方式。更重要的是,它向我们讲述了中国古代的故事。”与之对应。故选E。
12.根据“Li Min, a 13-year-old student, wants to get a break from the heavy schoolwork. She enjoys watching cartoons and movies.”可知,李明喜欢看卡通和电影。选项C“如果你对青少年漫画感兴趣,想放松一下,为什么不看我们的节目呢?富有创意的角色和故事一定会让你的闲暇时光变得愉快。”与之对应。故选C。
13.根据“Simon likes reading because he knows reading makes men wise. But sometimes he finds reading a little bit boring.”可知,西蒙喜欢读书,因为读书使人明智,但有时读书有一点枯燥。选项A“你觉得自己看书无聊吗?我们的节目提供了优秀演员的精彩表演。他们的表演让我们以有趣的方式欣赏书籍的美。”与之对应。故选A。
14.根据“Hu Qing is a college student. She will finish her study in 2021. She is worrying about how to face her future work.”可知,胡青是一个面临毕业的大学生,想要找工作。选项B“12名年轻男女刚刚完成大学学业,参加了这场表演。他们努力完成任务以赢得理想的工作。你可以从中学习如何处理未来的工作。”与之对应。故选B。
15.根据“Harry Smith is a manager in a big factory. He is always tired after work. He wants to learn something about talking and have some relaxing time.”可知,Harry Smith想要学习讲话,并且有一些放松的时间。选项D“这是目前中国最受欢迎的脱口秀节目。它向我们展示了一种新的沟通方式,并为我们提供了一种在劳累一天后放松的方式。”与之对应。故选D。
16.B 17.E 18.D 19.G 20.F
16.根据“Mr. Black would like to get something to make the house warm”可知布莱克先生想要让屋子暖和起来,选项B“小太阳甚至可以在你回家之前让你的房子变得温暖。它可以在房子周围移动并停留在温度较低的地方,因此您在家中任何地方都不会感到寒冷”符合。故选B。
17.根据“Cherry is often late for school in the morning. Sometimes even the loud sound from the clock can not wake her up.”可知她早上上学经常迟到, 有时即使是时钟发出的响亮的声音也无法唤醒她,选项E“Morning Caller可以自己在房子周围走动。当它看到有人在睡觉时,它会唱一首歌作为闹钟。如果你再不起来,它就会大喊大叫。您可以设置它的工作时间”符合。故选E。
18.根据“He wants something to help him exercise in a right way any time at home.”可知他想要一些东西来帮助他在家中任何时候以正确的方式锻炼,选项D“Little Bicycle 是一个小型机器人。你可以在家里把它当作自行车骑。它会自行启动并告诉您该锻炼了,当您进行足够的锻炼时,它会要求您停下来”符合。故选D。
19.根据“He wants a robot in his office to make tea for him, tell him about his working plans and so on.”可知他想要一个机器人在他的办公室里为他泡茶,告诉他他的工作计划等等,选项G“Office Kid可以在办公室做很多事情。它可以在会议上为您做笔记。它可以告诉你什么时候做某事,每天做什么。它甚至可以为你泡茶泡咖啡,洗水果去皮”符合。故选G。
20.根据“She is too busy and doesn’t have time to wash dishes. She wants to buy a cheap robot to help her”可知她太忙了,没有时间洗碗。 她想买一个便宜的机器人来帮助她,选项F“Dish Boy 是一个可以为你洗碗的简单机器人。它可以清洗盘子、碗、勺子、锅碗瓢盆。它还可以使它们在洗涤后变干。它的成本只有两百美元。这是一个非常好的价格”符合。故选F。
21.In two years. 22.A language teacher. /He is going to be a language teacher. 23.He is going to play sports to keep healthy. 24.He enjoys travelling./Travelling. 25.He is going to visit Egypt./Egypt.
21.根据“I’m going to finish high school in two years”可知,两年后高中毕业,故填In two years.
22.根据“after college I’m going to work as a language teacher”可知,大学毕业后打算当一名语言老师,故填A language teacher./He is going to be a language teacher.
23.根据“Also, I’m going to play sports to keep healthy”可知,打算做运动来保持健康,故填He is going to play sports to keep healthy.
24.根据“I really enjoy travelling”可知,喜欢旅行,故填He enjoys travelling./Travelling.
25.根据“I’m going to visit Egypt”可知,打算去埃及,故填He is going to visit Egypt./Egypt.
26.People will spend most of their time playing sports and traveling./Playing sports and traveling. 27.By plane./Take a plane. 28.Because robots can/will do dangerous and heavy work(for them/people). 29.People will be able to live in the sea, on the moon or on other planets./In the sea, on the moon or on other planets. 30.People will start wars for water in 100 years.
26.根据“People will spend most of their time playing sports and traveling.”可知,在未来,人们会花费大部分时间做运动和旅行。故填People will spend most of their time playing sports and traveling./Playing sports and traveling.
27.根据“Planes will be very popular, and most people would like to take a plane for their trips.”可知,大多数人都喜欢乘坐飞机旅行。故填By plane./Take a plane.
28.根据“As for robots, they’ll be very popular with human beings. Every family will have a robot. Robots will do dangerous and heavy work for people.”可知,机器人受欢迎是因为它们将为人们做危险和繁重的工作。故填Because robots can/will do dangerous and heavy work (for them/people).
29.根据“Third, people will be able to live in the sea, on the moon or on other planets.”可知,人们将能够生活在海里,在月球上或其他星球上。故填People will be able to live in the sea, on the moon or on other planets./In the sea, on the moon or on other planets.
30.根据“If we don’t save water now, people will start wars for water in 100 years.”可知,如果我们现在不节约用水,100年后人们将为水发动战争。故填People will start wars for water in 100 years.
31.For children. 32.Because they think being close to nature is good for children. 33.Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. 34.They can learn to stay calm in different times and learn how to keep safe. 35.(开放题,言之有理即可)参考答案:Yes, I’d like to. Because I can learn some important skills from it.
31.根据“Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.”可知,“生存假期”是让孩子们进入孤独的地方进行刺激的活动。因此这个活动是为孩子设计的。故填For children.
32.根据“The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children.”可知,人们喜欢“生存假期”的原因是他们认为接近自然对孩子有好处。故填Because they think being close to nature is good for children.
33.根据“Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games”可知,许多大城市的孩子把所有的时间都花在看电视和玩电脑游戏上。故填Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games.
34.根据“Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe.”可知,有些人学会了在不同的时期保持冷静。有些人已经学会了如何保持安全。故填They can learn to stay calm in different times and learn how to keep safe.
35.(开放题,言之有理即可)参考答案:Yes, I’d like to. Because I can learn some important skills from it.
36.When she was a teenager, she got her first television./ The time when she was a teenager./ When she was a teenager. 37.People only have black and white television sets in those days./ People only have black and white television sets./ People only have black and white ones./ Black and white ones./ Black and white television sets./ Black and white. 38.They fought about which channel to watch in the past./ They fought about which channel to watch./ Which channel to watch. 39.There are hundreds of channels they can get on TV./ There are hundreds of channels they can get./ There are hundreds of channels on TV./ There are hundreds of channels./ They can get hundreds of channels on TV./ They can get hundreds of channels./ Hundreds of channels. 40.We have channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ We have channels with old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ We have channels with cooking, old movies, fishing and so on./ We have channels with cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ We have channels with fishing, cooking, old movies and so on./ We have channels with fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Channels with old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Channels with fishing, cooking, old movies and so on./ Channels with fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Channels with cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ Channels with cooking, old movies and fishing and so on./ Movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Cooking, fishing, movies and so on./ Cooking, movies, fishing and so on./ Fishing, movies, cooking and so on./ Fishing, cooking, movies and so on./ Old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ Cooking, old movies, fishing and so on./ Fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Fishing, cooking, old movies and so on.
36.根据文中第一段“My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager.”可知,作者的妈妈得到第一台电视机是在她青少年时期。故填When she was a teenager, she got her first television./ The time when she was a teenager./ When she was a teenager.
37.根据第一段“Of course it was black and white.”可知,那时候只有黑白电视机。故填People only have black and white television sets in those days./ People only have black and white television sets./ People only have black and white ones./ Black and white ones./ Black and white television sets./ Black and white.
38.根据第一段“My brothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch. ”可知,过去作者的兄弟姐妹和他有时会为看哪个频道而争吵。故填They fought about which channel to watch in the past./ They fought about which channel to watch./ Which channel to watch.
39.根据“Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV.”可知,现在可以在电视上看到上百个频道。故填There are hundreds of channels they can get on TV./ There are hundreds of channels they can get./ There are hundreds of channels on TV./ There are hundreds of channels./ They can get hundreds of channels on TV./ They can get hundreds of channels./ Hundreds of channels.
40.根据“There are channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on. ”可知,有老电影频道,烹饪频道,钓鱼频道等等。故填We have channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ We have channels with old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ We have channels with cooking, old movies, fishing and so on./ We have channels with cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ We have channels with fishing, cooking, old movies and so on./ We have channels with fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Channels with old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Channels with old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Channels with fishing, cooking, old movies and so on./ Channels with fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Channels with cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ Channels with cooking, old movies and fishing and so on./ Movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Cooking, fishing, movies and so on./ Cooking, movies, fishing and so on./ Fishing, movies, cooking and so on./ Fishing, cooking, movies and so on./ Old movies, cooking, fishing and so on./ Old movies, fishing, cooking and so on./ Cooking, fishing, old movies and so on./ Cooking, old movies, fishing and so on./ Fishing, old movies, cooking and so on./ Fishing, cooking, old movies and so on.
41.lower 42.how we live 43.as strong as 44.fingers and eyes 45.possible changes of human body in the future
41.根据“For example, if you find a really old house somewhere, you will see that the doors are usually much lower than they are today.”可知,古老的房子的门通常比现在低得多。故填lower。
42.根据“And the main reason is that we have more and more technology, and it’s changing how we live.”可知,主要原因是我们拥有越来越多的科技,它正在改变我们的生活方式。故填how we live。
43.根据“Our muscles will not be as strong as now, because we won’t do lots of physical work.”可知,我们的肌肉不会像现在这样强壮,因为我们不会做很多体力劳动。故填as strong as。
44.根据“And our fingers and eyes will both get better, because they will have to do more work together.”可知,我们的手指和眼睛都会变得更好,因为它们需要一起做更多的工作。此处they指的是“fingers and eyes”,故填fingers and eyes。
45.本文主要介绍未来人体可能会发生的变化,故填possible changes of human body in the future。
46.submarine 47.solve a lot of problems 48.Maybe in 50 years man will be able to live in the sea. 49.Maybe people will work and live in the sea. 50.人类将会发现在海里生活很有趣。
46.根据“But how will people go to work then By submarine.”可知需要乘坐潜水艇去上班。故填submarine。
47.根据“If people want to live in the sea, they have to solve a lot of problems first.”可知如果人们想生活在海洋中,他们必须首先解决很多问题。故填solve a lot of problems。
48.根据“For example, maybe in 50 years man will be able to live in the sea,”可知也许在50年后,人类将能够生活在海洋中。故填Maybe in 50 years man will be able to live in the sea.
49.根据“Where will people live in the future Maybe people will work and live in the sea.”以及全文可知本文主要讲述了作者对未来人们在海底生活的设想。所以Maybe people will work and live in the sea是本文的主题句。故填Maybe people will work and live in the sea.
50.句式是运用了find it +形容词+to do sth“发现……怎么样”;Man“人类”;fun and interesting“很有趣”;live in the sea“在海里生活”。故填:人类将会发现在海里生活很有趣。
51.E 52.C 53.A 54.D 55.B 56.safer 57.Fewer 58.Smaller 59.death 60.moon
51.根据“We used to pay in cash (现金) for everything we bought. By 2050, we will completely stop using cash and we will use digital (数字的) money instead.”可知,此处表示到2050年我们将使用数字货币,因此E项“使用数字货币”符合语境,故选E。
52.根据“By 2050 we will have ‘‘clever” cars.”可知,到2050年,我们将有“智能”汽车,因此C项“拥有‘智能’汽车”符合语境,故选C。
53.根据“By 2050 our homes will be more eco-friendly (环保的).”可知,到2050年我们的家将更环保,因此A项“更环保的家”符合语境,故选A。
54.根据“We won’t die!”可知,我们将不会死去,因此D项“没有死亡”符合语境,故选D。
55.根据“By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and over 100 million people will be living on the moon and other planets.”可知,到2050年人们将住到其他星球上,B项“住到其他星球上”符合语境,故选B。
56.根据“We have to admit (承认) that using digital money is much easier and safer than searching your pocket for change.”可知,使用数字货币要比在口袋里找零钱容易和安全得多。故填safer。
57.根据“We won’t have so many accidents, because they will be able to communicate (交流) with each other.”可知,将会有更少的事故,故填Fewer。
58.根据“There will be more people in the world and our houses will be smaller.”可知,我们的房子将会更小,故填Smaller。
59.根据“We won’t die! We will put our brains onto computers and live forever.”可知,我们将永生,不会死亡,因此没有死亡,故填death。
60.根据“By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and over 100 million people will be living on the moon and other planets.”可知,人们将住在月球和其他星球上,故填moon。
61.F 62.T 63.lucky money 64.The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.
61.根据“ Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the ‘old’.” 可知,春节打扫屋子意味着对过去说再见。第一题“打扫屋子意味着好运”与文章不符,是错误的,故答案为F。
62.根据“The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.” 可知,第二题“年夜饭是一种特殊的晚餐,所有的家庭成员聚在一起。” 与文章相符,是正确的,故答案为T。
63.根据“This is the money given to children by their parents and grandparents as a New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck to the children, so it is named ‘lucky money’.” 可知,父母或者祖父母给孩子压岁钱是为了给他们带来好运,所以空处应填“lucky money”,故答案为lucky money。
64.根据“The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.” 可知,第一声钟响意味着中国新年的到来,故答案为The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.
65.Chinese New Year表示“新年”;the most important表示“最重要的”;festival表示“节日”;the year表示“一年中”。故答案为:春节是一年中最重要的节日。

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发布日期:2023年12月17日  所属分类:作业答案