Unit 6 The Animal Kingdom素养综合检测(含解析)

Unit 6 · 素养综合检测
【新独家原创】If you don't go to a doctor to treat(治疗) your    ,
you may be blind one day.
A.eyes B.ears C.nose D.mouth
2.【新独家原创】The boy has a great dream.He wants to be a    
like Qian Xuesen.
A.singer   B.writer
C.painter  D.scientist
3.I will write a letter to him and tell him that I will     in Beijing next week.
A.get  B.reach
C.arrive  D.come
4.【人与社会·人际交往】The boy often tells lies, so his friend won't
    him any more.
A.believe  B.agree
C.mind  D.hurt
5.(2023北京二中教育集团期中)Don't worry.We have     water in the glasses.
A.a little  B.many  C.few  D.a few
6.This e-dictionary is very     and I can use it to look up new words.
A.useful   B.careful
C.useless   D.careless
7.Mike     his exercise book at home, so he had to go back home to get it.
A.left   B.forgot
C.remembered   D.bought
8.It's necessary for us     the school rules because we are students.
A.follow   B.to follow
C.following   D.follows
9.【国防教育】I always feel     every time I think of our strong motherland(祖国).
A.proud   B.proudly
C.sad   D.sadly
10.(2023北京密云区期末)I'd like to go fishing with you,     I'm too busy today.
A.but  B.and  C.so  D.or
11.(2023天津和平区期末)—Excuse me,could you please speak a litter more    
—Sorry,I thought you could follow me.
A.sadly  B.quickly
C.politely  D.slowly
12.(2022云南昆明中考)Doing chores helps to improve children's independence and teaches them how to     themselves.
A.look for  B.look after
C.look like  D.look through
  Elephants are the largest kind of land animals. Elephants are tall animals. Most elephants are about 2-4 meters. That is to say, an adult male elephant can be twice as  13  as a man. It's said that the tallest elephant can be more than five meters tall. Elephants are heavy. They can be as heavy as trucks(卡车). Their  14  can be six tons or more. How heavy they are!
  Elephants have a long trunk(象鼻). The trunk is very  15 . They can use it to do some different things. The trunk is a nose for smelling and breathing(呼吸).They also use it to  16  food,drink water and take baths. They even use it to move things to another place.
  Let's learn about elephants' eating  17 . They love to eat leaves,grass and bark(树皮). They are really big animals, so they need to  18  a lot of food every day. They sometimes spend about 16 hours a day  19  food because they really need too much food. They have a good sense of smell and it always helps them get food   20 .
13.A.tall   B.short C.heavy   D.light
14.A.height   B.weight C.kind   D.size
15.A.safe   B.dangerous C.useless   D.useful
16.A.make up  B.pick up  C.use up   D.get up
17.A.ways   B.habits C.rules   D.places
18.A.drink   B.waste C.throw   D.eat
19.A.buying   B.cooking C.finding   D.throwing
20.A.loudly   B.easily C.unluckily   D.quietly
  (一)信息与图片匹配。请将Mike、Li Ting和Daming三人描述的动物与下面的图片匹配,并将图片对应选项填在适当位置。
21.    I'm Mike.This is my favourite animal. It has a long tail. It has whiskers(须) on its face. It says “Meow!”. It's easy to keep it at home. You don't need to spend much time taking care of it. Sometimes it can look after itself.
22.    I'm Li Ting. My favourite animal lives in water. It can swim. Watching it swim around is relaxing. Keeping it doesn't need special care, but you must give it special food. You also need to change water. If the water is dirty, it may fall ill, or even die.
23.    I'm Daming. My favourite animal is very cute. It can climb trees. Its favourite food is bananas. When it sees a banana, it always runs quickly to the banana. I can't keep one at home. When I want to see it, I will go to the zoo. I can see many of them in the zoo. They live there happily.
  Whales are the biggest creatures that have ever lived on the earth.They are even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs(恐龙) were. Scientists think that whales once walked on land. They believe this because whales are not fish—they are mammals(哺乳动物).
  Not only are whales the biggest creatures on the earth,they also are ones of the smartest.They live in family groups. They communicate with each other, and look for food in groups. Mother whales keep their babies close by and help them move in the right direction.
  Sometimes a whale will lift its head out of the water just to take a look around, because whales are mammals, they must breathe(呼吸) air. They breathe through a blowhole on their back. However, they can hold their breath for a very long time. Some kinds of whales can hold their breath for two hours at a time. Whales never really sleep. Instead, they swim along with their blowholes above the water.
  Many kinds of whales move to warmer waters during the winter months. During the summer, they build up a layer of fat so that during the trip they do not have to eat. Bears also eat during the summer to build up a layer of fat so that they can sleep during the winter. Some scientists think the prehistoric(史前的) whales may have looked like huge bears.
24.What do scientists believe about whales
A.They are the biggest fish on the earth.
B.They looked like dinosaurs in the past.
C.They eat a lot in winter.
D.They could once walk.
25.What can we learn about baby whales
A.They live with their families.
B.They look for food for their mothers.
C.They keep close to different family groups.
D.They help others move in the right direction.
26.Which of the following is TRUE about a whale
A.It needs little air.
B.It breathes under water.
C.It has a blowhole on its back.
D.It sleeps for a long time every day.
  Birds, fish and mammals are all animals, but they are different animals. Let's get to know more about them.
  All birds have two legs, two wings(翅膀) and feathers(羽毛). Most birds can fly. Their wings and feathers help them fly. The feathers also help keep them warm. Birds lay eggs. They have to keep the baby birds in safe places because some animals may eat them.
Fish have gills(鳃) to help them breathe in the water. Fish don't have legs and can't walk. But they can swim. Fish lay their eggs in the water and their eggs are soft.
Some mammals live on land and some live in the water. Whales are marine(海生的) mammals. Cats, rabbits and lions are land mammals. Hair covers most land mammals' bodies and this helps keep them warm. Humans are mammals, too. Generally, mammals don't lay eggs. Their babies drink milk from the mothers.
27.Why do birds have to keep the baby birds in safe places
28.Where do fish lay their eggs
29.How many kinds of mammals are mentioned in the last paragraph
30.What's the main idea of the passage
现在某英文网站正在开展以“My Favorite Animal”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,说说你最喜欢的动物是什么,它的样子以及你喜欢它的原因。
提示词语:head, neck, leg, cute, walk
提示问题:●What's your favourite animal
●What does it look like
●Why do you like it
My Favorite Animal
如果你喜欢动物,动物园一定是你经常光顾的地方吧。假设你上周去了深圳野生动物园(Shenzhen Safari Park),请你写一篇文章描述你在动物园里的见闻。
提示词语:excited, trip, photo, meaningful
提示问题:●Whom did you go there with
●What did you do there
●What animals did you see in the zoo
Ⅰ.1.A 根据题干中的“你可能会失明”可知,对应的身体部位是眼睛,eyes符合题意。
2.D 根据其后的“钱学森”可知,男孩想成为“科学家”,scientist符合题意。
3.C 根据本题语境可知,我下周会“到达”北京,根据设空处后的in Beijing可知,所缺的词是arrive,故答案为C。
4.A 根据题干中的“那个男孩经常撒谎”可推断,他的朋友不会再“相信”他了,故所缺的词是believe。
5.A 根据题干中的“别担心”可知,杯子里还有一些水。修饰water,而且表示肯定意义的短语是a little。
6.A 根据题干中的“我可以使用它查找生词”可推断,这部电子词典很有用,所缺的词是useful,故答案为A。
7.A 根据本题语境可知,迈克把他的练习本“落”在家里了,表示把某物遗忘在某处要用“leave sth.+地点状语”的结构。
8.B 根据“It's+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.”的句式结构可知答案为B。
9.A feel在此处为系动词,意为“觉得”,其后要跟作表语的形容词,排除选项B和D;再根据句意中的“强大的祖国”可知,我觉得自豪,proud符合题意。
10.A 根据本题语境可知,我想和你一起去钓鱼,但我今天太忙了,设空处前后为转折关系,but符合题意。
11.D 根据答语“对不起, 我以为你能听懂”可知,你能说得慢一点儿吗,slowly符合题意。
12.B 根据本题语境可知,做家务能教会孩子们如何“照顾”他们自己,look after符合题意。
Ⅱ.[语篇解读] 本文介绍了大象的体形、鼻子和饮食习惯。
13.A 根据设空处前后关于大象的身高的描述可知,成年大象有一个人的两倍“高”,tall符合题意。
14.B 根据其后的six tons or more可知,这是大象的“体重”,所缺的词是weight。
15.D 根据其后对大象鼻子的描述可知,大象的鼻子很“有用”,useful符合题意。
16.B 四个选项的含义分别是:make up组成;pick up捡起;use up用完;get up起来,起床。根据上下文可知,大象可以用鼻子“捡起”食物、喝水和洗澡,pick up符合题意。
17.B 本段讲的是大象的饮食“习惯”,habits符合题意。
18.D 根据语境可知,它们的体形大,需要“吃”许多食物,eat符合题意。
19.C 根据语境可知,有时它们一天花大约16个小时“找”食物,finding符合题意。
20.B 根据语境可知,它们拥有好的嗅觉,那可以帮助它们很“容易地”找到食物,easily符合题意。
Ⅲ. A
[语篇解读] 本文列举了三个人最喜欢的动物。
21.B 根据该部分的描述可知,迈克最喜欢的动物是猫,对应的图片是B。
22.A 根据该部分的描述可知,李婷最喜欢的动物是鱼,对应的图片是A。
23.C 根据该部分的描述可知,大明最喜欢的动物是猴子,对应的图片是C。
[语篇解读] 本文介绍了一些和鲸鱼有关的知识。
24.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Scientists think that whales once walked on land.”可知,科学家认为鲸鱼曾经会行走,故答案为D。
25.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They live in family groups.”可知答案为A。
26.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They breathe through a blowhole on their back.”可知答案为C。
Ⅳ.[语篇解读] 本文介绍了鸟类、鱼类以及哺乳动物的有关知识。
27.Because some animals may eat the baby birds. 根据第二段中的“They have to keep the baby birds in safe places because some animals may eat them.”可知,鸟类必须把它们的幼鸟养在安全的地方,因为一些动物可能会吃掉那些幼鸟。
28.In the water. 根据第三段中的“Fish lay their eggs in the water...”可知,鱼类把卵产在水里。
29.Five./5. 根据最后一段中的“Whales are marine mammals. Cats, rabbits and lions are land mammals.”以及“Humans are mammals, too.”可知,本段一共提到了五种哺乳动物。
30.Some information about birds, fish and mammals.
Ⅴ.31.题目①One possible version:
My Favorite Animal
My favorite animal is the penguin. It has a small head, a short neck and short legs. It has a black back and a white front. I like it very much because it's so cute. Though it walks slowly, it can swim very fast. We should protect animals because they are our best friends.
题目②One possible version:
Last week, I went to Shenzhen Safari Park with my parents. I was excited about this trip because I love animals very much. There were many kinds of animals in the zoo. I saw some interesting animals such as lions, tigers and elephants. I did a lot of things when I walked around the zoo. I took some photos of the elephants and tigers. I watched the monkeys climbing up and down the trees. I think it's a meaningful trip because I learned a lot about animals.
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发布日期:2023年12月17日  所属分类:作业答案