Unit 4 Do it yourself-Reading基础知识专练(2课时无答案)

Unit 4 Do it yourself-Reading
I. 根据汉语意思完成句子
1. Next week is full for me. I have lots of meeting s to (出席).
2. Tom likes to paint his house, but it always looks (可怕的).
3. It took the workers several days to repair the (天花板).
4. Your son is a 15 years old. He can look after himself well.
5. In the exam, the more careful you are, the fewer m you'll make.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
( )5. —Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills
… Certainly. I advise you a diary in English every day.
A. to keep B. keeping C. kept D. keep
( )6. The dish smells . Few people will like it.
--Really But I am sure once you taste it, you will fall in love with its taste.
A. nice B. terrible C. nicely D. terribly
( )7. Li Lei didn't play computer games last weekend. , he worked as a volunteer in an old people's home.
A. Instead B. Certainly C. Though D. Gradually
( )8. —Did you go to any other places
Yes, we went to Sanya.
A. often B. nearby C. once D. at once
Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (主题:人与社会·生活技能)
A blog by Sascha Marr, aged 14
My hobby is making shoes. I've always liked designing things. I remember drawing clothes and shoeswhen I was eight, and I made my first skirt aged nine. At eleven, I started making shoes, and I now spend myfree time doing that.I became interested in making shoes when my cousin told me about an online shoe-making course that hewas doing. I immediately wanted to do one too. Mum booked(为……预约) me on a four-day course at the ICan Make Shoes school in London to see if I liked it, and then I did a ten-day course there in the summerholidays.
I loved the courses. On the longer one, I made four pairs of shoes! I couldn't believe it. The teacherswere excellent. That's what was best about the classes. They made us work really hard but they wanted alltheir students to have fun, too.
I've made about 15 pairs of shoes now. At the moment I'm making a pair of training shoes using an oldpair of jeans, but I've used all kinds of different things before, from old leather(皮革) handbags to old cottondresses!Making shoes has changed my plans for the future. I know now that I want to be a designer, but not ashoe designer. I've decided I'll do home design. I've designed lots of shoes and also some clothes, so I'd like totry something new.
( )9. What did Sascha begin to make at the age of 11
A. Skirts. B. Shoes. C. Jeans. D. Dresses.
( )10. What does the underlined word“They”in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. The courses. B. The teachers. C. The classes. D. The students.
( )11. What does Sascha plan to be in the future
A. A shoe designer. B. A handbag designer.
C. A dress designer. D. A home designer.
Ⅳ. (2023 赤峰)任务型阅读
Sun Jiarui, a 10-year-old girl from Jiangsu Province, recently went popular for her cooking skills. What makes people surprised is that she can cook more than 50 dishes now.
Jiarui's father, Sun Yadong, is a cook. He runs a farm restaurant in Wuxi. “My daughter just grew up in the kitchen,”says he. “She started helping out with housework when she was around 4or 5. When she was 8, she asked me to teach her to cook after school. It's not bad for her to master some life skills, and she can take good care of herself when she grows up,”Sun Yadong adds.
Jiarui is famous for her cooking in her school. “We have set up a cooking studio(工作室) at school and Sun Jiarui is one of the ‘teachers’,”says Li Hua, the headmaster of the school.“Jiarui teaches the students who are interested in cooking to make simple dishes.”
“It's a great thing for students to experience the joy of cooking and the fruits of their labour,”says Li. “This will finally help develop their love for life.”
12. Where is Sun Jiarui from
13. How many dishes can Sun Jiarui cook now
14. When did Sun Jiarui start helping out with housework
15. What is Sun Jiarui famous for in her school
16. Is Sun Jiarui’s father a cook or a teacher
Unit 4 Do it yourself-Reading
I. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子
1. 这本书不仅帮助我们更多地了解我们的国家,而且使我们为她感到自豪。
This book helps us learn more about our country, makes us proud of her.
2. 昨晚我爸爸敲裂了水管,结果弄得我们的卫生间里到处都是水。
My dad last night and as a result, our bathroom water.
3. 他犯了一个错误,所以整个房子停电了。
He , so the whole house
4. 我爸爸小的时候着迷于下国际象棋。
My father chess when he
Ⅱ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空
6. The engineer only spent two minutes (repair) the tape recorder.
7. There are many different kinds of books on those (shelf) in the library.
8. The teacher asked us to think about it alone instead of (discuss) it with our classmates.
9. The water in the river smells bad now. People must stop (throw) dirty things into it.
10. My cousin Suzy advised me (not spend) too much time on computer g
Ⅲ. 单项选择
( )11. The government is elevators(电梯) in the old buildings of some communities so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily.
A. putting away B. putting out C. putting in D. putting through
( )12. Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and is noisy.
A. another B. the other C. other D. others
( )13. Not only I but also my classmate, Tim, with his parents a walk in the park.
A. am taking B. is taking C. are taking D. take
( )14. ——The box is too heavy to carry. What's in it
Oh,I it books.
A. am filled; with B. am full; of C. filled; with D. filled; of
( )15. ——Dad, I am fixing the bike. Can you give me a helping hand
Just . Be sure of your own ability.
A. wait a moment B. do it yourself C. help myself D. hope for the best
Ⅳ. 完形填空
I am Mary. I am very lucky because I make my living by doing what I love——painting pictures.
I painted my first picture when I was just four. One day, when 16 wasn't looking, I used my paint and painted a summer scene(场景) on one blue wall of my bedroom. I painted 17 andmy dog in a meadow(草地) full of red flowers. I painted the sun above us, with a big smile 18 its face.
I was just finishing the painting when Mum walked into my room. Her mouth was 19 and she stood there quietly, looking at the wall.“I'm in big trouble,”I thought. So I was really 20 when Mum said,“What a beautiful picture, Mary!”It has been 30 years and the picture still stays on my bedroom wall. I can 21 it every time I go home to visit Mum.
I tell this story because it 22 how much Mum supported my love of painting. When I was at school, she cared as 23 about Art as other subjects. She kept all the paintings and hung(悬挂) many of them on the walls in the house. She often said, “You are so excellent. Follow your 24 . ”
Today I'm a successful 25 . I'm happy that people love my paintings and hang them in their homes. However, I will never forget Mum's great support.
( )16. A. Mum B. Dad C. Grandpa D. Grandma
( )17. A. himself B. herself C. itself D. myself
( )18. A. on B. in C. at D. to
( )19. A. closed B. open C. full D. empty
( )20. A. worried B. interested C. surprised D. tired
( )21. A. look B. find C. think D. see
( )22. A. showed B. gave C. changed D. designed
( )23. A. many B. much C. soon D. little
( )24. A. idea B. advice C. dream D. life
( )25. A. writer B. painter C. teacher D. doctor
V. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成短文
People are so busy these days that many of them have no time 26. (cook). This becomes a problem because most 27. (family) love home cooking! The food 28. (taste) good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only time when everyone 29. (see) one another at the same time.
Another reason why people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of 30. (show) love. A parent who makes some cookies is not just satisfying a 31. (child) sweet tooth. He or she is sending a message. The message 32. (say), “I care about you enough to spend an hour making the food that you will eat up in 15 minutes.”
There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. It makes most of us 33. (feel) good and loved even if we are the 34. (one) doing the cooking. Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a mo ment and pay attention to 35. (you) mood.
l. make one's living by 2. support /s 'p t/ v.

  • Unit 4 Do it yourself-Reading基础知识专练(2课时无答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案