Module 10 Spring Festival单词默写+词汇练习+思维导图

think of(想起,想到,认为)
think about(思考,考虑)
think over(仔细考虑) lantern n. 灯笼 Lantern Festival(元宵节)
think back on(回想)
think highly of(对…高度评价) v. 想,认为 Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)
dragon n. 龙
Think twice(about sth.)before you act think dragon dance(舞龙)
n. thought take dance classes/lessons(上舞蹈课)(思维,想法,见解) n./v. 舞蹈;跳舞
dance square dancing(广场舞)
tell sb.(not)to do sth.(告诉某人不要做某 n. dancer(舞者)
tell a joke(讲笑话) clean up(打扫干净)
① v. 打扫
tell the truth(说实话) clean…off(把…擦掉)v. 讲,告诉 tell ② adj. 清洁的,干净的
tell a story(讲故事) clean do some cleaning(打扫卫生)
tell a lie(说谎) n. cleaner(清洁工)
tell sb(about)sth.(告诉某人某事) sweep v. 打扫,清扫 sweep away(扫除,清除)
圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas on the second floor(在二楼)
adj. 愉快的,高兴的 merry floor n. 地板 on the top floor(在顶楼)
on the floor(在地板上)
adj. 幸运的 lucky
v. 烹饪,煮,烧;厨师 cook a meal(做一顿饭)
mean doing sth.(意味着做…) cook
v. 意思是,意味着;打算 n. cooker(炊具,锅,厨灶)
mean to do sth.(打算/有意做…)
the meaning of life(生活的意义) n. meaning(意义,意思) mean meal n. 一餐,一顿饭 have a meal(吃饭)
adj. meaningful(有意义的)-【反】 speak to sb.(和某人讲话)
speak of(说到,提及)
v. 说话,讲话
n. 外套 coat speak out(大胆说,畅所欲言)
n. speak highly of(对…评价很高,高度赞扬)厚运动衫,毛线衣 sweater speak
n. speaker(说话者,演讲者,扩音器)
(Am E program)n.(电视)节目 programme adj. spoken(口语的)
n. 饺子,团子 dumpling happen on/upon sb.(偶然碰上/看到某人)
Module 10 happen v. 发生;碰巧
adj. 传统的 happen to do sth.(碰巧做某事)
n. tradition(传统)
ready adj. 有准备的,准备好 get everything ready(一切准备就绪)

v. 庆祝
n. celebration(庆祝) get ready for 为…做好准备 be/get ready to help others(乐于助人)
dining/dinner table(餐桌) festival n. 节日
at table(在吃饭) n. 桌子 table quite adv. 十分,相当
at the table(在桌旁)
at the moment 此刻,目前
good/bad luck(好运气/坏运气)
good luck to you/wish you good luck(祝你 n. 运气 beautiful adj. 漂亮的,美丽的-【同】pretty n. beauty(美, 美丽。美人,美好的事物)
at work 在工作
a lucky dog adj. lucky(幸运的)-【反】
(幸运儿) unlucky(不幸的) go/walk away(走开)
adv. luckily(幸运地) run away(逃跑)
扫去 sweep away adv. 在安全的地方,在通常存放 pass away(去世)away
的地方;离开,远离 give away(捐赠,分发,泄露)
prep. 在…之前 before
take away(带走,拿走)
n. 一月 January drive away(赶走)
in February(在二月) n. 二月 February put away 收起,收拾好
Merry Christmas(圣诞快乐) n. 圣诞节 Christmas work hard(努力地工作)
① adv. 努力地;费力,艰难地 hard work(辛苦的工作)
赶快 hurry up ② adj. 艰难的,困难的,辛苦的
hard be hard on sb.(对某人苛刻/严厉)
in a hurry(匆忙地) 【扩】hard-working(勤奋的)
in no hurry(不着急) v./n. 赶快,匆忙 hurry join in(加入)
hurry to do sth.(匆忙做某事)
join v. join sb. in doing sth. 加入某人做某事(正在进参加,加入
join sb. to do sth.(加入某人去做某事)
cook luck dance think mean away
I was_______________to get that job.
Please put_______________your books, and we’ll start the test(测试).
The English word “career” _______________ “事业”.
I enjoy_______________, so I want to be a dancer.
Do you believe(相信)that most men are not good at_______________.
He always looks at the photo when he_______________of his dad.
1. It is cold outside, put on your s_______________if you want to go out.
2. I’m afraid of_______________(讲话)in front of people.
3. J_______________is the first month of a year.
4. Welcome to my_______________(美丽的)town.
5. My mum is always busy_______________(打扫)the house.
6. I want_______________(庆祝)my birthday with my friends.
The film_______________(节日)takes place in_______________(二月).
My mother tells me __________(打扫)the floor, because there will be a guest to the home.
This_______________(节目)is not suitable for children.
It’s_______________(传统的)in most western countries for children to receive(收到)presents from their parents at_______________(圣诞节).
She h_______________away without(没有) saying goodbye.
I’m q_______________happy that my friend will j_______________my football club.
I don’t know what will_______________(发生)next week.
There are two_______________(灯笼)hanging(挂)over the door.
In China, d_______________is the symbol(象征) of good luck.
It's difficult for me to get up_______________(在......之前)five.
The teacher is teaching her students how to make_______________(饺子).
Lucy is very kind. She is always r_______________to help others.
一. 1. lucky 2. away 3. means 4. dancing 5. cooking 6. thinks
二. 1. sweater 2. afraid 3. January 4. beautiful 5. cleaning 6. to celebrate 7. festival; February 8. to sweep 9. programme 10. traditional; Christmas 11. hurries 12. quite; join 13. happen 14. lanterns 15. dragon 16. before 17. dumplings 18. ready
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Module 10
['l nt n] 灯笼______________
['dr ɡ n] 龙______________
[dɑ ns] n舞蹈v跳舞______________
[kli n] v打扫 adj.清洁的;干净的______________→打扫干净______________________
[swi p] 打扫;清扫______________→扫除__________________
[fl ] 地板______________
[k k] 烹调;煮;烧______________→厨师______________
[mi l] 一餐;一顿饭______________→吃饭____________________________
[spi k] 说话,讲话______________→说中文____________________________
['h p n] 发生______________
['red ] 有准备的;准备好的______________→为…做好准备____________________________
['fest vl] 节日______________→端午节____________________________
[kwa t] 十分;相当______________
['bju t fl] 漂亮的,美丽的______________
[ 'we ] 在安全的地方;在通常存放的地方______________
[hɑ d] adv. 努力地 adj.艰难的;困难的______________→努力学习_______________________
[d n] 参加;加入______________
['h r ] 赶快;匆忙______________→赶快__________________
['kr sm s] 圣诞节______________
['febr r ] 二月______________→在二月______________
['d nj r ] 一月______________
[b 'f ] 在…之前______________→反义词______________
[l k] 运气______________→adj. 幸运的______________→零花钱_______________
['te b( )l] 桌子______________
['sel ,bre t] 庆祝______________
[tr 'd n l] 传统的______________→n. 传统______________→传统节日________________
['d mpl ] 饺子;团子______________
['pr gr m] 节目______________
['swet ] 厚运动衫;毛线衣______________
[k t] 外套______________
[mi n] 意思是;意味着______________→n. 意思____________________
['mer ] 愉快的;高兴的______________→圣诞快乐____________________________
[tel] 讲;告诉______________→把某事告诉某人____________________________
[θ k] 想,认为______________→考虑____________________________
lantern dragon dance clean; clean up sweep; sweep away floor cook; cook meal; have a meal speak; speak Chinese happen ready; get ready for festival; Dragon Boat Festival quite at the moment beautiful at work away put away hard; study hard join hurry; hurry up Christmas February; in February January before; after luck; lucky; lucky money table celebrate traditional; tradition; traditional festival dumpling programme sweater coat mean; meaning merry; Merry Christmas tell; tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb. think; think about
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案