
高 二 英 语 试 题
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
What does the woman think of the magazine
It's terrible. B. It's interesting. C. It's worth reading.
What does the woman mean
A.There is a single room available.
B. There is only a double room available.
C.All the rooms are fully booked.
3. Where are the two speakers
A. In a meeting room. B. In a hotel. C.In a restaurant.
4.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A disaster. B.A school. C.A student.
5.How did Tom get to the cinema
A.By car. B.By bike. C.On foot.
6.Who might be the woman
A. The man's colleague. B. A saleswoman. C.The man's wife.
7. How might the woman feel at last
A. Excited. B. Disappointed. C.Satisfied.
8.Where are the speakers now
A. On the beach. B. In the pool. C.At the office.
9.What does the man ask the woman to trust
A. He'll wear a life jacket. B.The water is shallow. C.It's safe to swim.
10.What's the woman's survey about
A.After-school activities. B.Work and leisure time. C. People's daily life,
11.How many hours does the man work a week
A.About thirty. B.About forty. C.About fifty.
12.What does the man spend about two hours doing every day
A. Watching TV. B.Reading books. C.Talking with his friends.
13.Where does the conversation take place
A. In a police station. B. In a post office. C. In a bank.
14. What information should the man provide
A. His ID number. B. His bank account. C.His Social Security number.
15. How much would the man like to put in the account
A.20,000 Canadian dollars. B.20,000 US dollars. C.12,000 Canadian dollars.
16. What will the man get
A.A present. B. A passbook. C.A parcel.
听第10 段材料,回答第 17 至20 题。
17. Who can attend the National Senior Games in the US
Only Olympic champions. B.Young people between 20 to 30.
C. People aged 50 or older.
18. How many people will be expected to attend the games
A.About 3,500. B.35,000. C.53,000.
19. How long will the games last
A.Seven days. B. Fourteen days. C.Eighteen days.
20.How often is the event held
A. Every two years. B. Every four years. C.Every five years.
第二部分 阅读 [共两节,满分50分]
Pacific Science Center Guide
◆ Visit Pacific Science Center's Store
Don't forget to stop by Pacific Science Center's Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.
◆ Hungry
Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The café is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.
◆ Rental Information
Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building I near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.
◆ Support Pacific Science Center
Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion (热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit pacificsciencecenter. org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.
21. Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center
A.In Building 1. B. At the Denny Way entrance.
C.At the Laser Dome. D.In Building 3.
22. What does Pacific Science Center do for schools
A. Take science to the classroom.
B. Distribute science books.
C. Inspire scientific research
D. Train science teachers.
23. What is the purpose of the last part of the text
A. To advertise coming events.
B. To encourage donations.
C. To introduce special exhibits.
D. To tell about the center's history.
Armenian musician Astrid Poghosyan, a 29-year-old violinist, takes great pride in the Chinese name she picked for herself, Ma Xingxing. This summer, she has been busy making preparations for a series of in-person and online music events and cultural exchange programs. Poghosyan said she always puts all her energy into the projects which she takes part in, whether they are online or in-person events, as she believes that every little effort will help her realize her music related dreams.
“I believe music knows no borders, and cultural exchanges through music are especially important during the COVID-19, " she said. Having studied and worked in China for 13 years, Poghosyan has now become a real China hand, skilled at the country's language and culture. Such a multicultural background has certainly helped her stand out at her present job. For Poghosyan, the life she now leads is a far cry from when she first came to China in 2009 to study violin at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. At that time, Poghosyan could not speak a word of Chinese.“And my high-school-level English wasn't of much help at that time, " she said.“So I decided to learn Chinese to solve the communication problem."
She has a strong desire for Chinese movies, traditional festivals and history stories, all of which helped her through the difficult language-learning process. As she gradually buried herself in the Chinese language and culture, she also started to make Chinese friends and explore the energetic city life of Shanghai.
“Since I first came to Shanghai, I have always been impressed by the kindness of the people here," she said."Even when I couldn't speak Chinese, in the first days, everyone I met gave me a big smile. Their smiles have made me feel the warmth of the city.”
What do we know about Astrid Poghosyan
A. She is proud of her talent in music.
B. She came to China when she was 16.
C. She spoke Chinese well when young
D. She usually has music lessons online.
25. What is the mainly talked in the second paragraph
A.Poghosyan's life is quite different from that in the past.
B.COVID-19 pandemic prevented music spreading.
C. Every country has its unique music and culture.
D.Poghosyan's high-school-level English helped her a lot.
26. What helped Poghosyan go through the hard language learning process
A. Her exploration of the city. B.Her wonderful social ability.
C. Her love for Chinese culture. D.Her teacher's encouragement.
27. What does Astrid Poghosyan think of Shanghai people
A. Energetic. B. Selfish.
C. Friendly. D. Humorous.
Are you really boring Or is it just in your head The first crucial step, which you absolutely mustn't skip, is to question this idea that you are boring, check it rationally(理性地),and try to determine if indeed it's true.
You see, of all the people I' ve coached over the last 7+ years who believed they' re boring, getting to know them and their conversation style, for well over half of them I' ve concluded that this belief was just in their head. It was a false, limiting belief; and they came to see that too. So, statistically, there is at least a 50% chance that you' re not really boring. Think about this, very seriously.
If indeed you discover that the idea you' re boring is mostly a limiting belief, then it's important to begin ignoring it and change your behavior accordingly. Try to open up, talk to people more and be more social, reminding yourself it's okay to do so.
More important thought is to understand that the limiting belief you' re boring reflects a lack of confidence and work on fixing this deeper issue. Only by leaning to believe in yourself and gaining self-confidence will you be able to fully and permanently dismiss the perception that you are boring.
Now, confidence building is an invaluable process. It involves certain steps and actions, which if done correctly, lead to visible progress at a rapid pace.I lack the space here to go deeper into this topic, but I have created a special presentation in which I discuss it in detail.
Go here to watch the presentation and learn my step-by-step process for improving your self-confidence and social confidence, which has been used successfully by hundreds of people before you. And make sure you watch it all the way.
Why does the author ask two questions in the first paragraph
A. To criticize the phenomenon. B. To show the author's questions.
C. To ask readers to answer them. D. To introduce the topic interestingly.
29. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us
A. When we feel boring, then we are really boring.
B.The belief that we are boring just doesn't exist.
C.Over a half people who are boring are not really boring.
D. The statistics show that people actually don't feel boring.
30. Why do we hold the limiting belief that we are boring
A. Because we lack confidence and deeper work on the issue.
B. Because we have plenty of time and have nothing else to do.
C.Because we work on fixing this deeper issue.
D. Because we should dismiss the perception of being boring.
31. What is the presentation mentioned in the last paragraph about
A.Some step-by-step process to lead to quick progress in learning.
B.Certain steps and actions to improve one's self and social confidence.
C.Some step-by-step process to lead to success in the future.
D.Tips to help bored people to relieve their stress in lack of confidence.
Goffhn's cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old. Though not known to use tools in the wild, the birds have proved skilful at tool use while kept in the cage. In a recent experiment, cockatoos were presented with a box with a nut inside it. The clear front of the box had a "keyhole" in a geometric shape, and the birds were given five differently shaped “keys"to choose from. Inserting the correct “key" would let out the nut.
In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age, but it will be another year before they are able to do the same with less symmetrical(对称的)shapes. This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an“allocentric frame of reference". In the experiment, Goffin's cockatoos were able to select the right tool for the job, in most cases, by visual recognition alone. Where trial-and-error was used, the cockatoos did better than monkeys in similar tests. This indicates that Goffin's cockatoos do indeed possess an allocentric frame of reference when moving objects in space, similar to two-year-old babies.
The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues (线索),or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.
32. How did the cockatoos get the nut from the box in the experiment
A. By using a tool.
B. By following instructions.
C. By turning the box around.
D. By removing the lid.
33. Which task can human one-year-olds most likely complete according to the text
A. Using a key to unlock a door.
B. Telling parrots from other birds.
C. Grouping toys of different shapes.
D. Putting a ball into a round hole.
34. What does the follow-up test aim to find out about the cockatoos
A. How far they are able to see.
B. How they track moving objects.
C. Whether they use a sense of touch in the test.
D. Whether they are smarter than monkeys.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.Cockatoos:Skilful Shape-Sorters
B.Cockatoos: Independent Learners
C.Cockatoos:Clever Signal-Readers
D.Cockatoos:Quick Error Checkers
第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
How is eating in space different from eating on Earth
If you send astronauts into space, you have to send along food as well. But what do astronauts eat, and how do they eat it Scientists take several factors into consideration as they plan meals for space.
First, and possibly most important, is nutrition.(36)_____ Providing junk food to eat, such as potato chips, sodas, and pizza, would make the astronauts unhealthy.
(37)_____ If the food that has been provided is distasteful, then the astronauts may avoid eating it. If you've ever tried to concentrate on something important while your stomach doesn't feel well, you'll know why the scientists in charge of a space mission want their astronauts to eat regularly.
The lack of gravity in a spacecraft also determines what foods can or cannot be eaten in space. Meals must be packaged carefully so they won't spill(洒落/溢出)into the cabin (one of the areas inside a spacecraft). Water or tiny bits of food could get inside a machine or electronic device and damage it.(38)______ A loose knife bouncing(弹起)around inside the cabin would be dangerous.
(39)_____ The weight of every object included in a spacecraft must be calculated in order to ensure that there is enough fuel and power to carry the craft safely into space and back home again.(40)_____ Most foods are stored in plastic bags, and often, the foods are dehydrated(使脱水).When an astronaut is ready to eat, hot water is added to the meal and warm it up.
Despite all these requirements, much of the food eaten in space is actually similar to what you might eat on any given day.
A. Taste is also important.
B. Finally, weight is an important concern.
C. Nutrition and practicality(实用) are important things to consider.
D. Keeping astronauts’ physical health is a top task for any space mission.
E. Food packaging is made to be as light as possible.
F. For the same reason, sharp knives and forks are never used on board.
G. Believe it or not, they also have fresh fruits and vegetables.
I went to my friend Vera's house on a Thursday evening when I began experiencing stomach pain. I thought it would be fine the next day; however, that was not the 41 . I woke up with even more pain than I had 42 . I was unwilling to go to the doctor, but after a lot of pressure from Vera and her family, I 43 to see the doctor.
After many 44 , it was confirmed — it was appendicitis. The doctor said I had to have an operation and 45 it for the next morning. My mind was flooded with so many questions. How long would I be out of 46 How much would it all cost Would I be 47 for the surgery If not, what if I couldn't wake up
Vera's mom gave me the 48 to my never-ending questions. She said," Why are you so bothered about the wrong things This is your life! You can worry about anything, but what if it is too 49 to treat you What will you worry about then "I finally had my surgery the next morning and it turned out to be 50 .
I was in bed resting for a little over a week. I 51 not to take life for granted. In that week, I found myself 52 my free time — not having to work, just relax. Sometimes it's good to take some time off from our daily routines. We shouldn't wait till something 53 us to.Take time out of this 54 moving world to stop and enjoy the wonders of 55 . Enjoy the beautiful people and things around us.
41.A. problem B.reason C. case D.point
42. A. caused B.planned C.expected D.discovered
43.A.determined B. aimed C.begged D.afforded
44.A . surveys B. tests C. discussions D.experiments
45.A.challenged B.scheduled C.tried D.studied
46.A. control B.date C.order D.work
47.A. alone B. afraid C.awake D.alive
48.A. answer B. access C.attitude D.limit
49.A.cheap B. hard C.scary D.late
50.A. harmful B.successful C.painful D. meaningful
51.A. happened B. pretended C. learned D. preferred
52.A.imagining B. wasting C. appreciating D.spending
53.A. advises B.forces C. wishes D.reminds
54.A. regularly B.gradually C. quickly D.obviously
55.A. life B.kindness C.desire D.nature
第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式
Muju Opera is one of many existing traditional (56)_____ (opera ) in China. As one of the only two local operas in Chun'an county, the opera boasts a history of more than 100 years. It (57)_____(list) as a national intangible cultural heritage item in 2011.
Muju Opera was developed on the (58)_____ (base) of folk literature, songs and dances, and contains the essence (精华)of many folk performing arts such as the tea-picking opera, the flower drum opera and Huangmei opera, as well as the Chun'an local bamboo horse dance.
Muju Opera originated in (59)_____ late Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) in Muzhou city. Later, it (60)_____ (gradual) evolved into a popular artistic style.Muju Opera reached (61)_____ (it )peak between 1928 and 1934. A county-level Muju Opera troupe(剧团),(62)_____was founded in 1954, carried out (63)_____ (vary) in-depth research and brave adaptations on the repertory, tunes, and performances of the opera. The troupe was reformed after its disbanding in 1989.
Chun'an county is currently home (64)_____ 10 professional Muju Opera troupes and more than 30 performing teams. (65) _____ (favor) by local residents, Muju Opera features a tone similar to folk songs sung in the fields during or after work.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 你校正在就是否允许在校园安装自动售货机(vending machine)征求同学们的意见。请写一篇短文给校英文报投稿,表明你的观点并列举理由。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Should Vending Machines Be Allowed in the School
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
At the fanciest restaurant in town, Emily’s most recent date, Nathaniel, talked about his boats, horses, and real estate (房地产) collection. He was exactly the kind of man her parents wanted her to marry, but she was unimpressed. Suddenly, a quarrel at the door caught her attention.
“Please, I just want some fries!” an old woman in cheap clothing begged. Emily fixed her eyes on her bare feet and frowned. Being barefoot was unacceptable at any restaurant. The waiter was displeased and tried to drive her out, but something in Emily’s heart told her to stand up. “Wait a second,” she said to the waiter. “She’s with me.”
The waiter’s eyes widened as Emily gestured for the woman to join her table. Nathaniel’s face turned red. “What are you doing, Emily ” he demanded, whispering although the old woman could hear him.
“I’m inviting this woman to sit with us. Is that a problem ” she asked sweetly. The old woman introduced herself as Martha.
“Yes, it is!” Nathaniel replied, throwing his cloth napkin on the table, standing up quickly and going out angrily.
“Bye!” she waved at him as she sat down. Her voice termed sympathetic and kind as she looked at Martha. “Now, what’s going on Can you tell me why you’re here And why are you barefoot ”
“Oh, madam. You didn’t have to invite me to your table,” Martha shook her bead. “I just wanted some fries for my grandson. He’s just been so sick, and I can’t get him to eat anything. He told me he only wants some fries. So I sold my shoes to a man walking by and he gave me enough for some.”
“May I ask, why not go to a fast food place ” Emily said gently.
“Well, this place was closer. It’s too hot outside for me to walk much farther without shoes,” Martha answered. The woman continued telling her story. She and her grandson had been living on the streets for a few years since her daughter died, and they couldn’t afford rent because no one would hire her.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Emily’s eyes watered as she took off her shoes.
The other guests put their shoes back on.
1-5 ABCAB 6-10 BBACB 11-15 CACCA 16-20 BCBBA
21-23 DAB 24-27 BACC 28-31 DCAB 32-35 ADCA 36-40DAFBE
完型填空: 41-45 CCABB 46-50DCADB 51-55 CCBCA
56.operas 57.was listed 58.basis 59.the 60.gradually
61.its 62.which 63.various 64.to 65.Favored
第四部分 写作
One possible version
Should Vending Machines Be Allowed in the School
Vending machines should be allowed in schools because they provide students with a variety of healthy snacks and cheap study items of high quality throughout the school day, which can help those who are struggling with hunger and lacking in study tools. At the same time, teachers can also benefit from them. In order to ensure the quality of goods and prevent students being wasteful, the management should keep track of the students’ consumption and the quality of the items in the vending machines.
Emily’s eyes watered as she took off her shoes. “First of all, take my shoes. You can’t walk around barefoot,” Emily said, trying to hold herself together. “No, let me give her my shoes,” another customer at the restaurant told Emily, who had approached their table. Then, Emily noticed with wide eyes that everyone else had been looking at them and heard the entire conversation. All of them had their shoes in their hands. Finally, Martha put on Emily’s shoes — a simple pair of flats.
The other guests put their shoes back on. They collected money and gave it to Martha. The waiter came with an order of fries packed in a box and a few other boxes with more food. He apologized to Martha. Emily decided to do more for them. She helped Martha get her grandson admitted into a hospital and ensured they would give him as many fries as he wanted during his stay. She later got Martha a job at one of the local supermarkets. The scene in the restaurant was the most moving display Emily had ever seen. At that moment, she felt hopeful for the world.
21.D 细节理解题。根据题干中的 buy a souvenir 可定位到文章第一部分。在太平洋科学中心商店(Pacific Science Center's Store)可以买纪念品,再根据该部分最后一句“The store is located upstairs in Building 3...”可知,该商店在三号楼,故选D项。
22. A细节理解题。根据文章第四部分中的“Today, Pacific Science Center...brings inquiry-based science education to classroom.s...”可知,太平洋科学中心把基于探究的科学教育带入课堂,故选A项。
23.B推理判断题。根 据文章第四部分中的“Visit pacificsciencecenter. org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.”可知,该部分的写作目的是鼓励人们以各种方式支持太平洋科学中心,也就是鼓励人们捐款,故选B项。
B篇 Astrid Poghosyan 热爱中国语言和文化,为自己取了中国名学在中国学习和工作了13年后, Poghosyan 现在已经成为一人真正的中国通,精通中国的语言和文化。
24.B 根据第一段中“Armenian musician Astrid Poghosyan,
29-year-old violinist, takes great pride in the Chinese name she picked for herself, Ma Xingxing.”和第二段中“Having studied and worked in China for 13 years, Poghosyan has now become a real China hand, skilled at the country's language and culture."可知, 29-13=16, 她16岁的时候来到中国。故选B。
25.A 根据第二段中“For Poghosyan, the life she now leads is a far cry from when she first came to China in 2009 to study violin at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.”可知,Poghosyan 现在的生活与过去大不相同。故选A。
26.C 细节理解题。第三段中讲道“She has a strong desire for Chinese movies, traditional festivals and history stories, all of which helped her through the difficult language-learning process.", 中国电影、传统节日和历史故事都是中国文化的代表,所以是她对中国文化的热爱帮助她度过了艰难的语言学习过程。故选 C。
27.C 细节理解题。根据第四段中“‘Since I frst came to Shanghai, I have always been impressed by the kindness of he people here, .”可知,在 Poghosyan 眼里,上海人是友好的。故选C。
32.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的the birds have proved skilfiul at tool use while kept in the cage 以及 “..the birds were given five differently shaped keys'to choose from.Inserting the correct ‘key’ would let out the nut.”可知,在实验中,风头鹦鹉是通过使用工具从盒子里取出坚果的。
33.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age...”并结合选项可知,对于人类来说,一岁的幼儿最有可能完成“将一个球放进一个圆形的洞里”的任务。
34.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues, or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.”可推知,后续测试的目的是了解凤头鹦鹉在测试中是否使用触觉。
35.A主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中的“Goffin's cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old.” 可 推知,本文主要介绍了会识别形状的凤头鹦鹉。A项Cockatoos: Skilful Shape-Sorters符合文意,最适合做本文标题。
D 上文“First, and possibly most important, is nutrition."是本段的主旨句,说明了营养是科学家在规划字航员伙食时需要重点考虑的因素;下文“Providing junk food to cat, such as potato chips, sodas, and pizza, would make the astronauts unhealthy."说明了垃圾食品会使得宇航员不健康;D项与本文主旨一致,且与后文形成对比关系,其中的health 与后文的 unhealthy相对应,符合题意。
37.A 设空句为本段主旨句,后文“If the food that has been provided is distasteful, then the astronauts may avoid eating it.(如果提供的食物很难吃,宇航员可能会避免食用)”说明了食物味道的重要性;A项中的taste 与后文的distasteful相对应,符合题意。故选A项。
38.F 本段主旨句“The lack of gravity(pull) in a spacecraft also determines what foods can or cannot be eaten in space.”说明了重力也是宇航员饮食中需要考虑的因素之一;后文“A loose knife bouncing around inside the cabin would be dangerous.”说明了刀在太空舱到处弹跳是危险的;F项中的knives 与后文的 knife 相对应, the same reason 就是指开头的The lack of gravity(pull)。故选F项。
39.B 后文“The weight of every object included in a spacecraft must be calculated in order to ensure that there is enough fuel and power to carry the craft safely into space and back home again.”说明了重量也是宇航员饮食中要考虑的因素;B项中 weight与后文的 weight相对应,且finally与前文也形成了并列关系,符合题意。故选B项。
40.E 后文“Most foods are stored in plastic bags, and often, the
foods are dehydrated. When an astronaut is ready to eat, hot water is added to the meal and warm it up.”说明了宇航员食物的包装方式;E项中的 packaging与后文的stored 相对应,light 与本段的论点 weight相对应,符合题意。
41.C根据下文中的"I woke up with even more pain"可知,
42.C根据上文中的"I thought it would be fine the next day"可知,作者本来以为第二天就没事了,结果比她预料(expected)的更疼。
43.A 根据上文中的"I was unwilling to go to the doctor, but after a lot of pressure from Vera and her family"及下文中的" The doctor said I had to have an operation"可知,在朋友和朋友家人的劝说下,作者决定去看医生了。determine"决定"; aim"力争做到";beg"恳求";afford"(有时间)做"。
44.B 根据下文中的"it was confirmed -it was appendicitis"可知,经过许多检查之后,作者被确诊得了阑尾炎。test"检验,检查";survey"调查";discussion"讨论";experiment"试验,实验"。
45.B 根据下文中的"I finally had my surgery the next
morning"可知,手术被安排在第二天。challenge"质疑"; schedule"安排,预定";try"努力,尝试";study"研究,学习"。
46.D 根据下文中的"not having to work , just relax"可知,作者担心失业。out of control"失去控制";out of date"过时的";out of work "失业" ;out of order "行为不当"。
47.C 根据下文中的"If not, what if I couldn't wake up "可知,作者担心自己在手术中是否为醒着的(awake)状态以及手术后能不能醒来。
解此题的关键是弄清楚文章的逻辑关系。根据"If not , what if I couldn't wake up "中的关键词If not和 wake up 可知,此处应选awake,与wake up 表达的意思相近。
A 根据下文中的"to my never-ending questions"可知,对于作者没完没了的问题,Vera的母亲给出了回答。answer"回答";access"机会,权利";attitude "态度";limit"限制"。
D 根据上文中的"Why are you so bothered about the wrong things "和下文中的"What will you worry about then "可知,作者为错误的事情感到烦恼,Vera 的母亲问作者如果到时候来不及治疗,那时候会担心什么。
50.B 根据最后一段中的"I was in bed resting for a little over a week"可知,作者休息了一周多的时间,故作者的手术成功了。harmful"有害的";successful"成功的";painful"令人痛苦的";meaningful"重要的"。
51.C 根据上文内容和下文中的" not to take life for granted"可知,经过这件事,作者学会了(learned)不再不把生命当回事。
52.C 根据下文中的"Enjoy the beautiful people and things around us"可知,作者开始重视(appreciating)空闲时间了。
53.B 结合上文内容可知,作者直到生病才被迫停下来享受生活,所以我们不要等某些事情来迫使我们放松。advise"建议";force"迫使";wish"希望";remind "提醒"。
54.C 结合上文中的"Sometimes it's good to take some time off from our daily routines"可知,我们需要在这个快速变化的世界中抽出一些时间。regularly"有规律地";quickly"快速地";gradually"逐渐地";obviously"明显地"。
55.A 根据最后一段中的"Enjoy the beautiful people and things around us"可知,我们要抽出时间停下来,享受生命(life)的奇妙之处,欣赏我们身边美丽的人和事。上文中的" not to take life for granted"也是提示。
57. was listed考查时态、语态和主谓一致。
58. basis 考查名词和固定短语。on the basis of是固定短语,意为“在···…的基础上”,
59. the 考查定冠词。in the late Qing Dynasty 意为“在清末”
60. gradually 考察副词
61.its 考查形容词性物主代词。用形容词性物主代词 its 作定语,修饰名词 peak, 故填 its。
62. which 考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词 roupe 是物,因此空格处用关系代词 which。
63. various 考查形容词。空格处用形容词作定语
64. to 考查固定短语。be home to 是固定短语,意为“为.·....的所在地”,
65. Favored 考查非谓语动词

  • 安徽省亳州市二完中2023-2024高二上学期第二次月考英语试卷(word版含解析含听力音频)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案