
1-5 BCCAA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 CAABA 16-20 BABCA
第二节七选五36-40 EBCFD
第三部分完形填空4145 BDABC46-50 ABCDC51-55
56.which 57.being 58.inspiration 59.try out 60.desire
61.prevent 62.strengthens 63.cheer 64.relief 65.spending
66.valued 67.sweep away 68.let off 69.lighting 70.expectant
Dear Mike,
In your last letter,you mentioned that you wanted to konw something about the Spring
Festival.I am writing to tell you about it.
The Spring Festival has a long history,which was originally celebrated to scare away a fierce
monster "Nian".Slightly different from that in the past,it is now given new meanings and
regarded as a way for people to enjoy the reunion with their families,however far they live or
work.On the New Year's Eve,each family has its members gathered together.They tell each
other their lives in the past year,exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warmth of
the family.Children can get lucky money in red envelops.People have a good time,watching
the Spring Festival Gala,and join in other celebrations.
I hope you will come here and experience this wonderful festival.
Yours,Li Hua
I ran home and told my mother what had happened.She held me while I wept for hours.I
felt so lonely and disappointed.I wanted to lie in my bed forever,but I knew I would have to go
back eventually.The advice my mother gave was so simple,"Just be yourself and people will
like you for who you are.I had heard it a million times,but this time I fully understood it.I
decided to stop crying and discover who I was.That was exactly what I should do.
Over the next month,I went through a lot of changes.I bought the clothes that I wand to
wear.I rediscovered reading.began making new friends.Despite the pain I felt that day,it was
a gif Ashley and her group had given me.They made me aware that I was just following,irying
to fit in.I determined to just be myself and the friends I made latcr are still my great friends to
this day.
(满分: 150分 时间: 120分钟)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例: How much is the shirt
A . 19.15. B . 9.18. C . 9.15. 答案是 C 。
1. What are the speakers talking about
A. Italian food. B. A trip. C. The weather.
2. How will the speakers probably get to the restaurant
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
3. What does the woman think of the film
A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Touching.
4. What was the woman expecting last night
A. A phone call. B. A text message. C. A party invitation.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Co-workers. B. Brother and sister .C. Classmates.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听第6段材料, 回答第6、 7题。
6. Where did the woman meet her new friend
A. In a cafe. B. In a park. C. In a museum.
7. What will the woman do tomorrow
A. Visit Mary. B. Play with Tina. C. Work with her mom.
8. What's the man's favorite sport
A. Climbing mountains. B. Swimming. C. Playing basketball.
9. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Go to sleep earlier. B. Have a walk after lunch. C. Drink coffee in the morning.
听第 8段材料, 回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. Why did the woman stay u D late last night
A. To, welcome her parents.
B. To wait for her brother.
C. To have a party.
11. Who gave a family speech last night 、
A. The woman.
B. The woman's father.
C. The woman's mother.
12. What is the woman's brother
A. A student.
B. A cook.
C. A teacher.
听第9段材料, 回答第 13 至16题。
13. When will the visitors come
A. In March.
B. In April.
C. In May.
14. How many visitors are coming
15. What will the visitors do on the second day
A. Visit schools.
B. Go to a party.
C. Go sightseeing.
16. Where will the visitors go on the final day
A. To London.
B. To the coast.
C. To Scotland.
听第 10段材料,回答第 17至20题。
17. How long did the speaker work A day
A. For 9 hours.
B. For 10 hours.
C. For 12 hours.
18. What made the speaker feel interested
A. Taking people to restaurants.
B. Meeting interesting dressers.
C. Showing tourists the city.
19. Which trip brought the speaker the most money
A. The one to the club.
B. The one to the theatre.
C. The one to the airport.
20. Why did the speaker give up the job
A. He was tired.
B. He lost interest in it.
C. He moved to Vancouver.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 37.5分)
It's currently December and Christmas is almost here. And what better way to spend time with your loved ones than sitting down to watch some classic Christmas movies Listed below are four films that will make you laugh, cry or both this festive season.
The Grinch(2000)
This is a Christmas must-watch and one of Jim Carrev's best performances. It was also originally a children's book written by Dr Seuss, which I would recommend reading! It's the story of a green monster who wants to ruin Christmas, but who in the end discovers the power of love and generosity. I promise it's a great film with plenty of laughs along the way.
Love Actually(2003)
While this is not a personal favourite of mine, people in the UK absolutely love this film. It has a number of stars, featuring actors and actresses such as Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman. It might be a little difficult to follow as there are lots of different sub-plots, so I recommend watching a dubbed version(配音版) in your native language..
Home Alone (1990)
This film is one of my favourite films of all time and I would watch it all year round if I could. It tells the story of a boy, Kevin, who is left alone in his house when his large family forget to take him on vacation with them. While the family are away, burglars(小偷) try to rob the house and Kevin must protect his home by setting traps. The trips, falls and traps will have you laughing out loud as you watch a 10-year-old boy outsmart two grown men.
Miracle on 34th Street(1994)
You can't have Christmas in an English-speaking country without watching this film. It's not funny like Home Alone or The Grinch, but it is incredibly touching. It's about a man who claims to be Santa, but nobody believes him except a lawyer and a little girl.
21. In which film can you see Jim Carrey's wonderful performance
A. The Grinch. B. Love Actually. C. Home Alone. D. Miracle on 34th Street.
22. What can we know about Love Actually
A. It's one of the author's favorite films.
B. We'd better watch a dubbed version.
C. It's a film about the power of love and generosity.
D. Some handkerchief papers are necessary when we watch it.
23. What do the film The Grinch and Home Alone have in common
A. They are very touching.
B. They are only fit for children.
C. They are funny and make people laugh a lot.
D. They are popular and tell a story about kids.
Feeling tired Under too much stress Well, you may want to try Yoga. It's what more and more people have been turning to release the trouble of modern life. Practically unheard of in the West until 50 years ago, Yoga has become one of the most popular health trends around the world, including China. If you search for Yoga on line in Chinese, lots of pages are there to see, most of which are main pages of Yoga clubs. In order to keep fit and lose weight, many girls spend more than 1000 yuan taking part in Yoga classes every month.
However, are you really ready for it There are several things you need to know before very really take it. first, do not force your body too much. Yoga has many difficult poses. They are beautiful and worth boasting if you could finish them. But if you force yourself to do as exactly as an experienced Yoga teacher does, you may hurt your body, instead of strengthening it. Do you remember your original purpose for playing Yoga It is self -building, not competing.
Second, do some research about the Yoga class. Yoga is new in China and there are not so many certificated well-trained Yoga teachers. Some not well-organized clubs just find someone learn a little Yoga and certificate them. But be aware, a noneligible teacher might wrongly guide you and you could not benefit from the classes much, except that they force you to exercise your body a bit. Considering about the large amount of money you invest in it, it's worth and reasonable to make sure the teachers in the club are qualified before you join.
Third, it would be better to learn something about nutrition when you practice Yoga. In the very beginning, Yoga was part of the Vedas, bible of the traditional Indian philosophy. So it could be regarded as a kind of lifestyle. When you have decided to care for your body, why not feed it properly In fact, good clubs have their own nutritionists.
Anyhow, make sure you are ready before you act. The fashion may change quickly., But what benefits is still good for us.
24. The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to .
A. tell people how to relax themselves
B. let people know more about Yoga
C. give people some advice on taking part in Yoga classes
D. tell peoples Yoga has gained its popularity in China
25. The underlined word “eligible” in the fourth paragraph most probably means .
A. experienced B. qualified C. honored D. hi-technical
26. Which of the following is NOT the author's advice
A. Join one of the noblest Yoga clubs.
B. Don't easily follow the fashion about Yoga.
C. Know some knowledge about nutrition.
D. Find out a real teacher.
27. From the advice offered by the author, we can conclude that .
A. Yoga has nothing to do with culture
B. Yoga is somehow easy to exercise
C. many people learn Yoga in order to compete
D. not all the Yoga clubs have standard teachers
Rain or shine, Tsering Chopa treks(艰苦跋涉) for long hours to deliver mail. For 18 years, the Tibetan mailman has been an important link between a remote, high-altitude settlement and the rest of the world. At 5,373 meters above sea level, Pumachangthang in Nakarze county of the Tibet autonomous region is China's highest township(乡镇). The oxygen level is less than 40percent and the annual average temperature is --7℃ . However, these weren't the biggest challenges for a postal service. The area of the township is about 1,500 square kilometers, but its population is less than 2,000. The distance from the county town is some 70 km and a single trip to all the six villages can be as long as 160 km. The dogged perseverance required to get the job done under such conditions needs no further explanation.
The busiest time for Tsering Chopa is between July and August each year, when students are waiting for their admission letters from various universities. He recalls once he had to deliver mail to one student whose family had already moved away. He had to quiz neighbors several times to find the new address. It was summer and the usual road to the village was blocked because of rain. He trekked for more than 20 km and grappled with shortness of breath all the way to finally deliver the letter. “I don't mind the hardships because it is not easy for students from remote villages to get college admission. It was my duty to deliver the mail on time,” he says.
One night in February 2019, a local resident Nyima Tsering's daughter had fainted and desperately needed help. Knowing that, the mailman arranged for a car right away and sent her to the county hospital. He also gave some cash to the family for the girl's treatment. Nyima Tsering’s daughter recovered soon, and Tsering Chopa became an idol in the village. “I will never forget his compassion and kindness,” says the grateful father.
In 2019, Tsering Chopa received the China Youth May Fourth Medal. “It is an acknowledgment of what I do and a token of encouragement as well,” he says. “And I want to help more people living in remote areas. I want to bring the world closer to them and take them closer to the world.”
28. Which is the most challenging part of Tsering Chopa's work
A. Trekking for long distances. B. Suffering from cold temperatures.
C. Standing extremely bad road conditions. D. Adapting to the high-altitude environment.
29. What words can best describe Tsering Chopa according to paragraph 2
A. Optimistic and cautious. B. Generous and intelligent.
C. Courageous and ambitious. D. Determined and responsible.
30. How did Tscring Chopa help Nyima Tsering
A. Tsering Chopa fixed his car for free.
B. Tsering Chopa helped to save his daughter's life.
C. Tsering Chopa delivered his admission letters quickly.
D. Tsering Chopa drove him to a hospital for treatment.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. Hardship Makes a Good Postman
B. A Mailman Shows Kindness to Students
C. A Postman in Tiebet Bridges Hug e Gap
D. Post Service Creates a Convenient Life
Humans evolve(进化) from apes. This is what we learned in biology class. But what came before apes Chinese scientists have discovered fossils(化石) that could enrich the evolutionary story of how humans evolved from fish.
According to four articles published in the journal Nature in late September, Chinese researchers found fish fossils that provide the “missing link” about the origin of the jaw(颌:颚),a key feature that 99.8 percent of vertebrate(脊椎动物) species have.
Zhu Min, a lead researcher of the studies from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the findings drew a large amount of interest in the science world because of the importance of jaws in animal evolution. However, the rise of the jaw had been a secret for a lack of enough fossil evidence to support that jawed vertebrates lived 450 million years ago.
The latest findings made by Zhu's team presented a set of five surprisingly well-preserved fish fossils that included three whole-bodied fish, helping scientists paint a more correct evolutionary picture of the origin of the jaw. The fish fossils were discovered at two places in Chongqing and Guizhou, whose strata(岩层) date back to the Silurian Time that began around440 million years ago.
These fossils show that jawed fish were already rising in the world's ancient oceans at that time. Later, more different and larger jawed fish evolved and began to spread around the world, paving the way for some fish to finally go on land and evolve into other animals-including humans.
These fossils provide a good opportunity to understand the ‘dawn of fish’and help scientists trace many human body structures back to these ancient fish thus filling some key gaps in the evolutionary history of how fish evolved into humans, “Zhu said.
32. In which column of a magazine will you most probably read the passage
A. Entertainment. B. Animals. C. Science. D. History.
33. Why did the findings draw a large amount of interest in the science world
A. Because there is a lack of fish fossils.
B. Because jaws are a key feature of all species.
C. Because the missing of the jaw had been a mystery.
D. Because jaws are significant while animals evolve.
34. What does the underlined phrase “at that time” refer to
A. Around 440 million years ago. B. Around 450 million years ago.
C. When fish evolved into humans. D. When jawed fish began to spread around the world.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Who Are Our Ancestors B. What Came Before Apes
C. The Origin of the Jaw D. Key Steps in Evolution
第二节(共5 小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 12.5 分)
Every life in Britain
The weather is the most common topic in Britain. 36 Because in Britain the weather changes a lot. Wind, rain, sun, cloud, snow---they can all happen in Britain.
37 At banks, cinemas, shops, bus stops you can always see people in queues. They stand and wait quietly, often for a long time. Each new person stands at the end of the queue---sometimes in rain, wind or snow. They never complain and they will get quite upset when someone jumps the queue.
Men always shake hands when they meet. 38 They shook hands to show that they didn't have sword(剑). Now shaking hands is a custom in most countries. In Britain you don't shake hands with your friends or family members. But you do shake hands when you meet a person for the first time.
39 And they always send birthday cards or presents. There are also other cards like Christmas cards, good luck cards, congratulations on your new baby cards and get well soon cards. They have everything for every important moment.
British people we very superstitious(迷信). They believe in all sorts of signs they see. For them, black cats are lucky. 40 Th e more leaves you catch, the more lucky you will be. However, never open an umbrella in the house and never break a mirror because they mean seven years of bad luck.
A. Shopping is another common topic in Britain
B. Another common thing in Britain is queue
C. Hundreds of years ago, soldiers began this custom.
D. In autumn, if you catch falling leaves, you are lucky
E. Why do the Britain talk about the weather so often
F. They also pay attention to tiny details like your birthday
G. Never walk under a ladder, and don't walk pass somebody on the stairs
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从41-55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。
I had this girl in my class and I always considered her to be really foolish. She'd ask a ton of questions in class, which I would 41 to be “stupid” and “silly” and sometimes her question caused a storm of 42 but she'd never stop asking.
However, the fact was that she'd almost always top the class examinations and everyone was confused. Some students said she was 43 because she wasn't so 44 in class. Although nobody could prove that she was actually cheating, they totally 45that she did.
I'm pretty socially awkward so I never really talked to her. She was leaving school this year and I was truly 46 about how she was so good during exams and how she didn't let other's remarks(言论) affect her. So 1 47 decided to find out what was up. She told me that her friend was severely(严重 地) socially anxious and she'd fallen behind in studies because she couldn't dare to ask doubts in class or ask for 48 from others. So they had this system where during lectures her friend would 49 any questions she had, and then the girl would 50 them for her. With her help, her friend made 51 ,though this girl suffered prejudice(偏见) for being stupid when she was actually really smart.
It was such a 52 story that it really changed the way I 53 people. I wouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions. It also taught me a 54 : standing beside our friends when they 55 us isn't always an easy choice. But when you care about them, it's the only choice.
41. A. agree B. consider C. remember D. doubt
42. A. noise B. sigh C. cry D. laughter
43. A. cheating B. pretending C. playing D. studying
44. A. active B. intelligent C. hard-working D. easy-going
45. A. heard B. expected C. believed D. agreed
46. A. curious B. worried C. crazy D. excited
47. A. extremely B. finally C. naturally D. obviously
48. A. leave B. advice C. help D. permission
49. A. give up B. debate about C. turn down D. write down
50. A. explain B. repeat C. ask D. solve
51. A. mistakes B. sense C. progress D. friends
52. A. annoying B. interesting C. surprising D. touching
53. A. judged B. described C. taught D. introduced
54. A. way B. lesson C. strategy D. result
55. A. change B. need C. refuse D. encourage
第四部分 课文语法填空
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或短语(每空1分,共 15分)
Part 1
Bogues was only one 1.6 meters tall, 56 made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. Guess what Paul was only 1.6 meters tall, too! Paul knew that 57 shorter than other players meant that he had to practice more. During all those hours of doing jumps shots on his own, he used Bogues as his 58 , Paul once said, “If Bogues could make it, why not me "
Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to 59 many times just for making the team. He was still usually on the bench, being just a replacement, which was really tough on him. Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong60 to play for the team. This week. The lions were playing our main competitors. The Bears, a team whose record this season had been perfect. They hadn't lost a single game. Part 2
You are also somebody who worries about getting sick. running will help you get fit and61 diseases. it will give you good upper and lower body strength. like any exercise, running increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. It makes your heart stronger and allows more blood to flow around your body. It also 62 your immune system and reduce the risk of serious health problems, as well as more common illnesses like colds. Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go for a run to 63 themselves up. Even a thirty minute run will provide 64 from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress.
It was my first time 65 Spring Festival in China with my host family. Spring Festival is highly 66 by every Chinese family. Preparations began a week before the Festival. First, the house was cleaned from top to bottom. My host mother Mrs Chen said this was to 67 the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.
Next, the Chinese character Fu was attached upside down to front door. It is believed that when Fu is put upside down, happiness arrives.
The greatest excitement began the night before Spring Festival. Fireworks were being68 across the city, suddenly 69 up the night sky. Children were covering their ears but with an 70 Jook on their faces. Mrs Chen said that it was to scare away the monster NIAN.
第五部分 书面表达 (共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike 来信告诉你他计划二月初来中国和你一起度过春节,借此了解中国的春节习俗。请你给他写封回信介绍春节.
要点如下:1.春节的由来及寓意; 2.春节的庆祝活动; 3.邀请他来中国欢度春节。
注意:1.词数80词左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Mike,
Yours, Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。I wasn't a popular kid in the first year of high school. In fact, I was awkward. I had no close friends. I mostly kept to myself with my head buried in a book. This was why I was so surprised when Ashley and I became friends the summer before the second year.
Ashley was quite popular. We had always been in the same classes throughout school, but had never really talked much.
During summer school, we were both taking classes. The teacher paired us up on an assignment(任务). Ashley seemed unwilling to work with me at first, but she agreed because none of her friends were in the class. We met at the library to work on the project. When classes ended we continued to hang out.
I looked up to Ashley. I began listening to the music she listened to and wearing the clothes she wore. I quit reading and started watching the TV programs she watched.
When we started school again, Ashley introduced me to her group of friends. I followed them around, laughing when they told jokes, and agreeing when they had opinions though I disagreed with them. This continued for several months.
One day, I skipped(悄悄溜走) out of my last class a few minutes early so I could get a table in the canteen for our group. I sat down in the seat and began working on some homework, awaiting their arrival. Concentrating on my paper, I didn't notice that they had sat down at the
table behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were talking about. I listened silently. “She’s such a loser,” one girl said. “She just follows you around trying to
be you. She doesn't have a personality of her own,” another girl added. Then Ashley herself replied, “I know. I wish she would leave us alone. We were in summer
school together and now she thinks we're best friends.” I was shocked and heartbroken. I didn't know they thought of me in that way. I got up and
ran out the door. The girls sat in silence as they realized I had heard the whole conversation.注意:
1. 续写词数应为 150 词左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
I ran home and told my mother what had happened.
Over the next month, I went through a lot of changes.

  • 甘肃省天水市重点中学2023-2024高一上学期12月月考英语试题(含答案无听力音频无听力原文)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案