Unit 4 Do it yourself Integrated skills& Study skills分层作业(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版八年级上册

Unit 4 Do it yourself- Integrated skills & Study skills
1. Do you know the __________(正确的) answer to this question
2. Hand in your __________(完成的) homework, boys and girls.
3._________(混合) the colour yellow with red, and you can get orange.
4. The boy is too young. You’d better not _________(留下)him alone at home.
5.Please pass us two __________(调羹)! We want to have some soup.
6. Mr Hu ____________(补充),“Don’t forget to bring some food and drinks.”
7. Tom is ___________________ (friendly) to others so we dislike him.
8. Why is Cathy ___________________ (happy) today She stays in her bedroom without saying anything
9. The salad in the bowl looks ___________________ (color).
10. Our city is becoming much ___________________ (beautiful).
11. Don’t be so ___________________ (patient), you should keep trying.
二、单项选择1. __________ some of the larger fruit __________ small pieces.
A. Cut; into B. Cut; in C. Cutting; into D. Cutting; in
2. Would you like some __________ juice
A. apples B. apple with C. apple D. apple in
3. Betty is a beautiful girl ___________ bright eyes and black hair.
A. in B. has C. with D. grows
4. The maths problem is very difficult, so it is __________ for them __________.
A. possible; work it out B. possibly; to work it out
C. impossible; to work it out D. impossible; to work out it
5. The boy is __________ my sister, so he sits in front of her.
A. much tall than B. taller than
C. much short than D. shorter than
6. This kind of shoes will keep you __________ when you take a walk.
A. comforts B. comfortably C. comfort D. comfortable
7. --- Oh, I’ve left my schoolbag in the classroom.
--- Don’t worry. I'll __________ it for you.
A. get B. carry C. bring D. take
8. __________ is difficult for a foreigner to learn Chinese.
A. That B. This C. It D. What
9. It’s good for us to have a rest for__________ after lunch, especially on hot days.
A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times 10. ___________ the salad in the fridge for a while can make it __________ nicer.
A. Keep; taste B. Keeping; taste
C. Put; taste D. Putting; to taste
11. You’d better __________ vegetables of different colors to make the dish look___________
it tastes.
A. use; as good as B. to use; as good as
C. use; as well as D. to use; as well as
12. Don’t __________ the windows __________ when you are out.
A. make: open B. make; closed C. leave; open D. leave; closed
13. The dumplings taste __________ and I think you can smell them __________.
A. good: good B. well; good C. good; well D. well; well
14. You should stop __________ and __________ the ice cream together.
A. fight; share B. to fight; to share
C. fighting to share D. fighting, share
15. He doesn’t know __________ in a light in his room.
A. how to put B. what to put
C. how can he put D. what he can put
16. The police advised us __________ out alone at midnight.
A. don't go B. not go C. not to go D. to not go
17. __________ the workers stop working in the sun when the temperature (温度) is above 36℃.
A. Make sure B. To make sure C. Sure enough D. To be sure 18. --- How delicious the noodles are!
--- Oh, ___________ you __________ them.
A. think; dislike B. thought; disliked
C. think; disliked D. thought; dislike
19. __________ mix the vegetables until they turn cool.
A. Not B. Won't C. Doesn't D. Don’t
20. --- Remember to ask her to add some water to the rice. --- __________.
A. Never mind B. That’s right C. Up to you D. All right
_________ them ____________, add some _______________________________ if you like.
You’d better _________ the apple ________ halves. It’s happy to_______ it _______ others.
Here are some tips __________________________________________________________.
___________ all the doors and windows are_______ when you ___________ the classroom.
If you want to ________ a tasty sandwich, you’d __________ some _______________ on it.
I will return the bike to you ___________________________________________________.
Unit 4 Do it yourself- Integrated skills & Study skills
1. ___________________ (草莓) are my favourite fruit.
2. My mother ___________________ (混合) flour, yeast (酵母) and water to make cakes.
3. Don’t ___________________ (留下) your young son at home alone.
4. Can you answer the teacher’s questions ___________________ (正确)
5. Does the little girl take an ___________________ (积极) part in class activities
6. It is ___________________ (可能) for me to win the first prize in the match.
7. What is your mother doing She is ____________________ (整理) up the bedroom.
8. Everything is ___________________ (完成了), you can take a rest now.
9. There are many ___________________ (提示) in making a fruit salad.
10. I am ___________________ (确定) that she can finish the work all by herself.
( )1. Can you help me __________ the paper into halves
A. add B. mix C. do D. cut
( )2. Hamburgers are _______food. Don’t eat _______ of them.
A. unhealthy; too many B. imhealthy; too much
C. unhealthy; too much D. inhealthy; too many
( )3. If anyone calls, tell them I’m out and ask them to _______ their names and addresses.
A. pass B. write C. take D. leave
( ) 4. Here’s a card. There is a picture on one side. Can you say what is on ________side
A. the other B. another C. others D. the others
( )5 .You look tired. You’d better______ a good rest.
A. to stop to have B. stop having C. stop to have D. to stop having
1. Mum, let’s stop ________( clean) the house and ________(make) some food.
2. Never _________(mix) fire with oil(油). It’s very dangerous.
3. Suzy cut out some paper flowers and ________(stick) them on the front cover of the magazine.
4. Millie is good at __________(spell) new words. We can ask her for help.
5. Wait a minute. I ___________(get) the fruit salad very soon. 6. ----I’m sorry I ____________(leave) my membership card(会员卡) at home.
----That’s OK. Just tell me your phone number.
1. 不要忘记在水果沙拉中放一些糖。
__________ __________ __________ __________ put some sugar into the fruit salad.
2. Millie 自学了制作水果沙拉。
Millie ________________________________________________________
3. 请在杯子里加些水,并把这个西瓜切成小片。
Please_____________________________ the cup and cut __________________________.
4. 让我来告诉你一些做水果沙拉的窍门。Let me tell you ______________________________.
5. 当你把一些水果置于空气中一些时间,它将很快变成棕色。
Some of the fruit ____________________________soon when you ________________________
There is a little duck. His name is Becky. Every day Becky and his mother go to a small 1 . Becky's mother likes swimming in it. But Becky sits on the bank and 2 his mother swim.
His mother calls him, "Becky, it's time for you to 3 to swim." Becky puts his feet in the water and says, "The water is too 4 ." "Yes, Becky," says his mother, "it is cold, but you must learn to swim."
"I don't like it," says Becky. "I'm not going to swim." "But all ducks swim," says his mother. "Not this duck." answers Becky. 5 he sits down on a pile of sand and watches his mother swim.
One day, Becky's mother calls, " 6 , Becky, I see a big cat." Becky sees the cat. It is a big cat, "Run fast," calls his mother. Becky runs fast. " 7 into the water," calls his mother. Becky jumps into the water. He tries 8 to swim to his mother.
"You are 9 now," says his mother. The cat can't swim, so he can't 10 Becky." Good boy, Becky. You can swim now," says his mother. "Yes, Mum. I am glad I can swim." says Becky.
( )1. A. hill B. river C. garden D. house
( )2. A. sees B. enjoys C. watches D. has
( )3.A. learn B. like C. go D. come
( )4. A. hot B. dirty C. cold D. clean
( )5. A. First B. Then C. But D. Second
( )6. A. Look up B. Look out C. Look like D. Look for
( )7. A. Pour B. Turn C. Jump D. Run
( )8. A. hard B. difficult C. quick D. fast
( )9. A. dangerous B. free C. safe D. busy
( )10. A. win B. catch C. relax D. enjoy
1~5 BCACB 6~10 BCACB
Hong Kong has about forty public(公共的) beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beaches.
You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions(说明):
1. Never swim alone.
1. Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired.
1. Do not stay in the water too long.
1. Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim.
Remember : A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.
( )1. The passage suggests that _______.
A. the Hong Kong public beaches are the best in the world
A. Hong Kong has the most beaches in the world
A. Hong Kong has more than forty public beaches
A. some of the Hong Kong public beaches are separate(不相连的) from the main islands.
( )2. We can reach ______ by bus.
A. all the public beaches B. no public beach
C. only a few public beaches D. many of the public beaches
( )3. When you see a blue flag, you know that ______ there.
A. women should not swim B. children should not swim
C. nobody should swim D. anybody can swim( )4. Which of the following is true according to this passage
A. You can swim when you see where there is a red flag.
A. You should not swim with other people.
A. You should not swim after lunch.
A. You can’t swim for a short time.
( )5. The passage mainly(主要地) tells us ______ in Hong Kong.
A. the public beaches and swimming B. the danger of swimming
C. the best beaches D. the difficulties to go swimming
Unit 4 Do it yourself- Integrated skills & Study skills
一、单词拼写1. correct 2. finished 3. Mix 4. leave 5. spoons 6. added
7. unfriendly 8.unhappy 9colorful 10.more beautiful 11.impatient
1. A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D6.D7.A8.C9.B10.B1
1. A12.C13.C14.D15.A16.C17.A18.B19.D 20.D
1. Mix; together; salad scream
2. cut; into; share; with
3. for making a fruit salad
4. Make sure; closed; leave
5. make; better put ; tomato sauce
6. as soon as possible
Unit 4 Do it yourself- Integrated skills & Study skills
1. Strawberries 2.mixed 3.leave 4.correctly 5.active
6. possible 7.tidying 8.finished 9.tips 10.certain
1. cleaning to make 2. mix 3. stuck 4. spelling 5. will get 6. left
1. Do not forget to 2. learned to make fruit salad by himself 3. add some water into the watermelon into pieces
4. some tips to make fruit salad 5. will turn brown leave some fruit in the air for some time

  • Unit 4 Do it yourself Integrated skills& Study skills分层作业(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版八年级上册已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案