Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.语法填空专练(精编word版 带答案)

2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 12—语法填空专练
Name___________ Grade___________
第一节 语法填空。
 There was a time when I had some difficulties in my life. I felt sad all day long. Nobody could make me cheerful. One thing that happened made me 1.    (change).
One day, I went to the park for a rest. There was 2.     empty bench and I sat down. Suddenly, a young boy came around. “Did you see what I found ” he asked 3.     excitement. I looked down and saw a small withered(枯萎的) flower 4.    (lie) in his hands. Seeing this, I felt even more depressed(沮丧的). I wanted him to go away, so I smiled at him and then turned my back.
However, instead of 5.    (walk) away, the boy sat next to me. “It smells good and it's beautiful, too!That's why I picked it up,” he said.“Here, it's for you.” I 6.    (know) I had to take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and said, “Thank you!” I waited, but the boy didn't put the flower in my hand. He just 7.    (hold) the flower and didn't move. It was not until then that I noticed the boy could see nothing.
I took the flower with tears and said, “Thanks a lot! You have picked up the best one.” “My 8.    (please),” the boy replied 9.    (happy), and then ran away. The boy couldn't see, 10.     in his imagination(想象), the world was beautiful. I saw a withered flower, while he “saw” a beautiful flower.
When someone asks you to do something you do not feel like 11.    (do), what should you do It’s a good idea to say “no” at this time. It’s better to spend more time on some 12.    (use) activities. However, you may worry that others will think you are impolite or unkind. What should you do Here are some 13.    (tip).
It is OK to make 14.     white lies. That doesn’t mean you are dishonest. Instead, it may make both you and the other person 15.    (please) and comfortable.
When 16.    (invite) to a party that you do not want to take part in, you can say, “No, but thanks 17.     the invitation. That’s very kind of you.” In this way, you can not only refuse politely but make the person who invited you 18.     (feel) comfortable.
When you don’t want to lie, just tell the truth. You may say 19.     this, “I want to spend more time on myself, so I’ve decided to say ‘no’ to these activities.” In this way, people will see that you respect yourself, and as a 20.    , they’ll also pay you more respect.
Feel proud of yourself for being strong enough to say “no”.
Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match. He hated losing anything. When he 21.    (win), he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel terrible. It seemed that losing was the 22.    (bad) thing in the world.
A new kid, Albert, came to Peter's school. He was good at table tennis, too. Soon there would be a match 23.     Peter and Albert. Peter worked hard 24.    (get) ready for the match, but Albert didn't seem to think much of it. When the match began, Albert was a real player. There was always a 25.    (smile) on his face, while Peter looked serious all the time. Peter thought it was so important to win the match that he even wanted to cheat(作弊), but he 26.    (lose) in the end.
“You played very well, Peter. I think we can play again sometime,” said Albert.
But Peter didn't feel happy and couldn't fall 27.    (sleep) that night. One day, Peter saw Albert playing basketball. 28.     he lost again and again, the smile never left his face. Peter found Albert was great at table tennis but wasn't very good at basketball. However, he enjoyed both of 29.    (they).
Whether he won or lost the game, Albert enjoyed it. Peter came to realize that enjoying 30.     game was much more important than winning or losing it. He felt happier than ever before.
Good news or bad news It depends 31.     how you see things.
Robert De Vincenzo, a great golfer, once won a tournament(锦标赛) and got some money. After receiving the money and smiling for the cameras, he went to the restroom and prepared 32.    (leave). He walked alone to his car and 33.    (stop) by a young woman. She congratulated(祝贺) him on his 34.    (succeed). And then she told him that her child was 35.    (serious) ill and near to death. She did not know how she could pay for the doctor’s bills(账单).
De Vincenzo was moved 36.     her story. He took out the money he had won and said to the woman, “Pay for the bills.” And then he 37.    (press) the money into her hand.
The next week he was having lunch in a club when a friend of 38.    (him) came to his table. “Last week someone told me you met a young woman after you won that championship.” De Vincenzo nodded(点头). “Well,” said the friend, “she had no sick baby. She cheated you.”
“You mean there is no baby 39.     is dying ” said De Vincenzo. “That’s the 40.    
(good) news I’ve heard the whole week.”
  I had a busy day today. First my friend 41.    (drive) me to Westminster Abbey and St.Paul’s Cathedral. They are really big! When I was walking down the passageways, I really felt sad for Princess Diana, the 42.    (pretty) lady in the UK years ago.
After that, we walked across the “Millennium Bridge” to the south bank of the River Thames. I know there was once a “London Bridge” 43.     it’s no longer there. Remember the song London Bridge Is Falling Down Maybe it did fall down! It was great to walk along the south bank. The view reminded 44.    (we) so much of the Bund(外滩) in Shanghai.
On the south side of the Thames, I found 45.     interesting-looking building. It was the Shakespeare Globe Theater. The original Globe Theater 46.    (build) by William Shakespeare in the 47.    (sixteen) century, but it burned down. 48.    (today) Globe Theater was rebuilt in 1996, which is just like the original one. Since the year it opened, more than 200,000 people have watched plays there.
This evening, we went 49.    (see) a play. It was called The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. There were only three 50.    (actor) on stage and they played all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays in 90 minutes!
I have a busy day today. First my friend 51.________(drive) me to Westminster Abbey and St.Paul's Cathedral. They are really big! When I was walking down the passageways, I really felt sad for Princess Diana, the 52.________(pretty) lady in the UK years ago.
After that, we walked across the “Millennium Bridge” to the south bank of the River Thames. I know there was once a “London Bridge” 53.________ it's no longer there. Remember the song London Bridge Is Falling Down Maybe it did fall down! It was great to walk along the south bank. The view reminded 54.________(we) so much of the Bund(外滩) in Shanghai.
On the south side of the Thames, I found 55.________ interesting looking building. It was the Shakespeare Globe Theater. The original Globe 56.________(build) by William Shakespeare in the 57.________(sixteen) century, but it burned down. 58.________(today) Globe was rebuilt in 1996, which is just like the original one. Since the year it opened, more than 200,000 people have watched plays there.
This evening, we went 59.________(see) a play. It was called The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. There were only three 60.________(actor) playing on the stage and they played all 37 of Shakespeare's plays in 90 minutes!
When doing Christmas shopping, Joy came across Nick, the least popular student in school because he wore strange clothes and had a face only a mother could love.
After dinner, Joy's family went 61.     church(教堂) for the Christmas Eve service. A man with the Bible(《圣经》) read a story about Jesus, who came to help people on the earth. Joy's thoughts kept 62.    (turn) back to Nick. It must be 63.     (terribly) to be lonely on Christmas Day with his parents dead. That night, while everyone else was sleeping like 64.     baby, Joy was thinking about ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she 65.    (quick) jumped out of bed. She told 66.    (they) about Nick. Then she asked, “Shall we invite him over today ” “Sure,” said her mother who was always happy when 67.    (guest) came. Her father smiled.
When Joy called Nick two hours later, he was deeply 68.    (move). He joined them for dinner. To Joy's surprise, she enjoyed spending time 69.     him. Joy came to understand sharing Christmas cheer is the 70.    (great) joy to Nick, even to the whole world.
2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 12—语法填空专练
参 考 答 案
第一节 语法填空。
1.change  2.an  3.in  4.lying 5.walking 
6.knew  7.held 8.pleasure  9.happily  10.but
11.doing  12.useful  13.tips  14.up  15.pleased 
16.invited  17.for  18.feel  19.like   20.result
21.won  22.worst  23.between  24.to get  25.smile 
26.lost 27.asleep  28.Though/Although 29.them 30.a
31.on  32.to leave  33.was stopped 34.success  35.seriously 
36.by 37.pressed  38.his  39.who/that  40.best
41.drove  42.prettiest  43.but 44.us  45.an 
46.was built 47.sixteenth  48.Today’s  49.to see  50.actors
51.drove  52.prettiest  53.but  54.us  55.an 
56.was built  57.sixteenth  58.Today's  59.to see  60.actors
61.to  62.turning  63.terrible 64.a  65.quickly 
66.them  67.guests 68.moved  69.with  70.greatest
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  • Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.语法填空专练(精编word版 带答案)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月16日  所属分类:作业答案