Unit 2 School life-Reading分课时练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 2 School life- Reading
every time, that, bring, among, near, one
1. Jim likes English best _______________ all his subjects.
2. During the Reading Week, we can also _______________ in books and magazines from home.
3. My parents often come to see me _______________the end of every month.
4. John loves baseball and he practices this game very hard _______________.
5. Life in a British school is different from _______________ in an American school.
( ) 1. What’s your best friend like _______________.
A. He is fine. Thank you. B. He is a doctor.
C. He likes watching TV. D. He is helpful and generous.
( ) 2. He always looks__________. Now he’s looking_________ at his new drawing.
A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy
( ) 3.-- does Mary usually go to the Bubby Club --Once a week.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much
( ) 4. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School.
A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd
( ) 5.If you live near the shopping mall, you go far to buy things.
A. have to B. haven’t to C. don’t have to D. needn’t to
( ) 6 . Don’t forget to __________ “Excuse me” when you trouble someone.
A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk
( ) 7. I spend _________ time on my studies than my brother.
A. fewer B. fewest C. least D. less
( ) 8. _______ the street, there is a big supermarket.
A. In the end B. In the end of C. At the end D. At the end of
( ) 9. —Do you learn to cook at home —Yes. ________ to cook is great fun.
A. Learn B. Learning C. To learning D. We learn
( ) 10. They are as _________ as usual.
A. happily B. busily C. friendly D. carefully( ) 11. –Jack _______ to help at the underground station on Saturdays.
-Good! Let’s join him next Saturdays.
A. offers B. refuses C. forgets D. gives
Andy was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found many differences between Chinese and Americans:
About money 1) Americans like to spend more than they have, so many of them are always in debt(欠债). But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank. 2) The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money. 3) Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive university. It’s different in China. Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive universities though their families are’t rich enough.
About school Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups.
About friends Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their children’s friends in many different ways, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.
1___________between Chinese and Americans
Chinese American
Most Chinese spend 2___________ money than they make, so they usually have some in the bank. Many Americans usually 3_________ money from banks because they spend more than they have.
Many Chinese parents usually do their 4_______ to have their children study in expensive universities. Many American parents think it’s 5___________ to send their children to an expensive university.
Chinese parents are usually 6_________in knowing more about their children’s friends. Most American parents never care 7_________what kind of friends their children make.
Most Chinese kids get money from their 8___________. American kids usually make money by 9___________.
Many Chinese girls join in 10__________ groups. Many American girls exercise, dance and sing together.
1._____________ 2.______________ 3._______________ 4.______________ 5._____________
6._____________ 7.______________ 8._______________ 9.______________ 10.____________
Unit 2 School life- Reading
一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )1. Yesterday I read an article _____ a boy _____ the USA. His name is John.
A. by; from B. of; for C. by; to D. with; from
( )2. English is very important, so Jim practices _____ it every day.
A. speak B. speaks C. to speak D. speaking
( )3. Our teacher always helps _____ our study and life.
A. us to B. we with C. us for D. us with
( )4. I think going to school by car is faster than _____.
A. take a bus B. to take buses C. takes buses D. taking a bus
( )5. Time seems _____ when we are reading interesting stories.
A. go fast B. go faster C. to go faster D. to going faster
( )6. He always looks _____. Now he’s looking _____ at his new drawing.
A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy
( )7. People _____ English in _____ Britain and the USA.
A. tell; both B. speak; both C. talk; all D. say; all
( )8. Millie spends lots of time _____ English. Now she’s practicing _____ English text.
A. learning; reading B. learning; to read C. to learn; reading D. to learn; to read
( )9.–_____ do you go to the library
–Three times a month.
A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How much
( )10. Millie has _____ free time than Sandy because she has _____ work to do than Sandy.
A. less; more B. fewer; more C. least; most D. fewest; most
A) 1. Tim’s favourite subjects are __________________(法语) and Math.
2. Daniel’s favourite ball game is _________________(棒球).
3. ______________(在…期间) her lifetime, she helped a lot of people.
4. Janet’s party didn’t _______(结束) until 4 o’clock in the morning.
5. —Thank you very much for _____________(自愿给予) me so much help. —You're welcome.
6. They are ______________(讨论) the plan for this weekend.
7. Li Lei is in the __________________(九) grade at No.1 Middle School.
8. Jim is one of my _________________(偶像). I love his songs very much.
9. It’s really fun to learn different kind of foreign l____________.
10. He likes football and he practices hard every afternoon. I think he will w________.
11. We can use ____________________(difference) words to mean the same things.
12. Who read the _______________(many) books in your class during the Reading Week
13. Taking the plane is faster than_______________ (take) the bus.
B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)
16. Yang Liwei is one of my favorite ____________ (hero). He is very great.
17. Mike likes reading very much and he goes to the library ____________ (two) a month.
18. Tony is my best friend and he is in the ____________ (twelve) grade.
19. In a ____________ (mix) school boys and girls have lessons together.
20. He often listens ____________ (care) to my problems and offers me help.
三、完形填空。从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
What do you think of your school life You may think it is very __21__ because you just have lessons all day. But let me tell you __22__ we can make our school life full of fun. I am at school now but __23__ me, I enjoy my schooldays a lot. There are lots of ways to help you stay happy at school.
First, you should __24__ a lot of friends. You can __25__ your joy and sadness, enjoy your schooldays and do everything together with them. The most important is to get a __26__ friend. So you can share even your secrets with him or her.
Second, you’d better be __27__ one of your school sports clubs. You can take part in different sports or matches. It doesn’t matter who wins because playing __28__is fun. Sports will make your school life colorful.
Third, you should __29__ to do well in studies. Your marks will be an important factor(因素). With good marks, you’ll find it easier to be happy.
I am sure if you do the three things __30__, you’ll enjoy yourself very much at school. You’ll love to go to school and maybe want to go to school even at the weekend.
( )21. A. fun B. interesting C. boring D. hard
( )22. A. how B. what C. why D. when
( )23. A. make B. believe C. bring D. visit
( )24. A. ask B. get C. make D. help
( )25. A. share B. taste C. keep D. miss
( )26. A. better B. least C. different D. true
( )27. A. over B. in C. under D. of
( )28. A. itself B. myself C. ourselves D. yourselves
( )29. A. agree B. try C. prepare D. learn
( )30. A. next B. all C. below D. above
31. 我们可以从学校图书馆那儿借来更多的杂志。
We can ________ ________ ________ ________ the school library.
32. 在周五下午,我们学校比平时放学早。
On Friday afternoon, our school ________ ________ ________ ________.
33. 一些学生喜欢在放学后打棒球,并且每次都刻苦训练。
Some students like ________ ________ after school and they ________ ________every time.
34. 我们经常在课堂上和同学们讨论这些书。
We often ________ the books ________ our classmates ________ ________.
35. 关于约翰,你还想了解什么?
________ ________ do you want to ________ ________ John
36. go and on his shopping John Saturday friends often (.) (连词成句)
37. Nancy’s every there school a at year is Reading Week (.) (连词成句)
38. Learning foreign languages is fun. (改为同义句)
39. The classes at John’s school are different every day. (改为同义句)
40. Both Nancy and John are Grade Eight students. (改为同义句)
Unit 2 School life- Reading
1. among 2. bring 3. near 4. every time 5. that
1-5 DAACC 6-10 CDDBC 11.A
1.Differences 2.less 3.borrow 4.best 5.unnecessary
6.interested 7.about 8.parents 9.themselves 10.study
Unit 2 School life- Reading
一、1—5 ADDCC 6—10 AAABA
1.French 2.baseball 3.During 4.end 5.offering
6.discussing 7.ninth 8.heroes 9.languages 10.win
11.different 12.most 13.taking
16. heroes 17. twice 18. twelfth 19. mixed 20. carefully
三、21—25 CABCA 26—30 DBABD
四、31. borrow more magazines from
32. ends/finishes earlier than usual
33. playing baseball, practise hard
34. discuss, with, in class
35. What else, know about
五、36. John and his friends often go shopping on Saturday.
37. There is a Reading Week at Nancy’s school every year.
38. It is fun to learn foreign languages.
39. The classes at John’s school are not the same every day.
40. Nancy and John are both Grade Eight students.

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发布日期:2023年12月15日  所属分类:作业答案