牛津上海版八年级下册Module 3 Leisure time Unit 6 Travel 专项提高练习卷(含解析)

牛津上海版八年级下册《Week 14 Unit 6 专项提高》2023年同步练习卷
1.Our school will food and shelter for the students during the summer camp.(  )
A.offer B.give C.bring D.provide
2.Every one of you is looking forward to a good result.
Better think carefully before writing down your answers.Wish you success!(  )
A.get B.got C.getting D.to get
3.When do you plan ________ to Lhasa?(  )
A.go B.going C.to go D.goes
4.﹣The little girl ______ her seat to an old man on the bus.
﹣What a kind girl!(  )
A.brought B.offered C.gave D.lent
5.Is this stadium_______ some American friends visited last weekend?(  )
A.that B.where C.in which D.the one
6.To make this essay better,your point of view should be developed _____.(  )
A.much farther B.even further
C.more further D.a little farther
7.This high﹣tech machine will people from different countries to understand each other easily.
(  )
A.make B.able C.enable D.let
8.It is relaxing to travel along Li River on small boat.(  )
A.the;a B.the;/ C./;the D.as;the
9.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?(  )
A.I want to know where I can get the information I need.
B.I want to know where to get the information I need.
C.I want to know where can I get the information I need.
D.I want to know if I can get the information I need.
10.﹣I often have hamburgers for lunch.
﹣You'd better not.It's bad for you ______ too much junk food.(  )
A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.ate
11.﹣﹣Have you heard of Liu Qian from Taiwan?
﹣﹣Sure!His magic performance is amazing for people
forget.(  )
A.so,that B.such,that C.too,to D.enough,to
12.They had planted 10,000 trees of last month.(  )
A.in the end B.to the end
C.at the end D.by the end
13.Hearing the doorbell,she stopped the door.(  )
A.to open B.open C.opening D.opens
14.We're travelling a speed of thirty miles an hour.(  )
A.at B.in C.for D.by
15.﹣Excuse me,can you tell me the way to Shanghai No.1 Hospital?
﹣ (  )
A.Sorry,I'm new here,too.
B.I don't know.
C.You're welcome.
D.It's my pleasure.
16.Wedding Budget:Paper Products
Posted on July 6 by Cheap Bride
Invitations,envelopes,reply cards
Our initial plan was to buy professionally printed wedding invitations,but that idea quickly faded away once we saw how much they cost!So we decided to design and print our own wedding invitations.We spent 120 on paper.For that amount,we got two colours of paper.Whereas my finance didn't care about the colours,a local hobby store had lots of colours to choose from.We also spent another 70 on cream﹣coloured paper that we used for reply cards and cream﹣coloured envelopes.
In total,we bought 100 sheets of each colour.That much paper made our invitations,reply cards,so I used the extra paper to wrap forks and knives for guests.I also had enough to make signs for the buffet,reserved signs for the tables,we paid another $45 for stamps.
Amanda on July 7 at 4:30 p.m.said:
Hi!When you use just one colour for printing,do you end up wasting a whole colour cartridge for your printer?I am planning to start tonight!I love all your ideas!
Mary on July 9 at9:44 a.m.said:
Love love love all of it!Making personal cards for special occasions is a new hobby of mine!Thanks for breaking down the price on everything.It really helps me set my own budget for projects.
(1)Who bought professionally printed wedding invitations?   
A.Cheap Bride.
D.No one.
(2)How much did the cream﹣coloured paper cost?   
(3)How many sheets of paper did Cheap Bride buy?   
(4)Which of the following was not made by the bride?   
A.Buffet signs.
B.Fork wrappers.
(5)Who is worried about ink for her printer?   
A.Cheap Bride.
D.No one.
17.Sunshine.Orange groves.Disney World.This combination can be used to describe only one location:Orlando,Florida.Today,more and more people and many high technology industries are moving to Orlando
Orlando is located in the central east part of Florida and has a population of approximately 165,000 people.Settlement there began in the early 1840s around the area Fort Gatlin.Prior to 1857,Orlando was known as Jernigan.That name was changed to honor a soldier,killed during the Seminole Wars.Orlando was incorporated as a municipality under state law in 1875.
Today this"animated"city is filled with hotels,restaurants and many other businesses hoping tobenefitfrom the giant tourist industry which grew out of the construction of Disney World.The thriving city can also boast of being a leading player in high technology industry,and Orlando was recently named in Newsweek as one of the ten best cities in the United States in which to live and work.
Before Walt Disney and a mouse named Mickey turned Orlando into a "Magic Kingdom",it was a quiet southern town surrounded by lakes,pine forests and citrus groves.
Prior to Disney's arrival,the biggest thing to happen in this part of Florida,since the arrival of the South Florida Railroad in 1880
In 1964,a man by the name of Walt Disney spent millions of dollars to buy 28,000 acres of farmland in Lake Buena Vista,1965 Walt Disney made his plans for the land public.He was going to develop the world's most outstanding theme park on the site.After 6 years and with $400 million spent,the park held its grand opening in 1971.Parades,rides,shows and other attractions drew 20 million visitors to Disney World in its first two years of operation.
Over the years the theme park continued to grow and expand.EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center,a 260﹣acre futuristic theme park,Typhoon Lagoon,the world's biggest water park,a Disney rival in the movie industry,opened in 1990.
Disney/MGM Studios and Universal Studios are two theme parks that allow the public to visit working motion picture and television production studios,and experience a behind﹣the﹣scenes look at the show business industry.Visitors to each amusement park will be able to see movie props and sets from famous films.
Another attraction in Orlando is Sea World,which is a 175﹣acre marine﹣life park.Sea world is a wondrous place where underwater life can be discovered.Within the park,besides sea creatures,500 species of birds and a tropical rain forest.
Busloads of tourists keep coming to Orlando.But there is more than tourism in this balanced economy.New industry and new jobs keep coming to Orlando,too.More people are discovering that Orlando is a great place to live.The future isjustifiablyoptimistic in the "Magic Kingdom".
(1)Which of the following best describes the main idea of the article?    
A.Walt Disney's famous theme park.
B.A city of traditional tourism and high﹣tech innovation.
C.Some facts about Orlando,Florida.
D.The Cape Canaveral aerospace center.
(2)The probable reason for locating Disney World at Orlando might be    .
A.the orange groves
B.the sunny climate
C.the balanced economy
D.the Cape Canaveral aerospace center
(3)The high Newsweek rating of Orlando as a good place to live was probably influenced by    .
A.the historic background of the city
B.the presence of the theme parks
C.the lakes,pine forests,and citrus groves
D.a combination of various factors
(4)Which of the following words means the same as the underlined word"benefit"?    
(5)The future is "justifiably"optimistic in the "Magic Kingdom".The underlined word means"    ".
A.with good reason
B.with special help
C.with great luck
D.with good attention
(6)If you were able to develop a theme park,what would it be like?    
18.The Green Belt Movement is a community (社区) group in Kenya.It aims to help protect the environment,mainly through planting trees.
The Green Belt Movement was started in 1977 by Wangari Maathai.When Wangari started the Green Belt Movement,she thought much about both people and the environment.She thought that if people grew the trees themselves,it would help them to understand the environment and develop their local cultures.
Today,the Green Belt Movement works like this.Members from the Movement go to communities to talk about tree planting and starting nurseries (苗圃).If the local people are interested,they receive a lot of information about how to prepare the soil (土壤),and collect and grow seeds.When the people know what to do,plant them into seedlings (幼苗).When the seedlings are big enough
The Green Belt Movement now has over 6,000 community nurseries in Kenya,and many more in other African countries.Over the last 30 years
The Green Belt Movement also runs programs to help people start gardens and grow plants that are local to their area.This means that many communities can now take care of almost all their own food needs,and they can often make extra income (额外的收入) as well.
In 2004,Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize.Giving the prize to Wangari showed that peace doesn't just mean stopping wars.It can also mean making the world a better place to live in.
(1)What does the Green Belt Movement aim to do?    
(2)When was the Green Belt Movement started?    
(3)Does the Green Belt Movement open schools to teach people tree planting?    
(4)What can the nurseries get if the seedlings are still alive after three months?    
(5)How can many communities take care of their own food needs now?    
(6)What do you think of the Green Belt Movement?    
A.happily B.cry C.face D.eyes E.come from
When you feel sad,tears will roll down your cheeks (脸颊).When you are happy,tears will also roll down your (1)   .
But where do these tears (2)   ?
Under each eyelid (眼睑) are tiny sacs (液囊) called tear glands (腺),some tears are pushed out of these glands.The tears wash over your (3)    and soothe (缓解) them.When you are laughing or crying your tears away,where do they go?They go away through small holes in your lower eyelid.
Some of these holes lead into your nose.Many times when you (4)   ,the tears drip down through your nose and it starts to run.Maybe you don't like baths,but your eyes can't do without them.
20.A woman in a long,frilly (镶褶边的)skirt dances.She moves her feet quickly to complicated rhythms.Her costume includes high﹣heeled shoes and a fringed shawl(流苏披肩)(1)   overhead and claps her hands.Her body posture is upright and graceful.She is a flamenco(费拉明戈舞)dancer.She has p(2)   for many years to be able to dance like this.
Flamenco is a type of music and dance from southern Spain.Modern flamenco started about 200 years ago,b(3)   the roots of flamenco go back even farther.
Southern Spain is a place where many cultural influences meet.About 1,000 years ago,the Roman people travelled to this area.They brought with them a tradition of song and dance.They also brought musical instruments that are used in flamenco.
The Roman people came in contact w(4)   the traditions of other people in the region.As these cultures m(5)   and influenced each other,the unique art form of flamenco developed.
Flamenco began with songs.Sometimes a singer sings a sad song.Another kind of song is comic and lighthearted.Guitar playing was first used just to accompany singers,but it d(6)   to become the main instrument in flamenco music.
Flamenco has s(7)   around the world.In some countries,flamenco mixes with other local forms of music,such as pop and jazz.Still
21.There are many students waiting for the bus on the road. (改为否定句)
There    students waiting for the bus on the road.
22.The Loire Valley is so beautiful that it attracts many tourists to go there. (保持原句意不变)
The Loire Valley is beautiful    to    many tourists to go there.
23.They went to the zoo by bus.
They   to go to the zoo.
24.They flew to Hong Kong yesterday.
They   to Hong Kong   yesterday.
25.Let's start to communicate with each other in English from now on.(改为反意疑问句)
Let's start to communicate with each other in English from now on,    ?
牛津上海版八年级下册《Week 14 Unit 6 专项提高》2023年同步练习卷
1.Our school will food and shelter for the students during the summer camp.(  )
A.offer B.give C.bring D.provide
【解答】offer:自愿提供,offer sth to sb,give sth to sb;provide:义务提供。结合句意:夏令营期间。
2.Every one of you is looking forward to a good result.
Better think carefully before writing down your answers.Wish you success!(  )
A.get B.got C.getting D.to get
3.When do you plan ________ to Lhasa?(  )
A.go B.going C.to go D.goes
【解答】根据When do plan to ,可知你打算什么时候去拉萨.故选C.
4.﹣The little girl ______ her seat to an old man on the bus.
﹣What a kind girl!(  )
A.brought B.offered C.gave D.lent
【解答】bring带来;offer(主动)提供;lend借.give sth to sb把某物给某人 lend sth to sb把某物借给某人.根据The girl seat an man.故选B.
5.Is this stadium_______ some American friends visited last weekend?(  )
A.that B.where C.in which D.the one
【解答】根据语境,题干主语是this stadium,因此应用the one代替,因此the one后是一个定语从句;当定语从句的先行词是the one时,且因that在定语从句中作visited的宾语,因此D项the one符合语境及句法结构。
6.To make this essay better,your point of view should be developed _____.(  )
A.much farther B.even further
C.more further D.a little farther
7.This high﹣tech machine will people from different countries to understand each other easily.
(  )
A.make B.able C.enable D.let
8.It is relaxing to travel along Li River on small boat.(  )
A.the;a B.the;/ C./;the D.as;the
9.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?(  )
A.I want to know where I can get the information I need.
B.I want to know where to get the information I need.
C.I want to know where can I get the information I need.
D.I want to know if I can get the information I need.
【解答】A I want to know 是主句,where I can get the information I need是宾语从句,句子正确;B to 是主语和谓语 to the I need作know的宾语 want know ,if I get information I ,且是陈述句语序;C I want to know是主句。
10.﹣I often have hamburgers for lunch.
﹣You'd better not.It's bad for you ______ too much junk food.(  )
A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.ate
【解答】根据It's bad you too junk ,可知在这里的意思是吃太多的垃圾食品对你不好,真正的主语是to引导的不定式短语.故选:B。
11.﹣﹣Have you heard of Liu Qian from Taiwan?
﹣﹣Sure!His magic performance is amazing for people
forget.(  )
A.so,that B.such,that C.too,to D.enough,to
12.They had planted 10,000 trees of last month.(  )
A.in the end B.to the end
C.at the end D.by the end
【解答】考查介词短语.句意"到上个月底为止.".A在…的最后.C在…结尾.by the end of"到…末",常用于完成时态.
13.Hearing the doorbell,she stopped the door.(  )
A.to open B.open C.opening D.opens
【解答】根据题干Hearing the ,可知是指听到门铃。stop doing sth停止做某事。
14.We're travelling a speed of thirty miles an hour.(  )
A.at B.in C.for D.by
【解答】考查介词.句意"我们以每小时三十英里的速度行进.".in在…里.at a speed of以…的速度.故选A.
15.﹣Excuse me,can you tell me the way to Shanghai No.1 Hospital?
﹣ (  )
A.Sorry,I'm new here,too.
B.I don't know.
C.You're welcome.
D.It's my pleasure.
【解答】A.Sorry,I'm new here,我也是新来的;C.You're welcome.不客气;根据Excuse ,can tell the to No.1 ?可知应说对不起。
16.Wedding Budget:Paper Products
Posted on July 6 by Cheap Bride
Invitations,envelopes,reply cards
Our initial plan was to buy professionally printed wedding invitations,but that idea quickly faded away once we saw how much they cost!So we decided to design and print our own wedding invitations.We spent 120 on paper.For that amount,we got two colours of paper.Whereas my finance didn't care about the colours,a local hobby store had lots of colours to choose from.We also spent another 70 on cream﹣coloured paper that we used for reply cards and cream﹣coloured envelopes.
In total,we bought 100 sheets of each colour.That much paper made our invitations,reply cards,so I used the extra paper to wrap forks and knives for guests.I also had enough to make signs for the buffet,reserved signs for the tables,we paid another $45 for stamps.
Amanda on July 7 at 4:30 p.m.said:
Hi!When you use just one colour for printing,do you end up wasting a whole colour cartridge for your printer?I am planning to start tonight!I love all your ideas!
Mary on July 9 at9:44 a.m.said:
Love love love all of it!Making personal cards for special occasions is a new hobby of mine!Thanks for breaking down the price on everything.It really helps me set my own budget for projects.
(1)Who bought professionally printed wedding invitations? D 
A.Cheap Bride.
D.No one.
(2)How much did the cream﹣coloured paper cost? B 
(3)How many sheets of paper did Cheap Bride buy? D 
(4)Which of the following was not made by the bride? D 
A.Buffet signs.
B.Fork wrappers.
(5)Who is worried about ink for her printer? B 
A.Cheap Bride.
D.No one.
【分析】文章讲了Cheap Bride发布了新的婚礼纸制品的预算情况,包括请柬、信封、回信卡和邮票。Amanda和Mary做了回应。
【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据文中 Our initial plan was to buy professionally printed wedding invitations!可知,但一旦我们看到它们的价格!所以可推断没有人买专业印刷的结婚请柬。
(2)B.细节理解题。根据文中We also spent another 70 on cream﹣coloured paper that we used for reply cards and cream﹣coloured envelopes.可知,用来做回信卡和奶油色的信封。故选B。
(3)D.推理判断题。根据文中For that amount,we bought 100 sheets of each colour.我们总共买了100张每种颜色的纸,我们买了两种颜色的纸,用来做回信卡和奶油色的信封。所以一共买了300张纸。
(4)D.推理判断题。根据In the end,最后。所以邮票不是新娘做的。
(5)B.推理判断题。根据Amanda on July 7 at 4:30 p.m.said:Hi,do you end up wasting a whole colour cartridge for your printer,4月7日下午4:30阿曼达说:你好,你会浪费一整盒的彩色墨盒吗!所以谁担心打印机的墨水阿曼达。
17.Sunshine.Orange groves.Disney World.This combination can be used to describe only one location:Orlando,Florida.Today,more and more people and many high technology industries are moving to Orlando
Orlando is located in the central east part of Florida and has a population of approximately 165,000 people.Settlement there began in the early 1840s around the area Fort Gatlin.Prior to 1857,Orlando was known as Jernigan.That name was changed to honor a soldier,killed during the Seminole Wars.Orlando was incorporated as a municipality under state law in 1875.
Today this"animated"city is filled with hotels,restaurants and many other businesses hoping tobenefitfrom the giant tourist industry which grew out of the construction of Disney World.The thriving city can also boast of being a leading player in high technology industry,and Orlando was recently named in Newsweek as one of the ten best cities in the United States in which to live and work.
Before Walt Disney and a mouse named Mickey turned Orlando into a "Magic Kingdom",it was a quiet southern town surrounded by lakes,pine forests and citrus groves.
Prior to Disney's arrival,the biggest thing to happen in this part of Florida,since the arrival of the South Florida Railroad in 1880
In 1964,a man by the name of Walt Disney spent millions of dollars to buy 28,000 acres of farmland in Lake Buena Vista,1965 Walt Disney made his plans for the land public.He was going to develop the world's most outstanding theme park on the site.After 6 years and with $400 million spent,the park held its grand opening in 1971.Parades,rides,shows and other attractions drew 20 million visitors to Disney World in its first two years of operation.
Over the years the theme park continued to grow and expand.EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center,a 260﹣acre futuristic theme park,Typhoon Lagoon,the world's biggest water park,a Disney rival in the movie industry,opened in 1990.
Disney/MGM Studios and Universal Studios are two theme parks that allow the public to visit working motion picture and television production studios,and experience a behind﹣the﹣scenes look at the show business industry.Visitors to each amusement park will be able to see movie props and sets from famous films.
Another attraction in Orlando is Sea World,which is a 175﹣acre marine﹣life park.Sea world is a wondrous place where underwater life can be discovered.Within the park,besides sea creatures,500 species of birds and a tropical rain forest.
Busloads of tourists keep coming to Orlando.But there is more than tourism in this balanced economy.New industry and new jobs keep coming to Orlando,too.More people are discovering that Orlando is a great place to live.The future isjustifiablyoptimistic in the "Magic Kingdom".
(1)Which of the following best describes the main idea of the article?  B 
A.Walt Disney's famous theme park.
B.A city of traditional tourism and high﹣tech innovation.
C.Some facts about Orlando,Florida.
D.The Cape Canaveral aerospace center.
(2)The probable reason for locating Disney World at Orlando might be  B .
A.the orange groves
B.the sunny climate
C.the balanced economy
D.the Cape Canaveral aerospace center
(3)The high Newsweek rating of Orlando as a good place to live was probably influenced by  D .
A.the historic background of the city
B.the presence of the theme parks
C.the lakes,pine forests,and citrus groves
D.a combination of various factors
(4)Which of the following words means the same as the underlined word"benefit"?  C 
(5)The future is "justifiably"optimistic in the "Magic Kingdom".The underlined word means"  A ".
A.with good reason
B.with special help
C.with great luck
D.with good attention
(6)If you were able to develop a theme park,what would it be like?  It would be filled with joy,happiness and being moved. 
(5)A.词义猜测题。A项"伴随好的原因";C项"伴随很好的运气"。题干意思是"在"魔幻王国",划线单词是什么意思?",越来越多的人向往奥兰多这座城市,所以 justifiably"意为"理所当然地,结合选项,故选A。
(6)It would be filled with joy,happiness and being moved.推理表达题,它会是什么样?",如果我能去建立一个主题公园、幸福和感动的,happiness and being moved.
18.The Green Belt Movement is a community (社区) group in Kenya.It aims to help protect the environment,mainly through planting trees.
The Green Belt Movement was started in 1977 by Wangari Maathai.When Wangari started the Green Belt Movement,she thought much about both people and the environment.She thought that if people grew the trees themselves,it would help them to understand the environment and develop their local cultures.
Today,the Green Belt Movement works like this.Members from the Movement go to communities to talk about tree planting and starting nurseries (苗圃).If the local people are interested,they receive a lot of information about how to prepare the soil (土壤),and collect and grow seeds.When the people know what to do,plant them into seedlings (幼苗).When the seedlings are big enough
The Green Belt Movement now has over 6,000 community nurseries in Kenya,and many more in other African countries.Over the last 30 years
The Green Belt Movement also runs programs to help people start gardens and grow plants that are local to their area.This means that many communities can now take care of almost all their own food needs,and they can often make extra income (额外的收入) as well.
In 2004,Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize.Giving the prize to Wangari showed that peace doesn't just mean stopping wars.It can also mean making the world a better place to live in.
(1)What does the Green Belt Movement aim to do?  It aims to help protect the environment. 
(2)When was the Green Belt Movement started?  It was started in 1977. 
(3)Does the Green Belt Movement open schools to teach people tree planting?  No,it doesn't. 
(4)What can the nurseries get if the seedlings are still alive after three months?  They can get some money. 
(5)How can many communities take care of their own food needs now?  They take care of their own food seeds by starting gardens and growing plants that are local to their area. 
(6)What do you think of the Green Belt Movement?  I think it is a good and responsible group. 
【解答】1.It to protect environment It to protect environment through trees."可以确定此题答案为 aims help the ,多余的信息可以略去不说 It to protect environment.
2.It was started in 1977 Green Movement started 1977 Wangari ."绿带行动是在1977年由 Wangari .故答案为It was started in 1977.
6.No.细节理解题 第三段是介绍绿带行动的工作方法 Members the go communities talk tree and nurseries,而是到社区宣传植树和开办苗圃的方式,故答案为No.
4.They can get some money Green Movement the money each that still after months,绿带行动就给苗圃付一些钱.故答案为They can get some money..
5.They take care of their own food seeds by starting gardens and growing plants that are local to their area Green Movement runs to people gardens grow that local their .This that communities now care almost their food .它的意思是"绿带行动也经营一个项目,种植适合当地的一些植物.因此可以确定他们保管种子的方式是"创建花园".故答案为They take care of their own food seeds by starting gardens and growing plants that are local to their area..
4.I think it is a good and responsible group,绿带行动是一个社区团体,a group ,protect environment,making world a place live .所以我们都会觉得它是一个很好的.因此可以用类似的形容来描述它.(答案不唯一)
A.happily B.cry C.face D.eyes E.come from
When you feel sad,tears will roll down your cheeks (脸颊).When you are happy,tears will also roll down your (1) C .
But where do these tears (2) E ?
Under each eyelid (眼睑) are tiny sacs (液囊) called tear glands (腺),some tears are pushed out of these glands.The tears wash over your (3) D  and soothe (缓解) them.When you are laughing or crying your tears away,where do they go?They go away through small holes in your lower eyelid.
Some of these holes lead into your nose.Many times when you (4) B ,the tears drip down through your nose and it starts to run.Maybe you don't like baths,but your eyes can't do without them.
【解答】(1)C 考查名词.根据前句When feel ,tears roll your (脸颊),眼泪会从你的脸颊上滚落下来,应说当你快乐的时候,眼泪也会从你的脸上滚落下来.
(2)E 考查短语.根据后句Under eyelid are sacs called glands .每一眼睑下都有一个叫做泪腺的小囊.可知结合选项?come from来自.
(3)D 考查名词.根据前句 time blink eyes tears pushed of glands,这些腺体就会分泌一些眼泪,应说泪水清洗你的眼睛.故选D.
(4)B 考查动词.根据后句the drip through nose it to .可知结合选项,当你哭的时候,然后开始流,主语是you.
20.A woman in a long,frilly (镶褶边的)skirt dances.She moves her feet quickly to complicated rhythms.Her costume includes high﹣heeled shoes and a fringed shawl(流苏披肩)(1) rms overhead and claps her hands.Her body posture is upright and graceful.She is a flamenco(费拉明戈舞)dancer.She has p(2) racticed for many years to be able to dance like this.
Flamenco is a type of music and dance from southern Spain.Modern flamenco started about 200 years ago,b(3) ut the roots of flamenco go back even farther.
Southern Spain is a place where many cultural influences meet.About 1,000 years ago,the Roman people travelled to this area.They brought with them a tradition of song and dance.They also brought musical instruments that are used in flamenco.
The Roman people came in contact w(4) ith the traditions of other people in the region.As these cultures m(5) et and influenced each other,the unique art form of flamenco developed.
Flamenco began with songs.Sometimes a singer sings a sad song.Another kind of song is comic and lighthearted.Guitar playing was first used just to accompany singers,but it d(6) eveloped to become the main instrument in flamenco music.
Flamenco has s(7) pread around the world.In some countries,flamenco mixes with other local forms of music,such as pop and jazz.Still
【解答】1.arms ,根据语境,并鼓掌,在此要用复数.
2.practiced ,has+动词过去分词,结合语境.故答案为practiced.
2.but ,联系前后两句话Modern started 200 ago,the of go even .费拉明戈舞的根甚至要追溯到更远,故答案为but.
4.with ,in contact with与……保持联系,罗马人开始融入这个区域的其他人的传统.
5.met ,结合语境,独特的艺术形式费拉明戈舞发展起来了,一般过去时,故答案为met.
3.developed ,结合语境,但后来发展成为费拉明戈舞音乐的主要乐器,判断本句为一般过去时,故但为developed.
7.spread ,has后用动词过去分词,结合语境,故答案为spread.
21.There are many students waiting for the bus on the road. (改为否定句)
There aren't many  students waiting for the bus on the road.
【解答】含be动词的句子变否定句时,在be动词后加not,所以否定句在 are后加not
故答案是aren't many
22.The Loire Valley is so beautiful that it attracts many tourists to go there. (保持原句意不变)
The Loire Valley is beautiful enough  to attract  many tourists to go there.
23.They went to the zoo by bus.
They took a bus to go to the zoo.
【解答】根据题干可知他们坐公交去动物园了,其中by bus表示坐公交.其次句子是一般过去时.
24.They flew to Hong Kong yesterday.
They went to Hong Kong by air/plane yesterday.
【解答】正确答案:went,by air/plane,那么也可以说他们坐飞机去香港了,坐飞机是by air/plane,则第一空应填写go的过去式went.
25.Let's start to communicate with each other in English from now on.(改为反意疑问句)
Let's start to communicate with each other in English from now on,  shall we ?
【解答】根据题干,可知要求改为反意疑问句?后面用shall we.
故答案为shall we.

  • 牛津上海版八年级下册Module 3 Leisure time Unit 6 Travel 专项提高练习卷(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月15日  所属分类:作业答案