
A Boy's Dream
It was 1957. A boy named Franklin Chang-Diaz stared at the night sky. He was trying to see a satellite named Sputnik. Franklin marveled at the satellite. It was amazing to him. Later, he had a dream. He longed to fly in space. He wanted to be an astronaut.
When Franklin grew up, he left his homeland so that he could study science in the United States At first, Franklin was bewildered by life in the United States. But he studied hard and became a top student. In 1980, the United States space program picked him to become an astronaut! Franklin worked hard to become an astronaut. Six years later, his dream finally came true.
1.The boy’s name is . ( )
A.Sputnik B.Franklin Chang-Diaz C.United States
2. was amazing to him. ( )
A.Satellite B.Sputnik C.Space
3.Franklin was by life in the United States at first. ( )
A.happy B.sad C.bewildered
4.He left his homeland so that he . ( )
A.could study science in the United States
B.could became a top student
C.could grow up
5.His dream finally came true in . ( )
A.1957 B.1986 C.1980
It’s Friday afternoon. All the people at Bluesky Company (公司) are thinking about their plans for the weekend. Mike is going to work in his garden. Dale is going fishing in the countryside. Charlie and Tom want to play tennis. Jack is going hiking in the mountains. Kelly and her family are going for a picnic. And Ed wants to play football with his friends in the park. Unluckily (不幸地), they are going to be disappointed. The weather forecast says “It’s going to rain heavily all weekend.”
6.They are thinking about ______. ( )
A.how to work well B.their plans for the weekend C.the work plan
7.They are working at ______. ( )
A.Whitehouse Company B.Greenhouse Company C.Bluesky Company
8.How many persons are there in the passage ( )
A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven.
9.Charlie and Tom are ______. ( )
A.going fishing B.playing tennis C.going swimming
10.What does “weather forecast” mean ( )
A.天气预报 B.新闻联播 C.焦点访谈
My name’s Ann. I like winter best. Because it often snows. I can make a snowman behind our house with my friends. Peter is my cousin. He likes winter, too. But his favorite season is summer. He often goes swimming. Sometimes he goes fishing with my uncle in the river. Peter has a sister. Her name is Lily. She likes spring best. Her mother often takes her to fly kites in the park.
11._______ can make a snowman with her friends. ( )
A.Peter B.Lily C.Ann
12._______ likes spring best. ( )
A.Lily B.Lily’s brother C.Lily’s cousin
13.Peter likes _______. ( )
A.spring and summer B.winter and summer C.spring and winter
14._______ goes fishing in the river. ( )
A.Peter B.Lily C.Ann
15._______ fly kites in spring. ( )
A.Ann B.Ann and Lily C.Lily and her mother
Li Lei’s uncle lives in Shanghai. Li Lei went there with his parents last Saturday. They went there by train. It was a long trip. He slept on the train. The next morning, he got to Shanghai. His uncle went to the train station to meet them.
Li Lei played with his cousin. He ate good food there. He visited the Disneyland. It was beautiful. He took many pictures. He came back yesterday.
16.Where did Li Lei go ( )
A.Beijing. B.Shanghai. C.Nan yang.
17.When did he go ( )
A.Last Sunday. B.Last Friday. C.Last Saturday.
18.Did Li Lei go by train ( )
A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn’t. C.We don’t know.
19.What did he do there ( )
A.He did many things there.
B.He only visited the Disneyland.
C.He only ate good food.
20.When did he come back ( )
A.Today. B.Yesterday C.Last Saturday
Summer Holidays(暑假) in England
With July coming, the summer holidays begin. Boys and girls will have 60 days to rest. The weather is good. Parents will take their children to the seaside(海边)for the holidays. The children like the sand(沙子), the sun, the cool wind and the water. Certainly there are lots of things to see, good things to eat, and exciting things to do. They can play ball games. They can go on field trips, too. They study real things on the field trips. What good holidays!
21.The summer holidays begin in July. ( )
22.The weather is often rainy and windy in summer holidays. ( )
23.The children will go to the seaside with their father and mother in summer holidays. ( )
24.The children feel very hot in summer holidays. ( )
25.The children can’t go on field trips in summer holidays. ( )
26.Summer holidays are very interesting for English children. ( )
Yesterday was Jack’s sixth birthday. His father David wanted to give him a gift. He went to the shop by car in the afternoon. He wanted to buy a cake in the cake shop. But the cake shop was not open. He felt sad. Then Mr David went to the supermarket. He bought some food and a toy panda. When he went out of the supermarket, the bag was broken. All the things fell down. He was angry. After that, Mr David went to a pet shop. When he walked into the shop, a big dog barked at (对着…叫) him. He was afraid. He bought a little cat in the shop.
It was 8:00 in the evening. Mr David didn’t come back home. Mrs David was worried. A few minutes later, someone opened the door. It was Mr David. He took out the little cat and gave it to Jack. Jack was very happy.
27.It was Jack’s seventh birthday yesterday. ( )
28.Mr David went to the shop by taxi in the afternoon. ( )
29.Mr David bought a toy bear in the supermarket. ( )
30.Mr David came back home at eight in the evening. ( )
31.The little cat was a birthday gift for Jack. ( )
读短文 A Happy Holiday,判断正(T)误(F)。
Dear Amy,
How are you I had a happy holiday. I went to Fujian with my aunt this holiday. We went to Xiamen by plane on July 9th. We went to visit some interesting places in the city on the second day. The next day, we went to Gulangyu Island. It is a quiet island. It is famous for its beautiful buildings and scenery. I took many pictures there. On the fourth day, my aunt and I went to enjoy the seafood. It was so delicious. On the fifth day, it was time to say goodbye to Fujian. I wish I could stay longer. But I know I will go there next time.
32.Jane wrote the leter to Amy. ( )
33.Jane went to Fujian with her mom. ( )
34.They went to Xiamen by plane. ( )
35.They went to Gulangyu Island on the second day. ( )
36.On the last day, Jane had some seafood. ( )
It was a hot day. A mother crow and three baby crows were flying in the sky. They were very thirsty. Mother crow said to her children, “Let’s find some water to drink.” They saw a jar. There was some water in the jar. But they couldn’t put their beaks (鸟嘴) in it. Mother crow looked at the jar. Then she had a good idea. They put some small stones into the jar. Oh, the jar was full! The mother crow and her children drank the water happily.
37.The crows were very hungry. ( )
38.They wanted to drink some water. ( )
39.They put some flowers into the jar. ( )
40.There was no water in the jar. ( )
41.Mother crow and her children drank the water. ( )
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B
【解析】1.根据文中第一行第二句话A boy named Franklin Chang-Diaz stared at the night sky.可知,故答案是B。
3.根据第二段第二句话At first, Franklin was bewildered by life in the United States. 可知,故答案是C。
4.根据第二段第一句话When Franklin grew up, he left his homeland so that he could study science in the United States.可知,故答案是A。
5.(1)980他成为宇航员,Six years later, his dream finally came true.说明6年后他的梦想成真,故答案是(1)986,即B。
6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A
6.句意:他们正在考虑周末计划。for:为了:表目的。通过文章中的“All the people at Bluesky Company(公司) are thinking about their plans for the weekend.”因此本题选择B。
7.通过文章中的“All the people at Bluesky Company(公司)”,我们可以知道本题选择C。
8.通读全文可知,文章有Mike,Dale,Charlie ,Tom,Jack,Kelly and Ed共7个人。故选C。
9.通过文章中的“Charlie and Tom want to play tennis.”,我们可以知道本题选择B。
10.通过文章中的“It's going to rain heavily all weekend.”,原文中提到要下雨,天气预报。故选A。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C
11.句意:______可以和她的朋友一起堆雪人。A彼得,B莉莉,C安。根据“My name’s Ann. I can make a snowman behind our house with my friends.”我的名字是安。我可以和朋友们在房子后面堆雪人。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。
12.句意:______最喜欢春天。A莉莉,B莉莉的妈妈,C莉莉的表妹。根据“Her name is Lily. She likes spring best.”她的名字是莉莉。她最喜欢春天。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。
13.句意:彼得喜欢______。A春天和夏天,B冬天和夏天,C春天和冬天。根据“He likes winter, too. But his favorite season is summer.”他也喜欢冬天。但是他最喜欢的季节是夏天。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。
14.句意:_____去河里钓鱼。A彼得,B莉莉,C安。根据“Sometimes he goes fishing with my uncle in the river.”有时他和我的叔叔去河里钓鱼。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。
15.句意:_____在春天放风筝。A安,B安和莉莉,C莉莉和她的妈妈。根据“Her name is Lily. She likes spring best. Her mother often takes her to fly kites in the park.”她是莉莉。她最喜欢春天。她的妈妈经常带她去公园里放风筝。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.B
16.句意:李雷去哪里了?A北京,B上海,C南阳,根据文中句子“Li Lei’s uncle lives in Shanghai. Li Lei went there with his parents last Saturday.”可知李雷去了上海,选项B符合题意,故选B。
17.句意:他什么时候去的?A上周日。B上周五。C上周六。根据文中句子“Li Lei went there with his parents last Saturday.”可知他上周六去的,选项C符合题意,故选C。
18.句意:李雷是坐火车去的吗?A是的,他是。B不,他不是。C我们不知道。根据文中句子“They went there by train.”可知李雷是坐火车去的,作肯定回答,选项A符合题意,故选A。
19.句意:他在那里做什么?A他在那里做了很多事情。B他只参观了迪斯尼乐园。 C他只吃美味的食物。根据文中句子“Li Lei played with his cousin. He ate good food there. He visited the Disneyland.”可知他在那里做了很多事情,选项A符合题意,故选A。
20.句意:他什么时候回来的?A今天。B昨天,C上周六,根据文中句子“He came back yesterday.”可知他昨天回来的,选项B符合题意,故选B。
21.T 22.F 23.T 24.F 25.F 26.T
21.句意:夏天从七月开始。通过文章中的“(With July coming, the summer holidays begin.)”可以知道这道题目是正确的;故答案为T。
22.句意:夏天经常下雨和多风。通过文章中的“(The weather is good.)”可以知道这道题目是错误的;故答案为F。
23.句意:在夏天孩子们会和他们的爸爸妈妈去海边。通过文章中的“(Parents will take their children to the seaside海边. for the holidays.)”可以知道这道题目是正确的;故答案为T。
25.句意:孩子们在夏天不能去野外旅行。通过文章中的“(They can go on field trips, too.)”可以知道这道题目是错误的;故答案为F。
26.句意:暑假对于应该的孩子非常有意思。通过文章中的“(What good holidays!)”可以知道这道题目是正确的。故答案为T。
28.F 29.F 30.F 31.T
27.句意:昨天是杰克的七岁生日。根据Yesterday was Jack’s sixth birthday. 昨天是杰克的六岁生日。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
28.句意:大卫先生下午乘出租车去商店。根据He went to the shop by car in the afternoon. 他下午开车去商店。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
29.句意:大卫先生在超市买了一只玩具熊。根据He bought some food and a toy panda. 他买了一些食物和一个玩具熊猫。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
30.句意:大卫先生晚上八点回家。根据It was 8:00 in the evening. Mr David didn’t come back home. 晚上8点了。大卫先生没有回家。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
31.句意:这只小猫是杰克的生日礼物。根据He took out the little cat and gave it to Jack. Jack was very happy. 他拿出小猫,把它给杰克。杰克很开心。结合上下文,可知小猫是杰克的生日礼物。可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
32.T 33.F 34.T 35.F 36.F
32.句意:简给艾米写的这封信。根据“Dear Amy”和“Yours, Jane”可知简给艾米写的这封信,句子和短文内容相符,故答案为T。
33.句意:简和她的妈妈去了福建。根据“I went to Fujian with my aunt this holiday. ”可知简和她的阿姨去了福建,句子和短文内容不符,故答案为F。
34.句意:她们飞机去了厦门。根据“We went to Xiamen by plane on July 9th. ”可知她们乘坐飞机去了厦门,句子和短文内容相符,故答案为T。
35.句意:第二天她们去了鼓浪屿岛。根据“We went to visit some interesting places in the city on the second day. The next day, we went to Gulangyu Island. ”可知她们第三天去的鼓浪屿岛。句子和短文内容不符,故答案为F。
36.句意:在最后一天,简吃了海鲜。根据“ On the fourth day, my aunt and I went to enjoy the seafood.”可知第四天,吃了海鲜,句子和短文内容不符,故答案为F。
37.F 38.T 39.F 40.F 41.T
37.句意:乌鸦非常饿。根据“They were very thirsty.”,可知乌鸦非常渴,故答案为F。
38.句意:它们想喝些水。根据“Let’s find some water to drink.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
39.句意:它们把一些花放进罐子里。根据“They put some small stones into the jar.”,可知它们把一些小石头放进罐子里,故答案为F。
40.句意:罐子里没有水。根据“They saw a jar. There was some water in the jar.”,可知罐子里有一些水,故答案为F。
41.句意:乌鸦妈妈和她的孩子们喝了水。根据“The mother crow and her children drank the water happily.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
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