
Why Cooking Meals at Home Benefits More Than Just Your Wallet
When hunger strikes, the convenience of entering a fast-food restaurant or ordering takeout can be terribly attractive. 1 However, when it becomes a routine, your waistline, your wallet and your health can be badly affected. Here are four reasons to make cooking at home your option.
·It’s cheaper.
You could spend $100 at a fancy restaurant for one dinner, while the same amount of money could buy you groceries for a week. When you shop smart and get creative, you needn’t spend more than $1 on breakfast, $2 on lunch and $4 on dinner to purchase wholesome, healthy foods. Here’s how: 2
·It may reduce your exposure to certain chemicals.
The most surprising benefit of cooking at home can decrease the amount of harmful chemicals you’re exposed to. 3 Common in takeout and fast-food packaging, those chemicals have been associated with many diseases. Food packaging can also contain other damaging compounds (化合物).
·You can better estimate calories.
4 That is why people tend to consume extra calories when dining away from home. On the contrary, you have complete control over the food materials when you cook in your own kitchen. Choosing fiber-packed vegetables and meat containing less fat will help keep your calories under control. So will the way you cook your food. Rather than frying, choose roasting.
· 5
Many chefs use a lot of salt while cooking. While salt can make food tastier, too much of it is linked to serious health issues like heart disease and high blood pressure. At home, you can control the quantity of salt on your plate by seasoning food in other ways, like using lemon juice. The same goes for sugar. You can use smaller quantities of natural sweeteners like honey to add sweetness to your food. Too much added sugar is linked to some diseases as well.
A. You can reduce added salt and sugar.
B. Eating out can make calorie counting tricky.
C. Buy in large quantities and stick to store-brand items.
D. Salt and sugar are both essentials in cooking delicious foods.
E. Relying on food away from home occasionally is totally acceptable.
F. People are always too engaged in their work to cook at home personally.
G. People cooking at home have lower levels of dangerous chemicals in their bodies.
For most people traveling abroad, their first choice is probably to make a beeline for (直奔) tourist sights. For me, I find lots of joy in grocery (食品杂货店) shopping on holiday.
As a vegetarian, finding restaurants that meet my needs is not always easy abroad. 6 The first thing I do, after dropping my bags off, is to go to a grocery store. That enables me to cook breakfast in the morning without walking around for hours trying to find “vegan breakfast” near me.
The variety of foods attracts me every time I travel somewhere new. In Malta, I found the most delicious chocolate-filled cakes, a product I would struggle to find even in the UK. 7 I was so delighted that I could enjoy such an unexpected treat. Another surprise was their selection of ice cream available even in the smallest grocery stores.
8 Looking for smoked tofu and corn pancakes turns into quite a mission whenever I visit Cluj-Napoca in Romania. There is usually only one variety of smoked tofu, sold in a very small tub (食品盒) and only in the cafeteria section. 9 That is because they are never available at the smaller ones.
Grocery shopping on holiday sounds unusual. But it means being involved in the day-to-day lives of a country’s citizens. I can pretend I am a local and put myself in their shoes. I can watch kids begging their parents for sweets, an international experience that needs no language, or watch couples pick up snacks and drinks for a party on a Friday night. 10
A. I ended up eating these every day for breakfast.
B. The challenge of finding food is interesting, too.
C. So I always make sure to book a place with a kitchen.
D. Grocery shopping was a vital part of the holiday experience.
E. It’s an act of understanding people as much as of buying food.
F. Corn pancakes always require a trip to the bigger grocery store.
G. By wandering around in a new country, I start to see what they value.
My husband and I just spent a week in Paris. 11 So the first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard. It was so tiny that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway.
The place wasn't entirely authentic, though. Unlike a normal Parisian apartment, the plumbing (水管)worked. 12 Our building even had a tiny lift with a female voice that said, “Ouverture des ports,” in perfect French. That is the only French phrase I mastered, and it's a shame I don't have much use for it.
Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. 13 French strawberries do not taste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.
14 On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon. My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten. But they cost $18.
In France, quality of life is much more important than efficiency (效率). You can tell this by cafes life. French cafes are always crowded. 15 When do these people work The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously----so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.
A. Not all the customers are tourists.
B. The quality of life in France is equally excellent.
C. There was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed.
D. The amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers.
E. That's not the only reason the French eat less than we do.
F. Our aim was to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians.
G. The food is so delicious that you don't need much of it to make you happy.
Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resting your body clock. 16 Here is how to make one.
● 17 In order to make a change, you need to decide why it's important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day Once you are clear about your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.
●Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 18 That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.
●Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 19
●Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 20 If not, take another look at other methods you could try.
A. Get a sleep specialist.
B. Find the right motivation.
C. A better plan for sleep can help.
D. And consider setting a second alarm.
E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up.
F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.
G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee.
Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 21 But it seems that many people don’t cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn’t difficult. 22 This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.
23 Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you’re standing at the ocean’s edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn’t fresh. 24 When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you’d better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don’t cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one.
There are many common methods used to cook fish. 25 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (调料).Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it’s ready to serve.
A. Do not buy it.
B. The easiest is to steam it.
C. This is how you can do it.
D. It just requires a little knowledge.
E. The fish will go bad within hours.
F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.
G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.
One of the primary goals of cognitive behavioral therapy (疗法) is finding effective ways to channel your anxiety into productive action. The best possible one is under the care of an experienced mental health care provider. Still, if you are hoping to stop being paralyzed (麻痹) by anxiety and use this energy to fuel and improve your life, you can. 26
Set a goal. Goal-setting is one way to use your anxiety as fuel. Take notice of your anxious thoughts and worries. What are you most concerned about 27 Instead of shaking in your boots, get to work developing a plan that allows you to overcome these fears.
Challenge yourself regularly to build resilience. Think of your resilience to anxiety as a muscle. 28 Rather than avoiding those situations that cause anxiety, gradually expose yourself to them more often. When you do this, you will find that, over time, they lose their power. For instance, if you hate public speaking, you might benefit from signing up for a local Toastmasters club. Doing so will allow you to practice speaking in front of a group more often, which will reduce your anxiety.
29 Anxiety can feel like a live wire in your body. You can’t sit still or focus. Exercise is a great activity to make use of this spare energy. Exercise offers a host of benefits like fighting off illness and helping you manage weight. One of the benefits most helpful to you, however, is its ability to neutralize anxiety and improve your mood.
Perform reality testing. You don’t have to become a slave to your anxious thoughts, giving them permission to get you all worked up. 30 Reality testing involves assessing a situation for errors in thinking. To assess the reality of this situation, you want to ask what evidence is there that says this is true. Did your friends actually call you lame Are they avoiding you
A. Put them to the test instead.
B. What are your biggest fears
C. Burn off nervous energy with physical activity.
D. The more you use the muscle, the stronger it becomes.
E. How can you deal with getting fired if it does happen
F. Just transform anxiety into action by using positive strategies.
G. When you find yourself becoming anxious, check your thought patterns.
Keys: 1-5 ECGBA 6-10 CABFE 11-15 FCGEA 16-20 CBGFE
21-25 GDFAB 26-30 FBDCA
1. E 根据该空后的However可知,空处与下文应是转折关系,空后提到长期在外吃饭,你的很多方面都会受到不好的影响,所以E项“偶尔在外吃饭是完全可以接受的。”符合语境。故选E。
2. C 根据该段小标题“It’s cheaper.”和段落主要内容可知,本段主要说在家做饭的好处是更便宜
3. G 根据本段小标题中的chemicals一词可知,该段的内容与化学物质有关;空前一句提到在家做饭最令人惊讶的好处是可以减少接触有害化学物质的数量,G项“在家做饭的人体内的危险化学物质含量较低。”承接上文,符合语境。且G项中的chemicals与小标题中的chemicals属于“原词复现”。故选G。
4. B 该空位于段落开头,空处下文提到,那就是为什么人们在外就餐时往往会摄入额外的卡路里。结合段落小标题中的关键词calories可知,B项“外出就餐会使卡路里计算(问题)变得棘手。”符合此处的语境。故选B。
5. A 分析空处所在位置可知,空处应是段落的小标题。通读本段内容可知,该段主要是讲如何降低盐和糖的摄入量,故A项“你可以减少(食物中)额外的盐和糖。”符合语境。故选A。
6. C 根据上文“As a vegetarian, finding restaurants that meet my needs is not always easy abroad.”可知,在国外找到满足作者需求的餐厅并不总是容易的;根据下文“That enables me to cook breakfast in the morning ...”可知,作者可以在早上自己做早餐。由此可推断出,空处应提到作者可以自己做早餐的前提条件——住的地方有厨房。分析选项可知,C项“So I always make sure to book a place with a kitchen.(所以我总是确保预定一个带厨房的地方。)”与上文构成因果关系,且与下文中的“That enables me to cook breakfast in the morning ...”相呼应。故选C。
7. A 根据上文“In Malta, I found the most delicious chocolate-filled cakes ...”可知,作者发现了最美味的巧克力夹心蛋糕;根据下文“I was so delighted that I could enjoy such an unexpected treat.”可知,作者很高兴能享受到这样意想不到的美味食物。由此可知,空处应是起承上启下的作用。分析选项可知,A项“I ended up eating these every day for breakfast.(我每天早餐都吃这些。)”不仅在时态上,而且在语境上都与上下文一致。故选A。
8. B 分析文章结构可知,空处应填本段的主题句。通读本段可知,本段的内容可概括为寻找食物的乐趣。B项“The challenge of finding food is interesting, too.(寻找食物的挑战也很有趣。)”能概括本段主要内容。故选B。
9. F 根据上文“Looking for smoked tofu and corn pancakes turns into quite a mission ...”及其下一句的内容可知,接下来应是讲述corn pancakes。F项“Corn pancakes always require a trip to the bigger grocery store.(玉米煎饼总是需要去更大的杂货店。)”不仅与上文相衔接,且选项中的the bigger grocery store也与空处下文中的the smaller ones相呼应。故选F。
10. E 由空处所在的位置可知,空处应总结最后一段的中心思想。通读本段内容可知,本段主要讲述作者通过在食品杂货店购物来融入当地的生活。E项“It’s an act of understanding people as much as of buying food.(就像购买食物一样,这是一种可以了解人们的行为。)”能总结该段主要内容,且E项中的understanding people与上文中的put myself in their shoes相呼应。故选E。
11. F 主旨句。设空处前句提到just spent a week in Paris,后句又提到So the first thing we did was rent a... apartment.由此可知,本句是要表达“夫妇租住的目的或目标”这层意思,F项“我们的目标就是看看我们是否如同真正巴黎人那样生活。”承上文,接下文,符合语境。故选F。
12. C 细节题。根据设空处前句the plumbing ( 水管 ) worked和后句Our building even had a tiny lift判断,这里需要一个描述细节的句子。C项“有一个漂亮厨房和一张舒适的床”正好承接上线文,符合语境与逻辑。故选C。
13. G 细节题。根据上文的they eat great food and never gain weight和下文的French strawberries do not taste like可知,这里需要一个表达 strawberries味道程度的句子。G项“这种食物是如此地美味以至于你不需吃多少就开心了”,符合题意。故选G。
14. E 过渡句。上一段文字评述someone(they)对 strawberries的感知,设空处位于该段的段首,即小结上文,又开启下文I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries,在语意上起过渡作用。E项“那就是法国人吃得比我们少的原因”恰好符合题意。故选E。
15. A 转折题。设空处前句提到 French cafés are always crowded. 设空处后句又提到When do these people work The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously....由此可知,语意由“闲”转“忙”,本句应该是一个转折句。A项“并非所有的顾客都是游客”符合题意。故选A。
17.B.主旨推断题;下文"Once you are clear about your reason一旦你清楚了(及时起床)原因"中reason 即为起床的一种动机,由此推断,本段作者建议找到恰当的动机有助于及时起床,故选B.
18.G.细节推断题.由下一句中"That's a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer(如果你买了有计时器的咖啡壶,你可以多睡15分钟)"推断,作者建议重新考虑你在咖啡厅排队等咖啡的15分钟,故选G.
19.F.结论推断题.由本段的主题句"Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends周末要坚持作息时间表"和上一句"But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week,a recent study found.(一项新的研究发现,周末补觉实际上使你下一周瞌睡)"推断,作者建议在周末也要坚持作息时间表,故选F.
20.E.细节推断题.由下一句中"If not,take another look at other methods you could try(如果没有作用,再考虑其它可尝试的方法)"推断,上一句表达的是"如果有效…",故选E.
21.G.句意:鱼的脂肪被认为有助于防止心脏病.根据"Everyone knows that fish is good for health"可知,每个人都知道鱼对健康有益.故此处G符合语境.故选G.
22.D.句意:这只需要一点知识.根据"Buying,storing,and cooking fish isn't difficult"可知,买鱼,储存鱼,做鱼并不困难.故此处D符合语境.故选D.
23.F.句意:当你买鱼时,你应该先闻他的味道.根据"Fresh fish should smell sweet"可知,新鲜的鱼闻起来是甜的.故此处F符合语境.故选F.
24.A.句意:不要买它.根据"Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn't fresh"可知,任何有腥味,难闻的鱼都是不新鲜的.故此处A符合语境.故选A.
25. B. 句意:最简单的是蒸.根据"First,clean it and season (调味) it with your choice of spices.Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pond"可知,下文讲的是蒸鱼的方法,故此处B符合语境.故选B.
26. F 根据文章第一句话“One of the primary goals of cognitive behavioral therapy (疗法) is finding effective ways to channel your anxiety into productive action.”可知,认知行为疗法治疗焦虑的主要目标之一是找到有效的方法,将焦虑转化为有成效的行动。再结合下文几段的首句可知,下文主要介绍了具体的策略。F项“只要用积极的策略把焦虑转化为行动。”承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
27. B 根据上文“Take notice of your anxious thoughts and worries. What are you most concerned about ”可推测,本空应是对worries的提问,分析各选项可知,B项“你最害怕的是什么?”符合语境,且B项中的fears与下文的these fears相呼应。故选B。
28. D 根据上文“Think of your resilience to anxiety as a muscle.”可知,文章建议人们把针对焦虑的恢复力想象成一块肌肉。下文内容介绍了具体的做法。根据上下文语境可推知,D项“你使用肌肉的次数越多,它就变得越强壮。”承上启下,符合语境。故选D。
29. C 本空位于段首,应概括本段的主要内容,并且结构应与其他段落首句的结构相同。根据下文中“Exercise is a great activity to make use of this spare energy. Exercise offers a host of benefits like ... is its ability to neutralize anxiety and improve your mood.”可知,本段讲的是锻炼可以缓解人们的焦虑并缓和人们的情绪。C项“通过体育活动消除焦虑。”能概括本段主要内容。故选C。
30. A 根据本段首句可知,本段内容与reality testing有关。根据上文“You don’t have to become a slave to your anxious thoughts ...”及下文“Reality testing involves assessing a situation for errors in thinking.”可知,空处应当是建议进行测试。A项“改为对它们进行测试。”符合语境。故选A。

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