
1.I didn't expect ____anything enjoyable at all.
A.saw B.see C.seeing D.to see
【解析】【分析】句意:我根本没想到会看到什么令人愉快的东西。A过去时,B动词原形,C动名词,D不定式,expect to do,固定搭配,期待做某事,故用不定式,故选D。
【点评】考查不定式,注意识记expect to do的用法。
2.Look! There are five planes ________ in the sky.
A.fly B.flying C.to fly D.to flying
【知识点】分词;there be结构
【解析】【分析】句意:快看!天空中有五架飞机在飞。there is+宾语+doing,固定搭配,有......正在做某事,故此处是现在分词flying,故选B。
【点评】考查现在分词,注意识记there is sb doing的用法。
3.I didn't go to bed ____ my father came back late last night.
A.so B.until C.though D.although
4.(2021八上·南关月考)We are going to Beijing. Can you _________ when the train will leave
A.look for B.find for C.find out D.to see
【解析】【分析】句意:我们要去北京。你能查一下火车什么时候开吗?can后跟动词原形,排除不定时的D选项;look for寻找,强调找的动作;find for错误结构;find out查明,弄清;根据句意可知是查询火车时间,C选项符合题意,故答案为C。
【点评】考查短语辨析。注意时间find out的意义和用法。
5.The Blacks decided____ for a walk in the forest.
A.go B.to go C.going D.goes
【解析】【分析】句意:布莱克一家人决定去森林里散步。A动词原形,B不定式,C动名词,D单三式,decide to do,固定搭配,决定做某事,故用不定式,故选B。
【点评】考查不定式,注意识记decide to do的用法。
6.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _________ Chinese Taiji.
A.do B.did C.doing D.are doing
【解析】【分析】考查现在分词作宾语补足语。see sb doing sth 看见某人正做某事,see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事。句意:当我走路经过公园的时候,我看见一些老人打太极拳。故选答案C。
7.(2016八上·井陉矿开学考)He did not write _________,though(尽管)he had _______________.
A.careful enough; enough time B.carefully enough; enough time
C.enough careful; enough time D.enough carefully; time enough
8.(2019八上·青岛月考)Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.
A.hard; hard B.hardly; hardly C.hard; hardly D.hardly; hard
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆学习很努力。他几乎从来不和他的朋友们玩。hard有形容词和副词两种性质,形容词:是努力的; 辛苦的; 困难的; 硬的。副词是努力地;猛烈地;hardly是副词,意思是:几乎不,表示否定。结合语境,故选C。
9.—How often does Gina take the bus to school?
—She ____ takes the bus.She enjoys walking there.
A.hardly ever B.always C.often D.usually
【解析】【分析】句意:——吉娜多久乘公交车去学校一次?——她几乎不乘公交车。她喜欢步行去那里。A几乎不,B总是,C经常,D通常,根据She enjoys walking there,可知几乎不乘公交车,故选A。
【点评】考查副词辨析,注意识记hardly ever的用法。
10.(2020八上·长春期末)Is her lifestyle _________ yours or different
A.the same B.the same as C.same as D.the same to
【解析】【分析】句意: 她的生活方式与你的相同还是不同 the same as和……相同,固定短语,其他搭配都错误,故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配。注意固定搭配the same as。
11.We should practice our ____English ____.
A.everyday;every day B.every day;everyday
C.every day;every day D.every day;one day
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该每天练习我们的日常英语。空一,everyday形容词,每天的,修饰名词English;one day,一天,空二,every day,副词,每天,做时间状语,练习口语要每天都进行,故选A。
【点评】考查形容词,副词,注意识记everyday;every day的用法。
12.Tina ____ drives to work.But today she drives because of the rain.
A.always B.often C.sometimes D.hardly
【解析】【分析】句意:蒂娜几乎不开车上班,但今天因为下雨她开车去了。A总是,B经常,C偶尔,D几乎不,根据But today she drives because of the rain,可知平时几乎不开车上班,故选D。
13.(2020·遂宁)—________ do you visit your grandmother in the countryside
—Once a month.
A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often
【解析】【分析】句意:——你多久看望你在乡下的祖母一次?——每月一次。how far多远,询问距离;how long多长,一般对过去的时间进行提问,也可以问具体事物的长度;how soon多久,对将来的时间进行提问;how often多久一次,询问动作发生的频率。根据回答“Once a month”每月一次,描述的是动作发生的频率,用how often提问。故选D。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析,注意识记how often的用法。
14.(2021八下·江油开学考)Eating more vegetables ______ good ________ your health.
A.are;to B.is;to C.is;for D.are;for
【解析】【分析】句意:多吃蔬菜对身体健康有益。根据eating more vegetables,可知本题是动名词做主语,谓语需要用单数形式,排除答案A、D,而对……有益是be good for,故答案为C。
【点评】考查动名词及固定搭配。注意识记动名词做主语以及be good for 的含义。
15.—I left my keys in the room last Sunday. I had to get in ____the window.
—It's dangerous(危险的)to do that.
A.over B.across C.in D.through
交际运用Tom:Hi,Jim.Long time no see!
Jim:Hi,Tom,I was on vacation last month.
Tom:Really? 16.  
Jim:I went to Disney World with my parents.
Tom: 17.  
Jim:Yes.It was so interesting!
Tom:Great! By the way,are you free tonight?
Jim:Yes,I am. 18.  
Tom:Yeah! Do you want to go to the movies?
Jim:Sure! 19.  
Tom:Action movies.They are very exciting.
Jim:Me,too.Let's go to Sunshine Movie Theater.OK?
Tom: 20.   It's better than Sunshine Movie Theater,I think.
Jim:OK.See you there at 7 pm.
Tom:See you then!
A.Do you have any plans? B.What do you want to do? C.Why not go to Movie World? D.You had great fun,didn't you? E.Where did you go on vacation? F.What kind of movies do you like?
A.Do you have any plans?你有计划吗
B.What do you want to do?你想干什么
C.Why not go to Movie World?为什么不去电影世界
D.You had great fun,didn't you?你玩得很开心,不是吗
E.Where did you go on vacation?你去度假去哪里了
F.What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影
16.根据I went to Disney World with my parents我和父母一起去了迪斯尼乐园,可知应是Where did you go on vacation?你去度假去哪里了,故选E。
17.根据Yes.It was so interesting是的,太有趣了,可知应是You had great fun,didn't you?你玩得很开心,不是吗,故选D。
18.根据Yeah,可知应是一般疑问句Do you have any plans?你有计划吗,故选A。
19.根据Action movies动作片,可知应是What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影,故选F。
20.根据It's better than Sunshine Movie Theater它比阳光电影院好,可知应是Why not go to Movie World?为什么不去电影世界,故选C。
完形填空Do you use the Internet?Do you know what it is?The Internet is made up of millions of(1) 21. all over the world that connect together and talk to(2) 22. other.
The Internet is(3) 23. in many ways. You can shop,look for information and(4) 24. mail. When you send a message(5) 25. the Internet,it is called email. (6) 26. email,you should get an email address. This is easy and usually free.
Email is quick. It can take days or weeks for a paper letter(7) 27. somewhere,but an email arrives in a few(8) 28. . With email,you can also send copies of your letter to as(9) 29. people as you want. You can(10) 30. send pictures,sounds and videos with your email. But there are still some things that you cannot(11) 31. using email. For example,you cannot send(12) 32. things like flowers or a box of chocolates.
Of course,if your friend does not have a computer(13) 33. an email address,you cannot send them an email. But as email is(14) 34. ,almost everyone uses it. (15) 35. one day paper letters will disappear.
21.A. people B. telephones C. televisions D. computers
22.A. each B. the C. one D. a
23.A. useless B. expensive C. useful D. lovely
24.A. send B. receive C. write D. read
25.A. at B. in C. on D. from
26.A. To use B. Using C. Used D. Use
27.A. arrive B. to arrive C. arrived D. arriving
28.A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. days
29.A. many B. number of C. little D. much
30.A. also B. still C. too D. often
31.A. get B. do C. have D. be
32.A. heavy B. popular C. big D. real
33.A. and B. or C. but D. so
34.A. slow B. free C. expensive D. beautiful
35.A. Maybe B. However
C. For example D. In addition
22.句意:互联网是由分布在世界各地的数百万台计算机组成,它们互相连接并彼此交流。A每个的,B定冠词,C一个,D不定冠词,each other,固定搭配,彼此,故选A。
23.句意:互联网有很多方面有用。A没用的,B贵的,C有用的,D可爱的,根据You can shop,look for information,可知互联网有很多方面有用,故选C。
25.句意:当你通过网络发送消息时,它被称为电子邮件。A在,B在里面,C在上面,D来自,根据send a message,the Internet,可知是通过网络发送消息,故用on,表示在互联网上,故选C。
27.句意:一封信寄到某处需要几天或几周,但电子邮件只需要几秒钟。A动词原形,B不定式,C过去式,D动名词,it takes+段时间+to do,固定搭配,做某事花.....时间,故用不定式,故选B。
28.句意:一封信寄到某处需要几天或几周,但电子邮件只需要几秒钟。A秒,B分钟,C小时,D天,根据Email is quick,可知电子邮件只需要几秒钟就能到达,故选A。
30.句意:你也可以用电子邮件发送图片、声音和视频。A也,位于句中,B仍然,C也,位于句尾,D经常,根据you can also send,以及此处是句中,故用also表示也,故选A。
31.句意:但是,你仍然有一些不能使用电子邮件发送的东西。A到达,B做,C有,D是,根据You can send,可知此处用助动词do指代上文的send,发送,故选B。
32.句意:例如,你不能寄送像花或一盒巧克力这样真的物品。A重的,B流行的,C大的,D真的,根据things like flowers or a box of chocolates,可知是真实的东西,故选D。
33.句意:当然,如果你的朋友没有电脑,或者没有电子邮件地址,你就不能给他们发邮件。A并且,B或者,C但是,D所以,根据does not have a computer, an email address,可知表示否定关系,连词用or,故选B。
34.句意:但是,由于电子邮件是免费的,几乎每个人都使用它。A慢的,B免费的,C贵的,D美丽的,根据almost everyone uses it,可知是免费的,故选B。
35.句意:也许有一天,传统的信件会消失。A可能,B但是,C例如,D除了,根据one day paper letters will disappear,可知表示推测,也许,故选A。
Here is how to leave the supermarket with the things you
wanted to buy and nothing more.
Suggestion 1: Pick up a basket.
You'll head straight for the checkout (收款台)when it starts to get heavy. Don't
use the trolleys (购物车)because they will make you put in
extra things.
Suggestion 2: Make a
list and stick to (坚持)it.
Supermarkets usually place things we use every day far
away,such as bread and
milk. So you have to walk along the aisles (过道)in
between,buying things you don't really need on the way.
Suggestion 3: Keep away
from BOGOFs (Buy One Get One Free offers).
Just how many watermelons can you eat in a week Fruit
and vegetables usually work out cheaper.
Suggestion 4: Look up
and down.
The most expensive things are placed in the middle. For
cheaper things, check the higher and the lower places.
36.How many suggestions does the writer give us
A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four
37.To buy things we use every day in the supermarket, we have to_____.
A.pick up a basket B.look up and down
C.walk along the aisles D.keep away from BOGOFs
38.The most expensive things are placed in the_____ places.
A.middle B.high C.low D.near
39.Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage
A.Don't use the trolleys because they will make you in extra things.
B.Cheaper things are usually put in the higher and lower places.
C.We should keep away from BOGOFs because we don't really need them.
D.Pick up a basket because it will make you put in extra things.
36.细节题。根据Suggestion 1-,4,可知作者给了我们四条建议,故选D。
37.细节题。根据have to walk along the aisles,可知为了在超市买我们每天都要用的东西,我们必须沿着过道走,故选C。
38.细节题。根据The most expensive things are placed in the middle,可知最贵的东西都放在中间的位置,故选A。
39.推断题。根据Don't use the trolleys because they will make you put in extra things.不要用手推车,因为它们会让你放额外的东西,可知Pick up a basket because it will make you put in extra things拿起篮子,因为它会让你放额外的东西是错的,故选D。
Cai Lun invented paper around 2,000 years ago in China. It is an important invention. Before the invention of paper,people had to remember lots of information or write it on stone,wood,leaves,etc.
Today everyone in the world uses paper. With paper,we can make books and print newspapers. Sharing information is a lot easier with the help of paper.
People use paper every day. Students do homework and keep a diary on paper. Paper is a great invention.
Alan Turing was born in London,England,in 1912. He attended Cambridge University from 1931—1934. Turing was a mathematician(数学家)and a computer scientist. Many people called Turing the father of computer science. He created the first design(设计)for a modern computer.
Turing wanted to know if a machine could think for itself and trick someone into believing they were having a conversation with another person. This became known as the Turing test. In the test ,a human talked to two other people through a computer. One was a machine and the other was a person. This idea is still used today.
40.When was paper invented by Cai Lun
A.Around 2,000 years ago. B.About 200 years ago.
C.Around 1,000 years ago. D.About 100 years ago.
41.Many people thought of Alan Turing to be ____ .
A.the inventor of printing B.the father of modern education
C.the inventor of paper D.the father of computer science
42.People can do the things following with paper EXCEPT ____ .
A.sharing information B.printing newspapers
C.having the Turing test D.making books
43.From the passage,we know Cai Lun's invention and Turing's idea are ____ .
A.hard to accept B.not used any more
C.unknown to people D.still used today
40.细节题。根据one day paper letters will disappear,可知蔡伦大约2000年前在中国发明了纸,故选A。
41.细节题。根据Many people called Turing the father of computer science,可知许多人称图灵为计算机科学之父,故选D。
42.细节题。根据With paper,we can make books and print newspapers. Sharing information is a lot easier with the help of paper.,可知人们可以用纸写书和印刷报纸,共享信息,没有提及进行图灵测试,故选C。
43.细节题。根据Today everyone in the world uses paper,This became known as the Turing test. In the test ,a human talked to two other people through a computer. One was a machine and the other was a person. This idea is still used today,可知蔡伦的发明和图灵的思想至今仍在使用,故选D。
How much do you know about addition (加法) ?Addition is the process of adding numbers to make a new total. Look at the following.
Add 1 ball to 1 ball to make 2 balls.
Using numbers 1+1=2
Using words One plus one equals two.
If you add 2 and 3,you will get 5. You would write it like this:2+3=5.
Here are some problems about addition.
Problem 1 :A woman has 5 dollars and plans to get 7 more tomorrow. How many will she have then?
Problem 2:Sofia gives Mrs. Jones 7 dollars. Mrs. Jones already has 10 dollars. So how many dollars does Mrs. Jones have now?
Problem 3:Jasmine has 8 markers and plans to get 9 more tomorrow. How many markers will she have then?
Problem 4:Mr. Li has 8 dollars and is given 2 more. How many dollars does he have now?
Problem 5:Mrs. Smith has 10 pens and plans to get 10 more tomorrow. How many pens will she have then?
Problem 6:Sophie carried balloons ,but the wind blew 7 away. She has 4 balloons left. How many balloons did she have at first?
44.What is addition according to the passage
A.The process of adding numbers to make a total.
B.The process of taking a number from a larger number.
C.The process of multiplying a number by another number.
D.The process of finding out how many times are contained in another.
45.How many dollars does Mrs. Jones have now
A.7. B.10. C.17. D.3.
46.How many dollars does Mr. Li have now
A.2. B.6. C.8. D.10.
47.How many balloons did Sophie have at first
A.3. B.4. C.7. D.11.
44.细节题。根据Addition is the process of adding numbers to make a new total,可知将数字相加以得出总数的过程,故选A。
45.推断题。根据Sofia gives Mrs. Jones 7 dollars. Mrs. Jones already has 10 dollars,可知7+10=17,可知现在琼斯夫人有17美金,故选C。
46.推断题。根据Mr. Li has 8 dollars and is given 2 more,可知2=8=10,可知李先生有10美元,故选D。
47.,推断题。根据Sophie carried balloons ,but the wind blew 7 away. She has 4 balloons left苏菲拿着气球,但7个被风吹走了。她还剩4个气球,7=4=11,可知索菲有11个气球,故选D。
Going on vacation is a fun and relaxing way to spend time,but it isn't easy to have a great vacation. Here are some tips.
Decide where you'd like to go.
A few days or weeks before the vacation,make a list of five places you want to visit. Then spend time talking about each place with your friends or parents and find out your favorite one.
Think about how to go.
It depends on how far your place is and how much money you want to spend. And you must get enough money for your vacation. If not,you may get into trouble.
Find a great hotel.
It's easy to get tired on vacation. So your hotel must be a good place to sleep and relax. You can try to find a very good hotel online.
Plan your activities.
Think about everyone who is going with you. And try to plan activities that all of you may like to do. And the number of activities also depends on how long you want to stay there.
Write a list of things you need to take.
Think about things you need every day when you are away,like money and clothes.
Don't forget to take anything necessary during your travel.
48.How do we decide where to go on vacation
A.By making a list and discussing.
B.By surfing the Internet and deciding by ourselves.
C.By asking for suggestions from people who have traveled a lot.
D.By calling the local tour guides to get information of the tourist attractions.
49.Why do we have to find a great hotel on vacation
A.Because we have many friends with us.
B.Because we can do many things in a great hotel.
C.Because we need to get enough sleep and relaxation.
D.Because we can get everything we need in a great hotel.
50.What can we know from the text
A.We don't have to take much money on vacation.
B.It's easy to find a great and cheap hotel after arrival.
C.We should take necessary things when going on vacation.
D.Before going on vacation,we don't need to plan anything.
51.What's the best title for the text
A.What to do on vacation.
B.Where to go on vacation.
C.Who to go on vacation with.
D.How to have a great vacation.
48.细节题。根据Decide where you'd like to go. A few days or weeks before the vacation,make a list of five places you want to visit,可知:通过制作清单和讨论决定假期去哪里,故选A。
49.细节题。根据Find a great hotel. So your hotel must be a good place to sleep and relax,可知我们必须在度假时找到一家很棒的酒店,因为我们需要充足的睡眠和放松,故选C。
50.推断题。根据Think about things you need every day when you are away,like money and clothes当你不在的时候,想想你每天需要的东西,比如钱和衣服,可知当我们去度假时,应该带上必要的物品,故选C。
51.主旨题。本文主要讲述了如何规划一次完美的假期,可知最佳标题是How to have a great vacation如何度过一个美好的假期,故选D。
Top students always have special ways of learning that others probably can learn. Here are some of their secrets.
Study any time and everywhere. Some work late at night. Others work early in the morning. And some others study as soon as they come back home. All the ways are OK, but you should keep your own.
Learn how to read. The secret of good reading is to be an active reader. Asking questions makes a full understanding of the book.
Plan your time. If you want to be the top, make sure to finish all tasks on time.
Keep your papers clean. Clean papers are likely to get higher grades than dirty ones.
Top students often make up possible test questions themselves. It helps them find exams much easier.
Do more than what your teacher asks. The more you practice, the more you learn.
52.If you want to be top, you can only work late
at might.
53.To read better, try to be an active
54.It's necessary to keep
paper clean to get higher grade.
55.It's enough to do what
your teacher asks.
52.细节题。根据Some work late at night. Others work early in the morning. And some others study as soon as they come back home. All the ways are OK,but you should keep your own.有些人工作到深夜。其他人一大早就开始工作。还有一些人一回家就学习。各种方式都可以,但要保持自己的方式,可知,学习可以是任何时候和地点,不只是晚上。故选错误。
53.细节题。根据The secret of good reading is to be an active reader.良好阅读的秘诀是做一个积极的读者,可知,为了读得更好,试着做一个积极的读者。故选正确。
54.细节题。根据Clean papers are likely to get higher grades than dirty ones.干净的纸比脏的纸更容易得高分,可知,为了取得更高的分数,保持你的纸干净是必要的。故选正确。
55.细节题。根据Do more than what your teacher asks. The more you practice,the more you learn.比老师要求的做得更多。你练习得越多,学得越多,可知,做老师要求的就足够了是错误的。故选错误。
There is a fish called the angelfish (神仙鱼),which can change from female to male. No,it cannot do it by simply wishing to become male. The change happens for a speeifie reason.
The angelfish live in groups. And each group has one male fish,which is blue in colour,and four female fish,which are yellow in colour.
The male angelfish is the strongest and largest member of the group. When the male fish dies,the largest female fish in the group begins to change its looks. She begins to grow larger in size. After a week,she starts changing colour,from yellow to blue. Slowly,she begins looking like a male. Two weeks later,black stripes (条纹) appear on her body. She is now really male.
The angelfish are among the most brightly coloured fish of the sea. People prefer to keep them because of the interesting patterns (图案) on them. People like to keep them because of their good looking. Often,the young ones have different colours from the old ones. At night their colours may change.
56.How many angelfish are there in a group
57.What colour are the female angelfish
58.What do the angelfish first change when they change from female male?
59.How long does it take the angelfish to change from female to male
60.What is this passage mainly about
57.They are yellow.
58.Their size.
59.More than two weeks.
60.The angelfish.
56.根据The angelfish live in groups. And each group has one male fish,which is blue in colour,and four female fish,which are yellow in colour神仙鱼生活在群体中。每个群体都有一个雄性神仙鱼,它呈蓝色,四个雌性神仙鱼呈黄色,可知一个群体中有5只神仙鱼,故答案为Five。
57.根据four female fish,which are yellow in colour,可知母天使鱼是是黄色的,故答案为They are yellow。
58.根据She begins to grow larger in size她开始变大了,可知从雌性转变为雄性时,它们首先改变的是他们的尺寸,故答案为。
59.根据Two weeks later,black stripes (条纹) appear on her body. She is now really male两周后,黑色条纹出现在她的身体上。她现在真的是一个雄性,可知在变成雄性之前需要两周多的时间,故答案为More than two weeks。
60.根据There is a fish called the angelfish,可知本文主要介绍了一种神奇的鱼,故答案为The angelfish。
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of? It was 61.  (wide) spread online.
Emma is from Canada. She came to China four years ago. Now she is  62.  University student in Ningbo. The following is China in her eyes.
" 63.  (find) a job in China can be really simple. There are more job  64.  (chance) here than any other country in the world."
"Its public security is great. I 65.  (travel) many countries so far, and I think China is really safe."
"About 400 million Chinese are studying English. China has become the country  66.  .has the greatest number of English speakers in non— English speaking countries."
"The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my  67.  (three) visit to my friend in Beijing. I took a train there. From Ningbo 68.  Beijing. The train runs 1,365 kilometers for only seven hours."
"I think there  69.  (be) many more things China should be proud of. I believe China must be much  70.  (good) than other countries."
【答案】61.widely;62.a;63.Finding;64.chances;65.have traveled;66.which;67.third;68.to;69.will be;70.better
62.句意:现在她是一名在宁波的大学生。此处表示泛指,用不定冠词,university [ ju:n v :s ti]是以辅音读音开头的单词,所以前用a,不定冠词表示泛指一个,故答案为a。
65.句意:到目前为止,我去过很多国家,我觉得中国真的很安全。so far到目前为止,是现在完成时的标志,travel是动词,主语是I,故助动词用have,故答案为have travelled。
69.句意:还有更多中国应该感到骄傲的东西。此处表示对未来的展望,所以用一般将来时will+动词原形,be是系动词原形,故答案为will be。
without going anywhere talk to need to type grow up at home
I would like my computer to be able to 71.  me. Then I will never be lonely.
I would like my computer to be able to become a magic mirror. Then I can know whatever is happening outside  72.  .
I would like my computer to teach me lessons  73.  so I will not have to go to school every day.
I would like my computer to be able to recognize my voice and my words. Then I will never 74.  .
I would also like my computer to be able to take me to the future. Then I will know what I will be like when I  75.  .
【答案】71.talk to;72.without going anywhere;73.at home;74.need to type;75.grow up
without going anywhere,不去任何地方,talk to,和......谈话,need to type,需要键入,grow up,长大,at home,在家
71.句意:我希望我的电脑能够和我谈话。根据Then I will never be lonely那样我就永远不会孤单了。和提示词可知是我的电脑能够和我谈话,故用talk to,故填talk to。
72.句意:这样我就可以不用去任何地方就知道外面发生了什么。根据I would like my computer to be able to become a magic mirror我希望我的电脑能够成为一面魔镜,以及提示词可知是我就可以不用去任何地方就知道外面发生了什么,故用without going anywhere,故填without going anywhere。
73.句意:我希望我的电脑在家能教我功课,这样我就不用每天上学了。根据I will not have to go to school every day,可知我的电脑在家能教我功课,故用at home,故填at home。
74.句意:那我就再也不用打字了。根据would like my computer to be able to recognize my voice and my words我希望我的电脑能够识别我的声音和文字。可知我就再也不用打字了,故用need to type,故填need to type。
75.句意:然后我就会知道我长大后会是什么样子。根据I would also like my computer to be able to take me to the future我也希望我的电脑能够带我走向未来,可知我就会知道我长大后会是什么样子,故用grow up,故填grow up。
Good afternoon,everyone!I am so glad to stand here. Today I want to talk about
Thank you!
【答案】Good afternoon, everyone! I am so glad to stand here. Today I want to talk about computers and their influence on our daily lives.
Computers have become increasingly popular and are now an essential part of our lives. They have made our lives more convenient in many ways. For example, we can watch movies, shop online, and access endless information with just a few clicks. Moreover, computers offer us countless possibilities. We can perform complex calculations, create beautiful artwork, and even control planes. As middle school students, we should learn to use computers responsibly. Firstly, we should limit our screen time to protect our eyesight. Secondly, we must ensure that the content we consume is age-appropriate and educational. Finally, we should maintain a healthy online presence by respecting others and avoiding cyberbullying.
In conclusion, computers are remarkable tools that can enrich our lives if used correctly. Let's make the most of them while ensuring we remain safe and responsible.
Thank you!
【点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练,要点齐全,文中be glad to do,want to do,compete with,be proud of等词汇的使用,使上下文意连接紧密 ,本文还采用了丰富的句型,比如运用了宾语从句I think computers make our lives more convenient,动名词We can use computers to do many things, such as calculating, drawing, controlling airplanes等,大大增加了信息的容量,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。
1.I didn't expect ____anything enjoyable at all.
A.saw B.see C.seeing D.to see
2.Look! There are five planes ________ in the sky.
A.fly B.flying C.to fly D.to flying
3.I didn't go to bed ____ my father came back late last night.
A.so B.until C.though D.although
4.(2021八上·南关月考)We are going to Beijing. Can you _________ when the train will leave
A.look for B.find for C.find out D.to see
5.The Blacks decided____ for a walk in the forest.
A.go B.to go C.going D.goes
6.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _________ Chinese Taiji.
A.do B.did C.doing D.are doing
7.(2016八上·井陉矿开学考)He did not write _________,though(尽管)he had _______________.
A.careful enough; enough time B.carefully enough; enough time
C.enough careful; enough time D.enough carefully; time enough
8.(2019八上·青岛月考)Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.
A.hard; hard B.hardly; hardly C.hard; hardly D.hardly; hard
9.—How often does Gina take the bus to school?
—She ____ takes the bus.She enjoys walking there.
A.hardly ever B.always C.often D.usually
10.(2020八上·长春期末)Is her lifestyle _________ yours or different
A.the same B.the same as C.same as D.the same to
11.We should practice our ____English ____.
A.everyday;every day B.every day;everyday
C.every day;every day D.every day;one day
12.Tina ____ drives to work.But today she drives because of the rain.
A.always B.often C.sometimes D.hardly
13.(2020·遂宁)—________ do you visit your grandmother in the countryside
—Once a month.
A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often
14.(2021八下·江油开学考)Eating more vegetables ______ good ________ your health.
A.are;to B.is;to C.is;for D.are;for
15.—I left my keys in the room last Sunday. I had to get in ____the window.
—It's dangerous(危险的)to do that.
A.over B.across C.in D.through
交际运用Tom:Hi,Jim.Long time no see!
Jim:Hi,Tom,I was on vacation last month.
Tom:Really? 16.  
Jim:I went to Disney World with my parents.
Tom: 17.  
Jim:Yes.It was so interesting!
Tom:Great! By the way,are you free tonight?
Jim:Yes,I am. 18.  
Tom:Yeah! Do you want to go to the movies?
Jim:Sure! 19.  
Tom:Action movies.They are very exciting.
Jim:Me,too.Let's go to Sunshine Movie Theater.OK?
Tom: 20.   It's better than Sunshine Movie Theater,I think.
Jim:OK.See you there at 7 pm.
Tom:See you then!
A.Do you have any plans? B.What do you want to do? C.Why not go to Movie World? D.You had great fun,didn't you? E.Where did you go on vacation? F.What kind of movies do you like?
完形填空Do you use the Internet?Do you know what it is?The Internet is made up of millions of(1) 21. all over the world that connect together and talk to(2) 22. other.
The Internet is(3) 23. in many ways. You can shop,look for information and(4) 24. mail. When you send a message(5) 25. the Internet,it is called email. (6) 26. email,you should get an email address. This is easy and usually free.
Email is quick. It can take days or weeks for a paper letter(7) 27. somewhere,but an email arrives in a few(8) 28. . With email,you can also send copies of your letter to as(9) 29. people as you want. You can(10) 30. send pictures,sounds and videos with your email. But there are still some things that you cannot(11) 31. using email. For example,you cannot send(12) 32. things like flowers or a box of chocolates.
Of course,if your friend does not have a computer(13) 33. an email address,you cannot send them an email. But as email is(14) 34. ,almost everyone uses it. (15) 35. one day paper letters will disappear.
21.A. people B. telephones C. televisions D. computers
22.A. each B. the C. one D. a
23.A. useless B. expensive C. useful D. lovely
24.A. send B. receive C. write D. read
25.A. at B. in C. on D. from
26.A. To use B. Using C. Used D. Use
27.A. arrive B. to arrive C. arrived D. arriving
28.A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. days
29.A. many B. number of C. little D. much
30.A. also B. still C. too D. often
31.A. get B. do C. have D. be
32.A. heavy B. popular C. big D. real
33.A. and B. or C. but D. so
34.A. slow B. free C. expensive D. beautiful
35.A. Maybe B. However
C. For example D. In addition
Here is how to leave the supermarket with the things you
wanted to buy and nothing more.
Suggestion 1: Pick up a basket.
You'll head straight for the checkout (收款台)when it starts to get heavy. Don't
use the trolleys (购物车)because they will make you put in
extra things.
Suggestion 2: Make a
list and stick to (坚持)it.
Supermarkets usually place things we use every day far
away,such as bread and
milk. So you have to walk along the aisles (过道)in
between,buying things you don't really need on the way.
Suggestion 3: Keep away
from BOGOFs (Buy One Get One Free offers).
Just how many watermelons can you eat in a week Fruit
and vegetables usually work out cheaper.
Suggestion 4: Look up
and down.
The most expensive things are placed in the middle. For
cheaper things, check the higher and the lower places.
36.How many suggestions does the writer give us
A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four
37.To buy things we use every day in the supermarket, we have to_____.
A.pick up a basket B.look up and down
C.walk along the aisles D.keep away from BOGOFs
38.The most expensive things are placed in the_____ places.
A.middle B.high C.low D.near
39.Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage
A.Don't use the trolleys because they will make you in extra things.
B.Cheaper things are usually put in the higher and lower places.
C.We should keep away from BOGOFs because we don't really need them.
D.Pick up a basket because it will make you put in extra things.
Cai Lun invented paper around 2,000 years ago in China. It is an important invention. Before the invention of paper,people had to remember lots of information or write it on stone,wood,leaves,etc.
Today everyone in the world uses paper. With paper,we can make books and print newspapers. Sharing information is a lot easier with the help of paper.
People use paper every day. Students do homework and keep a diary on paper. Paper is a great invention.
Alan Turing was born in London,England,in 1912. He attended Cambridge University from 1931—1934. Turing was a mathematician(数学家)and a computer scientist. Many people called Turing the father of computer science. He created the first design(设计)for a modern computer.
Turing wanted to know if a machine could think for itself and trick someone into believing they were having a conversation with another person. This became known as the Turing test. In the test ,a human talked to two other people through a computer. One was a machine and the other was a person. This idea is still used today.
40.When was paper invented by Cai Lun
A.Around 2,000 years ago. B.About 200 years ago.
C.Around 1,000 years ago. D.About 100 years ago.
41.Many people thought of Alan Turing to be ____ .
A.the inventor of printing B.the father of modern education
C.the inventor of paper D.the father of computer science
42.People can do the things following with paper EXCEPT ____ .
A.sharing information B.printing newspapers
C.having the Turing test D.making books
43.From the passage,we know Cai Lun's invention and Turing's idea are ____ .
A.hard to accept B.not used any more
C.unknown to people D.still used today
How much do you know about addition (加法) ?Addition is the process of adding numbers to make a new total. Look at the following.
Add 1 ball to 1 ball to make 2 balls.
Using numbers 1+1=2
Using words One plus one equals two.
If you add 2 and 3,you will get 5. You would write it like this:2+3=5.
Here are some problems about addition.
Problem 1 :A woman has 5 dollars and plans to get 7 more tomorrow. How many will she have then?
Problem 2:Sofia gives Mrs. Jones 7 dollars. Mrs. Jones already has 10 dollars. So how many dollars does Mrs. Jones have now?
Problem 3:Jasmine has 8 markers and plans to get 9 more tomorrow. How many markers will she have then?
Problem 4:Mr. Li has 8 dollars and is given 2 more. How many dollars does he have now?
Problem 5:Mrs. Smith has 10 pens and plans to get 10 more tomorrow. How many pens will she have then?
Problem 6:Sophie carried balloons ,but the wind blew 7 away. She has 4 balloons left. How many balloons did she have at first?
44.What is addition according to the passage
A.The process of adding numbers to make a total.
B.The process of taking a number from a larger number.
C.The process of multiplying a number by another number.
D.The process of finding out how many times are contained in another.
45.How many dollars does Mrs. Jones have now
A.7. B.10. C.17. D.3.
46.How many dollars does Mr. Li have now
A.2. B.6. C.8. D.10.
47.How many balloons did Sophie have at first
A.3. B.4. C.7. D.11.
Going on vacation is a fun and relaxing way to spend time,but it isn't easy to have a great vacation. Here are some tips.
Decide where you'd like to go.
A few days or weeks before the vacation,make a list of five places you want to visit. Then spend time talking about each place with your friends or parents and find out your favorite one.
Think about how to go.
It depends on how far your place is and how much money you want to spend. And you must get enough money for your vacation. If not,you may get into trouble.
Find a great hotel.
It's easy to get tired on vacation. So your hotel must be a good place to sleep and relax. You can try to find a very good hotel online.
Plan your activities.
Think about everyone who is going with you. And try to plan activities that all of you may like to do. And the number of activities also depends on how long you want to stay there.
Write a list of things you need to take.
Think about things you need every day when you are away,like money and clothes.
Don't forget to take anything necessary during your travel.
48.How do we decide where to go on vacation
A.By making a list and discussing.
B.By surfing the Internet and deciding by ourselves.
C.By asking for suggestions from people who have traveled a lot.
D.By calling the local tour guides to get information of the tourist attractions.
49.Why do we have to find a great hotel on vacation
A.Because we have many friends with us.
B.Because we can do many things in a great hotel.
C.Because we need to get enough sleep and relaxation.
D.Because we can get everything we need in a great hotel.
50.What can we know from the text
A.We don't have to take much money on vacation.
B.It's easy to find a great and cheap hotel after arrival.
C.We should take necessary things when going on vacation.
D.Before going on vacation,we don't need to plan anything.
51.What's the best title for the text
A.What to do on vacation.
B.Where to go on vacation.
C.Who to go on vacation with.
D.How to have a great vacation.
Top students always have special ways of learning that others probably can learn. Here are some of their secrets.
Study any time and everywhere. Some work late at night. Others work early in the morning. And some others study as soon as they come back home. All the ways are OK, but you should keep your own.
Learn how to read. The secret of good reading is to be an active reader. Asking questions makes a full understanding of the book.
Plan your time. If you want to be the top, make sure to finish all tasks on time.
Keep your papers clean. Clean papers are likely to get higher grades than dirty ones.
Top students often make up possible test questions themselves. It helps them find exams much easier.
Do more than what your teacher asks. The more you practice, the more you learn.
52.If you want to be top, you can only work late
at might.
53.To read better, try to be an active
54.It's necessary to keep
paper clean to get higher grade.
55.It's enough to do what
your teacher asks.
There is a fish called the angelfish (神仙鱼),which can change from female to male. No,it cannot do it by simply wishing to become male. The change happens for a speeifie reason.
The angelfish live in groups. And each group has one male fish,which is blue in colour,and four female fish,which are yellow in colour.
The male angelfish is the strongest and largest member of the group. When the male fish dies,the largest female fish in the group begins to change its looks. She begins to grow larger in size. After a week,she starts changing colour,from yellow to blue. Slowly,she begins looking like a male. Two weeks later,black stripes (条纹) appear on her body. She is now really male.
The angelfish are among the most brightly coloured fish of the sea. People prefer to keep them because of the interesting patterns (图案) on them. People like to keep them because of their good looking. Often,the young ones have different colours from the old ones. At night their colours may change.
56.How many angelfish are there in a group
57.What colour are the female angelfish
58.What do the angelfish first change when they change from female male?
59.How long does it take the angelfish to change from female to male
60.What is this passage mainly about
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of? It was 61.  (wide) spread online.
Emma is from Canada. She came to China four years ago. Now she is  62.  University student in Ningbo. The following is China in her eyes.
" 63.  (find) a job in China can be really simple. There are more job  64.  (chance) here than any other country in the world."
"Its public security is great. I 65.  (travel) many countries so far, and I think China is really safe."
"About 400 million Chinese are studying English. China has become the country  66.  .has the greatest number of English speakers in non— English speaking countries."
"The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my  67.  (three) visit to my friend in Beijing. I took a train there. From Ningbo 68.  Beijing. The train runs 1,365 kilometers for only seven hours."
"I think there  69.  (be) many more things China should be proud of. I believe China must be much  70.  (good) than other countries."
without going anywhere talk to need to type grow up at home
I would like my computer to be able to 71.  me. Then I will never be lonely.
I would like my computer to be able to become a magic mirror. Then I can know whatever is happening outside  72.  .
I would like my computer to teach me lessons  73.  so I will not have to go to school every day.
I would like my computer to be able to recognize my voice and my words. Then I will never 74.  .
I would also like my computer to be able to take me to the future. Then I will know what I will be like when I  75.  .
Good afternoon,everyone!I am so glad to stand here. Today I want to talk about
Thank you!
【解析】【分析】句意:我根本没想到会看到什么令人愉快的东西。A过去时,B动词原形,C动名词,D不定式,expect to do,固定搭配,期待做某事,故用不定式,故选D。
【点评】考查不定式,注意识记expect to do的用法。
【知识点】分词;there be结构
【解析】【分析】句意:快看!天空中有五架飞机在飞。there is+宾语+doing,固定搭配,有......正在做某事,故此处是现在分词flying,故选B。
【点评】考查现在分词,注意识记there is sb doing的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们要去北京。你能查一下火车什么时候开吗?can后跟动词原形,排除不定时的D选项;look for寻找,强调找的动作;find for错误结构;find out查明,弄清;根据句意可知是查询火车时间,C选项符合题意,故答案为C。
【点评】考查短语辨析。注意时间find out的意义和用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:布莱克一家人决定去森林里散步。A动词原形,B不定式,C动名词,D单三式,decide to do,固定搭配,决定做某事,故用不定式,故选B。
【点评】考查不定式,注意识记decide to do的用法。
【解析】【分析】考查现在分词作宾语补足语。see sb doing sth 看见某人正做某事,see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事。句意:当我走路经过公园的时候,我看见一些老人打太极拳。故选答案C。
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆学习很努力。他几乎从来不和他的朋友们玩。hard有形容词和副词两种性质,形容词:是努力的; 辛苦的; 困难的; 硬的。副词是努力地;猛烈地;hardly是副词,意思是:几乎不,表示否定。结合语境,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——吉娜多久乘公交车去学校一次?——她几乎不乘公交车。她喜欢步行去那里。A几乎不,B总是,C经常,D通常,根据She enjoys walking there,可知几乎不乘公交车,故选A。
【点评】考查副词辨析,注意识记hardly ever的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意: 她的生活方式与你的相同还是不同 the same as和……相同,固定短语,其他搭配都错误,故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配。注意固定搭配the same as。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该每天练习我们的日常英语。空一,everyday形容词,每天的,修饰名词English;one day,一天,空二,every day,副词,每天,做时间状语,练习口语要每天都进行,故选A。
【点评】考查形容词,副词,注意识记everyday;every day的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:蒂娜几乎不开车上班,但今天因为下雨她开车去了。A总是,B经常,C偶尔,D几乎不,根据But today she drives because of the rain,可知平时几乎不开车上班,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你多久看望你在乡下的祖母一次?——每月一次。how far多远,询问距离;how long多长,一般对过去的时间进行提问,也可以问具体事物的长度;how soon多久,对将来的时间进行提问;how often多久一次,询问动作发生的频率。根据回答“Once a month”每月一次,描述的是动作发生的频率,用how often提问。故选D。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析,注意识记how often的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:多吃蔬菜对身体健康有益。根据eating more vegetables,可知本题是动名词做主语,谓语需要用单数形式,排除答案A、D,而对……有益是be good for,故答案为C。
【点评】考查动名词及固定搭配。注意识记动名词做主语以及be good for 的含义。
A.Do you have any plans?你有计划吗
B.What do you want to do?你想干什么
C.Why not go to Movie World?为什么不去电影世界
D.You had great fun,didn't you?你玩得很开心,不是吗
E.Where did you go on vacation?你去度假去哪里了
F.What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影
16.根据I went to Disney World with my parents我和父母一起去了迪斯尼乐园,可知应是Where did you go on vacation?你去度假去哪里了,故选E。
17.根据Yes.It was so interesting是的,太有趣了,可知应是You had great fun,didn't you?你玩得很开心,不是吗,故选D。
18.根据Yeah,可知应是一般疑问句Do you have any plans?你有计划吗,故选A。
19.根据Action movies动作片,可知应是What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影,故选F。
20.根据It's better than Sunshine Movie Theater它比阳光电影院好,可知应是Why not go to Movie World?为什么不去电影世界,故选C。
22.句意:互联网是由分布在世界各地的数百万台计算机组成,它们互相连接并彼此交流。A每个的,B定冠词,C一个,D不定冠词,each other,固定搭配,彼此,故选A。
23.句意:互联网有很多方面有用。A没用的,B贵的,C有用的,D可爱的,根据You can shop,look for information,可知互联网有很多方面有用,故选C。
25.句意:当你通过网络发送消息时,它被称为电子邮件。A在,B在里面,C在上面,D来自,根据send a message,the Internet,可知是通过网络发送消息,故用on,表示在互联网上,故选C。
27.句意:一封信寄到某处需要几天或几周,但电子邮件只需要几秒钟。A动词原形,B不定式,C过去式,D动名词,it takes+段时间+to do,固定搭配,做某事花.....时间,故用不定式,故选B。
28.句意:一封信寄到某处需要几天或几周,但电子邮件只需要几秒钟。A秒,B分钟,C小时,D天,根据Email is quick,可知电子邮件只需要几秒钟就能到达,故选A。
30.句意:你也可以用电子邮件发送图片、声音和视频。A也,位于句中,B仍然,C也,位于句尾,D经常,根据you can also send,以及此处是句中,故用also表示也,故选A。
31.句意:但是,你仍然有一些不能使用电子邮件发送的东西。A到达,B做,C有,D是,根据You can send,可知此处用助动词do指代上文的send,发送,故选B。
32.句意:例如,你不能寄送像花或一盒巧克力这样真的物品。A重的,B流行的,C大的,D真的,根据things like flowers or a box of chocolates,可知是真实的东西,故选D。
33.句意:当然,如果你的朋友没有电脑,或者没有电子邮件地址,你就不能给他们发邮件。A并且,B或者,C但是,D所以,根据does not have a computer, an email address,可知表示否定关系,连词用or,故选B。
34.句意:但是,由于电子邮件是免费的,几乎每个人都使用它。A慢的,B免费的,C贵的,D美丽的,根据almost everyone uses it,可知是免费的,故选B。
35.句意:也许有一天,传统的信件会消失。A可能,B但是,C例如,D除了,根据one day paper letters will disappear,可知表示推测,也许,故选A。
36.细节题。根据Suggestion 1-,4,可知作者给了我们四条建议,故选D。
37.细节题。根据have to walk along the aisles,可知为了在超市买我们每天都要用的东西,我们必须沿着过道走,故选C。
38.细节题。根据The most expensive things are placed in the middle,可知最贵的东西都放在中间的位置,故选A。
39.推断题。根据Don't use the trolleys because they will make you put in extra things.不要用手推车,因为它们会让你放额外的东西,可知Pick up a basket because it will make you put in extra things拿起篮子,因为它会让你放额外的东西是错的,故选D。
40.细节题。根据one day paper letters will disappear,可知蔡伦大约2000年前在中国发明了纸,故选A。
41.细节题。根据Many people called Turing the father of computer science,可知许多人称图灵为计算机科学之父,故选D。
42.细节题。根据With paper,we can make books and print newspapers. Sharing information is a lot easier with the help of paper.,可知人们可以用纸写书和印刷报纸,共享信息,没有提及进行图灵测试,故选C。
43.细节题。根据Today everyone in the world uses paper,This became known as the Turing test. In the test ,a human talked to two other people through a computer. One was a machine and the other was a person. This idea is still used today,可知蔡伦的发明和图灵的思想至今仍在使用,故选D。
44.细节题。根据Addition is the process of adding numbers to make a new total,可知将数字相加以得出总数的过程,故选A。
45.推断题。根据Sofia gives Mrs. Jones 7 dollars. Mrs. Jones already has 10 dollars,可知7+10=17,可知现在琼斯夫人有17美金,故选C。
46.推断题。根据Mr. Li has 8 dollars and is given 2 more,可知2=8=10,可知李先生有10美元,故选D。
47.,推断题。根据Sophie carried balloons ,but the wind blew 7 away. She has 4 balloons left苏菲拿着气球,但7个被风吹走了。她还剩4个气球,7=4=11,可知索菲有11个气球,故选D。
48.细节题。根据Decide where you'd like to go. A few days or weeks before the vacation,make a list of five places you want to visit,可知:通过制作清单和讨论决定假期去哪里,故选A。
49.细节题。根据Find a great hotel. So your hotel must be a good place to sleep and relax,可知我们必须在度假时找到一家很棒的酒店,因为我们需要充足的睡眠和放松,故选C。
50.推断题。根据Think about things you need every day when you are away,like money and clothes当你不在的时候,想想你每天需要的东西,比如钱和衣服,可知当我们去度假时,应该带上必要的物品,故选C。
51.主旨题。本文主要讲述了如何规划一次完美的假期,可知最佳标题是How to have a great vacation如何度过一个美好的假期,故选D。
52.细节题。根据Some work late at night. Others work early in the morning. And some others study as soon as they come back home. All the ways are OK,but you should keep your own.有些人工作到深夜。其他人一大早就开始工作。还有一些人一回家就学习。各种方式都可以,但要保持自己的方式,可知,学习可以是任何时候和地点,不只是晚上。故选错误。
53.细节题。根据The secret of good reading is to be an active reader.良好阅读的秘诀是做一个积极的读者,可知,为了读得更好,试着做一个积极的读者。故选正确。
54.细节题。根据Clean papers are likely to get higher grades than dirty ones.干净的纸比脏的纸更容易得高分,可知,为了取得更高的分数,保持你的纸干净是必要的。故选正确。
55.细节题。根据Do more than what your teacher asks. The more you practice,the more you learn.比老师要求的做得更多。你练习得越多,学得越多,可知,做老师要求的就足够了是错误的。故选错误。
57.They are yellow.
58.Their size.
59.More than two weeks.
60.The angelfish.
56.根据The angelfish live in groups. And each group has one male fish,which is blue in colour,and four female fish,which are yellow in colour神仙鱼生活在群体中。每个群体都有一个雄性神仙鱼,它呈蓝色,四个雌性神仙鱼呈黄色,可知一个群体中有5只神仙鱼,故答案为Five。
57.根据four female fish,which are yellow in colour,可知母天使鱼是是黄色的,故答案为They are yellow。
58.根据She begins to grow larger in size她开始变大了,可知从雌性转变为雄性时,它们首先改变的是他们的尺寸,故答案为。
59.根据Two weeks later,black stripes (条纹) appear on her body. She is now really male两周后,黑色条纹出现在她的身体上。她现在真的是一个雄性,可知在变成雄性之前需要两周多的时间,故答案为More than two weeks。
60.根据There is a fish called the angelfish,可知本文主要介绍了一种神奇的鱼,故答案为The angelfish。
【答案】61.widely;62.a;63.Finding;64.chances;65.have traveled;66.which;67.third;68.to;69.will be;70.better
62.句意:现在她是一名在宁波的大学生。此处表示泛指,用不定冠词,university [ ju:n v :s ti]是以辅音读音开头的单词,所以前用a,不定冠词表示泛指一个,故答案为a。
65.句意:到目前为止,我去过很多国家,我觉得中国真的很安全。so far到目前为止,是现在完成时的标志,travel是动词,主语是I,故助动词用have,故答案为have travelled。
69.句意:还有更多中国应该感到骄傲的东西。此处表示对未来的展望,所以用一般将来时will+动词原形,be是系动词原形,故答案为will be。
【答案】71.talk to;72.without going anywhere;73.at home;74.need to type;75.grow up
without going anywhere,不去任何地方,talk to,和......谈话,need to type,需要键入,grow up,长大,at home,在家
71.句意:我希望我的电脑能够和我谈话。根据Then I will never be lonely那样我就永远不会孤单了。和提示词可知是我的电脑能够和我谈话,故用talk to,故填talk to。
72.句意:这样我就可以不用去任何地方就知道外面发生了什么。根据I would like my computer to be able to become a magic mirror我希望我的电脑能够成为一面魔镜,以及提示词可知是我就可以不用去任何地方就知道外面发生了什么,故用without going anywhere,故填without going anywhere。
73.句意:我希望我的电脑在家能教我功课,这样我就不用每天上学了。根据I will not have to go to school every day,可知我的电脑在家能教我功课,故用at home,故填at home。
74.句意:那我就再也不用打字了。根据would like my computer to be able to recognize my voice and my words我希望我的电脑能够识别我的声音和文字。可知我就再也不用打字了,故用need to type,故填need to type。
75.句意:然后我就会知道我长大后会是什么样子。根据I would also like my computer to be able to take me to the future我也希望我的电脑能够带我走向未来,可知我就会知道我长大后会是什么样子,故用grow up,故填grow up。
76.【答案】Good afternoon, everyone! I am so glad to stand here. Today I want to talk about computers and their influence on our daily lives.
Computers have become increasingly popular and are now an essential part of our lives. They have made our lives more convenient in many ways. For example, we can watch movies, shop online, and access endless information with just a few clicks. Moreover, computers offer us countless possibilities. We can perform complex calculations, create beautiful artwork, and even control planes. As middle school students, we should learn to use computers responsibly. Firstly, we should limit our screen time to protect our eyesight. Secondly, we must ensure that the content we consume is age-appropriate and educational. Finally, we should maintain a healthy online presence by respecting others and avoiding cyberbullying.
In conclusion, computers are remarkable tools that can enrich our lives if used correctly. Let's make the most of them while ensuring we remain safe and responsible.
Thank you!
【点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练,要点齐全,文中be glad to do,want to do,compete with,be proud of等词汇的使用,使上下文意连接紧密 ,本文还采用了丰富的句型,比如运用了宾语从句I think computers make our lives more convenient,动名词We can use computers to do many things, such as calculating, drawing, controlling airplanes等,大大增加了信息的容量,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。

  • 吉林省长春市榆树市2023-2024八年级上学期9月月考英语试题已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月13日  所属分类:作业答案