Unit 1 The king’s new clothes 核心考点分层精炼+单元综合测试分层练习(含答案)

Unit 1 单元综合测试分层练习
总分100分,得分_______;Exercise A总分48.5分,得分_______;Exercise B总分51.5分,得分_______
(Exercise A为基础题,Exercise B为提优题)
一 辨音题 选出划线部分发音不同的一项(1*8)
Exercise A
1 A park B quarter C far D hard
2 A party B warm C postcard D start
3 A start B dollar C hard D farm
4 A clothes B some C go D hole
5 A lived B showed C stopped played
Exercise B
6 A visited B watered C shouted D pointed
7 A walked B hated C knocked D laughed
8 A said B says C saying D sentence
二 单项选择(1*22)
Exercise A
1 Long long ago, there ________ a clever rabbit and two foolish bears in the forest.
A was B were C is
2 The man run ________ the forest yesterday.
A on B across C through
3 How many ________ are there in the dining room
A people B peoples C a people
4 ________ you at home yesterday
A Did B Do C.Were
5 It’s ________ turn to tell an interesting story.
A you B Amy’s C Linda
6 —How about these magic clothes
—Ah, I don’t want to ________. Because they are too old.
A try on them B try it on C try them on
7 It’s too cold. Please ______ your heavy coat.
A try on B put on C get on
8 —Shall we go shopping this afternoon
—Sorry. My mother is ill. I have to look ________ her.
A at B after C for
9 Shall we make a model car ________ Mike as a birthday present
A for B of C with
10 Mum was very angry and ________, “Listen to me ________!”
A said, careful B says, carefully C said, carefully
11 ________ clever people!
A What B What a C How
12 An American cowboy likes wearing ________ and a Scottish man likes wearing ________.
A jeans, a kilt B jeans, a skirt C a kilt; jeans
13 They are looking _______ the picture. It’s beautiful.
A for B at C after
Exercise B
14 —_______ you afraid of tigers ten years ago ( )
—Of course!
A.Were B Did C Do
15 The beautiful girl walked through the city ________ her new necklace.
A with B in C wear
16 It’s Helen’s turn ________ the new words.
A reads B to read C reading
17 The girl looked very beautiful ________ her new clothes at the party.
A in B wears C with
18 Mike ________ the park on the map, because he wanted to fly kite there.
A laughed at B pointed at C shouted at
19 The teacher is ______ the blackboard and ______ his students.
A pointing at, talks with B pointed at, talked with C pointing at; talking to
20 She throw a stone at the bird and it ________.
A flew away B moved away C took away
21 —How long do you watch TV every weekend
A Two hours and half B Two hour and a half C Two and half hours D Two and a half hours
22 Do you know the boy ________ Miss Ma
—He is a(n) ________ boy.
A next to, America B next, English C behind, American D next to, England
三 单词填空(1*10)
Exercise A
1 Were there any tiger in the f_______ in the past
2 Lucy didn’t work h________, so he w________ good at Math.
3 On Christmas Day, he g________ a nice present from his parents.
4 Last autumn, I p________ oranges on the farm with my friends.
Exercise B
5 Lucy s_______ to do homework at 8:00 and finished it at 10:00.
6 —Who’s the next to show your photo
—It’s my t________.
7 They w________ tired this morning because they danced at the Music lesson.
8 The question was not easy. He t________ hard but still didn’t know the answer.
9 The girl wore m_________ clothes. They are like a fairy.
10 What interesting s________! They made us laugh loudly.
四 用所给单词的适当形式填空(1*15)
Exercise A
1 She ________ (visit) her grandparents with her family last Sunday.
2 The coat is very cool, but it ________ (not fit) me.
3 My mother told me a story and ________ (say) “Good night” to me.
4 Each student ________ (have) a present for Miss Li now.
5 Let’s _________ (start) the story again now.
6 Peter _________ (live) in the village before he was ten.
7 We could not _________ (see) any tigers in this picture.
8 Tim wanted _________ (ask) the policeman the way to the museum.
9 He ________ (look) at the pictures and ________ (laugh) just now.
10 The students ________ (chat) with each other and they were very happy.
Exercise B
11 The King _________ (not wear) any clothes that day.
12 Tim, _________ (not shout) at the baby. It’s not polite (礼貌).
13 —What ________ (make) your sister so sad
—The story did.
14 —Who ________ (clean) the classroom with him
—Tom and Mary are.
15 Who tells you ________ (clean) the desks every Sunday
五 完成句子(0.5*20)
Exercise A
1 这件新裙子很适合我吗?
________ the new skirt ________ me _______
2 一个小男孩指着那只狐狸大笑。
A little boy _______ _______ the fox and ________.
3 鞋子很漂亮,我可以试穿吗?
The shoes are nice. Can I _______ ________ _______
Exercise B
4 昨天我生病了,不得不待在家里。
I _______ ________ yesterday. I _______ ________ ________ at home.
5 小时候爷爷经常给我讲《美猴王》的故事。
When I was young, my grandpa often ________ me ________ about Monkey King.
6 我们没必要重新开始上课了。
We _______ ________ ________ ________ our lesson again.
六 句型转化(0.5*20)
Exercise A
1 Tina showed us her new bike this morning. (改为同义句)
Tina _________ her new bike ________ ________ this morning.
2 The children are flying kites in the park now. (用yesterday改写句子)
The children _________ kites in the park yesterday.
3 They are beautiful pictures. (改为感叹句)
________ ________ _______ they are!
4 There were some hamburgers in the fridge yesterday. (改为否定句)
There _______ _______ hamburgers in the fridge yesterday.
Exercise B
5 There were many flowers around the old house. (划线部分提问)
________ ________around the old house
6 The man wanted to be a king. (划线部分提问)
________ _______ the man ________ ________ ________
7 That dog also had a piece of meat.
_______ _______ that dog _______ ________
七 完型填空(8*1)
Exercise B
Long, long ago there _____1____ a king. He was very old and he had no children. So he wanted to select (挑选) a new king in the country.
One day, the king asked his ministers (大臣) to give all the children in the country some flower seeds (种子) and _____2____ them, “Who can plant (种植) the most beautiful flowers will be the king.”
A child named David planted the seeds and 3 them carefully. But day after day, no flowers came out from the basin (盆). He was very disappointed (失望).
It was time 4 the most beautiful flowers. The children from all over the ____5_____ came with their beautiful flowers.
The king walked in front of the children. When he saw the beautiful flowers, he was very unhappy.
Suddenly, he saw a child carrying an empty (空的) basin. He was very ____6____ and asked the boy, “____7____ do you carry an empty basin ” The boy cried and told him the truth (真相).
The king _____8_____, “You are an honest (诚实的) boy. You will be the future king.” In fact (事实上), the seeds had been boiled (已经煮过的).
1 A is B was C are D were
2 A told B said C talked D spoke
3 A look at B look for C look after D look out
4 A to show B show C showing D showed
5 A city B world C country D garden
6 A happy B unhappy C angry D tired
7 A What B How C When D Why
8 A cried B laughed C worried D sang
八 阅读理解(8*1.5)
Exercise A
There is a frog (青蛙). He lives in a well (井) and he never (从未) goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow (乌鸦) comes to the well. He sees the frog and say, “Frog, let’s have a talk.” Then the frog asks, “Where are you from ” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. The frog feels surprised (惊讶) and says, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky ” The crow says, “The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you don’t know the world is big.” The frog says, “I don’t believe (相信).” But he crow says, “You can come out and have a look by yourself.” So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is!
1 The frog lives in _________.
A a garden B a pond (池塘) C a well
2 The frog thinks the sky is _________.
A very big B very small C very high
3 The crow _________ from a well.
A is B isn’t C doesn’t
4 The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because _________.
A.he doesn’t know the world is so big
B.he doesn’t know he can jump high
C.he doesn’t know the sky is blue
5 The best (最好的) Chinese title of the story is _________.
A 青蛙和乌鸦 B 青蛙看天空 C 井底之蛙
Exercise B
A young man was sitting in a bus. An old woman got on the bus and stood in front of him. The young man stood up. The old woman pushed (推) him back into his seat (座位) and said, “Don’t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.” The man stood up again. The old woman pushed him down and said, “You don’t have to give me your seat. I like to stand.” The man tried to stand up for the third time. The old woman tried to push him down again. The man shouted, “Don’t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!”
6 Did the old woman sit on the seat
7 Why did the young man stand up
8 How many times did the young man try to stand up
九 作文(5*1)
Exercise B
请根据下面的图片和英文提示,以The fox and the grapes为题,写一篇英语小故事,不少于6句话。
提示:long long ago;look for food;at the top of the wall;jump and jump;go away
The fox and the grapes
一 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 C
二 1 A 2C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 A 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 A 16 B 17 A 18 B 19 C 20 A 21 D 22 C
三 1 forest 2 hard wasn’t 3 got 4 picked 5 started 6 turn 7 were 8 thought 9 magic 10 stories
四 1 visited 2 doesn’t fit 3 said 4 has 5 start 6 lived 7 see 8 to ask 9 looked laughed 10 chatted 11 didn’t wear 12 don’t shout 13 made 14 is cleaning 15 to clean
五 1 Does fit well 2 pointed at laughed 3 try them on 4 was sick had to stay 5 told stories 6 didn’t had to start
六 1 showed to us 2 flew 3 What beautiful pictures 4 weren’t any 5 What was 6What did want to be 7 What did also have
七 1-4 B A C A 5-8 C A D B
八 1-5 C B B A C
6 No, she didn’t. 7 Because he wanted to get off the bus. 8 Three times.
九 例文:
The fox and the grapes
Long long ago, there was a fox in the forest. One day, he was very hungry. So he looked for food everywhere. Suddenly, he saw a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall.
“I want to eat them.” The fox jumped and jumped, but the wall was too high. He couldn't get the grapes. At last, he had to say, “I don't like those grapes. They are not good to eat.” Then, he went away.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 1 核心考点分层精练
【考点1】long ago ago 很久很久以前
... ago “……之前”;一般过去时的标志词
two days ago 两天前;ten years ago 十年前;some weeks ago几周以前
before ... “……之前”,不是一般现在时的标志词;before ten o’clock 十点之前
They went to Shanghai three days a_______.
Tina _______ (be) at home an hour ago.
Joe _______ (live) in Changzhou ten years ago.
Tim and his family had a picnic _______.
A tomorrow B two weeks ago C before two days D next week
______ ______ ______, he ______ a doctor.
Liu Tao ______ (can’t) swim two years ago.
My grandfather read newspapers for news _______.
A ten years ago B every evening C these years D when he is young
He ______ home _____ _____ _____ every day last week.
【考点2】make new clothes for you 为你做新衣服
make sth for sb 为某人制作某物= make sb sth
make a card for her=make her a card为她制作一张卡片
make it for her(√);make her it (×)
Mum often ______ fruit salad _____ ______.
Can you ______ ______ ______ ______
Tina makes them some paper roses. (同义句转化)
Tina _____ some paper roses ______ _____.
I stayed at home and ______ a model plane ______ my brother.
A make, for B made, with C make, with D made, to
You can make dumplings ______ some meat and cabbage ______ your family.
A for, with D of, for C with, for D with, of
Linda sometimes made the bed in the morning and ______ (clean) her room.
【考点3】show the king his new clothes 给国王看他的新衣服
show sb sth= show sth to sb 给某人看某物,把某物给某人看
show sb around (sp) 带某人参观(某地)
an animal show 一场动物表演;a talk show 一场脱口秀
Nina showed ______ nice umbrella ______ us.
A a, to B a, for C an, to D an, for
你可以把那些魔法书给他看吗? Can you ______ these ______ books ______ _____
给我看看昨天动物表演的照片。_____ _____ photos of yesterday’s ______ ______.
There were robot _______ (show) in Youth Science and Technology Museum last month.
I went to the cartoon show ______ my friend Mary.
A with B for C to D around
Who ______ you _____ your new school
A show, around B shows, to C showed, to D showed, around
【考点4】try on these magic clothes 试穿这些有魔力的衣服
try尝试,过去式tried;have a try 试一试
try on 试穿;try sth on= try on sth,但当sth为人称代词时,只能用try sth on
try on the shoes= try the shoes on;try them on(√) try on them(×)
put on 穿上、上演
It’s cold outside. ______ your coat when you go out.
A put on B try on C take on D wear on
The gloves are very nice. Can I ______
A try it on B try on it C try them on D try on them
The sweater is too small. I would _____ _____ _____ _____ a larger one.
—Did you _____ Yangzhou breakfast —Yes. _____ yummy!
A try, How B try on, What C try, What D try on, What
【考点5】walk through the city 走着穿过城市
go through the city穿过城市;run through the forest跑着穿过森林
go across the road穿过马路;swim across the river游过河
The children ran ______ the park happily.
A through B across C over D by
His parents often walk _______ the river after dinner.
A through B across C along D on
We can go out t_______ the door safely.
Cars and buses stopped and people ______ the street.
A walk through B go across C walked through D went across
The Yellow River ______ many cities in China.
A runs through B goes across C runs across D go through
Who _____ ______the forest ______ ______ on that day
【考点6】in the street 在街道上
in the street在街道上,属于固定搭配,介词用in
on Moon Street在月亮街,当有具体街道名称时,介词用on
翻译时注意street和road(路、马路)的区别,on the road在马路上
The cinema is ______ the supermarket ______ Sun Street.
A near, in B next to, on C far, on D next, in
_____ ______ ______ ______ ______ the street.
_____ _____ the _____ _____ when you ______ _____ the ______.
There are a lot of _______ (街道) in the city.
【考点7】look at the king 看着国王
look at sb/sth看着……,have a look at sb/sth看一看……
look after照顾;look for寻找;look like看起来像;look out当心,look out for sth小心某物
Gina is dancing with her classmates and she looks ______ (happy) now.
______ the black clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.
A Look for B Look at C Look like D Look after
______! The floor is wet and dirty.
A Look for B Look at C Look out D Look after
Jack’s mother looked _______ (angry) and looked ______ (angry) at him.
Maria’s little brother was sick, so she had to ______ him.
A look for B look at C look out D look after
【考点8】What beautiful clothes!多么漂亮的衣服!
感叹句型①What+名词短语(+主语+谓语)! 名词短语有3种类型:What a foolish man he is!(单数名词短语);What foolish men they are!(复数名词短语);What nice juice it is!(不可数名词短语)
Look! _____ beautiful skirt!
A What a B What C How D How a
______ interesting the dolphin show is!
A What a B What C How D How a
______ ______ the story is! /_____ ______ ______ _____ it is!
_____ big the fish are! ______ great fun it is!
A How, What a B How, What C What, How D What a, How
_____ beautiful the girls are! ______ beautiful clothes they are wearing!
A What, How B What, What C How, How D How, What
______ time flies!
A What a B What C How D How a
①…ago:two weeks ago;a moment ago;ten minutes ago
②last…:last month;last summer holiday;last night
③yesterday…:yesterday morning;the day before yesterday(前天)
④in 2020
⑤this morning;this Monday(this…要具体区别时态,可能是一般现在时,也可能是一般过去时或一般将来时)
⑥just now(刚才);in the past(在过去)
Tim could not swim _______.
A when he was five B next summer C in 2026 D in the future
I lost my bike the day ______ yesterday.
A before B ago C after D in
He ________(point) at the pictures and ________ (laugh) yesterday.
The boy t_______ on a new T-shirt a moment ago.
I _______ (show) my pictures to my friends last Children’s Day.
There ______(be) some fish in the river two years ago.
Linda put on a coat and ______ (run) out of the house.
This week we ______ (be) very busy and ______ (have) no time to see a film.
需要牢记:cut – cut put - put hurt - hurt read - read hit - hit come - came fly-flew sit – sat become - became draw - drew get - got know - knew run - ran sing - sang begin - began drink - drank swim - swam give - gave drive - drove ride - rode win- won write - wrote find - found keep- kept sleep-slept say - said feel -felt meet- met see- saw send - sent build - built lend - lent am/is - was are - were do - did can - could buy - bought bring - brought think - thought catch - caught teach - taught eat - ate go - went have - had lose - lost speak - spoke stand -stood tell -told wear- wore make - made take - took wake -woke understand- understood leave - left
We ______ (see) many beautiful birds in the park last weekend.
Tina ______ (bring) me some nice toys and dolls yesterday.
They ______ (study) hard and _____ (get) high marks last term.
She ______ (lose) her watch and ______ (look) sad this afternoon.
Who ______ (chat) with your father —Mr King did.
Miss Li ______ (have) breakfast fast and read the newspaper for a quarter.
The Greens were in the park just now. (划线部分提问)
_____ _____ the Greens just now
The car stopped because the light was red. (划线部分提问)
_____ _____ the car ______
Peter had some meat and juice. (改成一般疑问句)
______ Peter _____ _____ meat _____ juice
They had a basketball match yesterday. (改成否定句)
They _____ _____ a basketball match yesterday.
Millie ______ (not be) good at math last term.
—When ______ Tina ______ (travel) to London —Last week.
Joe _____ (not take) any junk food. She ate some rice and fish for lunch.
Tim liked going skating in winter when he was young.
_____ _____ Tim ______ ______ in winter when he was young
She gets up early every morning. (将every morning改成this morning)
She _____ _____ early this morning.
Does Joe watch TV in the evening. (将in the evening改成last night)
_____ Joe _____ TV last night
We had a dancing lesson yesterday. (将yesterday改成now)
We _____ _____ a dancing lesson now.
Millie isn’t playing tennis now. (将now改成yesterday)
Millie ____________________ yesterday.
Jim didn’t do the housework with his mum just now. (将just now改成now)
Jim __________________ with his mum now.
Is Sally helping him with his English at the moment (将at the moment改成a moment ago)
__________________ him with his English a moment ago
hard card far arm farmer sharpener
A area B arm C card D farm
A car B scarf C warm D start
A guitar B care C far D dark
A park B parents C art D March
【考点14】at half past four 在四点半
half an hour半小时;one and a half hours=one hour and a half一个半小时
past“超过、(旁边)经过”,介词;at ten past one一点十分;walk past the park步行经过公园
It’s _____ half past five. School is over.
A in B on C at D /
We usually have after-school activity _____ four o’clock.
A in B on C at D /
He _____ _____ bed _____ _____ _____.
We go _____ their classroom. They’re having an English class.
A across B through C past D over
【考点15】an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔;a Scottish man一个苏格兰男士
a useful book一本有用的书;an office一个办公室;an umbrella一把伞;an old man一位老人
an American student一位美国学生;America schools美国学校
Nanjing is _____ old city.
A an B a C the D /
There’s ______ umbrella under ______ tree.
A an, an B a, a C an, a D a, an
The ______ girl is my new classmate. She brings me _____ useful dictionaries.
A American, an B American, a C America, a D America, an
There is _____ “u” in the word “put”.
A an B a C the D /
I met two _____ in the street yesterday.
A English B American C Englishman D Americans
—Can you see _____ over there —Yes, I can.
A some American B some Americans C any Americans D any American
【考点16】wear jeans 穿着牛仔裤;wear a kilt 穿着苏格兰短裙
put on“穿上”强调动作,后可加衣物、鞋帽;wear“穿着”表示状态,后可加衣物、鞋帽、饰品、颜色;in“穿着”表示状态,后可加衣物、鞋帽、颜色
Tom ______ (wear) a blue coat yesterday.
Mike is ______ his brown hat and brown coat. He likes _____ brown.
A wearing, wearing B wearing, putting on C putting on, wearing D putting on, putting on
All the students ______ school uniforms (校服) on Monday.
A put on B wear C try on D in
The boy _____ a green T-shirt often _____ a pair of glasses.
A in, puts on B in, wears C wears, wears D wears, with
The girls _____ pink are dancing beautifully.
A in B wear C with D put on
【考点17】tell a story讲故事;tell the boy a story 给男孩讲个故事
tell sb sth告诉某人某事;tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事
tell sb to do告诉某人去做某事;tell sb not to do告诉某人不要做某事
say“说”,强调说话的内容,say to sb“和某人说话”,过去式said
speak“说、讲话、发言”,后直接加语言,speak to sb“和某人讲话”,过去式spoke
talk“谈话、谈论”,talk with/to sb“和某人谈话”,talk about sth“谈论某事”
Yesterday the teacher ______ (tell) us a surprising story.
Mum tells me ______ (run) for ten minutes every morning.
Don’t talk. She ______ stories to the babies.
A is saying B is telling C tells D says
Miss Li is _____ _____ football _____ the students.
Who can _____ the words in Chinese.
A say B talk C speak D tell
My aunt _____ us to stay at home and _____ goodbye to us.
A said, said B told, told C said, told D told, said
【考点18】each student 每个学生
each指≥2个中的每一个,each side of the road马路的每一边(马路共两边)
Each _____ (child) ______ (like) playing with her.
Each student ______ (study) hard in class.
Each boy ______ a sentence _____ “festival”. A say, with B said, with C says, at D said, at
Look! Each student ______ (have) a new schoolbag in their hands.
There are lot of cars on _____ side of the street.
A every B each C both D all
【考点19】It is Bobby’s turn. 轮到Bobby了。
It’s one’s turn“轮到某人了”
turn on开,turn off关,turn down调低(音量),turn up调高(音量)
It is _____ turn. Please tell us your favourite month.
A you B your C his D Peter’s
It was ______ turn to clean the classroom today.
A they B them C their D their
Could you please _____ the radio. The baby is sleeping.
A turn on B turn off C turn over D turn up
【考点20】think hard 认真思考
hard“坚硬的、难的”,a hard tooth一颗坚硬的牙齿,a hard question一个很难的问题
hard“努力地、猛烈地”,副词,work hard,study hard,think hard
Tom never gets up ____ and he always studies _____.
A early, hard B late, hard C early, hardly D late, hardly
I think math is a _____ subject. I should work _____ for it.
A hard, hard B hard, hardly C hardly, hard D hardly, hardly
【考点21】have to
have to do不得不做某事
否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t have to do
have to表示客观情况,must表示主观意愿
It’s late. We have to ______ (take) a taxi home.
Linda has to get up before six.
_____ _____ Linda ______ _____ get up
—______ he _____ _____ _____at home yesterday —Yes, _____ _____ heavily.
【考点22】move the mountains away 移走两座山
move away搬走、移走;take away拿走;fly away飞走;drive away赶走
move it/them away
There is a big stone (石头) in the middle of the road. Let’s ______.
A move it away B move away it C give it away D give away it
There was an old man living behind two m________. He wanted to move them a______.
【考点23】My grandchildren have their children. 我的曾孙有他们的孩子。
A grade B grandparent C dark D goodbye
—Whose ______ (child) are these —Oh, They’re my aunt’s _______ (child), my cousins.
We will have a party on ______ (child) Day.
【1】 1)ago 2)was 3)lived 4)C 5)Long long ago was
6)couldn’t 7)A 8)went before eight o’clock
【2】1)makes for me 2)make sandwiches for us 3)makes for them 4)B 5)C 6)cleaned
【3】1)C 2)show magic to him 3)Show me animal show 4)shows 5)A 6)D
【4】1)A 2)C 3)like to try on 4)A
【5】1)A 2)C 3)through 4)D 5)A 6)went/walked through with her
【6】1)B 2)Don’t run or jump in 3)Look at traffic lights go through street 4) streets
【7】1)happy 2)B 3)C 4)angry angrily 5)D
【8】1)A 2)C 3)How funny What a funny story 4)B 5)D 6)C
【9】1)A 2)A 3)pointed laughed 4)tried 5)showed 6)were 7)ran 8)are had
【10】1)saw 2)brought 3)studied got 4)lost looked 5)chatted 6)had
【11】1)Where were 2)Why did stop 3)Did have any or 4)didn’t have
5)wasn’t 6)did travel 7)didn’t take 8)What did like doing
【12】1)got up 2)Did watch 3) are having 4)played tennis 5)did the housework
6)Did Sally help
【13】1)A 2)C 3)B 4)B
【14】1)D 2)C 3)went to at ten thirty 4)C
【15】1)A 2)C 3)B 4)B 5)D 6)C
【16】1)wore 2)A 3)B 4)B 5)A
【17】1)told 2)to run 3)B 4)talking about with 5)A 6)D
【18】1)child likes 2)studies 3)B 4)has 5)B
【19】1)B 2)D 3)B
【20】1)B 2)A
【21】1)take 2)When does have to 3)Did have to stay it rained
【22】1)A 2)mountains away
【23】1)B 2)children children 3) Children’s
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发布日期:2023年12月13日  所属分类:作业答案