
Unit 7 Films单元测试(南京专用)
1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.Linda was very sad because her grandmother _______ in hospital last night.
A.gave away B.passed over C.passed away D.went over
2.I’d rather _______ a horror film instead of a romantic film.
A.to watch B.watching C.watch D.watched
3._______ the boy is only ten years old, he is able to cook for his family.
A.Although B.Because C.Since D.If
4.— I don’t like watching documentaries because they are boring.
— _______ do I.
A.So B.Either C.Also D.Neither
5.— I hope that I will have millions of dollars and I can buy my private (私人的) plane.
— ________.
A.You are welcome B.That’s very kind of you
C.In your dreams D.Thank you all the same
6.Before filming, the director wanted everyone to get ready and he shouted, ‘________’.
A.Action ! B.Take Two ! C.Stand by ! D.Good take !
7.While watching the film, you ________ make any noise.
A.not ought to B.ought not to C.don’t ought to D.ought to not
8.We have a lot of wild animals because of the ________of their living areas.
A.lose; loss B.lost; lose C.lost; loss D.lose; lost
9.Hangzhou attracts ______ tourists every year. _____ the tourists during the National Day is about three million.
A.the number of, A number of B.a number of, The number of
C.a lot of, A number of D.the number of, Lots of
10.The play ________ for 10 minutes when we arrived at the theater.
A.had begun B.has been on C.had been on D.began
11.He devoted as much time as he could _______ on the plan.
A.working B.to work C.worked D.to working
12.You’d better ________ after supper.
A.don’t run B.not run C.not to run D.to run not
13.The book _______ be Tom’s. His is on his table
A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.may not D.can’t
14.Not only my brother but also I ________ good at painting. Both of us ________ good painters.
A.are, are B.am, are C.is, are D.are, are
15.The picture shows us _______ in Nanjing in the past.
A.what everyday life was like B.what was everyday life like
C.how everyday life was like D.how was everyday life like
Ding Yiteng received his early education in America where his mother was doing her medical research. At first, he couldn’t 16 others at school and had few friends there. What’s worse, when he and his 17 returned to China after the sixth grade, Ding couldn’t be accepted by kids in China, either.
Difficulties shaped(塑造) Ding’s 18 to communicate with others, and loneliness caused his wish to express himself. In college, Ding became 19 in theatre and spent most of his time acting. His 20 for Chinese opera became stronger while acting in Denmark in 2015. A picture of Peking Opera performer Mei Lanfang on the wall of the Danish theatre company made him feel 21 .
“I felt great need for Chinese culture and its greatness,” Ding said. And then Ding 22 all his time and energy studying Chinese dramas and showing traditional plays, like Tou O Yuan, in a new way.
“I understand the Western perspective(视角) of art and beauty, and I love Chinese culture,” said Ding. “So 23 can’t I be the one who integrates(融合) different cultures ”
He 24 a new method of theatre acting and expression—“The Modern Format”. It integrates traditional Chinese cultural elements with contemporary performance techniques(现代表演技巧).
25 , because of his hard work, he became the winner of the “New Prominent Chinese Director” award in 2018 with Tou O Yuan.
16.A.help B.beat C.remember D.understand
17.A.father B.mother C.teacher D.friend
18.A.opinion B.victory C.ability D.pleasure
19.A.interested B.successful C.rich D.weak
20.A.wish B.love C.change D.reason
21.A.worried B.brave C.proud D.ashamed
22.A.spent B.wasted C.lost D.saved
23.A.how B.why C.when D.where
24.A.changed B.bought C.forgot D.created
25.A.Actually B.Instead C.Finally D.However
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
Do you like watching movies If yes, what’s your favorite movie Here, some students talk about their favorite movies. Do you like the same ones as them
Student A: My favorite movies are the Harry Potter movies. They are very popular among teenagers. The main characters are Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron. They are good friends. They try to beat evil wizards. They never give up. They face dangers together and experience many fun things. The movies help me learn English, too.
Student B: I like the movie Dolphin Tale best. It tells a true story of a dolphin and a little boy. The dolphin is deeply hurt by people. It couldn’t swim anymore. But the boy saves it and takes care of it. They grow up together and become good friends. The story is very heartwarming and funny. That’s why I like it best.
Student C: My favorite movie is Beginning of the Great Revival. It is set from 1911 to 1921. It shows a lot of people. They made many contributions to society. It helps me learn about history. I am really touched by what these great people did.
Student D: Clannad is my favorite movie. It is from a Japanese manga series of the same name. It tells a story of two main characters and their friends. They go through difficulties. They care for each other. I like the character Nagisa Furukawa best. She is a kind girl. She goes for her dream and teaches me a lot.
26.What can Student A learn from his or her favorite movie
A.Life skills. B.A Chinese story.
C.An English story. D.The English language.
27.Who are the main characters in the movie Dolphin Tale
A.A group of wizards. B.A dolphin and a woman.
C.A little girl. D.A dolphin and a little boy.
28.What can we learn from the passage
A.Why students like the movies. B.When the movies came out.
C.When the students watched them. D.What other people think of the movies.
Taipan Village (“Cun” in Chinese) is in the mountain of Guizhou Province, South-west China. Amazingly, the basketball competition full of local colour makes this village with less than 1, 200 people in a hot discussion on the website. People on the Internet also call the basketball game “Cun BA”.
Since 2020, the local farmers nearby have had different activities to celebrate a good harvest, with basketball matches being the most welcome one. According to the rule of “Cun BA”, the players must be the local male farmers from 18 to 35 years old, so you will see a lot of people with different jobs, like cow-raisers, wheat-growers and vegetable-sellers work hard for different teams. The farmers started a basketball league on their own, which covers 198 teams.
A lot of people watch the match. Many basketball fans travel hundreds of miles just to watch and cheer for their favourite team. Some people born here but working outside even come back to enjoy the game. During the 45-day period of competition, Taipan Village has over 500, 000 visitors, providing more possibilities for its development in sports and tourist industry. On the first day of the match, the products, including mascot toys, basketballs, and the team uniforms were sold for over 300, 000 yuan. Basketball helps push the poor village forward.
29.Who can join in the “Cun BA” games
A.Yao Ming, the chairman of CBA. B.Mr. Wang, a 43-year-old cow-raiser.
C.Mrs Lee, a 35-year-old wheat-grower. D.Mr. Shen, a 28-year-old vegetable-seller.
30.According to the passage, we can learn ________.
A.the competition usually lasts for about one month and a half
B.the village sold its products for less than 300, 000 yuan in total
C.more and more people visit the village because of the local sight.
D.the local government helped start a basketball league in the village
31.What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A.The match becomes a development power. B.The match lets people go back to hometown.
C.The match makes local people become healthy. D.The match also advises visitors to buy products.
① Going to the cinema is fun. However, in a time when technology has afforded us home video streaming services such as Netflixhy and Hulu, many people choose to stay at home to have fun. And they believe cinemas are going to have problems. Though those services might have a bad influence on the cinemas, I don’t believe the cinemas are going away anytime soon.
② As we all know, staying at home to watch films can save your money because the tickets for cinemas aren’t cheap. Besides, you can lie comfortably on a big sofa to watch films. And generally you can watch films for as long as you want. And you don’t need to worry that others will be angry when you laugh aloud.
③ But the cinema has the low lighting, the big screen, the surround sound etc. War movies especially benefit from being watched in cinemas. You can experience the war better and more closely. As well as war movies, action movies and superhero movies are also much better when seen on the big screen.
④Besides, you can enjoy the time with your friends and family when going to see a good movie. Therefore, you’d better not just watch a movie at home and then go to bed. you can hang out with your friends and share your latest news face to face based on going to see a movie together.
⑤Anyway, we are lucky enough to live in a time that benefits people who love to go out and those who love to stay at flix and other services will always be there for those who prefer to stay at home. But going to the cinema offers better experience, and it helps cinemas create more jobs. It’s a win-win. So why not see a cool movie at your local cinemas
32.What influence do home video streaming services seem to bring
A.Cinemas will soon disappear.
B.Cinema business is getting hurt.
C.Cinemas begin to offer better services to customers.
D.Films have become much funnier than before.
33.Three kinds of films are mentioned in Paragraph 3 to show _________.
A.not all films are always interesting as well as popular
B.people can watch different kinds of films when free
C.cinemas should show different films at different times
D.some films are more amazing when watched in cinemas
34.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To persuade us to join outdoor activities as often as possible.
B.To present the advantage of watching films at home.
C.To show us the reasons for the decline of theater.
D.To advise people to go to the theater.
35.What’s the structure of the passage
A.B.C. D.
During the Spring and Autumn period of the ancient China, there was a musician named Yu Boya. He was skilled in playing the guqin. However, he always felt that he didn’t have the highest level, so he decided to take a boat trip to Penglai Island in the East China Sea. There, Yu Boya saw the surging waves(汹涌的波涛)hitting the rocks, and the seabirds flying up and down and singing happily and loudly. At that moment, a creative idea went through his mind. He managed to use the guqin to bring the beauty of nature and the touching sounds of the music together. Unluckily, no one could understand and appreciate(欣赏)what the music was about. He felt very lonely with a great pity as a result.
One day, Yu Boya saw an old woodcutter listening to his music carefully on the seaside and then asked him to get in his boat. He played the music about the high mountain. The woodcutter described a picture of Mountain Tai in his mind. When Yu Boya played another piece of music to show the surging waves, the woodcutter seemed to watch a wild and broad sea without boundaries. Yu Boya screamed excitedly, “My dear friend, Zhong Ziqi, you are the only confidant(知己)that understands me and my works!”A few years later, Zhong Ziqi passed away. Yu Boya cut off all the strings(琴弦)and stopped playing the guqin after he heard the news.
There are too few close friends as Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi did in the world. Yu Rang, a famous writer in the Warring States period, once said, “A true man is ready to die for those who know the value of him.” Su Shi, another famous writer in the Song dynasty, found no one could understand him in his difficult times, describing himself as a lonely wild bird on a wasted sand island. It means he preferred to live alone if he couldn’t find any confidant. Being a confidant has nothing to do with age, distance as well as wealth. He is the one who is always willing to share your joy and sadness. In some ways, a confidant can understand your every act and read your hidden meanings. Whether old or young, a confidant is hard to find. Everyone will never feel sorry for himself if he has a confidant in his life!
36.Yu Boya went on his trip to Penglai Island mainly to ________.
A.find his close friend B.improve musical skills
C.watch seabirds flying D.enjoy the natural beauty
37.Why did Yu Boya feel lonely in Paragraph 1
A.Because he failed to meet the person who understood him and his works.
B.Because he heard the death of Zhong Ziqi and stopped playing the guqin.
C.Because he was unable to find a confidant who played the guqin together.
D.Because he had difficulty using the guqin to show his feelings to the world.
38.What’s the correct order of the following events about Yu Boya
a. He met Zhong Ziqi on the seaside.
b. He didn’t play the guqin any more.
c. He went on a trip to Penglai Island.
d. He felt very sad about the loss of Zhong Ziqi.
e. He found no one able to understand his music.
A.a-b-c-d-e B.a-c-d-e-b C.c-a-e-b-d D.c-e-a-d-b
39.In the passage, the writer shows his opinions by ________.
A.showing time B.making up some stories
C.giving examples D.showing causes and results
40.According to the passage, the writer supports that ________.
A.a friend in need is a friend indeed B.a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody
C.a life without a friend is a life without a sun D.a life filled with music is attractive to everyone
41.The trip to the mountain is (取消) because of the bad weather.
42.One of the (演员) in white dresses is Daniel’s mother.
43.The (最终) decision will be made by the headmaster.
44.Today is Christmas Day, there is a (特殊) offer in the shopping mall.
45.It’s (愚蠢的) of you to give up such a good chance to learn English.
46.Tom prefers (west) to romantic films because they tells the life of cowboys.
47.Audrey Hepburn had even (attract) qualities than her beauty.
48.Lily will tell people the difference between the twins before she (mistake) for her twin sister.
49.It’s known that a good (begin) is half done.
50.The old woman had a serious traffic accident and died because of the (lose) of blood.
poor popular were different from challenge led to
Just over one hundred years ago, movies 51 what they are today. There was no sound in the first motion pictures in the late 1800s. To make moving pictures better, people designed new cameras to take pictures and record them on film. Their designs and ideas 52 today’s movies, which are the most exciting and amazing movies ever!
Even though there was no sound in early films, movies became more and more 53 . In silent films, an actor’s words were printed and shown on the screen.
The next 54 was to have sound to go with the images on the screen. The invention of a new kind of film in 1919 made sound on film possible. A camera was able to record images and sound on film at the same time. At first, the quality of the sound was 55 . After many experiments, it was improved. The new movies with sound were called talkies. The first full-length talkie was The Jazz Singer in 1927. The movie had both music and speaking. Movies would never be silent again.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
Chinese operas are traditional dramas including literature, music, dance, martial arts (武术), and acrobatics (杂技). There are many local Chinese operas and some enjoy great popularity. Among them, Beijing Opera is the most famous type of opera in China.
In the beginning, Beijing did not have its own style of opera. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) had seen and enjoyed some Huiban performances when he toured Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. The word ban means an opera company, while the world hui probably refers to Anhui Province. There were many famous Huiban groups performing in Yangzhou, and they performed various opera styles, including Erhuang and kunqu. Since Qianlong had enjoyed Huiban performances so much, four Huiban groups were invited to perform in Beijing for Oianlong’s 80th birthdav celebration in 1790, which proved successful. From then on, they lived in the capital, mostly performing for the palace, and then later also performing for the public. Over the years, Beijing Opera developed and changed, borrowing parts of other opera styles, particularly Kunqu Opera, which had been popular in the palace before 1790. Over time, it developed its own artistic style and a complete repertoire (表演体系). It is now considered as the crown of Chinese opera.
Singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting (唱、念、做、打) are the four artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera. Footwork (腿脚功夫) and other movements express the actions such as riding a horse, rowing a boat, opening a door, going upstairs, climbing a hill, or travelling. Beijing Opera is a number of stylized (非写实的) actions to tell a story or present different characters and their feelings of happiness, anger, sorrow, surprise, fear and sadness.
There are many famous masters who are good at performing Beijing Opera. Among them, the Four Famous Dans—Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun and Xun Huisheng are the most well-known. They are experts in performing the role of Dan and each has its own artistic feature. Their wonderful performances are still praised by many people.
Beijing Opera is a prized form of theater in China. It continues to bring to life many ancient stories and heroes, which enchants (使陶醉) many Chinese people and foreigners with its artistic charm. As the most influential type of opera in China, Beijing Opera is an important form of expression of the traditional culture of Chinese nations. It is sure that it is really the treasure of Chinese culture.
Beijing Opera
Introduction ●As the most famous national opera, Beijing Opera 56 across the country and becomes popular among people.
The 57 of Beijing Opera ●Huiban performances caught Emperor Qianlong’s great 58 when he toured Yangzhou. ●In1790, Huiban groups were invited to Beijing in order to celebrate Qianlong’s 80th birthday, which turned out a 59 ●Later, Huiban groups made their 60 in Beijing Opera and gave performances to more people. ●Other opera styles were also 61 to Beijing over the years. ●Beijing Opera developed its own style over-time and now has become the crown of Chinese opera.
Features of Beijing Opera ●The four artistic means and the four basic skills are 62 up of singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting. ●It uses a lot of stylized actions to tell a story or present different characters and their feelings.
Famous masters of Beijing Opera ●Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun and Xun Huisheng are the most well-known masters. ●Today people still speak 63 of their wonderful performances.
Conclusion ●Beijing Opera brings ancient stories and heroes 64 on stage. ●Beijing Opera contains unique charm which inspires spirits of Chinese people. There is no 65 that it is really the treasure of Chinese culture.
A Film for Mothers
“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying,” Jia Ling said.
Li Huanying, Jia’s mother, passed a 66 when Jia was 19 years old. To express her sadness and regret, Jia d 67 to make a film called Hi, Mom.
Based on her personal experiences, the film describes Jia travelling back to the year 1981, when she meets her mother at a young age and becomes c 68 friends with her mom.
The 39-year-old d 69 , Jia Ling, never imagined that her film would make history. It has taken in 5 billion yuan, according to professional box office(票房)tracker Dengta. “Hi, Mom is a big s 70 in the film industry, as the work is special. Jia Ling not o 71 puts her love and memories of her decreased mother into the film but also lets the viewers feel her sincerity (真诚), “said Shi Chuan, Chairman of the Shanghai Film Association.
Hi, Mom has received many positive(积极的)reviews as well. Many people couldn’t stop crying b 72 the film describes true love between a daughter and a mother. In fact, the film is f 73 of sincerity and touching moments. A large n 74 of Internet users showed their love on Weibo with a hashtag(标签)”photo of my mother when she was young”.
Jia Ling spent a lot of time and effort m 75 the film Hi, Mom. Now she is already considered as China’s most commercially successful female director, “The Hollywood Reporter noted.
艺术形式 英语电影
喜欢理由 1. 学到英语单词,训练听说技能; 2. 有教育意义(educational),使我更加有自信; 3. 认识一些著名的演员,比如Audrey Hepburn 她被誉为超级巨星,不仅因为……而且因为……; 4. ……(自拟)
存在问题 有作业要做,没时间看电影。 难以处理好学习和爱好的关系。
1. 表达中必须包含所给要点;可以适当发挥, 不要简单翻译。
2. 词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
I like films best, especially English films. I can learn a lot from them ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查动词短语的用法。A. gave away捐赠 ;B. passed over忽视;C. passed away 去世;D. went over重温,搁置起来;结合句意,故选C。
考查固定搭配。would rather do sth.“宁愿做某事”,是固定搭配。故选C。
考查连词辨析。Although尽管;Because因为;Since自从;If如果。“the boy is only ten years old”表示让步,用Although引导让步状语从句。选A。
考查慈会变细。So如此;Either两者之一;Also也;Neither都不。根据“... do I.”可知此处是倒装句,结合“I don’t like watching documentaries because they are boring.”可知用“Neither do I表示“我也不”。故选D。
考查交际用语。You are welcome不用谢;That’s very kind of you你真好;In your dreams 在梦里;Thank you all the same仍然谢谢你。根据语境,对别人不切实际的梦想进行评价,故答案选C。
【详解】在拍电影前,导演想让大家准备好,他大声喊“准备(待命)”。A. Action ! 开拍 B. Take Two ! 再拍一次; C. Stand by !就位 D. Good take !好镜头。根据句意,故选C。
考查情态动词ought to的用法。情态动词ought to表示“应该,应当”,其否定形式为ought not to。故选B。
考查词义辨析。第一个空缺的是过去分词,它要和have一起构成现在完成时;lose的过去分词是lost,故第一个空填lost;because of 由于,因为,后面跟代词,名词或名词性短语,或动名词;故第二个空缺一个名词,构成“the+名词+of”这样的短语。故选C。
考查形容词短语。The number of……的数目;A number of许多的;a lot of许多的;lots of许多的。根据“during the National Day is about three million.”可知,第二个空强调数量,使用The number of,故选B。
考查过去完成时。根据“when we arrived at the theater”可知when引导的时间状语从句使用一般过去时,则主句应用过去完成时,其结构为:had+过去分词。动词begin为非延续性动词,不能和时间段连用,因此此处应用be on来表示“上演”。故选C。
考查动词短语。devote... to ...把……专用于,其中to是介词。所以选D。
考查情态动词。had better not do sth.“最好不要做某事”,饭后跑步对身体不好,所以不要做。故选B。
【详解】句意:这本书不可能是汤姆的。他的在桌子上。A. couldn’t不可能是,表示可能性较小; B. mustn’t表示“一定不能”“千万不能”,表示禁止;C. may not语气没有can’t强烈; D. can’t不可能是,表示对某种情况的否定的推测,表示可能性较大。题中说His is on his table 所以回答应该比较肯定,可能性较大。故选D。
考查主谓一致。Not only…but also遵循就近原则,be动词由离它较近的主语决定,此处为I,使用am;Both of us为复数人称,使用are,故选B。
考查宾语从句。be like意为“像,是什么模样”,与疑问词what连用,宾语从句中用陈述语序。故选A。
16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.C
help帮助;beat打败;remember记住;understand理解。根据“and had few friends there.”可知没有朋友应是不能理解别人。故选D。
father父亲;mother母亲;teacher老师;friend朋友。根据“Ding Yiteng received his early education in America where his mother was doing her medical research.”可知是和妈妈一起。故选B。
opinion意见;victory胜利;ability能力;pleasure乐意。根据“to communicate with others”及后文开始接触戏剧应是与别人沟通的能力。故选C。
interested感兴趣的;successful成功的;rich富有的;weak虚弱的。根据“spent most of his time acting.”可知是对戏剧感兴趣。故选A。
wish希望;love热爱;change改变;reason理由。根据“and I love Chinese culture,”可知是对戏剧的热爱。故选B。
worried担心的;brave勇敢的;proud自豪的;ashamed羞愧的。根据“for Chinese opera became stronger while acting in Denmark in 2015. A picture of Peking Opera performer...”可知喜欢中国戏剧,故看到大师的照片会感到自豪。故选C。
22.句意:然后丁把他所有的时间和精力都花在学习中国戏剧上,并用一个新的方式表演传统的戏剧如Tou O Yuan。
spent花费;wasted浪费;lost失去;saved拯救。根据“all his time and energy studying”可知此处是spend...doing sth结构。故选A。
how怎样;why为什么;when什么时候;where在哪里。根据“I understand the Western perspective(视角) of art and beauty, and I love Chinese culture”可知此处是介绍自己能融合两种文化的原因,故后句是why作特殊疑问词,对原因进行反问,故选B。
changed改变;bought购买;forgot忘记;created创造。根据“a new method of theatre acting and expression”可知是创造一种新形式。故选D。
Actually实际上;Instead代替;Finally最终;However然而。根据“because of his hard work, he became the winner of the...”可知赢得奖项是最终的结果。故选C。
26.D 27.D 28.A
26.细节理解题。根据“The movies help me learn English, too.”可知,电影帮助人学习英语。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“It tells a true story of a dolphin and a little boy.”可知,这部电影主要讲述了一个海豚和一个小男孩的故事,所以电影的主要角色是海豚和小男孩。故选D。
29.D 30.A 31.A
29.细节理解题。根据“the players must be the local male farmers from 18 to 35 years old”可知,只有当地18-35岁的男性农民可以参加,排除A、B、C项,D项符合题意。故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据“During the 45-day period of competition,”可知,比赛持续一个半月。故选A。
31.主旨大意题。根据“Taipan Village has over 500, 000 visitors, providing more possibilities for its development in sports and tourist industry...Basketball helps push the poor village forward.”可知,太潘村有超过50万名游客,为其体育和旅游业的发展提供了更多的可能性,A项比赛成为一种发展动力,符合题意。故选A。
32.B 33.D 34.D 35.A
32.细节理解题。根据“Though those services might have a bad influence on the cinemas”可知,家庭视频流媒体服务使得电影院生意受到伤害。故选B。
33.推理判断题。根据“As well as war movies, action movies and superhero movies are also much better when seen on the big screen.”可知,除了战争片,动作片和超级英雄电影在大银幕上看也要好得多,提到三种电影是为了说明有些电影更适合在电影院观看。故选D。
34.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“But going to the cinema offers better experience, and it helps cinemas create more jobs. It’s a win-win. So why not see a cool movie at your local cinemas ”结合文章主要说明了如今虽然家庭视频流媒体服务的兴起让电影院的生意受到了影响,但是电影院也有其自身优势。文章论述了在家看电影的好处以及存在的问题,建议人们还是去电影院看电影。故选D。
36.B 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“However, he always felt that he didn’t have the highest level, so he decided to take a boat trip to Penglai Island in the East China Sea.”可知伯牙去蓬莱岛主要是为了精进自己音乐方面的才能。故选B。
37.细节理解题。根据“Unluckily, no one could understand and appreciate(欣赏)what the music was about. He felt very lonely with a great pity as a result.”可知伯牙深感孤独的原因是无人能够欣赏他的音乐。故选A。
38.细节理解题。根据“...so he decided to take a boat trip to Penglai Island...Unluckily, no one could understand and appreciate what the music was about...One day, Yu Boya saw an old woodcutter listening to his music carefully on the seaside...A few years later, Zhong Ziqi passed away. Yu Boya cut off all the strings(琴弦)and stopped playing the guqin after he heard the news.”可知伯牙先是去蓬莱岛精进自己的音乐才能,回来后发现无人能欣赏自己的音乐,为此深感孤独。后来在海边遇到了钟子期,子期非常喜欢伯牙的音乐,两人也因此成为了知音,在子期死后,伯牙悲伤不已并砍断了古琴,此后再不弹琴。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“There are too few close friends as Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi did in the world. Yu Rang, a famous writer in the Warring States period...Su Shi, another famous writer in the Song dynasty...”可知作者是通过举例子来表达自己的观点。故选C。
40.推理判断题。根据“He is the one who is always willing to share your joy and sadness. In some ways, a confidant can understand your every act and read your hidden meanings...Everyone will never feel sorry for himself if he has a confidant in his life!”可知作者认为知音对于一个人来说十分重要,推测作者会认同“人生没有朋友就如人生失去阳光一般”。故选C。
【详解】句意:穿着白裙子的其中一位女演员是丹尼尔的母亲。“女演员”为actress,可数名词,其复数形式为actresses;one of+名词复数,表示“……中之一”,固定用法。故填actresses。
【详解】句意:你太愚蠢了,放弃了这么好的学习英语的机会。It’s adj. of sb. to do sth.表示“某人做某事是……的”。横线处填形容词silly“愚蠢的”,作表语。故填silly。
【详解】句意:与浪漫电影相比,汤姆更喜欢西部电影,因为它们讲述了牛仔的生活。根据“romantic films”可知,to前面也要用west的名词复数形式,westerns“西部电影”。故填westerns。
47.more attractive
【详解】句意:奥黛丽·赫本比她的美貌更有魅力。根据句中“than”提示,此处应用形容词的比较级形式。动词attract的形容词形式为attractive,意为“有魅力的”,其比较级形式为more attractive。故填more attractive。
48.is mistaken
【详解】句意:莉莉会告诉人们双胞胎之间的区别,否则她会被误认为是她的双胞胎妹妹。主语she是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,be mistaken for“被误认为……”,故填is mistaken。
【详解】句意:众所周知,良好的开端是成功的一半。begin“开始”,动词,这里形容词good后跟名词,a good beginning“一个良好的开端”,故填beginning。
51.were different from 52.led to 53.popular 54.challenge 55.poor
51.句意:就在一百多年前,电影与今天不同。分析句意以及所给词汇可知,是“不同于……”,再结合“Just over one hundred years ago”可知,应该用一般过去时。故填were different from。
52.句意:他们的设计和想法成就了今天的电影,都是最令人兴奋的和令人震惊的电影。分析句子以及所给词可知,此处为动词用法,led to符合语境。故填led to。
54.句意:接下来的挑战是在屏幕上的影像伴随着有声音。根据“The invention of a new kind of film in 1919 made sound on film possible.”可知,对于当时的发展来说,是一项挑战。故填challenge。
55.句意:起初,电影的声音质量是差的。根据“After many experiments, it was improved.”可知,起初电影声音质量是差的,后来提升了。故填poor。
56.spreads 57.history/development 58.attention/interest 59.success 60.home 61.introduced/brought 62.made 63.highly 64.alive 65.doubt
56.根据第一段的“There are many local Chinese operas and some enjoy great popularity. Among them, Beijing Opera is the most famous type of opera in China.”可知有许多地方性的中国戏曲,有些很受欢迎。其中,京剧是中国最著名的戏曲类型。因此题干应表示“作为最著名的民族歌剧,京剧传遍全国,深受民众欢迎。”,应用spread表示“传播”,and连接和becomes并列的谓语动词。故填spreads。
57.根据第二段的“In the beginning, Beijing did not have its own style of opera.”可知一开始,北京没有自己的戏曲风格,以及第二段结尾“Over the years, Beijing Opera developed and changed, borrowing parts of other opera styles, particularly Kunqu Opera, which had been popular in the palace before 1790.”可知多年来,京剧不断发展和变化,借用了其他戏曲风格的部分,特别是昆曲,它在1790年之前在宫廷中很受欢迎。因此第二段主要介绍了京剧的发展或历史,应用history表示“历史”,或development表示“发展”。故填history/development。
58.根据第二段的“According to legend, Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) had seen and enjoyed some Huiban performances when he toured Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province.”可知相传,乾隆皇帝(1711-1799)在江苏扬州巡回时,曾看过并欣赏过一些徽班的表演。因此题干表示“徽班的表演引起了乾隆极大的兴趣/注意”,应用attention表示“注意”或interest表示“兴趣”。故填attention/interest。
59.根据第二段的“Since Qianlong had enjoyed Huiban performances so much, four Huiban groups were invited to perform in Beijing for Oianlong’s 80th birthday celebration in 1790, which proved successful.”可知由于乾隆非常喜欢徽班的演出,1790年,四个徽班团体被邀请到北京参加乾隆80大寿,并取得了成功。因此题干表示“表演是一个成功”,应用名词success表示“成功”。故填success。
60.根据第二段的“From then on, they lived in the capital, mostly performing for the palace, and then later also performing for the public.”可知从那时起,他们就住在首都,主要是为宫殿表演,后来也为公众表演。因此题干表示“徽班后来在北京安家,并为更多的人表演”,此处应用home表示“家”。故填home。
61.根据第二段的“Over the years, Beijing Opera developed and changed, borrowing parts of other opera styles, particularly Kunqu Opera, which had been popular in the palace before 1790.”可知多年来,京剧不断发展和变化,借用了其他戏曲风格的部分,特别是昆曲,它在1790年之前在宫廷中很受欢迎。因此题干表示“其他的戏剧形式多年来也被引进京剧”,应用introduce表示“引进”或者bring表示“带到”,were后接过去分词表示被动。故填introduced/brought。
62.根据第三段的“Singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting (唱、念、做、打) are the four artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera. ”可知唱、念、做、打是京剧的四种艺术手段和四项基本功,因此题干表示“四种艺术手段和四项基本功由唱、念、做、打构成”,短语be made up of表示“由某事构成”。故填made。
63.根据第四段的“Their wonderful performances are still praised by many people.”可知他们的精彩表演至今仍受到很多人的称赞。因此题干表示“人们如今仍对他们的精彩表演高度评价”,短语speak highly of sth表示“高度评价某事”。故填highly。
64.根据最后一段的“ It continues to bring to life many ancient stories and heroes, which enchants (使陶醉) many Chinese people and foreigners with its artistic charm. ”可知它不断带来许多古老的故事和英雄,以其艺术魅力迷住了许多中国人和外国人。因此题干表示“京剧带来生动的古老的故事和英雄在舞台上”,应用alive表示“活着的”。故填alive。
65.根据最后一段的“As the most influential type of opera in China, Beijing Opera is an important form of expression of the traditional culture of Chinese nations. It is sure that it is really the treasure of Chinese culture.”可知京剧作为中国最具影响力的戏曲类型,是中华民族传统文化的重要表现形式。可以肯定的是,它确实是中国文化的瑰宝。因此题干表示“它无疑是中国文化的宝藏”,应用doubt表示“疑问”。故填doubt。
66.(a)way 67.(d)ecided 68.(c)lose 69.(d)irector 70.(s)uccess 71.(o)nly 72.(b)ecause 73.(f)ull 74.(n)umber 75.(m)aking
66.句意:贾玲的母亲李焕英在贾玲19岁时去世。pass away“去世”,故填(a)way。
67.句意:为了表达她的悲伤和遗憾,贾玲决定拍一部名为《你好,李焕英》的电影。根据“To express her sadness and regret, Jia d…to make a film called Hi, Mom.”可知,贾玲决定拍一部电影来表达她的悲伤和遗憾。decide“决定”,使用动词过去式。故填(d)ecided。
68.句意:根据她的个人经历,这部电影描述了贾玲回到1981年的旅行,当时她很小就遇到了母亲,并与母亲成为了亲密的朋友。根据“when she meets her mother at a young age and becomes c…friends with her mom.”可知,在电影中贾玲穿越回去与母亲成为了亲密的朋友,close“亲密的”。故填(c)lose。
69.句意:39岁的导演贾玲从未想过她的电影会创造历史。根据“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying”和“The 39-year-old d…, Jia Ling, never imagined that her film would make history.”可知,此处指拍摄这部电影的导演贾玲,director“导演”,使用单数形式。故填(d)irector。
70.句意:《你好,李焕英》在电影界取得了巨大的成功,因为这部作品很特别。根据“It has taken in 5 billion yuan, according to professional box office(票房)tracker Dengta.”可知,这部电影票房很高,取得了巨大的成功,success“成功的事物(或人)”,此处空前有冠词a,使用名词单数。故填(s)uccess。
71.句意:贾玲不仅将她对母亲的爱和对母亲的回忆融入了电影中,也让观众感受到了她的真诚。根据“Jia Ling not o…puts her love and memories of her decreased mother into the film but also lets the viewers feel her sincerity (真诚)”可知,not only…but also“不仅……而且”。故填(o)nly。
73.句意:事实上,这部电影充满了真诚和感人的时刻。be full of“充满”,故填(f)ull。
74.句意:大量网民在微博上用“我母亲年轻时的照片”的标签表达了他们的爱。A large number of“大量”,故填(n)umber。
75.句意:贾玲花了很多时间和精力拍摄电影《你好,李焕英》。根据“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying”可知,此处指拍摄电影,make the film“拍摄电影”,spend time doing sth“花时间做某事”,故填(m)aking。
I like films best, especially English films. I can learn a lot from them.
Firstly, I can learn many English words and practice listening and speaking through watching English films. Secondly, most of the English films are educational. Some of them make you more confident. Thirdly, I can know some famous actors, such as Audrey Hepburn. She was considered by many people as a superstar, not only for her acting in the films but also for her efforts in charity work. Finally, I can also learn about the culture of England and America.
However, there is a problem. I have no time to watch films because of too much homework now. I hope to deal with the relationship between study and hobbies.

  • 九年级英语上册(牛津译林版)Unit7Films单元测试(南京专用)(含解析)已关闭评论
发布日期:2023年12月13日  所属分类:作业答案